HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-28, Page 7Scientific Chase For The SSnowii7Ian Eyes bulging, the first Slwr- pa to sets au Abominable Snow - mart came raring down a Hima- layan elope sere amus "Yetis Yeti( Hes after ate!" Thus was born the legend of that leerily, half -human creature presumed by some --- to spend his days in dreary solitude on the icy Himalayan. heights, Does the Yeti actually exist -•- end if so what does he look like? Last month in London, cu , the most famous of present-day mountaineers, Everest - conquer- ing Sit' Edmund Hillary, quietly unveiled an ingenious new plan for taking the Himalayan Yeti out of the realm of tall tales end into the realm of fact. With Eleven other New Zealanders, five Britons, and five Americans, 'Hillary plans to scale Mount Makalu (27,790 feet) an the Nepal -Tibet border, and try cap- turing a Yeti alive, Ilow will the climbers recog- nize a Yeti when they see one? The answers depend on what explorer, or Sherpa, you talk to, The scientific -minded will say only that strange footprints have indeed been found up there in the snow. As for descriptions• offered plainly by the Sherpas, these vary: The Yeti is 4 or 7 (though never 9) feet tall, has reddish - brown or camel -coloured hair, End thrives on a diet of yaks, people, or rhododendrons, which grow wild in Yeti -land. Or, the Yeti is really a bear, a monkey, or a member of a secret order of monks who like solitude and long ago conditioned themselves to live in sub -zero temperature:: without clothes, Uh, huh. How will the expedition clutch this creature no Westerner has aver seen? Starting next winter, Hillary end Ms fellow mountaineers are planning to string wires ankle - high across the deserted glaciers that corrugate the flanks of Mount Makelu. Any unwary Ye- ti who trips over a wire will automatically trip a camera ehutter and photograph himself for posterity. Once Hillary's scouts discover an exposed film, they will instantly comb the nearby wastes. Any poor Yeti .sighted will be shot on the spot -- with air guns firing syringes that contain curare, a knockout drug, A Yeti so "wounded" is expected to lapse peacefully into the Yeti dreamland, and Hillary's team of scientists will study him es he dozes. Is Hillary organizing for an expensive wild-goose chase? The shock -haired, 41 -year-old knight, financed by the Royal Geogra- phical Society and other spon- sors, thought definitely not. "There is evidence available of the existence of some creature in the Himalayas," Sir Edmund told a press conference last arnonth. "I personally have no doubt that the tracks reported to have been seen do exist," Wau1d the expedition bring back a Yeti alive? "My personal inclination," paid Hillary guardedly, "would be to let the creature go. T think there is precious little in +civilization to appeal to a Yeti anyhow." — From NEWSWEEK. If working hours are reduced & u r thee, there may not be enough time for coffee breaks. THE PROMOTER - Steeplejack Jerry Williams lakes time out from painting a Columbia, Mo., flagpole to promote a "Yes" vote in a wheal referendum. Wheat growers would decide July 21 whether they favor re- stricting supply in return for support prices or unlimited pro- duction, lower prices. Those Barbershop Quartets Flourish It was barbershop night in Dundalk, Md., and four members of the local chapter of the S.P,E.B,S.Q,S.A. (Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing In America) crowded close in harmony. They were demon- strating the fine art of "wood. shedding" -- the ability to form a well -blended quartet at the drop of a single, pearly, pear- shaped tone. As silver haired Danny Cuthbert lifted his light tenor in a few experimental "m -m -In -m's," slender Jim Grant and two other songbirds chimed in. To the 28,188 males (females have an association of their own) who are members of SPEB'g 688 chapters in the U.S. and Cana- da, such impromptu close -har- monizing is undulterated bliss. The only thing that can beat it is to belong to one of the 900 registered quartets who vie among themselves to enter the international competition at SPEB's annual convention, Twenty - three - year - old Jim Grant, for example, is a mem- ber of Dundalk's Oriole Four, who were doing a final warmup before leaving for Dallas last week and SPEB's 22nd annual harmonic holiday. Competing against 39 other barbershop groups, the Orioles, one of the younger quartets, distinguished themselves at Dallas by reach- ing the semifinals before being eliminated. (The winners: The NOT WALKING ALONE - Dr. Barbara Moore, 56, of England, listens to composer Joseph Alderman sing his song, "I Keep Walking Along," at Bordenlown, N.J. Later in the day, Dr. Moore readied New York to complete a 3,250 -mile, 85 -day coast-to-coast hike, The Russian -born vegetarian was forced to ride the last six miles to the entrance of the Holland Tunnel in New Jersey but said she would go back to cover the distance ern foot. CLASSIFIED ARTICLE$WANTED HOCKEY Pictures; St. Lawrence Starch Co., type. I wish to purchase collect. none front 1916 to date or trade fax' certain pictures. Bert Donovan, Waite t. Perlb, (1 . BABY CHICKS REDUCED prices on 131•ay started obicks, and 9 -week old pullets. Preterit ehlpment, Dayolds to order. Fail broil- ers orAmid. wrl a e8raysHatchery,S120 agent North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LADIES Money in your spare time. 21 wood, foronlyCrescent, Islington, Ontario LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PROFITABLE spare or full time earn- ings. Study this interesting and use- ful profession, Far free brochure and (harts. contact: Canadian College of Massage, 111 Farnham Ave., Toronto 7. BE YOUR OWN BOSS I OWN AND OPERATE A Coln•Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store. Net $4,00048,000 Annually. Write or phone today Ear f00 lnforma• Um about unattended coin-operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped. laundry store opportunities in your community. You manage in your spare time - while netting high income. We finance 90% of your total purchase, offer you longest financing period at lowest monthly installments, You re• getve training and advice from a nal. !tonal organization that has helped over 0800 men and women lice you go into business for themselves, No ex• portent necessary. Modest invest- ment, This proven new profitable automatic business offers a money making opportunity to anyone who wants to own his own business. Com. pare our complete program. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto TB, Ontario ROger 6-7255 BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE RESTAURANT, serving full cauraa cereals and lunches. Established over thirteen years, steady clientel, close to three highways, fully equipped, air- conditioned, six -room apartment above, large lot, 66' x 100' deep, will sell for wash or half down. Interested parties write Box 129, Comber P.O. gIMCOE Property. Simcoe's largest drug business in centre of business dietriet. Six lane bowling alley In Waterford, The above properties ere money makers. J. B, Doyle, Realtor SIMCOE, ONT. levans Quartet of Salt Lake +pity.) The Orioles and Dundalk lie in the fiercest hotbed of barber- nhopping in the U,S. The Middle Atlantic States top all other re- gional areas with 3,632 members in 72 chapters. Although Dun- dalk has only been organized for three years, its 210 members make it one of the largest chap- ters in the country. Dundalkers are typical of a a e w barbershopping breed which adheres to Article 6 of the society's Code of Ethics: 11We shall refrain from forcing our songs upon unsympathetic ears." Post -meeting woodshed- ders who pub crawl are the ex- ception. Most go home quietly after this massed roaring close: "One! Two! Three: It's great to be a barbershopperl" How Can 1? by Roberta Lee (t, Bow can I prevent leakage et perfume or other liquid car- ried in a travel ease or handbag? A. By slipping a toy balloon over the vial and knotting the top of the balloon at the bottom of the vial. The cap will be held firmly in place, and there'll be no loss of liquid or messy bag. Q. How can I 'weigh my baby, 11 I don't happen to have any baby scales? A. Use your own bathroom Scales for this. Step onto the scales while holding the baby, get off, put baby down, and step onto the