HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-28, Page 8HAUGH'S & BUCKEYE MATCHING �y Shirt « Pant Sits FOR WORK sanfori:uxl twill shirt tinct ping sols in popula1 Forest green. grey and sand shades, These sets tire fully '+antotiierl to give long hard wear. Print sixes 32 to 46 walk Shirt sizes l•F1,_ to 18 collar 809 New, Long Sleeve to 9.95 stnr'I' ANI) PANT SETS New wash '11 wear cotton cord Sams Popular flap -back sling pants in line' cotton pinwale cord, nett/ shade of olive green, antelope, sand auil black. Size 32 in 38 waist, Ata new low price of O% Shixts 4.95 Tut 'arrived - new 0114(' roid, brown and bine tone long, sleeve sport shirts in the newest plains and patterns. ti, M. L, OS 4 S5 C,ti Clearance Half Sleeve 'OWN. Shirts Save 'o, on Forsyth and Arrow hall -sleeve sport. shirts now, Sizes S. M, L. OS. Our hest quality 4.00 to 1.95 quali- ties to clear at sum to 195 STE A Cie REVIEW TE L ,E Seaforth Lions Pool }', July 28th AT 8,30 P.M, ADMISSION FREE In case of inclement weather the review will be held the following night, Friday. July 29 Hospital in Huron Public. Works Minister RaY Connell and Charles IMaoNaught- on, M,P.P..for Muton, -announced calling of tenders for construction of a new mental hospital at God- erich. Construction of the first stage, which comprises accommo- dation for 300 putiellts plus ser- vrees for future expansion, will be started this fall and carried on through the winter to provide employment for many tradesmen in the district, Mr, Connell said. Cost or the first stage of con• struction of this hospital is esti• mated at about $3,500,000, How- ever, •Mr, Connell pointed out that many of the costs included in thle figure, including tho laundry, the power plant, administration wing and sewage system, would not be repeated when future additions are made. The plans for this hospital are a radical change from previous 'mental hospitals and are based on studies of the latest hospitals in Europe and the United States made by Ontario mental health experts, Mr. Connell said there will not be one -"long corridor" in the whole building, a break from traditional. Institutional arehitec- ture. Instead there -will be single storey "cottages" with two two- storey wings, There will be a miu- tia= of restriction of patients, Easy 0cc•ess will be provided to two enclosed courtyards from the small wards. Doors will also open directly from wards to the grounds which form a (theta, site on Lake Iluron, about two and a half miles south or Gederiell on Ni, 21 highway, The sit 0 includes 3,000 feet or lake frontage and Is almost one 111i1e deep, Mr )(lueNaughten, who is a member or the Ontario Water Re- sources Commission said arrange- ments had been made with the town or Goderich to extend mains to provide water service when the institution is ready. A 210,000 gal- lon tank will store water for hos- pital and a booster pump will pro- vide pressure for fire hydrants. First sewage arrangements will be treament in a six -acre lagoon at the southern extremity of this large property, but future plans include a cost-sharing construc- tion of a sewage treatment plant that will serve both town and the hospital. Mr Connell described part of the hospital as being, in effect, au intermediary between a home for the aged and the popular concept of a mental hospital for the aged. Patients whose meatal faculties have deteriorated beyond the point where they could look after them- selves in a home for the aged, yet Iwho still do not need full-time bed care or protection from them- selves, would constitute the bulk of the patients. The hospital would also service the mental 0 health needs of all adults in the 1 I area. The emphasis is on treatment throughout, 1) o m es ti o pastel shades in interior decor, with ex- tensive use of glass, provision of more day rooms and more recrea- tional facilities, will create a I home -like atmosphere, 'Use of i bright colored vinyl tiie flooring throughout will reduce noise and Iadd 10 the cheery appearance, 'Tete administration area will be !a central two-storey block, and will include the active treatment wing, kitchen and dining room section,- an anrlit.orhlm, occupa- tional therapy and chapels, The infirmary section will include male and female patient wins and 0 third seetton will provide se•viios :such ars laundry, trades and ]tower plant, A. small garage will also be built. PROCLA I A.TION 4V1'JdlaMrSNKg S In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Sea - forth, and by virtue of the provisions of By- law 11 1, of 1912, I hereby proclaim that no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth during the period ending September 30,-1960, (Note: The bylaw provides penalties for - infractions. Upon a conviction, the owner or harborer of a dog is liable to a fine not exceeding $ iO, or to a jail term not