HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-08-11, Page 1WHOLE' SERIES, VOL, 82 Pi)0110 84 3EAFORPH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, A.UOUST 11,-1960 Maio n Year (,5! Ott'iw' Peat., Utrawa Pataiahero NEV COIJNCILOR SOIJGHT ;t a c Seaforth Town Council met. their regular August meeting i Monday evening appointed Actin Mayor Edmund Daly as ,May( for the balance. of the 19-00 tern following the death of the lar Mayor B, F. Ghristie'in July, Council named Mayor Daly an Cl Councillor Nelson archno as committee to act as a eonmlitte to arrange for a new member t take over the vacant seat at th council board as provided in tit Municipal Act. The new comictllo will be sworn in before the hex regular meeting in September, Couuoilloa:s mentioned Richer Box as being a Suitable proepee for councillor. All members were present an Mayor E. Daly presided, Mr. Daly thanked council fo the. honor extended to him, II Said that the council would jolt him in offering sympathy to th Christie family, Mayor Christi had taken a serious interest in hi work and been a valued membe of council, Mayor Daly told council h thought committees should see oftener. Assignments given t eommittees should be carried ou motet at once, not left to the end of th mouth, Mayor Daly said he had arrang el for a monthly progress rester committee budgets. Ties would show committees how mur. of their budgets they had open and how much of the year's hurl gets was left to spend, A representative of a fivancia house offered to buy the high school debentures of $180,000. 1 -le suggested an interest rate of fl% at a price of $90.50. Councilor Brady told council. nothing further had been done about the tax situation. Tax arrears nn Jan, 1st were $57,000. On July 31st $15,000 had been paid on arrears and $41,000 was still owing. Council rcentnmended an imine diate campaign to bring in the rest of the arrears, Current taxes "look very nice", said ,Mayen• Daly, To the end of July $07,000 hadhadbeen paid in current taxes. Total taxes for 1900 are approximately $120,000, A report on the street work was given by Councillor Thorpe Riv- ers. The sidewalk work: was near- ly finished, Custom work of $980 had been done and another $100 was still to do. Two ditches were planned, one at Van Mil's and the other to run west from W, William St. ,Councillare said Seaforth had its streets budget in complete and would receive the full grant, Sup- plementary budgets were not get- ting a grant,. it was said. Work on the upper roof at the town hall would require a steeple- jack, Mayor Daly told Council. All the other roofs had been repaired. The overhead door at the firehall had been fixed. Six building per- mits were issued for $3200. Reeve Ball told council the town had made a small payment to Clinton for relief to an ex -resi- dent. Councillor John Flannery told council a bread bakery wanted to set up a small Ferris wheel in the park Friday afternoon for rides for kiddies. Other years the outfit hail been set up behind one of the stores, Council agreed. Councillor Canino said the owners were offering vacant space in the former Ontex factory for rent. They do not require all the spare available. Council passed a bylaw for the fees for trailers in town, up to 25 feet in length, $10 a month; over 25 feet $15 a month. A bylaw for bowling alley lic- ense rates was passed. An estab., lishment will pay a fee of 940 per year. Councillor Brady pointed out the number of alleys within the building did not affect the fee. Council should write to the li- quor control board to see where the town stood in regard to a share of the fines, porton of lic- enses and gallonage, suggested Mayor Daly. Councillor Brady said the town would have to .pay the prosecution costs even if they lost the cases, HORSES AT TORONTO