HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-21, Page 5'1'111; SE/WORTH N1.' Tlulrsday, July 21, 1960 SMITH'S SUPERIOR Food Market r est JULY 21-22-23 CLOVER LEAF SOLIDS WHITE TUNA 7 oz . -MAPLE1 LEAF HAMS1 /Z lb. t;tn. 1 •29 LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN 9 BEANS 2 20 -oz tins .,,. J 4 PILLSBURY Double Dutch; Q� Devil's Food 2 19 -oz pk s, .1C ROSE BRAND STRAWBERRY JAM 24 oz 45c KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES 9 /2 oz 30c KRAFT � CHEESE SLICES 8 oz pk.. 35e NIBLETS CORN 14 oz 2 for 44 C, HYATT CHOICE PEAS ..., 2 15 -oz 9c PHONE 12 WE DELIVER wwwwwwwwwwwwwm RECEPTI t N For Mr, and Mrs. Jack Somerville (Arlene Diegel) SAT., JULY 23rd At Brodliagen Community Centre No lunch EVERYBODY WELCOME e MIF, ALICE FLI:IVITT Mrs. Alice Emily Flewitt, God_ erich Township, died early rriday at the age of 90 years in Clinton. Born in England, she came to this area 35 years ago. Iter husband, George Thomas Flewitt, died in England. Surviving are two sons, Samuel of Goderich twp. and Geo, Of Tucltersmith twit., and +five grandchildren. The funeral was held Saturday from the Ball and i\Lutch £uueral home, Clinton. Burial was in Baird's cemetery, Stanley twp, Nofice testroy NOXIOUS WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property owners in urban and sub- divided areas to destroy all Noxious Weeds as often as necessary in each season, to prevent their going to seed. Also, after July 22, 1960, proceed- ' ings will be taken to destroy Noxi- ous weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act ALEX CHESNEY Huron County Weed Inspector 1959 VAUXHALL SEDAN, 9000 miles 1955 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 1957 FORD SEDAN 1956 BUICK HARDTOP 1955 BUICK SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC COACH 1953 Chevrolet %2 Ton Pickup NO RE3ASONAI311i)Ori I 1 REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. irawnl 186 Sales & Service SE1APO RIM Phone 611 TOWN TOPICS Patsy Cook, age 3 year's, (laugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry cook, 11,ll•, 1, Londesboro, requited treat• mold for nmltiple bre-lees when she fell out of 0 sat on Tuesday but was able to return hnrno front Scrottuesday, Memorial Hospital on Wed - Mrs, Bedford Dungey, Brenda and Bonnie returned to their home Sunday after spending the poet two weeks in Collingwood with Mrs. James Hogg, Mr. Ilogg who has been a patient in hos et. al for foto' weeks was able to re turn to his home Sunday. Mr. Don (Morris spout a eoupie of days at Kingston this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne •De4ereturn. ed last week front a motor trip to New Orleans and Florida. Cpl. K. T. Adams, Mrs. Adams and sons (Michael and Gerald of Winnipeg, who were visiting with the farmer's parents and sister, Ma', and ;Mrs. Ernest Adams and Miss Donelde Adams, returned on Seutday to their home, Don Diehl of Mitchell has taken a position as junior in the Toron- to -Dominion Bank, Misses Minnie MacDonald, Dor- cas McFarlane and Blanche Col- lins of Tillsonburg, spent several days this week at the home of Mrs. 11.V. Workman. M4•, and Mrs. Bill Cabe, of Cal- gary, Alta„ with Mrs, Jean Per - tune, 'Mr, and Mrs, Morrison Silleny of Moosejaw, 'Sask., visited rela- tives here last week. They are spending a month with their son at Hamilton. ,Miss Helen Phillips and MTs. Phillips of Mitchell called en Mr, and ;Mrs, Ernest Adams on Sun- day. Mrs. Arthur Ferguson of Water- loo, Misses Laura and Ella Wett- Itiul'er and Miss Lillian Brown of Kitchener were Monday guests of Mrs. H, V, Workman. CONSTANCE The W. A. and WAVES 'of Con- stance United Chu'r'ch held their July regular 'meeting in the base- ment of the Church, Wednesday evening, July 13. Mrs, Lorne Law- son presided over the W. A. and opened with Hymn 311 followed by prayer, .Minutes of last meet- ing were read by Mrs. Wilbur .Lewitt in the absence of the sec. Letters of thanks were read and the Tress, report given, Roll call for the next meeting will be tow- els for the kitchen. Business mat ters were dealt with and meet- ing turned over to the WIMS. Mrs. Borden Brown presided over .the WIVES and opened with all singing the 95th psalm. Hymn 666 followed by prayer. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Ken Rid- ley, 95th Psalm. ,b5inutes were read and approved, Business mat. ters were dealt with and there will be no August meeting. Mrs. Wither Jewitt and Mrs. Brown were appointed to invite a speak- er for the Tall Thankoffering meeting in October. The program consisted of a reading by Miss Janice Jewitt, "I Wanted To". Mrs. Wilbur .Lewitt gave the study book on Africa— women are holding' Africa togeth- er, although less schools for girls in Africa than for boys. The Christian Church has to be read:y to help and women are taking an active part, There are 8000 wo- men in Womens' Trade Associa- tion. in Africa. They have their first lady doctor and dentists ae well as many highly educated wo- men taking active part. Mrs, Win. Jewitt gave a temperance paper, "Nailed to the Mast". The meet- ing closed with hymn 358 and the Miapah Benediction. +Miss Margaret Jennison of Grand Bend is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr, and IMrs, Tien Preszcator, while Masters Jimmie and David Preszcator are holiday- ing this week with relatives at Crediton, Daehwoocl, and Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs, Prank Riley and Mr. Douglas Riley and Mr, and Mrs, Joe Riley spent the weekend with the former's daughter, Mrs, :Robe, Woods and Debbie et Ajax. and visited with ryir, Woods who Is a patient in the Oshawa Hos- pital, Rev. and Mrs. Pere Davis, Paul, Mark, and Doria Jan, of Norton, Kansas, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. :Clarence Montgomery and family. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown, Joyce and Elaine attended the Thompson.Brigham wedding en Saturday at the St. John's Angli- can Church, Desboro, Ont. The bride is a niece of Mrs, Brown, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Dodds, Lon- don, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor and at- tended the Brydges-Teylor wed- ding on Saturday at Constance ignited Church. Several from this .community tools in the 12th of July at Brus- sels. )Jr, and Mrs. Joseph Youngblut or. Londesboro visited Thursday with Mr. and Mg's. Charles Dexter, Mr, and 'Mrs. Wm, Jewitt and Misses Jautee and Gleuyee Jew- itt visited with Mr, and Mrs, .IteLellan of Kitchener on Sunday. Mr, and ',Mrs. Lloyd Dale, new. Iyweds have returned hone after hohcymooniug through the west- ern Provinces visiting relatives and also attended the Calgary Stampede. IMr, and Mrs, Lorne Lawson vis. lied with. Mr. and Ma's. Ross Mur_ rel at Summer Haven on Sunday, +Mr, Bruce Johnson of Grand Valley Is visiting rvlth his grand- parents, Mr, and Mr'8, J. Medd, Trousseau, Ped, Honors Bride-to'be Mrs, Ross MacGregor entertain- eel at a trousseau tea honoring her eldest daughter, Janet, Tnea. den prior to her approaching marriage on Saturday. July 23 at Constance Ignited Churolt to Mr. Percy Huth, Miss Susanne Dale looked after the guest book for the afternoon. The trousseau and girls wore shown in the after- noon by Mrs, Lloyd Dale and the Misses Betty Gowdy and Margar' et Mao(lregor. Pouting tea were IMI's. Durham of ('Sinton, and Mrs, Stephenson of Seaforth. Serving were 'Misses carol Cart- er and Maly Mac-iregor, in the kitaheu were ATM, Stewart Dale and Ml's. Win, Jewitt, In the evening 'Mies Margy Whyte looped after the guest book while Misses Joyce Jewitt, Janice Jowitt, and -Margaret Mac- Gregor showed Cite gifts and the trousseau. Pouring tea were Mrs, Plank MacGregor and 'Mrs. W. L. Whyte, while in the kitchen were Mrs, WM, Storey and Mrs. Har. coy Taylor. Serving were Misses •Glenyce Jewitt and Mary +Mac- Gregor. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Dexter on Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs, Austin Dexter, Mrs, John Sanderson and Miss Sylvia Sand- erson of Myth, Mr, Gordon Ilam- Ilton of New Brunswick, Mrs, Wilmer Climber and Stewart of RA. 1, Londesboro, and Misses Joyce and Janice Jewitt and Ke. vin and Stephen Jewitt, Mr, Hamilton showed films of his hone and district and his trip West at the Dexter home. Dr. McMaster At Grand Bend ('Exeter Tinges -Advocate) "No man should have jus( one job, and a man shouldn't go through life without a hobby:" This Is the pbilosephy of Dr, E. A. McMaster who has moved to Grand Bencl and set up his prac- tice on the Lake Road, Dr, Mc- Master not only believes in this statement, but he practises what he preaches. Besides running the Seaforth Clinic for the past 16 years. Dr, ileMaster held the office of Mayor for seven years, is a past Depety- Governor in the Lions Club, where he has had 25 years perfect at- tendance, has served on the board of managers of the Presbyterian Church in Seaferth, is president of the Sea'lorth Sewer Tile Co., and is also president of the South Huron Progressive Conservative Association. Elven while participating in all these activities he has found time to carry on his two main hobbies of growing flowers and travelling. In Seaforth, Dr, McMaster own- ed a four and one half aore 1st, and had two green houses and grew all the flowers for his pro- perty from seed. Each year he set out 1200 begonias alone. At his present residence on. the Bluewater highway at the south of Grand fiend, he Incatransform' ed his ix'operty into a beauty spot with Meteors, shrubs and cneti enhancing hath the outeide and inside of hie residence. lie has aver 200 ]duels of cavil, +tome of which he has brought back from his travels in various euu11.. ries, The 1•iving room in the 14eMast. er hearse has been turned into an indoor garden, and there are four water falls surrounded by a Mare