HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-28, Page 4BROit H AGE.til
will atrsorYe
her 't!ith birthday on Snuday,
.iul! 31st,
i s• (!Send, i>i,kisott, dru„11• the, occa-tion. or her stir birthday, eently.
•.r of Mr*:tn!I Mfr,. Ford hieltl” Mr' and • ia. iia!'. 11'111 r>f i..eut•-� its Donna Pa:eitelbt 1.g was
1 en .t,u t :t number t 1 d! ti m tt a few- days with holid.trtng at the Monte of her
t r a, 1 Sth 11tt , „randluothtti• 'Mrs Alma Pusrhel.
on N'bdoe:alu+; afternoon on mother, Agus Elizabeth Rack re•berg recently, •
Sizzling barbecued franks dressed up for good eating! A savoury
selection that's surprisingly simple to whip up, And to complete
the picture—sparkling, ice-cold Coca-Cola, with the distinctively
different cold crisp taste. Makes good food taste even better!
For tempting, easy -to -prepare barbecue
suggestions, get this illustrated folder with every
carton of Coke. Pick up a carton today!
Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. Say "Ca ger"Coca•Cala"—both lrade•marlm mean the product
of CocaCola Ltd.—the world's best•toved oarhime dnnh.
Stratford, Ont.
Mrs, Wilbur ilea;:+' was the
1 lucky winner of lou in the droll
at St. C'olnminut garden party:
Mr. and Mee. Voris Bruder of
Montreal with her parents, Mr,
and \Its Edwin Rock,
.Master Roy Kleber of Kitchen-
er Is holidaying with his aunt and
uncle Mr, and Mrs, !Wilbur Hoegy
11rs. Chambers of Preston visit-
ed Mrs, Rosine Miller on Satttr-
Miss Beverley Sholdice is at-
tending F,dgewood Camp at Eden
mills this week,
11e, and Mrs, Ed Tischer and
fnutily, Seaforth, and •Mrs, Rudy
Helm and ferry of Rostock with
Mrs. Rosine ;!filler on Sunday,
!Members of the United Luther.
an ('hunch Women enjoyed a so.
vial evening as guests of the La-
dies -lid of Si Paul's •I utheran
Church, Hills, last Wednesday, •
A shower was held for Mr, and
Airs, Tuffuail (Donna Rock) an
Friday evening at the Community
Hall. They were presented with
cash. Masic for dancing was sup -
idled by Mr, and Mrs. Lorrte Mil-
ler. The groom showed 511115s of
-their trip to Niagara and other
]mints, during intermission, -
Anot.hrr shower was held on
Saturday evening for Mr, and
tire, ,fuck Sotnerville ( Arlene
Riegel) at the cane hall. :Mss
Sandra- Bennewles read the ad-
dress which was written by .Mrs,
Fred Her'ber't and Mrs. George
Rock presorted them with u place
setting of dinnerware and crash,
Goderich orchestra provided
music for dancing,
Mrs, Gordon Bach, Bernice and
Marion of London have been visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed
Prueter -and sister :Mrs. Wilfred
Ahrens and 11r. Ahrens,
- flowers adorned the altar of St,
Peter's Lutheran Church on Sun-
day in memory of Albert Queren.
gesser who passed away two years
•130 July 20th They were placed
by his wife and family.
The annual Sunday School pic-
nic is to be held this corning Sun.
day beginning at t o'clock, the
congregation is recnested to bring
picnic lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice,
Roger and Beverley' visited Mr,
and Mrs,- John Antsteln in Kitch-
ener an Sunday,
Miss Joanne Bennetvies of Sea -
forth is visiting with her grand-
mother Mrs, John L. Beunewies.
Master Bobby Querengesser of
Mitchell is spending a few days
with his grandmother, Mrs, W. L.
Querengesser while his parents
are on a trip to the 'United
Mr, and .Mrs, Harold Smyth and
1Ir, and Mrs. Ford Dickison and
Glenda spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, Robert Gibb and family
who are holidaying at the Pinery
near Grand Bend. Glenda remain-
ed with them for some holidays.
Seaforth Lions 25th Anniwi.
1I CiSTr;-1-5
Evening at 8.00 p.m.
a�a 1.o •Ban tis
n rites
See Joey Hollingsworth of TV Fame -- The Balloon Man
Billy Meek and Others
ADESSIG 500 Each, which. Includes Tacket on $19000.00 Draw
blINVV18VVWOR,S6?FfCPENZA76F krei1A+,6atrJen/ee6lld�At(A0 e'tt3Y`` it Ar.
i5^?at':ti'A^' ARIV53 SA .itkf aPtS@.4 h9. A
4\lr, and Mrs. 11, Pauli and fain -
11?' of Uettoit are spending this
week. with \r. all Mrs% Harold
Mrs. Chas, Ahrens spent the
week end at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Joint Clark and Mrs. Barbara
iiiri,eod, Mitchell, •
Mr, and imrs, \\'tu. Hiegel and
Mr, George !!legal visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Swint at Mil.
