HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-14, Page 8STEWART ROS. ANNULI POSITIVELY EIVDS SATURDAY SUIT SALE TROPICAL Ri t ('LAIC 1V1 ICI I I'i'i SHORTS, RE(1'1,ARS, TA1.l,t4 Reg. 89.50 to t3L5U Sale 31 ase A moo MEN'S T COATS TO t'LI;A11 AT 14.95 ` 19.95 Qi ALL DRESS PANTS 20% orf Reg. 5.95, MEN'S CHI 0 CO ti D SLACKS .tl'9 J`" Boys at 20% off DON'T MISS IT r GREAT DISCOUNTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT mums% ARE JUST A FEW OF THE BIG I3ARGAINS THAT ARE YOURS IN TIIE LAST THREE DAYS OF TIIIS SALE S'I':1Ni'll' LD'S 1,23 ries El Shirts S1Z1iS S.M.L. OS 99e. each Reg. to :L96, AtEN•S WASH & WEAR 2 SLEEVE SPO.:';, T SHIRTS 2„,49 each OUR BEST WORK SHIRTS Sale 2.39 • RF,tL TO 1.49 WORK "T" SHIRTS 99c DR1SS CLEARANCE VALtTES' TO 16.93 5.00 DON'T MISS THESE THIS SEASON'S BETTER GRADE SUMMER DRESSES 9a95 36 only, Reg, 3.98 to' 3,98 COOL, COOL SUN DRESSES REDUCED TO ® i®9 ALL BEACH WEAR REDUCED 20% GIRLS 3 to OX - S to 14 SUMMER nDRESSES lasa ,5 discount FIRST QUALITY SISAM OR SEAMLESS NYLON HOSE 79c 2 PR. FOR 1,50 A Le�16*dS CAS&�ll NO CREDIT AT SAID PRICES STEWA . a, r - Ii PTIDNS •- HDTV f roses and snarl t.' formod the 'thug stn th • it, Paul's Auglica marriageof \tar - Air Rosamond, only dattrt- *r Airs,T:1t1i Howe, Stlat- o,1 it It James Howe, t. :d u.'ter ,ate ll ns. elder sillt alt and sirs. [)liver Stephen ontl Robert Stephens, brother of r the ::room were ushers, e immediately following the em- u runny' .t reept1.n was held in the f,Lti.sh hall for 1P111 :;nest•:, Tho bride's table was centered with a l -tier land decoratedwedding,' ale and banquets of sunnier ti vv -r-, Sitnilar flowers 'ieeorat. ed the guests' tables. Receiving the ghosts the bride's mother wore an ice blue scalloped 1st s dress with v('1111e accessories L l lilt• tm,,1e-<ive ser w.is s,,lentnised by the res • "tee. Charles 11. .1:unes. AIr v.T.,rzantst. ldaycl tltt 1.'Inc: n t'l, ale! t:'e• tilt 'anied T bn A, M Oilosh who • The \\ ddino Prayer prior to co and 0 Porte,,[ Love .,.Hitt\ r4i.t,itlez of the resist • T1:•. hr -. e air tl la marriage by ,.r. \r...nan \I'Ncnu-hton, loo1 .• 1 , h:i ming in a floor -length t ddlr„• sown embroidered with 11117 reselonts en white swiss nylon r an nrineess line:: with pearl 1!t.11 sequin design en,rnsted nn fr alt yoke bodice. Her finger tip illusion not veil draped frau) a m i :61212 near! and sequin enema. ted tiara. She curried a crescent b menet of led r'ses and white st plianrt is tas,•ading on white bridal streamers. ...Miss Judith Stephens. sister of the gree t r. Matron of humour, 111 Susan I..obl fit and Miss Bozic. 41Iieiotii 00 bridesmaids, r o'e identieal oe wt1a of nile green taffeta with matching petal hats, The:, esrried white bibles, a gift 1 sits the bride, ire ted with Les - ,ret Hibberd roses with rosebuds r bridal [roamers 'tecading from thymi Tosopltinc 1 ilipuvic Ito charm. ing liewer girl daintily at- tired in eoral fir -44111d nylon over ltiffe10 yy 11 n ++:'lit., petal bat rvarfisd a tinr ba,--ket r,1 blue and t i_• hair. nnouns lith blue and -!hit' streamers. She was eseort- Mate,',r Brian \,ikon, you_ (n ef the slide, •L 1 In wni'r Let and 11,rk 11,r1t:''a ,.r:. in situ. Kao,ts, 'a-1th The eon I r m o of the b i 1 i1rl l , f Mr, 11.,a,410:-: Gandy a ut,,l,,l 1k' ;r,,i,m U,at.l-Micbie Raspberries pberries ()11)91i1 '0(1-11 11.1~111'!:kit: T ItAal1 1 I a)\i 'l I -t1, PA'Ct'11 Nov; l ,Linc c.rdets tc: Lox tar ,suit Andrew Moore T'li,m,. lino h 'll and a e ers toe of pullk rosebuds and pink feathered i'ed carnations. As- sisting, the groom's mother wore a white dress with figured design of .hot navy, white and navy ac. eessoriea and a corsage of pink rosebuds and pink feathered ear nations. For their honeymoon trip to Ottawa. Cornwall. and points Avast the bride donned a beige shantung sheath dress with a snatching hat, purse, shoes and doves. turquoise duster and a corsage of Lestre iiibherd roses, On their return the happy couple will reside in Woodstock. Ont-nf.town guests were pre- sent from Niagara Falls, Sault