HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-08-18, Page 6Unart She
Craved Wild Soar,
She stared. in terror as the
grain -enraged boar, blood drip-
ping from its mouth, its eyes
beady and red, charged faun the
punt bash.
it tossed the beater in front of
belt to One side, then looked at
her. But only for an instant, Pei' -
haps, in her dark leather coat,
she resembled a tree trunk. The
mad beast thudded past to the
beater behind. It smashed him to
the ground, ripped off his loin-
cloth and grunting heavily, sunk
its teeth into the Indian's body.
Babbot, an En;lisltwomen, was
in the Indian jungle with her
husband, his brother. a hunter,
and beaters, A few seconds be -
tore that murderous charge her
brother had shot and wounded
the huge boar. It had raced for
enver. le::vine a trail of blood
which was followed by the men
After n charged and was goug-
ing its victim, the other beaters
raced for the only tall tree near-
by and leapt into the branches.
There they hung, like vultures.
Babbot was alone, except for the
boar and its .lust -conscious hu-
man prey.
"Come down," she sereamed,
'and help atet bet the pig off
your brother. We might still save
They looked at her with wild
eyes, and nos made a movement.
But the boar heard her voice, and
paused in its ghoulish work. Eyes
ablate with inednese and pain.
it started towards her.
Iler• life at stake, she raced for
the tree, jumped, and caught a
branch. It bent nearly to the
erotmd with her weight,
"Na, na." the beaters screamed,
twinging precariously, "you will
have us all down if you try to
One began clawing at her fin-
gers, forcing her to loosen her
grip. Terrified, she dropped to
the ground and hugged the trunk,
screaming with all her might:
"Come quickly, for Heaven's
sake! Come quickly!"
She heard the report of a gun,
then another, and at last felt
arms around her and heard her
husband say: "Oh, my sweet,
what an escape you've had,
Thank God you're safe!"
One beater lay unconscious.
The ether, by the bush, had a
leg ripped from thigh to ankle.
Both had to be bound up and
carried back to camp.
Jungle terrors galore beset this
plucky Englishwoman who went
out to Garachi to marry in 1932.
She shared her husband's life in
Central and Northern India till
1950. "Babbot" is the only name
she gives in a gripping account of
her experiences, "Indian Inter-
On another "beat" they waited
in long grass facing a dry stream.
A herd of shrieking monkeys ran
past. Suddenly, she was con-
scious of a slight movement on
her left side . . , slowly turned
her head ... and froze. All she
eould see was fawn skin with
dark dosettes — a panther qui-
etly sitting at her side!
She wondered how she could
attract her husband's attention.
Her right hand started groping
for his knee. She darer not move
her body. Then she heard a faint
elick ae he released the eafety
catch, Ile had seen it too. she
thuttelit She waited tensely for
the shut knowing he would have
to fire aeIoss herr. Then e'arne Lee
deafening report.
Sitnultruicouele a smell spot-
ted deer leaped Irons the guise
by her side , , , and in front, by
the :dream bed, a huge fawn and
black animal tutned a complete
eommersault and landed on all
four paws, its eyes gleaming. lips
curled beck in a snarl, Vacs flat.
The man fired again and it lay
still. Her heart was beating so
fast, she couldn't speak:, Not un-
til later did she tell him of the
fright she'd had from that little
spotted deer by her side. It must
have hidden there, seared by the
On their Par estate, near.
Jhansi, they had a ploughman
named Punnera, reputed to be
able to drive nut devils, cure
snakebite and even raise the
dead. Be was also a herbalist.
Clever with sick cattle.
One day every year he went
to a small stone temple to give
thanks to the goddess for his re-
covery from smallpox, and most
of the villages gathered around
to witness the ceremony,
A plank of wood studded with
nails lay on the path nearby.
Three villagers squatted by it,
sharpening spears, Punnera em-
erged from the temple dragging
a long iron chain and began
swinging it back and forth over
"He has gene mad — stop
him!" Babbot begged her hus-
band, but he held her arm and
whispered: "No, just watch —
you will see something you may
never see again, He is now sup-
posed to be possessed of the god-
dess . , , Look, now they are
bringing him a lime, stuck
through with thorns,"
She saw Punnera place the
thorn -packed lime in him mouth
and chew it up. He then jumped
on to the plank and stood on the
nail heads, _gazing up into the
The three men with spears
went towards him. The first
pinched his cheek with thumb
and finger and pierced the flesh
with his spear. The second pinch-
ed the flesh of his throat and ran
the spear through. The third
waited till he put out his tongue,
then thrust his spear through it.
