HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-08-04, Page 8by the yard in our FABRIC CENTER Fabrics for now on through early fall. Lovely selection, Come in to -day and choose a dress length from this brand new showing of "fashion -right" fall dress materials featuring new paisleys, plaids, checks. prints and plains in tine corduroys, epuns, wools, transition cottons and silks, in a wide choice of the newest fall shades. 1.35 Priced at 9P1, yard awl zd,>rd START YOUR FALL SE WING NO j2 Choose from our lovely showing of new fall dress goods, a 5 , Pick your pattern from the NEW fall style books ...• and remember we have all the res your of y ut sewing needs including thread, needles, buttons. bindings, pads, etc. STET AR EGMONDVILLE Mr. and iMrs. Palmer Coombs of London were up to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of the former's parents and remained for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Coombs were preeented with a gold wrist watch each by mem- bers of their family. Mrs. Vanstone and family of Hensall are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown. Mrs. R, Dalrymple and Charlie visited for a few days last week with friends at Mt. B4•ydges, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Barbour and Sandra of Staffa called on Mrs, Dalrymple on Tuesday. Mrs, J. Nott of Sault Ste Marie was renewing acquaintances in the village on Tuesday, Miss Kohne¢• of Bayfleid is vis- iting her aunt, Miss Bristow. Miss Dorothy Boyes has return- ed from a week's holiday spent at Bayfield. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs, Pat Feeney, Til- sonburg, with Mrs. Mary Feeney, Mr. and-.Mre, Dan Williams Sr. and Mr. and Mrs, Dan Williams Jr., and daughter, St, Petersburg, Florida, with Sirs. Joseph Staple- ton and other relatives, Mary Helen and Debbie aro vacs - tinning at Southampton. Mr, and. alas. A, Whetham, 11, one and 'Kenneth are at their cot, Inge on Lake Huron. 'Mr, and Mrs. ,rim Jordan and family, Toronto, with friends, 11rs. T antes 1 , ilea tskapf and fancily are spending a week at Grand Heed. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Maelloug- all and children London. with Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Jordan. ;lir, and airs. James Aekt'oyd and Bietty, Toronto with Mrs. M. 1, O'Rourke. Mee Incl Stapleton in Detroit with Mr. and \it's, Fred Sander- son. Mr, and Mms. Jim Newcombe, Tort Credit with Mr. and Mrs, \1 spinus Stal)]eten. Mr, .Tint .ileOovern, Londotn, with Mr, and Mrs. ltd Stapleton, alt'. and Mrs, Billie Feeney and Sharon have moved to Kitchener, CROMAiRTY Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson of ,Milverton were Sunday visit- ors with alr. and Mrs, George 'Wallace, Mr, and Mee, Alex, Gardiner spent the holiday week end visit- ing relatives and friends in Ali. rhigan and Ohio. Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Oockivell and air, Jack Cockwell and dao- ghter Neva of Dashwood visited an Sunday with .Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Davis and family of Belton and Mr, and Mrs. Don McLeod and family of Ailsa Craig visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, Harry Norris, Mrs. David Gardiner spent the week end with her daughter and sou -in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Heber Shute of Ieirkton. Mr, and Ml's, Calvin Hulloy and daughter Beth of Tilbury spent the week end with her parents, Me and Mrs. Alex, Ramsey. Billy Ramsey'- returned home with them to spend a few holidays, Miss Alice Soredahi accompau- led by her friend, Miss Dale of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Beckier and son harry of Zurich visited an Sunday with lir. and Mrs. Donald Scott and family• Mr, and Mrs. Wm, McKaig and daughters of Sudbury- spent the holiday week end with his broth- ers, Mr. Angus McKaig and Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig, .week end visitors with ,Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker Were Mr, and Mrs. II. Currie and Linda, Dorch- ester, Mr. Kenneth Walker, Strat- ford. and .hiss Marian Dnuell of London. Mr, and airs, Jack .McGhee aol. Jackie, London, spent a few days with her parents during the week. On Wednesday a number of young couples of Cromarty line with their children enjoyed a pie - Mc at the Pinery-. Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvey Tnffin of Wheatley were Sanclay callers at the home of his cousins, Mr, and Mrs, Otto Walker. Several of the connection at- tended the Scott -Anderson reun- ion in Mitchell on Saturday, The Allen, IIoggarth and Mc- Lachlan reunion ivas held in the Stratford park on July 16th with 31 in attendance. Officers elected were President, Ernest Allen; secretary - treasurer,..Margaret Wallace; lunch committee, ;Mr. and Mrs, Bob McLachlan; Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Russell, Mr. and Mrs, ,Tack Heggarth; sports com- mittee, Sheila Allen, Joyce Kers- lake, Marlene alaLachlan, Res- ults of races, pre-school age, Deb- bie Wallace, Jeffery Alden; 11 olid under, Brenda Kerslake, Craig Kerslake; throwing the ball, Bev Fawm; egg relay, Bev Fawm, lyses• Will MOLachlan; men's balloon ace, Lloyd Allen, Will McLach- n; target throw, men, Harold oleman; women, Mary Coleman; le race, Harold Coleman; guess - g jelly beans, Mrs, John Mc- tehlan. Mrs, Ed, Chappel has returned home after visiting with relatives and friends in Manitoba and Sas- katchewan, Mrs, Mary Kistner and Diane at Gadshi•11 with Mr. and Mrs, c Gene Bannon. 1 Miss Ann MacAleer, Detroit, in Me and airs. Ewart Wilson and T.L son, Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. Pat Ryan. -ah'. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson of London with Mr, and Mrs, 3, P, Krauskopf- Mrs. E, J. Dean and daughters, PROCLAMATION CONCERNING " _GS In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Sea - forth, and by virtue of the provisions of By- law 111, of 1912, I hereby proclaim that no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth during the period ending September 30, 1960. (Note: The bylaw provides penalties for infractions, Upon a conviction, the owner or harborer of a dog is liable to a fine not exceeding $50, or to a jail term not exceed- ing 21 days) . Seaforth, June 14, 1960. "GOD SAVE '1'HE QUEEN„ All dog owner must obtain License tag for clog immediately, either from D. D. Wilson Cr Darold Maloney eRIIES521129116191.,s9MITa.F111 grouts 'of Trinity 'COM Chinch, London, also presented Helen with a silver cream and near on 14 dray and a easserale. A miscellaneous Miniver was held in howl' of Helen on July 7 in Turner's Church basement whou Helen received many useful gifts including a desk and lamp ream the eonununity, TM, Primary Class of Turner's Sunday School also entertained Helen at the home of Mrs, I)an- ald Orich and presented her with a gift in recognition or her faith- ful years as teacher of the Prim- ary Class, BRUCEFIELD 111IiS, W. H. PEPPER .Funeral service was conducted at the Honthron 'funeral home, 7leneall, for Mrs. William I1. Pepper, who passed. away early Saturday morning, July 23, at her home in Brimfield, She was in her 82nd .year. Service was conducted by the Rev. A, 11. Johnson, minister of Brucefield-Kippen United Ohur- elies. .Pall -bearers were Lioyd Thompson Victor Hargreaves, Robert 'Spier, George Clifton, Wm. McLachlan, all of Brucofield, and John Ritchie, Luckuow, Inter• meat was in Baird's Cemetery, airs: Pepper was born in Buck- inghamshire, England, and came to Canada with her family in the spring of 1912, They settled in the Lucknow district and moved to Brimfield in April, 1929. They farmed on con, 2, Stanley twp, Mrs, Pepper moved to Br'ucefield in 1958. She regularly attended Sunday School and church in the village. 'She was predeceased by her husband 16 years ago, and by her only son, Bili, eight years ago, She leaves to mourn her loss three daughters, IMrs, Digin (Grace) Thompson, Brucefieltl; ,Mrs. A. J'. , Aldie" (Doreen) Mustard, Varna, anti Mrs, George (ii(ollie) Pinkney, Walkerton; S gran.ehildreu and 1 great grand- child, L'EDEReiTION NEWS A couple of times during the past 6 mouths I have heard local Co -Ops severely criticized, While I feel that these people were sin- cere and that their statements were basically true I also feel that we need to have a little clear- er understanding of what can be accomplished by Co -Operatives. One man suggested that farmers were something less than sane to think that they owned their local Co -Op. He didn't go on to tell ane who dill own it, I