The Seaforth News, 1960-09-08, Page 1a WUOI.E SI6RIES, VOL, 82 I'110110 84 BB/WORTH, ONTAIUO, THURSDAY, SEPTEIVMlfhil, a;, 19($O rr TAX CKERS IT11 L ATE Tito township levy for laxation was set at '10,2 mills for eonlnley- clal property and S mills for farm and residential property by Tuck- ersmith manictpal counell when they heli( tlteir September meeting in the town hall, Seaforth on Sep- tember (illi, This is ono mill lower than hast year. All members were present and the Reeve presided, Mr. George Falconer of the Clin- ton bistrict Collegiate hoard wait- ed on council to discuss with them the increased cost: in the construc- tion of the now addition to the col- legiate. On notion of Thompson - Falconer council advised hien that they would prefer the additional cost to be financed by a bank loan over a period of five years. James Devereaux requested the council to aid In the payment of work on road side ditch adjoining lot 16 half 1, con, 1, HRS, Council Promised to investigate as to their liability, McKenzie Municipal Drains Im- provement Report was read and af- ter diacussion with interested par- ties, the report was provisionally adopted and the clerk was instruct- ed to prepare a cash bylaw on the same, Messrs. Joseph Devereaux and Robs, Patrick requested a grant 1'or Seaforth Agricultural Society, and the usual grant of $225 was given, Wilson McCartney requested a grant for the Iluron County Plow- men's Association, They were granted $25.00, Council approved a tile drainage loan for Lloyd McKenzie , Tile drainage bylaws Nos. 7, 8, 9 of 1960, covering debentures for loans to A. Tinmerinans, J, Jaumaat. and \Tm. Rowcliffe were given ' their required readings and passed. By- law No. 10, 1960, setting an earlier day for nomination and polling, was also passed, The clerk was instructed to for- ward completed applications and debentures to the Treasury Dept, re tile drainnge loans. Solan Regier will be paid for Poul- try killed by dogs. The clerk was instructed to ap- ply to the Dept. of Highways of Ontario for the interim subsidy on road expenditures to the 31st of August. The following accounts were or- dered paid: Nursing hone care, $92.75; relief and supp. allowance, $104.93; salary and allow., $205.95; Rec.-Gen., $15.90; reemployment stamps, $39,60; dump, $152.50; Eg mondville water, $5,39; labor Nott drain, $3.60; Geo. P. Elliott, ditch- ing, $60.00; supplies and advertis- ing $131.98; fire protection, $91.00; livestock killed, $17.00; grants, $250.00; insurance pension, $13.50; tile drain loan, $3000; roads, $3316,30. Council adjourned to meet Oct. 4th at 8 p.m. GROUP 4 W.A. Group 4 WA of United Church was held at the home of Mrs. A. Riley with 13 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Lindsay was in charge of the devotional and Mrs, Turnbull presided over the meeting. The group's first project will be a bake sale including ap- rons and candy which will be held early in October, Mrs, R. Dalrym- ple was guest speaker and gave a talk on her trip to England which was very interesting. Mrs. Hudson thanked the lunch committee, also the guest speaker and the hostess. GRASS FIRE A grass fire on Andrew Croz- ier's farm on the 2nd con. of Tuckcrsmitll was put out. by Sea - forth fire brigade on Saturday aft- ernoon, A field of old hay was Ig- nited by a cigarette butt. The con- tinued dry weather has made ev- erything tinder dry and the fire burned out of control until the ar- rival of the firemen. This was the second grass fire call, the first hav- ing been north of town Wednesday afternoon. TO TRAIN AS NURSES Among 41 young women who have registered with the Kitchener - Waterloo School of Nursing aro Judith Boshart, Seaforth, and Dor- othy Jackson, Kippen, RR 2. The classes commenced on Monday, Sharon Hemingway of Brussels has entered Brantford General Hos- pital School of Nursing. WMS AND WA MEETINGS The regular July meeting of the WMS and WA was held at the borne of Mrs. 'Ken Stewart on Ju- ly 27th with a good attendance. the mission band, lead by Mrs. A. Scott held a meeting outdoors, The WMS meeting opened with president, Mrs, Gordon McKenzie in charge. Cod sees the Dille spar- row tall was sung. Mrs, John Kerr read an interesting reading, Mrs. Eldon Kerr called the roll and the minutes of the last mooting wore react, A scripture was read by Mrs, Gordon Papple. Hymn 586 was sung. Mrs. David Shannon closed the meeting with prayer. The WA. part of the meeting op- ened with president, Mrs. Aaron Jaltzi in the chair. 