HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-08-04, Page 7Oldest Of Ail Living Things One of the most gigantic trees its the world has been declared in national relic at C'hembll, Mo- a)a3nbique, East Africa. It is as l adbab tree -"-• the same tree en 'which David Livingstone, the (great missionary explorer, carv- *d his initiate. These strange trees are be- S,teved by marry botanists to be file oldest of all living things. Some specimens have been de - island to be at least 5,000 year's told. The baobab grows immense- ly broad without growing pro- lortionately tall. Its trunk often measures 30 gt. in diameter with a height of only 60 to 70 ft., while its 60 tet. branches, each as thick as a good-sized tree, sweep the ground with their foliage. One veteran baobab measures 95 ft, round the trunk and is es youthful and robust -looking es the suckers springing up round it. Another is so enormous that !k was hollowed out a century or so ago and used as a lock-up ler native prisoners. Many thousands of years ago the baobabs were only found in the tropical parts of Africa and the neighbouring island, 1Vlacia- sascar, but today they flourish in most other hot parts of thea world. Before Route WaiS founded, snore than 6,000 years age, the baobabs were familiar sights in Africa and North-west Australia, The grotesque shapes they as - ninth are sometimes frightening, Some of the trees ase like vast bottles, some resemble enormous round rocks, some are like the prehistoric animals that prob- ably browsed on their branches But these ancient trees are snore than botanical marvels. Their many uses make therm universal providers" for na- tives. The be:obab produces a large f r u i t often called "monkey bread", from which a cooling drink containing citrate of marn- nesia is obtained. In Africa the great leaves 01 the baobab are pulverized into loo which the natives mix with other food to diminish exces- give perspiration. A sweet per - lune is given off by the large white flowers. The tree's green and gloss,,' bark has medicinal properties. Natives weave material from the bark fibres. The wood is too soft lo be formed into timber, but it is so easily cut that homes up to 50 ft. square are con- structed in the trunks. West African natives found that the baobab has the peculiar property of being able to pre- serve organic matter from decay. They used to hollow out a trunk and hang inside the bodies of executed criminals who were denied burial. These became perfectly mummified without fur- ther attention. Q. .How can I remedy a rig whose corners persist in turning tap? A. A good remedy is to sew a piece of stiff canvas underneath these recalcitrant corners -- which will not only keep them down, but will also help to pro- long the life of the rug. AU REVOIR — Jockey Pat Smithwick desperately tries to stay with his mount, Gem Ruby, after the last hurdle at the Refugia Steeplechase at Belmont Park, Modern Tennis Stars Lack Glamour "Where are the big tennis per- sonalities today?" — that's the sort of remark overheard at Wimbledon this year, and, in- deed, for the past few years. Somehow the moderns haven't the magic appeal of great stars ';ke Bill Tilden, Fred Perry, Jack Crawford — and, of course, the "Four Musketeers": Jean Borotra, Henri Cochet, Jacques Brugnon, and Rene Lacoste, It is over thirty years since they captured the hearts of Wimbledon crowds, best their deeds are still fresh after all this time. Cochet, in particular, was the hero of what must be one of the most exciting final stages in the history of Wimbledon. We can only guess how lie would fare .against the atomic services of to - days "power -house" players, but his uncanny positioning and skil- fully placed return shots carried him to the championship with victories over the hard hitting of Big Bill Tilden and the varied game of his own compatriot. Borotra. The miracle was that in each rase he triumphed after being two sets clown and at match point in the third, Personally, I find it hard to decide which was the greater performance. Looking back, we have the advantage of knowing how the matches ended, But try to imagine we are mingling with the crowds at Wimbledon on those sunny days of June, 