HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-14, Page 51'.IC79 SIOA1''ORTI • s 11+1\Vt; Churt;day, July 14, 1050 ITTirg SITE .Ife .KJFood Market WEEK ENI) SPECIALS FOR JULY 19-15.16 AYLMER PEACHES , ........2 15 -oz tins J CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE 48 oz tin iC BICK'S YUM YUM PICKLES ` 9, 32 oz Jar SHIRRIF'S GOOD MORNING MARMALADE 24 oz Jar Li QC DOMESTIC SHORTENING, 1 lb pk. 47t.7, KELLOGG'S CORNFLAKES 9 • 10 oz pk. OM; EINZ BAKED BEANS with Pork 2 15 -oz tions 1)e AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 9f 2 11 -oz bottles , PHONE 12 WE DELIVER sem:.®,a, COME TO THE SEVENTH ANNUAL Dressed am Supper AND Sum r ® r St. Clalunibau rd Wed. July 20 GRAND DRAWING FOR CASH PRIZES Holder of last ticket wins $1500.00 Every 100th ticket drawn wins $100.00 Variety programme 7 to 8 P.M. Fairy land for the children. Gift Booth Games, wheels, Bingo Supper 5.30 to 8 P.M. Adults $1.00 Children 50c KIPPEN Mr. Donald Daynran, R.R. 3, ISippen, met with an accident on Monday afternoon at his home, •EIe was alone at the time it hap- pened, at the barn and was mov- ing the elevator when the crank let go and struck him on the head. He was semi-eonsoious a short time and was moved to the Clinton 'Hospital where an X-ray was taken and released on Tues• day. Sir, and Mrs, Eddie Taylor of f Stratford visited friends in Kip - pen the past few days, Reception For Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murray (Clare Malone) Friday, July 15 In Brodhagen Community Hall Good Music EVERYBODYWELCOME WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where better Bulls are used" You are invited to our .A NN IIA. L BULL NIGHT JULY 19th at 7.20 p.m. THE WHOLE FAMILY IS WELCOME For more information regarding our Artificial Insemination Service call: - Clinton HU 2-3441 or Seaforth 96 For long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 Between.- 7.30 and 9,30 a.m. weekdays 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings BETTER CATTLE 'FOR BETTER LIVING 1959 VAUXHALL SEDAN, 9000 miles 1957 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, A,T, 1955 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 1956 FORD SEDAN 1956.13TYICIS HARDTOP 1955 OLDS SEDAN, Radio, A.T. 1953 PONTIAC COACH 1953 Chevrolet % Ton Pickup NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED USED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet. - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 Sales & Service SPBAI ORTH Phone 541 TOWN TOPICS Sir, and Mrs. John Yl, Scarlett, who. have been visiting their eon sins, Mrs. trace, 11oggarth and Mt Prod Heerlen, have returned to their \tome in inztisl'all. Al - beret. t. titre, John Cronin of Wetaske• win, Alberta, hes been visiting her father, John Quinlan, In lug- moudvillo, and brother from Ila - Milton, as well as relatives In the 1)nblin and St, C'olutnban arena. Miss Donclda Adams is taping a Sumner School Coarse at the linleersity of Western Ontario, London. Mrs Ernest Adams spent a few days last Week with her brother, Mr. 11. L, MacDonald and Mrs. 'MacDonald in 'Toronto, Michael 'Mttiono and William Slavin are taking summer courses at Beal Technical School, London. Mrs. J. R, Spittal is visiting at Mount Forest, Mr. and •Sirs, Russell Caldwell and daughters Lorraine and Kar- en, Remitton, were guests of Mr, and airs. Russell Sproat on Mon- daY. M. W. E, Southgate, 13111 and Paul accompanied by Mr, Murray of Stratford, were no a trip to Gore Bay on the !M:S, Normae this week, Sir. and 'airs. Bruce Clehanitave returned to Ottawa after visiting her mother, Mrs, W. E. South- gate, Sr. Mrs, Hugh Sprott, Mr. and Mrs, Preston Tabor and family and Mrs, Walter Barry and family or Detroit were guests last week of Airs, Barbara Sykes and other relatives, WALTON The July meeting of the WAIS o1 Duff's United Church, Walton, was held last