The Seaforth News, 1960-09-01, Page 4CONSTANCE
In 110g the past two weeks lir
e1 tit hale lets reexiyed :1 il'nck
1(eels ei Gnern' 0y cattle front •
New 'Volk Mate.
Misses s Cathy arid- C'hery'l Dale
are visiting with thofr sister and
• brother -in -low. Mr, and Mrs. Aon
Gionslter. Illyth.
S. , I t -I r• fotiteeit,e I110) t 1 (. :i1
. 1 w.aenet emit. Til.. bride w 1u,a
ee , a rC re i ;Ara \1 pi t, I
eta .n,1 el ll- h ie.e
Tete C.C. CITY
You Cm Shout
t D&t Park
. e1) ,tit ',Item a, Ione and a:,
ae >eu lase in Tent/ow. but
w 1 .'11 .ieew 1. .1 ,11.,1' and where
\ visitor !., the Ida- vete' from
e. eine': town finds any number of
dtf+e^reneges in the two ways at
• 1'retie sioie1 . for one tiling. Kearse
ww ,,; L'. thesmall town dweller.
] :r1_ice peirkly - things
',meet >rart to happen if at 1.10
i0. e. man started bellowing in
�•at,•nt„rise voice ,m 11ain
ferth. He would :seen have
heeellee after hien and like as
eeeeral irate cieleene with
'.e Ter tnta the ",iter early
ueee.1110 in front of a downtown
lee,: :1 :1,:111 with a few newspap-
er, ander hie arm kept shouting
,eneetheng -..1'i )nl:d 'fee a
Eke 1iiti ei. llo111110
1111:: sn hmu Inter ho walked
away. No one seemed to pay any
attention to him.
. intriguing.. thine was he
nt:dkeep yelling as Iong and
:cad ae he wanted to and the
asleep and awake. were
,1 .11-11 (1 and unprotesting.
In re•:dee-th or any ,,then small
rewn, the noise of 0 passing- car
is ,-tate for comment.
And then there are the things
,eat do not annoy the small town
dweeller, but are an offense, draw•
ing prompt punishment in the city.
A ln,'kless truck driver made
rightktand turn on to Yonge St.
\ ieolice whistle sounded. A trim
uniformed pollee woman crossed
the street and leaning against
the side of the truck, leisurely
made aut. a ticket. Wondering
what offence the driver had com-
mitted, a .small sign was noticed
-No Turns'
Yonge Street rules may be
e,rie•ter than in other parts of Tor-
e..• . and it may be more heav-
ily pollee patrolled. However
when you see a "Stopping Only”
torn it means just that. A clerk
store on North Yonge was
,sked if it would be n.k, to park
end ;i,.k up a parcel.
elt all right just toe _ and
- oh: away. More than that
11as1,r Hose Jewitt spent 0 few
days holidays with 1)1x, and Mrs,
1\ til, Dows0u and Mr. 111111 N1ts.
11. 1)0(001)11 of Varna.
i41r. and Mrs. Charles Dexter
spent Sunday with Mr. and 111's,
Joe YullghIul of i.oltdesboro,
Hiss Linda Weis of Hanover is
spending holidays with 111r. and
:Nies. Borden Brown.
litter 1)aeId PI'eOZritthl' is hol-
idaying with (1r. and Mrs, 1,11ivr-1 the farmers?
11,c'e hill of Crediton, '1'lle gro15 returns pier week
probably haste t clanged 11111011
since there has been a definite in•
(Kase in price. This means that
the producer has probably chilly.
oil from a break eve)( or loss po-
sition to a profit Position, That
is- if he is still producing. Who is
responsible for this 11101) In pro.
1100)1ou? is it a few of the largest
producers that have gone out of
business or is it a large nwnbe)
of small producers?
With 21,000 less hogs to process
what has become of this labor
force? Are many of them now to
the ranks of the un -employ -ed?
