HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-08-18, Page 1WII(>LE SERIES, VOL. 82
I'hORO 84
41.60 o Ycsr
nth"rir,. _ rd taass name,
Dept., ,howls
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S. .H.S.
RES i All,)
Joann .Bach, Eng, comp. 50.
Robert Beuttenmilier, bot, 51;
zoo., 51.
Robert i3innoudyk, aig, 69,
goon, 54, trig. 57, phys, 50, chem,
Judith Boshart, zoology 52,
Kathryn Bosdnirt, Eng, comp,
53, Eng. lit. 08, hist, 58, bot. 74,
zoo, 115, chem, 50,
Joan Boyce, bot. 53, zoo. 50.
Harmon BroIhagen, Eng. comp,
51, Eng, lit, 50, nig, 73, geom. 64,
trig. 73, plays, 65, (hero. 02, French
Ruth. 52.
Margaret C)iesney, zoo. 55, Lat,
auth, 67, Lat. eomp. 56.
Glenn Coutts aig'. 82, geom. 79,
trig, 76, pity's: 74, ahem, 66, French
auth, 55,
James Crich, alg, 58, geom. 55,
trig, 67, phys. 77, chem, 04, Fr.
auth, 50 Fr, camp, 50,
Ronald Eyre, Eng. comp, 51;
hist 64, aig. 63, geom. 65, trig. 66,
zoo, 61, Fr, anth, 51, Fr, comp, 50,
Carman Fischer, bot, 51,
Fred Flewitt, Eng, comp. 50,
Eng, lit, 51, alg. 82, geom. 60, trig.
80, bot, 67, zoo, 66, phys, 69, chem,
Robert Govenloek, Eng. lit.
53, aig, 66, geom. 03, trig, 59,
pitys, 64, chem, 50.
Donlyn Hemingway, Eng. comp.
57, Eng. lit. 52, aig, 77, .geom, 58,
trig. 75, phys, 82, chem. 60, Fr.
auth, 50, Fr, comp, 50,
Fergus Kelly, Eng. comp. 50,
Eng. lit. 52, geom. 52, hot, 68, zoo,
68, chem, 55.
John Kdinkhamer, Eng. lit, 53,
bot. 58, zoo, 68, Latin Ruth. 50,
Lat, comp, 50.
Lewis Knetsch, Eng, comp. 51,
Eng. 111. 50, aig. 19, geom. 86, trig,
92, phys. 96, chem. 81, Fr, auth,
82, Fr. eomp, 69.
Shirley Knox, Eng. comp. 55,
Eng. lit. 65, hist. 57, geom. 51,
bot. 76, zoo. 70, chem. 52, Fr. auth.
54, Fr. comp, 50,
Faye Love, chem. 50, Fr. auth,
59, 1''r, comp. 62,
Noreen MelIwing, Eng, comp.
50, Eng. lit. 53, aig. 63, geom, 67,
trig, 57, pity. 78, chem 61, Fr,
auth. 56,
Mary McLeod, Eng, camp. 66,
Eng. lit. 50, alg, 68, geom, 54, bot.
70, zoo, 69, chem. 55, Fr. auth, 61,
Fr, comp. 50.
Donald Morris, Eng. comp, 50,
Eng. lit, 50, aig. 85, geom, 76, trig,
80, phys. 72, chem. 76, Fr. auth,
06, Fr. comp. 56.
Betty Muegge, Eng. comp, 50,
Eng. lit. 50, goom, 52, zoo, 58,
Lat. auth, 59, Lat. comp 64, Pr.
auth. 50, Fr. comp. 53.
Carolyn Neil Eng, comp, 63,
Eng, lit, 63, hist. 54, geom. 57,
bat, 74, zoo. 71, chem. 78, Lat. an,
64, Lat. comp. 73, Fr, auth, 64,
Fr. comp, 52.
William Norris, alg. 56, geom.
60, trig, 70, zoo, 60, chem. 57.
Jeanne Perrier Fr. Guth, 55.
Violet Rakewlch, Eng. lit, 50,
hist. 50, bot. 64. Fr. auth 67,
Ray Scoins, aig. 61, geom, 61,
trig. 58, pity. 75, chem, 60.
Madelon Townsend, Eng. comp.
50, bot. 65, zoo. 64.
William Van Den Henget, Eng.
comp, 55, Eng. lit. 60, aig. 19,
geom. 86, trig, 85, bot. 79, Phys.
85, chem. 80, Fr, auth. 72, Fr.
comp. 55.