Three horses from here are at the Woodbine in Toronto at pre- " sent. Wilson Oke has Thunder Bay and Norman MacLean has North Star, t ordon Pullman's mare, Estelle Chips is in the city in charge of Mr. Harvey of New Hamburg, Estelle Chips was second in the races at • Kincardine last week, WILL .13E D5 IN OCTOBEJ8 "fly mother ,Mr's. A. E, Elgie will be 96 on Oct. 10th," writer Mrs, Fred W. Scrimes of La Verne, California. `'Sister to late Geo. Coleman, her sister Mrs, Mary A. Ortwein passed on May 80, :Now mother Is the last of a fancily or eleven children—is up everyday." NJ1INTS SERVICE STATION Wayne Scott has leased the 1Vhitc Rose service station front the Canadian 011 Co,, on Godere ich St, East, which has been the Dalton White Rose for the past 18 months, Mr, Scott takes posses- sion next Monday. i@[ ILL BE Hallett Lets Tender For IT t<' EE ' 1 1 Y e'6A) Bridge Wm. McClure Marks 91st Birthday \Villla n McClure marked his 91st birthday on August 2nd. The previous any a party was held at the home of his daughter Mrs, Thames Carter 01 town, Mr, McClure is in preity good health and is able to get around the house, although he doesn't get out much, Police Commission Proposed Here At the Seaforth town council meeting on Monday evening ,May- or Daly suggested council look in- to the possibility of setting up a Police commission for Seaforth, He had discussed it with Mag. istrate Glenn +.Flays, Mr. hays hacl described the operation of the commission in Goderich, It con- sisted of the Mager, the Magis- tl'ate (Mr, 1 -lays) and the County Judge (Mr. F'hngiand), The sante arrangement could be used in Seaforth, the Mayor sit- ting with the Magistrate and Judge, Bach. commissioner would get 9100 a year and also the sec- retary (town clerk), It was quite a responsibility for local councillors to sit on the town committee in charge of the police, Mayor Daly said. if the mayor could have the advice and assistance of those familiar with law and enforcement, and had hail experience in advising and directing police work, it would he mach easier, he said. Council agreed t o study the proposal., It is understood that the .pollee hero are quite agreeable to a po- lice commission. WILLIAM J01)3 EISLi1R 'William John Eisler, 59, a resi- dent of Egtnondvillo for 30 years, died at his home Wednesday. 01r. Eisler was a foreman of Boshu't furniture Company, and had been a farmer in Logan Township. He was an adherent of Egmondville United Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Gladys Miller; four sons, Richard of Stratford; Lloyd of Victoria. 13,0.1 Jack ,h•. and William both of :Seaforth; Iwo daughters, Mrs, Ken (Doris) Chessel, 1.03 Well St., Stratford, and Mrs, Marjorie Kotyk at home; two brothers, Louis of Mitchell and George of 1lrindsor; three sisters, Mrs. henry (Emma) Diegel, I3rodhagen; Mrs, William (tbfari') Ahrens, Logan Township, and Mrs, Harry (,Eolith) Bener- man, Seaforth, The funeral ser- vice was held on Saturday from the Box Funeral Home. Rev. J. C. Britton officiated. Pallbearers were Louis Lauden- bach, John Earle, Ilartman Heis- er, Norman Scoins, ,Dames Barry and Alvin ,Holl. Fiowerbearers were Bedford Dungey, John Muir, Baden Powell, Edward Fischer, Leon Bannon, Charles Pinder, Ed- ward Lithgow, Paul Somers and Robert Ruston, C. of C. Will Meet Thursday Night The Seaforth 'Chamber of Com- merce will hold a meeting Thurs- day evening at 8 p.m. sharp in the town hall. There are several items on the agenda, among wlrioh will be street signs, Christmas decorat- ing, sport trophies and the ap- pointment of a committee to assist during the time of the Seaforth Fall Fair with the merchants' booths. In regard to the discussion on street signs it is expected to have a representative from one of these companies at the meeting to ex- plain the various signs