Thursday afternoon in the church basement, Mrs, D. Watson, 1st vice president, open- ed the meeting with a hymn. The Bible readings were given by Mrs, E, 1'loCreath and Mrs, J. Bosman and discussion on these readings was led by Mrs, McCreath and ars, Watsou, followed by prayer by Mrs. Watson, Minutes and roll call were given by Mrs. 114IoMlch- ael with 16 ladies. The treasur'er's report showed that 3411.85 had bean sent away this quarter of year, Mrs. C. Fritchie gave a read- ing. The Baby Band meeting will he held at the August meeting, The topic was taken by the Mc- Killop group with Mrs. Bosman as leader followed by a hymn. The continued story from "Africa Dis- turbed" was given by Mrs, 'Mol?l chael and meeting closed with prayer by Mee. Bosman, Mrs. Ken McDonald presided at the WA. meeting, The secretary's report was given by firs. Ron Ben- nett and the treasurer, Mrs. A. Coutts, reported a balance on hand of 3311.92. It was decided to buy the extra dishes far the kitchen that were needed, also buy the choir gowns requested by Mae. H. Brown. The annual church and Sunday school picnic will be held July 25 at Walton Community Park. The sports Committee will be Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. D. Fraser, Mrs. E. Mitchell, Bob Houston, Brian Travis and Bill Uhler. Tlie lunch committee will consist of group leaders and their assistants. It was moved and seconded that the ladies do not have an auction sale this year. Shelve?' A miscellaneous shower honor- ing 'Miss Melte Dundas, bride-to- be, was held in the schoolroom of Duff's United Church Wednesday evening, July 6th. Mrs, Nelson ?dare's acted as mistress of cere- monies for the evening, opening the program with duet, Mrs• Mit- chell and Mrs. Herb Travis; trio by Pauline, Shirley and Judy Thamer, accompanied by Mrs. Ian Wilbee; reading, Mr's. Wilmer Cnthtll; solo, Miss Yvonne Pol- lard with (Mrs. Jack Bryans ac- companying; duet, Mary Kirkby and Ann Aohilles accompanied by ,ales. Herb Travis; solo, Sherrill Craig; reading, Mrs. Gordon Me - Gavin; solo, Gail Travis, lace's. Bill Taylor addressed the bride - elect with the following girls pre- senting the gifts: Shirley and ,lean Bolger Claire EIackwell, El- izabeth aleGaveu. Olene expressed her appreciation and thanks for the beautiful gifts she bad receiv- ed, Mrs, Graham Sholdice was in charge of the shower book at the door, Assisting with the gifts were Mrs. Frank Johnston, Mrs. Irwin Johnston, •Mis, Willis Dundas and Mfrs. 13.111 Taylor. Ladies of the Walton group served lunch. Moving pictures were taken throughout the even- ting by MissMarie Bollinger of Ilcruitland Ont. Mr, and ales, Eight Porter and 'alas, Wm, Lockwood and daugh- ters Janet and Velma of Winni- peg, Man„ are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter, Mrs, Mary Reid of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Shannon. 'Miss Marie 1 -Zollinger of Fruit- land is holidaying with Mr, and Mrs, Goo, Pollard and family, (Mrs, Percy (Talton of Barrie and airs, Hilda Sellers of Lucan spent a few days with +YIr, and Mrs. Herh Travis. Mr. Ron Ennis of Toronto and Miss Ruth Ennis of Kitchener spent the weekend at their hone. ,Miss June Hackwell, Reg,N,r of London, is vacationing at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. 0, Hackwell, Mrs. T3ntnta Naylor or Roehest- et', N.Y„ Mrs, Mary Gardiner and daughter Vera of Toronto and Mrs, Ken Rae and Eleanor at St. Paul and Ii1r's, Don Gray of Surat. 'forte attended the trousseau tea at the home of Mrs, W, C, Hack - well on Saturday. Iota anti .I3otteda 11 group The regular meeting of the 17311 and Boundary Group of Dttfl's United Church, Walton, was held at the home of Mrs. slim, Coutts With 23 members present, .Sirs, R. Williamson presided, Scripture ro;uling wag€ifveu hr.Mi's, llarv- e. (:rail; and prayer by Mrs, floY Williamson, Mona Clark had the tople "The Making of a I4011." followed followed by a poem, Lunch was served by the hostess assist- ed by •Mrs, ,lino Wi111aneron, firs. Roy Williamson, Mrs. 