The Seaforth News, 1960-09-22, Page 4nay Storey and his sister I3onnie were admiring his
prize) winning dahlias at McRillop School fair in this
picture, They -art' the children of \Ir. and IIrs, Harold
Storey. Ray is a pupil of SS No. 10, Winthrop, with
Mrs. M. Ilack well, teacher. Mrs, Storey has a lovely
garden of d,:lllia. at their home west of «'iuthrop •
K attIvr, Juno lldllen, Larry Horne, Mur-
ray i tl T et•, Citrons, Jon L ariek, 1)tu'lo
1 ie i unur khts Bonnie Stewart,
t.uu I ise;o a t ,•r 080111T. t, W hnuld
Chen:heti. Keuu th Doi:nage. Mark Smith.
rn .•t. Pumpkin Loretta Murray, Keith
`taut ' 1•eill tt pplos n abut McGuire,
.1,•uu Deltas, Dam* O'Rourke, Linda
minor. a t nn
Herb:. C utnu Linde o crh
1',•ts lhdit Mnncr, Evelyn Storey,
Doman- Boyd Joan 1>uui , Murra
MoClure. 1(Larry Murray,Pleats
lit:moth 1>oltu%ge, Ean Bruce Dolmage
Mute Shen, Anne Shea, Loretta, Murray,
Michael Johnston
Sharon MacKenzie, nzie om Bouquetancy11e MnNiehul,
1rnd,t Somerville, Jean Patrick, Ron
Koehler. Potted Plant In Shawl -Keith
:Minton, Ghent Dolmage, Juno Millon
Joyee McNiehol, slaty Betties. Muuuy
Pepper• Potted Plant with no bloom
Karen Dolmage, Keith Seamon, Glenn
Dolntuso, Baily Solmun, Janice McClure,
Danny O'Rourke. Dahltes (large) --Paul
Somerville, Glenn Dohnago, Ray Storey,
Gary Betties, Tont Looming, Nancy Mc
Nichol. (Small: ---Karen Dolmage, Keith
delict( Billy Roe, Linda Peitz, Loretta
Murree, Eileen Maloney.
Asters Gary Bottles, Sandra Johnston,
Bob Shannon, Billy Seimon, Jean Roe,
Tont Leeming: Zinnias [large) --Larry
Marne, Gary Betties, Joan Dennis, Juno
Hillen, Carrot l3oven. Jona Alexander,
(Small) --Janice McClure. Joyce DloNieh-
oL Dlehtea Johntsoa, Jean Patrick, Lor-
etta Murray,
Li ton Maloney. Gindwl
Taut Somerville, Linde Somerville,
n[{ettle Marjorie Glanville. BllSel-
twut,en Rock. Phlox -,loan Dennis.
(hay Bottles-. Bouquet of Snapdragons-
jounno Elligsen, Jean Patrick, Linda
Somerville. John Leeming Sandra John -
won, Danny O'Rourke, Cosmos --Mary
'wonting, Jean ROC, Paul Somerville,
Jean Patrick, 14111 .Roe, Lunda Somerville.
Cutouts of Binds --Glenda Little, Jan-
ice McClure, Janice Dietz, Glenn Dol-
mitge, Linda Miller. Mat$orle Glanville,
Cutouts of Machinery• -•Harvey Bernard,
L. Lente, G. Little, L. Glanville, L• Bern-
ard, Rue Beattie. Collection of 3 leaves -
Amy Stewart, Loan to Stewart, Linda
Somerville, Lois Bernard, Karen Dol -
mase. Miles Little. Post cards --Donna
Gordon, Juno Millon, I(tumt Dolmage,
111,ky MacKenzie, Mary Wash, Amy
St: wart,
M:umttl Training -- D2nteh Scratcher,
Tommy Sean, Tommy Ransnt Murray
Pop per, Ha rt,t' Bernard, 1ivcity Shanunn
and Marjorie Glanville Com Hangers -
Ran Bruce Dnlmttvo. Elide Rose, Leslie
Willard, luny Christensen, La'ty Hoare,
Halt• Jean IiAmy Melly Rowe. Dalry lase Beattie. Mail Box --Joan Alexander,
CiKflli®p 5ch0®i fair Heifer rule -:\m> Stewart, Mnty Lau It.. aeon Chrdswustmt Agnes Dolmage.
