HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-08-18, Page 8BRODHA• N \Iayuarti lioegy is attending In- termediate Boy',y Camp at kedge - Wood Camp, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Tiffin of Tor. onto with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Her- bert, 31r, and Mrs, 'Wilbur Homy, Barbara Maynard, Bonnie Marie and lie', eiley spent last week hol- idaying at Iatice George, Mich. .Mrs. Raehed Ahrens, also Mrs, Lena E11dgsen, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred e feed Alu ens, Yzt, Cmr, Hebert t twit( Kenneth attended the wedding on Saturday in Hamilton of Donald Ahrens to Linda Thomae. t'letyton was one of the. usher Members of the Luther League BORN 11b nville At Scott Memorial Hospital on :\ugn 112. to :Ur and MN. 11c-ryl Ulanvrth, Seaforth daugluer Iiieenell ---- At Semi Me;ii riel hospital on August 13th. le 11x. and Mee. I raneie 1Ilt»kio 11. Sea - berth RR 5, 41 dauglder Ilackiug --- At Scutt Manorial hospital on August 1311, to err. and Mrs. Wallace Hacking. RCAF Station, a sun Cronin At. Scott Memorial Hospital on August 15th, to 141r, and Mrs. Lorne Cronin. Dublin, a daughter Fischer - At Scott Memorial Hospital on August lelth, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fischer. Mitch - e11 11112, a sou Pr#clarnation concerning dogs In a('eordallee with a 1'e - solution pa1sc'd by the Mu- nicipal Council of the Town of Seaforth, and by virtue of the provisions Of Bylaw 111. of 1912, I hereby pro -1 claim that no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth dur- ing the period ending Sep -1 tenlbcr 00. 1960, (Note: The bylaw Prov-, t Ivies penalties for iufrae-� 810118, [Upon a ('On1'iction, the • f i owner '8 harborer of a dog i t is liable t0 a - fine 110t exceed- ill"' :j:iel, or to a. jail te1111 not d exceeding 21 clays.) E. DALY, Mayor 1 e'eafarth. June 11, Heels s -fees ;J:ao'+ the queen" All Clog owners 'lust obtain License tag for clog immed- iately, either front D. H. Wilson or Harold Maloney enjoyed a .picnic at ipperwash 110aeh nit Smiday. 11r, and Mrs. Russell t+holcliee and Beverley with Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Die.cl at their cottage al Wasaga Bead). on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy- deliver incl Dennis of Galt visited friends in this district hist week, Rev, and Mrs. Victor }Ialbullt of Detroit, and 111r. and Mrs. 1 an rence Reek of Farmington, Mich. with Mr. alul Mrs. George Eielt i•ir last week, Dr, Bruce l ickzneir and Ronald of Hamilton visited Mr, and Mrs, teat' ath I':b•ktlliel' recently. Relatives here rec.civetl word of the death of Mrs, Kate Rag, 11(1, who passed away at the Riverside Rest Haute, Mitchell. She had re- sided with the lute J. b', ?meter, The sympathy of the Community i exteeded 10 all relatives, Mr. :cud Mrs, John G. Diego]. of North Bae at the Moine. of Mrs. 1', L. clnurengessor, Mrs. Querert• 104581'returned home with them after visiting with them for the least two weeps. .1D•, \Vin 11'tsenberg and ler. and 111•s, Gerald Pits of Calgary, Alberta, and Mr. Eli Pito of Kit- chener vieite2 relatives here last week. The Brodhagen Band went by )1iartored bits to Thedford on Fri- day evening to tape part in the hand tattoo there, The Brodhagen Band are to present a convert in 1110 commun- ity park here this Sunday evening Russell Sholdice. secretary of the loyal Chamber of Commerce reeelved weed from lir. J, Fred Edwards, 11.1 ,1'., that, after more than 100 years, Brodhagen is be. tug placed ou the official maps of the Department. of Highways. This is the aftermath of the Grand Opening of the Community Ball hero, as sante of the officials had trouble locating Brodhagen. Mrs. Henry \\'ietetson Mrs. Le- na Bennewies or Mitchell, Mr. \1'n . 1Vesenber•.g of Calgary, with Mrs. Lena Elligsen. Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe with Mr. and llrs. Michael Con- oily- nn Sunday-. ;ler, and Mrs, 11v-errre Wolfe in httohenor with Mr. and :Urs. Lorne Wolfe. Marvel. and Dale returning. home with then( after a week's holiday here. .1IIPIi.1 S-TIIGJIA8 Linda Maureen, daughter of Mr. amt Mrs.. Edward J. Thomas. lamilton, ht Fame the bride of )onald Carl Ahrens, son of 'Mrs. Charles Ahrens and the tate Mr. Ahrens, 111 lh•odhagen, Ont., in Faith Lutheran Church, Handl. no, nn Sat.tu•dav, .Aug. 13 at 3.30 o'clock with 10--..dohn .Miller of - feinting. Given in marriage by her fatier he bride. wore a gown of silk (tr- am= over taffeta. The fitted M- ice. neckline, and bouffant skirt vete' appliqued with Aleneon lace, ler tiara headdress, trimmed vi'lr pearls, held a fiuge'tip- engeh veil. She carried white ro- cs and chrysanthemums. 1lirs Isabel Liddell, was maid 1 ironer, and the bridesrnalds were 1ltss Jean Robertson and lies Madalon Ryan of Niagara Falls, Ont, Dressed alike, the at- tendants wore 'open elite gowns styled with fitted bodices, short Neves and bouffant skirts of ilk nrganza over taffeta, Their 7'csCYz'e ahea(1, 1959 CIIF,VROLET SEDAN 1957 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1957 FORD SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1955 CIIEVItOLI1T STATION WAGON 1954 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 1953 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup 1950 Ford Pickup NO REASONABLE OFIITR REFUSED Sealorth Chevrolet -Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 185 Motors Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 1 headdresses were of white net and) _ FOR SALE they carried crescent b00(10(18 of Gelman Sitep nerd 1(01)0108, kind white Shasta daisies, The Rev, Robert ilinhammer of Ridgeway, Ont, was groosman, and the ushers were Clayton Ahr- ens and :11r. Barry' Thoma8. 111', Z. 'Zenker, organist played the wedeing 11111511, After tt rereptfon at Metiers Ilot01, the 8euple lett fee a wed- ding trip to the New England Stutee, Mr, and Mrs. Ahrens will re- side at 1 y.i 1Ve ilingtou St, "eolith, Apartment 332, Ileunllton. HENSALL FOR SALE Mr. and 7'Irs. Thomas Flynn, of 28x46 Gnodit'ou thresher, 80111- 50011)1111 were recant Visitors with,leafs with drive belt, shredder' .lire l`. R, Slutddielt and B111. nci rubber tiles; also 3 -furrow C: ttliarine and Allan netters of International plow on rubber. Newmarket are holiduying with ( Phone )154r33. Jack Patrick Mr, and Mrs. Bete Horton and Mr, and Mrs, Peter MoNaughton. 'dioses attending the Stillwell- Serntnnl wedding in Port Dover o11 Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton, Mrs. lad Cor- bett Mrs, Bert IIorton, M'iss Jane Ilorton, Catharine 11112 Alla)) Vickers, Newmarket; Mrs, E. 11, Shaddick, Mr. 3111 Sltaddick and Mr. and Mrs, George Parke•. Mr, Earl Bell returned to Tor- onto after two week's holiday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Bell, Mr, and Mrs. Barry Gibson and son returned to Sudbury after vie - ding with Mrs. Gibson's .parents Mr. and ;Vers, Lorne MoNaughtoir, FTIL 11'1:'LL * 5CR(1TOA' Grace United Church, Port Do- ver, was ilio setting for the don- blering wedding ceremony on Saturday. Aug, 13 at 3 p.m, when Nancy Anne Seruton, slaughter of Mr, and Mrs, (Harold It, Seruton 1'0c0100 the bride of Kennet(( Lar- ry Stilwell, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ilaries 1, Stilwell, all of Port Do- ver, Rev, 1i'. G. Rivers officiated and Mrs, 11, T, Craig presided at the organ. During the ceremony Mrs. Al Brown sang the "Wedding Prayer" and "I'll Walk Beside You" The bride given in marriage by her father was lovely in a gown of white sills nylon over taffeta, tight -fitting bodice of Point De- rmis- lave, leveller neckline, short rap