and the cost. All members are invited to at- tend this meeting. Seaforth-built Boats Take to the Water iSeafol'th is an inland town, 16 miles from the nearest large body of water. Despite this handicap quite a number of boats have been 'built here in recent years and this summer two more sailing sloops have been completed here. R. 0. Kirk and son Dick, last month launched their boat which they built at their Hu'purhey lhoftio, and it is sailing out of Bayftelcl. Ready for launching this week- end is Mer'amor• II, built by the Coutts Bros, The two boats are much alike being built from the sante pians, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc0avin announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth Anne to Wil- liam Edward Dinsmore, son of ;Mai. and Mrs, Earl S. Dinsmore of Seaforth. The wedding will take place at Duff's Culled Church, Walton, on Saturday, August 20, CROP REPORT Fall wheat is progressing very well with slightly above average yield generally reported, Spring barley Is being combined and oats aro being cut, .Showers during the past week have inipa'oved the eon- di,tion of most field crops, Liquor Store on North Main Street? A combination liquor and beer stare is in ln'ospeet for North Main St., Harold ,Jackson told Seaforth town council at its meet - Mg on Monday, He asked council for its views on this lactation for a store of this type on Jack t'ethick's property just north of the Orange hall. Be had interviewed nearly all the neighbors and everyone had been agreeable, The Orange hall prop- erty cominit'tee had discussed the proposal and had no objections, and said cars could park on their pl'opert3' if necessary, Mr, Jaekson told council the new building would be set back 25 feet from the street. There should be no parking problem, The present building would be razed. Ile could not promise the store would be located there, but it looked like a good site, and had a fairly wide lot, Reeve Ball asked what he want. ed council to do, Mr. Jaekson said he wanted approval for the lora.. Hon. Councillors were glad to agree. They pointed out commer- cial buildings now extend to the Hayes office at then Ja nes Street corner on North Main street. The new store would bo only a little further north, Separate School Sewer Completed g At the regular p t Fal meeting of the town council on Monday, council - tor John Turnbull tolyl council that the sewer put in an Cottle - lock street for the. new Separate School was now completed, He had suggested that an agreement should be drawu up between the board and the town. The sewer will be turned over to the gown for operation and maintenance upon completion. The board will pay for the sew- er except for the extra cost of the 8 -inch tile used instead of d- ineh. The town will pay for the two manholes. The board will provide ease- ments where necessary. for main- tenance. Frontage rates will be charged and server rates go to the town. ,Council linseed a bylaw author- izing the signing of this agree- ment, Councillor Turnbull told council a letter had been received from the Ontario WaterJtesourees Com- mission with part of the agree- ment for the sewer in the north- west part of the town. Councilors suggested it would be next year before work would tart n Dr s o th s project. Councilor Turnbull said it would be very late in the year if it started this year. Constance Friends Honor Bride -to -Be :Friends and neighbors assem- bled in the basement of the Unit- ed Church, Constance, Monday evening to honor a bridato-be, Miss Laurel Dale, eldest daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Dale, prior to her marriage to Mr. Don Gloneher on Aug, 20. In decorated chairs the bride - elect was seated with her mother, lIrs. Wm. Dale, and mother of the groom, Mrs. herb Glousher. Miss Muriel