The Seaforth News, 1960-08-04, Page 4•
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difference at
. Statia School lilas
Successfu Event •
The Se part school, offleially
known as 1+b No, 3. ilihbert town-
ship, 'E 1.b tee is 11101 aluily-
nhr ul 1 t 1 i11
ry Versanil Sltltrda,.
Hundreds of former pupils and
thcir familiessu•tlei1 rated in the
a some i o
11.'11010U •uul m t tit i lc ftheir
t 11311ee tmt(lters,
The oldest teacher present at
e o n '1 was Mrs. John
the tc znial .t 1
'lliwtitcs, of 198 Birmingham St.,
Stratford. As the former Mary
Jodan'site taught at the school
front 1hnuary, 1905, until Juste,
She recalled that the school
year 11 t hTse days, began on the
third Monday In August and en(i-
ed at the end of the following
The oldest teacher, John Dun-
har, of Vancouver, is rho oldest
- piing ionones', but Was unable to
bi I se tf t. Alt
A day -long program was al•-
rtneve by a commit tse of resi(1-
eat, under the general chairman-
of Lyle Worden. Mss Vera
ilantbley was secretary.
Miss .1 eau Hamilton, a Toronto
journalist, and former pupil, was
the speaker at the program on the
school grounds in the afternoon,
.\ number of present' pupils and
ohildren or former pupils tools
in they mornin;' the snhool, 110w1-
ly redecorated inside and out, of-
ficially was opened In a - brief
At e a,nh. ex -pupil Kett Drake
rang the school bell, Other ex -
pupils took part; Leslie Harburn
cut the rthbent officially opening
the centennial: Mrs. Elizabeth
Dinnin and Ilan Burns opened the
do, ,ro, and president -Lyle Worden
det'lared the reunion celebrations
Mrs, Arthur Kemp, present tea•
cher, condueted the opening cer-
enumies and George Moore, chair-
man of the 50113)01 board, called
the roll of former pupils,
The Rev, A. 11, Day hard of-
iered player. A double trio of
sehool girls, Velma Parsons, Wan-
da Moore, Sandra Harbour,. Jean-
nette.Veillete, )leather Daynard
and Isabel McCaughey, sang, A
memorial service was held in
honor of farmer teachers and pu-
The original building, of logs,
stood on a site about a quarter of
a mile west of the present school,
it was built on the present site,
later was enlarged, and served
until 1592 when the present brick
structure was erected,
Members of the general commit•
tee included vice presidents Iien
f)rnke and James Barbour with
('anlel'on Vivian. as treasurer,
The reeeiltion committee was
eonvened by Leslie 1Iarbu'n with
,lanes Barbour Air, and Mrs, D.
Burns, Mrs, R. Reed, Miss Vera.
flantbley, 31r, and Mrs. A. Jeffery-.
The morning Program commit-
tee included W. C. Worden, Mrs,
M. Kenip, Miss Vera IIambley and
Mrs. C, Bowman, The committee
for the afternoon program includ-
ed Mr. and Alis, Cameron Vivian,
Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Daynard, Mr,
and Mrs. Henry Harburn, Mr. and
Mrs, 5, Norris and Mr. and MIrs,
G. Moore.
Oldest ex -pupils present were t
Mrs, frank Bean of Hensall, the a
farmer Margaret Pepper, and Dr, s
Foster Harburn of Seaforth; far-
thest away was Frank Beckett of e
Windthorst, Sask.
A colorful parade opened the
afternoon program, headed by co- t
vered wagons, old time democrat, t
Ma and Pa Kettle, ponies.. Ban.
nockburn Pipe Band led the par-
ade and played during the after-
For the evening there was a a
varied program with Sharon and
Bill Strong of Seaforth; Listowel .1
,Junior Farmers -quartette, Old
time dancing followed on an open
air platform.
Eight members of the family of
AIr, Frank Elliott. and the late a
Mrs. Elliott came from scattered s
points. Mr. Elliott still lives ae-
resit the road from the school. His h,
five sons and three daughters are C
Lloyd Elliott, Staffee Norval, Earl a
and Lorne Elliott, Hibbert; Dur-
ward Elliott of Hamilton; Clara
( Mrs, Howard Fletcher - of Lam-
beth it Ada (Mrs, Harry Schellen-
berger of Clinton) and Ethel
3 Mrs. Hooter Jeffery, Detroit ),
a: * *
invitation to the Centennial Cele-
bration of our old school section
No, 1
\\ell 1 51 hoping v
ti 1 1 isle, \ e will be
through here by that time and if
we are 1 Toa o be t•)
h l with t
111 uPor
this Important event,
You will have a busy tinge again
Vera but 1 hope it \vi11 be a real
\V' have been very busy here
and I have had little time t0 1ny-
sell' Melee til c eh v in answering
a l t, Answe ng
your invitation, however we have
got most of our work over as far
as the Senate is concerned,
We will have legislationc
it 1 t com-
ing' over from the Commons, but
the most of the committee work
Int SIs
the Senate elfin Pairs'
getting J
well done.
