The Seaforth News, 1960-08-25, Page 8They're Here ! The New 171P P Suitings for Fall Come in 1111(1 feast vatu' eyes on these brand nate fall sett- ings from 'rip 'Top 'Tailors. Ste the new miniature clerks, glen cheeks, cords, stripes aiul plan shades in the newest burnished fall tulles. Tailored to your individual measure in the style of your thoite. Tailored to measure $69,50 See the New Fall Ready -To -Wear S Bee the same new patterns and shades in our ready -to. wear stock for fall. The favorite colors include soden shades, ()live tones, subtle greys and charcoals in the new cheeks, glen plaids, stripes and plains. Styled for short..,. regulars or tally, we su'e can fit you. One and two pent suits at 55M0 to 65M0 STIEWA BLAKE Master now rtesch spent a few holidays with lir. and Mrs., Lloyd iluenther of Dashwood, also visiting the Detroit Zao, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride :pent Sunday at Amberle3-, 1h', Robert. Dinsmore: of Wind- sor is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore and Mr, and Mrs. Seines Dinsmore, Mrs. Lizzie oeseh spent a few days visiting in Goderich with friends, THF. H('LOV ROAD When John Galt, as secretary of the Canada Lanrl Company, ar- rived In Toronto i11 December, 1826, it was with the assigned task of preparing the 1,100,000 acres for the unemployed and surplus population of the British Nies.. His alert brain was busy with ,,themes for the future suc- 0essac- 006,;of the Huron Tract, He was areompanied by the vigorous Dr, William Dunlop, Having deriders that the first project should be a trunk road through the centre of the dense forest. to connect: the provincial capital and Lake Ontario with Lake Huron's shore, he discussed the project with the doetor whom he knew as the successful direct- or of the Lake Simone to Penes tang road, He appointed him Warden of the Forest. and director of the new road, n,Ltc Lutiriuo tiiat Itc could spet4 t''reneh, which he did no dopert'eetly, no in telling us he cleared a. farm in the States wl he exeltangecl for the present 1litation, He expressly said, swipe', We hiredlids for guide," It \stilt the opening of the mai n had 1.1011 Jo our 11 1" nneral home in Zurieh. nu. o til Wednesday, ltequiein high Mass was snag at 10 a.m. Weds. nc.sdat in 4t. Boldface's Roman Catholic Chlu'eh, Zurich, Burial was iu St, Peter's Rowan Catho- lic Cemetery, St, Jneeplr, bt trail others Yellowed, lett not to swiftly, The -Proof Line bisectin London Township lima= an ltd Portturt, artery for traffic and se tiers arraying at Port Statile seeking farms in Union. Shawl it inched its way toward Choler ich. Lto first terminus was th 10th concession where stood Mc Conneli'c Tavern, now ElgI cfield then to Devon (tlarkwotl's Tav ern) at the intersection of th (toreeliton road, and finally to Clin n. in 1849 because of the poor aanvo man Talbot, as the Middlesex e eottditlon of the Proof Line, irree- of Cctuuty engineer, successfully in - Wrested tonne local business leen Iced in forming the Proof Line Joint d*1.6 Steels Company to improve the and trait, People invested for that the time the Large amount at $3,200, be- The road was improved from Lan_ the don to iilginfield with toll gates "It was almost sunset when we arrived at am' rendezvous. My companion anion being wet to the shin, unclotlreti, and undressed hitn- self in two blanitets—one in Cel. tic, the other' in Roman fashion, the kilt and the toga, 'Phe latter was fastened on the breast with a shear of timber' Dud might 11 served for t.lte stain mast to s great atlmtral. I kept any state dripping drapery, We then w surveyors and 350111n (Yon dtnitpers1 proceeded to a sup staple tree, I had the honor the glory of laying the axe to root thereof and soon it 1011 swath our sturdy strokes with g 1. y y e 0 noise of an avalanche. It was genius of the forest unfurling wines and departing forever, ing the King's name day, 1 cal the town Guelph. My friend dra Ing a bottle at whisky from boson, we drank prosperity to, unbuilt metropolitan of the n world." After this historic event some progress made on the s veying and clearing on the Si the two Hien parted canmpany. Galt set out to Penetang where gunboat was waiting to take h round the Bruce Peninsula Goderich, Dr. Dunlop, with t surveyors and the axemen, 1 the way westward toward t lake. The surveyor was assist by a man who understoodt methods of an engineer and e tied his instruments. Two othe carried the provisions. Other ax men cut continuously down tire surveyed line throughthroughthe woo in which a flying level was take The two months of strenuou toil penetrating the Huron Fares involved the hewing of