exceed- ing 21 days i . Seaforth, June 14, 1960. "00D SAVE THE QUEEN" All dog owners mast. obtain License tag for dog immediately, either from T), H. Wilson or Ilai'old Maloney nn Monday: Aug, Ist. A game w111 also probably be played on Thurs- day, July 281h. The United Church WMS. enter• tallied the Baby Band and Mission Band at a ideate on Thursday last in Clan Gregor Square, Bay- field, a very enjoyable time was spent. The following is a list of spurts winners: Pre school, Blaine Stephenson; 6 to 8, Debora Ste- Ph0n8Qi1, Marlene Coletnan, Dale Stirling, Ken Caleman; 8 to 12, Louise McCaig, Ann Stephenson; boys, Brian McAsh, Don Taylor; 13 and over Bonnie Stirling, Pat- sy -McCaig; Mich -the -slipper, Don Taylor: sack race, Glenda John- ston; balmy race, Joyce Hayter, Margaret Allington; penny In milk bottle, Glenda Johnston; trip to California, ,Mrs. Robert ,Stirling; elastic relay, Ann Ste - P118)18011, Glenda Johnston; P011 bottle race, Shirley Mustard; ov- en mitt contest, Mrs. Louis Tay- lor; aylor; youngest baby, Danny 'Taylor, Mrs, Wm. Taylor, Mrs, Ralph Ste- phenson and •Mr's. Gordon Cole- man were in charge of the sports. .Rev. Win, Robinson of Manitoba will have charge of the service on the Vorntt Charge next Sunday. A. number from here- attended the funeral servIee in Landon on Saturday last, of the the late Mise 10. Logan WALTON The funeral of the late Jo1111 3, McGavin of Walton was held on Thursday, July 21, The pallbear- ers were: John Turnbull, William Turnbull, Neil MrGavin, John \I'rGavin, Donald Lawless, George 1iablcirk, The flowerbearers were: Fred IVfhexavin, Charles Wm, Leeming, Bert Dennis, WINTHROP HROP The AVMS and W,A, of Cavan. \ViMhrni,, will meet on Wednes- day. Aug,rd. This 15 to be the Christian Citizenship. Circle One will look niter lunch. CARD OF TIIANKS I 10001)1 lilts to thank 10', Gorw•ill and stair of Scott Memorial lIospltal and all who sent me cards, treats, and flowers, and also visited we while I was a pat- ient in the hospitalJPIiRY I)0P1211 CARD OF THANKS We wish In sincerely thank nil nut Mends who in so many ways helped us though the sad time we have experi- enced during the past few weeks, The cards, flowers and treats sent to Bev. while nielt, the many trilnu.s sent to the funeral home and the kind assistance given to us in the home will never be forgotten. hies. Bev. Christie and family Married in Turner's Church LAWSON - TURNER The wedding took place at Tur- ner's United Chervil, 'Tucker - smith„ o11 Saturday, July 23 at 2 p.m. of Reginald Taylor Lawson, anis I3elen Irene Turner, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Turner, RR 3 Seaforth; and the the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs, IOail Law- son, RR 1 Clinton. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and the minister was Rev. G. L. Mills The matron of honor, Sirs. Ed- ward F. Warren of London, sister of groom. Groomsman, George ld, Turner, of Tuckersmith, brother of the bride. The bride wore a waltz -length gown of chantilly lace and nylon organza over tulle and taffeta. The fitted bodice was styled with short sleeves, scalloped scoop neckline with appliques of lace sprinkled with iridescent sequins. The hem- line was graced with a band of lace and the skirt was topped with a crushed utnmeobnnd, Sho wore matching (gel The d o u b t e' French illusion veil was held in Place 1)y a crown of pearls and iridescent sequins. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink delight roses and stephanotis. Bride's on- ly jewellery were a necklace and earrings of cultured pearls, a gift of the groom, The bride's travelling costume, French blue linen sheath ensem- ble having finger-tip length coat with - length sleeves, and a band of white embroidery graced the cuff's and front bodice She VARNIA 1"arnat's softball team won their Fecund ,time 011 Monday night In Varna by defeating Kitimat by it score of 14-0. 4;nrdnn Joh eters pitched ail 1 way for Varna. Ex- tept for 3 fly balls that, Accred the short left field fence for home runs. had the Kippen boys baffled most nl'. the' lime. Keith Lovell, 10lppen's ace hurler had central trouble and hit six batters as well ass giving a number of walks. Kip- pen opened the saucing in the 2nd with 1 run added 2 in .the 4th, 3 in the 5th, one melt in the 0th and green flowered arnel gown and 7111. Varna seared 4 in the with matching accessories, and 21111, 1 in the 3rd, 1 in the 4th rt pink carlintion corsage. and 4 in the rah. A. good crowd The groom's mother wore a him, figured arnel gown with blue eccessories enol pink carnation corsage. The ushers were Edward War- ren of London, heather -in-law or CARD OF THANKS The family of the late P. Bruce Medd wish to express their sinc0te thanks to roluiven, neighbors ntul. friends for their kindness during his long illness; also messmres of sympathy and