Dale acted as Master of Ceremonies and conducted two contests, BMiss Judy Thompson and Mary 1fcltwain sang a cruet accompanied by Mrs, Ken Thomp- son. At an opportune time Mrs, W, L. Whyte read an adth'ess and gifts were carried in by Misses Kathy and Cheryl Dale, sisters of the bride, and were opened by the bride -elect and passed around and displayed, Among the many useful gifts was a trilight lamp given from the North Line, and from the West and East Line was given an iron hoard and cover and a sponge mop, Miss Dale fftt. tahgty thanked all for their re- membrances and useful gifts and on behalf or her mother invited all to attend trousseau tea in her honor on Friday, Aug. 12 after- noon and evening, "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" was sung and lunch was served and all ening- ed a social hour over the teacup. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Robert A, Smith of Ailsa Craig, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daugh- ter Marilyn. Ruth, to Bob Lloyd Doerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Duerr of Dublin, Ont. The wed- ding to take place on Saturday, Sept. 3rd 1960, 'et 2 o'clock in the Rostock Evangelical United Bre- Onion Church, Rostock, Ont, Rabies Again n Verified In District A case of rabies has been diag- nosed and confirmed in the I-Ien- sail-Kippen area In a two year- old cattle beast Dr, J. C, Mac- Lennan, of (he Health of Animals Branch, Seaforth, stated on Tues- day, This is the first case in many mouths in the local district, John Gaffing'. g, of Stratford, was .awarded the eontraet for building the Quigley Bridge in 111111011 1aw11ship opposite lot 19, between the (1th and 7th conces- sions, at a special meeting of the township council Monday night. Tender pries! was $18,:'00, Con- etructlou will start in Iwo weeps land contract is to be completed before the end of the year; The bridge of reinforced con• trete will have a ;Tigre span, supported by two piers which will rest 00 steel piles, a nary type or construction, The bridge will erose the Maitland River and still bears the name of Quigley, form- er owner of the adjacent farm, There were four other tenders as follows: Looby Conetreetion, Dublin, $38,884,20; Oweit King, of Wlitgham $39,874,64; Gibson& Son, London, 945,455: Graham & Clraham, London, 946,740, Williamson Family Hold Picnic As a special wish of their mo- ther, the annual picnic or the Williamson family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Williamson on Sunclay, August 9, Sports were held in the afternoon with Miss ,Mona Clarke and Miss Eileen Williamson in charge, 1 Winners for the afternoon were 1 tire -school, Tom Williamscm, Man - dee Nesbitt; boys and girls 0-9, Shirley Williamson, David Jervis; boys and girls 9-11 Eric 1\rilliam- son, Brenda Nesbitt boys, 12 and over, Ken and Wayne William- son; gills, 12 and over, Alexine n Williamson, Gloria - Carter; rich. slipper, Mrs. Lorne Carter; pea- nut throw, Linda Nesbitt : umtrslh. 1 mallow gobble, Roy Williamson, 1 Don Carter; tnlreaddng needle, lir, and Mrs, Roy M illiomson: breaking balloon race, lire. Bert 1Villiumsonl; blind feeding Id Ind, George Nesbitt, Mrs, Lorne Oar - ter; guessing jelly beans, Ron Riley; birthday nearest picnic, Wayne, and Ken 1Viliianlson. '1'wo minutes silence was held before the picnic Supper 111 mem- ory' of Mr. and Mrs, Thos, 11'11• liamson who passed away in April and July of this year. Minutes of s the last picnic were tread and the officers for 1.961. are as follows: a Pres,, Murray Forbes; vice pros., George Nesbitt; secretary, Gloria Carter; treasurer, Mrs, Al- bert Clarke; lunch, firs. George Nesbitt, Mrs. Roy' Williamson; sports, Roy Williamson, George Nesbitt. The picnic for 1001 will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williamson's