giant tree Some cherry trees measured 5 feet from the ground to the low est branch with a girth est 10 kee seven inches at the height of man's highest -reach. Wood fro such trees when dressed took polish equal to mahogany, SUIgreater to be hewn was the bever ly oak 10 feet high and a girth.0 33 feet, Such excellent material o ui virein growth and incalcabl value was used for the humbl cabin, fence rails, bridges, fire wood, and even corduroy roads For days the fatiguing work we on with nrr.asimlal detours by on or more to gather information 1 the seemingly inaccessible forest ft was groping for clues, a emirs to be discovered. As night came on two sten wen 00 ahead to pr'epar'e a comfortabl camp. A. shanty was built near swampy spot to get water conven hinny, hemlock houghs tor beds and plenty of dry cedar to make blazing fire against a maple log b, which to make porridge. Fish an pork was toasted by woode Prongs and for the lfettle to sin en, for the savoury odor of to from dried leaves. Every man roasted for himsel and served himself with purlt sandwiches and tea. Then follow- ed an evening of good fellowship and grog. Stretched out with feet to the fire like spoons these Hur- on road makers soon dropped off to sleep until the first to awake cried "Spoon" at which eaeb turned over and up. Although the forest growth became denser, the men's strong constitutions and the extensive knowledge and the experience of the Warden of the forest stood them in good stead as they traversed the thousands of acres and wandered finally out of the region nearly perishing from want of relaxation. After two months of slashing through 90 miles of such forest the gang was glad to see the blue waters of Lake Huron on May 27 1827, as the site to be established and called Goderich. It was the first radical operation on the primeval forest and not a very clean cut at that, Behind them lay the miles of a 12 -foot avenue with knolls anis hollows, with stumps and logs. The levelling and sur- facing, the ditching and culvert building was left for a more con- venient season, It was a road on- ly in name to be travelled as best one could. But the traveller of those days had to be -tough, When the Rev, William Fraser had to make an urgent trip from HansenHansento his London home and tunable to secure a horse on a very rainy day in May, 1835, it took hien from daybreak to dusk to co- ver the 38 miles of tough road. To take some of the toughnees out of travel for the incoming settlers, the -Canaria Company of. feted a bonus to the first three settlers --2.0, 250 and aCO, re- spectively, to maintain for six months an overnight resting place, called a tavern, in a company log hoose, at certain points designat- ed by the eampany. The first to accept the offer was Sebastian I'i'yfogle living in Waterloo who 1110505 to the tavern on .the west- ern border of Wilmot two, In Waterloo County in 1828 without a neighbor for miles on either side, The next tavern was at the north west corner of South East - hope and thus near Stratford. It was taken over by Andrew Hel- mer fiielmor's 'Tavern), a former employee of the Canada Company, He became tavern keeper In 1829, The third tavern was at iSeebach's 1611 abant seven Dmilek - west of Stratford. Other taverns along the road were Van iigmond's, Vander. burg near Clinton, and hick's Ta- vern at iTolmesville, Another convenience for trav- ellers was the placing of mile posts on the road. An effort was hen made by the company .to make the trail into a roadway by mterhmg into a oontract with Col, 'an Egmond- who, however, for want of Company cash, paid the men with Inc own money and ae- opted acreage, t11e leis 13e - led W.. his the 0w and UT- te, S1Ir. a im to he ed he ed lie ar•- re 0.. d n, s, 0 a m a 1 0 0 nt e n 0 e a a v d 11 g a In April of the following year both sten with surveyor and axe - men set out and travelled about 60 utiles to the neighborhood of the junction of the two branches of the Speed River, Mr. Galt writ- ing from Guelph during the same summer gives a vivid account of their actions: ''The site chosen was On a 'nameless stream's tmtrodden banks', into the forest 18 miles from Galt—a great future city founded by a friend of mine with a handsome bridge over the Grand River and of which I have never heard until it had a post office. Early in the morning of St. Geor- ge's Day 1 proceeded on foot to- ward the spat, having sent for- ward a band of woodsmen with axes on their shoulders to pre- pare a shanty for the night — a shed made of houghs and bark with a great fire at the door. "I was accompanied by my friend Dunlop, a large fat faceti- ous fellow of infinite jest