In the Commons they are going
rather 51010 so we do not know
when Session 1 n Ih0 . E., h will end.
I hope you are all well and
:!gain 1 thank you for your kind
W. II, Golding
Ottawa, Canada.
Dear Vera, -We are sorry we
will be unable to attend this year
as we have taller plans but hope
to make it again soot, as we did
enjoy it s3) much when we were
there. \\'e hope you have a good
day as we will be thinking of
gall all.
Rob and '.Mildred Drake
Bnhal'ln, Sask.
s a, 4'
Dear Vela, ---',\'e would certain-
ly like very nuu•h to be there bttt
,lust cannot sec our w•ay clear to
get away. It is many years since
Earl went to seln)ol there and it
would he nice to see old 1')'ieuds
amain. \Ve have come in t`ontart
With a few since we calla to
Sask., who went to No. 3 the
5th line time.
Earl and Beulah Butson
1.unlsden, Sash,
Deo• Vera, -It slid my heart
good 10 know that after so many
years away from surrounding
Staffs. we are still remembered
as one of many' who was privileg-
ed to grow- tip and live 1)1 that
lovely part of the country'.
Since the invitation arrived I
have re -lived in memory so 1011Ch
of the school years, The teachers,
the children at school and the
It wn)l0 be so wonderful to at-
tend tlhis 1'euniot, and although
it is only the metier of a few
boars drive from here, yet I will
not he able to attend as Roy's
work will not allow' it that day.
However some day we hope to
have the tine to go back and
ream that (l14triet, x110 see, if, af-
ter thirty' years absence, we re-
vogni 0 many landmarks we re-
Mrs, Roy Buttenlant
(Belle McLellan)
1411 Rosslyn Ste,
Hamilton, Ont.
A, * t,
Dear Miss Hambley, -- It is
doubtful if the writer is able to
attend. If I recall correctly Mew.,
ever, I started to school there in
about 190;3 or 1904.
Appreciating that your Commit-
ee will have expenses to meet I
m attaching cheque towards the
Ralph R. Wilson
Iidland, Ont.
0 a
Vera Hambley,-Thanks Invite -
ion centennial, Sorry unable at -
end. Fond regards to everybody,
Hazel Watson
Dear Vera, -I regret f cannot
ttend in person but when my
name is called please count me
n'eteeut' for my ghost wlfi be
urking around the corner some -
I remit' Mr, Harold Dorretrce as
1y- first teacher and ,Miss Jordan
s my last. Of all my teachers,
he was my favorite. I rememabm•
rad WaIlter as being the fastest
unner in the school. Gordon
bappel as hefrrg the best figliter 0
na Jack Sadler the richest boy, t
nil myself the poorest.
I remember my cousin Anna
Belle ldvhlgstona as being the
most beautiful girl in the world. H
33103 le Sadler as the Possessor of
the deepest dimples, anis: your -
'01f as a Gorgeous Red Head, And
so it fs at the ago of 132 with six
grandchildren of my own, that I
look back to those clays at S.. S.
3, where we were privileged to
begin our formal education,.
Dick MnDougaB.
Dr. Ttirha.rtd Ii. M1cDougatll,.
1:105 Hampshire Road,
Victoria, F3,11.
Dear Friends, --1 would like to
be with you all at the reunion. but
1 511055 it is impossible. i menet
• t and the hot weather and not
able to travel s) far from Home
his year. I hope you have a good
(lay, and our very best wish05 to
ail who are. able to be with you.