of flowers. Dr, McMaster's second love, that .or travelling, has taken him Lo several foreign countries and an estimated 50,000 miles. lie has been entertained by Preeident KI. sill of ,lapwtl, Manilla's president Garcia, the president of Mexico and Canadian and American am- bassadors in several foreign coun- tries. In August, Dr. McMaster will leave for a trip to the worldwide heart eonvontion in Austria, and he oleo expects to visit Turkey, Greece, The IIoly Land, Italy, Egypt, the Mediterranean, Spain and Germany. The trip will take over two mouths in all, Despite all his outer activities, tate energetic doctor has found time to carry en a very successful medical career. After graduating from the University of Toronto in 1923 he interned at National Sanatorium at Gravenhurst, and has practised in Huron County since 1924. In 1934, Dr. JicMaster moved to Seaforth where he estab- lished the Seaforth Clinic. Dr, McMaster has takeu various postgraduate courses, and has at, tended the University of liked- gan at Ann Arbor, the Cleveland Clinic, Now York pos(,graduate school and hospital. ire has taken several courses on diseases of the heart and chest and culminated a six-year course in Chicago by re- ceiving his Fellowship in Disease of heart, He received his degree in Miami on June 11, 1960, De. McMaster has maintained his perfect attendance record in Lions by attending Lions clubs wherever be travels. Ile has at- tended club meetings in Japan, Cuba, Mexico, Hawaii, South Am- erica and several other foreign countries. In all his travels he hae picked Hagvaii as his favorite spot, and has visited there three tinges. Dr. McMaster describes it as the "par- adise of the world". Dr. McMaster, who records most of his travels on film, is a popul- lar atter dinner speaker, and has shown his films on Japan a total of 25 times. Dr. McMaster will continue his medical work in Grand Bend as 1)r. Mellastor stetted he gave up 0 geueritt practitioner with cm^+li1s work in the Seaforth Clinicpletsis pllttsis on cardiac andllclu't dl Ii srtd moved to Grand Mend so ha ceases. "wolf tape life easier". you have not yet visited one of Huron's FRE TB Survey Clinics you may stili do so—at the following centres: Operating 2 to 6 pan. --- 7 to 10 p.m. each day F1R87 DAY XETER—Arena July 19 July 20 July 21 DA$H WOOD— E.U,B, Church CENTRALIA— United Church CREDITON— Community Hall RCAF STATION CENTRALIA—Drill Hall RCAF STN, CENTRALiA— PMQs—Public School RE- VISIT July 21 July 22 July 25 July 22 July 26 July 26 July 27 July 25 July 27 July 26 July 28 July 26 July 28 ELIMVILLE— Township Hall July 27 HENSALL—Arena July 28 ZURICH—Community Hall July 29 GODBRICH—Viotorla St, Public School July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 RCAF STATION CLINTON— Ritchie Building July 26 CLINTON--Town Hall .. July 26 July 27 BAYFIELD—Town Hall .., July 28 DUNGANNON-- United Church SLYTH—Town Hall ETHEL— Community Centre WINGHAM—Town Hall .. July 29 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 SEAFORTH—Northside United Church July 25 July 26 July 27 BRUSSELS—Library July 28 July 29 Aug. 2 GORRIE;--Community Hall FORDWICH— Community Hall Aug. 3 Aug. July 29 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 J Julyuly 21 22 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 28 July 29 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 5 July 21 JulyJuly 25 July 2622 July 27 July 28 July 29 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 c 5 TB c A r c E >� FREE TB SURVEY -- DON'T MISS IT -- Huron County Tuberculosis Association -- Cost or this survey is borne by the sale of Christmas Seals and by the Ontario Department of Health warm . n .so comfort Here's comfort you can feel , .. the solid comfort of a home that's evenly, automatically heated by Natural Gas. Set the thermostat, and warm, fresh, moisture - corrected air circulates gently through every room of your house ... instantly. Natural Gas heating is fast... keeps the temperature exactly where you set it, automatically. bre s v u t ■auks to A Natural Gas heating system is so quiet you'll forget it's there. And it stays whisper -quiet through years of service, because there are no moving parts in the heating unit. Nothing heats the controlled, automatic, instant heat of Natural Gas. That's why more and more Canadian homes are being served by Canada's most modern fuel . - Natural Gas. SO CLEAN! Clean -burning Natural Gas leaves no oily film on walls, drapes or furniture. Everything in the house stays cleaner and brighter, SO ECONOMJCALI Gas gives more heat per penny. Space saving Gas furnaces cost less to buy and main- tain, cut repair costs to a minimum. matically. So DEPENDABLE/ Bad weather never affects fuel deliveries. Natural Gas is piped to your furnace auto - S - e your HEATING CONTRACTOR ori !UNION S COMPANY of?ADA,LIMIT& LOCAL OFFICE: SEAFORTH, PHONE 352; or, Goderich JA 4-8317