on the second Sunclay of July, WALTON Shower Held For Elizabeth McGavini The ladies of the \le.lCillp group sponsored as antic c lhn< ora shower 1 in honour of Miss Eliza- beth - lir t beth Moe atvin prior to her mtl- rlage ;01 Aug. 1011f, in raid S United Chervil parlour on :Monday ovenlug, Muskets of white 0lads onus, dahlias and other bouquets of flowers formed a colorful barli. greens for the today beautiful gil'rs which were tastefully ar- ranged on a long table turd pMt- fornt, 'hiss Muriel Sc•hade and Miss Faye Love were In charge of the guest boort at the dour, Assist- ing In plating the gilts were Mrs, Stewart. McCall and Mrs. Merton lliwkwell..11rs, Campbell Wey was 111151l•ees of ceremonies, opening the program with two familiar sons, with Mrs. 1I. Brown at. the Piano, Solo, Barbara 'Turnbull, with Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull Litwin. panying: reading. Mrs, Geo, Fos; instrumental, Mrs. Alex. Dennis: skit, Glenna 11011 1011 and Carol- ine Fraser; cornet solo, Mrs. Jack \lcLlwuln, resin Mrs, II. Brown accompanying. The guest of hon- or, ,Miss lelizahetlh lletlavtu, was ushered to the 111aee of honor on the platform with het' mother, Mrs, Gordon 'McGa1'in and the groom -to -hers mother, firs. Earl Dinsmore of Seaforth, Mrs, And- rew Coutts addressed the bride- to-be, to which Miss McGavin re- plied thanking the ladies for the gifts •and all who made the show aAssistingup. er such a stuces,. in up - ening the gifts were Lois Anne Somerville, Donna Willows, 1Iu- riel Schatde and Faye love. A de- ioious lunch was served by the adios of the MoKihiop group. dlelililnl, Group The monthly meeting of the McKillop Group was held at the I of Mrs, Geo, Fox on Tues- day evening with 12 ladles pres- ent. Mrs. Jack Bosman opened the fleeting. The scripture passage Vat.; read by Mrs, Stewart McCall, Reports were presenter) and bust - less conducted enuring which 'haus were made fur a shower. Cards and milk shakes were sold. The topic was given by 11re. Cl, Wey. At the close of the meeting Prayer was offered by Mrs. Chas. MoGavin. Lunch was served by the hostess and the ladies on the 12th concessiou west, Sunday sedtool and churelh ser - 0100 will be withdrawn in Duff's suited C'dlureh next Sunday. The following Sunday, August 21st, Mr. James Perrie, Cranbrook, a tuclent minister from Waterloo College, will conduct the service 1 11_90 a.m, Miss Joan Ryan, Reg.;\,, Cont- rail, is holisaytng with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, Mrs. John McDonald spent the past two weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Jean McGale. Toronto, Mrs, N. Ireland • of Lethbridge, Alberta., visited with lir. and Mrs. Ed. Miller for a few days, Master Gary Bennett and Joan Bennett were holidaying last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Merkley, Wroxeter, tIr. and Mrs. A. Anderson and daughter of Milverton have mov- ed into the Badmen residence on West street, Mr. Anderson is em- ployed on the section of the CPR, Cpl. Glen Wilson, Mrs, 1Vidson and David left last week for their new home in Edmonton, Alberta. lhg and lb's, 1V. Stutz of Kit- chener were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Tor - ranee Dundas. The'August meeting of the 1\', A, was held on the Lawn of Mrs, W. Turnbull's hone on Aug, 4th with 17 ladies present, Mrs. Ken McDonald presided and the Haeme for the sheeting was "Walking with God", Comments were given followed by prayer. Seeretary's re- port and correspondence was read by •Ole,. R. Bennett, Mrs. A, Coutts reported a balance on hand of 9354.34, A motion was made that we purchase a pencil front \ars, Geo, Fox for painting on dishes and towelling to mark dishes 01 the church. A letter was read froth leatons stating they were giving a 20'( discount instead of 10^;, on the dishes