�•t coy'', Dairy Hrift•r Calf. Junior ---Doul- ls,uie Rost, Billy &imnn, Paul Cuthill,
Is Success + Ins 11, yd, Amy Stewart. Bonnie Stewart, turner Bracket -Jim Rapson, Jim Alex-
11;r.;t- Lon 'nyne. sweepsutk„e_ Douglas ander, Jane. Petrick, Keith Siemon, Lois
With ideal wratl>ea• and iticred0- i.d Bra .chmvmunshfp-Amy stew- BornanL Witold Chontirki.
ed eKh{bits, the Mob: illop School art 9t tubes Boyd, Larry Horan, ;ieetion E --Brown Etas. Bruce Elliott,
Fair was held Thursday at SS I0, t a.s-Donn Horan, Tony Christen.
Pryte, Michael 1lnlsb. White
Garry Inlets, Fact( -lice Beattty, James Bosman, June
Lambs-- Market, Jim Rosman, Paul Millen.
A parade of the eight schools S morville• Neil McNichol Donnie Dal- WRITING & PRINTING
headed by the 9eatforgt.111s• can. laws Wool- Paul Somerville, Neil ('endo 8 -Drury Lou Coyne, Amy Stew.
MoNiehol, Linde. Somerville, Rennie art, Lois Gotlkitr, Tonna Gordon, Robe
tract high School Girls' Trumpet 11 , Eileen O'Rourke,
Band. Dalton, Shut,. wool-- -Paul Somerville, r de 7 -Mary \oil Me\iehnt D ) 4 a , D ary (Margaret Flanagan,
Donnie Dalton, Jimmy m '
PT1+"• B
t-.P.itn-^GArt ' . . )> n est sltcn Witold Chom[ !ci Loi Bern -
1a11 :Pa ]e oaten'. Y c s
Chairman; Mr, Douglas Miles, ad -1 Bern -
Pias --Und'-'r 50 its., 'Tam Leemdngil.13e.
ard, Sharon I3euermann, Jean Patrick.
dress: Mr. Coulter Schon{ In-
speetor. Mr. Don Grieve, President'
Gordan Rua])1e, Mr, Elston Card-
iff :4I.P•, ari,iretsss. Reetta tions by
Jack Flanagan Mary a
t man anti al Walsh;
Choral Reading,No.1 .
r, (heal Di-
ane Henderson, Bill Henderson;
Number from No. G School; Miss
John -Heating, Linin Som !•vibe, Pnul Gnat, 0-ln>mlf Christensen, Karin
Somerville. Under tan 11:5., warren Rock, 1 Christensen, Linda Somerville. Margaret,
,lune Millen. Sow Amy Stewart, Bonnie I Rose Ryan, June Ifillen, Paul Horan,
Stewart, Laurie Fasehet•, Laurie Fischer. t'r'ade 5 -Roy Glanville, Anne Shen,
POULTRY & PETS t Joan Alexander: Jean Roe, Bernice Rose,
t e9c--Bol Shannon.
Turkeys Rae PaulCuGrade 4 -Getty Malone, Maty Lou
IT ani , Dema Horne, Larry s Horne. ...Grade
8;, Tony Christensen, Larry Hone,
Ducks -.Loretta Murray,henutouRola iomeElliott, ' Leslie Bernard, 11,11 10 Beuermnnn.
Jim Kenneth
Dolton, , Bnrtout-Briny Siemon, Grade B --Rue Beattie, Leslie Glanville,
.111e. nh elf lie. tensa, Larry
ill•. lnuolf (Little, Warren
Larry Horan. Ho',Laurie Ftseit1, Joanne Murray, Betty
Sharon Strom two numbers; N0, I'i:ttv,ns--\ell Little, 15'arren Bcuernnann Rt"'' Kenny Flanagan.
