HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-08-04, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 82 1 1.10110 S4 SHAFORTII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUG UT 4, 9(10 ci.s man, 11e Year tee(• (nee: erlote Ottawa eete., 1.ebfishers L FO GAN FIRM L 1-1.S. AD Arrangements for a five-roorn additie» to the building at Sea - knelt High School moved forward another step when the beard met Thursday evening with the arehi- tects to open tenders for the con- struetion work. The members agreed that the arehitecte eltould negotiate with the firm with the lowest; tender to reduce the overall price by about $l0000 so the board could furnish the new rooms and not exceed the amount of $180,000 authorized for the debenture ire sue, The Gaffney Co. of Stratford bidding under the title ail Logan Construetion, had the lowest bid at $163.670, wills $2700 for slush pond (lagoon) and $1100 for fan system brought the total bid to $167,500, The company said if work star- ted early in August, they esti- mated it could be completed bY Dec. 31, Present at the meeting were nearly all members of the board and Robert D, Sinclair and an assistant from the Stratford office of Kyles and. Kyles, architects, Priuctpal L. P. Plumsteel and W. El, Southgate, :Sec,treas, Chair- man F. C. J., Sills, presided. IWIttm the figures were all added up to estimate the total cost of new addition they came to $191,- 000, Which. was over the amount provided Iv the debentures. The total was made up as follows: Building, heating and. sewage, 9107,500; debenture sale 95000; architects fees $10,000; equip- ment, $10,000; legal tees $500; landscaping $3000, Board members said the land, - scatting would not be done until next. spring 111 any case and mild be left over to next year's •esti- mates. Draperies was another item that could bo lett over. Then if about a further 910,020 could be eliminated from the bid price, the board would have enough funds to equip the new remise without exceeding the amount of the de - ben Lure. Some of the board members suggested that the two lowest companies should be consulted Oil reducing the bid figure. How- ever the architects agreed it was very difricult to negotiate with two firms at the same time on a matter of this nature, They thought much better results could be had by dealing with the firm with the lowest bid. The board passed a motion that the architeets should interview the Gaffney Company on bringing down the bid price approximately 910,000. Tho architects said that 1)3, going over the various items which made up the tender it was often possible to find solutions which added together gave a low- er cost, and yet produced accept- able results. EST ID List of Bids on School Addition The renowffig seven firms suit - milted tender's on the five -room addition to the Searorth district high wined besides Logan Con.. strnetion which had the lowest tender. Battaglia Conetruetion, Guelph, $1 19,000; conntete with shah ;mid ehd ventilallou 9177,225. Finish in 8 months. Foundation Co. or London, $181,392; complete 9187,351. Fin- ish '1 months. Town Construction Co, of Lon- don, 91,801702 with pond. With ventilation 9187,770, Flaish in 01 months. John Hayman & San of London 9172,270, complete $177,730, Fin- ish Dec, 31, Pounder Bros, of ,Stratford, complete 9181,883, Flailed). Febru- ary. Frank Kling of Seaforth, $172,- 078, complete $175,260. Finish on jan, 1. ,Prank Van Bussell lateen 9175,934; with fan $170,908. Pond extra. Finish February. Propose Lagoon For High School The Seaforth District 1-110 School Board intends to establish a lagoon for sewage disposal, The board owns 16 acres of land around the school now, and 00 has lots or room for it: The lagoon or "slush pond" will bo about half an acre in size and five feet deep. Board members said at their meeting on Thursday that a la- goon was necessary because the back wall for the new addition will be right through the present disposal lank located behind the buildings on the east side. Sever- al had visited a lagoou in this area and talked to the operator who said that over a period of years there had been: no difficulty, The architects said the speciri- cation had been included in the tenders and the Gaffney Company had surveyed the ground. A. fence would be erected around it, The frogs, turtles and birds assist nature in the work