and ee- centrieit3', but lie forgot hie com- pass and we loot our way in. the forest. After wandering up and down like the babes in the wood without even a blackberry to con- sole us—the rain running in jubi- lee—we eame to the hut of a Dutch settler in which Ito English was to be attained., However after mush jabber and looking at one another with month, eyes and nos- tril( in addition to ears, Mynheer 191i9 CHF VROLET SEDAN 1057 METEOR SEDAN 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1955 CITEVROLET STATION WAGON 1954 PLY \LOUTH STATION WAGON 1052 . MON,1 i (CH SEDAN 1951 I3t.'IC''1' CUACII 1953 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup 1950 I+hirci Piektip N() REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet -Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 throughout the la(S, miles to meet the cost and upkeep. The scheme was a financial success. But after some years of tolls, people wear- ied and claimed the tolls were detrimental to business, They sought to abolish the system by purchase but in vain, Finally, by common consent, tiro toll gates were assembled and disposed by fire in 1907, Among other roads opened were the Mill road from the budding village of Brucefield through Eg- mandrillo to the Huron. road in 1837, Prior to that date travellers from Bayfield seeking to reach London were compelled) to follow the tortuous trail to Goderichsn order to go south, until a trail was slashed through Varna to Brumfield. The latter was not cut through and continued to Brews- ter's14i11 until 1800. In the mid 1830s a road was cut from Brew- ster- through Frieburg (Dash- wood) to the London road and called the Port Frank road in an early Canada Almanac map. TIVE\TY-PIPE PEARS AGO From The Seaforth News August 1935 Tho annual picnic of St. Thom- as' Sunday School was held e,t Bayfield. Some of the prize win- ners were Jaelt Barlow, Jack Case, Mary Boswell, Doris Thorne, Dor- Is Ferguson, Rhoda Beacom, 11, ltm'aiser, harry Earle, A. Archi- bald, Charlie Case, Shirley 015- Pield, D, Parke, M, Pretty. The ROP poultry breeders field day was held at Scott's poultry farm, The CNR station is being paint- ed and renovated. J F, Mellann of Chicago is 00 - Hewing acquaintances here, Rev, G, 10, 'Morrow and family have returned from spending a month's vacation in the West. Gordon McGazdn and Russell Barrows were the first two to fin- ish harvesting around Walton, Dr, Oliver Little of Termite spent a few days with his fabler, Charles Little, Winthrop, Staffs junior farmers and jun- ior institute held a picnic to Grand Bend. Among the sports winners were Ilarold Coleman, Jo11n Brown, Rhea Ross, Isobel Drake, Clarence Norris, Mary A. Hamilton. Death claimed the lives of Will Rogers and Wiley Post when their plane crashed in Alaska, George Leitch of Constance re- ceived several broken ribs when the trip rope brake while unload- ing grain. Mother of Largest Family Passes The mother of Canada's larg- est family, Mrs. James Masse died Sunday at her home at Zur- ich. She was 68. airs. Masse, who celebrated - her golden wedding anniversary with her husband July 17, was one of the most famous mothers in Canada. Her family, counting sous, du u g h t e r s, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, num- bers 161. The former Mabel Bertha Charrette, she spent the greater ]fart of her married life at Drys- dale, 50 miles north of London, where in 1937, five months after the birth of her 21st child, Mar- tha, she and her family received the blessing of Pope Pius XI from the late Most Rev. Joint T, Kidd, Bishop of London. 'Airs. Masse lived to see all her children married and on the way to starting their own families. The last bachelor, Peter, was married in August, 1938. Twenty of her 21 children are living, Richard, the fourth oldest son, was burned to death by an exploding coal oil stove about 15 years ago, A grandchild, An- nette, 11.-yea.r:oicl daughter of -Mr, and Mrs, Louis Masse, of ilay Township, died last January In a ear collision near her home. Surviving are her husband, 9 sons. Morris, of Stanley TwP" Anthony; of Goderich; Alphonse, of London; Louis (Bob), of 1 -lay Twp.; Ivan of 'Toronto; Archie, Leo and Michael, all of London; Peter of Zurich; 11. daughters, Mrs, Morris (Florence) Denom- me, of Dashwood; Ml's, Lloydon 1'I'eresa) Denomme, of Windsor; Mrs, Percy (:'Marie) Bedard, of Stanley Twp., Mrs. Thos, (Yvon- no) Denomme, of. London; Mrs, Rudolph (Joan) Corriveau, of Day Two., Mrs. Gus (Cecelia) I leafy, et London; Mrs, Fred (.iu. liet) Turnbull, of Florida; Mrs, Robert (Antonette) Edginton of Florida; ;Mr's, ,rack (Priscilla) :Meftwon, of