HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-08-25, Page 7SEEING EYE TO EYE - Boy with black eye from a baseball accident, Charlie Jones, 7, gets together with his pal, Squire. Greatest Of AU Earth's Pioneers? In the f u t u r c, schools wi:f probably have courses in space gtnd space travel, just as boys and girls are now taught all *bout other lands in their geo- graphies. I have found every Lime I talk before a group of science -mind- ed listeners there are quite a Sew of those questions which heed snswers. What enables a :rocket motor to drive a ship when there is "no air to push against?" That is the most com- mon question, but, there are 9nany others. What will hold a space sta- tion up, after we build it? How high is space? How dangerous are meteors? Is space freezing old or boiling plot? What about We on other worlds? PI we can't gee the other side of the moon, why can't there be life there? llf a station is only a. thousand :miles up, why won't the people }inside feel the pull of the earth? d'Fill there be space wars? Cun we ever fly to the stars? These questions need full an - ewers. To give those answers as well as all the information to over fully the other questions about space, is the purpose of tTliis book. It is not meant as a textbook, )nstead, it is really an adven- ture story. It deals with an ad- venture that has now barely be - Precautions Blunt Windstorm Peril 1. -Sound house safest refuge. Bosa- nlent corner best baron. 2 --Stow away movable objects. Prune branches near house. Booed up windage. 3-1(eep et band bettery• iswcred radio, flashlight, extra toad, water. 4 --Opo sheltered wit dows o lessen interior pressete tit ring r.t IIEPORE THE STORM - Hurri• canes, tornadoes and other "big winds" can't be tamed but with ndequite warning and precaution their dcmane con be minimized. With the hurricane Season at hand, it's will to go inland dieing gees away from high tides r n•I T - . • s t" till) hurricane.: i - • I stun, but one that has endle;a upportunitios. Going out intn space will be the greatest ad- venture cif all time. The only event that could compare to such a breaking away from the surface of earth was something done by a fish, if the scientists are right. Accord- irt_e to what many scientists be- lieve, that fish (called a Cros- sopterygian, or lobe fin) came out of the water and moved about in air a long time ago. This would make him the great- est of all pioneers, since he and his children changed from a life in water to x life in air -almost like a man changing tirem a life in our air to one in space. Of course, the fish did not know what he was doing, By our standards, he was an ugly, stupid creature. He was not even a very remarkable fish. He was not even very brave; and he certainly was not the best fight- er among fishes. Today, those who suggest 10- ing out into space are faced with the swine arguments. ''There's nothing up there to breathe. Men will have to live in pressurized suits or they may explode. What good will it do? It will cost too much when there are so many other things that need doing. And just how can we steer a ship, when there's iso air to push against?" Nevertheless, we are going out into space. Right now, So- viet and American satellites are exploring space. Maybe it will take ten years, or perhaps twenty-five, to get men to the moon, but young people alive today will see it all happen. The conquest of space is not complete yet, but it is not just science fiction now, --- From "Rockets Through Space." b-• ]-ester Del Rey. Nation -'wide Search. For "Outdoors. Girl" Another nation-w- ide competi- tion will be cilnducted during the fall and winter months to find a typical "Outdoors Girl of Canada." The winner will be selected from a group of finalists at the 1061 Canadian National Sports- men's Show which will be held in Toronto from March 10th to 18th, After being crowned "Out- doors Girl of Canada,' the win- ner will be the recipient of a $500 Dominion of Canada Sav- ings Bond and other valuable prizes. This unique competition is jointly sponsored by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hun- ters and the Canadian National Sportsmen's Show. - Any Canadian girl, with the exception of professional models and prtricssianal athletes, is. to anter providing She par- ticipates in some form of out• door sport or recreation. Nomin- ations, however, lnust