Mrs. J, L. "Eva" Howes
Box 282, loosejaw Saslc,
Dear 'Miss Secy, -It is with re -
:.;ret I will have to decline this
time, for business reasons, but I
will be thtnkiug of you all just
the game. You could hardly expect
the et. tc gether to be as largo
and as enjoyable as the last one,
as the rack'; 500 thinning a little
every year, for myself -one sister
less--1Towevor I sincerely linpe
emir undertaking will he a gig
II, D. Drake
1301-1 St. N,\\ Calgary, Alberta
Dear Frleucl,- -I int very sorry
that I will be. unable t.1. attend as
i am certain that tlhere will be
several persons there whom ihave
net 50)))1 for years. However -I am
f icrl ftp with come work for the
Dept of Education and won't be
Coming last this summer.
Dear --, Iw. ,•
1 ct•a 1 rind lilt to
. lJ
'answerthe roll call and bo able
to say hello to those sue would
meet there inelu(ling out tea013e1
Miss ,art' r Mrs. i Jordan. now 11 s. '1'hwaites,
when Ai•l
1 It l A l e s S
1 11 ll ill were attend -
good obi No, 3,
Anyway I 110 ingpo you 113100
gooa weather (111(1 at very eurees5•
ful day e
1 together.
t el.
D, Gordon McDougall
Ste. 299 13291) Thrift Ave.,
White Reek, 13. C.
Vera, ---We have just re-
turned frons n. very pleasant vasa•
tion i Kansas, in l{t s ls, such a beautiful
city, Hope another' time to be able
to attend,
Dottie Carlin Mellhargey,
624 Orange S .Toledo'
rg t ,, i, Ohio
Dear Vera, --+1'm afraid we
w3) l' 1
walla i e abs to attend
e1nt1C13 &
wo «011111 like to Farming in
Manitoba is much like farming
in Ontario, Cn1io when it (tomes to
chores, y i
13 1 es, ha, 3)r, etc. The season is
so late this year, sortie have just
finished seeding (July 4), with
the slope we don't get swill an
early winter this year,
Wilma and Graham Wark,
Box279,Killarney, v
I illalne Man
„ a
Others who sent regrets:
Lily Herron Getty, Moosejaw;
Ellen Brown and her sister, Jan-
et Brown Harris, Exeter; Olive Vi•
vian Nixon, California; Laurence
\Vatseu, Carman, Man,; Ethel
Norris Currie, Winnipeg (030 net
attend very long but has many
rceolleetions of school when Pet -
or AleNaughton (aught as she was
not one or his pets) 0111e Chappel
Getty, Moose Jaw: Alma 13ere
end sister Aileen Smith, Termite,
don't think they can make it. Lor-
etta Etckmeyer Wilson, Columbus,
Ohio, a110 Lorne McGill, Liu1sav,
greetings to their classmates,
Marguerite L'ouzens Dawson, of
Windsor, would like to see the old
gang again. They are lap 11ort1) on
ncc0unt of her husband's 11001111,
His lungs are affected from fire
fighting. Mary Cummings, Toren.
to tells her sister Naucy is in
London, David is in the air farce
at Ottawa and her parents live at
Lambeth. Patricia Ryan Tozer of
\Vest Virginia is soon moving
back to Germany' for another
term where her husband has been
posted. Teacher' )'hem Graham, of
Dresden, is on vacation In Sask.
s a *
Registering from a distance
were: Mrs. J. M. Gray, Millbank;
Robert Livingstone, Hamilton;
Mr. and M'ro. Donald O'Brien,
Michael, Sharon and Shawn, of
Flint, Mich,; Mr, and Mrs, Prank
Beckett and Mr. and Mrs. Wil -
limn G. Beckett, \Vhndthoret,
Sask.,; Mrs, Ethel Jeffery and
Gayle, Detroit; Mr, and Mrs, Earl
Robertson, Joyce, Dorothy and
Stewart, Waterford; (Miss Ant
McAleer, Detroit; Miss Theresa
Ryan, Loudon; Hies Mary Marg-
aret Ryan, Detroit; Mrs, Gerald-
ine \l'ilson, Ewart Wilson, John
Wilson, Kitchener; 1L'. and Mrs.