Ste. Marie, Toronto, Peterboro, London, Idillsburgh, Seaforth. Brucefielri, Hensall and Cromarty Pre -nuptial presentations were Held for the bride when the ladies 00 the staff at The Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Company Present- ed her with a barbecue set and several smaller gifts, The entire staff and Directors of the Perth Mutual presented her with a table and chairs and other gifts. Thus, X, Ih'Naughton and Mrs, D. Stewart were hostesses for a kit. ellen shower. Miss Margaret !lac. Iiay, Seaforth, aunt of the bride, was hostess for a miscellaneous shower. BRODHAGEN Mr. rlayten Ahrens is Itoliday- ine, in Hamilton with Donald Ahrens. - \1r. and ills. George \Vese'n- berg mud family of Brussels with Airs. Chas. Ahrens 00 Sunday-., • 1 h fellow tai, Grade 8 pupils of Iiroih n'en School were meets nil uP •itter Grade 9: Honors, Phyllis Binz. ,blot J tr ob. Pass. Shirley tCilliunis. .plan Frenr')t, Mr. Donald Wolfe, teacher. her, .1 wo(Itling re•,•,•pliou for Ait•, root 111.:•.la(.h Somerville Lichens Diege1 vvas held in tits. commun- ity hall on Saturday evening. on Fi'idav et'ening a shower was held in the community hall MASS CUS N AY F. I ► AY , JULY 22nd X10:4 MESSER JU`:FLEE Western Waller Gr i ds, London TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE Pick them lei) at yolu' earliest convenience BOYES FARM SUPPLY Your Massey -Ferguson Dealer SEAFORTH for Air. and Airs. Steifler (Helen Bauer), An address was read by IHilda Kummer and they were presented with a purse of money. Sipper's orchestra provided =sic for dancing. Address written by 0Irs Freer TIerbert, Misses Janice and Carol IVilso of leustadt and Miss Sheila Mo yet of Calgary spent last - .tt. wee with ttheirgnat and uncle, Mr and Mrs, Herman Leonhard[, Mr. and Mrs, Herman Moyer and family returned to Stealer, Alberta, after visiting relatives here for a few weeks. Mrs, Jack Cr05s0n and familyof of London -with her parents Mr.Airs. Henry P. Diegel. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Woodward and girls of Toronto and Jim Ar- buckle who is attending summer school in Toronto spent the week end with Airs, Albert Queren- gesser. Mr, and Mrs. Gary Sholdice of London called on Mr. and • Mrs. Russell Sholdice after. returning from a week's holidays at Was - ago Beach. Mr. :and Mfrs, Arthur Morton, Lynn a.nd Colin of Calgary, Alber- ta are visiting with her parents Air, and Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mrs, K, Newton, Diane and Craig of Tor- onto at the same hone. Mr, and "Mrs. Glen Brickman and Barry of Brampton with her parents, lir. and Mrs, Dalton Hinz. Air, Brickma.n is attending summer school in London, Mr, and Mis, Iden Hinz of St. Cather_ ines at the same home, Master Bruce Miller of Galt is holidaying with Marie, John and Martin Meyer. Miss Ruth Ann _Mueller of Hain. iiton has been holidaying with ler grandmother, Mrs, Aug, Hille- brecht, -Master Karl Pfeifer has been confined to Stratford Hospital. He is the son of Mr, and Airs. Lloyd Pfeifer, - Mr. and Mrs, Frank Scherbarth of Trenton have been visiting with lir, and Mrs. EdScherbarth and other relatives the psat week,• •and other D.relatives the past week. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Scherbarth and son. of Delroit, ai the saltie -Mr, and Mrs. Doug Attcheson of Niagara Falls are with her par- ents Mr..and Mrs, Edwin Rock. Aiteheson is attending a HighSchool Tenches Sumner School in London, Warren Sholdice accompanied by Ronald Goebel of Stratford areBend, spending this week at GGrandMr, and firs, Harold Mogk -at- tended the wedding of their niece Rinds Doer at Auburn on Satur- day, Miss Elaine Benuewjes is work- ing " luno (!rest Hospital, is Stratford l'ot' the summer months, tMrs, HaroldEldigsen was con- fined to Stratford hospital for several days with a finger infee• tion. ,firs, Lew Hicks and Mrs. Chris 1V. Leonhordt are confined to their hooses under the doctor'scafe, A number of 'pupils of their former .teacher 'Miss Au d r e 9' Hackwell, Watton, and mothers attended a trousseau tea at her home in Walton on Saturday