1927. Borotra was the holder of the men's singles title, but there was considerable doubt whether he could retain it against the challenge of Big Bill Tilden, the American giant who had won in 1920 and 1921 and was making his first appearance at the All - England club's new headquar- ters, Big Bill smashed and volleyed his way through all the opposi- tion before the semi-final, in which he was drawn against a young Frenchman, lean, wiry, and barely half his size, Henri Cochet had not yet reached his peak, and few thought he could THOMAS JUTJUMPS HIMSELF -- Happy John Thomas, right, watches 'ss officials confirm his high jump of 7 feet, 31inches during pl•e',Iympic trials. If the jump is officially recognized, it will make Thomas the all-time high•jump star to date, without Question stand up to the terrific pace Tilden would set. Tilden tore him to shreds dur- ing the first set, It was a su- perb exhibition of tennis, but as a match was farcical. Cochet's quick anticipation enabled him to get the ball back occasionally, but usually it had flashed past him before lie could get his racket into position. In a few minutes he was al ready one set down, at 6-2. The second went the same way, at 6-3, and the crowd began to drift away as the massacre con- tinued in the third. This time it looked even worse. Tilden swept through to 5-1, and Co- ehet's Wimbledon dream looked about to fade in the biggest fiasco of his career writes a ten- nis expert in "Tit -Bits," I can think of no logical ex- planation for what followed other than that Tilden, always a gr eat showman, decided to round off the match with some- thing the crowd would remem- ber, and over -reached himself. The American launched smash after smash. But in his eagerness for the kill he surrendered his accuracy, Now Cochet's racket was always there to stop his passing shots; when one did get by it went out of court. The game Tilden had intended to take at love went against him, So did the next, and the next. The crowds returned to watch this amazing transformation, and when Cochet took the next game to level the set the cheer was almost as great as if lie had won. Tilden had gone complete- ly to pieces. In those four games he had won only one point, and new here was Cochet, playing from the baseline, blocking his shots and returning them with uncanny accuracy. The French- man took the set at 7-5 •— six games in m row to the man who had been on the brink of hu- miliating defeat! Now it was Cochet who held the initiative, He went ahead in the fourth set, staved off a brief challenge at 4-4, and tool: the next two games to be level at two sets all. The final set was a mockery but of a different kind from the first, Tilden had recovered much of his accuracy, but Co- chet was teasing hint with deli- cate returns, sometimes dropped short to tempt him into a fatal smash. The American was not quite done, and in factled at first, but Cochet soon caught him and went ahead to 5-3, Now the positions were re- versed. At 40-15 against him Til- den produced a Cochet-like drop shot to save the match point, but he ended the next rally by slithering into the net. Show- man to the end, he pretended s to strum it as if it were a harp. The tune must have been the Tilden Swan Song. The final, between Cochet and Borotra, was not so obviously dramatic because' there was not such a contrast in playing styles. Borotra took the first two sets at 6-4, 6-4, but either of them could have gone the other way. The turning point came when in the eighth game of the third set with Cochet leading 4-3, Bor- otra just failed to reach an acutely angled shot across the court. That miss put Cochet ahead at 5-3, and he took the set. Borotra led 3-1 in the fourth but then faded, and Cochet tool[ that to level the match. So once again the stage was set for a dramatic finish. It seemed Borotra must win when he got to 5-2 and match point, y et he lost the game. In the next he had -- and lost — rive match points. An extraordinary incident happened here which lost the Bounding Basque - as Borotra was called -- his title, At one match p din 1 Cochet shaped awkwardly in returning the ball, Borotra• thought it was a double hit and that he had therefore won,. He