Punnera stool taut on his plank
of nails with the long spears
through cheek, throat and
tongue. A hush fell on the crowd.
Babbot had to turn away through
the throng — she felt sick,
When she returned Punnera
began trembling violently. The
men pulled out their spears, he
jumped from the bed of nails,
shook himself like a dog, then
picked up the chain and walked
off quite normally to the fields.
Babbot ran after him, stopped
him, saw no blood, no scratch
on his cheek or throat, and asked
him to put out his tongue, which
had no mark or disfigurement.
Her husband could give her no
explanation. She was sure it was
no conjurer's trick. It was queer,
unhealthy. Black magic? Never
again was she happy or com-
fortable in Punnera's presence,
she says in this fascinating ac-
count of her eighteen years in
wlidest India.
"A fool and his money are
soon parted," we are told. But
how do they join up originally,
ISSUE 33 — 1960
RARE PHOTO OF EICHMANN - Former Nazi Coe Adolph Eich-
monn, now awaiting trial in Israel for mass murder of Jews
during World War Ii, posed for this photo in 1955, while in
hiding in South America. Taken at Porto Alegre, in southern
Brazil, ;1 is ane cf the fe',' photo, of Eichmann known to exist
that were token while he was in h;dino, (Photo copyright IOOK
LAYAWAY PLAN — Chickens in this novel Btoo klyn factory need no egging on to do their
duty. The man with the baskets is Murray Weiss, owner of the place where 3,500 chickens
produce 2,300 eggs a day,
jer ,'JawzAndtiew5.
3 quarts fully ripe red
1 cup water
1 cups granulated sugar
1 tsp. butter
le bottle fruit pectin
Crush fruit and add one cup
of water, Bring to a boil and
simmer, covered for about 10
minutes. Place in jelly bag and
squeeze out juice, Measure five
cups into a large saucepan, Place
over high heat and add sugar
and butter. The latter will pre-
vent scumming. Stirring con-
stantly bringing to boil. Add pec-
tin at once. Bring to a rolling
boil, stirring constantly for one
minute. Remove from heat, skim
off foam with metal spoon and
pour quickly into glasses. Cover
at once with hot paraffin.
5 + *
12 to 16 firm sweet plums or
fresh prunes
24 to 32 whole cloves
3 cups sugar
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup water
le cup cider vinegar
1.13 tsp. salt
2 2 -inch sticks whole
1 tsp. whole allspice
Wash plums. Quickly plunge
in boiling water and then in cold
water. Slip off skins and in-
sert two whole cloves in each
plum (Set aside for later use),
Combine sugars, water, cider
vinegar and salt in a saucepan.
Mix well. Add cinnamon, Tie all-
spice in a bag and add to syrup.
Boil 5 minutes. While syrup is
boiling, drop in plums, Boil re
minute. (Do not overcook). Pack
in sterilized jars. Cover with
boiling syrup. Seal at once.
Yield, five pinta.
6 e. prepared fruit (about
31j lbs, ripe, loose -skinned
t tsps. grated lemon rind
tbsps. letnou juice
c, seedless raisins
1 r, chopped nuts
112 c. (3le. lbs.) sugar
1 box (lee ounces) powdered
fruit pectin
Prepare the fruit. Slip =kips
from hrapes. Add 2 cups- water
to pulp; bring to a boil _and
Simmer, covered, 5 minutes.
Sieve to remove seeds. Chop or
grind skins and i dd to pulp,
Measure 6 cups into a very
large saucepan. Add lemote rind,
,;trice, raisins, and nuts lo droit
in saucepan.
-Make the can.•erve. Measure
o-ugar and set aside. Acid pow-
dered fruit pectin to fruit in
=nut epc ie s.nd mix well, Place,
over high heal and air until
mixt ore cumett 10 u hard boil.
i1t once, .lit in sugar. 13rinii 7n
full roiling boil and boil
thud eine, minute. stirring eo -
tnutiv. Remove from heat and
,kim off foam with nteuil sp,, .
