HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-14, Page 4IF YOU MISSED OUT ON COMFORT LAST WINTER C t 1 p A VERT NOW TO NATURAL GAS! Only Gas gives you all these benefits: SPEED . CLEANLINESS :: DEPENDABILITY :: : ECONOMY ; ; ; SILENT OPERATION AUTOMATIC CONTROL FREE SERVICE: Your gas company is on call 24 hours a day ::: gives your burner a free yearly cleaning and adjustment. BUDGET PLAN: Pay the modem, easy way. Your gas company offers a budget plan which spreads your yearly heating bill over a ten month period. Discover the benefits of o modern, economical Gas Heating System for your home today. NOW IS THE TIME A modern, automatic Natural Gas furnace or Conversion Burner can be installed in a few hours with absolutely no muss or fuss. Of course, you may budget the low cost over many months. Don't wait for the rush season. Learn how you can have solid comfort next winter by calling your heating contractor or Union Gas Company for a free estimate. AT YOUR HEATING CONTRACTOR OR UNIo(--COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED LOCAL 1)FI'ICE: SEAPORTH. PHONE 352: or, Godcrich Ja4-.317 PROCLAIM ATR) CONCERNING 1. OGS ., ,Mani'(' With 0. rt'sblution passed by 'Municipalthe. ('111111(41 of the Town of Sea - forth, and by virtue of the provisions of By- law 1.11, of 1)12,-I hereby proclaim that no dog Shall bo allowed to run at large in the 'I'o\\•n (If : i'aforth during the period ending September 10, 7J1t31), Note: The bylaw- provides penalties for iIlfra('tions, Upon a conviction, the owner or harborer of a dc)12 i; liable to a lilts not exceeding $(70, oIr to a jail tern not exceed- illg 21 (lays l . B. F, CHRiSTIE, Mayor Soct'ortIt, .Mille 14, 11)(1(1, ' Gl)t) SAVE 'rilE QP C6•N' :\ll tilt OWtlrl'F Input obtain Litr?11OC tag for dog itllitrt'diall4'ly. either front 1 ,1I. Wilson or 1Iarold 3T111otu'y A:_ Khat hod 1. \jarie '\lcl,cuthhilu and lien Feeney are attending Smo- ther School al Tornio. Neil Stapleton, Montreal, with his puarents, Mr, and Mrs,, ie)tl Sta• ldclo. Miss Ilene 1\9ustha.ul is - on a motor trip to Banff ami British (`nhunbitt. tMrs, Atex \\'hetltain is in Ed. tllutllolt taking an advanced course in Mucus Ncc)tanlics, .:111..• and Mtn. Chas, Friend and family and Mrs, Elsie Jordison at Lions head. Mrs, Mae Ryan, Stratford, with 11t•in. ,M, Shulman and Ma.lousy, Mr, and- Mrs. Vincent Cinder ut family. London, with "Torn' horsey; Mrs, Mary KrauslcopfSr„ Loa - don, with Mr. and Mrs, J. P, Krauslcapf, also MI'. and Mrs. Jer- inne Nicholson, London, \Ir, trod (Mrs, ilert Gallant of Windsor with Lou McGrath. .Mr, and Mrs. John •Ryso, Don Mills with Mr, and MMPrs. Gerald Holland. Rod and white peonies decorat• ed St, Patrick's R, C. (Introit, 1tablill, on Saturday, Jnly 2 for the marriage of Marie Catharine, daughter of Mr, and,Mrs, Michael McLaughlin, Dublin, to Thomas Stephen Nigro, sun of Mrs. Wal - tet• Nitro. tralford, and the late \Ir, Nigro, 'firs, 1\ -nm. Lane, organ- ist played traditional wedding music and accompanied the solo• ist, ytiss Alice Ryan, ihtbliu, who t sang, "On This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother" and "Ave Maria", Given in marriage by her father Vile bride wore a ballerina -length own of pure sills organza lined !with. peau de sole, fashioned with scoop neckline, gathered bodice and full skirt, The gown was trim - used with sequins, and a erown !headdress held her chapel -length I veil. Site carried a bouquet of red roses, Mies IIttine Nigro, Stmt. toed. was maid of honor, wearing a blue ballerina -length gown of nylon chiffon over taffeta, styled with draped bodice, a panel fall- ing from the hack of the neckline, short sleeves and bouffant skirt. She carried pink and white car_ nations, Miss Patricia. :\leLaugh- lin, Dublin, was bridesmaid, wearing a gown similar to that of the maid of honor, Donna ,Me - Laughlin, sister of the bride was flower girl in a white nylon caress. styled with puffed sleeves and she tarried -a basket of nixed flowers. Dennis Flannagan oarriecl the rings on a heart -shaped cushion. Jack Dwyer, Stratford, was best Iran, and ushering were Joseph Mcl.a.ughlin, brother of the bride, and Angelo Nigro, brother of the bridegroom. A dinner was held at the Fiesta Restaurant following the cere- mony, The bride's mother received the guests wearing a beige sheath of iridescent