or disposing or the waste. Principal Plumsteel urged that work start at once to build the lagoon. it would be unfortunate if the present tank had to be shut down after schoel opened. He thought the new system should he in operation before school started on September 6. Proposals to hook the high school onto the town sewer system would be costly, the architects said. It was estimated to cost per - hope 915,000. In, any ease would be months before a connection could be made. All were confident a lagoon would be thoroughly, satisfactory, and practically odorless and would provide a large capacitY. Principal Plumsteel said the stoves and refrigerators were not included in the contract. The ar- chitects pointed out that the fans were for ventilating, and not for air conditioning which would be costly, The roof was to be a stendard roof and not the type which collects and holds a layer of wa- ter, Sec.-Treas., W. E. South- gate pointed out that after the contract was agreed upon it would have to be submitted to the de- partment of education for appro. also to the fire nutrehall, and health authorities for water and sewage. It might be a month be- fore It was fully approved, The architects said it would be up to the contractors if they wanted to start sooner—often they began preliminary work before full ap- proval. ;Members said that the deben- tures could be quickly sold: it us- ually took about two days. Chair- man Sills said interest rates had COMO down steadily the past few weoks and they hoped to get a rate a There was some discussion about when the addition would be completed, The tenders carried promises from early December to April. Principal Plumsteel pre- dicted 120 new !midis coming this year. Regarding a proposal to uSe the cement block "barn" for a class room, lie said the boys might take agriculture there, but lie would not ask the girls to use 11. It would require heating unit and weather stripping. A class room might be 'fitted up in the basement, he said. Sa.'diRg' RE:147E11Z OONNECTION Work on a connection ror the Separate School sewer started on Tuesday on Gortinlock street, It will connect into the main sewer at the alley behind the buildings on. the east aide of Main street, TAKES OVER STORE Orval Cooper of Tuckeremith has taken over the Dekenswiller grocers' this week and is having It repainted. Mr, Cooper operated the bug - nese some years ago and then sold it to Mr, Eckenswiller who is now working in tho McGonigle gro- cery, Mr, Cooper is at present re - docking and when ready will have an opening event, Tn the meantime the store continue to serve customers. The building is owned by the Sectforth Masonic Lodge. May Use A Seaforth Boiler The architects in charge of the work or providing an addition to the Seaforth district high school told the bonrd meMbers at their meeting on ThuredaY ()Yelling that inquiries had been made by a lo- cal boiler manufacturer about supplying a new boiler for the school. Board members said that 13e11 Industries of Seaforth hall been anxious to contact the companies patting in bids to include a holler made Seaforth. The architects said another type had been specified but if it was desired the ,Seaforth boiler could he used instead and an ad- Jashnent in price made. 'Some board members noted that surrounding schools had two boil- ers in their heating plant, and asked 1111)010 was any advantage, especially ir a boiler broke down. The architects said that in large plante it Was customary to put in two boilers, usually each would have 150 horse power Ca. Pachy. The boiler specified for Seaforth will have only 80 horse- power, He said that at Stratford there were two boilers and in the milder weather only one was used, Uowevei' it was necessary to alternate the boilers each day, as it was inadvisable to leave a boil: or for more than a couple of claye, This was one of the reasons why it 10110 better here just to have the one boiler. In regard to an extra boiler in case of a breakdown, the will. Wet said the boilers had proved remarkably free of breakdowns of any kind, During the first two or required but after it is properlS FOUr Youts Injured ents, Mr. and Mrs, Ross MaeGre. three weeks adjustments may be adjusted, there has seldom been A C R. 11 ct 500. enroute to their home at The present boiler at the high Four Searorth youths who were, 111`;'. and °rlic:1;. Reg. Lawson fr_ s ar o s ver tut Cliff any trouble. sehool which is only. a few years in a car accident threermiles west merly Helen Turner) newlyweds, ,ild mid in good condition inn 01 town on No, 8 highway early have returned Iron their honey - will be 100 small when the 'addit- Thursday evening, are all making moon and will reside on the ion is built, will become the Pro- perty of the contractor. MRS. MARGARET HUTTON One of the oldest residents of the Kincardine district, in the Person of Mrs. Margaret Hutton, Was Untied, there On SatUrdaY, July 30. The former Margaret :lane Benson, formerly of Durham County, and widow of Wesley Huttom she would have been 92 in mid-August. Until ill -health in- tervened four years ago she gave unselfishly of her many talents, A devoted mother and home -mak- er, she also faithfully served her church and community. Per over 30 years she was organist and choir leader in Chalmers Presby- terian (later United) Church, Kincardine twp., having been the rthst organist in the church. She wa.s also active in the work or all organizations of the church and of the IV. T. and Red Cross, the latter until a few years Etgo. Ilex husband died in 1917. Of a family of nine children, four sons and three daughters survive. They are. Benson arid Eugene of Kin- cardine tw.p., Chambers, East St. Louis, Illinois; Harry, Water - down; Mrs, Joseph Grammett, Seaforth; Mrs, Wm, (Alice) Convey, Kincardine twit; 'Mrs. Douglas (Gladys) Airth, of Cookstown. Also surviving are 1100 sisters, Mrs. T,illian Scott, of Fairview, Alta., and Mrs. Vivian Argue, Toronto: 17 grandchildren and four great-grancichildren. A son, Jack, (lied last November, in 101 Paso, Texas; another son, Ern- est, died at Kincardine about 12 years ago, A brother Albert Bee- WM, died at Vancouver a couple or months sgo, in his 94-th:year, The many floral and other tri- butes bespoke the respect she hold in the community. Rev, John C. Hatton of Pine River United Chureh was in charge of the ser- vices during which a duet: "God's Way", was sung by Mrs, William Grunder and Ronald Slade, November Nomination in Tuckersmah CONSTANCE Geraen Heiser of Anderson, t Indian11. opent the week cent at the hone, of Me. and Mrs. Clar- Ottee Montgomery, Mr, Anthony Lawson and ilaY of Pickering spent the weel«,iel 0 with Mr, and Mrs. Jamee Aledd end attended the Lawson Clark reunion on Similes'. Tut, Rennin municipal council There will be no chareh serviee or Sunday sehool during August met in the town hall, Seaforth, in the Constamp United. Cantrell 011 ,Aug. 2nd at pm. All members while the minister, Rev. 11 Fen - were present and the Reeve pre- , go, Mrs, Funge and family are Bided, The Clerk was inetruelea holidaying with relatives and to pay subsidy to Tremeer 13ros, on the Dick municipal drath; pay balance] or accounts on the Wil - limns municipal - drain, return bond to the contractor and apply for Provincial aid to drainage on same; return Levis Contracting friends in Neva Scotia. Mr. and :11fre, Ellwood Clarke and Mark of London visited Sat. urday with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Laweon and spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, le Clarke ,d Seafortb. Company the bond on the gravel contract; prepare tile drain- age bylaws covering loans to Ad- rian Timmermans (sI $400 and John .lanmaat of 91000, Council made an appropriation of sufficient monies from the gen- eral fund to cover purchase of MI'. and MI'S. Walter beett any properties on which there IR Spoilt holidays Ill the Barrie dist- il() 1)1(1 at the adjourned tax sale. riot and visited the former's els- The Ontario Hydro will be re - 100 and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Brennan of Barrie. Miss Mary Whyte and 'Master Billie Whyte were holidaying in 'Stratford with eousins. air, and Mrs. Harry Hoag and family, Newmarket, are holiday - big with 11te and .Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mr. Charles MacGregor of Pic. ton spent the holiday week end ,,,,,,, 11111101.1.111111 ,,,,,, ,,,,, 111111111011i1 ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,11,11,111. , • ,,,, 111111 ,,,,,,,, Mtn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mrs. I/nth:more al I (mune, to spending holidaye with her dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and ,11rs. Don Buchanan anti familY. Miss Ruth Avery of Little Brit- ton spent the week end with her friend, MIRK Muriel Dale, quested to move one of their poles on Ole road side adjoining lot 12, Con, 5 Ulla and council agree to pa), halr the rest or the labor necessitated thereby. The cleric was instructed to prepare a bylaw covering change or. nomination meeting from the statutory dates to the last Monday in November with the election date the first Monday in Deeem- CLE A RANCE of "Monaco"' CUT OTTASYMAR Sherbvi.;, 111 114 footed illi((' and glaSSekt 591! To Clear at 39c each Fruit Juice Tumblers Regular ,19c To Clear at 29 c each Take advantage of this speeial clearance: only pieces in stock are offered at these bargain prices Savatto.e's JEWELLERY GIFTS FINE CHINA with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, The f oll owing accounts were Ross MacGregor, . . ordered paid: RCAF road 9151 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Del: Flginondville well $11,30, Buchan.' Aloten and brother Marvin spent an drain repair $58,50, nursing the week end with the lettees pa. home care 988.25.. rebate warble rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, fly collection 94.85, postage $o, salary and allowance $224,75, Williams dram 91309.09, roads $4889.04. Council adjourned to Me last Wednesday at Goderich. meet Sept, Oth at 8 pm, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth (far- merly Janet MacGregor) newly- -wedealled on the latter's par.. Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Jewitt and family and 111r, Wm. Dale attend- ed the 11110011 county council pie. CROP REPORT Wintet, wheat harvest is in full swing with many combines in the field. Spring grain is ripening ralddlYt Showers Met week (tided most crops, but pastimes in parti- cular are still needing moieture. Mexican Bean Battle damages in white beans hart been checked aed control has been gained in cases where spraying was war- ranted, the Agricultural Office reports, T -B Clinics Finish This Week The Huron County Tuberculosis detection clinic will finish their tests 011 Friday at Fordwich. Clin- ics have been held this week at Gerrie, Brussels and other places. A report from Brussels on Tues- day said the responee has been "very good". The same applies to the clinics held in Seatorth last week, officials state, The clinics held here were in charge of the Hospital Auxiliary under the leadership of Mrs, La - Tone. Dave Stewart of Seaforth is general county chairman. A. meet- ing of the county organization will be held shortly to make plans to follow up on positives, or which there have been a signilicant number. It is from positives that the future cases of tuberculosis will come, and efforts should he carried forward on keeping in touch. BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Ma's. Thos. B. Baird, ;Mrs, Jas. Thomson, Mrs, E. For- rest and Miss Margaret 'McQueen attended the Baird picnic on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mustard and family of Tilsonbarg are hol- idaying here, 'Mrs. A. Ing and her sister, Mrs. Kruger are visiting with friends near London. Mrs. S. MoKenzie spent a few days at the cottage of her son, ,Mr. Don 'McKenzie up north, Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Stack- house and family, Wilton Grove, Mrs. HenrY, or Vancouver, ILC., visited here recently, Mrs. Geo, Clifton returned last week loom Calgary where she at- tended the Stampede. Mrs. Man Tully, Peterborough, returned to her home on Monday after spending a few weeks with her sisters here. ;Mr. and 1VIrs. Jae, Allan spent the holiday week end with Ida parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Al- lan. Mr. and :Mrs, 17(1101(1 Brown and four children, Port Colborne, spent Sunday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Snelling, DUBLIN The July meeting of Dublin Wo- men's Instituto was held at the home er Mrs. Joseph Stapleton with an attendance of 17 members and two visitors. Roll (tall WEIR answered by What I have made or grown, The motto was given by Mrs. Tom Butters, Should a rarmer plant more garden than his wife can hoe? Mrs. Alphonse Cronin and ;Mrs, Doug Rath° game a report on agriculture. Plans were made to visit the Ag- ed Home, take lunch, and a small gift for the members at the next meeting. Entertainment was in the form of varietal games with Mrs. John Burchill the winner. Ray. Vincent Eckert, 