ti School, singing: N. - School, 1 a,nd John Leeming. Rabbits --Grant Lit- ('tittle •L -Poul ..omet•sille, Herbie
Linda Somerville: Mrs. Donald i Lanny Rapson, Dla ' La ening. I)og, $haman, IIarvev Bcrnntd. Donnie Go! -
harry (h>rdon, Donn,, Gordon, Jnck Flan- tun, Barbara McClure, Danny O'Rourke,
3;x•nng, Li)ttdesbot•t,, 2' numbers: i •,i: an. Cat I:muly Puffs, Lucille Walsh, Grade. 1 -Donna Horne, Mary Lon Ry-
Ca4 Srltool, 1 -wit numbers; No, I.,•nney Ryan. Guinea Pigs -Ross Elliott, nit, Murray. Pepper, Tom Ranson, Sharon
Rehctol Panna: Horan, tap ''••tela; Bawd. White Rocks- Garry `•ton. Marjorie Glanville.
latices; t•horal readin , ,lanIce lIe- 1teat les. White L•eb„rns-bine Beattie, DRAWING
mars Lau C,e•nv, Glenn Beuermnnn,I Grndea 7 - 8 -Gary Betties, Brenda
('litre; No, 12 School, Jean Pat- "ts :-- Evelyn Storey, Francis Maloney, • Magi', Murray McClure, Batty Brant,
rick. choral reading. Oldest lady Elaine B.'neemann. Light Hybl• Stewart, Shirley Eckert.
t',xellt. Mr•s, Emily Little: eldest `Litton M„)Int, Lorry Herat Janice Grades ,-ti---Paul Horan, Linda Sons-
., heavy Hyattds Ross Elliott, ,era ills Margaret Rose Ryat, Agnes Dol-
n1an, Mr. Hugh l'aluphell. T.,nmy Rapson, Joseph Walsh. !mage, Catharine Flannigan, Mary Ben.
Pony and saddle -Danny Son O'Rourke, ii,,,,, __J,,,, mil,, Herby Shaman.' Grades 1-Douglns Boyd, Leslie Glnn-
Marl: Smith. Pony Colt-- Mark Smith. 7.,;,,,,,t. niesichn1, htichnel Johnston, Jean Mlle, Neil McNichol, Gordon Ryan,
4 -II Junin Boa Calves -Larry Horan. Rae. 'Douglas Boyd, Corn --Rue Beattde. Thoughts Way, Rickey Riehl.
Donna Horan. (,rd n Mylan. Beef (Ron Beth -mann, Neil Beuermnnn, Marie tirades 1-: -Herbie Shannon. Brenda
_. _ ... ... ... Pt •ce, Glen Dolmage, Lucille Walsh,
...mann, war,„ Beaermana. Leta Bea- Danny O'Rourke, Larry Flannigan,
...mann, Cut 1Iay..._Murtey Pryce, Bryan
Reception rryve, Dyke Little, Neil Little, Brian rANCw 74 ORIi, SE11'INC. &KNITTING
t•;nph•:11, Bonnie Stewart First Cut Hay t'r'ades o and 4, embroidered flower
Murray Pryee, Brat Elliott. Billy design -Lamy Borne, Leslie Bernard,
101' Mr. and 'Mrs. C1eI1don Duffy, Brian Pnyce, Loretta Murray, Leslie Glanville, Rae Beattie, Mary Lou
$trphen klnrrny. Field Beams - Donna Ryan• Maureen Rynn.
Kerr on Horne, Larry Horne, lkmnte Stewart, Grades 5 art G, cross stitched pillory
Friday nate, Sept.Dl:y R
rrre•not rsnn, Bills Henderson. Earle 1 once -Linda Somerville. Sharon Heuer -
11,,,e. Oats -- Larry Horne, Keith Sie- t mann, June Hdlten, Jean Rose, Dale Bcu-
mon, Billy Seamon, Earle Rose. Wheat- ermann'
IN SEAFORTII COMMUNITY Earle Rose, Bernice Pose, Seith Seamon. 1 tirades - anti s. Cushion ton --Lois
CENTRE barley Keith Seimon. Quart of Oats- 1 Bernard, I(aren Dolmage, Linda Seiner -
Mary Lou Coyne, Larry Horne. Francis, Nile,Maureen Ryan, Jean Patrick, Kar.
Good Music Maloney, Eric Bennewies. Qt. Of 'Wheat en Christensen.