Or was this extra quantity of
et.) Somerville. Walton, and Miss
)gamic !toss, Hallett: three bro.
there, 'ttllIer Adams, Stele -Molt
Township, 'Phomas of El;lllond-
0111e. and 10011,001 t 1 Soaforkll.
'lite 1111101111 was held 011 1,01011)'
from the 13;111 111111 lllttrll Funeral
Home, Clinton. Burial was in 1110
Maitland flank Cemetery, ih'fltertlt.
• FEDER:12'10V .lr:n'st
By J. 0. 1lcntingway
In looking over 1110 report of
the Meat Packers Cotulcil I find
some interesting figures, During
the first Half of 1060 the average
weekly marketing of hogs de,
(Teased from 171,000 to 150,000,
I wonder just what 111is means to
1'A Wm. hale spent last Friday
end i atuulay al Woodstock Fait
.indging horses.
Mrs. tear' 1larvey, Hiss Marie
Harvey, of Oxford Centre, ,Mrs.
Elmer MacKenzie, Luoknow, Mrs.
Illdeiu Lowry and Corinne, Amb•
erhei -Mss 111u'y Turner, Wing.
ham. -1(11(1 Mee. John Turner,
i'uaerxtnith, visited Tuesday
with .\h•. and Mrs. Hee. Law:.u1,
'1'h( community extends sym-
pathy to Messrs \\11). and Wilbur
1cw'ie and families in the loss of
their mother Mrs. Mary Estella
Jew3l of Kincaid, .111011., Allo
pawed away last Friday, Mrs, ow-
l!) 0(0 v'e,ll 11001011 :)1111 had 11 11081 pont Proeesecd largely on over.
of 1111000 whenever she: visited time? In, either ('ase (ewer dol.
with her eons, here. The body of. lots will be in 1110 immix of the
'1re. Jewett arrived in Seaforth 011 rnn:Mltlel'S to purchase merehan•
Monday e) unirhz and resnel at 1Ir' (lite of 1111 kinds,\Chant y's lune rat Haute with When n farmer -finds himself
feMe a l on Wednesday, Mrs, Jew- short of money and with extra
ill's daughter, 11110. Aha Drinks, time on his hand= he rets an ex..
ei llazehuore, bask., accompanied tea row• 11r 1010 or a feww• 'more
pigs or liens to try to make up
the deficiency, What does the
factory worker do when he finds
that the ten dollars a week extra
overtime pay, to which he has
heroine accustomed, disappears.
Does he make up the difference
by taking on some odd jobs or
does lie simply cut down on his
Ge, body to ewatorth, and is 11000'
0)01)1ng With her brothers.
Tho late Mre, ,Lewitt w110 in her
o;1ril year and was born in War -
1 t ,) Karen Dab 1111(1 Donald wick v1Uag •. Lltmbtnn County,
Gemeeer were t - united In marriage and has ninny friends and relatives
on tem,' 111th at II a.m. by 1)01'. 10 that district. She is -predeceased
.1. r . Britton of Seaforth at Dalt• by her husband, 1Ir. Reuben Jew -
Chtuch services will commence
Sunday, Sept. 4t11 after it month's
110110111, with Sunday School at 1
o'clock and Church Service at 2
w'8111 Fern,. 11t111et1, The bride 18
the, daughter of 11r. and Mrs, 11'it-.
li•1m J. hale, (•untag RR 1, and
the :;room is the Don of Mfr. and
Mrs. Herb Mouton'. Auburn RR 1.
The decorations were rainbow
colors of pink. mauve. yellow and
green forming the color scheme.
Given in marriage by her father, Sunday' School at Ca v an
he bride wore a short gown of Church on.Sept, 4th opens at 9.43
sleec,'le$e white taffeta with round a tet.. followed _ by the joint
neekline. fitted bodice and full
skirt, with petal -shaped over -skirt
end short jacket of Chantilly laee.
