HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-21, Page 8THIS WEEKEND ONLY POCKET COOL SAVINGS AT THIS GREAT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF PANTS at 20% discount Choose+ beau wash and wear chinos and cords, cool dac- ron or terylene tropical weights, all wool worsteds and flannels, and popular lines of blended fabrics in greys, charcoals, new olive, sand, brown, blue and black. Styles include new contin- entals and slims, for young men and regular pleated or plain pants for men. Save 20% now REGULAR 4.95 to 14.95 ON SALE FOR 3.95 o 11.95 STE ., A ALL BOYS PANTS AT 20% OFF THIS WEEK ONLY T BIIOS. CROMARTY Mrs, May Green of Calgary is visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Stella Martin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, 'Mrs. Sadie Scott, who has been a patient in Seaforth hospital, re- turned home on Tuesday, Mrs. John Cheesed and baby son, returned to their home in Mitchell after visiting with her 'tercets, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sors- dahl• Eimer Colquhoun of Clin- ton is visiting with her sister, Trs, Sadie Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Harold King of Hamilton are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Carey. Jars. King and Mrs. Carey are sisters. Gueste on Thursday with Mr, Andrew McLachlan and Mrs, Grace Scott were Mr, and Mrs. Azel Finch of London. and Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Finch, Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Ingram of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar vis- ited on Sunday and Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Bill Binning who are holidaying at the beach at Kintail. Mr. and airs. W. J. Routley of Elimviile were Sunday visitors at the hornet of Mr. Andrew McLa- chlan and Mrs, Sadie Scott. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Robert luring on the birth of their' son in Seaforth hospital on Tues -1 day, The annual vacation Bible school opened in the church base- ment on Tuesday with an atten- dance of 87. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mite. Alex, Gardiner were Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Haviland, Crediton, and Miss heather 1-laviland, Toronto. On Sunday at the same house it OCLAMAT ION MINING NING DOGS In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Sea - forth, and by virtue of the provisions of By- law 111, of 1912, I hereby proclaim that no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth during the period ending September 30, 1960.. (Note: The bylaw provides penalties for infractions. Upon a conviction, the owner or harborer of a dog is liable to a fine not exceeding $50, or to a jail term not exceed- ing 21 days ). Seaforth, June 14, 1960. "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" All dog owners must obtain License tag for dog immediately, either from 13,1I. Wilson or Harold Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 'Moorehead and family of Rostock, The regular meeting of the La- dies Aid Society was held at the home of Mrs, W. Miller, who pre - aided and Mrs, W. Harper led in devotions. After reports had been given by the secretary and treas- urer, Mrs. Gerald Carey gave a humorous reading "The Spring Purge," During the business per- iod it was decided to serve a tur- key eupper on a date to be decid- ed later. Arrangements were made for the delivery of several hales of clothing to be sent to the Uni- tarian Relief depot. A donation from the ladies will be presented to the managing board for repair work to the church. Flower, lunch and program committees were appointed. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl conducted an int - creating contest, A dainty lunch was served at the close. The ,Inly meeting of the SUMS and WA of Roy's Church was held at the home of Mrs, John Hocking with Mrs. Norman Dow presiding and opening the meet- ing. Mrs. Ross McPhaiI had 'large of the Bible study whish Was followed with prayer by Mrs. Russell Miller, Mies Janice Chris- tie accompanied her sister Caro- line who sang "Beyond the Sun- set" and "My Task," which were much enjoyed. The topic from the study hook was takeu by Mrs. Calvin Christie. Current events were read by 4Irs, Elmer Dow. Joann Dow favored with a piano solo, :Mrs. Calvin Clu'istie will be hostess for the September meet- ing with Mrs, Murray Christie and Mrs. Gordon Parsons in charge. It was decided to have the film on Africa, "1'11 Sang Not Cry," shown at the church ser- vice 00 Sunday, August 7th under the auspices of tate missionary so- cieties of the Staffa charge. NORTH McKILLOP Misses Muriel and Elaine Glan- ville of Crediton are holidaying with their grandparents, itr. and Mrs, Ed Regele. Miss Joan Dennis spent a few day last week with Marion Mc- Callum. aCallum. Mr. and Mrs. R. Aikens of Mitchell with Mut and Mrs. Jos. Thornton Sunday evening. 1011J TRAT1ON NETV8 By J. C. Hemingway Huron County Federation of Agriculture held their Annual Worship Service at the United Church Summer Camp at Goder- ich, Sunday, July 10th, The at- lendanoe was good but there le plenty of room for more, Rev. Brett de Vries delivered an address that was well worth driv- ing rlying many iniles to hear, He point - CARD OF' THANKS 1 wish to thank all these who sent gifts and cards while I was i1 the hoe - plod, and those who have helpedane since conning home. MRS. 1116NRY ARMSTRONG wish ti' sincerely thank my relatives and friends who sent me cards and 11' - membered ane while I wile a patient In the c: allingwa,d General and Marine llespital It '"0,, all deeply appreciated James Hogg, Cohlingwood 1 would like to express my neprceia. Von for all lite kindness shown tae by the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, and for the cards, flowers