aft- 21'neon and evening, Miss Bonita I-Ioegy and Miss Ileverley Shelf" -,ice assisted in the afternoon and Mrs, Ralph Flicks was serving in the evening. Roger Sholdieo is attending -the Summer School at the I-1, B. Beal Technical School, London, Pupils are transported by bus each morn- ing, IUSU, 1,25 Bath Towels 79 • 13IG 361 72 Beach Towels 2.38 • Skirts Slacks, Shorts 20% off Clearance COTT`'N DRESS GOO RaYS Reg, to 1,55 yd Sale 18c yd Values to 8.95 RA. E! ERY 3 yds to 111 yard lengths TO CLEAR 1.00 Yd OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 10 P.M. SHARP KIPPEN Communion service will be held in St. Andrew's Church. Nippon, on Sunday, ,Tule 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle and .11m attended a surprise party anti 1 presentation the past week at Zurich in honor of Mr. and Mrs. It Don Pyle and Debbie before leav- , rug to reside in Calgary. PEDERATWAT VE1FS 13y J. 0, Hemingway T attended twa meetings last week. The one on Monday was the long awaited Land Acquisition meeting at which the decision of Hydro for compensation for lands taken for transmission lines was announced. For over two years your county and provincial Federation of Ag- riculture has been carrying on dis- cussion with the Hydro Commis- sion in order to arrive at a rea- sonably fair settlement for Hydro Easements. having been unable to make any progress during this extended period with the Commis- sion the Federation Land Acqui• sition Committee finally decided to approach the local- members of parliament and the Cabinet 'Min- ister concerned. With the assist- ance of these men the Federation has obtained a reasonably satis- factory offer of compensation. A meeting has been arranged in Huron Cnunty for Monday, Jnly 18, at 5,20 p.m, in the Agricultur- al Board rooms at which details of the offer will be given. Any- one is welcome but those directly affected by the Seaforth-Clinton line will receive further notice from this office, While the cont.. pensation is improved don't ex - Peet to get rich but we do hope that: you can expect settlement. The second sleeting was the Ting Producer meeting on Wednes- day. I only wish I could report as favorably as in the case of the Land Acquisition committee, Since this meeting has been well covered in the press T will only mention a few points I feel are particularly s i g n i f i c a u t. Whereas formerly it has been said that there was a fend be- tween the protlncers and the pro- cessors and drovers it now seems to have bertnne a direct battle be- tween Producers and Government. Tu spile of the repeated state- ments that. 13111 80 would not be used except emergency o1' in case a vote was lost, its power's are now being used, T can see no em- ergency -in the sale of hogs and the matter of a vote seems to have been forgotten, Yet the Farm Products Marketing Board seems to be just as difficult to deal with as the Hydro Commission, it also seems that this battle will resolve itself into a battle of Auditing Firms, These men are wonderful with figures and 1 re- spect their ahtlity but I do ques- tion their knowledge of the I -Ing Industry. Yat it seems that the fate of the hog producer rests in their hands, The Government has staters that it must protect the producer and the consumer, It isn't the 400 for selling hogs that hurts the farm - or, it is the $19,00 per cwt. Yet the Government made leo move to protect the farmer against this. The consumer has no need for protection against the present method of selling (logs. The best that the selling Agency can do will be to got a fair price for Hogs, As long as Government retains its present ideas about import re_ strictions the pnice of bogs cannot become exorbitant, Since the two reasons given seem invalid f won- der what the real ones are? CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my apprecia- tion for the kindness shown me while a patient In Scott Memorial Hospital by nurses, and all the help, and for cards, flowers, gifts and visits from nil my kind friends n special thanks. MRS, MABEL AIKENIIEN) I wish