1:Tymn 348 was sung and the scripture was read by Mrs. Ken Stewart, Mrs. George Wheatley gave the treasurer's re- port and the meeting closed with prayer, WINTHROP The Helping Mand Mission Band will hold their meeting on Saturday, Sept, 10 at 2 pan, Id WERS E MILL Former Nurses Hold Reunion A pleasant event took place last Friday night at the home of Mrs, Ilalpll Fischer of McKillop when a reunion of former nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital who worked with Miss Mary Dinning gathered for 0 pot luck supper, after which a social evening was spent, It was agreed to meet next year in Sea - forth, Among those attending were Miss Mary Dinning, Mrs J. Riley of Strathroy, Mrs. W. IIaynon, of Detroit; Mrs. 11. Simpson, Ajax; Mrs. \,T. Binning, Mitchell; Mrs. T, Kahle, Dublin; Miss Pearl Tha- ruer, Miss Frances Fortune, Miss Thelma Eigie, Mrs. William Hod- ger•t, Mrs. Peter Dunlop, Mrs, John Oldfield, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. john Carnochan of Seaforth. To Unveil Plaque At Dunlop Tomb The Historic Committee of Coun- ty Council have authorized certain repairs in. connection with Tiger Dunlop's Tomb located just North of Goderieh on highway 21, A new stone has been ordered and the surrounding area will be cleared of under -brush and made more pre- sentable, the Through cooperation canera io t n o f the Department of Public Works for the Province of Ontario, steps have been erected from the parking lot to the site of the Tomb. At the present time there is lim- ited parking available but In due course, it is anticipated being able to enlarge this area to a certain ex- tent and when the new bridge be- ing built over the Maitland River is completed, the entrance to the site will remain unehangecl and will be from the old highway 21 which in turn will become a County road. The Unveiling is to take place on Thursday, Sept. 15, at 3:30 p.m. and the general public iir:invited to attend, Parking facilities will be made available at Sky harbour Airport and the people will then be transported to the site from this point, The cost, as far as the county is concerned t'or this work, should amount to approximately $800.00, when everything is completed. Satellite Visible In This Area Satellite watching has been a favorite night pastime since the United States balloon satellite Echo I went into orbit a number of weeks ago. The satellite was plainly visible in this area Saturday night and on Sunday night around 9 o'clock and again at 10.30. It was travelling across the sky from west to east. Shining and winking like one of the lager stars, it was moving just fast en- ough to be detected by watching for a minute or two. It was visible about 10 minutes before going down in the east. An hour and a half later it came up again in the west, This man-made comet is said to be about 1,000 miles above the earth. The time of appearance and position of the satellite varies from day to day. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reynolds wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Maryanne Mar- garet to Henry Joseph Middegaal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Midde- gaal, R.R. 1, Blyth, Ont. The mar- riage will take place Sept. 24111 at 10:30 a.m. in St. James' Church, Seaforth. ST. JAMES C.W.L. The September meeting of the C'WL was held in the school room. The meeting opened with the league prayer led by the President Mrs. John Maloney, Reports were given by the officers and conven- ors and approved. The president thanked everyone for work done during the summer months at dif- ferent events. An invitation from the CWL of Clinton was extended for a rectory tea to be held in Clin- t.on, Sept. 28 from 2 to 5, There is a Rosary Crusade led by Rev, Father Peyton to obtain rosaries for the people of Chile. Everyone is asked to give ten cents which will provide one rosary. It was decided to hold the annu- al bazaar the first Saturday in De- cember. Huron County is bolding a blood clinic Wednesday Sept.. 21st. Can- vassers will call at the different homes for donors this week• Details and