London; Ms's. Doug- las (Monica) Mon'rir, of Br°amp- I.on: Mrs, Dan (Martha) Dietrich of Zurtels; sisters, Mrs, Josephine Brisson, of Hay Twp,, Mrs, MOO. be Nickel, of Clinton; Mrs, Prod S01mon, Of Hay Twp,, Mrs. Dolph Bedard of Windsor, and Mrs, Ar- mand Denomme, of Hay Twp, There aro also 10.7 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren, 'The body was at the Westlake - BORN llenuewies At Scott Mentor - Hospital on August 21st, to 141r. 111111 Mrs, Edward Benueivies, lilt 1 Bornholm, at son FOR SALE 1949 Poutiae sec(a1, cheap. Phone 83r2 Dublin FOR SALE Boy's bicycle in good condi- tion. Allah Hillman, 4ellfortlt 11R 4. Phone 6021'2 READY TO LAY PULLETS Red x Sussex and Famous Hon- egger Layer's, Also May hatched saute breeds, now 13 weeps old. Special prim, Rlzar Mousseau, Kippon, Ilcneall phone TO CLOSE ESTATE One of the finest Monies ever offered for sidle in Seaforth, Mod- ern kitchen, dining room, 2 down - stair bedrooms, bath room on. Hirst floor attic with excellent possibilities. This home was built by previous OW1100 eight years ago. Also garage and wen kept garden. Estate will carry mort- gage f01' responsible party. JOHN BOSVELD Beal Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St, Goderieh, Salesman, ,los, McConnell phone 260 Seaforth Fresh picOked garden produce right front the patch. Green beasts, yellow beans, green corn and etc, Ambrose Addley, 3rd house east of Kinbarn on the south side. Phone 833x4 LE A straw sts c, Apply to Joseph Burns, Stalfa Hudson FOR stole, reasonable price. Phone 473 J Seaforth A man's darkp LS slicker, he. twoen his gate on the 6th eon, of Hibbert and sideroad to Harold Pethick's 011 Tuesday, Aug. 23rd, between ,11 and 1 o'clock, Finder please phone Charles E. Williams phone 411'12 Dublin HONEY FOR SALE Now pouring clover honey at 21c 1b, in your own containers. Also 1 1b. comb honey sections, Coe. Wallace Ross Apiaries 1957 Volkswagen,€5,000 utiles, A-1 condition, Ted Savnuge A small d o vnstairs heated ap- artment, not far from downtown. Write particulars to P.O. Box 243, Seaforth ATTENTION FARMERS Barn cleaning incl whitewash- ing. Apply Jim Leishman, Sea - forth RR 4, Phone 655x2 WANTED TO BORROW Wanted to borrow $10,000 by reputable individual. Reasonable rate of interest, Repay over 10 year period. Apply at The News office 3 bedroom SALE OhouRENT good location, Apply Thomas Gown - lock, RR 5 Seaforth FARM LAND TO RENT BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and in- cluding September 7, 1960 for the rental of farm land. Located on lot 23, con, 1, 2,10- Killop on No. 8 Highway adjacent to Seaforth. Consisting of approximately 65 acres of good pasture with water and 25 acres in stubble. Additional information may be obtained from James M. Scott, Seaforth, Chairman of the Proper- ty Committee, (Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Tho highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Lloyd Hoggarth, -Secretary, Scott 'Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, FRAME BARN FOR SALE BY TENDER !Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and in- cluding September 7, 1900 for the purchase of a FRAME BARN lo- cated on lot 23, con, 1, McKillop on. No. 8 Highway across from the Seaforth Lion's Park, The building, approximately 34' by 90' with an L extending 28' x 48' le in good condition. The building must be removes] from the site not later than June 1, 1961. Bach tender is to be ac- companied by a deposit represent. ing 10% of the tender amount which will be returned in event tender is not accepted. Additional information may be obtained from James X21, Scott, Seaforth, Chairman property coin. mittee, Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, The highest or any tender not necessarily accented, Lloyd 'Hoggarth, Secretary, Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. FOR RENT Commodious Stucco residence, including three bedrooms, living roost, dining room, modern bath- room and kitchen. Central heat• Mg, On Goderich Street East, Seas forth, available about October 1, 1960. Per further infop'Inaition con- tact James M. .Scott Seaforth, Chairman Property Committee, Scott (Memorial Hospital. nviregomeersm FOR SALE New Hou se with car port three bedrooms on West William st, Apply N. Schneider Phone 215W T1111 SEAFORTH NEWS (Phone 114) -.