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The Seaforth News, 1960-09-29, Page 4
SEAFORTH FAIR WINNERS HEAVY HORSES Clydesdales. - Ilvood mare, Mc- Adam. McLeod, lleltiday. Foal of 1000---MeAd;um, Halliday, me. Leod. filly .or gelding -Shantz, Halliday, 1'ercheron or Belgium - -1.111y or gedking, %yr, old. J. 1., 1)hlsulore• 2 yr, old Forester, Wagon Class. -._Flay or gelding 3 yr. old, K, Brown, Fitch, (Irny, Foster, Filly or gelding 2 yr. old, Gray, Forester. Harness Classes, Light 1)i'attght team Shent.z, Halliday, McAdam, Mel, t 1 Catto, Peroherou team, Schweizer, ('alto, Calvo, McLeod. Belgian team, Bannerman, Fores- ter. Heavy draught, Sliaintz, Hall- iday, Forester, lltlidt), Schweit- --St. Thomas' Anglican Churah'� Rev, 11. Doualdson, Rector. 10 a.m., Church School 11 8.10., Holy Communion 7 p.nt.. Evening Prayer .. First Presbyterian Church Ri:v, D. Leslie Elder Meister 10 a.m, Church School and Youth Fel- lowship Class. 11 a.m. COMMUNION Sermon: "OUR SI NCIINCI-MASTER" Anthem by the Choir Friday, Sept. 30 at 8 p.m, Preparatory Service Reception In lh udhagrli Community Cent for Jac]: :)curl Joan 1'x301)(' (Jean \ltllt>ne'y) Friday, Sept. 30 FI1I1'NDS .IN1) 11 LATiVES ARE (1)1TDIA 11 IN\'ITI'i) TO ATTEND ler, Slagle. w Neon li40, Gray, Denderman, P1teh, (1 ray, M4'Ad- ams, Four horse tandem, Shantz. Halliday, Gray, McBride, Brown, Fitch, ltut))lerdiet4 $tO0 Special, Shantz, Bannerman,- Schweitzer. 1141Ilfday, ("arta. 'L'owltehip Spec• ial, Shantz, Halliday, Gatto. •Beast handled colt, Bannerman, Best heavy horse, Stdtntz. Light single wagort horse, Dlcllt•ide, Brown, Fitch, :\1'l1ride. Hoavy wagon hunt, Gray, 141111140I'm111(, Fitch. Special, Brown McLeod, McAd- 8111, Dinsmore, Forester. - BEEP CATTLE Butchers' ('tittle --Steer or hei- fer, llodgins, lseiffer, Keiffer. Gaunt Powell, iBaby beef, Peck, \\'ightman, Black, Slathers, Aberdeen Angus, Bull, • Calais bell, Doan, Bull 1 yr. old, Hod- gins, Doan. Bull calf, senior, Campbell. Hodgins, Doan, Bull vale, junior, Campbell , Campbell , i>uun, llodgins, Champion bull, Campbell ("ow, Campbell, Camp- bell, Doan. Helier, Doan, Camp -- bell, Doan. I-ioifer 1 yr. old, Oam- iibell, Hudgins, Doan, Cornish, Cornish, Heifer calf, senior. Hod- gins. Hodgins, Cathers, Campbell, Canters. Heifer calf, jr,, Camp- bell, Hodgins, Campbell, Doan, Doan. Chanudon female, Hodgins. animals get of 1 sire, Campbell, Hodgins, 1)can. Doan, Campbell. Shorthorns—Bull 1 yr., Wight - man, Turnbull. Bull 1 yr., Peck, Gaunt. Bull calf _ senior, Gaunt, \I'elsmr, Webster, Turnbull, Turnbull. Brill calf jr., Pepper, Turnbull Pepper, Gaunt, \Vigllt- ni en, \\'ightman. C'hanipiou Ball, Peck. Cow, 3 yrs., I eek, 1\ eh - PIGS Yorkshire. --Boar over 2 ys., I'l', Turnbull, Ilaeon, Howatt, Boar McNaughton. Parsnips, Fred Me- nitdel• 41" months, Kell Gamm011, (I1ylllnllt, Mrs, W. Haugh. Table Turnbull Liac•un. Mowatt. Sow corn, F. )1.eClylnoilt. AO V., Mrs, over 2 yr.. Powell, Bacon, flow. .1, 11111ebreeht, Sunflower, Mrs, 1V. alt. Sow over 18 100,, Bacon. Sow Dolmage, Mrs. 11. MaeLeod. Best born before Mauch 1, Papple, Pap- 11D1' 111 v eg., Mrs, W. Haugh, F. ple, Broadfoot, ;AMC born atter (.'lymDilt, Cauliflower, Mrs. W. March 1, Turnbull, Gienlnioll, Haugh, iced cabbage, 1'', Meet). - Amy Stewart, Mac Stewart. Sen. luotlt, Onions Mrs, W, Coleman, Lor herd, Turnbull, 134000, Tarn- 1'', McOlyluoilt. Citrons, striped, ball, Mowatt. J. McNaughton, F, DlcOlymont. Tamworth --hear, 2 years, J. Pumpkins, Ken Cloonan, lien Hart, Mart, D. Leafy. 