Wayne Wilson, chem, 61.
Margaret Wood, Eng. comp. 63,
Eng. lit. 60, geom. 63, bot. 73,
zoo, 71, ohem, 74, Lat. auth. 73,
Lat. comp. 82, Fr, auth, 78, Fr.
comp. 71.
Seaforth horses racing in Tor -
,onto did well during the week,
On Thursday Gordon Pullman's
Estelle Chips won second at the
Woodbine'driven by lir, Harvey,
In Monday's races, Wilson Oke's
Adam Lee won third. This horse
until recently was owned by Geo.
Feagan of Goderich.
Mrs, William E, Bristow, 70, of
252 Erte •St., died Thursday at her
home in Stratford. The former
Maude Duciclow, she was born in
Milverton, daughter of the late
•Mr. and Mrs. John Duciclow. She
had lived in Stratford for about
35 years and was a member of St
John's United Church, Her hus-
band cliecl 30 years ago. Mrs.
Bristow is survived by three
daughters, Mrs. Jack (Hazel)
.Scott, .Seaforth; Mrs. George (Vi-
ola) Powell; Mrs, Jack (Ann)
Grainger, 259 Hibernia St., Strat-
ford; ono step -daughter, Mrs. Clif-
ford (Effie) Hendricks, Niagara
Falls; one sots William, 546 Bruns-
wick St., Stratford; one step -son,
SIdney Bristow, Kamloops, B.0.1
nine grand -children, and seven
great grandchildren. The funeral
was held Saturday, Rev. W. Stu-
art 1raeLood officiated, Burial
was in Fairview cemetery, List-
A large crowd of softball fates
were on hand to watch the game
last Saturday evening when Aub-
urn defeated Varna.
The service in the United
Church will be withdrawn next
Sunday, August 21st,
Mrs, M. Miller of Leamington
is visiting at the hone of her
hiece, Miss Rachael Johnston.
Mr. Sohn Pitt of St, Johns,
Newfoundland, is visiting at the
home of his parents, Rev. and
Mrs. T. J. Pitt.
A number of junior girls aro
attending the United Church
camp at Goderich this week,
What the Grads
Are Doing
A survey t.itls week of plans for
the coating term by members of
the Grade 13 graduating class of
'Seaforth District. 'High School in-
clude Teachers College for eight
graduates: - 11018)on Brodhagen,
Roo Eyre, Shirley Knox, Noreen
MelIwing, I3etty Mitogge,• Carolyn
Neil, William Norris, ;Margaret
Three graduates enter engineer -
big courses in university; Fred
Flewitt, Waterloo University;
Don Morris and Wiiitam Van
Den 1tongel, University of West-
ern Ontario,
Entering 0,A..0. are James
Crielt and Don Hemingway,
Lewis Nnetseh will take the
science course at R,O.T,P„ prob-
ably at Royal Roads, B.C,
Three girls will start training
as nurses: Kathryn Boshart, at
V101011al hospital, London; :Mary
McLeod, Victoria hospital; Judith
I3oahart, a. Kitchener hospital.
Don Hemingway will eater
OAC, Guelph.
Donald. MacTavish
To Education Post
Minister of Education Hon,
John P. Robarts, recently au-,
pounced the appointment of Don-
ald MacTavish as Director of
Auxiliary Educational .Services
for the Province of Ontario ef-
fective August 1st.
Donald .MacTavish is a gradu-
ate or Seaforth Schools, and con-
tinued his studies at Queen's Un-
iversity, The Ontario College. of
Education, University of Toronto,
and Columbia University.
Prior to his present appoint-
ment, he had been employed by
the Department of Education as a
Special Services Inspector in the
field of special education.
Donald liaoTavish is a son of
Mrs, 1lacTevish and the late John
MacTavish of Seaforth,
Percy G. Little
Named Bailiff
Percy 0, Little of Seaforth has
been appointed Bailiff for the se.
rend division court, of Huron
County, according to announce.
melt in the Ontario Gazette this
week. Mr. Little took over his
duties on August 5111.
The position has been open
since the resignation of David
Lemon some months ago, D. L
Reid, division court clerk, has
been acting bailiff during the va-
A quiet wedding took place in
Northside United Church parson-
age, Seaforth, August 6th, when
Jean Ritta Whitehead of Mitchell,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Whitehead of Morris township,
exchanged marriage vows with
William Charles Baker, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Albert C. Baker of
Seaforth. Rev, J. C. Britton offic-
iated, The bride wore a street
length dress of sky blue with pint
accessories and a corsage of pink
roses. Mrs, Alex, Baker of Mitch-
ell was bridesmaid wearing a
royal blue dress with royal 1)1ue
accessories and a corsage of red
Mr. Alex. Baker of Mitchell was
groomsman for his brother. Mrs.