Ladies please bring lunch Douglas Boyd, Qt. of Barley - Mary Gnrdee 1 and 2 sewing cord -Harvey
Lou Coyne, Loretta Murray. Bernard, Donna Horne. Murray Pepper,
VEGETABLES & FRUIT Tommy Rapson, Stan Fischer, Joan Den -
Field Turnips --Loretto Murray, Keith cls•
Seimon. Table Turnips -Bob Shannon, Grades 3 and 4, Afghan -Jane Shan-
Rernice Rine. Joan Eckert. Irish Cobbler non,
Potntaes-Keith Seimon, Evelyn Storey,' Grades 5 and G. lunch clout -Linda
Bruce Glanville, Earle Rose, Stanley Somerville. Bernice Rose, Sharon Brant.
Glanville, Bernice Rose, I(atadin Potat-' (Trades 7 and 5, half apron -Eileen
nes--Tuee Millen, Joan Dennis, Murray Maloney, Jean Patrick, Lois Bernard,
McClure, Keith Seimon, Herby Shannon, 1 Karen Dolmage, Amy Stewart, Linda
Diane Henderson. Sebago Potatoes -Joan t Somerville.
Dentis, Rae Beattie, Sanies McClure, i Open Grades 1 to 4, hand hem a tea
Ron Koehler, Keitlt Seimon, Sharron ("wet- -Elsie Ruse, Maureen Ryan, 1,0, ;
Brant. Tomatoes -Rae Beattie, Barbara
Wednesday, Oct. 5
From n to 8 P.M.
Children 12 & under 50e
Adults - $1.00
In Orange Hall p
Wednesday Sept 28 pn Ole ;. Danny O'Rourke, Herby
McClure, Paul Horan, Nancy McNichol,
Francis Maloney, Fred Nyland. Table
Corn --Herby Shannon. Eileen Mnlnney.
Billy Siemon, Warren Rock, Lamy Horne
and Donna Horne, 6faneelds-Diary Lou
1 oyno ,Timmy Murray, Billy Henderson,
tinny Ilenderson, Billy Seimon, Elsie
Carrots -Danny O'Rourke, Bernice
B, so, Michael Johnwm, Murray Popped
Warren Rock. Eileen Maloney. Beets -
Jimmy Henderson, Sharon Brant, Err -
Auspices L.O.L. 7111
Admission 40e. Lunch served
Everybody Welcome
Shannon. Berm,',- Rose. Gahbace--Mary
Lou Coyne, Julia Blanchard, Sharon
Brant. Onions --Murray Pepper. Jane
Shannon. Janice Horan. Danny O'Rourke,
Keith Seamon, Warren Rook. Spanish on-
ions -Paul Horan, Janice Horou, Gordon
moue '"H'
11111083 ('011N'I4 011,1111"PIVP; II00e.nh
Send your donation today to: 11. t', Boswell. Seaton{(
Oharterecl Banks in Seaforth will accept donations for rNil1
Lou Ryan.
Open (trades s. to S, doll taunt, Karen
Dtduutge, Linda Somerville, tier: deo hose
Tonthtt any hunted nrUt9e-Mrs
:Ylurrny Jesalr
Grades 1 to M Winter Bouquet Ken.
moth 'tonnage, Linda Somerville.Murray
M,Lur Lois i r n• Karon
1 rd Christen-
1 •.
ri t'rt
pun Witold C o (
t t h micki.�
A lam suitably gift wutpped--Amy
Stewart 14htureen Ryan. Donne Gordon,
Joan Alexander, Michael Walsh, Ingolf
Christi nsen,
(itaad -e, School Lunoh, Donna Got+
don, Sham McKenzie, Amy Stewart,
Loretta Murray, Stanley (ntutvtlle.
Maple cream candy--Mnrjorle Giatt-
vilie Roe, a June '
Bate 1 e, J t, Millett Paul Cah-
Jean lloo, Donald Ryatr:
Muffins - Gordon Moylan, Yvonne
Pryce, Sharon 1loKeazie, Joanne Murray,
Salo Roso, Barbara McClure.
Oatmeal Cooltlos-Betty Roe, hen Roo,
Amy Stewart, Joyce McNichol, Mary
Walsh, Bonnie Stewart.