be sub- mitted by a fish, game and con- servation organization, any piece in Canada. The closing date I'm• entries 11 tee been set at h'rbru icy 41h next. Clubs wl hint: to nomin- ate a verldidate should write to Ile C" nadian N,?liona] Sports- men's Show, 85 King Street East, Toronto, for entry Corns, A cash award of $100 will also be pe id to the Club or ether organi- ze tion eubmitlmg the nomina- tion of the Winning- couteatanL The eerliest known printing by hupr,: :un Wits done in Babylon motile] 4000 B.C. Engraved eflinos or Serio w, re impressed in I n, t city, whirl was then A BEAUT -- Farmer Peter Ste- rastka is put in the shade by a three -pound tomato he pick- ed in his garden. Contract Lenses -for And Against Pretty girls out on a date wear them, for appearance's rake. Athletes wear them, of neces- sity. And millions of men and women wear them for occupa- tional reasons, In fact, an esti- mated 6 million Americans now view the world through contact lenses, and their number is growing by an estimated 500,- 000 per year. The contact -lens industry has grown to a $200 million enterprise, and the len- ses themselves have been re- fined to the point where they are all but invisible - tiny disks of unbreakable plastic which float on the surface of the eye like a lily pact on a pond. But, in the face of this progress and growing public acceptance, eye specialsts have recently raised some serious questions. Some of the nation's top ophthalmologists have warned that indiscriminate use of con- tact lenses may injure the eye. And they have charged that some contact -lens advertisements sound as if anyone can wear the lenses safely for an indefinite period of time. Moreover, at the American Medical Association convention last June, the dele- gates challenged the qualifica- tions of optometrists, who are not M,D.'s to fit patients with the lenses, and put through a resolution declaring that the work "Is a proper medical func- tion of physicians." The optometrists last month were fighting back. Richard C. Schiller, president of the Ameri- can Optometric Association, told NEWSWEEK the group is plan- ning a counterr'esolution which will claim tha tas optometrists 'pioneered in the development of an application of contact lenses," it is their job to keep on with the good work. Regardless of who fits them, ophthalmologists or optometrists, just what are the hazards of wearing contact lenses? Opin- ions vary among the authorities, In the current U.S, Armed Forces Medical Journal, an Army oph- thalmologist reports: "There is a potential clanger of eye infection or injury." According to Capt. Richard K, Lansche, every con- tact -lens wearer suffers "sting- ing, burning, tearing, or foreign - body sensations" at first, and this often continues for several weeks. About 15 per cent of the patients never succeed in adjusting to the lenses. If the symptoms arc ignored, he warns, the cornea's lining could break, leaving the eye seriously vulnerable to in- fection. 1t could, he said, "be destroyed in 24 to 48 hours." Wearing the Ienses too long, lir inserting them roughly, Dr. Lansche says, can also damage the cornea. "I can't see a patient being so careless," retorted optometrist Schiller when asked about Dr. Lansche's charges. "Perhaps et to cussinEn AGENTS WANTED MRN EXTRA MONEY tenth Clubs, Ste. Sell Canada's Atmt Mae bard0, No d lies, Ct+te. Over 51) t eineneluling Deluxe, Reliloos, Ve vet, C ome, Everyday d personal nerds, raps, Ribbons, oyg, Books, ells and Jewelry. Mans Curt items. rompt Service. For colored catalogue and smn1A�les on approval, phone W. V. JEANnRQN GREETING CARD CO, 1203 KING ST. E., llamllton, Oni. LI. 4-1311. BABY CHICKS NEW low priers on 10.12 week opt{ pul- lets, and started cheers. Pro:npt ship. ment. Deyoldc to order. October - November broilers should be ordered now. Request list, See tocol alien(, lir write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BARN EQUIPMENT FOR SALE BADGER Northland barn cleaners, Nilo intloltdors, auger and tube feed- ers, round the-sllo feeders, feed carts and Karn equipment, £ulle equipped for complete installations, Complete Stock available at warehouses, Harold Row and Sons, R H. No. 1, Behnnnt. Ont. Picone Ilarrtetsviile 78, BUSINESS PROPERTIES AGED couple, pavement, village :sea - oral store including equipment, .stock, large living apt. only $21,000, Good terms. $8000 