13010. 1 yr„ Stewart, 'Watermelons, 3. Me - Leary, Bert French, Leary. hoar Naughton, Veg. Mal'row, F. MoCly- over 6 months, Hart, French, moat, Table Squash., Fred McCiy- Leary, Boar under 6 mos„ Hart hent Hubbard Squash, Kenneth Hart, Leary, French, Leary. Sow Stewart, F, McClyinont, Pepper 1 year, Hatt Leary, French. Squash, J, K. McLean, Mrs, J. Sow born before March 1, Leary. Ilillebrecht, Largest Squash, F. Sow born after March 1, Leary, McClyinont, Largest pumpkin, 1'. Hart, French, Hart, Leary, Junior McNaughton. White Carrots, F. Herd, Hart, Hart, Leary. McO1ylnont, Potatoes, Early, 12. Berkshire --Bear, 2 yrs„ 13, Dennis, F. McClyinont, A, V., E. hers, 10, al1C'lylntont, 2 green cu. Nutt,UE 1.3IIAVOt('ril NEWS (Phone en h 1 1 l i.11118 Rom R 1 Furnishings 411 et•4111'6• 1{ , J, . 141'' ,01411, . , 1 C'usllIl 11. silk in. satin, 1•:. Delude, Mrs. lleiutpcl, Airs, (lrun110011. Ctls'.tiolt embroidered, Mrs, S;ter- tett, Mrs, I'leinmel, Mrs. Dot- luctge. Cushion, needlepoint, Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs. Steffen, Cashion, wool, Mrs. Dolmage, Min. 1101nt- pel, Mr's, Orr, 01151130% 11001, felt or velvet, Mee, Stare% Cushion, washable, Airs. Heimpel, Mrs. Steffen, 19. Denis. P1ctu•es, doilies, needlepoiut, Mrs. Grurnntett, Mrs. 1leiulple, Mrs, OrrPetit point, Mrs. 1l01111 - poi, Mrs. Boderldans. Cross stitch Mrs, Starrett, Mrs. Ilel d l 1 1el. Doi- ly tatted, Mrs. lIeinipel, Mrs. Ste-' ffen, Doiley crocheted, Mrs Stat'- fen, Mrs, Heimpel, Mrs. 3014isn11.l Dailey crocheted, colored, Sire., Steffen, Mrs. HIeinipel. Dining Room Furnishings, ta- ble cloth, crocheted, Mrs. Ileinl- pel, Mrs. Steffen, Ten cloth (101- broidel'ed, Mrs, Steffen, Mrs, liar. kin. Tea cloth, Mrs. Badeulans, Mrs. Starrett, Mrs, Betide, Bridge table coyer, felt, Mrs. Grunulxett, Mrs. Starrett, Cover other than, Mrs, R. S. .Aikens, Mrs. Stiffen, Mrs. Ilcilnpoh Luncheon cloth, Mrs, .Aikens, Mrs, Steffen, Mrs. Heimpel. Place mitts, Mrs. Heine el, Ie. Dennis, Centrepiece, Mrs. llotlermans, Mrs, Steffen. Alrs, Dalrymple. Centrepiece colored, Mrs. Steffen, Mrs, Thompson, Mrs, Dalrymple. Buffet set cro- cheted, Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs. Stef- fen. Buffet set, embroidered, Mrs. Dolmage, Mrs, Heimpel. Centre- piece tatted, ;firs, Bodermans, Mrs. Definite'. Mrs. Steffen, Bedroom Furnishings, pillow slip, white, Mrs, He>ilttpul, Mrs. Steffen. pillow slip. ool0r, Airs, IL'impe.l, Mrs, Multi% Mrs, Col - (dough. Pillow slip embroidered. Mrs, Steffen, DIrs. al•ulnnlett, Mrs. Dolmage. pillow slip cro- cheted edge, Mrs. Helmpet, Mrs, Sta frt.