settles again. The differ- ence between the two weights is what baby weighs, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOE BALE) SERVICE Mallon, booth, welding ewe pair shop, house, 60 acres of land, lovely leks, canning watery hydro, love- ly frontage, room for expansion. Ott new Trane -Canada IrigitwaY 11, 10 mllea S. of Cochrane. Wm. P. Fletcher, ilex 279, (0(11 ane, 0111. WONDERFUL, business opportunity, service station, Iron Bridge Ont., on Highway 17. Trans.Canada lilghwuy, Sn the heart of Algoma's £amour vooe- tionland; 6 acres of land with over- night camping facilities, 900 fle high, way frontage, Full price including stock end equipment is 330,000. iltinl- mum Clown payment is $10,000. Gaso- line gallonage 160,000 gallons annual- ly. Good increase can be expected with completion of northern section of Bridgghew aFyofull fnlorm0a tion write E. A. Arnold, !teal Estate Breker 553 Queen SL E, Suite 2 Sault Ste. Marie Ont. CONSULTANT -- REAL ESTATE PERSONAL service vacation and slant- lar properties, longest experienced. Suttsfied clients, Fred II. Reid. Broker, 43 Victoria St„ torphto. DOGS FOR SALE SHELTIES (Lassie, apartment see) Pup. es. Yearling bitches, bred All reels - e eed. Paul Robins, Oro Station, ,(M- ario, FARMS FOR SALE ONE htmdred aures, tiled drained rhoice clay loam, on highway, Perth ounty. Barn 45' x 06' steal stanchions, silos, drive shed and other buildings. 8.roomed brick house, new ell furnace, bath end cupboards, 1101 and cold water, large Lawn with 65 maple trees, 37 registered, accredited, Listed, Ho1• stein, crop and equipment. W. Bogle Newton, Ont. Telephone. Milverton 36 R. 2.1. 200 ACRES; 60 cattle, 10 milk cow -SL Mile to town. Price 939,000 — $15,000 down. W. C. MacDonald, Broker, phone 280, Winchester, Ont. 300 ACRE farm for We, Rich, black. loam soil throughout. 20 acres bush, remainder tillable. Good house, no other buildings. Ideal for grain or adapting to large volume Production Line Beef or Dairy. Now being fallow. ed for fall wheat. Can be purchased very reasonable. Open to offer. Fur- ther details, write: Edward Bauman, Route 1, Alma, Ontario. FLORIDA PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIDA - Top location, main high. way for fish camp, motel, cafe, sight, seeing boats, over f a m e tt s Wakulla Springs, 910,000 With terms. Box 157, 'Tallahassee, Fla. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS CANADA'S lowestammunitionpricer - Save wholesalers and retailers pro- fits Send forfree demonstration ehotshells. XI. Explosives himited, Hawkesbury, Ont, CHARM Bracelets, 6 animal charnia gold plated or silver. Reg. $1.98. Send $1.25. Listing of farm animals and award pins, teen age jewellery, ladies, men's and children's jewellery. Special: Lassie cuff and tie set for boys 31.00. Dexter Manufacturing Co., Box 324, St. Johns, Que. FREE! 17" Simulated Japanese Pearl Necklace. Send 52.00 cash, M.0, or C.O.D. for rare Mexican feather bird picture. Size 5" x 7". Pyramid Impor- ters, St. Paul, Alberta. RUBBER hose and belting, plastic pipe, etc., new and used et greatly reduced prices- phone, write, or drop in and see: Snowden Industrial Rubber & Plastics, 91 Bruce Street, Oshawa, On- tario. RA, 8.1658. SPECIAL for Farmers - Wholesale prices - Rubberized canvasses for all mattes combines at dealers cost, Save up- to 530 per canvas. For wholesale prices refer to this ad when ordering. Chatham Farm Equipment No. 2 Hwy. E. 33,11. 1, Chatham. Phone EL. 2-1070. WATCH dog alarm for your car, Makea sneak thieves ran. Easy to Install any make. Only $5.95. Postpaid. Allied Im-. port Agency. Box 300. Station "IP' Montreal. MACHINERY FOR SALE BUCEEYE MODEL 302 DITCHER TWO YEARS OLD. IIas done about two hun- dred hours work. Ten thousand with an equipment. Donald C. Armstrong, R. R. No. 5, Brampton. Ont. Phone Glendale 1.2229 MEDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 835 ELGIN OTTAWA. $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment 00 dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching scaling and burning eeze• ma, acneringworm. pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless- odorless ointment: regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 33.50 PER 1AR POST'S REMEDIES 1165 St Clair Avenue East TORONTO NURSES TRAINING SCHOOLS EARN TO 065 WEEK as Practical Nurse. Learn quickly at home. No high h school necessary; no age limit. Write for free bookletlesson samples. Post Graduate School of Nursing, Room 91 B70. 