monthly turnover, pros- perous farm area. Wm, Pearce, Real. tor, Exeter, FARMS FOR SALE 60 ACRES level elley loam. 5 aeras to hush. Duplex hoose with self contained apartment 2 miles from rapidly ex. Mild in., city. Mixed farming area, Close to highway. Apply to Mr. Geo. A. Wolff, R.R. No, 2 ST, THOMAS, On- tatio. This advertisement is published free as one of the many benefits of: --- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) P.O. SOX 1020, LONDON, ONT. DAIRY farm of 13) acres, Early roiling clay loans land with Toronto milk con- tract, Gravel pit on property, 15 room brick house. Location enables this to be used to advantage with tourists. Will sell with or without herd, Apply Mr. Harold E. Kang. R.R. No. 2, CAN- N£NGTON, Ontario This advertisement le published free as one of the litany benefits of. THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) P O BOX 1029, LONDON, ONT, 185 ACRES, 100 Neot•kable, 12 room brick house. 2 bathrooms, Barn "L" R1 x 45 x 70 x 40, stands for 48 head with water. Barn equipped with input line, Has eonireet for 1000 lbs, milk daily, Wlll sell with or without 152 head. Apply MI1`. Earnest Barnhardt, R.R. No. 2 IIAWKit'STONE, Ontario. Phis advertisement le published free as one of the many benefits of: - THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) P.O. BOX 1029, LONDON, ONT. 250 ACRES null fattier, son. 'rwo good brick houses, oil furnaces, Isuthromns, good barns new steel roofs, concrete Files. accommodation ,for 75-100 cattle loose, 5000 liens, automatic feed. voter. nrtveshed 28' x 80', abundant water in buildings and pasture for 75 cattle. 9.,56,000. Win. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. FARMS WANTED FARMS wanted, 50 acres and more,. good buildings and stream on the property. harry Suring, Realtor, - 400 Scadin., Ave. Room 202, Toronto, Ont. WA. 4.0001, FARM MACHINERY NEW Allis.Chalmers 66 Bte inn All Crop Harvesters complete with Scour Mean. On sale this week and next, 91500.00. E. P. Abey Limited 444 Wharncltffe Rd. S. London. GE. 2.7607, FARM and industrial tractors, loaders, bacl:hoes, combines and balers. All makes and models, Lowest financing rates and most reasonable prices. Your Massey -Ferguson Dealer, Hanson Sup• ply Ltd„ 124 King St. W., Stoney Creek, POR SALE MISCELLANF_OU5 BUCKEYE Ditcher 15" -SW in perfect. shape. Money maker for owner and fainter. Box 217, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. ATTENTION Car Owners Police estimate 30,000 cars will be stolen this year. Protect yours. Inatall Automatic Alarm $9.95. Allied Import Agency, Box 988, Station H - MONTREAL. JOHN Bean Sprayer, Low Boy Model, excellent condition, privately used. :even Hundred and fifty dollars, cost twenty two hundred. Alan- one way disc nine feet, ninety five dollars, Orchard Sold. Thos. Price, Cookavitle, P.O. Gasoline and oil handling equipment - 'ranks, new and ured Tank trucks - Truck tanks - Viking pumps and parts Goodyear hoses Johns loan dile linings Pipe used - rank trail. ers - Used washmobtle car washers: Special: 4250.00 R. ST. GERMAIN 6568 St. Lawrence, Montreal, Qu•, there is one in a hundred who has difficulty with contact lenses, but not such serious prob- lems as would permanently in- jury the eye." A random sampling of New York ophthalmologists agreed with him. Just the same, the doc- tors think that optometrists -- and their patients --- should ap- proach contact pensee with cau- tion. ISSUE 34 - 1960 SING FOSTER PARENTS Nte EMPLOYMENT WANTS WANTED. Understanding tooter per eras capable of supernising gide of 411091 age. Those girls have persolr- ality problems and will be under beard - Ma care. Domestic employment is apse required for girls: 11 to Ili in a good family setting reasonable wagqes. Alb ply Superlut.endent, P.O. flax 9117, Galt. Coit., GREETING CARDS •'eHRIy'1•MAS Cards earn you extra looney. Detail: Gem Greeting Certs, t Ueaufield t tcseenl, lslfngtor' HELP WANTED BARER bread and pastry, triuet he well experienced. bakery 105810d . 16 utiles out. of Ottawa, steady jab, good wages.- References required, Box 118, ltt •hmnntt, Ont. ltazeldeati 9O0n21h HELP WANTED MALE APPLIANCE SERVICEMAN ESTABLISHED appliance and hardware store Merited within 20 miles of Tor- onto requires the services of an exs perionced and courteous major electri- eal appliance serviceman, 25 to 40 year of age, one seeking a position that offers opportunities for advancement Knowledge of Television an asset. Good welting conditions with hospitalization and pension plana $3,400.00 to $4,200,00 per year according to experience. Apply in writing to llox 216. 