W. Mania and Miss Wilma Mu-
llin, I3rucelleld; 11r, and Mrs, Ir-
vine Ktntzo 01111 Gordon Iiuntze,
Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. James
Smith and Jane, London; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Schellenberger and
Eric, Clinton; Gary Jeffery, Det-
roit; John Butson, Hamilton;
Don and Ran Riley, Luean; Mr,
and Mrs Cecil Dilling, Ray and
Larry, London; Mrs. Austin Dill-
ing, Granton; 111ts. Payne, Moose -
jaw, Sask,; Mrs. Robt, Cools,
Godertch; Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Taylor, Varna; Mn; and Mrs, Le-
onard Smith Langstaff; Mrs, Hill
McKaig and Shirley,. Sudbury;
Mr, and Mrs, Angna 'Earl, Gran-
tort; James Smith, Gnanton; 1MIe,
and Mrs. S. Robertson,. Water-
ford; Misses Roxy Nlemsar, Max-
ine Schell and Lucy' White,. Det-
roit; Miss Elaine Bails. Clinton;
.Jane Francis, Toronto;. Lihda and
Joanne Dearing, Ailba, Craig;
Mrs. Tinos. Kay, Jane ands Ronald,
Sarnia; Mrs, Harry Bitens,. Rex,
date; Sharon Harburn,. Wood-.
stock; Isobel Riches, Brantford;
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dsichert,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.. Durwood
Elliott, Hamilton; Neil McKellar,
Acton; Joan and Kaye McKellar,
Acton; Don Harburn, Woodstock;.
Mrs_ Irene McDonald and, Lillian,,
oderieh; Roger huntze,. Strath
oy; Mrs. James McKellar, 13111 ''
1MIcKellar, Rickey Battersbt Mr
and Mrs, Dan Cline lsnr Rath
Ai Randall, London; MIiss Jean '
amilon, Toronto; Mrs, A.. Wal-
ton and Gordon Wnl'on;. Galt;•
John Drown, Hamiltcaeh;; Lynn,
orally. Judy and Despise, Ham
ton; Lia, Patricia, Jaunty and
amine Janlzi, I'5itchener; Wil-.,
3)1, Marjorie and -flarilyn Mc.
tg. Sudbury; Mr, and, MS's:
ait'vey Rohner and Allan. Bay- i
eel; firs. J. Norris., Brampton;
ugh Norris, Ki:epen; Keith,
ander. Bruce and Dorothy Mac-
onald. Georgetow.): Ross anti;
Barbara 3acd0.151(1, Humber
nlnlnit; ,Tomes Norris aIJ:Iiong•!I
as, Branhpton; A, Milton i1od
gert, Edna Fiodgert (14ii111;a 1 F iii.,
au Hodgert, London; Mr, ans
11rvey Tuff311, Leretpinet me ';
lata Elliott. )fletcbor, 13411)1 betbt;
anal- Kuntze, Phesto3.; Rl0haend
line, Londo'e; II M.Sterns. 'Prnr-
nto; Hown'ed Fletebee Lelnlreth,
Ann and Gerry Ar9illee,, \l'a1-
on; Margaret, JoAnn end Jannelligsen, Mrs. Edgar laatigsen,
alto»; Dr. Foster 1-iau:btttn, Sea-
ort.h; lees, Elizabettb 1)1110111, Sea-
orth; Miss Gail armee, Sea
Dear. Miss 1Tambl'ey,- .1 weed" I
rertainiy like to he there hitt i.
ant sorry that I cannot make11
You nnnst have gotten airy :tante FI
and address front Archie or Rhea c
Jeffery, my ('00x1114.
is it possible that the 01'd rests-
ter is still in exWIence that was t�
in Use when 1 ateneted the,
I got a pirtnre or the school
when I was back there in 3534, w
it was in much better cmttliti01) f
than i expected but the play f
ground manned to be much small- f
0r than 1 remembered it.
f remember the name Worden
us J heard my uncle Will speak
of the 1\ ordr'n's often when T was ,'
a youngster. I think they lived on
the sante 17)41)! as the Sacllei
sawmill. Is that spring opposite I
Sarller's store and in front 0f the 'r
fhuu' still still running? Who d
was the store at the top of tho t
rill started by my grandfather?
There ere many memories or
taint still fresh in my 11(111)1 s0 u
you can understand why I would t
ilce to go back for your "Conten p
F4'nuten's 10,vit3ttte
The ladies of the Women's In-
itute )held their monthly meet -
g in the Community 10331 on
liut•sday evening will the tweet -
ern, Mrs, ,las, Nolan, eonclucthlg
the opening exercises and busi-
ness portion of the meeting,
Mrs, 17, )McCreath gave the min.
tee of the previous meeting and
the treasurer, Mrs, T. Dnnclo& re -
alert $200,17 on stand. A skit
as presented by the 'Walton
\'3111ng Worker's who took the
0nr5e "Meat on the Menti"" With
AN. t1, Oliver 11
:;48 .,
Dalc St
\Viunipr•c;, Ms 11, '
4. u: a:1 ,
Dean' Vera, -.Well this is Salute.1
day encu 1 010 going to take ad-
d•vant ge or .110 clay off to drop you 1
a lite to titanic you for your hind
liar . w,
(31, .1, (Geoffrey) !la.mlltm \
27 San Diego Ave., r,
San Clements, ('alit•
Mee. N'IMo 1 held and Jars, Jas,
\lc lmn aid as leaders, A preview
by Mrs. )Reid was followed with
a panel (1140055100 10illl Miss All -
eon Williamson as mo(ler alor;
Miss JeanuWalters, butcher; Mrs.