Harold Whitehead and daughter
Nora and Mr, and Mrs, Albert C.
Baker were present,
A reception followed at the
home of the groom's parents, SIr.
and Mrs, Albert C. Baker with
relatives and friends present from
Wingham, St. Catharines, Mitch-
ell, Goderich, Clinton and Sea -
forth. Fallowing a trip to Niagara
Valls, St. Catharines, Wingbaiu
and .,oderich, the couple will re-
side in Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vanderwalher
and Mr. and Mrs. George Ladd, of
Pontiac, Mio11., with Mr, and Mrs,
Joseph Dill.
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Evans, Chip-
awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Fault Ev-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowland,
Oakville with Lon McGrath,
Mrs. D. R. Monaghan, Kitchen-
er, with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Mc-
Miss Diane Kistner at Port Col-
Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds,
Detroit with Miss Monica Byrne.
Miss Phyllis Butters, Reg,N.,
London, with her parents, Mr,
and 3Vlrs, Tom Butters,
Miss Leona Krauskopf, Miss
Angola Duchal'me, Miss Joan Mc-
Laughlin and Kenneth Feeney
have completed their stinuner
course at Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Wilson and
son, Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs.
Pat Ryan,
Rev, I -I. P. Feeney, 0.R,, St.
Jerome's, Kitchener, with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney,
f2r, and Mrs. Peter 10, Maloney,
IRR 5, Seaforth, wish to announce
the engagement of their youngest
daughter, ,Than Elizabeth, to Mr.
john James Flagarty, sen of Mr,
and Mrs, Join P, Hagerty, The I
wedding will take place Septem-
ber 3r1. at 10,30 o'clock in St.l
(Inluntbtn Roman Catholic Church i
at St, Colttmban.
McClure Family
Hold Reunion
A McClure reunion was held at
Ilie home of Mr, and Mrs, Walter
Mc (lure In McKillop, Sunday,
August 14Lh with 137 present,
The sports were in charge of lir.
and liars. Olen McClure Mr. and
1tns, 11111 Taylor; Ross McClure,
Ruh Lawson.
'fins winners were as fellows;
Children 0 and under, ;Mario Mc_
Chace; girls-, 6.8, Barbara Mc -
(,lure, Jatnice McClure; boys, 6-8,
Neil bale, Jinn Anderson; girls,
8.10, Elaine Dale, Manche Dalton;
boys, 8-10, Neil Dale, Clyde Mc-
Clure; girls, 10-12, Elaine Dale,
Margaret Leiner; boys, 10-12,
Murray McClure; Flank McClure;
young ladies, ,Margie Taylor;
young men, Don McClure; ladies
kick the slipper, Ruth Dale,
Blanche Dalton; men's kick the
slipper, Ken McClure: lucky
draw, Fred Gibson; toothpick and
lifesaver relay, Mrs. Shaddock's
team; oldest person present, Wil-
liam MoOhu'e ( 911 ; youngest per-
son, Bryan McClure, 12 day old
son of 14r, and Mrs, Nelson Mc-
Clure; largest family present., Mr.
and Mrs, Harvey McClure and fa-
mily; person coming farthest dis-
tance, Roger McClure, Winnipeg,
Man.; closest birthday, Bennie
and Betty Taylor (Aug, 14th)
twin daughters of Mr, and Mrs,
Jack Taylor; closest anniversary,
Mr, and Mrs, ,Tack Brown, Lam-
It Was decided at the supper
table that another reunion beheld
next year on the second Sunday
in August.
The officers for 1961 are; Pres-
ident, ,'Mrs. Gertrude Taylor; sec.-
treas., Miss Ethel McClure; sports
--lir. end firs. Glen McClure, Mr,
and 'tars. Walter McClure,' Mr. and.
Mrs. George Hothant.
A. game of bail ended the very
enjoyable afternoon,'
Arthur Bolton
Addresses Institute
;Mrs, R. M. Scott was hostess
for the August meeting of the
Seaforth W, I. on Tuesday even-
ing, Aug. 0th. Mrs. Harold Flugall
presided for the opening exercises
and business part of the meeting.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by the Sec„ firs. Leon-
ard Strong and the treasurer's re-
port was given by Mrs, Ross Gor-
don. '1'hankyou cards were read
from Mrs. J. Aikenhead, 'Mrs, A.