% Mfrs. J. Ih0ulpsr,u. pillow ;.lip, cross-stitch, o, .,stitch, Alrs. Jordisou. Mrs, Iiolnlpel, Mrs. Dolmage. Pillow slip ('tit work, ',VIM. dein. pel, Mrs. Steffen, pillow slip and sheet to match, DIrs. Aikens. Van- ity set, Alts, Aikens, A'Irs, Steffen, Mrs, Dolmage. Fancy pits (01811 - Ion, Mrs, Staffers, Airs. 11eimpe1. Knitted of crocheted article., gloves, plain, 11114 Staffed. Mitts, fancy, Mrs, Heimpel Stole. Mrs. Dalrymple, Mrs. 13odermans, Mrs, Steffen. Alan's knitted mitts Vin- e), Mrs. Heimpel. double knit, Mrs. Starl'en, Mrs, Heimpel. Airs. C'olcl)ugh, flue sox fancy Imitt. Mrs. ('olelough, Mrs. Heimpel. work sox, plain. Mrs, Stares% Mrs. Colc'lough, Mrs. Heimpel. Girl's pullover sweater, Mrs, C'olciough, Mrs. Heimpe]. Boy's pullovt1' sweater. Mrs. Heimpel Baby net knitted. Mrs. Colclough. Baby set crocheted. .131,5. Dalrymple, Mrs. Cold,ugh, Mrs, Heimpel. Sewing--- Tea Aprn, Mrs. J. Thuutpson, Mrs. Grummet). airs, Canlelon, t"obhler apron. Mrs. (Iralnnett, Mrs. Siaffe11, Mrs, Heimpel. Apron. Mrs, I-leintpel, Mrs. Grummet t. MIs, ('.,n talon. work apron. Ms. .rtnerw'tt. Mis. He'inrpel, Mrs. Jer(kisou. Ilalf '111- rot1, Mrs. 110118 Del, Mrs. Grum- melt, Mrs. Cant fun Lady's pa- jamas. Mrs. Mode rnlans, Mrs. Steffen. Mrs. J. A.MauLe:ut. Susan McLean, Linda Mac- Donald and Connie Atkinson won the Ethel Brant Montnre essay competition, qualifying for coun- ty and pr'ov'incial competitions. High School Section-- I30ME ECONOMICS Grade IX. skirt or jumper, Jean Bolger, Jean McNaughton, Gwen Storey. Summer dress, Anne Van den Mengel. Winter dress, Jean McNaughton, Linda Papp 1 e. Blouse. Eleanor Riley, Jean Mc- Naughton, Marguerite Scott. Grade SL Weskit, skirt or jack- et, Emily Elliot. Crinoline, Mar- lene Riley. Party dress or blouse, Marlene Riley,Margaret ie r . Other nylon project, Jean Mc- Naughton. Grade NI1, suit or blazer, Nan- cy Pepper. Coat, Antonette Van den Hengel. Crafts--Doilie. Margaret Boa. Crocheted handkerchief edge, El- eanor Riley, Marlene Riley, El- eanor Riley. Embroidered art, Helen. Broadfoot, Margaret Boa, Linda Papple. Knitted bonnet, Linda Papple, Marguerite Scott, .lean Bolger. Knitted bonnet, gr. 10, Margaret Boa, Helen Broad - foot. Juste Dolmage. Weaving, J. Bach, Embroidery, Eleanor Riley, June Dolmage, Margne•ite Scott. Foods—biscuits, Carol Carter, Emily Elliott, Nancy Pepper. Muf- fins, Carol Carter, Linda Papple, Marguerite Scott. Pudding, Linda Pnpple, Marguerite Scott, Fancy cookies, Linda Papple, Marguer- ite Scott. Bread. Linda Papple. Chocolate cake. Carol Carter, Lin- da Peppie, Nancy Pepper: Chif- fon cake. Carol Carter, Linda Pimple, Marguerite Scott. Apple Pie, Marguerite Scott, Linda Pap- ple, Carol Carter. Lemon Pie, Car- ol Carter, Nancy Pepper, Linda reptile. Chocolate Fudge, Mar- guerite Scott, Linda Papple, Nan- cy Pepper. Rolls, Linda Papple. Custard, Jean McNaughton, Lin- da Papple, Marguerite Scott, Spe- cial—winner most points, Sheaff- er pen, donated by Savauge's — Linda Papple. ARTS AND CRAFTS (high School) Grades 9, 10. 11. 