- Thursday, August 25, 1860 ROW UU'$ DRIVE N LIMITED 111' c., l a yrs '3177] CLINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY and FRIDAY --- AUGUST 25 and 26 "The Gallant Hours" JAMES CAGNEY -- DENNIS WEAVER (One Cartoon) SATURDAY & MONDAY — AUG. 27 and 29 C THE KIDS Pirates and Plunder, In the Most Amazi mg Adventure a boy ever lived "The Boy and The Pirates" (Color) MURVYN VYS -- CHARLES HERBERT AND SUSAN GORDON PLUS, THE WESTERN "Terror in A Texas Town" STERLING HAYDEN - CAROL KELLY One Cartoon — • TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — AUGUST 30 - 31 "The Gypsy and The Gentleman" (Color) KEITH MITCHEL One Cartoon $1.25 admits a Carload Tuesday nights only Two shows nightly, rain or clear, First Show at Dusk Admission 65e. Children under 12 in cars Free MINErlitittaisiss NOTICE Custom combining, Contact Lyle Mont, gamery, phone HU 2-7231 Clinton CEMENT WORK Krauskopf Bros. for all kinds of cement work. Phone 35r13 Dublin LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores Business - Chattels - Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada Valleyfield Placements Ltd, 450-A Wilson Ave,, Downsview Township of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1960 Tho Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum from June 15th to Dec, 15th on all Prepaid Taxes, Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office, Tuckersmith, R 4 Seaforth Cora Chesney, Treasurer FOR SALE Coal at summer prices. Premi- um quality, Double screened, Save looney this year by getting the best. WILLIAM M. HART, phone 784 Sea - forth Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Bails Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at oost Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week days, 6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 •101010.1emascuesrazies160:1Salinag0 AIMS= 4-H FINAL EXAMS The 4 -II final exams will be held on Wednesday, August 31st, at 8.20 p.m. sharp at Belgrave Community Centre for Blyth 4 -II Dairy calf club, and the Blyth - Belgrave 4-11 beef calf club, On Thursday, September 1st, at South Huron District High School, Exeter: Seaforth 4 -II clatry calf club, Seaforth 4-I1 beef calf club, Sea - forth 4-11 swine club, McKillop 4 -II grain club, Tuckersmith 4-H corn club, Exeter 4-11 calf club, Stephen 4-11 beef calf club, Zur- ich 4 -II calf club, Exeter 4-H grain corn club, Exeter 4-I1 sweet corn club, South Huron 4-H sugar beet club, Sotrltm. Imron 4.1=1 white bean club, The purpose of this meeting is to write the final quiz for 4-93 projects in 1960. You will be ask- ed to complete a short quiz for each project you are taking Itis year. HENSALL 9Ti'. Jerry MiaCllhchey accom- panied by Mr. Nelson McClinchey of Clinton are spending this week to New York City, Mrs, ;tames Stewart of Toronto visited over tate weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Lorne McNaughton, Mrs, Milton Lavery was taken to a London Hospital on Sunday where este is undergoing tests and treatment, BOX genctesig Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W.STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Pions 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physicians and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seeforeb - SEAFORTH CLINICA D. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Iaternlat P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Flours, 1 p.m. to 5 Dm.. clang except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat, srday only 7-0 p.m. deriAppointments00bte made in advance are someamemeareememarmagesamearomma TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. , BRFANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G.RDRENNAN, D.V.M., V,S, Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Loegstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W„ Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 080; Wed. 0 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur, egg by appointment only. Clinton HU -2.7010, above Hawkins' Hdw•o, Mon. 0 to 5.80 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FUIONACii OIL ONE Phone 571 `or 332-RY AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 288 We Write all lines of INSURAISLCE Fire Auto Ind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAPORTH, ONT. Officers -- President, John L. Malone, Seaforth 1 Vice Pea„ John H. MoEwing, Blyth ; Sec, -Tress., W. IJ, Southgate, Soafor tb. Directors, Norman Trewnt•tba, Clinton, BI. L. Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Leonhardt, ornholm c B.oberb Archibald, Sonforth 1 John H. MoBwing, Blyth; Win, S. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Puller, Goderich J. Ii. Popper, Broceaeld; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth, Agents — William Leffler .It'., Londes- boro; Y. J, Lane, nag Seaforth; Selwyn Baker,Brvsaols1 Ftarold Squirm Olin - ton ; James Keys, Sen£orth. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTO Phone 47