can only say that farmers do own their local Co -Op. In the beginning several farmers Purchased shares, later by apply- ing patronage dividends to ex- panding the business the capital worth has increased greatly but this is still the farmers money. If the members should deeide to sell out their Co -Op, the money would have to ba returned to the shareholders and the dividends would have to be returned to the members. This is exactly what happens in any business whether it be privately owned or owned by shareholders, ,What I think this man was try- ing to say was that the farmers didn't Control their Co -Op, This can be quite true, It .i buy a farm and hire a manager and simply tell him to operate the farm I haven't any real control over it until I take the time to under- stand the business well enough to tell him what and how he is to manage the farm. So it is with the Co -Op. Unless the farmer mem- bers take the time to know their Co -Op and how it should be man- aged they will have no control over it. Another complaint was that the manager was incompetent. This again may be true, I don't have enough information to form an op- inion. If this manager is allowed to continue for any length of time the Board of Directors is incompe- tent and also the membership. It is within the power of the mem- bership to correct this situation. The other objection was that he Co -Op wouldn't pay any more or farm produce or sell any heaper than the competition so what good was the Co -Op. This again may be quite true. It is also true that I might very well open a store and sell cheaper than the store next door is selling but 1 cant open a store and sell cheap- er than the store next door can sell if he has to, This is the posi- tion of the Co -Ops. The ,0o -Op price isn't less in its own area of business but prices in areas where Co -Ops operate are generally less titan where there is no .Co -Op, competition, ,Similarly prices paid for prod- uce are higher where there is Co - Op competition than in areas where there are no Oo-Ops. There are three things that I would like you to remember when you think of Co -Ops. 1. The Co -Op is no more enc- eessful titan the energy of its members forces it to be, 2. A Co -Op cannot set prices, it can only create a competitive market, 3. A 00-01) cannot control imp- ly by export of surplus. TUCKERSMITH le TROUSSEAU T17A Mrs, John E, Turner of Tucker - smith entertained at a trousseau tea on 'Wednesday-, July 20th, in honor of her daughter Belen Irene whose marriage took place on Saturday, July 23. Welcoming the guests at the door were Mrs, Turner, the bride -elect and Mrs. Lawson, mother of the groom, The tea table was centred with a houquet or Sweet Peas on a lace clout. Pouring tea in the after- noon were :4Mrs, Harrold Turner and firs, Melvin Orich aunts of the bride., and Mrs. Verne Dale and Mrs. Jack Bushy, aunts of the groom, and in the evening, Mrs, Gladys Wallis and airs, Fred El- liott, aunts of the bride and Mrs. Jack Davidson and :Mrs, Harvey Taylor, aunts of tate groom. Tea was served by Mrs, Prank Falcon- er, Hiss Julene Mott, ,Mrs. Stan Johns and Mrs. Kenneth Roger- son, Mrs, . Alice Lawson, Mrs. E. Lowry, Mrs. Harold Taylor, Mrs. Gladys Wallis and Mrs, Fred El- liott assisted in the kitchen. The trousseau and gifts were shown in the afternoon by Mrs. Harold Taylor, .Mrs, Miner Mac- Kenzie, and Mrs, Edward Wsstrren, and in the evening by Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs. Edward Warren and Mrs, Frank Falconer. !n charge of Hie register in the afternoon were Lynda Warren and Mario Elliott and in .filo evening, Joyce and Janet :Falconer, PI'oar to .lel' marriage Miss Tleh. eta Turner was feted on several occasions. Misses Betty Jane Mit_ shell and June Donaldson were hostesscet at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Mit- chell in London. The staff or Princess Anne School, London, .presented Miss Turner with a silver rose bowl at a staff dinner st Tiotel London, The friendship Circle and W, A. 1' TICE Applications for posi- tion of Secretary Treasurer McKillop, Lo- gan & Ribbert Tele- phone Company, Dub- lin, Ont., will be receiv- ed by the undersigned to Aug. 25, 1960 Applications are to indicate qualifications and are to be sealed in an envelope