beauti- ful floral tributes received during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Sunnnetell, the doctors and the nurses. the pallbearers and flower - bearers and the Box Funeral Home CARD OF THANKS Thu family of the lute Men, Thomas Williamson 01011 le sincerely thunk all their friends and neighbors for the many acts , f kindness shown them dur- imn the illness and passing of their mother. Sp, vial thanks to Rev, M. Thomas. Mrs. Smnildnn and D. A. Rann FOR SALE 2 burner electric hot- plate, dining room buffet. New 15'illinms sewmg. machine, ICttehen uthie imolai. top). Real bargains. Apply J. Janes. No Mrs. Chas, Lovett, North burin et., Seaforth FOR SALE 20 chunks, Landrsce and York breed, Phone 51011 Seaforth, C, V. hale. FOR SALE Wheat straw. Phone st3R2.4 Seaforth. Percy Dalton RASPBERRIES Frro h from patch. Ambrose Addley, third house east of lCinburn on south shPhone 4,33 1e Ph n td ware a corsage of pink delight roses. Matron of honor wore a street length gown of aqua silk organza over taffeta, styled with a lace bodice, and a shirred panel fit the front til' the shirt, She Wore 0 small matching headband and white gloves, and (tarried a bou- quet of Mnk carnations and tulle. Tho flower girls were dressed identically in white nylon over taffeta, with itr11111 trim. Wore white head bands and gloves, and carried nosegays of pink marua- tinns and tulle, Flower girls were Jean Yaleon- yr, cousin of the bride, and Tlelen Warren, niece of 1 h groom, The organist, Mrs. William Ro gcrson, accompanied Mrs, 1'1111(1 T''aleouer, who sang "0 Perrin' Imre" before tits enrr:mnnv, find Pe causer" during the signing o the register. The reception W118 held in the church basement where tables were centered with floret arrange - (mints of sweet. peas. The bride's mother wore white NOTICE Order your Raspberries now, fresh from the patch 01 Moore's Poultry Finan. Seaforth. Picking every day, •tae qt. Less by the crate. Phone 500r<I1 aonfm'th NOTICE Currant eomhining done for grain and flax. S. L. Ryan & Sons, Phone 40r3 Dublin FOR SALE Outtlont' closet $3,00, Apply to The Senfart.h News FOR SALE Pees five weeks old; mother is a pure brad Border collie. Jim Finlayson, phone (MI r3 Searortlt RR FOR SALE Frere building about 12' x 2t', also lean -t ,, 175. Apply at Sentorth News FOR SALE 1014 acre farm in Mcliillop on 8th con. an county road, excellent buildings, land all workable, Ion down payment, immediate possession. This property is worth investigation.. Hotel in Iluron county town, 14 rooms. newly furnished, excellent equipment throughout. License has been applied for. owner will carry large mortgage. Modern home in town of Seaforth, 3 blocks west of Main st. Modern kitchen dining room and living room down, and 3 bedrooms and bathroom up. New fur- nace, all hardwood floors throughout, large lot. Pull price 57,600. Reasonable down payment JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St., Goderieh, Salesman, Jos. McConnell phone 266 Seaforth BORN MASTIN — At Belleville General Hospital on July 24th to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Niestiu, Madoc, a son WILLIAMS -- NA•. sad Mrs. Joseph Williams of Whitby are happy to an- nounce the birth of their dnughtet•, Sharon ltltnnheth, on July 21st, in OA - awn General Hospital, 0 sister for Debbie 0LOUSHER — At Scott Memorial Hospital on July 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glousltcr, nal Lnndeshuro, a daughter WALLACE _. At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on July 23, to ND:. and Mrs. La- verne Wallace, Crown -03y, a daughter BUTT• At Scott memorial hospital on July 29th, to NH'. and Mrs. Murray Bun., Seaforth, n daughter SIBBALD --- At Scott. Memorial hos- pital on July 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Stbbald, Sonfoeth, a daughter was en hand for the filet game on Varna's new hall diamond, A game with Tlruccflold is schedul- ed here on _Saturday night, July 31) as well as another with TClppen 11111 iOJTA1+'ORTI1 NEWS .__. Thursday, July 28, 1900 IIROME'S DRIVE LIMITED ":, :•,'.i ffa�///=� 6�, t� Ql A7�f >+t �� w1e 1i,.�"4` �`�'a CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen In Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY -- July 28 and 29 "The Solid Gold Cadillac" JUDY HOLLIDAY -• PAUL DOUGLAS (One 2 -Reel Comedy) — One Cartoon — SATURDAY ONLY •- July 30 'The Legend of Tom Doley MICHAEL LANDON -- JO MORROW (One 2 -Reel Comedy) (One 2 -Reel Musical) (One Cartoon) Sunday Midnite & Monday -- July 31 84 August 1 DODULI+) FEATURE BLOOD OF THE DEMON SANDRA HARRISON 1 was a teenage Frankenstein WHIT BISSELL - PHYLLIS COATES (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY -- August 2 and 3 "MAN ON A STRING" ERNEST BORGNINE CAROLE MATHEWS (One Cartoon) Two shows nightly, rain or cleat'. First Show at Dusk Admission Oho, Children