the value and need for blood was given by Miss Margneritte Dunn. The Deanery meeting will be hold in St. Joseph's hall, Stratford, Wednesday, October 19111. The annual donations will be gi- ven to the Provincial Bursary. The members were urged to have eu- ahres and bridges in their homes again this year as a means of raising funds, Rev Fr, Sullivan spoke briefly and the business meeting adjourned. A social Hour was spent playing bingo and a draw for a mystery prize was won by Mrs, Michael Williams. Lunch was served by Mrs. Gerald Van den Irengel, Mr's. joint Lanaink and Mrs. Harry Halc, The meeting closed with prayer, New Floor for Round House A new cement floor will be put in the round house at the fair grounds to reptile(' the old wood floor which has become very 00 - even, a meeting of directors de- rided on Thursday evening last, The committee under chairman R. \'t', Campbell was authorized to. work out details on Saturday night, The work 'will be done by supervised volunteer labor and will be complete In time for the fair. Mr. W, J. Mutter, of Guelph, president of the Ontario Associa- tion of Agricultural Societies, will open the 1960 fall fair on Friday afternoon, Sept. 23rd. Entries are starting to come in already for the fall fair, Sec„ R. James Wallace reported. A new committee has been set up this year uncler chairman Cliff Droadfoot for merchants' booths In the arena, Earl IvlcSpndden ie the fair board representative on this camniittee, Testing Started In Brucellosis Area Testing commenced Tuesday. September 6 under the Brucellosis Control Area in Huron County. This pr'ogr'amme is under the dir- ection ieection of Di'. J. C. MacLennan, Sub - District Veterinarian of the Health of Animals Division of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Seaforth, Practising veterinarians through- out the county are being engaged as casual veterinarians. They will collect blood samples from the cat- tle. The testing will be conducted in most of the townships simultan- eously, once the personnel have been trained. The testing will pro- ceed in orderly fashion in each township. The co-operation of all live- stock owners is required, that the test may proceed as rapidly as possible. CONSTANCE Mr, and Mrs. Charles Dexter at- tended the Cunningham and Wal- den wedding at the Westfield Unit- ed Church on Saturday and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter of Blyth. Mr, and Mrs, Percy Huth and John Ferguson of Clifford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ross McGregor and Mr. Charles Mc- Gregor of Picton, spent the holiday weekend with his parents. Miss Joy Montgomery left this week for Anderson, Indiana, to re- sume her studies at the University there. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Dale of near Clinton visited with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Grtmoldby on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and sons visited with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hart of Brus sels. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mansfield of St. Thomas visited Saturday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt and families. Mr. Douglas Riley left for Scar- borough where he will commence his teaching duties at the Don - wood Park School. \Ir, Bill Millson left for Wyom- ing, near Petrolia where he will commence his duties as teacher there. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Grhnoldby, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Betties and sons spent Sunday at Dunlop and God- erich. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Weis and Larry and Mrs, Sarah Brown of Hanover visited Sunday with 14Ir•. and Mrs, Borden Brown and fam- ily. Miss Linda Weis, who was hol- Buys Property For Liquor Store Site Purchase was completed Wednes• day morning by Darold Jackson of the old Pethick property beside the Orange 111111 on North Main Street. front the owner, 1larvey Mcllwain, ort 1 will A liquor store fat Se rtf i 1 be erected on this site by Mr. Jackson. The building will he 40 x 80 feet, of cement block construe-- tio, A ten-year reciprocal parking agrenement has been made with the Orange Lodge, whereby the liquor store will have parking on the orange Lodge property 10 the day- time, and the lodge