sleeves, the long torso waistline going into a very- full skirt, bouffant veil held in place by a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a white bible crested with carnations, and streamers with ivy and stephanotis. Matron oP honor was 1h.s. Keuncd.1 Smith of bingersviile, and bridesmaids were Miss Peggy Gamble and Miss Sherry Seruton, sister of the bride. They were gowned alike in nylon over taffeta, softly draped neckline with appliques of Swiss lave around it, tight fitting hod - re, very full skirt, the back be- g emphasized by two floating panels. They carried white lace umbrellas filled -with net, baby runs and carnations, The matron honor was in Blase the brides- maids in wale(' green, Robert Morrison was gro0nlsmmu, Ushers waere Howard Butcher of Simeoe id Murray Seruton, brother of the bride. Following the ceremony a re- eeptton for 80 guests was held at the "Cove Room". For a honeymoon to the Eastern 1'nited States the bride donned a sheath dress of beige linen with green and beige accessories and corsage of orange delight roses. Both bride and groom are grad- uates of Hamilton 'Teachers Col- lege ere nmese of Burlington Public School Staff. Friends of Mrs, Edgar Munn feted her on her birthday. The day consisted of a drive to the lakeside town of Goderich, dinner at the home of Mrs. Hugh Mc- Murtrie and the evening was spent in games. Guests present were 1h's, Basil Edwards, Mrs. Lorne Luker, Mrs. Earle Sproat, Mrs, Geo. Thompson, with eldiereu and good watch dogs. Kenneth ',apple, 858r12 FOR SALE 11161 Cllievrolet 11(1811 maw 11110 with dual rear wheals anal 150 bushel steel army box, good Mo- tor with a new valve overhaul. Apply to Donald Coleman, Box 016, Seaforth FOR SALE fit Austin car. 1(0110rie11 Mac- Lean, (;gnu utivllle PIGS FOR SALE 24 chunks. Apply to Joseph Nolan, St. Columba', phone 84x10 Dublin BLAKE Mr. Robert :Manson and Johnny Geiger spent the weekend at Mid- land. Mr, Archie Mustard of Sarnia spent tele weekend with his wife and family and Mrs, Mary Hey. Johnny Geiger spent an after- noon with his boy friend .Tames Finlay', MRS. JAMES WRIGHT Mrs, Annie Rebecca Wright, 81, of Kippen. died Saturday at her home 01 Stanley, She was formerly Annie Stewart, and wi- dow 01- James Wright. Mr. and :firs, \Vi'ight liver( at Cromarty before moving to Kippen about 3(1 ;orbs ago. Surviving are two sons, Frank of Kippen and Gor- don of Toronto, and a daughter Laurabelle, Mrs, Orland Reichert of Hensall. The Niteroi was held on Tuesday at the Bnnliron fun- eral chapel. Burial was in \','ood- lancl cemetery, :Mitchell. JR. FARMERS BUS TRIP The Eastern Ontario and Que- bec 13us Trip for Junior Farmers will take plane this year from Sunday, August 2)st l.o Sa.turday, Aug. 261h. Some 65 Junior Farm- ers from across the Province 1(111 be travelling on this trip, Repre- senting I1tu'on. Comity will be Itr, Glenn Coulees, R.R. 5, 13rus- 8018, and Mies Yvonne Sperling, 11,11. 2, Gerrie. Places of interest to be visited on the trip are the St, T.awrenee Seaway Develop- ment. Agricultural Schools and Experimental Fume to the 14Ion- treal, Quebec and Ottawa City ar. vas tie well as the Central Cana- dian Exhibition at. Ottawa, Miss. Vette Tillman, Hoene Economist for Aaron and Mr, D, G, Grieve, Associate. Agricultural ltepresent- tttive have been asked to ac.aontp- any the group ars leaders, CROP Nl2'POR2' Harvesting of spring grain is progressing favourably with ex- ()Miee crop y'telris, Some areas of the county would benefit from a good rain, ('ern is making slow growth, WANTED TO BUY Wautea, 11 1)802 boy's bicycle ill good condition. Phone 811123. Andy Plunkett A St. Jerome's J(ueket, gold with green collar, sorlrewhel'e in the Seaforth vicinity. Phone colloe:t to 401.4 Dublin ATTENTION FARMERS Barn cleaning and whitewash- ing, Apply ,Tint