0SO,, Ann - hate Institute, Rochester, NY" with Mrs, Teresa Eckert and Mr, and Mee. 0, Colville. Wm, Cook, Long Branch, Tor 01110, with Me. and Mrs, George Coyne. Mr. and Mrs, Tont Betters and children are spending two weeks at Point Clark. good recoverY. Driver ot the car, Ilenry Lan - sink, 16, who received a broken hic, expects to be out of the hos- pital this week, but will have to remain 111 bed on his back for possibly six weeks. William Pinder, who was un- conseious for more than 24 hours groom's farm, Mr. and Mrs. H. Boag and real- ity and Sir. and Mrs. Lorne Law - an spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Maurice McKee and family alt G•oderieh, mr. and Mrs. W L. Whyte re- turned lame Tuesday after Visit- ing their son ana aaughter-tu- She very fittingly regaled, thank- ing all far their remembrance and on behalf of her mother invited all to attend her trousseau tea on Saturday afternoon and evening. After singing "She's a Jolly Good Fellow." hutch was served and everyone spent an enjoyable even- ing, KIPPEN mrg. Richardeon of Hensall visited an evening last. week with and Mrs. Elston Dowson. Miss Marjorie 'Hyde and Miss Charlene (1001c are holidaying at Pott Elgin. 'Mrs, Bert Faber returned home Friday from Mute:a hoepital and is much improved in health after ten days in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren, Imarie and Mary Falk or 'Hanover return- ed home Sunday since spending a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson with a concussion, and rib 'ajar- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Wrote visited on the holiday with 51r. les, likely will remain in hospital , and son at their cottage at Maple Lloyd and Miss, Ella Dawson for another week. ,Lake, near 'Minden, and also vis- near Varna. Wtlliarn Teall and James Dick ited with 1.11r. and Mrs, Partridge Mr. and Mrs, Ed Morton of near were able .to leave the hospital of Barrie and Mr. and Mrs, Bald- Seaforth, Mrs. ;114. Robson and that night after receiving treat- win of Omemee, Miss Robson or Toronto visited remit, the former wearing a cast .Mrs. Wm. Jewitt, Kenneth and. Wedneeday evening with eir, and for a broken small bone in the Kevin and Mr. and Mrs, Charles 'Mrs. Nelson Hood and Joyce. right leg. •Dexter visited Sunday with Mr. Mr, Aubrey Farquhar had 0 4(10. The car ran off the road while and Mrs, Guy Cunningham, Au- cessful sale at his farm en July the driver tried to avoid some chunks of rubber, Which had pre- viously endangered other cars. GABON - LANSINK The wedding took place in St. James R.C. Church, Searorth, on Saturday morning, July 30, at 10 A.M. when Anne Lansink and Robert Garen exchanged VOWs. Rev. Fr. Charles Sullivan offici- ated. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lansink of Sea - forth, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Garen, Clinton. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of Chantilly lace with un - pressed pleats or nylon tulle, a fitted bodice, Chantilly lace and sequins featured a scalloped neckline and lily pointed sleeves. A pearl tiara held her fingertip veil of illusion and she wore pearl accessories, the gift of the green). She carried yellow rose buds and. mauve mums. The maid or honor was Tina Lansink, or Seaforth. wearing a gown similar to the bridesmaids. Her flowers were yellow mums with mauve streamers. The bridesmaids were Dianne Garen, Clinton, sister of the groom, and Rosemary Lansink of Searorth, and Madeline Town- send of Seaforth, and Susan Hil- debrand. They wore white nylon ideated skirts, bodice embroider- ed in mauve dowers. The best man was Peter Caron of Clinton. Ushers were 13i11 Gallow and Doug Mann, The organist WEIS 1\41%. Alice Stylee, of town. The soloist sons Mrs. Mel Aich- eson who sang "On this day Oh Beautiful Mother", Ave Maria and "Penis Angelic:the. At the reception held after- wards In the pavilion at Baynoldt the bride's mother wore a beige dress embroidered in green. They will reside in Clinton rol- lowing a honeymoon to Northern Ontario, Guests were present from To- ronto, Welland, Sherbrooke, Que- bec, Bayteld, Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Millesburg, Ohio, RNA PORTE* W. 1. The Seaforth W. I, will hold their August meeting on Tuesday evening Aug. 11111 at 8.30 pen, at the home of Mrs. R. M, Scott, This 4s the Agricultural meeting con- vened