Crozier, Mr. and firs. Gordon
McKenzie, and personal .thanks
was expressed by lits, 3, Grum-
melt and P_Mls. W. 1-Iaugh. A pie-
ntc is being planned for on Thurs-
day, Sept, 1, with neighboring
Institute branches as guests. The
leaders' training school for the
project "Club Girl entertains" will
be held in Clinton on Aug. 30 and
31; Brussels, Sept. 7th and 8111
and Hansen, Oct. 0th anti 7th.
Leaders for the iSeaforth Clubs
will be Mrs. Gordon Popple, Mrs.
R. M. Scott, 'Mrs. W. L. Whyte,
Mrs. Sohn Btoadfoot, Mrs, G. Mc-
Kenzie, M1•s, G. Elliott, The roll
call was answered with "Methods
of storing vegetables for winter".
Freezing proved to be the most
popular method.
Mrs. James Keyes and Mrs. El-
don Kerr, convenors of the Agri-
cultural meeting were in charge
of the program with Mrs. James
Keyes presiding. Dianne Hender-
son favored with two vocal solos,
accompanied on the piano by her
mother, Mrs, John Henderson, A
humorous reading "Down on the
Farm" was well given by Mrs.
Gordon McKenzie. The motto "The
final product of the soil is peo-
ple" was commented on by Mrs.
Eldon Kerr. Mrs. Ross Gordon in-
troduced the speaker, Arthur Bol-
ton, former Assistant Agt'i, Rep.
or Huron and now a prominent
ol7tllap farmer. He chase as his
subject "The Challenge in Agri-
culture". The three main challen-
ges he said are first, make farm-
ing a business, 2nd learn to know
and understand other people, and
third, maintain a standard of liv-
ing for ourselves as good as our
neighbours, the factory workers
and business man.
Mrs. Gordon Papple expressed
the thankyou remarks to the spea-
ker and hostess. A delicious lunch
was served by the lunch commit-
tee, Mrs, Gordon McKenzie, Mrs.
I1, ,Hugill, .firs. John Kerr and
Mrs. Tames F, Scott.
,Seaforth 4.T1 Dairy Calf Club
met on Aug, 911) at the home of
Mr. Bill Storey. A class of Hol.
stein cows was judgedand reasons
were given by all members, '1'lte
leaders, Irvin Trewartha and Bob
Gcmtmell, also Elgin Nett and
Bill Dale, A class of Jersey cows
was also judged and the official
placings end reasons were givien
by Irvin Trewartha. Mr, `Prewar
Oa then discussed the showing
and clipping of a dairy calf, The
meeting was then called to order
and the 441 pledge repeated. Roll
call was followed by the minutes.
Meeting was adjourned and lunch
was served. Wilma .Dale thanked
Mr. Storey for inviting the Club
to their farm,- Amy ,Stewart
thanked no Club leaders and Ken
Gemmell thanked the officers for
the wonderful job they had done,
Mr, and Mrs, Themes Purcell of
St. Columban wish to announce
the engagement of their niece,
Mary Catharine Roach to John
Raymond ,Smith, son of .Mr. anal
Mrs. Adelbert Smith, Zurich, The 1
marriage will take place on .Sat-
urday, Sept. 3 at 0 a,m, in St.
Col umban Roman Catholic Church
High School
Addition To
Start Monday
Work on the fcve-ronut addition
to Seaforth district high school
will start on Monday, board mem-
bers said Wednesday Logan m Con-
struction of Stratford has the
Tile cost has been brought down
sufficiently to bring. it within the
amount of the debenture 'issue,
and nearly all details had been ad-
Trousseau Tea for
Elizabeth McGavin
Mrs. Gordon ITc'Gavin, ,:McKillop
township, entertained at a trous-
seau tea In honor of her daughter
Elizabeth, bride or Aug, 20th,
Roses, gladiola sweet pens and
pansies created a lovely floral
effect with pink and white stream -
erg and bells decorating tate living
000111 and dining room.
In the afternoon Karen and
Connie Coutts opened the door for
the guests, who were greeted by
MTs. McGavin, Elizabeth and Mos,
Marl Dinsmore. Miss Inekn. 130.
ven directed the guests upstairs
where the shower and wedding
gifts were displayed by Miss Don-
na. Willows, Carlingford; the
trousseau by Miss ,Marie Johns-
ton, Blusvale; linens and china,
Mrs, Beverly [lamb, London.