She carried a crescent shaped bou-
quet of large white mums and ivy,
her shoulder 1000111 face veil 1000
held 411 place by a tiara of net and
pearl ec'gtuillx,
Maid of honor was \Vihua ,Loan
Dale t:tar of tate in•ide., wore a
pink taffeta dress, fitted sleeveless
bodice. full skirt, illlltr11111g ('0111-
nterhtntd. headdress of tiny pink
['uses and net, carried -a nosegay of
white baby moms with rainbow -
tutored ribbon. Site wore a c'r'ystal
drop and earrings, a gift of the
Uroontsutall 101(0 Ken (11011s1ter of
Myth, brother of the groom. The
ushers were Kathieen and Cheryl
Dale. entail sisters of the bride,
They wore green and yellow taffeta
froehs styled similar to the maid
Church Service at 11 a,m. e,t
Winthrop. On the following Sun-
day, Sept. 1111/4. there will be no
Sunday School or Church ser-
On Sunday afternoon, Aug, 14
a miscellaneous shower was held
in honour of Joan Maloney, prior
to her marriage on Sept, 11 to
,tacit Hagerty, The shower was
held at the inane of the bride-to-
be's mother, Mrs. Peter Maloney.
The rooms were beautifully dec-
orated with pink and white
streamers, gladioli, dahlias, and
other bouquets of lovely flowers.
At the beginning of the program
Joan was presented with a beau-
tiful corsage of flowers, and seat-
ed in a pink and white decorated
chair, Bonnie Stewart then gave
of honor, and carried nosegays of a reading, on husbands, which ev.
baby mums with rainbow ribbon. errone enjoyed- very much, Bea
They 01(011 wore a cultured pearl Maloney was mistress of serer
drop, gift of the bride. monies, assisted by Agnes Hick.
Traditional wedding music was (tell. Many games were played
supplied by Mrs, Thelma Bromley and enjoyed by all. At an oppor
of Kitchener, ata( of the bride. She tune time Bea Maloney read an
wore a dusky rose lace sheath address as follows:
dress with white carnation corsage Dear Joan,—One Saturday ear -
and accompanied Miss Deanna ly in .lune in the year 195S Jack
Dale. who sang, "When Song is Hagariy swallowed his pride,
Sweet" and "I Do," She wore a gritted his teeth and asked for
111111014 taffeta dress styled similar a date. Accepting loan wouldn't
to her sisters', white corsage and admit it but she fell head over
also wore a pearl drop. gift of the heels, eve are sure she w'on't be
bride, regretting it next month when
Immediately following the cere- ebes cooking Hagerty''s meals
mo0y a reception was held at the Lately she's used to working with
bride's home for approximately 511 phones. dials and books but now
Guests. Waitresses were Miss Glor- she seems to be interested in
la Boyd, Mite: Lenora Hamilton, learning to become a good Book.
alis- Audrey McMichael and Mise Whenever her mother hears the
Marjorie Chatters. Assisting in the telephone ring, we hope it won't
kchen were Mrs. Don Buchanan. be Joan saying ".lack won't eat a
thing". Well you shouldn't have
any trouble if you take our advice
and say, the honeymoon Is over
well do thing_ my way. Make it
a teethe to be served breakfast it,
fed, just pretend your used to it
his duty' once your wed. 0c-
caeienaliy remind him that when
said "1 do". that naturally
meant doing household tasks too
Just let hint dry the dishes and
ro„h him how to sew, you've
aot to start things off
rieht If yeti want your love to
grow, Of eourse rte will naturally
wash the diaperee without as
lira h ee a word of complaint.
\faa. time w Su'il thank eta for
thie Seam convince
married a Stint. And if you
rt in fi:ghtin_ and he looks
kind of •-i '00, just peek up the.
re lin_ Pin and let hint know who
.0 hese, It's tee late new to warn
yea but y-oe know calla: they say,
the first e:. years are the hardest.
after that .o,tt'tt be o.k. And 110,
Joan, c,:, nes the a,reeentation, we
e sure you'll be the hap;,ies�
h.ile in the nation, For you and
Jack our heist wishes three.