by Mrs, .Tas. Keyes and Mrs, Mon Kerr, Roll eall to be answered with "Waye of storing vegetables for winter". The motto is The final 1)00211(11 of the- soil is people. Miss Helen MeKercher, Director of biome Economies Ser- vice will be the guest epeaker, A committee far sandwithes—Mrs. G. MacKenzie, Mrs, Ti, Hugill, Mrs, 7, Kerr; relishes, Mrs. tae, F. Scott. burn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glanville, Crediton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Preszcator, ,Miss Joyce Brown is holidaYing with relatives in Hanover and Cheeley this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Jewitt and family spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Berry and family of Goderich. Beide-to-he HON,Or0d— OGIT and Sunday school honor- ed Miss Joyce Jewitt, bride-to-be, at a weiner roast last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan. Miss Jew- itt was leader or Ole OGIT and SS teacher of the Intermediate class at Constance United Church, 27th. Mrs, Alex. 11eBeath ant Mrs, David Triebner were in charge of the booth. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson of Taman called Sunday at the home of their and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Jones and 1010115. Mr. and Mrs. Frecl Wouda and Harry of Pembroke are spending a week's vacation with their ne- phew and niece, Mr. and Mts. Barry Van Wierreu and family. Mr. and Mts. Eldon Jarrett and Mrs. Arthur Anderson attended the capping exercises of assistant nurses at. South Huron hospital. Exeter, or their daughter Ruth Ann on July 26th. IVIrs Elzar Mousseau and her her departure for Exeter. There were 61 yeung people in attend - a11(114. 0101(1 ,hones and Karen TaL. • but presented Gail with two ty bedroom lamps. Gail made a fitting reply. A delicious lunch was served. The following address was read by Marjorie Hyde: I)ear Ciall,---We'Ve known you for many years. Our friendship growing better. We're sena- now to know that your are moving to Exeter. "l'is true we're sad to see you go. We'll Miss you •Much each day, Inn one thing Wee about it is. You'll not be far•awaY. It You • • should ever get the chance, To come see us, please do, And 1851 assured, when time 'afferds, We'll eonle and Visit you. We trust you will be happy -there, Though we hate to see you go, Ant I'm sure your new friends will love you, .Just ito true, as we, you know. Now. Gail, accept this little gift, Berore )0u Move away; With it We give our wishes beste. Your life be filled with many a happy day. Daring the evening when mem- daughter, Mrs, Ross Faber attend- bers of the classes were present, ed the capping exercises of the Miss Mary MacGrgor read an ad- former's niece, Miss Donna Turn - dress and Mice Glenyce Jewitt bull or (trend Send, at the Smith presented her with a gift from Huron Hospital, Exeter, July 26. CGIT and Master David Preszca- Mre, Fred Brock of London Vis. tar presented Miss Jewitt with a Red a few days with her niece -gift from the Sunday eehee1 class, end nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Russell The evening was spent in eater- Brock, tainment and a weiner roast. Miss Master David Brock visited re - Jewitt thanked all for their rera- cently with relatives at Whalen's eminences Miss Glenyee Jewitt thanked Mrs. Buchanan for her home on behalf or the CG1T, and Jim Preszcater. extended thanks on behalf of the SS class. orners. Mr. and Mrs,' John Doig of Gland Rapids, Mich., were week end guests. of MS mother. Mrs. Lydia Doig and sister, Janet, 011 Sunday they all attended the 102111(05 Ritmo:— Friday evening Miss Muriel me1Villiams reunion at River - Dale was hostess to a kitchen view 101.0k, Exeter. shower honoring Miss JoYso Jew- INIaster Earl French of Whalen's itt, bride-to-be, when girl friends Corners visited a few days with assembled to extend good wishes. his eousin, David Brock. The feature of the evening was a Mr. 13111 13n:1A of Welland spent treasure hunt (01' 1111) kitchen a feW days recently wi-th his par - gifts and after -they were un- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell timer, wrapped thanked all for the use- after spending two weeks at 111,, The hostess served East coast, , 1011(111, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Schneider r and family of Stratford visited on oinstutlify $110wer for Bride-to.be---- Monday evening