Drop Cookies -Paul Horan, Janice
Moran, J'enn Roe, Betty •Roo, Elate Rose,
Earle Bono,
Tarts -Bernice Rose, Patricia, Ryan,
IareSllo lwnlsit, Juno Millen, Glenda Lit-
tle, Larry Flannigan
Angel Cake -Karon Dolmego, Leona
Glanville, Linda Somerville, Miott een Ry-
an, Betty Itoe, Starr Fischer.
Light layer cake -Sharon McKenzie,
Gary Koehler, t. t ri 1 l, Murray.(Renville, Linda
Sona,t(i11G Loretta Mra
Dark layer cake -Leona Glenville, Amy
Stewart, Lois Benermann, Sharron Me -
Kenzie, Linda Somerville; Gwen Beuer-
Apple Pia -Linda Somerville, Sharon
4'P1114 SINA1+'Olt'L'li Nlo\\'S (Phone' 84) -Thursday, September 22. 191;0
^ on theweekend after welding
three weeks' vacation with t•elti
tires and friends in Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs, 11, 13. Christian
left by motor on MLIIU10y for the
+'s Coast)at
Mutt Cta.t where they will spend
three weeks visiting with rela-
Mrs. Chace 1{arpule returned to
her Monte Isar weer( nfCei' spending
:two weeks with titer sac -#u law
and daughter, Mr, and :firs. Doug
Peaeock and fancily at Ottawa.
Miss Bernice D#1 in Ie this
s ea 1 ft
week for the University of West-
ern Ontario, London, where she
will take ) ial r this
Ilea si eC eon Se i
Miss Beth Goddard commenced
her studies in Home Economies
at MacDonald Hall, Guelph, this
week, .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles and
family of London visited this
week with Mr, and Mrs. Jim
Mas Inez MoEwen enjoyed a
week's l iduring
vacation last week tit tin
which timeM's. t
1 Garnet MOnSsealt
supplied at Irwin's store,
Miss Mary Anne Rannte of Lan-
don spent the weekend at the
home of her parents, Mr', and Mrs,
Sam .Rannie,
,Miss Jane 'Mouton left on 'Mon-
day for Western University, Lon-
don where she will commence her
lir, and Mrs. Jaek Peebles and
family of London were recent via -
Hors (vitt( Mr. and Mrs, Len
Noakes and family,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor visited
lust week with relatives In Lou-
don and attended the Western
Mcl(enizie, Betty Roe,
Lemon Pie -Karen Dolmage, Leona
Glanville, Linda Somerville, Gerald Ry-
an, Agnes Ryan, Patsy Murray,
Pumpkin Pie -June 11111en, Donald Ry-
an, Karen Dolmage, Linda Somerville,
Raisin Pio--Linda Somerville Laura
Ryan, Itneen Dolmage, Tenn Roe, Shar-
on McKenzie, Willy Nyland.
Cake baked by teacher-Jont Little,
Mtn, Murray,
Salad Dressing -Rides' McKenzie, Dan-
ny O'Rourke, Larry Horan, Elsie Hose,
June Hilton Sharon MacKenzie.
Canned Cherries-KarenChristenson,
Gary Betties, Sharon McKenzie, Learn
Ryan, Brian Campbell, Robes Doig,
Strawberries... -Rolm Dotg, Eileen Ma-
loney, Lnls Beuernuuu), Sharon McKen-
eie, Elsie Roe, Gwen Beuermnnn,
Rnsi,berries Pmtt'lcia Ryan, Roy Olen.
vine, Jack I''Innnigan, Lois Beuermnnn,
Evelyn Storey, Linda Somerville,
('horn) Reading --No 1 -. le tied; No 7
to 12 tied; No, G.
Beauty Contest -Joan Elligsen, Karen
Reek, Star Fisher.
Bente Contest, Junior Mr. - Larry
Murray, Donny O'Rourke; Gordan Kuch-
Best baby under six months - David
Holly, Best baby a months to I year -
Beth McNichol, Jeanette Duffy, Marlene
tirades 4 - 8: Best decorated bicycle --
Erie Bennewies, Larry Horan, Jane I
Shannon, Bonnie Horan.
Grades' 1, 3, 3, best decorated titicyle,
Janice McClure, Gregg Fisher, Shnrou
,Shea, Rickey McKenzie.