'toy Ben- nett incl Mrs, Donald 1'3ucltalian and a 81H'i'al half hour was spent. 'Mrs. James Bolger has retnrued after spending the past two weeks in Victoria hospital, London, and \hinghum General Hospital, SRUOEPIELD IMI', Chas, &ening was a pa- tiaatt in the Clinton tiospial last week having undergone surgery, Mrs. Ceras. Kuvack, of Port Credit spent a few (lays with her nrotlter, Mrs. C, Snelling and vis. sled her father in the hospital, Miss Margaret Alkenheatl, Lon- don spent the weekend with her sister, ,Mrs. Y, Aldwinkle, 11n Ross Stanway, Toronto, spent the weekend with his friend Mr, John .Moffatt, Mr. arul ,Mrs, V. 1lar€,"r'eaves visited with friends in Toronto over the weekend, leer, and Sire, Gen, Henderson (attended the Lobb pienie and spent the weekend visiting friends Mr. Jas. Burdge of Parry Sound spent a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Burdge. .ltrs. Grant Love, of Cairo, Mich is visiting with her sisters, Airs Stewart Baird tune Sirs, .stole cit Dalrymple, Mrs. Grace ,McDonald of Ottawa is visiting with her mother, Sirs. John McCowan at the hospital and other relaiives, ,1frs, S'largaret Vaire was taken by ambulance to the hospital in Louden on Sunday, The many friends of Mrs, Stack- house are pleased to know that she was able to return home on Saturday nrueit improved in health, Miss M. Swan and (Mrs. C, Hann I are holidaying at Bala, Mueltolca, Brucelleld WA held their annual picnic at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott at Bayfield, The day was bright but cool and a good attendance. The senior sports were supervised by Mrs. Geo. car- ton. and Mrs. Irvin Sil'lery; the children's sports by Mrs. Edgar Allan and sips, Jno. ]-Ienderson: clothes pins, Mrs. John Broad - foot; kicking slipper, Barbara Henderson; largest waist line, Mrs. Ino. Cairns; relay, Mrs, Broacl'foot's team; lucky spot, Mrs. Robt. Dalrymple; oldest lady, Mrs, Lena Daynran; passing ball relay, Hiss M. Swan's team; jar of beans guess, Mrs. Elgin Thom- pson; most recent grandmother, Mrs. Jno. Broadfoot; guessing contents of can, Mrs. Ken Scott. Children's sports- 4 and under, Billy Thompson; bays 6 and un- der, Bert Lobb; 6, Stewart Must- ard; 10 Ron Scott; girls 10 and under.Dorothy Ross; 12, Bonnie Dalrymple, Bernice Lobb; young ladies race, Jean Broaclfoot; shoe scramble, Betty Dalrymple; wheel barrow race, Gordon Henderson, ;las, Ross; 3 leg race, Bonnie Dal. rymple, Sharon Baird, A picnic lunch was served,, Mrs, Scott was thanked for her hospitality and presented with a gift by Mrs. W. Broadfoot and Mrs. Treehner. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dale of Byron spent the weekend with his Parents, 'Mr. and Mrs, .Verne Dale and 'Miss (Muriel Dale of Bramp- ton is spending holidays at her parental home, Mrs. Basil I-Iornick arrived home after spending several weeks at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, Mrs. Charlotte Lindsay of Sea - forth spent last week with Mrs. Millson and fancily. ,Mr, and Mrs, E. F. 'Warren, Lynda and Helen are holidaying with the latter's 'parents, qtr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson after spending the past week at Lion's Head. Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Miss Mari- lyn Taylor, Mrs, Lorne Lawson, Mrs. Earl Lawson, Wes, Verne Dale and Mrs, Jack Davidson, all attended a shower last Thursday evening in honor of ::hiss Helen Turner, at Turner's Church 'prior to her marriage to VIr, Reg, Law- son on July 23rd, Mr. Borden Brown, Joyce and L+'lame anti Mr, and Mrs, John Scarlet of Red Deer, Alberta, at- tended the Orange Celebration in Toronto on Saturday, commemor- ating 100 years of Orangeism, of Grand Lodge of Ontario West and also the Centennialyear of Tor- onto County, Mr, and 'Mrs. Geo, Leitch visit- ed with .lir. and (Mrs. Willis Mountain, Londesbmro on Sunday. 