The dining table was decorated
with pink and white eanclles hi a
triple salver candelabra with a
conventional arrangement or pink
and white snapdragon, dahlias
and clarkia,
Mrs, Maud Leeming and lirs.l
Wilbur Turnbull poured tea with 1
hiss Faye Love and Mrs, Wil -1
Liam Coutts serving and Mrs.'
N.thel IIackwell and Mrs. Alex,
Dennis- assisted in the kitchen,
In the evening Mary Leeming.
was at the door while Miss Mur-
iel Schade and Miss Claire Rack -
well assisted upstairs with Barb-
ara Turnbull directing the guests
upstairs and to the dining roam.
Mrs. Clark Matheson poured tea
with Mrs. W1u, Leeming and Mrs,
\Win. Tiu'nbull serving, while the
kitchen was in charge or firs, 0,
Sholdice, Sirs. N. Schade and Mrs.
C>lms. McGavin, Shirley- Dinsmore
was in charge of the. guest book,
The wedding was solemnized in
Constance United Church, August
13, at 2 o'clock, of Joyce Elaine
Jewitt, daughter of iMr.'and Mrs.
Win, R. Jewitt, Hullett, and Wil-
liam Floyd Dowson, Varna, son
of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Dowson,
Varna. Rev. J. C. Britton, of Sea -
forth officiated. The Church dec-
orations were white candelabra,
pink and white gladioli.
The bride was given away by
her father dressed in a full-length
gown of nylon. net and chantilly
lace over bridal satin. The full
bouffant skirt of chantilly lace
featured a plain lace front and
the back had tiers of lace and net
!ruffles folding into a brush -train.
Her fitted bodice was accentuated
by a sabrina neckline trimmed
with sequins and seed pearls. The
sleeves were long and lily -pointed,
The bride wore a cultured pearl
drop with matehing earrings, the
gift of the groom. She carried a
bouquet of red roses. The
maid of honor Mies Muriel
Dale of 'Clinton, wore powder
blue silk organza over tafetta,
full skirt featured a shirred pan-
el in front, the bodice front was
accentuated by an insert of chan-
tilly lace with a large rolled col-
lar. Iler flowers were White Sha-
sta Daisies. The bridesmaids, .Miss
Janice Jewitt, sister of the bride,
Miss Glenyce Jewitt, 00115111 of
the bride and Miss Helen licll-
wain, all of Constance, wore cost-
umes similar to matron of honor.
Their flowers were the same as
Matron of Honor. The ringbearers
Larry and Kenneth ,Jewitt, broth-
ers of the bride. The best man
was ,Mr. Robert Webster, Varna.
The ushers wore lir. Dennis Tew-
it.t, 14Ir•. Robert Johnston, Mr,
Douglas Dowson. The organist,
Mrs. Percy Iluth, of Fordwich,
The soloist, Mrs, Clare Vincent of
Londeshoro, sang "0 Perfot Love"
and "The Wedding Prayer The
bride's mother wore beige lace
dress with beige and green arms -
envies with corsage of yellow ro-
ses. The bridegroom's mother
wore blue lace dross with blue
and white accessories and corsage
of yellow roses.
The reception took place at
the home of bride's parents with
over 90 guests. Table decorations,
a 4 -tiered wedding cake and white
eanclles. The waitresses, Mrs. F,
Van der Moles of Guelph; Mrs.
W. Stutz, ICitchener; MISS Betty
Axtman, Walton; a Miss Janet
Rawcliffe, Seaforth, and Miss
Juno Ross of Staffa, The assist-
ants in tho kitchen were: Mrs,
David Anderson, Mfrs, W. L.
Whyte, .Mrs. Lorne Lawson, kiss.
Norman MoClinchey and Mrs. h',
For travelling on their honey-
moon to Points East, the bride
wore a Sheath dress of embrofd
eyed pure silk organza over taf-
feta with a sheer silk organza
jacket featuring a rolled collar,
three-quarter sleeves and cumber-
band waist buttoned at front in
Romance Tllue, She wore a car -
sage of Pink Delight roses, On
their return they will reside on
the groom's farm et Varna,
Playoffs Set for
Huron Football
A Huron Poland] meeting
wits held on Friday evening in
Winthrop to draw up e,,hedules
for the playoffs.