131 5. Wabash. Chicago WIER IS NG OPPORTUNITIES P084 MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified professon] $000 wages. rhousauds 41 sueeesetut Marvel Graduates merica's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write nr Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOL 396 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King SL W., toR Otte 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL ADZES Dumas Female Pigs 9E09. yon s Drugs, 471 Danforth Toronto. "JOIN the Sixth Sense Club for ewe ems. Questions answered. Confidential, Enclose stamped envelope. P.O. Roe 161, Manotick, Ontar'rer." DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs. Inqulrles invited. Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth Toronto. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods. 06 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed In plain naiad package plus free Birth. Centre/ booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24T0 Regina, Soak. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 76% of sickness. Particularly sleeplessness, your nerves with "Napps', 1 for , calm Y 0 $1.00, 30 for 54.00. Lyon'e Drugs 471 Dan. forth, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY ULTRA FINE GRAIN PROFESSIONAL fine grain developing for your miniature film -- 101 per ex- posure with one deluxe enlargement of each. Quality developing and print- ing - 500 for 8 exposure roll70e for 12 exposure roll, with every print beau- tlfully enlarged, For the ultimate in quality, mail your films to: Apex Photo Printers, Box 25, Station E, Toronto. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and II magna prints 40e 12 magna prints 60e Reprints 58 each KODACOLOR Developing roll 900 (not including prints). Color prints 300 each extra. Ansco and Ektaciirome 36 man, 20 ex. posures mounted in slides $1.20. Color Prints from slides 320 each. Money re. funded In full for unprinted negatives. POULTRY 1'0 make the maximum In egg profits, you have to have pullets that lay the most eggs on the minimum amount of feed. We offer four breeds that will de this, all laying white shelled eggs; Kimber 11-107, Tweddle 400, Tweddle 401, California Grey X White Leghorn. Our best dual purpose: Light Sussex J�tC Red, Red X Light Sussex X Red, Red X Barred Rock, Red X Light Sussex all sold nt reduced prices for July and August. Broiler chicks: First Genera. tion Vantress X Arbor Acres White Rock, Vantress X Nichols No. 108. Bronze turkey poults. Started pullets, all popular breeds and ages. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO PROPERTIES FOR SALE 1 HUNTERS! 406 acres of deeded land for sale, good deer, moose duck and partridge hunting, accessible by car, one of the best private locations In this area, ideal for a group of sten wanting a private hunting ground. Write to V. A, McMurray, Gilmour. Ont. CALEDONIA, ONT. 11.5 STOREY, 3 bedrooms, a little gem must be seen to be appreciated. 1 STOREY store with apartment et rear, Central location. S FAMILY dwelling, suitable for elderly couple, additional income. 2 STOREY, 4 bedroom brick house, 3 i blocks from stores. BRYCE JONES Barrister, Caledonia, Ont. STAMPS THE Philatelic Leader, Canada's only newspaper devoted to stamp collect- ing.Subscription $1.00 per year. The Phiatelic Leader 1432 Lincoln Avenue, Winnipeg 3, Manitoba. COLORFUL - 25 beautiful sport, flow- er, and animal stamps In sets for only 10f, Earn free albums and bonus se. Sections with approval purchases. Stu. dent Stamp Co., 59 B Woodland St.. Claremont, New Hampshire, STRAW HATS JUDGE this STRAW HAT by the boy% girls, men, women who use it! Sample 31.00, in quantity, (i0,'. J. Laurenceau, 193 Grandrue, Port-atePrinco, Haiti. SUMMER RESORTS CEDARDEN Lodge. American .plan, home cooked meals, good fishing and hunting. Phone, write Betts McRae. R.R. 2, Manitowaning, Ontario. THUNDER BEACH, ONTARIO ANCHOR VILLA 5 HOURS drive from Toronto on beau- tiful Georgian Bay, 'near Penetongt, comfortable beds and bedrooms, excel- lent food, private beach, swimming, surf board, boats and outboards for hire. Friendship and comfort are our business. Write Jas. Redmond or phone Lafontaine tont.). 