purchased. Mrs, M. Baan was appointed to order Christmas Cards, The next meeting will be held Friday. Sep- tember 2 on 0evount of a picnic. The fowl supper date was set for the first Wednesday in Nov- ember, and keep that date for further years. Anyone with church tablecloths - are asked to return them its soon as possible, All repeated the Lor'd's prayer to close meeting, ltrs, D, Watson presided for the \VMS meeting, The scripture taken from Psalm 95: 1-11 was read by sirs. Wes OTac'kwell and Mrs. Nelson Reid offered prayer, Secretary's report and roll call was given by Mrs, R. Bennett, also the treasur'er's report by lire. Craig, The registration of a delegate for Alnm. College was to be sent in at once, Mrs, :Nelson 'Bela read a. clipping from the patper written by 0 returned mis- sionary, Mrs, Watson closed the meeting with prayer, Baby lininO ahs, 1i, Travis presided for the Baby TWO meeting which was held after the regular monthly meeting, The Baby Band prayer Was followed by hymn 598 "Away in a Manger", A short story was McCI'E -- BEDARD The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Sulli- van in St, James' Roman Catholic Church, on August 0th at 10 am., 01 Jeannine Bedard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bedard, Sea - forth, and John Kenneth McCue, son o1 Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Mc- Cue, Curve Lake, Ontario, The church decorations were white gladiolus. The bride was given in marri- age by her father and wore a floor length gown of white organ. za with fitted bodice of chantilly lace with scalloped neckline, with lily point sleeve, featured lace panel back and front. Her flowers were red roses. Miss Tina Lansink of ,Seaforth was maid of honor, wearing a me- lon dolor crystal charm dress with fitted bodice, gathered skirt with pleated cumberbund, and her flowers were bice and yellow mums. :Miss Doreen McCue, sister - of the groom, was bridesmaid and Miss Rosemary Bedard, sister of the bride was junior bridesmaid, Their dresses were identical to that of the maid of honor, Lynda Bedard, sister of the bride, was flower girl, and her frock matched the bridesmaids'. Jack Bedard, Seaforth, brother of the bride, was best man. Ush- ers were Brian Flannigan and Melvin Cooper. Mrs. Alice Stiles was organist. The soloist, Mrs. Mel Acheson, sang Ave Maria, and Penis Angel. Ecus. The wedding breakfast was ser- ved at the Legion 11x11, Seaforth, catered by the Legion Auxiliary, The Irritle's mother received in a mint green 011011111 dress with white accessories. The bride - *0 0oni s mother wore a light brown chiffon caress with brown accessories. For a h0neymomr trip to Niag- ara Falls, the bride wore a beige sheath dress 101111 brown access- ories, They will reside in Sea - forth. Guests were present from Peterborough, Curve Lake, Port Perry, Windsor, Detroit, Clinton, Zurich, Goderich and Seaforth, AWARDED CONTRACT Looby Construction Ltd. of Dublin, Inas been awarded a $119,- .160 contract for construction of the Frederickburg twp. bridge, northeast of Napanee, by the On - Mario Department of Highways, read by Mrs T'rai'ts '13 Baby Bute dome', :Minutes of The Dominion Iln,tel of Zurich last, meeting and roll call were: • Inas received a license for lounge, 'read with each member 000111g dining lounge and public holm; up to receive (.their' card, for melt only, The following prizes were re- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11u"n,11,,,,,,, 11"",, 111111.1111 iiiiiiiiiiii 1111111111111111111111111”1111111 iiiiiiiiiiiii 111111111111111 iiiiiii 14 400 PAIR OF !'..'