under 12 in czars Free COMING EVENT 38 Nn, 3 IRbbxrl, Centemiul, Satur- day, July 35. Pnterlatnment from 9 o'clock In morning all through the feat- uring day - At 8 p.m. short variety program, ming the Gauntry Squires" of List- wol followed by dancing to Iiarburn's Orehestra. Admission 75e & (We for evening. Everyone welenme at all times FOR SALE 24-46 McDonald thresher with straw cutter and grain elevator, in good con- dition. Russell Bolton, stee33 Seethe b; or Lewin Bonar, 850r22 Seaforth NOTICE Custom combining. Contact Lyle Mont- gomery, plume IIU 2--7231 Clinton FOR SALE 2:15 sexn-link tango pullets hatched April lath, 31 each. Carl Siemon, Phone (207 Dublin HELP WANTED CLERICAL ASSISTANT. FOR SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Ability to type a requirement Reply stating age, experience and qualification to The Secretary, Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Ontario MEXICAN BEETLE.' IR HURON Mexican Bean Beetle has been reported in the Bayfield Area ex- tending about three miles south end three miles east of the village of Bayrield. Several sprays have been tried ant. in co-operation with the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association with good results. The product "Sevin" is the insecticide thatseems to be tieing the hest .ins at. 1110 moment and is probably the most eeonomt• cal to use. One pound of 60% wettable powder is as many gal- lons of water as possible tat least 211 gals. I per acre should bo used, The larvae of the Beast Beetle appear on the underside of the leaf and are yellowish resume with black spines and rtrn about: % inch long, The full grown adult is greenish yellow with black spots. LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores Business - Chattels - Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada Valleyfield Placements Ltd. 460-A Wilson Ave„ Downsview Township of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1960 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum from June 16th to Dec. 15th on all Prepaid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office, Tuckersmith, R 4 Seaforth Cora Chesney, Treasurer thio groom, and rs'tiward Turner, London, eonsln or the bride. The church decorations were pink and white gladioli and fern. The bride was e former teacher on the staff of. the Priaeess Anne School, Loudon Area `I'Wo. Guests fr0n a, 11111Ftnce were present from London, Chatham, Oxford Centre, Arvn, Wingham, Ltttknow, Goderich, 101ppe11, Stratford. Sear orth, 01111 ton. They will reside_ on the groom's farm, Rll 1 Clinton FOR SALE Coal at Summer prices ... Premium Quality . . Double screened .. Save money this year by gottiug the hest, WILLIAM M. HART, phone 784 Sea - forth a BRARSIDE NURSING NOME Licensed for convalescent & elderly people. Call 386 Mitchell Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cola ChesIney Clerk Box Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seatorth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Interniel P.L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat - arcing only 7.9 p.m. Appointments made in advance arc desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VE9•ERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R, BRYANS. D.V.M.,V.S. W. G. DRENNAN. D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Rhone 791 Hoare—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 W 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. ova by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5190 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Butts Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between 7:90 and 9:30 arm, wools: days. 9:00 and 8;00 p.m. Saturday evenings Icor service or more information call Clinton 'FIU 2-0441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5050 Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 INSURANCE MINDritiONIINIMIRes • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 memsallaere 'bine coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE O AND FURNACE L DUNDAS di. LONEY Phone 673 o1. 332-R AND FUEL OIL HOT Office Phone 784 • Ates. 28& - We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. IIEAD OPFIC1—SEAFORTH, ONT. Offices President, John L. Malone, Senfortlt 1 Vire Pres„ John TI. Molltwing, Blyth ; Sec.-Treas., W. 70. Southgate. Senfnt•th, Directors, Norman Trewarthn, Clinton, J, L. Muton, Seaforth; Ohris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; ,Tohn Il. Mcidwing., Blyth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Puller, (loderiah 1 J. Il. Palmer. Br-uceaeld 1 Allister Broad - foot, Soaforth. Landes - Agenic •-- William Leiper Jr., bora; V. J. Lane, RR 6 Seaforth; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, 011n- tett; James Keys, Seaforth. lir .,..... .... _........ .... •-snit--ur�Yrne�Y�:.