31r. end Mrs. Borden Brown and girls visited with Mr, and .airs. Ernest 12oseborough of Dur- irant on Sunday, Mrs. 'Frank Riley and Mr, and Mrs. Tom 'Riley of Clinton .left Tuesday morning to spend a couple of days with the former's daughter, Mrs, Robt. Woods and Debbie of Ajas, and will also vis- it Mr. Woods who is a patient in Oshawa Hospital, Stn. Jack Dodds of London spent the weekend with c1h'. and Mrs, Harvey Taylor. Trnus'sptic Tea Per Brkle.Te-Be 125 sneers attended a trousseau tea. in honour or MIs ,Marilyn Taylor, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Taylor on •Saturclay, July 0th at their home, prior to her ap- preaclting marriage Saturday, Ju- ly 15 to .air, Harry I3rydges of 13elgrave, in the Constance Unit- ed Church. Guests were received by the bride-to-be, her mother, the groom-to-be's motley, Mee. W. 13rydes of Belgrave, and thellride- 10-ha's grandmother, Mrs, A, Cud - mom of Clinton, Baskets of sum- mer flowers were arranged through the house, The tea table revered with a punk table cloth and arranged with pink candles in silver holders and p100 and white roses in a silver basket. Pouring tea in the afternoon wero Mrs, a'Vt11is Van 17gmond and 40470444,4441444.44,47.344444744 or °`m syr FAMILY'S SAKE Check the Dates of HURON'S FEE TB Detect' n Clinks and plan to have ALL of your family attend one of therm 21 FREE T TS SPECIAL TV BROADCAS July 13-C K NX---'LadY 19' -CKNX- 15-CFPL-al p.m., At Horne CLINICS IN / U' 1O.NCO. Operating'. to 5 p.nl. - 7 to le p.nl. each day FIRST RE. DAY VISIT EXETER --Arena July 19 July 21 July 20 July 22 July 21 July 25 DASHWOOD- E.U,B, Church CENTRALIA- United Church CREDITON-• Community Hall RCAF STATION CENTRALIA-Drill Hall RCAF STN, CENTRALIA-- PMQs-•Public School ELIMVILLE- Township Hall HENSALL-Arena ZURICH -Community Hall GODERICH-Victoria St. Public School July 22 July 26 July 25 July 2.1 July 25 July 27 July 26 July 25 July 26 July 28 July 27 July 26 July 29 July 29 ' Aug. 2 Aug, 3 July 19 July 21 FIRST RE - DAY VISIT RCAF STATION CLINTON- Ritchie Building July 25 July 27 CLINTON-Town Hall .. July 26 July 28 July 27 July 29 BAYFIELD-Town Hill July 28 Aug. 2 DUNGANNON- United Church July 29 Aug. S BLYTH--.Town Hall Aug.2 Aug. 4 ETHEL- Community Centre Aug. 3 Aug, 6 WINGHAM-Town Hall .. July 19 July 21 July 20 July 22 July 21 July 25 July 22 July 26 SEAFORTH-Northside United Church July 25 July 26 July 27 BRUSSELS -Library July 28 July 29 July 20 July 22 GORRIE-Community Hall Aug. 2 July 21 July 25 F0 July 22 July 26 Community Hall Aug, 3 Aug, 5 -- CLIP THIS SCHEUL'LE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE — -- Huron County Tuberculosis Association — July 27 July 28 July 29 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 .lora. Frank aleGregor. In the evening the bride-to-be's 4.13 Club leaders, Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. J. Broadfoot performed the same duty. Girl friends of the bride-to-be who assisted were 'Marilyn Riley, Connie Treffers, Edith Boyd and Louise Jefferson, Displaying the gifts and trous- seau were Phyllis Lostell, Ruth Crozier, .firs. Jack Doclds, Laurel Dale, Joy Montgomery, Mrs. Don Andrews and Beth Cudmore. In the afternoon Helen and Beverley Cudmore were in charge of the register, and in tate evening Scary Buchanan. Also assisting were Mrs. Bert lloggart. Mrs. G. Cudmore, Mrs. Reg Cada-tore, Mrs. V. Dale, 'Mrs, R. Jamieson. Guests wero present from Clinton, Bel - grave, Lucknow, Seaforth, Huron - dale, London, as well as friends and neighbors in the community. Bride -to -he Showered Monday evening about 711 ladies assembled in the basement at the Constance United Church to show- er Mies Janet MacGregor, daugh• ter of :Mr, and Mrs, Ross \Iac- Gregor, prior to her approaching marriage, Two decorated chairs were set aside for the guest of honor and her mother. -Miss Mur- iel Dale of Brampton performed the duties of ,Mistress of Cere- monies, and called upon Miss Joyce Jewitt who conducted a puzzle contest. 