Then Air and skim by turns tut
minute:<. 10 e•001 .s1i;;hI1 to
ln'ev, i l floating fruit., Celle
quickly into gl:i2eer:. Cover at
,mer ,eitle 1, ir,cai 111 p;lI5!in,
3 r. sugar, white
1 e, vinegar, rider
I c. water
-1 oz, cinnamon sticks
az, whole cloves -
4 (its. small peaches (6 1hs.1
Boil ,Igor, water, vinegar and
clic!: rinnaiuna together for 10
iteteite... Into tacit peach place
two whole cloves. Add these to
syrup- and conk slowly for 10
mintilt,3, Pack in jars, #.tcrilizrd,
i1thikr5 aI>1vut 4 pints.
10 large cucumbers (remove
1 small medium cabbage
6 onions
6 green or red sweet peppers
Put all ingredients through
food chopper. Sprinkle gener-
ously but not heavily with bait,
Let stand overnight. Drain and
add 9 c. sugar.
to ib. mustard seed
ye gal. vinegar
c. flour
e c. dry musts rd
r s oz, turmeric
Makes a paste of above ingre-
dients, Add to hot mixture and
simmer for two minutes. Pour
into serilized jars and seal.
a 1'
lee c, onions chopped
1}l c. peaches peeled and
chopped coarse
Ila e. pears peeled and
chopped coarse
2 c, apples
*0 large ripe tomatoes
1 c. celery chopped
21fa c. brown sugar
e. vinegar
2 tsps. salt
1 small hot or
6 dried peppers
R tbsps. mixed pickling spice
in bag
Mix and cook for one hour,
Seal in hot sterilized jars.
4 ,k A
c. Prepared fruit
ice c. sugar
1 bottle fruit pectin
3& 0. lemon uice
Scald peaches. Slice in small,
thin pieces into large kettle. Add
sugar to fruit. Cook until fruit
is clear, just a few minutes.
Bring to full boil and add pectin
and lemon juice. Boil hard about
five minutes. Stir and skim con-
stantly. Remove from heat. Stir
and cool for a few minutes be-
fore pouring into heated jars.
Cover with paraffin wax at once.
'Yield is about 10 jar's
A Lace -Making -
School in Denmark
Tonder was all cobbles a;ul
curves, painted doors and roses,
In the alleys antique shops were
full of amber, laee and old tiles.
"You ehould meet Cethrine
Lorenzen exclaimed Niels
Jensen. "She has a -little lace -
making school at Ballum. I could
ring her up and. tell her you
were coming. But it is about
forty kilometres from here, and
in the opposite direction right
hack up the coast." But I was as
willing to go backwards as for-
wards if it meant seeing & !ace
When 1 reached 11„ LW'?
1 ve n1 Banton the ir,in r direct.
ed me up an elm -lined drive
alongside a barley field. At the
end stood a white house; sitting
on the porch, in a blue velvet
dress which flowed around her
ankles, was a small grey-haired
lady. She rose to greet me with
old-world courtesy.
The house was like a museum
inside, but a lovely lived-in
museum, One room was blue,
one rose, one gold and white,
while one had its walls painted
a vivid red, "That we call a
Dannebrog room," exclaimed
Cathrine Lorenzen. "It is from
1864. Because we could not fly
the Danish flag in Slesvig then,
many farms made such a room
and have it still,"
She opened a drawer full of
isle, spread a blue cloth on
the table, and laid the frag-
ments on it lovingly. "This is
the Great Oak pattern, and this
little leaf design is for a child's
dress. Here is the Rose — in
Copenhagen it costs three hum.
Bred kroner for a yard — and
for brides we make this one with
a crown." On each piece hung
a tiny blue label with the let-
ters DTK and a lyre, "When you
see such a label you know it is
first quality Danish Tonder
Knipling," she explained,
"Now I will show you my
little lace school," she went on,
"Mother taught the old people,
but I begin with younger ones,
I want that they shall teach
others, and so the art shall not
be lost. I take seven pupils at
a time during the summer, they
stay four weeks and sleep and
eat here."
The school was up in the attic;
the door was painted bright
blue, the floor scrubbed to
whiteness; windows looked out
on a leafy garden, Seven lace
making stands stood one behind
the other; each had a brass -
studded cushion from which a
pair of scissors hung down on
a string of glass beads; the
slim wooden bobbins with their
beaded ends made a central clus-
ter of colour.