can likewise use the store parking at night, It is not expected that the DOW building will be used jointly by the Liquor Board and 05 as re- tail beer outlet, this angle re- mains to be decided. Mr. Jones of Brewers Ware- housing Limited, was In town on Wednesday morning and made a survey of several properties as a possible location of a beer ware- house. Decision in this regard is expected soon. Mr, Mcliwain ]las already torn down the back part of the house on the property and has applied for a -permit to remove 01' demolish the front part. Three University Bursaries Awarded Winnel'e of bursaries at Ilse Sea - forth district high school Have been announced by Principal L. P. Plumsteel. University bursaries, value 5500, Frederick Flewitt, Donald Morrls, William 3. Van den Henget. Teachers' College bursaries, val- ue $250,00, Caroline Neil, Margar- et Wood. Huron County scholarship grade 11, value $'100,- .lean Millen, Tom Love, Ann Shortreed, Antonette Van -den Henget. The Bruce Scott Scholarship and the Elizabeth Scott scholarships have not been announced yet. The Elizabeth Scott fund will yield six scholarships of $100 each this year. The highest marks were won by Lewis Knetsch, who bas joined the ROTC. He will go to Royal Roads for two years and then to Univer- sity. WALTON The September meeting of the WMS and WA was held Friday af- ternoon. Sept. 2nd in the church Iwith 12 ladies present. Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull opened the WMS with call to worship. The scripture was given by Mrs. T. Leeming. Medi- tation on and prayer was t0 f scripture made by Mrs. Turnbull. NIrs. Nel- son Reid was at the piano for the hymns. Minutes and roll call were read by Mrs. B. McMichael, also treasurer's report by Mrs. H. Craig. A short report of the United Church Women of London Confer- ence at Alma College in St. Thom- as was given by Mrs. T. Dundas. An invitation was accepted to at- tend Londesboro WMS on Sept, 8 at 2 pm with Miss Vera Lyons as guest speaker. The fall sectional meeting will be held Oct. 19th at Duff's Church, McKillop. It was de- cided to have a speaker at the thankoffering meeting and Mrs. McMichael is to look after getting the speaker for an afternoon meet- ing as near as possible to Nov. 10. 1 The topic was taken by Mrs. A. McDonald from "Africa Disturbed" entitled "The Human Heart is Like idaying with the Browns returned home, 11Irs. Alma Banks left Monday morning from Stratford for her home at - Hazelmore, Sask, Mr's. Banks had been visiting with her brothers, Messrs Wm. and Wilbur Jewitt and their families for the past week since the death of her mother, Mrs. Mary E, Jewitt, School re -opened Tuesday morn Ung here with Mrs. Wm. Livingston commencing her teaching duties at S.S. 3, Hulled, with three new be- ginners being Mary mimes, Jimmy Buchanan and Kenneth Anderson, while going into the 2.0.PGF. from rills school section this year are 'Misses Janice Jewitt, Deanna Dale, Mary Buchanan and Bill Hoggart, The W. A, and W.M.S. meeting of Constance U. C. will hold their regular meeting In the basement of the Church, Wednesday evening Sept. 14 at 8:15 o'clock. All mem bee's are urged to attend, 'Mr, and Mr's. Cecil Oke of Lon- don are spending a few days with Mr, and Mts, Lorne Lawson. DUBLIN St, Patrick's Separate School in Dublin opened nn Tuesday morn- ing with an enrollment of 79; start- ing in grade 1: Jana Looby, Don- na McLaughlin, Mary Ann Dit- clmrme, Nellie Landsbergen, P1 - lane O'Rourke, Maureen. Ryan, Mary Kelly, Cheryl McGrath, Eliz- abeth Moodjonge, Lott Ann Row- land, Catherine Kr'amers, Tommy Goodie'', harry Fforcks, Casey Van Dakel, Pat Delaney, Larry Feeney, Plans Complete for McKillop Fair Plana al•e bc-iIle cunlpleied fur the annual McKillop School Fair to be held on 'Thursday. September 151 It at SS No. 1,,, Winthrop. 