and visits from as many friends, a special thanks.MRS. J. O. B1II71PON COMING EVENT S No. 3 lubber( Centennial, Seta. day, July 110. Entertainment from 9 o'elaek 111 morning all through the day. At 8 pan. short variety pramvun, I'ent- uring the "Country Squires" of List - marl followed by darning to llarburn's Orchestra Admission 75e & 50c for evening, Everyone welcome at all unite A OR 3.pieeo Chester SIAL Suite, 500.00. Phone 0864 or 080.W Seaforth Wanted aA 0053ED TOkh8 U serviceable mate. Phone 054 N2 Seaforth FARM FOR SALE On Hwy 0 between Seaforth and Dub- lin, 100 acres to Hibbert. Close to 11.C, church and school, Good house and lanae baht,all cultivated. Apply to News ua'iee. Early Monday LST brown boner pup, 3 mths. old, tat with white markings, Will 'mwael' to nano of Pal. Norman Dunce,. East William s1.,. Seaforth. Phone 800M Custom combiNOTICE act Lyle Mont - gene'', phone HU 2-7901 Clinton FOR SALE Ona 9.foot Ouse windrowel} in good condition. Welter Scott; 11112 Seaforth, Phone 8984 FOR SALE 17 Lean 11iweekss nine o 118 SeafortlaPl Phone ME. ac - 5 21 BORN FLANAGAN—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on July 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Flanagan, RB 1 Dublin, a daugh- ter. MODDEJONGE -- At Scott Memorial IIospnnl on July 10. to Mr. and Mrs. John Moddejonge, Dublin, a daughter GLOOR — At Scott Memorial Hospi. to on July 17th, to Mr, and Mas. Bray The SOCPBtaT mond mem RR 5 Mitchell, a son y, HILLMAN — At Scott Memorial Hos. Scott Memorial Hospital, thr0l on July 14111, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Seaforth, Ontario Hillman, IRR 4 Seaforth, a son COOPER — At Scutt Memorial Hand- momd THF1 SEAFORTH N16WS (Phone 84) 'Phnrsday, July 21, 1960 Mttlett RRIES From the patch, Ambrose Addles, third how east of Ifinbure on south side. Phone 01314 FOR SALE One Tamworth boar, 2 year's old. quiet, eleven breeder. Francis Coleman, Phone 838122 24.40 McDoR SALE n ald thresher with straw cutter and grain elevator, in good con- dition. Bussell Bolton, 840x33 Seaforth or Lewis Bolton, 8503.32 Seaforth WANTED Goal homes for Spaniel pups, Ray- mond Coombs, 07ow4 Seaforth Custom swathing ICE n new 10 -ft, selt.propellcd mother; also combining with an self.propelled combine. John W. Thompson, phone 801r21 Seaforth 235 soot-linkO.Range oopullets hatched April 25111. 51 each. Carl Siemon, phone 52x17 Dublin FOR SALE New House with car port three bedrooms on West William st. Apply N. Schneider Phone 235W HELP WANTED CLERICAL ASSISTANT FOR SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Ability to type a requirement Reply stating age, experience and qualification t0 nal on July 150, to Mr, and Mas Melvin Cooper, Seaforth, 0 son ed out that man prepares the soil and plants the seed but God pro- vides the Increase. And what a bountiful increase we enjoy in this land of ours. Let us remem- ber that it was bought at a price —the sacrifice of our forefathers, Are we worthy of their sacrifice and are we going to pass on as honourable a heritage to our children? We boast of our democratic freedom but let us remember that freedom is the gift of God, free- dom not to do our own will but rather freedom to do the will of God and that democracy is found- ed on the Christian Church. Let us then fight for the Christian Church and there will be no need to fight for democracy. Has religion become a domestic option? Has Family Worship been replaced by a family TV program? The answer's to these questions will determine the strength of our homes and our nation. Warren Zurbrigg, County Pres. of Clifford, welcomed the gather- ing and said that we in organized Agriculture think we are working closer to God and nature than in any other industry and it is fitt- ing that we should meet on an oc- casion like this and offer thanks to our Creator that we live in a land of plenty, so different from some other lands. The Winghaam Salvation Army band along with members of the County Junior Farmers Choir led in the singing and we extend our appreciation for this assistance in making this project a success. A social hour was spent at lunch served by the members of the Tiger Dunlop Bo'anch of the W.I. Later the young people, and some not so young enjoyed a refreshing dip at the attractive beach. We hope even more will take advant- age of this opportunity for Christ- ian fellowship next year. .I see that Everett Biggs, Assist- ant Deputy Minister of Agr, Mar- keting Dept, has been talking again. This upsets two basic prin- ciples of democracy that I have believed in. First why should a civil servant hired and paid by the people feel that he should tell the majority of voters what they. can or cannot do? Second according to a report in at least one of the dailies, he stat- ed that unless the hog producers behave themselves marketing pow- ers will be withdrawn from all commodity groups. In other words when one bad bay is suspected of chewing gum the whole Claes gets the big stick treatment, The first is bureaucratic, the 2nd unjust. VARNA Mr, and Mrs, Logan Keys of Nashville, Tenn„ called on friends here last week. A number from here attended the annual Colenlans' picnic last Saturday which was held in Lions Park, Seaforth. Varna's men's newly formed softball team playing their first gauche defeated the Brucefield team at Brucefleld who have played several games. The high scoring game of 19 to 16 was fea- tured by both good and bad plays 011 both sides, However the play of both teams will improve with practice. It has been many years since Varna has had a men's softball team, it is hoped that the people of the community will get behind the team and help out any way they can, A coach is needed, also searelteepers anal umpires. The diamond is located behind the Skating rink and has been made possible