The two pupils had been
learning for a fortnight and
were absolutely absorbed in
their work. There was no sound
hut the light rattle of their bob-
bins; at intervals they would
scop to examine a scrap of
parchment pattern through a
magnifying glass.
1 had my first lesson in lace -
making on Cathrine Lorenzen's
own cushion, starting Of on the
Little Oak Leaf pattern. -- From
"Candles in Dennlerk," icy Beryl
Entering the smoke-filled route
of a blazing house fireman John
McDade discovered a two-year-
old child secured to e bed by
plastic harness.
Unable to tear the p1a-i.ic, a.url
having lost his knife and axe,
the resourceful fireman chewed
through the harness and man-
aged to release the child._ which
ire ettrried to satrly.
Haw The Bunted
Rifle Meet Began
Gunnar 11'cstling, termer. ser-
geant of Canada's Heafortlt nigh.
hooters, last month won rep
honors in the great annual Rifle
meet at Risley, England. In the
Christian Science Monitor re-
cently Sydney Slcllten gave an
interesting account of the origin
of this historic eveut,
No fewer than 1,350 marksmen
from all five continents were in
at the start of this three -stage
shoot over six 200-1,0011 yard
ranges. The top 350 aIwuys go
forward to the second stage and
the first 100 of these shoot the
final. To be in the final, or
Queen's Hundred as it is termed,
is a triumph tantamount in lawn
tennis to reaching Wimbledon's
last 16. As a matter of fact, the
Wimbledon parallel is a particu-
larly happy choice, It was at
Wimbledon, not much more than
a high lob from the centre court
that the present Bisley meet was
A century ago- they were Ifv-
was raiding Harpers Ferry and
ing in times troubled as much as
now, In America John Brown.
here in England they were pre-
paring to repel a possible French
invasion, Preparations to meet it
were made by the establishment
of a Volunteer Force, a sort of
Koine Guard that operated in
World War II. The poet laure-
ate, Lord Tennyson, wrote a pat-
riotic piece to the London Times
entitled "Riflemen Form,"
The first of four verses rant
"There Is a sound of thunder
Storm in the South that
darkens the day!
Storm of battle and thunder
of war!
Well if it do not roll our way.
Storm, Storer, Riflemen form!
Ready, be ready against the
Riflemen, Riflemen, Riflemen
Distinguished retired soldiers,
statesmen and city gentlemen
joined the volunteer movement.
The National Rifle Association
responded by providing target
practice and on July. 2, 1060
called a grand rally on Wimble-
don Common, Queen Victoria
and her entourage went along.
She pulled a silken cord affixed
to a trigger which fired the first
shot. One Edward C. R. Ross
won that first prize offered by
the Queen and so successful and
congenial was the occasion that
the N.R.A. decided to make it
an annual event,
Thus it was until 1889 by
which time the new residents of
a growing Wimbledon won their
case that the suburbs was not a
suitable place for a rifle shoot.
So the N.R.A. moved out to a
site adjoining the Brigade of
Guards Camp at Pirbright and
at the north-west Surrey village
of Sisley. Records relate that
"A distinguished company as-
sembled to open the new N.R.A.
range at Bisley, The Princess of
Wales, to her delight, scored a
royal bull's-eye."
Proud customs and traditions
have continued through the years
and none more so than the chair-
ing of the Queen's Prize winner.
After seating himself ceremoni-
ously in a wooden chair reserved
specially for this event the win-
ner is carried shoulder high by
his rivals round the camp to the
band strains of "See the con-
quering hero comes."
Throughout the Meet, which
nowadays extends over a fort-
night; there arc dozens of sub-
sidiary competitions for gold and
silver prizes estimated in value
of £200,000. They involve more
than a million vhots. Only one
competitor can be the really big
shot but all the rest have a truly-
rulywonderful time in an elmusphere
•(f cordite and friendship. Al
though there are cash prizes all
the competitors are arrateur,y, 11.
dusts them money to be there
(fares, entry fees and accommo-
dation) varying from how far
they have -come. But that they
come, and come again, i pretty
sure testimony that Mislay is
booked for -mother centenary in
SMALL AS A FLY'S EYE -- The smallest grinding wheel ever made commercially is almost
as tiny as the eye of a house fly. The little abrasive wheel will be used to grind miniature hall
bearings which go into the production of cameras, tape -recorders, missile puidanco lystemw
and other microminiature instruments,