11) charge 00 the various departments are the following direel rs: Horses --- Ralph Fischer, Ralph M eN ic' trot. (.styes --William Boyd. :1it•rein 1net 0. Roy .1,41 Wong, A\ illimn Ben- ni wcis, Ted Me lady. Ken 0o,v sort. Llunbn.._Jatac s Sloan, Les I'ep- per. Gilbert Smith, Pigs—James Sloan, Bill Lillie, Lal erne Cedldn, (filbert 011111 h. Poultry and rets • 1'larenu• Ily an. Dominic Hurray, Auguste Du- chamt, John I1enderson, Salo Mc- Clure, Wilfred ORowlce, Crain--•itos, 1hi4,idh Charlie MeGavin, Archie Somerville. Joe McLaughlin, Et c•1' 11 Ileuerufann, Zack Ryan. Vegetables and fruit.; --- Ross Driscoll, Charlie Mec;avin, Archie Somerville, Inc MoLaughiin, Zack Ryan, Everett Dctternrann, Flowers—SL's, James Keys, Mrs. Wm. Dennis, Airs, Joint Moylan. Mrs. Gordan Papple, Mrs, Ken Ste1tiart. Collections—Harold Storey, Wil- liam Ryan, Roy Patrick. Ross Gor- don, Manual Training---Ilarold Stor- ey, William Ryan, Roy Patrick, Ross Gordon. Writing and Printing --Mrs. Ken Betties, Mrs. Wilson Campbell, Mrs. Gib Smith, Airs. Ilarold 1'ryce Drawing—Mrs. Ken Mettles, Mrs, Wilson Campbell, Mr's. Gib Smith, Mrs. Harold P1yce, Fancy Work—Mrs, A. Somer- ville, 1VIl•s, Roy Patrick, Mrs. Robs., McMichael, Mrs, Stanley- IHllen, Mrs. Ken Beattie. • Sewing and Knitting ---Mrs. A. Somerville, Mrs. Roy Patrick, Mrs. Robt. McMichael, Mrs. Stanley Ilillen, Mrs, Tien Beattie. Baking and Canned Fruit—:Hiss Ethel Dennis, Mrs. •Alex Smith, Mr's. Steve Murray, Mrs, Les Iieu- ernlann, Mrs. Albert Simon, Contests - Robert McKercher. .firs. Gordan Papple, Mrs. Steve Murray. Airs. Robert McKercher. Races — Vincent Lane, Matin Murray, Ralph Fisc'lter Alex Kerr, Mac Scott, John Henderson, Ste- phen Murray, Harold Prycc, I -Ten Bottles. Refreshment Bootle — Allan Campbell, Harry Johnstone, Steve itItura y, John Moylan, Oliver Prycc, Stanley Hilton. Les Pryce, Orville Benernlann, Ken Betties. Gatekeepers—Aaron Jantzi, Wil- fred O'Rourke, Fred Rose, Everett Storey, Clarence Regele, Louis Bolton, Gordan Papple, Pres., Ralph Mc- Nichol,- 1st Vice -Pres., Roy Wild- 0oi1g, 2nd Vice -Pres., lVnr. Dennis, Sec.-Treas. Deep Water," Mrs. A. -Coutts read a clipping from a paper from Mrs, Lillian Dickson suggesting any- body having white cotton could tear it in three-inch strips and sew into long strips from 5 to 10 yards, then roll tightly and could be used for the lepers in Nigeria. This is to be brought up in the different groups, - Mrs Ken McDonald opened the W.A. with the theme and prayer. Secretary's report. was read and correspondence dealt with. An in- vitation was accepted from Mon- crief WA to attend their annual bazaar to be held Nov 4 at 8.30 pat and a number to be given. The treasurers report was given by Mrs. A, Coutts showing a balance on hand of $395.10. The kitchen committee will buy necessary tow- els for the kitchen, It was decided to purchase tickets the same as last year for the fowl supper. The church will supply all the menu Sl,fi,,. r Y,•,er r.d• a l,tn:: ,nail, 1 ora., Intawa . u •,.I,., .,•,. u.. )'„r,1iawr, uunuwuuueu"nuu"ee"w r uu"u,num"nu",",uunu,.,.uaun",n„ue,eu,• ne"uueu,+uuuuunuy w Fa The r ew_ei°v is Here Co1'O llt'Cldet`.'i, 14('11(114. t'ii'i'1'!11`_'' . bI'0(At:llt!tt, ',.n. t('ela'ts. sweater p1'11i:S, in all the nei,V AllIil»111 (O101'S at just - a Cv� Also a very attractive selection ()f higher - priced Fall jewellery' at $2,00 and all) at Savaue's 3EWELLER Y (11 FTS Seaforth FINE CIUN.1 nuu,.,,,e„1,„,",,,"u"tnnunun"uueeuneeou,u,11111111,1111111111111111,"au"u"uullllll nu"n.11,,. for the cooling wedding. The meet- ing closed with praye=r. Mrs. ,lames Humphries of Wind - soy spent several days with Mrs Margaret. Humphries. Miss Jane Pickard n1' Mitchell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alf An- derson n derson and Nora last week. Mrs. Jack McDonald visited 111- Toronto and while there attended Toronto exhibition. Mao W. Stutz of Kitchener spent last Wednesday at the holm of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T Dundas. :Hiss Jean Walters has been vis, Bing with her grandparents. fit'. and Mrs. Geo. Ropes or London for the past three w, lis. Miss Ruth Walt ors has accepted 0 position in Kitchener recently. Three carloads of ladies from the Walton Institute attended the picnic sponsored by the Seaforth Women's Institute held in Seaforth Lions park last Thursday after- noon, Relays and gauges were en- joyed by all and was followed by a very- tasty- luncheon. M1. and Mrs, George Hibbert and family have recently moved into Walton and will occupy the Mar- shall house on West street. Miss Nora Anderson visited in Milverton 1'o1' a tcw days last week, Air„. John Hislop and Mr, Rae Houston left last week for the Western provinces. Miss Verda Watson of Toronto spent the