with lir, Robert Tfleaclay evening itt the base- Thomson, meta of Constance Flitted Church F/S- Bob and -Mrs. Perkins and a shower 0006 held to 110nor MISR boys of RCAF, Clinton, visited Joyce Jewilt, eldest (Wielder of Mr. and Mrs. N. Long Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt, prior to her apprettehine marriage on Aug, 11 to Mr. Wm, Dawson of Varna at Constance - Vetted Church. At the beginning dr the Program the bride -In -be was en the the honor chair, while her mo- ther, :Ws. IVnn. Jewitt, and the groom-to.be's mother, Mrs. Dow - 0011, were seated on each side of her. Mies Martel Dale acted as and the gel of it floor tamp ;tree - mistress of eeremonies and helped ranted by 11r. Win, McLachlan. Mise Laurel. Dela to conduct con- Wendy Janes eresented. Lynne Reds, after which Miss Wilma with a pyjama doll end to 13111 a Dale gave a very suitable read- baseball by 11r, Russell Talbot. Ing. At an opportune time Miss air, and •Mrs. Farquhar thanked Muriel Dole read an address while everyone for the gifts and the Misses Helen Melliwain, Glenyce nice evening, Refreshments were . and ,Tanize Jewitt carried gifts served. Winners for euchre were evening. - A farewell party ror Mr, and Mrs. Earl (brtwr)ght, b•udbnry, Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar who leave and familY. - shortly for Exeter 0011-0 held at :Mr. Robert. Mustard spent the SS 14, Stanley, on the evening of weekend with his parents Mr. and July 23th with alma 11 families Mrs. Alex Ithetard. present. The evening was spent Mrs, Peter Moffatt, Seaforth, by enehre being played and 12 visited for a. few days with Mr. tables were in Play. An addross and Mrs. Walter Moffatt. was read by Mr. Erneet Talbot Mr, and Mrs. Douglas ,MeDeth oruollieltiiiidseorpasyreeiiiiets givuuers.tsan(4)1 51)8, J, W, aleBeth over the weekend. A number Of lathes from Bruce - field went to Kingsville and De- troit with the ladies from the W. . T., Sen forth, and report a very. good 1)1110, Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Jim.'" R, Murdoch over the 'weekend BAYFIELD Mrs, Ronald Coleman, London, spent the weekend with her meth- .„,;• er Mrs, T. W. Castle. ' Misses Mary Ervine and Bar- bara Turner are spending 10 days at Keywadin Camp, Goderich. Mrs. Eddie Florian, Clinton, spent the weekend with her sister., Miss Berthena Sturgeon. Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Oddleirson, London, wereat their home over the weekend. Dr. R, G. Hunter, Toronto, spent the weekend with his wife and family, Mrs. F. Burch and family, of Willowdale came en Saturday to spend a vacation at their cottage. Miss Bonnie Parker, of Scar- borough is spending this week with her grandmother, Mrs. Jack Parker. Miss Lola Elliott, Marine City, Mich., is visiting her brother Les-. lie Elliott. Miss Jackie Chaff is spending the summer in Europe; Mr. and Mre. Bob Humphries, Port Stanley are spending a few days with her. parents ;Mr, and Mrs. Russell Kerr. F/O and Mrs. Tama and three children returned to Ba.getVille, Quebec,after pending three weeks with her mother Mrs. Lel 11. mseLeod. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Heath of Byron are vacationing at their cottage. Mrs. Myrtle Pease and son Mi'. win, London, are spending this week at their home. Mr, and Mrs, Jerry Sturgeon and daughter Nancy, Preston, are spending week with his parents, Sir. and 1Ire. Ed., Sturgeon. BRUCEFIELD :qr. awl Mrs, Cecil Cartwright of Londesbore; Mr. and Mrs. Don- uld Cart wright, Goderich 11,00»- 5 11'. and Mrs, Fred Boyce, — Brucetteld, honored Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Boyce, tIoderieh. on Sat- urday 11ight.3 uly tIOLIt, hy holding a surprise buffet dinner for 30 51105111 111 the Fred Boy '0 home. The honored maple marked their silver wedding day on Angus! 3. Those attending included Mr. and and assisted the bride in opening the gifts. Mrs, Donald. Huchanan presented a gift from the North - line. Miss Jewitt opened the gifts and passed them axorind and play. ed them on a table on displaY. ladies, Mrs, Murdoch, Mrs. Tomtit awl gents, Jaelc Consitt, Peter , were Mr. and MrS. Stanley num- Go 1. I 11e and fondly of Toronto; Mr. On .1uly 1 4111 at SS 14, Stanley. 1 and Mrs. Win, Dll 11 Van and Itunily a surprise dance 50118 held in hon. of Florida; Mr. and Mrs. Win, or a 51)05 0E111 Farquhar prior to Murdoch, Hamilton.