\Nli1NGlS To CLEAR .AT 'e t1Il:,r Slate vane', l 111 (001 '('(11t.s in ,�'tuntn,.! r• tor• ; '1Ltei''' m-.Fie,.1lc ipu'a1.11. borealis earrings, 111ri, slnuc earrings in 0..11 43 silver colors; a 0010 .., h oris you ,till not want l/ roti Also bracelets, 1wehlet', t•oa,.h„s, op.; 1.etoi- in ninny color., We still have a smart selection of 92a10 Je•waIto1'y To CLEAR A717 $1.00. Don't miss the hast fele days of Savo11130, i;ututner Jewellery Sale Savauge's JEWELLEIRY GIFTS Seaforth FINE (`iHINA ',1111111111111111111111111111r.11111111,”1111111 iiiiiiiii 111111111111111 iiiiiiii 11111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1 celred: .Mother with Most buttons by Mrs, James Smith; Gremlino. ther with most buttons, Mrs. 0, McDonald; youngest baby, Janet 1telinga: baby with birthday tensest to New Years chit, \Viiliam Ronald Ribbert, Brenda Bewley took up the rolleetinn, Mrs.- 11. Travis moved a vete of thanks to Mrs. 1C. Turnbull for the use a her lime and CIIIT girls for writ. ing out invitations, lb's. W, Bew- ley for helping with the games and mothers for bringing their 1 , itildten out to the Baby Band Hymn 588 "Gad sees the little sparrow tall” was 00:0, (;ones followed: rams 3 yrs. & under was won by Stephen I3ib- hert, 4 111 0, Marilyn- Turnbull, Sirs, W. Bewley conehuttod the games of Nether says, "Loudon Ilrid„ e' and "Farmer in the Dell". A cantly scramble was en. ,toyed with Mrs, R, Bennett Aura Mrs, I1. Travis in char_e. Lunch of sandwiches, cookies and Omen. late 1111111 followed. Mrs, Neil Reid, Dennis end Eric of Toronto visited with Mr, and Mrs. George Dundas last week. Mrs. iiellnetlt Ritchie of IIg- mondville spent a. few days fast weer: with her mother, ,Mrs, Ennis. 1It. Jeff Livingstone has return- ed to Preston after holidaying at the home of .1Mr. M, Fraser. Mrs, Ruby Dundee. Carolyn and Joyce of Glencoe visited with Mr, and ,Mr's. George Dundee on Sun- day. Mr. and .Mrs. Geo, Dundas and Mr. and Mrs, Torrance Dundas attended the funeral of the late lhrs. Jas. Dennison at Galt last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mr, and Mrs, Ron Bennett, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Humphries and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Travis and their families spent the week end at Port Elgin. Mrs. E. McCreath is a director at CGIT camp at Goderich this week. Girls attending from here are Marion Turnbull. Bonnie Uh- ler and Brenda Houston, CONSTANCE Visitors last Tuesday and Wed- nesday with the Misses Rachet and Pearl McKenzie were Mrs. Phi]ip Willis and Dwight and Sirs..Smith. of Goderich and Miss Barron of \Warton, and 'lira, Cam- eron Stewart, Mrs. Gibson Stew- art of Molesworth and MTS. 11ar- Old Stewart of Listowel, 1D'. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson and Mr. and Mrs, harry Hoag and the funnily of Newmarket visited last Thursday with Mr, and Mrs, Ell- wood Clarke and Mark of London and also visited Story Book Gar- dens. Mrs. John Riley of Tnekcremith 0)1011 rho pari week with Mr. and 1D•s, 0130 1'b•&Bent 'rhehna11Pro111.mle}', Kitchen- er spent last weekend with her father, lh', Janes Dale nand with Mr, and Mrs. Win, Dale and fam- ily. • 1lre. Clal'ettte Montge1110r5 vis ited in0) weep with Mr. and lobs, Wm, Eagleson of Oak Palk, Micb, Trousseau lloaore bride -Meet 'gra. William R. Jewitt enter- tained at a trousseau tea en Sat- urday Aug. 6 in honor of her daughter, .10yee Elaine, whose. Marriage will take place Sat, Aug, 1:1 to lir. w'nt, Dowsnn of Varna, in the Cons -tame United Chur,h, Welcoming the guests at the door were the bride -elect, Mrs. Jewitt, Mr's, 1)uwsou, soother of the groom and sirs, Charles Dexter, 13randntniher of the bride, The len table was centred with a bouquet of Sweet Petry on a lace table cloth with white t;u111as, Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. Austin Dexter, great-aunt al the bride and Mrs, Cavil Dowsnn, stmt nl the groom, and in the. ev- ening, Mrs, M. 3dame, great-aunt cf the 'bride and Mrs. Melvin Web- ster, aunt of the groom, Tea