1fisses Wilma Dale and Janice Jewitt performed a skit, "Dinner made by Percy". A solo by :vim, Robt. •GrimoldbI' and also a sole by Miss Deanna Dale acconrpaniecl ha Miss Laurel Dale. At an appropriate time Mrs. W. L, Whyte read an address to Jan- et and •,Misses Muriel Dale and Joyce Jewett carried gifts to Janet who opened them assisted by her sisters Misses Mary and Margaret MacGregor, Janet thank• oil everyone for her lovely and useful gifts and also the counmitee in charge of the show- er, and on behalf of her mother invited all to iter trousseau tea on July 19th. All song "She's a Jolly Good Fellow" after which lunch was served and all enjoyed a so- cial hour. • KIPPEN • Mrs. J. Alexander entertained 10 little girls for her daughter iris, the occasion of her Sth birthday on Thursday last, Games and contests were•enjnyed by the children. The W. A. of St. Andrews Unit- ed Church held a successful str'awber'ry and haat sapper Wed- nesday, July 51 h, A ter) good crowd attended and over 3200 was realized. ,Iiaster Larry Consitt son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consitt is holiday- ing this week with his grandpar- ents 1Mr, and MM. Iain, Slrct,itet'd at their collage at Titperwash, Mr. and Mrs, John Pepper and Marian attended the Centennial. of Auburn Presbyterian Church and also the 14th Annual Service aC Ball's Cemetery, Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Wren and Laurie of Hanover visited over the weekend with the former s parents Mt'. and :Mrs, Gorden Wren, Mr, and Sirs, Albert Keyes, Mr. and Mrs, Rose Love and Mrs, G. Love attended the Nueva] of tt relative in Brigden on Monday. Hp, Wnr, Arnold of the London Road was admitted by ambulance Sunday, to Seaforth Hospital suf. tering with pneumonia. Mrs Crystal Anderson of Mar- lette, Mich., passed away Friday evening, She is a sister-iu-law to Mrs, 't'Vh1, Winder, Mrs. Friston 1)nwsan and talcs, Arthur Antler. son. The funeral took place 011 Monday in Marlette, 1Tr, and Mrs, John Anderson and Debbie at- tended the, funeral. Mr, Norman Long is expected to return lromo on Wednesday from Seaforth Hospital and wishes to thank all friends and neighbors for treats, cards, flowers, visits and to those who aesisted ,firs. Long. tient. in Clinton Hospital. .Tr. and Mrs, rs, I. Robinson were in Toronto over the weekend vis- iting their son and daughter-in- law. [Mary Ellen Plumb is attending ter, and Mrs, Bert Thomson Huron Church Camp at Bayfield and family and Mr, Robert Thom - for 10 days. son spent Sunda} afternoon near 1Zr, Herb Stephenson is a pa- Grand Bend, INIMMIIIIIMft Texaco Gasoline FreeDraw on $25.00 w.vorth o Merchandise every month Free Coupon with each $3.00 Gas Purchase SEE THE NEW CARS Austin Morris Mercedes-Benz AT MILLER ! w OTRS SEAFORTH PHONE 149 or 122 Mrs, Albert Raymond is sentimental. Each time she visits her bank Safety Deposit Box she scolds herself for not having her old fashioned family jewelry re -set ... but somehow she hasn't the heart to change it. So it stays with her papers and securities, safe in the bank vault. Ellen Ramsay doesn't own a diamond yet , . > but she'll have one soon in an engagement ring. Like most girls she has plans for marriage and her growing Savings Account in the Bank of Commerce is earmarked for wedding expenses and purchases for her first home. Precious jewels from: the past ... happy plans for the future .. { the Bank of Commerce helps protect both. Whatever banking services you need you can be sure they are readily available at any branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce, THE CAN DlAN BANK OF COMMER Call us your bankers W 4 s