A Series;
St. ('olumbnn at. Winthrop•Aatg, 1,;
\Wdntlurop at Si, ('oittnlban Aug. 22
St. Colnntbau at Winthrop Aug. 29
11 Series:
Stratford at cmdnrich. Au'a. 20
Gatlrrivlt at Riratford, Atte. 21
Goderich at Stratford, Aug.29
All ,,,ones stu•t at , pan. sharp,
St, Coduiuban and Winthrop
tied Tuesday evening with 1.1. in
opener of series,
Standing before pia} -offs:
Won 1,0st'Pied 01'.
Winthrop „ 1'0 n 2. 22
Strafford I. .11
St. Coduntban 3 1t 3 9
Goderich 2 2 6
•Mr. and Mrs, 0, A, Moffat are
vacationing in Western Canada,
They will visit his brother Law.
rens° in Regina and his sisters,
Mrs. Lovina. Rathwell in Moose -
jaw and firs. D, Kilpatrick in
Leedale, Alta.
Mr, l:ldrid MolTat of London has
been the guest of his brother Jer-
ry for two weeks.
Decent visitor's of 191', and Mrs,
E. Dowson included Mr. and Mrs,
\"•m. Stogclill of Toronto, Misses
Ella and Bernice Wright of Sut-
ton; Mr, and firs. Fred Potter
and lir. \Vm, Potter, Clinton;
Mrs, Ewassack, Mrs. Been and
two grandchildren of Stratford.
Visitors at the Alderdice reun-
ion held at the hone of lir, and
Mrs. Verne Alderdice on August
14th included:.1Tr, and Mrs, Hugh
Alderdice, Shirley, Kaye, Garry,
Iiaren, Lynda and Janice; of
Clarksburg: .lir. and Mrs. Ronald
Rumble and Stephen, of Cooke-
ville; M1', Ken Alderdice and
Miss Nancy Wells of Toronto;
Mr, Harvey- Alderdice of Pewee -
son and hiss Colleen McArthur
of Hamilton; Mr, and llrs. Janes
Grierson, Glen and Mary of Tor,
onto; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alm
and and Lois OE Smithville, Mr.
and Mrs, George Alderdice, Ross,
Eldon, Ivan and Anne of Medford.
The person with the birthday clos-
est to Sunday was Mrs. Walter
Almond; annivelsary', lir. and
Mrs. James Grierson; youngest.
personpresent, Stephen Rumble;
oldest person, Mr, -Iiugh Alder -
dice; largest waistline, Ross Ald-
erdice, smallest waistline, Shirley
.Alderdice; longest name, Kenneth
Alderdice; shortest name, Nancy
Wells: children's kick the slip-
per, Karen Alderdice; children's
race, Lynda Alderdice.
Miss Sharon McBride is spend-
ing this week at the United
Church camp at Goderich as a
Hiss Joyce Hood was a week
end guest of Miss Berva Switzer,
At the Williams reunion held
at Riverview park, Exeter, on
July 31 Hiss Janet Doig ate off
the marked plate and won a beau-
tiful decorated cake plate edged
with 22k gold,
lit•, and Mrs, Lorne Schneider
and family 06 Stratford visited
recently with her father, Mr. Ro-
bert Thomson,
Sympathy is extended to Mt',
and MTS. Frank Wright in the
sudden passing of a dear mother,
the late 'firs, James Wright,
Mr. Norman Long was admitted
Friday to .St. Joseph's hospital,
London, in the interest of his
-Hiss Marlene Keyes of Varna
is spending two weeks with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Herb
Cemetery decoration services
will be held on Sunday, August
21st, at 2,30 pm, Rev. 0, 1.. Grosse
I of Listowel is guest speaker and
,1911'. Harry Hoffman of Dashwood
is guest soloist.
Mrs. Christina Kieber is in
Galt with her son, Harvey and
Mrs. Kleber,
Mrs. Chas, Eggert is a patient
in Seaforth hospital;
Mr. A. L. Hartmeir, Orangeville.
I visited Mr, and firs, Norman Eg-
Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Dipple of
Gowanstown with Mr. and 11r's,
Irvin Ro(](,
Mrs, Lavern Hoegy and Wayne
Visited with her., sister at Lake
George, Michigan, recently.
Mr. George Baler is a patient in
St. Joseph's hospital, London.
- Mr. and Mrs. harry- Beetle
with Ma'. and firs. T. Taylor, of
Mr. and firs, Stanley Koehler
and ch11(010n 01 Kitchener visited
with lir, and Mrs. Wm. Koehler,
1 he \\ omen Association of the
McKildop 16.F.11 (hush held the
August meeting at tine home of
firs. Darold Smyth. Mts. Fred
Rose and Mrs. Alvin Beuerman
were h1 c'hru'ge of devotions with
topic being the 21rd Psalm and
relating at to summer vacations.