to thanIc Rev. Father Thomas Metluaid, Rev. Father McCowen, Rev, Father Sullivan and Dr. Gmwill and the nursing staff in Scott trlemortal Hospital, Seaforth. I thank all my friends who w3.slted me, sent carats and treats. I thank the II.S.OPS stud nursing stair in Victoria hospital, London, for their kindness to me •whtla I was sicic. - Thomas O'Reilly, Senforttt RR5 6gond YorkOP ii R SA AA11ply Stuart. ale Vries, RR4 Senfot•th, Phoae664 R 21 FOR SALE 2:10 Rosa -link Range pullets hatched April 26th, 91 each, Ca.t Siemon, phone 02r17 Dublin FOR SALE Black currants. Ready for picking this week. Phone 861r13, Mrs. G. B. Dotranoe RR 2 Seaforth FOR SALE 30 pigs 9 weeks old, Ken Beattie, 834 1-6 Seaforth central Kitchen table0 (metal Chop). Ga. fry Pan. electric kettle, sewing machine. Cheap. Mrs. Chas. Lovett, N. Main St. FOR SALE One used cement mixer (1 bat'mw steel with or without electric motor. One custom made box to fit GMC or Cher pickup truck, Apply to J. T. Hu - gill, Seaforth FOR SALE Blue spotted sows ranging In age from 3 to 6 months. Some bred. John Powell, 8122 Seaforth, 667w4 Custom swathingTI with a new 10 -ft. self-propelled swather; also combining with a self-propelled combine, John W. Thompson, phone 8G1123 Senfm'th FOR SALE Harley Davidson 74 motorcycle. Phone 461220 Dublin lino LOSTls with mark on Holstein heifer, bottom of left em: from farm on Con. i luckersmtt.h. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this animal, please phone 773 POSTPONF,D Auction. Sale The Community Auction Sale will not be held on Saturday, TuIY 10(1, in the Sen forth Arena IlAROLD ,TAKSON, Anctiemeer Auction "Sale Of Household Effects In the Vilbure of Brussels WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, at 1.30 P.M.1011. ft Kelvinator Refrig- erator, G. Electtic range, table top, Coleman rill hentor complete with pipes, oil drum, etc. Cotficld washing machine, General Erectus fan, r E heater, Elec- tric kitchen clock, electric, sandwich tonatot•, grill, 2 Inge upholstered ehnirs.- 1 rodthtg chair, 2 wicker chairs,. small rocker. Occasional- shads, Studio couch. Yellow chaotic; chrome step stood, small cabinet, drop leaf table, commode (litdr, glass top cuplxutrd, chest of drawers, mirrors, modern walnut bed rewm suite, bed, vanity, dresser, chiff- onier & chair, beds, springs & mate tresses, white chest of Brewers, 2 cedar chola, dressing table & stood, child's crib, springs & mntt:vas, Bedding, blank- ets, Quilts, table linens, dishes. Antique colored glens i. ax ornaments,kitchen tune. Ila, sealers, crocks, verandah furniture. Garden tools, rugs & scatter mats, step ladder, Other articles tea numerous to mention, Terms crash, Prop., MPs. John Work Attet. Darold Jackson Clearing Auction Sale SS')A(1RGADrOSGITERNRHSTEIN At lot 28, Con. 4, Itlertlllop Twp., 21/e miles north and tr, mile west of Sen. forth, on TUESDAY, JULY Mit at 1 P.M. This Herd has been on DII 1 A sine° its inception. All except 3 are by Waterloo Unit Sites and oro re -bird to them, There Is 1 Benefactor, 1 Miles stone. 8 Skokie; balance Budd. Feat Royal Prince. 10 registered, 15 milk- ing, 5 tests 4% and better. TN) Herd average was 1156 lbs last year. Last year 6 2 -year 014 Heifers av- enure1 11)97 lbs. milk to receive Gold seals. All tested rows have red or timid seals, Catalogues ovnilnble from the proprietor or Auctioneer, MACHINERY --- 2 unit Surge milking machine (new). 24-40 White threshing machine in good condition, 16 mills cans, Coekshutt mamn'o, spreader, electric calf d,hmner. Terms cash, Prop„ 1Tnrry Palin. RTtjpt Seaforth Anel„ Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo, Powell BROW .IE'S DRIVE"! II LIMITED strassresscraszasserzorsini offege,Agg 1Y.1A Ai r.C\. - L:; INTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY AND FRIDAY -- July 14 and 15 "Up Periscope" (Color) (WarnerScope) JAMES GARNER and EDMOND O'BRIEN - One Cartoon - SATURDAY and MONDAY - July 16 & 18 "Yellowstone Kelly" (Color) CLINT WALKER -- EDD BYRNES - Two Cartoons TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY -July 