week end with her par- ents, M. and Mrs. Dave Watson. Miss Norma Hoegy, nurse in training at St, Marys hospital, Kitchener, was a week end guest at her home. Miss Frances Houston, Eglnonti- ville, is visiting with Mrs. J. His- lop. Mr, Frank Dundas and girls of Toronto visited over the week •end with Air. and Mrs, George Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge and Bluffly of London visited with relations over the week end. Mrs. Hilda,Hilda,Sellers of Lunn vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Travis and family over the holiday. Miss Verda Watson Honored Miss Verda 'Watson was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held in Duff's 1'nited Church school room on Friday evening. Airs. W. J, Le,'niing was in charge of the guest book al the door. Mrs. Andrew Volum act +d as 1111 ( 0 of ceremonies and opened the prog- ram with 0 sing -song with. Mrs. Harvey 111'01011 at the piano. 3hsacs Jean 11111,11 and Aalr•,•n 01111111. a vocal duet. with Mrs. Gilbert Snaith accompanying. Mrs. I Mc; re nttL. humorous readings, Alt'= Aileen I Williamson, piano. solo, Mrs. The- tn1iS I-iachwell, rt sling; Mrs. Al, N. 1)0110114. Iii:nn instl'ttment bride•in-be, 11e0 1101(10-1', Mrs. Dave., Watson, and the groom -to -he's um. (her, Mrs. Pritchard of sarzeitoM. were Asti) re,1 to a tiee,waled 101111 and. Airs. Gordon Ale( ‘ a: td liesSe d the brill,--ln•h, MisH \\ atsnn w r,S t t. i ',t , 1 n' the• tilt by hies e Pat'bat , 1 ,. ronni,• \\richt. tom \\'al n ::101 Mrs. Jack -M''hlwuin. Mt's. V. .Al..- , a r'eath and 31iss Faye Lev t1 e,r• tired a large hid with boas whin. , was later worn by the laid, I et. 1\erda replied, thanking tit W,.les • for all 'h. beautiful ^-ifir. A de.lie- tiot.ts lnnelt was served by le, Alc- Killop croup. • Mr. and firs. Fley,1 Jenkins anti family of Norwich slam hnii- ,lay weekend with fir. and Mrs. 1. Martin. Miss Marion Turnbull lett on ' Monday for London where she will 'artleinl business ,'olle0' for she e0111(1ng year. ! Mr. and Sirs. Graham Shohli,•e. Butch and Rickey Teti on \lon,is.y tor their new 11.11111eat Cook. vi11e. I Mr. M. Fraser spent the weekend , with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser in Stratford. Mr. Wayne McMicihael of Wind- sor is holidaying with his patents, - Mr. and Mrs. Robs. M,,•Michael. Mrs, Inglis of Delmore'was 0 guest with Mr. and Mrs. James Smith last week. Mr. and ;firs. Jack Gordon spem lire week end sat: Pott Burwell. Mrs. J. II. Storey has returned home front a motor trip 10 the Ma- ritime pt' \' ier•s and poims east. Mrs. I1, Weiland of Fglncndrille visited with Mrs. T. Leeming one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Bennett, Air. and Mrs. Stewart Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Travis. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCall . :and then fa- tuities and Mrs. Hilda Sellers : f t tat the week end at Wasaga beach. To Lay Cornerstone This Fall Laying of the corner stone far the 110\w addition of the Huron County Homo will be held this fall, according to present dans, It is hoped to have a special guest for the cereulony. The addition may be ready to occupy by next March. A lot •of time roof IS 110W on. Above is a front view of a portion of the Huron County Home Addition, showing where part of the northwest wing of the original Home was demolished this spring to malt(; room for the new construction, Work at the site started early last December, Dur- ing the winter work was Concentrated on the north Bed Care wing. Concrete footings and foundation walls were poured. The exterior masonry walls have been completed up to second floor levels, Interior tile partitions have 'wen 1111111:. Concrete foundation (Valls for the east Special (`at'+' wing were poured early in April, and the exterior masonry walls aro completed. Radiant heating in- stalIation has been put in the floor of this wing, like- wise in the bathrooms throughout. Progress of con- struction in the central Administration wing is pict- ured above. A sanitary sewer has been laid to the sewage 1a - goon graded in the low farm area northeast of the buildings. The general contractors are Con-1+'.Ali; Con- tractors Limited. L, (1. Bridgman of London, is the architect, Associated with him on the project was the late R. 0, MacTavish.