Boys 0 years and under--Dnftvin Dietz,
John Elligsen, Kevin Kerr. s years and
under ---Danny Joe O'Rourke, Joseph
Murray,Jimmy Murray.It) n d
Y• Y ve nrr a e under -
Don Murray, Steve Murray Neil McNich-
ol, Ray Beattie. 12 and under -Gerald
Ryan. Ken Dolmage, Donald Murray,
Michael Walsh. 14 and. under -Neil Rtt-
Dien, Witold Chomlcki, Gary Alexander,
Gerald Ryan. Trustees race -Fred Rase,
Mervin Dietz, Ralph Fischer.
Girls -0 years and under -•Gwen Doe -
man, Joy Lynn Fischer, Debbie McClure.
3 and under --Darlene Elligsen, Janice
McClure, Maureen Hoet.'i'. lu and under -
Joan Rnplen, Gwen Beuermmnu, Joan
Eckert, 12 and under -Elaine Murray,
Dale Beuermnnn, Valerie Beucrmann,
Lois Bowman. 14 and under, Elaine
Murray, Jean Patrick, Lois Bernard,
Joan Belden.
Dr. W. H. Gauld, M.B„ Passes
Dr, William Harvey (head, 111.
B„ passed away at Sunn)'broolt
Hospital. Toronto, on Saturday,
Sept. 101h, in his 65th year. lie
wa0 bore in Formosa, sun of Mrs.
William Gauld, and the late Rev.
\\'i1Bam Gaulti, U,I)., tylia here
missionaries there for many
years, Hp lived at Kippen for
1sonle time where ho attended
'school at No. 2 Tuckersmith, and
Seafortlt Collegiate Institute. He
worked litany years 1n the
Ontario Hospitals at Toronto,
Woodstock, Whitby and Penetan-
guishene, He is survived by hie
wife, formerly 1111111 Purvis; one
daughter t` 1'
D . Dorothy 1 141. Gaeta of
e tl Gd
g 1
Hamilton; his mother Mrs, Wm,
Gauld, Guelph, and three sisters,
Miss (tretta of Formosa; Dr.
Flora G. Little, Guelph, and Mrs.
Douglas Stevens (Dorothy), Eng-
land, Intet'nnent was in Wood -
lawn Cemetery, Guelph.
Herbert Stephenson Passes
Herbert. Stephenson, 05, of the
Parr Line passed away suddenly
in Victoria Hospital, London, on
Saturday', Sept, 17. IIe was born
in Stanley twp. and was the son
of the late Robert and Agnes Ste-
phenson, He has been in failing
health for some tlnle and had
been in Clinton Hospital two
weeks and was moved to Victoria
in Loudon where he passed away,
Ile farmed all his life and was a
member of the United Church at
Kippen. He is survived by one
sister Rena, who resided with
]line. Funeral services were held
Monday at 2,20 p.m, at the Bon.
thron i'uneral Horne in Homan.
Rev. A. II, Johnston conducted
the services. Interment was in
Bayfield Cemetery,
Wide -Meet Presented
A very enjoyable evening was
spent at the Home of 1•Lrs. E. 3,
Willett, t-lensail, on Monday, when
about 00 friends gathered in hon-
or of her granddaughter, Miss
Audrey Iticltardson, bride -elect of
October. Mrs. Douglas Cooper di-
rected contests and llrs• Art Mc-
Callum favoured with readings,
The bride was presented with
beautiful miscellaneous gifts by
Lynda. Koehler, Linda Bell and
Sandra Richardson, firs. Glen
Koehler read the address. Re-
freshments were served. .lass
Richardson is on the staff of the
Bank or Montreal, Exeter.
Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mas. Don
Havens and Mrs. W. J. Cameron
were delegates from the local Le-
gion Ladies' Auxiliary at a Con-
vention in Windsor from Sept, 15
to 1S.