Health, Irappinros, and Pr,ss'eri
ty, We ark you now to accent
these gifts, may the)' always re-
mind- yeti of pleasant memories
1f Beer•hwood and the eommani-
tw Signed on behalf of your
friends and neighbours.
.loan readied thanking the lad-
iee for all the beautiful gifts and
for e000)4,ne who helped make
the shower such a suecexs. A de-
licious lunch was served ley 'Mr"a.
Mee, Ker_ewart and Mrs. -11-31-
oo:meei to 0 r,l that h td 113-1r; Jewi-t.
_.. - end' ,(river Anione the guests were three
.... wen._ in:, 0 1 1,. - .tate of the bride, who had
been born and married in the
u ,,.. .
,u.. Mrs. Connell of Clin•
�..., `•z w n,e reed about years
Te M:s. Thos. Knox of LondeO•
•z _ bolo 001 Mrs Wee. Knox of Cl:r.
T„ r'-. Il:0 :'1, 1 years leer
e former Adeline. liar-
. Il- to Dide.
eetd. Z 1 'y--' „,1, wore r' dress
r. 1...., 1 short
:et:ter,1,- •1111 ret and
t•;d ,.. 001 tarried
01101on C'+" e. 0111.
..,1111, gr wi :tSr 11,'
_t s T1 -,"!her wore
white t:r.•,t arnel
i•eegirt, white cerna•
.1'1 whiteeeees-
u .a
Mr and Mrs, Thomas Penhale
and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Pentane
motored to London on Saturday
Mrs. Harold Peuhale stayed over
Sunday with her sister, firs. Wal
ter Scott at London
Tl: lrrt,1•-- os..1i1 g costume
geld dress with
ece .
e 1 - „'.Ie1 tur;tu„io-
The we+.Iding trip
t:e Niagara Fall,.
Mr.end Mr Clem-1,er 11111 e
,tie north of Blyth, where the
0001111 Is employed with George
Radford cenet011011 n, Blyth. The
brideis a Jere:: graduate of Strat-
iford Teachers ('allege. and will
Iheteehiee ;et T' P,N, No. 12. Rul-
{ tett e: Gnderiele
Students and parents will enjoy our
"school headquarters". It offers an
unique advantage. Text books, binders, pens,
paper, clothes and many other items
can be had at one stop
Seaforth 5c to $1 Store -- Stationery -Gifts
MR,'o Ti (1..110.6
'rhe death occurred 'Wednesday
in Clintoe Public Ho:epital, of
Mrs. William 41 Ross, 53, of Hill.
lett TownshipShe was the form-
er !Mane Adam' and had lived
all her life in Mallett, Surviving
re her husband: three sons, Wil-
liam, at hone: Ivan, at. Cather-
ine.: Thomsn. Huntsville; Iwo
',taughters. Mrs. Walter 1 Marger-
From The Seaforth News
August 1035
September weddings will in-
clude Marian Elizabeth Tllomp•
sots and Russell Edgar Hayter;
Viola Jane Morrison and Ber-
tram B, Hemingway; Margaret
McKay (Port Arthur) and Arth-
ur D. G. Ament. On August 24th
Gertrude Webster and J, Edwin
Johns of Tuckersmith were mar-
The introduction of the Soya
Bean to this part of the country
was described in a letter by Mr.
C. H. Holland,
Mr, J. C. Laing fell from a
step -ladder at the collegiate and
broke a heel bone.
Mrs, Geo. Chesney of Toronto
visited Mrs, George Weir and at
tended the golden wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. Pearson at Clinton.
Six stitches were required to
close a head wound received be
Bobbie Cameron of Ctanbroolt
while swimming.