tore off his beret and ran up to the net to receive his victim's hanclsha.ke — and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IaAbY CHIC00 BRAY 8.week old pullets and started Addis at new low prices. Prompt stili• moat. Dayold 0110115 to order. Book fall brokers now. See agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Num.. Mote Ont, BARN EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ;0AD(;J It Northland Wall cleaners, Nilo tudeaders, anger and tube feud• ars, rotutd•the-silo Feeders, feed carte and Karn equipment, fully equipped for couiplete installations. Complete stoc'li available at warehouses. Harold Row and Sons, R,R. No, 1, Belmont, Ont. Phone Hnrrletsville 76, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GENERAL store, summer store, wheal bus, large dein store with modern llvhig quartets, e0cellent equipment, Volkswagen bus; (1 terrific, buy at $14,- 4004 Terms arrsnged• 11. Lindsay, ]ti•kt•., 143 Audrey Ave„ Toronto OX, 0.1621. MOTEL, 8 units AAA, 4 Years old, with dairy bar, Icehouse Highway 11, 70 miles north of Toronto. Good res taurant, 200 yds. Nice 4 -room apart - men) for owner, cottage for help.. Gross increasing 00011 vein'. 520,000 down. Principals only. Reply R, Horn R.B. 2, ShantyBayOnt RESTAURANT serving full course meals. and Lunches. Established over thirteen years, steady cllentel, eleee to three highways, fully equipped, sir - conditioned, sfx'roem apartment above, large lot, 56' x 180' deep, will sell for cast or half down. Interested pc.rties write Box 129, Comber P.O. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES REFRESHMENT STAND BUIL'1' into a bus in perfect running condition. Inside and outside newly decoratedhalt' living, half selling, com- pletely wired for 220 or 110 V. Priced for quick sole. For further Infor- mation cont00t John Eanaar, Simeoe. Phone Garfield 8.2404 or see it your- self at 35 Basil Ave„ Simeoe, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PROFITABLE spare or full time earn. tugs. Study this interesting and use. 101 profession. For free brochure and charts, contact: Canadian College of Massage, 10 Farnham Ave., Toronto T. RCA VICTOR OFFERS AN insurance policy you can collect on now when sick. retired or travelling. We supply locations, &nanc- ing etc, Persons wishing to own 1 0r more, COIN LAUNDRIES PLEASE call 00, 2.7311 or write RCA Victor Co. Ltd., 1450 Castlelield Ave., Toronto 15. Out of town inquiries in- v0ed. BE YOUR OWN BOSS I OWN AND OPERATE A Coin -Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store. Net $4,00048,000 Annually. Write or phone today tot full informs• lion about unattended Coln -operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities In your community You manage in your spare three - while netting high Income. We finance 80% of your total purchase. offer yoti longest financing period at lowest monthly installments, You re eeive training and advice from a ma Ronal organization that has helped over 8600 men and women like you go Into business for themselves. No ex perience necessary Modest Invest. Ment. Phis proven new profitable automatic business offers a money making opportunity to anyone who wants to own his own bushness. Cone Pere our complete program ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6-7255 DOGS FOR SALE SHELTIES (Lassie, apartment size) pup. pies. Yearling bitches, bred. All reglee tered. Paul Robins, Ora Station,- On- tario, FARMS FOR SALE 15Moile'0milk e ttown. Price 9'39,000 — 0 000 down W. C. 'MacDonald, Broker, phone 280, Winchester, Ont. A 400 acre Farm, two sets of buildings, electricity, telephone, near Public School on Hight Settee! and Separate School Bus lines Gravel Pit, 30 acres woodlot, two miles from railway sta- tion and churches. A down payment is expected and the balance in yearly payments without interest. (If desiredl. David A. Rass, Moose Creek, Ontario. Stormont Co. then heard the umpire give the point against him. Borotra lost more than the point in that moment, His con- centration went; even, I think, his will to win. He served a double f a u 1 t; Cochet sailed through to save the game and championship. What is failure? poses a pro. fessor. The only thing that can be achieved without much effort. FARMS FOR SALE 90 ACRES with 'mise and berms, highway lorotlon, 516,000, 130 acres, large house and born, bordering on paved 1•d. 016,000. 