(herald Ryan, 1I0111e 10ronetnist 1
Misses Montt Clark, Teresa Ryan
and Mary Helen Bnehanan, 110150.
wives. C'orres )ondellee wee read
1 A el
anis dealt with. September 15 10
Auld 19t11 were the dates annum).
ed for the millinery '
11 it 101 mine,
Mrs, herb Travis and Mrs. \Vm.
Dennis were appointed as leaders
for "'t'he Third Merl" cola's°. It
was agreed that the remaining
coffee spoons be kept by the 111-
stituto for use in the hall. Mrs,
George Blake, ,Mrs. E. Stevens
and MTs D, :Ennis were appoint-
ed to buy silverware.
The roll ea11 was answered 11y
a 1150 for salt,soda,
01' 10111014 oth-
er titan molting.
Mrs, Lawrence Ryan and Mr's,
Joe Ryan,conveners of home ec-
onomies, were in charge of the
second part of the program with
Mfrs, Joe Ryan giving the motto,
"Don't walk this year in last
year's rat." Mts. la, 'Walters,
district director, reported on 11
t East Huron riot
1 t annual
held at Crnlhbrook, Mrs, Geo. Fox
gave a very interesting demonst-
ration on oil painting on cloth,
glass, metal, 0111111, wool, etc, and
displayed tea towels, pillow cases,
etc, A button !messing contest
eollducted by Aire, Fox was won
by 'Mrs, Gerald Ryan. Lunch hoe -
tosses were Alrs, Wni. Dennis,
Airs, A, Clients, Mgrs, G. Ryan,
Airs. G, Love and Mrs, E. Mc -
Creel h.
Miss lona Watson of London
and aliss Verde Watson of Van-
couver spent the week end with
their parents, air. and Airs, David
Mrs.,,Tames Dennison, the for.
mor Maud Johnston of Galt, sia-
tor of Mrs. Geo, Dundas, passed
.Mrs. Grace harpole, Mrs, Olive
Horton and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell
spent a few clay's last lVeelc boli.
(laying with Mr, and Mrs. Glenn
Goff in Sarnia,
Mrs. Leona Parke and Patricia
are visiting with tate fol•mer's silt.
er Miss Viola Lemmou in Toron-
Miss Irma Kiefer of Toronto
was a recent visitor with ,Mr, and
\Irs. Ezra Kipfer and Mr. and
.sirs. Cecil Kipfer and family.
Mars. dames Bengough and sons
visited last week with IMrs. Al
bert Shirray and Bruce at Tpper-
wash Beach,
Mfrs, ,Tack Peebles and family
of London silent the past week at
the home of .Sir, and Mrs. Len
Mrs. Amelia Schroeder return-
ed home after visftfng with rela-
tives in Rochester, N.Y.
Mrs. Edna Corbett visited over
the weekend with het' son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and :'Mrs, Hay -
old Parker.
Mr, and ',Mrs, Htrgii' McEwen,
Malcolm and Catharine spent the
THE SP;[11rOliTllNEWS- Whom
54) -- Thursday, August 4, 1060
weekend holiday at their -cunei
near Sl. Josoplt,
]c1r (htma0 I11
Sh hlielc, and 13111 11)3410ni en
e 1 vamping at 1 ).
\ ( 'e It at1 iu
0 the w est 11 1
(1 1, 1
j. 1
perwaslt Beach.
IMrs. Gerald ]fell has been re-
lievirtg at the flunk of Montreal,
during the llolidal
Crediton, c u 11 J
l to
Air. and Mrs, Sam Rennie are
holidaying at Sell/We's Grove on
Lake Huron.
Mr. and 11r0. Fred Beer return
ed home lifter a pleasant holiday
at. Johnston's Harbor.,
) ) and
4( I
A'C • '& w n Simpson a
Mr, and t t
,a rMi 1
Robert of Detroit spent the week-
end with the fomer's mother Mrs,
Lon Simpson.