Mrs. Elmo' Koehler took charge
of business in the absence of the
president, Mrs. Nichols, A Weiner
roast -is to he held at the home of
Mr. and firs, Elmer Koehler on
August 30th. Next meeting will 1,,
held at the home of Rev, and Mrs,
Details for al combination beer
and liquor store on North Main
street are practically complete, it
is understood, Confirmation of
the agreement is expected limed.
lately from the planning board,
Mr, -Harold Jackson said on \V'ed-
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1000,11,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u,,,,,,s,,,,,.011.0:,1 x,,4,,,1000,,.,,,,11,,,,,,,,
Chiltern by WEDGWOOD
This fine bone china setting .has been designed
with the most appealing simplicity , , . suitable
for any style of interior decor, •The distinctive
hand -painted scroll is of raised green enamel.
The plate itself is lined with gold. Be sure to see
the striking new Chiltern.
WEDGWOOD -A Living Tradition Since 1759
"Chiltern" is one o2 more than 125 different dinnerware and
leaware patterns eanetnntly on display at
1 n ol 11.1111101111111.111.00 llllllll .011 11,101,11,11111,11011,1, 0111,.,11,1„1,1111,1,1,11,. 01„1
erivey of
Miss Glenda Pfaff of Cledir0n
,.pent holiday's last weak with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
1'reszcator and Mr, and Mrs. Rus
cel King and Mr, Herb Denver of
Exeter, visited last Sammie, with
Mr, and Mrs. Pn e z ator.
Mr. Bill Millsnn has completed
his six -weeks Sumner :school
terns at the Toronto Tea hers'
College at 951 Carlow St., Toron-
to, This year 551 students attend-
ed this College. We wish Bill ev-
ery success in his endeavour as a
school teacher,
lir. and firs. Roy Barnett of
Weston arrived last Wednesday
to spend holidays with the tat-
ter's brothel' and sister-in-law Mr.
and Mrs, Robt. Grimoldby.
'Mrs, Norman Willis, Carl and
Susan, of Kitchener spent a cou-
ple of clays last week with Mt'.
and 'Mrs. Lorne Lawson.
Hiss Sylvia Sanderson and E1 -
mer Sanderson of •Blyth have
been holidaying with Mr, and
Mrs, Wilmer (=lousher and family
Mrs. George Mcilwaim and Mary
attended a shower Saturday after-
noon in honour of Miss Joan Tal-
bot at the home of ,Mrs. Jack Mc_
Dwainin Seaforth, prior to her
marriage to Mr, Geo. Mclilwain
Jr., on Aug. 20.
Mr. Kenneth Johns of IIolly-
burn, Vancouver, spent the week-
end with lir. and Mrs. Lorne Law-
Mrs, Agnes Dale, Bob and Mar-
ion of Clinton, visited 881160y
with lir, and Mrs, Wilbur Jew-
itt and family.
Mrs, Thelma Bromley of Kitch-
ener spent the weekend with M1'.
and Mrs, Wm. .T. Dale and family
and attended the trousseau tea in
honour of Mass Laurel Dale last
.14r, and Mrs, Bordeu Brown
and family spent Sunday at Port
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simmons
and family of Toronto are holiday-
ing with Mr. and MTrs. Donaldliu-
dteulan and fancily,
Troif.s••sea 7', i
Mrs, R'nn. Dale entertained at 0
trousseau tea on Friday. Aug. 12
in honour of her daughter, l.atlr•
el Karen, whose marriage is to
take place on Saturday-, Aug. 20.
Welcoming the guests at the
door were Mrs. Dale, the bride -
elect and Mrs. Il, i,lousho•, mu-
t11er of tine groom. The tea (anis
was centred with an arrdu.5enlell
or pink sweet. pets :and ivy and
Pink candles, Ponriug' tea In tdx'
afternoon were lbw. T, ,J, AleAliclt-
ael of t,ndericln, grandmother of
the bride and ,111's. .1, 1.. dell of
Seaforth. In the evening Mrs, R.
McMichael, aunt of the bride ,and
Mrs. Lloyd 010110, sister of the
groom performed the same duty„
Tea was Nerved by Mrs. Bruce
Falconer, and Miss Deanna. Dale
in 111e afternoon and by Mrs. har-
ry Brydgne and Mass ACilmn
to the eveutng, ,\irs. Stewart Dale.