\'er10t1 on Sunday, • -
Boi'n---In little ',engine- hospi-
tal, Geraldton. Ont„ on Smithy,
July 17, to Rev, and Mrs Calvin
Riegel 113etty Gartman), Gerald-
ton, Ont„ a son, Matthew 1latrt-
Miss Carol Mode of Palmerston
is holidaying with her atoll and
uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Milton Huck,
eon grin nia1ions to Mr, and Mrs,
Wil mer (!basher on the arrival
0f their baby daughter at Soott
.Memorial Hospital, Seaforth; last
'l'HII'l S Ai'ORTI1 NI:AV'S (Phone 84) Thursday, July 28, 1900
Palsy David , '
�+ Hob, 1 atlsv atul i avil al Milc;hell,
�1- 'Miss (halide Corbett, Landon, vie.
AIr, and Nies. Robert Price of Itcd tecottl.ly with ;Mt•, and Mrs,
India nna visited last week with Jack Corbett and Al.
tete latter's brother and sisterdn-
1 w, :Mr. anal Mrs, Lorne Chapman
and family,
\l1 and Mrs. \\'nt. Cook of Lon•
don were relent ldsitole with Mr.
and Mrs. Itd Corbett and Mrs. Ed-
na Corbett visiting with il'ts, Gs -
titer Perley, Jfrs. A. J, -Barnes
and John of Montreal,
Ills. W. 13, Cross had the nMIK.
fortune to fall at the !tone or Mr.
and Mrs, T, J. Sherrill on Friday
and in 50 doing fractured her
arm. Site was removed to South
Huron Hospital, Exeter, and lat•
e1. to St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, for observation,
Mr. and ars, Norman Srhat'1'1,
First Presbyterian and Northside
United Churches
Joint Summer Services
NOItT11811)141C!.1I J.1iC Ii
Sunday School in rospoctive
11 A.M.
"Discipline and 1llseiplosltip„
(lacy! Mh:tu(' 0: )rev, noughts
U. Pry, Il.A„ Chcslnrville, Ont,
I it'e)rio n 0 11'rl eo9ne
4 a a m '�111
Mr. anThursdayd Mrs. Howard Presma_ 1 i
for and Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Man-
ville, Credlton, spent the week
end at N\'iarton,
:Hiss ,)ban Presz ator returned
home alter holidaying the past
week with Mr, and Mr,. Les Par-
ker, Exeter,
Mi', and -firs, Alfred Buchanan
spent last tveelt end at the home
of Jar. and Mrs, !Wilfred Buchan-
an and family of Nilesl own.
Mrs, Earl Lawson, Jfrs, 11, 1•', `.
Warren of London, 111.,6. Louie'
Lawson, Mrs, \'erne !rale and
,Mrs. Harvey Taylor, all attended
the trousseau tea in honor of .Hiss
llelen 'Turner last Wednesday af-
ternoon prior to her marriage on
Saturday to l\Ir, !Reg. Lawson,
!Miss Joyce Jewitt attended tete
Stutz -hunches, Walton, and lluth-
MarGregor weddings on Saturday
Mrs. 11, Warren, Lynda and
Helen of London returned home
alter holidaying the past two
weeks with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Lawson and also at.
tended the Lawson -Turner weal.
cling on Saturday at Turner's
Church. Tuckersmith,
Mi', and Mrs. Jack Busby and
Miss Shirley Busby of Chatham
and Mr. Warren Hannah of Ilan-'
over visited with .,Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Lawson last week.
Mr. and firs, John Thompson
t nee Marie Brigham) newlyweds,
visited over the week end with
Mr, and Mrs. Borden Brown and
girls enroute to their home at
Owen Sound,
Kerri Susan, infant daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Medd was bap.
tized on Sunday at Constance
United Church by Rev, II, Ftulge,
Miss Glenyeo Jewitt is holiday-
ing with Miss .Marian Dale of
1A'. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson vS-
sited with ,firs, Alice Lawson and
Bob on Sunday.
Sympathy is extended to Mr,
and Mrs. James Medd, JIr, and
Mrs. George Leitch and Mr, and
Mrs, Robt. Jamieson in the pass -1
Sng of a brother and brother-in-
law in the person of Mr, Bruce
Mecld of Seaforth,
The June report of Ontario Pro-
vincial Police for District No, 0,
includes: Motor vehicle accidents
176, fatal accidents 7, persons
killed 0, persons injured 71, vehi-
cles checked 8106, warnings 3,330,
charges laid 939, defective equip-
ment 206, rate of speed 420,
Headquarters for Calyda and
Wrappings for all occasions
SEAFORTH 5c t sit $1.00 ST RAE
Next stop 111 sight?
411 ll
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