129, Elgb- teentlt St.. New Toronto, Ont 'rEirlPOIxARY FARM HELP is requir- ed as a result of an accident. Some e0perlence tvltlt Surge milkers. Apply to Mr. Austin Cllahn, BERVIE, Ontr,rio, This advertisement is published free us one of the many henefite THE ALLIED ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 5.0, BOX 1029, LONDON, ONT. WANTED. Beef cattle herdsman with general farming experience for small Angus herd bordering western Ontario city Family man mound 40 with son Interested In 4.1-1 Club preferred, Fre* house permanent position. Apply state Mg experience, wages expected. Box 215. 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. MEDICAL CONSTIPATED? Be cured now for life{ Ne Drugs! No Medictnel Satisfaction Gharanteadl Only 52,00. GABRIEL, 7458 Champlain, Chicago 10, Illinois. PROVEN REMEDY - EVERY SUFF8R85 OF RHEUMATIC PAINS NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 935 ELGIN OTTAWA 51.25 Expr.ss Collett POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry tame rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scalding and burning exze. uta, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. sant Post Free on Receipt of Pries PRICE 93.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1065 St. Clair Avenue Eest, TORONTO 540)8.380 MrANTEO NORA FRANCES HENDERSON HOSPITAL INVITES applications from graduate nurses for general duty services, perm- anent andsummerrelief. Excellent APPLICATIONS ewithdfullndetails tots. SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES NORA FRANCES HENDERSON HOSPITAL HAMILTON, ONTARIO REGISTERED NURSES ELIGIBLE FOR CALIFORNIA REGISTRATION SALARY is 5.step with yearly in- crcasea, Nurse -Anesthetist AND Part -Time Supervisor SALARY STARTS AT $464 TO 9581 Surgery Scrub Nurse 6415 TO $519` WITH EXPERIENCE START AT 2Nd STEP. HAVE modern residence, $15 monthly. Retirement and social security. WRITE Director of Nurses - Tulare Kings Hospital, Springville California, U.S.A. NUTRIA WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE? All the stns point to a bright and bril- liant market for this luxury fur. But success will come only through proper breeding methods, quality foundation stock, phis a program based on sound business methods, We offer all of this to you as a rancher, using eur exclu- sive breeders plan. Special offer to those who qualify, 'earn your nutria under our co•oporative ranchers' plan". Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. 1, Richmond Hill, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES SCHOOL principals or established tea- chers for each Province to act as our area representative in part capacity for the brand new Encyclopedia Canadlana, so sensationally written up in editorials M '('Inc. MaeLeans ,and leading news• papers, across Canada. This is the first and only Canadian Encyclopedia, and e oust its every school. Leads for school purchases supplied from thou• sands now on hand. Write D. Simpson, Director of School and Library Sen vices. 60 Bailey Crescent, Scarborough. Ont. K M $ M. 4OPPORTUNITIES. FOR 540(4 ANO WOMEN d8 A HAIRDRESSER. JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdo wing Pleasant dignified prat ssitn1 Rood ,-vases. Thousand/4 of s t .c=oral Mars's! Gradrintes America's Greatest 5•,,1,01 hbistratcd Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 150 Bloor St. W., Toronto drenches: 44 hung St. 15'., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street. t,tlawn PERSONAL "MAItOO YOtdt OWN 0(15" :simple, tnexpenslve Approved roved i , , :t diao provinces. Two Will tortto only ,1-00, National Forms, pox 11 I 1 I � h gcle• 48, California, U.S.A. LADIES Dumas Feu 1, pi,ir, 5111 1. Lyon's Druge 471 Writ, tru,, fnrunte. DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAII, PERSONAL needs. In t tri•:.: invited. I.yon's Drugs, 471 1panl r'h. la 05th, ADL'L'rS1 Personal 1tn)1 < Goods, 3e. assortment for ;,2.oa. fi„„,.,ryualth, tested, guaranteed, -that, e Int plain sealed parkage plus free Binh Centro: booklet and ratxioene lip .applies. • Western Distributors, SOX 34T5 Regina, Sark. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cane 75'i:, lit sickness, Particularly steeptessness, Jitteryness and Irnirr,billt sleep, calm your nerves with ":Nappy, 1e for 91,00. 60 for $4.00. Lyon's Drees, 471 Danforth. Toronto. AUTHORS invited submit MSS an types tincluding Poemstor hook path Ileation. Reasonable l ems. Stockwell Ltd„ Ilfracombe, Engtt, t '1:ea'd 1098.1 9100.00 REWARD will he paid for in- formation leading to the eupture and Conviction of the person. responsible for the theft of the nateeine':-- Two mares from Mr. Roy Barton of R,R. No, 2, Dalkeith Ontario, One weighs 1600 lbs„ black with white patch 8" x 4" x 2" between eyes, Second weighs 130(1 lbs all black, Police and Law enforce- ment agencies are excluded. All in- formation to: - THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) P.O. BOX 1029, LONDON, ONTARIO. PET STOCK SIAMESE Kittens, Pedigreed, Home Trained. Healthy and affectionate. Cho- colate; Blue, and Seal Point, From show winners. R. K. Ready. R.R. 1, Byron, Ontario 342.T3, PHOTOGRAPHY ULTRA FINE GRAIN PROFESSIONAL fine grain developing for your miniature film - 104 per ex. ofseach.tyqualityedevelopingtand print - Ing - SO4 for 8 exposure roll, 70e fol; 12 exposure roll, with every printeau- tifully enlarged. For the ultimate in qualitYy,mail your films to: Apex Photo Printers, Box 25, Station E, Toronto. SOAVE money on your HIM. Prem cqatalogue. Ross Jamieson, 74 Lakeshore Rd„ Toronto 14, QUALITYenlargementsfrom your A gatfavive t8pp print x 7 40y,o8 x 30 r g AF754,, 11 5a 91,50. No negative, add 654. Apex Photo Printers, Box 25, Station E. Toronto. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB SOX 31, GALT, ONT. F'Ylms 8 magnadeveloped prints 404and 12 magna prints 604 Reprints 54 each KODACOLOR Developing roll 900 snot including prints). Color prints 304 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 m,m. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.20. Color prints from slides 324 each, Money re- funded In full for unprinted negatives. PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS THREE month membership with regu- tar monthly benefits including models, extra income and royalty privileges. Enjoy these fun filled apportunitiesl Mail $1 00 to: Models, Box 11162. Tamps 11, Florida. - TAXI BUSINESS POR SALE. TAXI BUSINESS - Down town, over 2,000 population in South Western On- tario, also rovers a -heavy populated surrounding area. 'town turned Wet. 2 - csrS, owner i11, 96,505, Apt:'ly 5t 1lichaet Soki'rka, Realtor, watrrrotd, Ont. Phone HI 38323 or III. 3-t1302. TEACHERS WANTED .BLACK River Township School Area No 1 requires a traehtr ter a. rural school of 35 pupils. Grades i to V inclusive, Salary 677AOe to 01,1100, de• pending on qualifications and ':peri- enre. The school is 12 miL:• west of Matheson on Highway lel. APplY u• Mrs. Nelly Griffiths, Seerrtr: ry. :Mil- lington, Ontario, stating ape, nnatiftee- tions, experience. and !nine or Inst In- spector. PUBLIC School Section Na, 1. Stevens, Thunder Bay District. moult', in Sent.. 1900. a qualified teach. 1,,r • c odes 1 to S. Teacher's Federation I ', sehed- ule in effect. Furnish,, I a,eeherage will accommodal.e m:.me :cl euupte. available at $15 per munch APPLY in writing, Otctinp; .age, Rcs- denilc qualifications and n:.e c and ad. dress of lsat Inspector, in C. mach, Sec.-Treas.. P,S.S No, 1, 5ireens, Un. Lazio. 11 1 to Europe under a sparkling Atlantic sun A thousand miles along the sheltered, scenic St. Lawrence ... then Four memorable days of sun and fun. Sail the Atlantic at its refreshing best. IVERNIA SYLVANIA SAXONIA CARINTHiA FROM MONTREAL ANO QUARK AUG. 12, SEPT. 2, 23, OCT. 14, NOV. 4, 26 AUG. 19, SEPT. 9, 30, OCT. 21,140V. 12 AUG. 26, SEPT. 16, OCT. 7, NOV. 18 AUG. 26, SEPT. 16, OCT. 7, 29 SAILINGS 10 ENGLISH, SCOIIISH AN0 FRENCH 10011 - ALSO FAST MEQUENt SAILINGS FROM NEW YOE8 lo% REDUCTION FOR ROUND-TRIP IN THRIFT SEASON SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT - NO ONE CAN SERVE YOU LETTER Corner Bay R Wallington SD., Toronto, Ont. Telt BMpire 2.2011 QUEEN ELIEAEITH • QUS014 MARY e MAURRTANIA • (ARO Alp NNW %le • Hewlett British service • Cuisine to delight all tatvtet, • Dancing, parties, movies o Duty-free shopping; n Stabilizers for smooth selling o 275 Bee. free baggage allowance e All included In your Cunard ticket Ste l e9 cif. 714.1 IA • RRITANNIC • SYLVANIA • CARINIHIA •' IVRRNIA • SAXONIA • PWHIR n MEDIA al