Leishman, Sea - forth RR 4, Phone 656x2 FOR SALE International binder canvases, Apply Jim Leishman, Seaforth RR 4. Phone 055r2 Cancer Fund Raises $2548 Here Huron county las niet its fin- ancial obligation toward the na- tion-wide light against cancer for 1060, it was revealed this weep by R. E. Pooley, Exeter, chairman plan of the annual cam- paign for funds, Seaforth (Quota $2,000) (Includes McKillop, Grey and Tuckersmith and part of Hullett) Campa'gu 2,411.30 In memoriam carols 137.20 Total 2,548.56 Clinton (Quota $2,500) (Includes parts of Stanley, i-Iul- lett and Goderich Townships) Campaign 1,006.92 In memorial( cards 164.60 Total 1,151,62 Blyth (Quota $500) (Includes parts o1 Hulled, Mor- ris and West \Vawanosh) Campaign 762,2)) In nteTmoriam cards .. , 42,0(1 Total .20 Goderich (Quota $4,000) (Includes Ashfield, Cothoine304, \\'a- wanosh, Goderich To.) 'Petal 4,572.48 Wingham (Quota $2,000) (Includes Turnberry, Howicic, and parts of others) Total 3,169.74 Exeter (Quota $3,500) (Includes HIa.y, Zurich, Stephen, Dashwood, RCAF Centralia, Ca- lla Hensall, Centra- lia village) Total 4,231.94 County Totals (Quota $15,000.00) Campaign 15,555.24 (Includes County Council Grant of $500.00) In memoriam cards , 1,433.80 Total 16,989.04 Mr. Pooley revealed Hurou ci- tizens contributed a total of $15,555 this year, representing 104 percent of the county's ob- jective of $15,000. "We remain extremely grate- ful for the continuing and in- creasing support the cancer cam- paign receives from Huron Coun- ty," Mr. Pooley stated, "The success of the campaign, partic- ularly in view of the fact that we raised our objective $2,000 is a tribute to the generosity of our citizens toward a worthy and vital cause." Mr, Pooley also expressed ap- preciation toward the hundreds of volunteer workers who assist-. ed in the campaign. In addition to the campaign contributors, another $1,435 has been donated to cancer work through the use of in memoriam cards at funeral hones through- out the county, Mrs. A. M. Harper, Goderich, the unit treasurer, reveals a total of $16,989 has been for- warded to Ontario division of the Canadian Cancer Society, repre- senting the county's total con- tribution toward research, ser- vice and educational programs across Canada in 1960. A portion of this amount has been. refunded to the unit for use in its work among cancer pat- ients In the county. The unit provitles transportation, nursing services, pain -relieving drugs and other essential services to Patients in need. It also sponsors educational programs for Huron citizens. Of the five districts 01 the county, Wingham and Blyth led in surpassing their objectives. Wingham raised 156 percent of its quota, followed closely by Blyth with 152 percent. Others, in order, were: Sea - forth, 121 per cent; Exeter, 108 percent; Goderich, 99 percent; Clinton, 40 percent, IPPEIt,1VASII CAMP (L03IM1 SATL'IMAY leinal arrangements have been completed for Lieutenant Gavel'- nor's Day which will take place at the Central Command Cadet Camp 'tpperwash, Saturday, Aug, 20th, 'ihe day marks the closing exercises and graduation ceremon- ies following the completion of Seven weeks of training by more than 1400 young Cadete, The guest of honour and 81'1010.1 speaker for the occasion will be the Tien. John P. Roberts, Minis- ter of Education. Tide year's progralnme will commence on the main parade square at 0,30 men. and will be followed by an inspection of ranks, presentation of the Geyer. nor General's Medal, An information centro will be set up so that parents and friends may make arrangements to pick tip the cadets leaving camp, There will also he adequate parking fa- cilities with attendants available to assist all the gaols. c CARD OF THANKS I would like to tlntltlt Drs, Got` will and Mallets, the lloypital