marked "Application for SocrotaryTr'aas- urot•„ MATT MURRAY, President 1111.1 Dublin CARD OF THANKS The Catholic Women's league of St, ('ol nthtut wish to thank thoso who attended, donated or helped in any way to stake our Demised hauls Sapper anis Sum- mer Carnival a success en Jttiy 21)th CAIU) 01' T1IANKS I would like to shank Dr, Stap- leton and staff 01 Scott Memorial Hospital and all who sent the cards, treats and bowers, ;tail also ROY. Mr. Sumtnerell and friends who visited me while 1 was a patioitt in the hospital Mrs, Archie Somerville FOR SALE About 1000 1 abcotk-Besse pul- lets ou range, 20 weeps old. Phone 811(4 Dublin central, Bob Doerr FOR SALE Two oil space heaters, medium and large size, Picone S55r23, W. 11. Hawley, -Winthrop 250 Babeo lit -R1 SAE 250start- ing to lay. Leslie Pryee, phone 850x14 Seaforth 2 bedroom TO contained upper apartment. Private entrance, suit- able for couple. Apply at resift- ante of Orville Dale, N. Alain st. WANTED Baby stroller, Phone 836x13 Seaforth 600 SussexQR SA Reccl Leghorn pul- lets, on range. 544 months old, Jim Delaney, Dublin TO RENT 4 room apartment with bath. Harvey McLlwatin, phone 112 FOR SALE 1200 Hy -Line pallets 20 weeks old, vaccinated and debeakecl, Phone Blyth 281'16, Bruce Roy, Londesboro FOR SALE 12 pigs 9 weeks old. Apply to Joseph Dorsey, Dublin, phone 83R9 NOTICE Would the boy who stopped to speak Aug. let 0n highway 8 east Of town, call at my home—Stew- art LOST A small tarpaulin between Dub- lin and Staffa last Friday. Everett Kerslake, Cromarty 421112 Dub- lin FOR SALE Collin pups. Phony Dublin, 83112 FOR SALE 8 foot International binder suit- able for a swttther. Phone Brus- sels 348w4. 01112 Hoegy, Walton ell 1 FOR SALE 22 acres of oats in the field. One aged horse. Andrew Coutts, Walton, Phone 830x3 WANTED First. mortgage of 84500,00 on good farm property with build- ings in the Township of Hibbert. Repayments to suit lender. Apply McConnell & Stewart, Barristers, Seaforth, Ontario FOR SALE Two Frigidaire room air condi- tioners used two seasons; one 21 - inch Westinghouse TV. Mrs, Do- rothy Clarke, phone 298 FOR SALE 1 Massey Barris 12 foot swath- er, pull type, new condition, James Carnochan, 665-32 Seaforth FOR SALE One registered Hereford bull, serviceable age, priced to sell, or would exchange on a yearling beast. Phone 66203 FOR SALE 375 pullets, Babcock Bessies, starting to lay. Phone 45R8 Dub- lin. James Horan Auction Sale Or Household Effects. — 0. Hemingway Estate, Queens St., (Kitchener Road), Brussels, Ont., on Saturday, August 6, at 1,30 p.m. 9 piece solid natural oak din- ing room suite; 3 piece chester- field suite; 6 piece kitchenette suite; Baby Astral refrigerator; Apex washing machine; antique pine chest of drawers; wash stands, pitchers and bowls; studio couch; set of English china.; an- tique china and lamps; rocking chairs, end and console tables; tea wagon; Singer sewing mach- ine; oak dresser; mirrors; beds; coal stove; electric clock; hot plate and iron; floor and table lamps; occasional furniture and many other antique articles as quilting frames, sealers, magazine rack and pickle cruet. Terms cash Harold Jackson, Auctioneer D. & S. Hemingway, Executors If rain, sale will be held in Brussels arena FOR SALE Modern gas station and snack bar on No. 8 highway, main inter- section. This station has high gallonage, has been a consistent money maker, a gold mine for energetic couple. Stock, equip- ment, everything for $3000 clown. Part of the property is rented at sufficeut rental to pay carrying charges on entire business. Don't miss this one. Modern home in town of Seaforth, 8 blocks west of Main st. Modern kitchen dining room and living room down, and 3 bedrooms and bathroom up. New fur- nace, all hardwood 11001'e tht'mtghont. largo lot. b'nn price 57,500. Reasonable down payment JOHNBOSVELD Ileal Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St., Godotdoh. Salesman, ,jos, McDonnell Phone 266 Seaforth NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. achines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brueeleid, HENSALL George Armstrong was appoint- ed chairman or the hydro com- mission et a special mooting of council. He replaces the late R, Shaddick. Mr, Armstrong, a rest dent of 7lensall, has been