Miss Evelyn :McMichael, Mrs, Goo,
Madiwitn, Mrs, 1?nr1 Not and
:Mrs. Verne Dale assisted in the
kitchen. 'rho trousseau and gifts
were shown 111 the afternoon by
'Miss Muriel Dale, „Miss Wilma
Dale, Miss ,lay Montgomery and
Miss Lenora Hamilton and in the
evening by Miss (.florin Doyd, Miss
Marjorie Charters, Hiss Dianna
Hale, Mays Audrey McMichael
and hiss Marilyn Riley, In charge
of the register were Kathy. and
Cheryl Dale.
l]r, tend firs, Leslie Bolton of
i1ospeler and nil', and Mrs. Ciar-
ence Montgomery have returned
home from St, Lottls, ,Mich.,
where they had attended the Mi-
chigan Slate Church of God
� \t S1 u n 1liv,: , the h, lent..
cd young singer was in tlnderich
,0a Saturday night in connection
. with t11e entertainment a1 'lc
'trade Fair.
I lbs, Houghton of C'romar'" vis -
!Red recently with Mrs, Il Dal-
ry atla0.
-lir, and'Mrs. James Mack and
daughter Marilyn of I elm,ld and
her eonsin Della Wallace or Sea -
forth have been vacationing at
1 Port Elgin. also visiting relatives
and friends in Seaforth :and vi-
' chitty, Mrs, Wallace returned with
totem n, Delmont for a. short holt_
i day.
Mast el' Bill Wallace spent a few'
holiday's with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scotchmer.
llr, and Mrs, Oliver Yallop and
.nim of Toronto visited with '.Mrs,
Yalloii s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Scotcluner.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed 1loyes have re-
turned trent a delightful trip
through Canada and the i'.S,A,
; traveling the new highway around
Georgian Bay to Sudbury-, cross-
ing at Sault Ste Marie and re-
!1miring crossed 00er the new
Mackinac bridge, through litchi.
gas, staying with relatives and
friends throughout their iourney.
MIiss Adeline Chappel and bre.
tiler Brian of Cromarty. who
! have been spending a few days:
with their grandmother are now
camping at little Falls, Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of Black -
1 pool, England, visited this week
with Mrs. H. Caldwell and son
1 John,
1 lir, and ,Mrs, Joe Nigh were in
London last week with their Sou
Charles. who was in Victoria iios..
pita.l for a check-up.
A farewell parr- sponsored hx
:VII'. and firs. Frank 1luxer and
:411'. and Mrs. 'Michael McLaughlin
honoring. Mr. and fit's. \\'m. Pee.
ney who have recently tuoved to
Kitchener, was held on Eatttrday
evening. Approximately 75 rela-
tives and netehhnrs ;mended 10
extend good wishes 10 llr, amt
Mts, l erne: in their new home,
They were presented with a
ICt'aehler chair and a blanket ter
which they graciously (20]1( red
their titatnks Several rattles of eu-
chre were arranged and 1 11111 11 t...,
served 1,y a committee cif lath
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kr,n, 1, pl
Fort Lattderchile. Florida, and
Mrs. Anne liurrn;c, Galt, with
Mrs. Catharine i<r:.0 d epi',
lir, and Mrs. Jerry I•:cher), 01
Kitchener, W11 11 Mr. and
Mr. and firs, Al Yonne: and the.
f:ontly, Toronto wit11 Mcs, M. 16,
Air, and ;firs, \\'ilfreti 1)ttify and
,hilch•cn, 11 oodstoclf, and Mr, and
\its. Maurice Dillon and family.
tit, Thomas. with firs. Lentis 11>1-
Miss Ver7-2,1Cay. Detroit, with
1\1r, and Ml.. Fergus 11111,1) and
Mt', 1,111 MVA. .10hn M. Murray,
Mr. and 'Mrs. John liraus1,'ef
and children, Drumbo and 'MT,
anti Airs, i), McGilivray, London,
with lir. and firs. Dan Costello,
lir. and Mrs, 0. Denolnule_, Dun.
des. wi11, Mr, and Mr's, Lorne
Cron in.
Lott O'Rourke ail Miss Pearl
URourke, Dundas. with Sh'. and
Mrs.. (ktyton Looby and Mint -
rola iy es,
Mt, and Mrs, 16, .1, 1)eau and
daughter's, -Helen nod Debbie ax's.
vacationing atSouthampton.
Mt. and \irs. Frank 'Maloney,
,Misses Rose Mary and Katherine
14r, and \irs. Millie Feeney, Kit-
chener, with Nit's, Catherine Peen.