stili, olid every One who sent me cards and treats and visited 1110 while 1 18118 11 p1(11401 In Scutt Memorial. liohpital. Ree Finnigan CARD OF THANKS I would Rhee to thank the stuff or Scott Memorial Hospital and all who sent carols, flowers and treats, and also all who visited me while: 1 was it patient in the hospital. Mr's„ AVgni, McSpadden 3 bedroom 10Au' k hottLE OR Rse ii good location, Apply Thomas Cloven - lock, RR 5 Seaforth TO RENT I+u11y furnished house for Mar- ried couple without family. Or would hire middle aged house- keeper. Phone J. 11. Burns for pterticuhure ' NOTICE Not responsible for any bills caused from tris date by Mrs, J. 11. Burns cud family. J. R. Burns A number 01 S(lgs 6 week8 old. Scott Ciuff 21 ft. grainDa augerused one sea- son. No. 57 John Deere 6 -furrow rubber tired hydraulic trail plow, good condition, Neil Hillman, Sea- ford) RR 4. Phone 662r2 FOR SALE Girl's bicycle in good condition. Anita Hillman, Seaforth RR 4. Phone 602r2 HONEY FOR SALE Novspouring clover honey at 25c lb. in your own containers. 'Wallace Ross Apiaries WANTED TO BORROW Wanted to borrow $10,000 by reputable individual. Reasonable rata of interest,. Repay over 10 year period. Apply at The News office BOARDERS WANTED Accommodation for two board- ers who would 111ce to room to- gether. Mrs, Andrew McNichol. Phone 187 FARM LAND TO RENT BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and in. eluding September 7, 1960 for the rental of farm land. Located on lot 23, eon, 1, Me- Killep me No, 8 highway adjacent to Seaforth. Consisting of approximately 55 acres of good paettn'e with water and 25 acres in stubble. Additional information may be obtained front James M. Scott, Seaforth, Chairmen of the Proper- ty Committee, Scott Memorial hospital, Seaforth, The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Lloyd IIoggarth, Secretary, Scott Memorial I•Iospital, Sea - forth, FRAME BARN FOR SATele BY TENDER Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and in- cluding September 7, 1960 for the purchase of a FRAME BARN lo- cated on lot 23, eon. 1, McKillop on No, 8 Highway across from the Seaforth Lion's Park, The building, approximately 54' by 90' with an I, extending 28' x 48' is in good condition. The building mist be removed from the site not later tLan June 1, 1961, Each tender is to be ac- companied by a deposit represent- ing 10% of the tender amount which will be returned in event tender is not accepted. Additional information may be obtained from James .11, :Scott, Seaforth, Chairman property com- mittee, Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Lloyd IIoggaa'th, 'Secretary', Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, FOR RENT ,Commodious Stucco residence, including three bedrooms, living room, dining room, modern bath- room and kitchen. Central heat. ing. On Goderich Street East, Sea - forth, available about October 1, 1960. For further informaltion con- tact James M, Scott, :Seaforth, Chairman Property Committee, Scott )Memorial hospital, 3 -Transistor RADIOS SPECIAL 36.95 6 -Transistor RADIOS SPECIAL 24.95 AT SAVAUGE'S TO RENT 5 rooms downstairs apartment on John street, possession immed- iately. Phone 187, Mrs, Andrew McNichol FOR SALE New use with cal' ()ort three bedrooms on West William st. Apply N. Schneider Phone 235W NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ• eters and Viking Milking Mach - Ines. Flasil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucel1eld, THE SEAFORTH NEWS (Phone S'i) --• Thursday, August 18, 1960. BROWNIE'S ItIVIENtal UNITED tee. r e, CLINTON, ONTARIO 14c THURSDAY and FRIDAY, AUGUST 18 and 19 --- D'OUl3Li+7 FEATURE — "Daddy Long Legs" tenter) (CinenntSeope) FRED ASTAIRE -- TERRY MOORE "How to be Very Popular" (Color) (CineinOSeope) BETTY GRABLE -- ROBERT CUMMINGS (One Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY — August 20 and 22 DOUBLE FEATURE DAY OF THE OUTLAW BURL IVES -- ROB RYAN -- TINA LOUISE PIER 5 HAVANA MICHAEL GRANGER -- ALLISON HAYES - One Cartoon - TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — AUGUST 23 and 24 "Ferry to Hong Kong" (Color) (CinemaSeope) CURT JERGENS -- ORSON WELLES One Cartoon $1.25 admits a Carload Tuesday nights only Two shows nightly, rain or clear, First Show at Dusk Admission 65c. Children under 12 in cars Free FOR SALE 700 Babcock Bessiee, 20 weeks old. Apply Roy Wildfong, RR 2 Walton. Phone 831x5 Seaforth NOTICE Custom combining. Contact Lyle Mont- gomery, phone HU 2-7291 Clinton CEMENT WORK Krauskopf Bros. for all kinds of cement work. Phone 361'13 Dublin LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores Business - Chattels - Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada Valleyfield Placements Ltd. 450-A Wilson Ave., Downsview Township of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1960 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum from June 1511 to Dec. 16th on all Prepaid Tuxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Cleric's Office, Tuckersmith, R 4 Seaforth Cora Chesney, Treasurer FOR SALE Coal at summer prices. Premi- um quality. Double screened, Save money this year by getting the best, WILLIAM M. HART, phone 784 Sea - forth Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Bulls Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m, week days. 6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OL`FICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -- President, John L. Malone, S'aforlh; Vice Pres„ John H. McEwing, Myth; See:areas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton, J. L. Malone. Seaforth • Chris Loonhatdt, Bona' ,Im; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; Jelin 3i. Menacing, Blyth ; Wm. 8, Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Miller, Goderich ; J. E. Penner, 13' ecefteld ; Allister Broad - foot. Soafm•th. Agents -- Wlllinm Leiper Jr., Londenf- bore ; V. ,7. Lone, RB 1 Seaforth ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels;. Harold Squires, 0110 - ton ; James Heys, Seaforth, USBORNE & J-HBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Vice President Milton McCurdy, RR1 ICirktnn Directors I1, Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science I-1111 Martin Feeney, 11.112 Dubin) Robert 16. Gardiner, R1 Cromarty Secretary-Tr'easm'or Arthur Fraser BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bad Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Phyiclan and Surgeon Phone 90 Seatorth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seator'ah SEAFORTH CLINIC 0, A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., dant +=cent Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sas- erday only 1-5 p.m. Appointments made in advance arc desirable Sisme TURNBULL 0 BRYANS VE`f`ERINAfdY CLJNIC J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S, W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN. D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Langstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seeaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 9.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. ova by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7910, above Hawkins' Tidwe, Mon. a to 5,20 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue co i l' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS tYc LQNERY Phone 3 or mmaliamilpina AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 286 We write all lines of INSUR 1 ,SCE Fire Auto Wiud Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth BUTTERMILK BISCUITS •WE MAKE 'EM - YOU BAKE'EM°" said Cleary's IGA SEAFORTH