211020. ISSUE 30 - 10601 SUMMER RESORTS F5IEMAIJRAY 1,01)GE, betteekeep(rfg cottages, Wilson Luke, 114 Tel of Ploy.. ere( River. Good plekerel, pike, bass. Boats motors. Fkisertssan's I:endue el family camp. Write for folders, Perls Loring. Phone Golders Vaiiry 01125 eat Toren; o RU 7.6444. CHAUMONT PERRIER iNN Ste. Marguerite Station, P,0. VISIT tide lovely Seise (:hetet Meg superb Loeatton in heart of Lauren' Wins, ftriccllent food, swhntning pool( with ase. Leh, ;imam lake, gond fishing riding,golf in vicinity, Rates $60.011 to •0.01* weekly, An:crle•an flan. Write direct or tilenlune Hudson et 7595 Toronto, for )elm,, melon, U.S.A. RESORTS RUSE LODGE, s u, e = : vat motel, ttotite. EA on 2 Odic sond b,.1211, ocean front dl large modern bn,lthnus, 1 to 4 bedrooms. eg"ipped v ltb ketchelv. elle be Itr.u, Burn, torn! hkd, he*( ed. 0. Ru -t itetrletor, t1 srle York.: MtIs , 0111E well eo k Is, .,rh, Malne. TEACHERS WANTED TEAL Hilt fent , i v it IL Interrne• dlate dal I s, nd cAit arnUrpei. Session 1 ,60 GI Apply.urn lull poi. tieulsrs t, W. Ho„„. 0s.• 1 n•o... Jolt. ette, Quebec. TEACHERS required for uv,riy dniht grade sch,)el, I; S 32, Whelp*. rtfo old - vers, ltcd Lott, Blau`, menet Sept, 190o. SENI011 'I'EACIIER ai eta, num, INTERMEDIATE T1':v ('lililf per annum. JUNIOR TeeetieR - seXett per an• num. Apply coda" csl,e rionr-c to Aire. J. McCulligh, sect.4rte,,. PROTESTANT tetetter Public School No I viaeyeee Couuty et lntrh .ns dun .. to corn mance Septenlhel. IUCn. I:nl,lI ,,eat 30. grades 1 to 0. APPLY stating gnalifivakions anti Err, to .lames Gra). 11.1. No. 7..1nct• villa, Ont. QUALIFIED Prote vent 1,401E1' 1411' >; No. 3. Iti55,011. 11511es i„ ,51555,15u in Sept, Apply si atina quldif!e.atloue, name of presyntinsp. t•tvr ;airs salary expected to Wendell 0tiolley. Russell,. Ontario. ONE PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR GRADES 1 TO 6 FOR HAWK JUNCTION PUBLIC SCHOOL 30 minute drive from the 'rrane-Canecia highway No. 17 north of Scutt Ste. Marie. PLEASE state qualdicatiem.e and selary. also name of your last inspector. APPLY to h. P. Biron, Chairman ,USS No. 1 Townships 27 and 201. DISTRICT OF ALGOMA HAWK Juneltioo, Ontario. TELEVISION per ,u• VV. Commercial's annoying )0u? 0,1 our device to medicate remotely, Send M.0. now for $2.145 to: Hart's TV, 7 Frances Street, (11010,1, New Jersey, USA. DIRECTOR - J. Leonard Reinsch, Democratic convention director, gives a practice wave as he steps on a small platform ele- vator that will carry him down seven feet from the "presenta- tion platform" to the rostrum at the Los Angeles Sports Arena. The elevator was installed to make sure no speaker falls des- cending from the platform (for applause) to the rostrum Oct speaking). to Europe under a sparkling Atlantic sun A thousand miles along the sheltered, scenic St. Lawrence ... then four rnemorable days of sun and fun. Sail the Atlantic at its refreshing hest. FROM MONTREAL AND QUEBEC I V E R N I A JULY 22, AUG. 12, SEPT. 2, 23, OCT, 14 S Y L VA N i A JULY 29, AUG. 19, SEPT. 9, 30, OCT. 21 SAXONIA AUG. 5,26, SEPT. 16, OCT, 7,28 CA R i N T H I A AUG. 5, 26, SEPT. 16, OCT. 7, 29 SAILINGS TO ENGLISH, 51051119 ANO FRENCH PORTS-- ALSOFAST, FREQUENT SAVINGS FROM NEW YORK 10% REDUCTION FOR ROUND-TRIP IN THRIFT SEASON SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT — NO ONE CAN SERVE YOU 019701 Cor. Bay & Wellington SIs., Toronto, Ont, Tel. EMpire 2-2911 geit4 P,*e°'ott ti e Flawless British service o Cuisine to delight all tastes a Dancing, parties, movies o Duty -Free shopping • Stabilizers for smooth sailing o 275 lbs, free baggage allowr,nce o All included is, your Cunard ticket 1 tete lg Mei WA, / OMEN ELIZABETH • Qt1B19J MARY' • MAUk(TAN1A • CemoNIA • 5RITANNIC • SYLVANIA • CARINTHIA • IOERNIA • 1A%ONIA 1 APT111A • ,+EOtA .- ..•� 2 sr' ... �..-. .r.. �:.:.'i c -`s s-.,.: -ret..'