12 --Woodwork, Jim Papple, Robert Sharp, extra, Robert Sharp. Metal, Jim Papple, Robert Sharp. Drafting, Robert Sharp. Extra woodwork, Larry Beuorman. Woodwork, Bruce Miller, Ken Papple, Robert Sharp, Woodwork, Bert Dennis, Nelson Ball, extra woodwork, Bert Den- nis. Drafting, Bert Dennis, Nel- son Ball, Special winner, Robert Sharp. AGRICULTURE (high School) Onions, June Dolmage, Buena Haugh, Jim Papple. Carrots, top' pod, Emily Elliott, Suane Haugh, Juno Dolmage. Carrots hunched, June Dolmage, Suane Haugh, Parsnips, Suane Haugh, June Dolmage. Bents, Barmy Fleming, Lee Fleming, Sumo Haugh. Cu - cambers, June Dolnrage, Toma- toes, Emily Elliott Helen Broad - Cottle, I3oar andel' 6 mos„ J. Bell, Cottle, Bell, Sow born after Mar, 1, 13011 Cottle, Cottle, Bell. Senior herd, Cottle. 3811101' herd, J. Bell, Cottle, Landrace--Boar 2 yrs., R. Mc- IlI111an, J. Orr. Boar 1 yr„ R. Mc- Millan, French. Boar over 6 mos., Dennis, F, McClyinont, Garden Produce, F. MoClymont, CANNED MUSTS AND VEGETABLES Strawberries, Mrs, J. Carter, D'r's, Keith McLean. Mrs, A. Jam- ioson, Cherries, Mrs. Carter, MT'S, McLean, Peaches, Mrs. McLean, French, Boar under 6 mos„ Ori', Mrs, 111111 Dolmage, Mrs, Jamieson. Fetich, Orr, Cottle. Sow 2 years, Pears, Mrs. McLean, Mrs, Carter, Orr, Powell, French, Orr, Sow Plums, Mrs. Jamieson Mrs, R, M. 1 yr„ French, Orr, Orr. Sow born Scott DIrs- Carter. Raspberries --- before March 1, McMillan. Sow Mrs. McLean, DIrs, Jamieson, Mrs, horn after March 1, Gary Jewitt, Carter. Fruit Cocktail, Mrs. Cart - French, Orr. Senior herd, Orr, er, Mrs, R. 31, Scott, :Vire, Wm, French. Junior herd, French, Orr, Dohnage, Grape juice. Mrs. Cart - Special --Best bacon type boar, ".P08111) juice Mrs. Jamieson, Turnbull Mrs. Carter, Chill sauce, Mrs, Special winner most points — Jamb,son, Mrs. tarter, DIrs, Mlle- TnbUl1, buchtPfchhi Cherries rs1est bacon type,U1 . Carta, Mrs, R. M. Scott, Canned Webster, stet, \Vightmau, Turnbull, John Broadfoot, Bruce Coleman, Jamieson. \\'hrle Tomatoes, ti Alts Turnbull. Heifer 1 yr. old, Peck, Ahs, llaugb, B. Broadfoot. Brown, ('81(01 Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. K. M• b Cucumber Mettles '''d TH11 hail. Heifer calf sr„ Pepper, as. Carter, NN bite, John Mender- Me lvmuut, Drs• Mc Lc rn, Mrs, l.urtel. 1'icltled trots, ells. \\'113 v .•41 r, Peck, Turnbull, Turnbull, EGGS Heifer yrs., \\ 'bste, Gaunt, l'iggs Aclult Commercial, 'd 11116.' Piueuppil's, Ahs, (8)101', Mrs. 1111uut Gaunt, Peek \\'ightut•ln La verde Hugill, Earl Pepple, Mrs, toil tlelll)1 „n ]ncl ,- Fri \\ eh I01, \\ lghttllan, \\ err son, 1\ . Coleman, Mrs, J. Broad- Ili>ltmtge, Mrs, 13 Lc an, Mrs,Kier, Gaunt. 1111 1 calf jr., Turn- font, Bruce Coleman, Cartel Relish, Mrs, Scot., :lir. t II, 1' specie!, , • 1, Best tray, John Hend- all pepper, apt t 0ppc t 1 r (1 t t Cartel, Mrs, 1401 1180, Pear mar.'1•nrnhnIl, Wightinan. Champion 0151)11. mlludt 111, (lust Mrs. Dille - female, (taunt. Webster. Herd,' Eggs—High School, Conunerci- brecltt, Mrs. Iiatltill New variety teems Webster. .Peek, Turnbull, al, ,Tint Papple, Nick Whyte. Glen 14101(1. WS. C r ler, Mrs. McLean. \\ightman 3 animals. Get of 1 Nott, Donald Nott. Brown, Jim Dill pickles, 'Mrs. Carter, sirs. sire, Gaunt, Webster, W. Pepper, Papple, Mary Scott, Harvey Greer DIrl,ean. Tomato catsup, Mrs. .,,. Peek. Turnbull. . Glen Nott. White, Suane Haugh,, Mack Currant Jam, Mrs. TURKEY AND HAM— Itl'AI, P1'RPOSE