active in •public affairs, served as reeve '11 years, Ceuucihlor 3 years in May twp., and was Warden of 'Huron County in 1942. He is now the Tray tWp, assessor, pI116 SEAI'Ol(T11 NEWS — Thursday, August 4, 1600 Jw OYY:�1 911x'$ ?ma wu rri14a,are LOMITED 1.,eae , iI•st d01 r e gyp \ ,\ CLINTOFeaturing the N, ONTARIO screen In Huron County THURS., FRI., SAT„ MONDAY Aug, 4-5-6-8 4GQ of 99 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT (Colour) (Cinemasoope) Yul Brynner Gina Lollobrigida George Saunders TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, August 9-1O "The Ct s, ptadn's Table" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT (Colour) (Comedy) JOHN GREGSON — PEGGY CUMMINS —, DONALD SINDEN — One Cartoon — Two shows nightly, rain or clear. First Show at Dusk Admission 95c, Children under 12 in cars Free RASPBERRIES Fresh from patch. Ambrose Addley, third house east of ICinburn on south side. Phone 838r4 NOTICE Order your Raspberries now, fresh from the patch at Moore's Poultry Farm, Seaforth. Picking every day. 45,' qt. Less by tho crate. Phone 60001 Senfortl, LOANS Farms - Homos • Motels - Stores Business - Chattels - Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada Valleyfield Placements Ltd. 450-A Wilson Ave„ Downsview Township of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1960 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum from June 16th to Dec, 15th on all Prepaid Taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office, Tuckersmith, R 4 Seaforth Cora Chesney, Treasurer FOR SALE Coal at Summer prices . . Premium Quality . , Double screened . . Savo money this year by getting the best. WILLIAM M. HART, phone 734 Sea - forth NOTICE Custom. combining. Contact Lyle Mont- gomery, phone HU 2.7231 Clinton NOTICE Custom combining done for grain and flax. J. L. Ryan & Sons, Phone 4ar5 Dublin Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 3. p.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Butts Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week days, 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton 1211 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5660 Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAPORT, ONT. Officers — Preaident, John L. Malone, Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John H, MiEwing, Blyth 1 Soc.-Treas., W. B. Southgate, Seafrth, Dir'ector's, Norman Trewartlia, Clinton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth i Chris Lconhardt, Bornholm 1 Robert Archibald, Seaforth 1 Jahn H. Maltiwing, Blyth ; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton • Harvey Fuller, Godertch , J. E. Pepper, Br'ucefleld ; Allister Broad- foot, Seaforth, Agents — William Lelper. Jr., ,ondes- boyo ; V. J. Lane, 1011 5 SeafT. orth ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Darold Squires, Clin- ton ; James %eye, Seaforth, USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I•Iead Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex J, Rohde, Ras Mitchell Vice President Milton MoOut'dy, 12121 Kirkton Directors E, Clayton Colgnhoun, 11R1 Science Hill Martin Feeney, 11112 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, 111 Cromarty Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bad Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 48 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Fl. A, McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- ar'day only '7-0 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC .T. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAPP - Optometrist Goderioh St. W., .Seaforth Rhone 791 $ours—Seaforth daily except Mon.. a to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.90 PM. Thur. ever by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 0 to 5.30 SMISZSManinsoviwYMESsamm INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 640 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE Phau(� BOIL pN Phone or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM Mt HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 284 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wine Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth BUTTERMILK BISCUITS / ire •WE MAKE 'EM - 1101.1 BAKE 'EM" - _mu, Cleary's IGA SPAFORTI-I