French tulle with pink accessories and pink rose corsage, She. was assisted by the bridegroom's mother wearing a navy dress with white accessories and pink rose _corsage. For a wedding trip to Port Ar- thur, the bride chose a dress of French lace over printed peau de soie, styled with Sabrina neckline, three -quarter -length sleeves, beige accessories and corsage of yellow roses. On their return the couple will reside at 63 Hibernia St., in Stratford. (3 -nests were present from Chatham, Windsor, Toronto, ilamilton, Stratford. TOWN COUNCIL Continued from Page 1 cue going down Chalk Street, the other down back lots from the Separate School- It would take a lot of arguing to gain consent of OWRC to lay a sewer that did not permit basement drainage for all houses. All together there would not be more than 20 houses sere_ ed and if a pumping station were needed to serve just one or two houses the cost would be out of :he question. 'Without a pumping station the estimated cost was $1,,,Y0,., of which the Separate coo: bard would pay about .. Bu the town etill could raise the required ;6.00'• 1' e r,rojeer. had to DUBLIN f.� t A�h u Ie 'Municipal Beard DUBLIN ' ''j would -rxevent the ready by the }e n: •a of in Ot 1-e: l i . t c .1 e Let • a tory. A ver,i c i 1 was lltld a. grounds lu''. ,. 1i Al Y. `t (,i' varied '11w,,,dtt n.: the c;,la_ 1.11, l.'. L 1 ;,rLc were 1' 1‘1.1's. c , l:, 11 ,hand, E •ui+ 1 1:.dr. and 'alloy 0' - Il i 1t11cc l Ia, !1,..ket t r i e were 1 1 1 p,ro Hie winners be. 1 11 I'R , t :_ 1 i i Pat Jordan, \ tone i 10011, nI , lh Igen Mrs. Rn1 t $20 prize and li a 11 rich tittle Run by U r ohy Phth,nr Mrs, "lowland, Lorne ('ronin, (ns 1)e. 11„films, I,llndits, and 1^eoitard \[,Cann, r',trtferd. ,1t•. and Mt's flits Druonnne, ' anulus, with Mr. a+td Mrs, Lorne . MPs, alit \h•., ii:trtin Kltnithuno- rr :rut \:r.:Ind \it s. Joseph $hra i• holed for 1..110 ,0•10 of Mrs, 1)41;- 1 t'r;nwl',+td in I,renlo Wednes• \n.;, ;a i'ncluu'nte, Leena Turn - a 3. • i 1,s.• . _: i„ :n .. -11,.:4 hands:.1'`:' in taRan ar.d.c C voting' 4 1L1• , I,i'+1 to take ^e 1 11 t e sehool i I. - ,Jud Be ma-1aft- firm price was ,lr x'r. on j.. t, S Ise: to cillos thought :•eu h rug - u d be done for about the 03v., fccul 41rainage rius thet of sewerire i ,u t,'i11 ,l Cardno said to go ah..e11 with the northwest projeer now and in four years •or so ;he town might be doing sewer work tri other parts of town. Someone said. North Main Street needed -ewers now, sewerage is running ottr the street, • A hawker and peddler license was grantt'ti to a carpet firm,. CRO•MARTY Mr. and Mrs. John Hoggarth and Nits. Arlene lloggarth and itt•s, Bent Riley and sen Leslie were guests tat the 4tt'phehis_ Howe wedding which took place in St, l'am's Anglican Church, Stratford on Saturday. 'Mr. Otto Walker, accompanied by his son Ken visited with his cousins at Markdale last week. Mrs. John Chessell and Infant s'111 nohert John of Mitchell are (sltencling :this week with her Par.cults, ,Mr. and Mrs, LloydSo•s- dalil; Mr, and Mrs. John MoCuliedh and Mr, and Mrs, .1, •1\iliOulloeh Jr. of London visited on Wednes, day at the home of ;1'61^, and :Mrs. K. Jlclteller, • ilr, 1\'ill, Patrick, Wyoming,. called on friends in the village on Moltthty, ,Matty •relativea and friends from this •community attended the funeral at the late Mfrs, Jas. 11i11 which was held from the Box funeral house in Seaforth on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mfrs, Lloyd Crawford and son Daviel of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mir. and Mtn, W, Crawford and Alvin. 'Miss Alice Walker spent a few days with her sister and brother- in-law Mr, and Mrs, Robert Nut- ley Jr, of Winthrop, last week. Several members of rho Scott tt:I: Lien from (:rontarty MS- with attended the Scott reunion which was held at Lions Park, Mitchell, on Saturday. :Mrs, Jolut Tentpienutn returned home from South Huron Hospital • with her baby daughter on Thurs. clay \\'e extend our sympathy to Mr, Wesley Russell and ether members of the family of the late Mir, Bert Russell or Mitchell, whose death occurred suddenly at his home on Saturday. Many relatives and friends front this district attended the funeral which was held in Mitch- ell on Monday, - Bible School which Is being held in the church basement.this year, opens 00 Monday, July 