SHORTHORNS Linda MacDonald, IIelen Broad- McLeanl, Mrs, It. M. Scutt Straw - Supper at Varna United Church Wednesday, Oct. 5 ST:\1,9INt• AT :, 1)'CLO('K UndernuTuo, ,f Varna W.A. Admisei n $1 Cutler 1:, Sire HOM E F�1 BAKING SA L :EI:J Former Daly Store Saturday, Oct. 1 DOORS OPEN " P.M, A iispic(:'s C. W. L. St. COltusiban DANCE! Sponsored by L.O.13.A. Friday, Sept. 30 IN ORANGE HALL. .Admission 5)e Dolph counter i11 ball Everyone Welcome Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Clendon Kerr on Friday nate, Sept. 30 IN SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Good Music Ladies please bring lunch Winner in all classes—John foot, Nick Whyte. Special—Best berry jam, Airs. Jamieson, Mrs. lie} es, } tray, Jim. Papple. Scott Raspberry Pun. Mrs, Jann- D 1TRY CATTLE t Eggs -- Elementary, Connuerci- ieson, Mrs. Scott, Mrs, McLetin, Guernseys-- ! a1, Jim Broadfoot Donald Papple, Apple jelly, Red Currant Selly and Bun calf. \\'m. Dale, Champion Mary Eckert Barbara Gemmell. . any vat. •311111, Mrs, Carter. Hale, \\•m. Dale. Best cow, Wm. Brown, Ronnie !Undersell, Don- DAIRY PRODUCTS •Dale, 2ncl and .",rd. Heifer, Wm, aid Papple, Tont Papple. White, Crock of butter, Mrs. Carter, Dale, Ken Papple, Yearling lteif- Jim Broadfoot, Cindy MacDonald, Miss E. Dennis, Butter in 111 er. Wm. Dale, Wn1, Dale. Linda 13illy Chambers, Mary Lane. prink, Mrs, Carter, Miss E. Deu- t > le hen •P t > >le. Heifer .a f Special—Best tray, Tim Broad- xxis, Fauc • s0r 1 *s o1 butter [alp til calf, 3 6 sr., \\m. Dale, C , Addison, C. Ad the. Center, lis. 1.. Dennie. a- insnn. Ileif'er calf ,ir., \\'n1. Dale, Special Award, Best tray, all 3, plc Syrup, Mrs. Colclough, Fred \\'m. halo, Ken Pallet% Linda John Henderson. MCClymont, Soap, Mrs, Carter, foot.. the. Papple. Champion female, Win, HORTICULTURE Dale. Herd, Win. Dale. Apples—.Pfinclllc winners, Fred Topnotch Premier Breeder A. MC('l daunt and Ivan .11eelymout, wilier, most points. \\'tit. Dale. Judge—J, R. Chard, Ayreshi es ---Bull, Ervin Shams, Peeu's—C'ialMe favorite. 1•'. Me - Edgar -Howatt. Bull, 1 yr., Edgar ('iymont• Bartlett, ahs. F. R. Hewett, Bulk calf under 1 yr.. Ed- Thompson, Fred M"Clyntlnit Cnl- ar Howatt. Edgar Hewett. Chant- lection, tit Fred Meelynionl, Trion male, ,darns, Howatt, Cow Plants-- Utirhank, Fred McCly- yr. in milk. :'chaos, Schnee, mune 1'redslmw, Ivan McClymnnt, Carter. Coll. of buns, Ethel Den. Howatt, Hewett. Dry cow, Scltaus, Plate A.0.V„ firs. '1', it, Thump- ni5, Angle Cake, Mrs, Jamieson, Howatt. Hewett. Heifer, 2 yrs., son Mrs. Carter, 'Mrs, Cotenant, Choc- Hewett. bt'hans, Howatt. Yearling Gr,q e•s, li ern. Fess( ele('lymofl oho e cake, e, ASIS (erler \'ts. Al heifer. sr., Donald Nott, Sehnus. GRAIN Le In Mrs. Jandesen, Wltite layer Yearling heifer, R., Sehaus. How- Alfelta Seed --Luther Sand41 ekes, Mrs tarter, ahs MeLean. art, Howatt. Heifer c;11F, sector, l_ ;)(3' ?me,' Mrs. Papple. Sponge cake, tilts. Settees, Scltaus. Howatt, Howatt, '1'hnothy--Luther Sanders, Jack Howatt. heifer calf ,ir., Howatt. Broadfoot (;n3' Doi'rafc•e, Stan- Schaus, Elgin Nott, Howatt. ley Till1'n, Leslie Pryce, champion