140 acres, excellent modern brit•I* house, good borne, nom. plete line of equipment 032,000. 250 aoree, 3 good sets Of buildings, 1,009 lb milk quota,70 'lin, cooling and complete line eb uldtua. ere, 911,001 A. S. Kimberley d. Real- tor, 25 Rh1g St. East, Beamseille, lora 30272 anytime, FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS CANADA'S lowest ammunition prices - Save wholesalers and retailers pro. fits — Send for free demonstration. shotshells, XL Explosives Limited, Ilaw'kesbury, Ont. 011ARM Bracelet/4, 6 ultimol charms gold plated or silver. Reg. $1.90. Send $1.25. Listing of farm Animals and award pins, teen uge jewellery, ladies, men's and children's Jewellery. Special: 'mesio 01110 and tie sat for boys 91.00. Dexter Mannfaeturing Co„ Box 024, St. Johns, Que. OIL Lantern, 510', Nylon Terylene Pas. stets, 10 yards Ends, 91.89. Machina Needles, 20 for 51.00. Blue Blades 300. for 92 00 Batteries, dozen 91.20 Flash Camera, 011'thread, 80 yard simple. 25 colour's, goo, Free lista. Schaefer, B370, Drummondville, Quebec, RUBBER hose and -belting, plostle pipe etc„ new and used at greatly reduced prices; phone, write, or drop In and nee: Snowden industrial Rubber & Plastics. 91 Bruce Street, Oshawa, On tarso. RA. 5-1855. SPECIAL for Farmers Wholesale Prices - Rubberized canvasses for all snakes combines at dealers cast, Save up to 930 per canvas. For wholesale prices refer to this ad when ordering, Chatham Farm Equipment No, 2 Hwy. E R.R, 1, Chatham, Phone EL. 2-1070, HELP WANTED MALE WANTED. Beef cattle herdsman with general fanning experience for small Angus herd bordering western Ontario city. Family man around 40 with son interested in 4.11 Club preferred. Free house, permanent position. Apply stale Ing experience, wages expected. Box 215, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. INTEREST TO ALL '^HOW TO Macke Money ht Any Crowd In The World:' Be a Memory Machine! Automatic Memory brings Security, travel, recognition.. Actually Improves Memory! Details. Memory Research Center, Box A-7192, El Paso 3, Texas. MEDICAL WANTED — EVERY SUFFERER Of RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS TO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 332 ELGIN OTTAWA $l.25 Express Collect, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning laze• ma, acne ringworm, pimples and foot (=ema w 1 1 1 respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment. regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.50 PER !AR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION --MEN 17-54 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ARE in demand for bulldozers, scrap- ers, grader's draglines and shovels. IP you qualify you will be traloed by top instructors right on the equip- ment. DON'T DELAY.—INQUIRE NOW WRITE N,S.H,E,O. 2313 YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages thousands of successful Marvel Graduates Alneriea's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches; 44 Ring St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PERSONAL LADIES Dumas Female Pills 95.00 Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Termite. "JOIN the Sixth Sense Club for sue. cess. Questions answered. ConfidentiaL Enclose stamped envelope. P.0 Box 151. Manotick, Ontarin," DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs. Inquiries invited. Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth. Toronto. ADULTS' Personal Rubber Goods. 80 assortment for 92.00. Finest quolity, tested. guaranteed. :dolled to pialn sealed package plus free Birth Contra' booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributers, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 75% of sickness. Particularly sleeplessness. iitteryness and Irritability Sleep, calm your nerves with "Napes", 10 for 91.00 50 for $4.00. Lyon's Drugs 471 Dan Forth. Toronto. sat PHOTOGRAPHY ULTRA FINE GRAIN._-__.. PROFJESSIONAI, fine hall, developing for your taint:Biel, film • lerper ex• OE leach. With one ode (eloping mind Print- ing -- 50w for 8 exposure roll, 70/ for 12 exposure roll, with evet'y print bean. tlfully enlarged 1"or the ultimate In quality, midi acme Ohne to: Apex Photo Printers, Bax 2. , Station E. Toronto. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed end 11 magna mitts 4110 12 magna Prints I0r Reprints 5c mein KODACOLOR lhvel0putg toil 90c not meriting prints). Color prints 304. ch ,""tea, Ause° and Eittaeltrome 22 00.1)1 70 55. posures 00001110 f in slides 9.20 Color prints from slides 3 ,: esth. dairy re. funded in fell IMI unpr,0t.0 nerntives. PROPERTIES FOR SALE HUNTERS! 450 acres IA decoded fond for sake good deer, nesiso /Melt and partridge hunting, ars : ible by ear one of the best1)010010 i'eadnns in this area, ideal lir , 0 mp 01 Wren wanting a pal m,- 'hunt inn ..round. Write to V A. n o_t n -n,- r)Irootir Ont. CALEDONIA, ONT. !1n STOREY, 3 bedr•orea - ittlle gem must he seen to be apTrr iattd. 1 STOREY store a101i apr1.sent rt rear, Central Meatier, 2 FAMILY dwelling, seeable ter rklerly couple, additional inc./mc, 2 STOREY, 4 bedroom 'rick house :. blocks from stores. BRYCE JONES Barrister, Caledonia, Ont. REMAILING SERVICES GERMANY! Ilave fun r.1111 your friends Mail them letter, from Gen many. I11 send it for 01.00. or News - poem 91,00. Roberson, p.,•. 6,54. We1s- j baden,Germany. SUMMER RESORTS CDDARUEN Lodge. American Plan home cooked meals, gond Whine.and Whine. hunting, Phone. write Beth Molise, R.R. 2, Manitowaning, Ontar!( CHAUMONT FERRIER INN Ste. Marguerite Station, P.O. VISIT this lovely Swiss Chalet Inn; superb location In heart of Lauren (bans. Excellent food, swimming pool with beach, private lake, gond fishing, riding, golf in vicinity. Rates 960.60 to 975.00 weekly. Amertean Plan. Write direct or telephone- Hudson 5• 7595, Toronto, for information. PREMAURAY LODGE, housekeeping cottages, Wilson Lake, head of Pick. erel River. Good pickerel, pike, bass. Boats, motors. Fishermen's holiday at ' family camp. Write for folders, Port Loring Phone Golden Vnllev 00125 or Toronto RU 7.6441. THUNDER BEACH, ONTARIO ANCHOR VILLA 2 HOURS drive from Toronto on bean. tiful Georgian nay, (near Penetang), comfortable beds and bedrooms, excel. lent food, private Keach, swimming. surf board, boots and outboards for bins. Friendship and comfort are our business. Write Jas, Redmond or phone Lafontaine (Ont.). 211123. TEACHERS WANTED PUBLIC School Section No. 1, Stevens, Thunder Bay District, remakes in Sept., 1900. a qualified teach( -t• ler grades 1 to 8. Teacher's Federation salary sched- ule in effect. Furnished teacherage will accommodate married couple, available at 915 per month. APPLY in writing, stating age, nca- demlo qualifioatlons and name and ad- dress of last inspector, to C. Mach,Sec. Treace, P.S.S. No. 1, Stevens. On- tario. PROTESTANT teacher required for Public School S.S. No. 13, Manvers, County of Durham, ditties to cone, mence September. 1960. Enrollment 20, grades 1 to B. APPLY stating qualifications and sal. ar , to James Gray, (LO No, 2, Janet. vine, Ont. TEACHER, Protestant, with intertne- dlate diploma and to act as principal. Session 1960-61, Apply giving full par. Oculars to W. Hogg. See. Tress. ,Toll• ette, Quebec. TEACHERS required for newly-bukt grade school, U S 32, Wehigoon - Red - vers, Red Lake Road, Ont. to corn. mence Sept. 1950, SENIOR TEACHER $4.300 per on I111111. INTERMEDIATE 'TEACHER - S4,001r per anmmm. .TUNTOR TEACHER SS,Seu per an- num. Apply histating ct. experience to SIrs J, U.S.A. RESORTS RUST LODGE. cottages and tnotel, Route 15 on 2 mile sand beach, (wenn front. 50 large modern btdltlinga, 1 to 4 bedrooms, equipped with kitchen ettes, hedding, linens furnished, heat. ed, H. Rust, proprietor, phone York. Maine, 0110; write Von), 1001,1, Maine. U.S.A. VACATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE HOUSEKEEPING nodules; resort oc Lake Nlplssing, soli' rrontS'o. 2 drilled wells, 1a -mile off 1(w . 17 ut tto n Ing buy at 022100. 1I. Lints t 143 Audrey Ave Toronto. O\ i ,221. ISSUE 31 — 1111111 RUNNING WILLIE DOWN — Frank Moizone of the Red Sox tags Willie Mays of the Giants in rundown between third and home In the first inning of the All-Star game in New York. Watching aro umpire Tom Gorman and catcher Yogi Berra of the Yanks,