William Abeghai't's Social Cred-
it Patty- swepl.Alberta in the re -
Joint Summer Services
First Presbyterian and Northside
United Churches
Minister: Rev. J. Cliff Britton,
10 A.M.
Sunday School in respective
11 A.M.
Evervone Welcome
vent election. Mr. Aborhtu't11'011 a
native of Hibbert Twp,, tine a
sort of Mrs, Louise Aberhnrt of
Mrs. Goethe ht,, 71, of plaice
addressed the Seaforth W, 1, 011
the art of spinning,
•lir, and Mrs. ('evil Smith of
Toronto and !Mrs. J, (1. Smith
and Edna visited friends in Sea -
forth and liensall.
Mrs. G. 11. Beatty of. Varna em
t0I'IIUnei in honor of Mrs. l.ottio
1'r'cAsh of Loudon and friss Annie
Foote of Detroit,
Mr. and Mis, A, W, Melllwing
of 1larlock left on it motor trip Ie'
the West.
)Mr, .lances Wallace returned to
Windsor aceoutpallled by his
daughterMrs. l Carrigan.
Word lilts been received by the
town of Seaforth that the Tut'g•
eon firm will accept their option
on the flour mill.
P0112'1' 1'1.181 .1G0
From The Seaforth News
August 11120
W, E. Kerslake reopened 111.1'
feed stere o11 Main Street.,
'l'lte Public School interior has
been repainted and improved tiler.
lug the holidays.
The staff of tate Collegiate will
be Principal J, F, Ross, Mr. IIT•
Ten,'Mise MOPhCrson, 111tas hart-.
ry, Miss Craig, Miss Si, Laing of
TI111i 111001'"t)1 1')1 1\te11'a 11'btutcp h
1;tr(telsv1Be 1)1111 111 lee Ieel a ) te,,4.
,11111110 1101 h hoe. r:old )1.1r1 reel
dente on Jolie 'Street to Itt', 1'1l
eott of 'Pnckermitith.
Miss lliniti&' ;Vernier will take
a (entree Irl 'l'orottlo 1 'uti':'l'ralnr)
of 1111sie,
IlIss Janet. 1111)0 has ta1tc11 it
pos1tloll ns 6tou1Yrltithec in Tor.
on o.
Help Is so 01111ri tlittt !lie oat
crop is being brought la W11111utt
being stooled on 110th' farms,
Dublin thresher, Alex 1)tuding re
t 1 'i9tut'u lay, ,inpie10ber 1, 1'1160
Mr. :tall Mrs, Joe Weber and
faintly have moved from Dahlia
Mr 1, 11, Moss and Laura, of
Ilene (1leld attended 1110 we)d111g
;Yth,l; \hu•garel: Roots 111 Detroit,
Anomiethose who went on tlto
hnrveeter.1' 01(1)1111111 feone cow
teepee wore Ben Snell, 'l., 1Vilson,
Ii, Dunlop 11(1d (1, ltiley,
Jetties K111!uleiek Is building a
11111' Verandah fur Lawrence met.
fat 01 lelppen,
Students and parents will enjoy our
"5(1110o1 headquarters". It offers an
unique advantage. 'Text books, binders, pe115,
Paper, clothes and many other items
0.11.11 b(' Ilad at one stop
Seaforth 5c to $1 Store -- Stationery -Gifts
::�•ucrxre sersi.-i m'r.nvz. .mars_ za ea •• - �saaT.- a...a•iP
r in
(Weather Permitting)
Ai17SEPTO 5th
From 8 A.M. to 11 A.M. Daylight Saving Time
South side of Goderich Street to CNR Tracks
West side Main Street to westerly limits of town
This interruption necessary to change primary lines
SU c w t AY SIPT. llth
From 1 P.M. to 4 P.M.
Daylight Saving Time
This interruption is necessary to do emergency work on Sub -Station
Your co-operation is requested
enK eeee..
this better be the way to Jerry Poindexter f heart!
Nice going little schemer! He's practically
"in your power," right now, thanks to
electricity ! Remember . ,.when you're aim-
ing at a man's heart by way of his tummy,
it's your range that counts
Little girls and big girls, too, are safer and
more successful with their meal -planning
when they cook on a modern electric range.
To get more out of Life, get the most out
of electricity,
is yours 7 1