female, Hewett. Herd, Red Clover—Luther Sanders. Schaus, Howatt, • Fall Wheat — Seek Broadfoot. SHEEP Robert Fotheringham, A. Shropshiredowns, Emke Bros. tent. Sauthdowns, All classes Emke Marley -- Lewis COyne, Oscar' Bros. except Shearling ewe and Keiffer, R, S. MCKereher, A. S. best ram, Jas. C. Bell, and other Bolton, Don_ \IcKereher. prizes.'Malting Burley ---Robert Pother - Lincolns, A. E, Seibert all cies- Ingham, Jack Broadfoot, Leslie hes. • Pryce• Leieesters, all classes, James 1 -ate Oats --'Campbell \Vey, K. Snell, ale\aughton, Wm, Dennis, Oscar Oxfords. all classes Emke Bros. Kieffer, Rodger Kieffer. Dorset Horned allclasses. Ao. Early Oats— Al ul Betties, Rob 29 eft Fotberingham, Ken Stewart. Cheviot, all classes No. 33, Alixed (Train—Lewis Coyne, Re Mrs. W. Coleman. Cottage cheese, Miss E, Dennis, Lard, Mrs. Heinpel, Miss 1:, Dennis. HOME ECONOMICS White broad] Mrs. McLean, Ethel Dennis, Mrs, Carter. Brown bread, Mrs. Carter, Fruit trend, Mrs. Carter, Airs. McLean. Buns, Ethel Dennis, Mrs, McLean, airs. '"•'''""' Suffolk, Shearling ram, as. C. S. MuKe•Che•, Don AloKercber, rriJi7; O\ F. COJiF: d LL — DRESSED PORK SIPPER I1 OIRANt1F. HALT. Wednesday, Oct. 5 From 5 to 8 P.M. Admission: • Children 12 & under 50c. Adults --- else, Jack Broadfoot, Leslie Pryce. Bell, Emke Bros, Ram lamb, Ent- White Beans—R. Fotheringham, e Bros. Ewe lamb. Emke Bros„ Bell. Dell. Shearling ewe. Emke Ken Stewart. Bros.. Bell, Bell. Ewe lamb, Enl- Corn—tacit Broadfoot, Ball Ito Bros, Bell. Pen, Emke Bros., Broadfoot, Airs. W. Haugh, Robt, Pell. Best ewe, Emke Bros„ Best FotherIngham, John Broadfoot. rann, .las. C. Bell. I Champion half bas., Robt, Foth- llampshires, all classes. Emke eringllam. Bros. 'First cut hay --Robert Pother- Corriedale. all class, Emke ' 111:ham, Earl Papple. H. Pryce, Bras, 1 Luther Sanders. Pen, 1 market lambs, Jas. C,'' Second ent hay—Oscar Kieffer, Bell. Vance Day, Emke Bros.,. Alvin Bettie; Dun IneKerrller, 13 Wm. S. 0. Neil. RESIDENCE CARE Carter, Banana cake, Mrs. Mc- Lean, 3Irs. Carter, Mrs. Papple. Chiffon rake, Mrs, Carte, Mrs. Scott. Mrs. A. Dovereuux. Dark fruit cake, Mrs, Scott, Ahs ('art- er, Drs. McLean. Light fruit cake, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Mclean, Mrs. Carter, Date and nut loaf. Ahs. Carter, Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Mc- Lean. Jelly roll, Mrs, Carter. Cantly --Maple ('ream, dIrs. A. Jamieson, Alt's. DlcLeun, Mrs. Heimpel. Choc, Fudge, Mrs. Mc- Lean, Mrs. Scott, Mrs, Heimpel. Dipped Chocolate, Mrs. Scott, Cookies—Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Carter, Uncooked cookies. Mrs. Papple, Mrs, Scott. Mrs, McLean. Cooked Cookies, Mrs, McLean, Mrs, Carter, Mrs. Scott. Cocoanut Macaroons, Mrs. F. Reynolds, Mrs. McLean. Mrs. Carter. Plate of cookies, Mrs, J. Carter, Ahs, McLean. - Pies—Pumpkin, Mrs. Carter, Ethel Dennis. Mrs. Scott, Cherry pie, Mrs. Papple, Mrs. Carter, Mrs, Scott. Letson pie, Mrs, Car- tel', Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Papple. Raisin pie, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Mc- Lean Mrs. Carter. Apple