18 and will continue until the 221111, The July meeting of the wArs was held rat the home of Mrs. T. Laing wit Mars, T. L, Scott pre- siding and leading in devotions, \Irs. Laing hail charge -of the study book with Mrs. M. Lomond •md Mrs, Grace •Stott assisting, The roll call was answered by 12 members, Special prayers were led by Mrs, R. Dodds and \Irs, W. Harper, The topic "Christ Our Saviour” was given by Mrs. K. McKellar, Mrs, Will Miller gave current. events, The meeting clos- ed with the Glad Tidings prayer by Mrs, Frank Allen. A dainty lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. T B CLINIC BROADCAST Arrangements have been made for interviews on television and radio with local people with re- gard to the TB detection survey being carried out in Huron Conn.. ty in July and August. During the Focus show on Tuesday evening, July 19, Dr. J 0, Ross, Goderich, will be inter- viewed, Dr. Ross has been active in the work of planning the cur- rent TB survey, Titen ou Friday, July 15, over OFPI.-TV, London, on the "At Home" show about 4 o'clock, two ladies front the Exeter area will be interviewed, They are Mrs, Winston Shapton and Mrs. Harry Dougall, both of whom are well known in the southern part of the LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Dancing Wed., Fri., Sat. Lionel Thornton Orchestra "Teen -twenty" Thursdays Happy I -Id day '1'111') Sl')Al''OtPTl1 NEWS (!'hone 81) -• 't'iuhrsctny, July 14, 19t1u USINESS COLLEGE OFFICIALS TO BE HERE WEDNESDAY L, Short I.ew Short, Director or Develop. luent, and Carlton 0, Wells, Sum- mer School Registrar for Wells Academy in London, will visit the Seaforth region Wednesday after- noon, July 20th. They will discuss business edttcation R'itll young Wren and women from Seaforth area who aro interested in cut_ tiers as secretaries, stenogra(nters junior aecountants and executives, They represent the largest Mud - 1'. (7, brills Hess training arganNal Ion in Wes. tern Ontario with schools in Lon- don, Woodstock, Hamilton, Strat- ford and 111Achencr, ?41r. Short and 1h, Wells will be located at The Commercial Hotel, Seaforth from 1:81) p.111 to :::30 p.m., and all young people desirous of a busis nest education are urged to visit them there, If you wish specific details nr to make au appoiutMent in advance, write to Wells Acad- emy, :tub Klug SI., London - county. A radio broadcast is beine; or• ranged over ORNX - Radio, in which 'Mrs, Stanley Bride, Ford.. wick, Guelph area chairman of the W. 1, will be featured. Date and time for this are not yet known. On Wednesday afternoon two Seaforth ladies, Mrs. J. 13, Russell, secretary of the Huron 'Tubercu- losis Association and Mrs. W. L, Whyte, welt -known leader in wo. men's groups and political affairs, appeared on television. BORN Iteyink — At Scott Memorial Hospital on July 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. ((erhardus Heyiuk, RR1 Blyth, n son Knight At Stott Memorial Hospital on July " th, to Mr. and Ma, John Knight, RR3 Brussels, a son l.abnr At Scott Memorial Hospital on July 1:lch, to Mr, and Mrs. Hobert t.aiu,e, t'rcowry, n 11 First Presbyterian and Northside United Churches Joint Slimmer Services IN NORTHSIDE CHURCH 10 A,M. Sunday School in respective Churches 11 A.M. Sermon "An Adventure in Faith" Guest Minister: Rev. Douglas 0, Fry, B.A., Chesterville, Ont. Everyone Welcome Notiee to estroy NOXIOUS g 4' E EDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property owners in urban and sub- divided areas to destroy all Noxious Weeds as often as necessary in each season, to prevent their going to seed. Also, after July 22, 1960, proceed- ings will be taken to destroy Noxi- ous weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act ALEX CHESNEY Huron County Weed Inspector S 2,,I0®. 0 iN AID OF CLINTON KINSMEN'S Carter Building Fund AND OTHER CLINTON WELFARE WORK FRIDAY, JULY 15 CLINTON LIONS ARENA. 11 ,pa bon Op.!! Iii pin. li)ST1 --- (luaus Stmt 1) p,nt, 10 Door Prizes -- $115.00 each 18 Games for $40.00 each 4 Share -The -Wealth Games 1 Special Game for $500,00 GENERAL ADMISSION: $1.0o I'xt'a (oris: 25r or 11 'roc Moo Special ( int (''11)cls: 25e or 5 Cor 81 (SLIP 'HITS AT)V1 WrTtili:1WPINT And present itt .Arona T)oor for One 117xti'a (Mance O11 14 11T(1 000it PRIZES' i4 No Limit To Number 10 ('lipped ;\dvectisc'nu'nIs Prosen(ed