wlis served in the afternoon by Misses Sylvia -Sanderson, Shnr- ort. Dowsnn, Sharon Ball and MISS Ruth Mains, and in the evening by Misses June Ross, Janet dlow- cllfl'e and Betty Axl hnann hiss Lillian Adams, Mrs.M, ('rnhk, MIM:=, I'. Buchanan, Mrs. K. - Pi•eszcator, Mrs, 0. (tress and Mrs. 1,, ,1Mrf'linc the y assisted int the kit ellen. Directing in the aft ernoon was ...qrs. Jots Sanderson sou and in the evening 1lrs. Rohe. McMillan. The Trnuss,'au and gilt were shown in tile afternoon by 1liss Muriel Dale. Mho, Ear1 Tapping, 01r,. \1'atne 'rayl r, Mrs. 1 boy,1 Cooper and Miss .Ione 11.0.and In the evening Mrs. lien Scote)h. (0p•.r, Miss .1a 1lee Jewitt, 1113- glens ee Jewitt, \lis, Muriel Valle and hiss 1111)11 Melllwein. in cltal to of the ,ae,t had in the afternoon was Brenda Ball and in tb canning Karim Weh- 51 car. Prior to her nilrria:;e the imide wan feted alt several iu;.r loll S. The c.1 1.1.T. and Sunray rD41(11 1 r, Seated her with gifts at a we finer roast betel a1 the 11ome. of .Mrs. Donald Heileman., miss Muriel Dole was ho: to ss 11t a kit- chen : how er on Friday, .Illy 29. Friends :pad neighbors gather- ed in the ("introit basement 1m• a mb:eclhmenus shower. \ir.;. Mali Newman, Clinton was hostess at a shower on Wednesday Aug," when the bride received many useful gifts, On Thursday, Aug. 4 the bride was honoured at a miscellaneous shower at the Route of Jars. F. Brock, Thorndale. where the bride had taught school, llr, and Mrs. Harry 11011:_ and fancily who have been holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson left Friday for their Mottle in Newmarket, Mr, 1\'m, Dale returned home from New York State where he had been purchasing cattle. llr,• and Mrs, Robs. Woods and Debbie of Ajax are holidaying with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley, lir, and Mrs. Janes Attwood and family of Windsor are spend- ing holidays this week with lir, and Mrs, Robt, Grintoldby, Mr, and Mrs. 11'. L. Whyte,. llarg3 and Billie visited Sunday with their daughter and son -in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Millen of Guelph. liargy and Bil- lie retained for holidays. Mo', and Mrs. Borden Brown and ' family visited Sunday int Ilano1'er and Port algin, Misr Joyce Brown returned ed home after spending the last weep with rela- tives. and Blaine remained and is attending the Ihmo0er Day C'aalp sponsored by the Ditherer Recreation (NinnnliI tee, Mr. and 1lrs. Robt, (lrifnoidby and llh'. 1111 MTS. .1. Attwood and family visited Monday with and Mrs. Boa, Manu of \\'inttham, Mr, and Mrs. (.111 mew Mont- n'ry left Monday to spend 0 week's holiday at St, Louis. 1I)c•11. Mrs, T. lie:M/114101 and liiss Evelyn MOB/hail of (1nde1.1,-11 013e11 '1 (0111116 of (Iay, with lir and Mrs, Win. Dale and family and attended The shower twill by the eomnitltlit7 for Miss Lamrl Dale, bride -clots, in the base. Ment of the Con taueo Pulsed Clntt•eh, Monday eveninc. Vi -)tory atthe homes of 'lir. and Mrs. \1'nt, Jews)) and 11r, and lits, Wilbur Jewitt on Monday Rel•e 'Airs. Agnes \ioP.urie, -311': and Mrs, John Mairs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stacey l'ehgus -aaul Miss Margaret 71ellorie of Forest. lir, and sirs. Lorne Lawson visited 'It. -Fad with Mr. and Mrs. Norman 11111 Is of 12)lchener, HENSALL -nil•, and Mrs, Mu, Their nt.7.nr. bill visited recently with Mr and lira Geddes. hiss Vernice Dilihig who has been attending sunnier school )n London, is 'holidaying with b01• Parents, lir, 0119,Mrs, 5511)ert billing. Ula, 1:nlnlie Schroeder le spend- ing to Mew weeks with Mr. and ;vies, le. Storey and family at Till. sotilnirg. Mrs, henna Pathe and nitride returned hence fresh a pleasant visit with relatives in 'l'nronto. Mr. tend Mrs, A. Shaddiclt of Clinton visited rercutly with Mrs. 11, R. Phaddirk uud B)11,