Mr, Wnt. R. Bell returned home
By J. .C, IIemingway
On Sept. 15 the Ontario Hog
Producers Marketing Co -Operat-
ive held their Annual Meeting
in Toronto. Like all the rest of
the meetings of Hog Producer's,
this one had an excellent attend-
ance. Any organization that can
attract interest and participation
to this extent is certain to suc-
40th Anniversary
of Seaforth Couple
Mt•• and .lies. John Mettglu+r
s t ' Seaforth bl t
( > ''ext 1 ill
tut int i l(I t
who tornterly lived in Dublin,
eche:ratecl tiro 40t1t anniversary
of their marriage. A solemn High
Mass of ta xt,iu[ n
,wts offered
( •c )t
til SC. 1 tttricl('s hua la, { i tat t
ll ,
the celebrant being Rt. Rev. Mon-
signor J A. Feeney, St, Peter's
Cathedral London, brother of
Mrs. Meagher, The Deacon and
'tJtib•Deaeon were Rev, K. Durand
'rid Rev, Dr. Ffoulltes, It was at-
tended by the immediate mem-
bers of their family and respect-
ive brothers and sisters of the
honored jubilariane. A, dinner was
served 'at Mitchell and later at re-
motion was held at the Monte of
:Vit'. and Mrs. Harrold Meagher,
Dublin, They were recipients of
the Papal Blessing, Their family
presented them with a dining -
room suite, and the grandchildren
gave an 'engraved silver tray.
They have seven children, NLrs.
Corporal Prank (Anne) Osborne
of France; Mr's. Frank (Marion)
Stock, London; Alphensine, Lou-
don; Sonigent Joseph P. ,Meagher,
Len(lon; Ilarold, Dublin; John of
Stratford, and Alphonse, North
London, also 18 grandchildren,
The Ladies' Guild of St, Thom -
e Church met on Sept, 13. Mrs.
C, Itowcliffe, the pt'esident open-
ed the meeting with scripture
reading and prayer, Mr's, J, R.
Spittal, in the absence of the sec.
rotary read the print les from the
previous meeting, following 3411Ir11
\It's. A. Itetd, the treasurer gave
her report. An invitation was re-
ceived from the Ladies' Aid of
First Presbyterian Church to at -
I end their 000th Anniversary on
Get, 4th at 3 o'clock,
At the October meeting there is
to be a special collection for the
Pudding booth for the annual ba-
zaar 111111; is to be held on Nov, 10,
It was suggested tlrttt if enough
bazaar articles were ready, that
they be shown at the fair.
The buying committee composed
of Mrs, Rowcliffe and Mrs. Spit-
tal were to see about a new floor
for tho i.adies' Choir room,
The date of the fall rumnnage
sale was sot for November 5th.
After the offering was received
and dedicated the president clos-
ed the sleeting with the benedt.'-
5t, Thomas Anglican Church
Rev. H. Donaldson, S.'rh,
Holy Communion - 14,00 a.m.
Church School - 1)1,00 n,m.
Sunday, Sept. 21th
11 eon, Rev. 1+'. Tonnitinsan, M.A.
Guest Minister
7 p.m. 'rhe Rertnr
3 p.m. at St, Mary's, Dublin
A cordial welcome awaits you
Northside ntit00 C'hila•cil
'Worship 11 eau,
Rev. A. H. Dayuard Staffa Un-
ited Church will occupy North-
side pulpit 011 Sunday morning,
Jr, Church School during wor-
ship service,
Sr. Church 5(11001 10 a.m.
Rev. 3. C. Britton, B.A.. Minist-
er; bin's. ,lames A. Stewart, Organ-
ist; Mr. James A, Stewart, Choir-
Presbyterian Church
. Rev. D. Leslie Elder
Guest Preacher, The Rev. W,J,S.
McClure, I3.A., Molesworth
Sunday Schools will meet in the
Church hall at 10,50 a.m.
Medailion J]lectric Homes
built with your dreams in mind
To be able to Live Better Electrically is
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Recognizing this, the electrical industry
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When you buy a home built to Medallion
rlectric standards—you are assured of extra
comfort, convenience and efficiency in these
'hr:,' important ways , , , all of which help
to protect your investment.
1. FULL HOUSEPOWER—with plenty
of circuits, outlets and switches,
2, PLANNED LIGHTING—a new high
standard of lighting for all areas,
least one major unit is already installed
plus wiring to accommodate additional
major appliances.
You can modernize your present home
fo Medallion standards
All progressive builders and electrical
contractors recommend and will install
electrical systems that qualify for Medallion
Be sure to see the Medallion Homes
on display in your area during
September 17th -24th
is yours it)
Find nut how you can have a Medallion Home, Call your electrical contractor or your local Hydro Office.
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