19 - 20 "Our Man hi Havana" (Cinemascope) ALEC GUINNESS - BURL IVES -- MAUREEN O'HARA (ONE 2 -REEL COMEDY) Two shows nightly, rain or clear, First Show at Dusk Admission 65e, Children under 12 in cars Free TOWN OF SEAFORTH FOR SALE Two lots # 27, 281 Jarvis Survey If interested apply at Clerk's Office, Town Hall Tenders For Geiniera1 Contr et Sealed tenders, clearly marked, for General Contract work for a five room addition to Seaforth District High Schoot at Seaforth, Ontario, will be re- ceived by: - - Kyles & Kyles Architects 15 Downie Street Stt'atford, Ontario up to 4 pin, Monday, July 26th, 196n. Drawings and Specifications may be obtained at the above office upon -de- posit. of 525.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. - lV. E. SOUTHGATE Secretary -Treasurer Seaforth District Hight School Board vessnosssisiv FOR SALE Black currants.Phone 667-W-12, after 6 P.M. SUSSMEMISMSOinv LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores Business - Chattels - Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada Valleyfield Placements Ltd. 450-A Wilson Ave Downsview .e,ee•re Township of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1960 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum from June 16th to Doc, 15th on all Prepaid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office, Tnckersntith, 1?.4 Seaforth Cora Chesney, Treasurer Attractive 0R se eti ALE bunga- low, oil unga-low,-oil furnace, !lot and cold wa- ter, central location. Mrs. Louis Itberhart, Goderich street west FOR SALE - Cna1 st Summer prices . , . Premium (leanly , , Double screened Save money this Year by getting the best. Wl LLIAM 1(3. HART, phone 784 Sea- fotkh BRAESIDE NURSING NOME Licensed for convalescent & elderly people. Cn11 396 Mitchell _ Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m, to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where 'fetter Bulls Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Ftwrmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:80 a.m, week days, 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton HU 2.8441 or for long ,distance Clinton Zenith 0.6650 snecacesgarmszestmelassotommio Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Phone 84 Thursday, July 14, 1900 13OX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 48 Night 595W MARTIN W.STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5_W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC B. A. MoMaster, B.A„ M.D., Internist P.L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m„ daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- arday only 'I-9 p.m. Appointments made In advance aro desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J, 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BR TANS. D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN. D.V.M., V.S. Phone 106 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Godenieh St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; W'ed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Ther. ave by appointment only. Clinton HU -2.7010, above Hawkins' Rdwe, Mon, 9 to 6.80 P1.011=1111 INSURANCE • Piro • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS fo LOpNEEY Phone 678 or 832-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 288 Wo write all lines of Noto Winr-t Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & RIIII.D Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co-. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers . - 1'resident, John 0. Malone, Seaforth Vice Pres., John Ti. Mr:Swing, Blyth , Seo.-Treas.. W. 17. Southgate, Seaforth, Directors, Norman Trewat'Eha, Clinton, 2 L Malone, Seaforth 1 Chris Laonhardt, Bornholm • Robert Archibald, Seaforth 1 Sohn 21, MoEwing, Myth; Wm, S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey fuller, Coderioh ; Peppin', Brucofleid ; Allister Brood- feet, Seaforth, Agents - William Leiper Londes• hero ; V. J. Lane, 12R 5 SentforthJr„ 1 Selwyn Balzer Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton; James Heys, Seaforth.