by time and mon- ey donated by local people, but more money is needed. The team practises :Monclay and Thursday evenings with the field available to boys and girls under 17 on Tuesday and Friday evenings, It is hoped that several teams will he organized. Tender for Fuel Oil Sealed tenders clearly marled as to content will be received by the undersigned until 12,00 noon, Monday, August 81h, 1900, for the supply of: No. 2 Light Industrial Fuel Oil for the next heating season for the Hm'on County Court House and Registry Office in Godei'ieh. Lowest 03' any tender not nec- essarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Cleric -Treasurer County Of Huron Court House Goderlch, Ontario BROWNIE'S LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County '.l'IIURS17AY andP.I�,IDAY - July 21 and 22 "The Last Angry Man" PAUL MUNI - DAVID WAYNE -- BETSEY PALMER (One 2.Reel Comedy) — One Cartoon — SATURDAY and MONDAY -- July 23 and 25 "Comanche Station" (Color) (Cinemascope) RANDOLPH SCOTT -- NANCY GATES "The Silent Wf rld" COLORED UNDER -SEA SUBJECT : WINNER Ole SEVERAL AWARDS (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY -- July 26 & 27 "PICKUP ALLEY" (Adult Entertainment) (Cinemasoope) VICTOR MATURE - ANITA EKBERG (One 2 -Reel Comedy) (One Cartoon) Two shows nightly, rain or clear. First Show et Dusk Admission 65e. Children under 12 in cars Free a� TOWN OF SEAFORTH FOR SALE Two lots # 27, 23, Jarvis Survey If interested apply at Clerk's Office, Town Hall Tenders For General Contract Sealed tenders, clearly marked, for General •Contract work for a five room addition to Seaforth District Iligh School at Seaforth, Ontario, will be is. ceived by: - - Ifyles S Kyles Architects 15 Downie Street Stratford, Ontario up to 4 p.m. Monday, July 25th, 1000. Drawings and Specifications may be obtained at the above office upon de- posit of $25.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. E. SOUTHGATE Secretary -Treasurer Seaforth District High School Board Station Wagon Tender Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12.00 noon, Monday, August 8, 1960, for the purchase of: One - 1956 Chevrolet Station Wagon Details may be secured from the undersigned. LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores Business • Chattels - Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada Valleyfield Placements Ltd. 450-A Wilson Ave., Downsview Township of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1960 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum front June 15th to Dec. 15th on all Prepaid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office, Tuckersmith, R 4 Seaforth Cora Chesney, Treasurer FOR SALE Coal at Summer prices . . Premium Quality . Double screened Save money this year by getting the best. WILLIAM M. IIART, phone 784 Sea - forth BRAESIDE NURSING NOME Highest or any tender not nee- Licensed for convalescent & elderly essarily accepted. people. Can 895 Mitchell ®® JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ont. Employment Officer $3900 - $4350 Unemployment Insurance Commission Stratford, Ontario Documentary evidence of high school graduation will be re- quired. Application forms available at National Employment and Post Offices where displayed are Posters of Information as to resi- dence and qualification require- ments, Apply before August 2, 1960, to the Civil Service Com- mission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. Raspberries ORDER YOUR RASPBERRIES FRESH FROM THE PATCH Now booking orders by lox or crate Andrew Moore Phone 600-R-31 Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckeramith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m, to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Bulls ire Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week days. 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings For eervioe 07' more information call Clinton HU 2-3441or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5660 sleMOSMAIMEMIltoler Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 MINIDISOX NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Vining Crena Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefleld. BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention, Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695W MARTIN W.STAPL£TON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC HA. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily axcept Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- .trday only 7-5 n.m. deAp blentments made in advance are TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V,S. W. G. DRENNAN. D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Oetometrtal Godenioll St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Their. evil by appointment only, Clinton HII-2-7610, ahoy° Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 0 to 5.50 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACIc OIL gg Y PhoneABg57 S 3or QN332 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone '784 • Res. 286 We write all lines of INSURANCJ Fire Auto Win Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAPORTH, ONT. Officers -- President, John 3, Malone, Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John II, MoEwing, Blyth: See,-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Santorth, Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton, J: L Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Loonhardt, Bornholm • Stobart Archibald, Seaforth 1 John H. 7tcEwing, Blyth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Faller, Goderloh J. E. Pepper, Brooefeld; Allister Bead. foot, Seaforth. Agents -- William Leiper Jr,, Londe& Imre; V, 3, Lane, 11111 Seaforth; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James Ifeys, Seaforth.