pie, Mrs, McLean, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Scott. Tarts --Mrs, Scott, Mrs. Papple, Airs. Carter. Jam tarts, Mrs. Mc- • . Leet 'Mrs. Cartel, Mrs. Papple. (141 pfd hal 1st rut—A. S. 1301- Miscellaneous: Tea biscuits, t.'1) Tien AleKereber. Mrs. McLean, ean, lrrs. Carter Ethel (.in.puc(1 2nd Cut hay—Don Ale- 13, anus, Whole wheat biscuits. Keleher: Mrs..MsLeiIn, Ml's, ('atter. Doltglr- K l rlailace rani—Dan eri.seerc•b- uuls, Mis. Carter. Bran muffins. er. Jack Crozier. Robert Faller- Mrs. McLean, Mrs, Mervin Nott, 1111(1x1111. 1lrs. R', llanp'h, Ken 3411s. Carter. Shortbread, Mrs. 1i, Cnieur:lt), McLean. Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Cart- Toit Corn Entry — er, Smu-14 11117, Mrs, McLean, Mrs, Carter; Gingerbread, Mrs. Mc- Lean, ahs. Papple, Mrs. Carter. Treats, Mrs. Carte', Mrs, Mc. Lean, • Specials, plain baiting, Mrs.' M.•Lemr, Mrs, Carter, Ethel Den- 11ati'dt 13t'ss, Ste,, 1,11 -wiener most points --- pair Walker Overalls, 13. Brown. Field Crop C'ompetitJons--- Garr}• Oats-- -R. S. M, Kercher, .iack Broadfoot, Lewis. Coyne, A. nis. 6 ways of serving elpples. Bolton, .Jack Crozier, Russel T. Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Carter, (3 whys Balton, Rots. M. McMillan, Robt. of serving potatoes, Mrs. Mc- Falheringham. Eric Anderson, Luther Sanders, Richard Downey. York Barley—John C'onsitt, A. S. Bolton, Jack Broadfoot, Lewis Coyne, It S. McKe•eber, Wilfred Scott, Ken Stewart, Stanley HilI- en, Les. Pryce, Harold Pryce. Pfister Corte --•olive' Asders0n, Lewis Coyne, Jack Broadfoot, R. 8, Scott, Ken Stewart Ken Cole. Men, Role. Cot heringleam, Oliver Wright, Francis II[cknell, Gor- dan. Papple, It, E. NI/Milian, 13. ('edr.tnatt, Leslie Pryce, R, Carole bell. W. J. McDowell, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES }ted Tomatoes ..-- Ml's, J. Mlle. brerht Mrs, \\'m, Bradshaw. Yel- low tomatoes, Mrs, W. ITauglt, Fred Mr(1.mont. Dutch Sets, Mrs, \V Coleman, Ken Coleman. Cue - ember,', Fred Menem/int, John Bront1lbrl', Butter Beans, Ethel fi Dennis, Whits Beans, Mrs. W. Haugh, Ken Stewart Carrots, short, Mrs. \\ llan811 .1. Mac. I Nangluon. (.arl'nts, long Mrs, T. TRI -COUNTY CAMPAIGN FOR THEL'LIN1) 11, Thompson, Fred McClymnnt. HURON COt;N'I'Y OBJECTIVE $6000.40 Pickling beets, Mrs. Haugh, Fred Sand your donation trebly to: E. C. Boswell, Seaforth :41a'lylnout, 0 beet.+, .1, MacNauglt- Chartered Banits in Seaforth will nevem dolultinn for ('NIB tau, airs. \V, Haugh, 3 ripe mum - Lean, Mrs, Carter, Lake of the Woods — White bread, 31s. McLean, Ethel Den- nis. Layer cake, Ethel Dennis, Mrs, McLean. Pie, Mrs, McLean, Mrs. Papple, Chili sauce, Mrs, Jamieson. Domestic Special, Pie --Mrs, McLean, Mrs. Papple. E. Dennis. Cake, Mrs. Papple, Mrs, Carter, Mrs, McLean. Frosted single laY- er cake, Mrs. Papple, Mrs. Cart- er. Champion Cook Delwin Spe- cial Winner, Mrs. Kith McLean. HOME DEPARTMENT Quilts --cotton bound, Mrs. Hei- inpel, Mrs, Jardison. cottolnpiece ed and appl. Mrs. Barkin, 1J. Den- nis, Mrs. McGregor, Patchwork, crazy, Mrs, Steffen, Crib quilt, Mrs, McGregor, Mrs, Steffen, Mrs, Heimpel. Bedspreads, Mrs. Helmet. Af- ghan. crocheted, Mrs, Iieimpel, Mrs, Rota Orr. Afghan knitted, Mrs, ITe[tnpol. Milts: braided, Mrs. Heimpel. hooked Mrs. J. Thompson, Ethel Dennis Mrs. McGregor.. Hooped, wool, yarn, Mrs. Orr: latch hook. ed, Mre. Bodortuans, Mrs, Mervin 1i•1) Tllnrsdny, September 20, 11)00 foot, Diane Beller9nan. Pumpkins, (lordon Mlllon0y. quasi 1, tahlo queen, Barry Fleming, Larry Ben- erinall, Leo Floating, Maudlin po- tatoes, 1lu'ry Dol mrilIetl, Diane 1100ernlan. lrisll Cobbler, Bort Dennis. A.O.V., Julle. 