Donna Smith, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Grant Smith entertained
her 7th
friends le
a number
of 13) rds Lo
birthday party on Tuesday.
Mr; and Mrs, Guy Bedard or
Ildeh'ton were recent visitors with
1 I Wayne Smith.
Mr, and ➢Iva
1�, 0, Sangster of Hamilton WA&
a weekend visitor with relatives
'-( 1'\
CLrilel,A 1,3 H(
Clarence B. 1ilrnn, ,1.o, of Ayl-
mer, died at Civic Hospital, Pet-
erborough, Tuesday. 110 was
native of Hay township, and a
hardware merchant in Aylmer for
32, years, it 1:01111 Or member of
Aylmer P130 and past chairman
of Aylmer recreation council. Ile
is survived by his wile, the form-
er Edith Appleyard; sons, Robert
and Arthur, at home; daughter
Mary, Ottawa; brother, Dr, 4, A,
Munn, Seaforth,
Rev, and Mrs. T. .3, Pitt aro
holidaying with friends at Loam-
ngtoll, Ont,
illi, and Mrs, Watson of 'Detroit
are dieiting friends in the cent -
nun O.
,MIs'. and .Airs, Stewart Beattie
and family of \Vingham called on
friends in the village on Sunday'
Mr. and Mrs. 011as. Reid and
fa.nlily spent the weekend touring
fthe Georgian Bay Area,
Mr, Floyd McAsh of Hamilton
spent a few days at the home of
his parents,
Rev, Wm, Robinson of Pilot
Mound, Alan., bad charge of the
service in the United Church last
'Miss Lola 0huter of London
spent the weekend at her home
Mrs, Mervyn Keys and family
of Winnipeg are visiting relatives
in the community,
Aar, and ,Mrs, Geo. Stephenson
have returned glome after a trip
through the Canadian \Nest,
A large crowd attended the
softball game Saturday night to
see the Varna bays defeat the
Bruuefield team 13 to 8.
away in South Waterloo Memorial
Hospital en Sunday. The funeral
was held from Little's funeral
'home on Tuesday afternoon at
3,30 p.m. Interment will be made
in Preston eemetery.
York returned home last \Vallee -
day after spending the past week
with IMr. and Mrs. Torranoe Dun -
AIl'. and :Mars. Hulbert Muscel-
man or Kitchener, 33([ent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Mr. Hughle McBride of London
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Roy McBride
and Johnny,
Mr. and furs. Robert Graham
and fancily of Toronto, and Fir.
Gordon Love, of Hensall, visited
with Fir. Iiarold Finlay and fam-
Mr, and Mrs. Donald 'Manson
ehk kenbarbe u
Sponsored by C,O.F,,
t .,,
Supper GtoB
Admission: Adult; 1,25
Childrento 1 e ;Gc
For Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Robinson (Rose
At I3roclhagen t1 Community Centre
Naris Orchestra
Lunch 13oot11 in hall
In Londesboro hall
For i11r. anti Mrs, Lloyd Dale
Music by Pieree's Orchestra
Ladies please bring 11111/.11
and family of Toronto, spent the
w'00335nd with Mor. and Mrs, New-
ell Geiger and Johnny, Mrs, Mary
Manson and Robert,
Bible Vacation School at Cavan
Church, Winthrop, August 1-5, op-
ened this week with registration
at 8,30 Monday morning,
The annual County Council pic-
nic was held at Harbor Park, Go-
derich, on Wednesday, July 27,
with an attendance of about 200.
Included in the group was Mayor
Allan Johnston of London who
happened to be vacationing in
Goderich, Also Mr. John Manna,
M,P,P., was able to join the pic-
nic for a short time in the after-
noon accompanied by Mayor Mc-
Kinney of Wingdlam. Also in at,
tendanoe was Michael Fisher.
Warden of Bruce County, accom-
panied by Mrs. 'Fisher.
Phyllis Ann Beuermann was
judged the youngest person pre-
In the ladies' bean race, Glen-
yce Jewitt and Joyce Jewitt were
first and second.
X:(!n)ondeiilc Mated Church
Services will be taken this Sun-
day and next, Aug. 7 and 14 by
Mr. Lloyd Morgan of Centralia,
First Presbyterian and Northside
United Churches
Joint Summer Services
First Presbyterian Church
10 A.M.
Sunday School in respective
11 A.M.
Minister: Rev. J. CIiff Britton,
Everyone Welcome
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