1)o1111ago, Corn, Helen 13roadroot, Collection, Suane Haugh, Juno Dolmage, Bar- ley, Juno Dolmage. Wheat, Jule Dolmage, Serail book, Juno Doi, - maga. Collection of woods, June Dolmage, Sohn Stoll. Insects, Juno Dolmage, Helen Broadfoot Jean McNaughton. Honey, Barry Fleming. Speo[al•--winner most points, June Dolmage. HIGH SCHOOL FLOWERS Asters, Barry Fleming, Lee Fleming, Sint Papple, Cosmos,, Lee Fleming, Dianne lleuerman, Barry Fleming. Dahlias, Dianne Beuormrun, John Stoll, Larry Bets «calcul, Marigolds, Fronoh, Lee Fleming, 161011y Elliott, Suane ilaugh. Marigolds, African, Lee 1''lentiag, Barry Fleming, Sua11)15 Baugh. Petunias, single, harry Fleming, I.,ee Fleming, Dienlle llalierinan, Pansy, Lee Fleming. snapdragon, Lee Fleming. Mune- les, Suane Haugh. Gladiolus, 3 splkee diff., Buono I -laugh, display, Suane Haugh, Collection, annuals, Lee Fleming, Suano Haugh. Pot- ted plants, Lee Fleming', Nauoy Pepper, Suane }laugh, African Violets, Nancy Pepper, Lee Flem- ing, Marguerite Scott. Coleus, Suane Iiaugh, Lee Fleming.. Cam. tun, Suane Haugh, Jean Mc- Naughton, Mums, Suelle Haugh, Floral arr., Suane Haugh, Nancy Pepper, I,00 Fleming, CHECK OVER OUR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Children's Winter ear SNOW SUITS JACKETS CAR COATS ETC. KIDDIES SNOW SUITS 1 to 3X and 4 to •6X SIZES JACKETS AND CAR COATS AGES 7 to 14 CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND SLEEPERS CAPS, GIRLS WINTER HEAD WEAR MITTS AND GLOVES CARDIGANS AND PULLOVERS 1 SEARMIT;i k. STATIONERY GUTS NE'S IlleellisMILegasst RE Deice CHANGE OF BUS TIME TABLES FALL AND WINTER SCHEDULES Effective September 29th Obtain your copy from your local Agent Coomb's Sunoco Station The Western Ontario Motorways Limited Kitchener Ontario Public Offers TOWN OF SEAFORTH, ONTARIO (For Seaforth High School District) 5%% Non -Callable Debentures To Be Dated October 15, 1960 MATURITIES AVAILABLE To Yield 53/4' Year 1966 to 1980 Price $1.00.00 These debentures 1410' part of an issue. of 5130.010 Town of Seaforth, Ontario issued on behalf of the Seaforth High Settee] District. Debentures will be available in denominations of $1.000 only with provision for registration as to principal only. We, as principals, offer these debentures if, as and when issued and accepted by us, subject to their validation by the Ontario Municipal Board, for delivery on or about November 15, 1960. Orders are subject to allotment and prior sale, Orders will be accepted at the Office of the Secretary - Treasurer, Seaforth District High School, W. E. Southgate, Seaforth, Ontario Telephone 334 GAI RIDNER & COMPANY' LIMITED 200 QUEENS AVENUE, LONDON, ONTARIO TELEPHONE GE 8-2161 LONDON