HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-07, Page 8HERE IT IS ! STEWART B OS. ANNUAL STARTS THURS. JULY 7 -- ENS JULY Th 9 DAYS OF BIG SALE BARGAINS TIIIS FAMOUS ANNUAT. SALE HAS BROUGHT BARGAINS TO SE:WORTH SHOPPERS Ii OR OVER FIFTY Yb,ARS. WE DO IT AGAIN! ANI) UiU(lER AND BETTER TTIIS YEAR. HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE BIG SUPER - BARGAINS YOU CAN'T RESIST .biddies & Girls Summer Dresses 25% off Regular 22.95 Women's Dresses ........................1495 - New, High Quality Summer Frocks Values to 17.95 Dress Clearance Cotton Wash Dresses Women's & Girls' Summer Sportswear All Bathing Suits First Quality Nylon Hose Drapery Material (in stock) Drapery Ends, reg. to 3.95 yd 2 -Pant, Men's Tropical Suits Reg. 59.50 to 69.50 Suits 9.95 5.00 2.38 20% off 20% off 79c 20% off 1.0034 31.50 Sale 39„50 to 55,00 eg. 5.50 & 5.95 Chino or Cord Slacks lin oys Summer Chino Pants Men's & Boys' Dress Slacks Reg. to 1.49 Work "T” Shirts Stanfields 1.25 Shirts & Briefs All Swing Trunks 20% off Reg. 2.95 Men's Work Shirts Men's Nylon Anklets 1/2 Sleeve No -Iron Sport Shirts (Men's) Harvey Woods Briefs & Tops, reg. 1.00 .All Boys Sport Coats, values to 15.95 -^y rsmpd,p 20% off 20% off du9� 91 c 2.39 79c 2 49 79c 9.95 Men's Sport Coats to clear at 14..85 & 19.95 Overalls, Smocks, Coveralls & Jeans 10% off PLUS: HUNDREDS OF OTHER BIG SALE BARGAINS A Stewart r se Sale Is A Germine Sage WART NO CREDIT AT SALE PRICES ROS. — PAY CASH PLEASE +..s`r.u"•l:,a�;:tR 100;.. 3EtP>':IA !Lr KiPPEN Mr. and erre. Alex. Melieath and Douglas visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Elgin `out, Seaforth. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Love of Caro, Mich., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride, Sharon and other rela- tives. Mr. Murray IlcBain of Sault Ste. Mario visited with air. and Mrs. Alex. McBeatll over the week end, Mr. and Mrs, Etric Dyer-Tturdon of Detroit visited aver the week end with the latter's sister and brother -In-law, Mr, and Mrs. W. R, Cooper, and. on the holiday Mr. and Mrs, James R. Campbell of Sarnia and their three little girls were their guests, 41 pupils and their teacher, etre, Carey of SS 14 took a bus trial on Mnnday, ,Time 21 to God- ori,'h, They toured the museum rind went don l)1' t11e harbor and had 'lunch in the park, Then they toured the Sheerer pen CO. and the t issett ire cream plant. 'Miss Rosemary MacDonald of Brucefield silent 0 temple of days vith her friend, Joyce 1100(1 and Tnyce retm'ue,1 with her for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Potter, Min- ton, visited recently with 121'. and Mrs. Elston Dawson. On closing day of SS 14 Stan- ley, June 29th, the pupils enjoyed a ball game between SS 7 and 14. A weiner roast followed. On Thursday morning Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Elgie and Margie left for a trill to Cypress River, Man., Biggar, Sask., to Calgary and Vancouver. Saturday- evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Iylellis includ- ed: Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvey Hubbard and Melville McGlymont, all of Detroit; Mrs, Gertrude Dayman of Hensel!, Mrs, Elston Dawson Is again confined to Scott Memorial hos- pital, Seaforth. The SS and congregational an- nual picnic of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church will be Held Monday, .lily lsth in Lions park, Seaforth. Everyone tone is weiCuuie. , 111. Norman Long was admitt- ed Saturday (1tt.ernoou by ambul- ance to Seaforth hospital. I -Ie de• veloped pneumonia, 'rhe 411 'White Bean Club met in ii', G, Thompson's mill, Hen. Statinary Engineer Sealed applications, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until Tuesday, July :3Gth, at 5.00 P.M. for the position, or positions, of stationary engineer, 4th Class or better, at the Huron County Hone, Clinton, Starting salary $3,000.00 per annum plus usual employee benefits. Please supply suitable references. J. G. I3ERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario sail, on Wednesday night. Jerry Chamberlain introduced himself as assistant field man for white bean clubs and gave a talk on 413 work. Those visiting Mrs. Wm, Char- ters and Mr, and Mrs. Pearson Charters include 1leIrs. M. A. V. Armstrong of Tara and Mrs, Sohn 1. Corry of Denver, Colorado, lira. Jim Biggar, Priscilla and Randy of Namaka, Alberta, are visiting her mother, Mrs. William Dietz and other relatives. .Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thompson have moved to Brucefield. Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Wren and Laurie of Hanover spent the boli - day week end with Mr, and Mrs. Cordon Wren. Indll(tion, of Ilip1160-B9'11Cl'Jkla ,1IiSte1' Rev, Ilarold Johnston of St. Thomas was inducted into the Brucefield-Kippen pastoral charge at a ceremony held in St, And- rew's United Church Kippers, on 'Wednesday evening. hey, Duuean ((nest of Centralia, conducted the service while the sermon was gi- ven by Rev, Currie Winiaw of ITensall. Representatives on the reception committee for I(ippen congregation were 1Mr. and 1bIrs. Emerson Kyle and for Hrucefield church lir, and :Mrs. Walter :Mof- fat who greeted Mr. Johnston and leis wife. at a reception foliewing induction, Mr, Johnston was for- merly pastor at Grace (United Church, St. 'Thomas, where he served for eiglu. yea's, Previously he had served at Mitchell, He be- gan his services on Sunday. Pinto and Presentation -- no annual picnic, of 8814, Stanley, was held Tuesday even- ing at Seaforth Lions park with ahnut 80 in attendance, Durlug the evening a presentation was made to their teacher, Mrs, James Car- ey, the presentation being made by Eleanor Wright and the ad- dress read by Gertrude Toonk, The remits of the sports were: 'Under six, Lynne Farquhar, Alvin MoKenyie, Joe Clifton; girls 6-8, Brenda 'Criebner, Lois Wright; boys, 6-8, Bobby Maxwell, Randy Gridza.k; girls 8-10, Gwen Hend- rick, Ann Clifton; boys 8.10, John iToogoues, Billy Ilenderson; girls 1042, Sino, Verbeek, Anil Clifton; boys 1.0-13, T3T11 Farquhar, James Wright; girla 12-1.4, Diane Faber, Judy Gridzak; boys 12-14, Douglas MeBoath, Jolui Imanse; girls 14- l0t Gall Farquhar, Diane Faber (tie), Gwyn, ,Tones; boys 14-16, Gary Jones, ,Terry Johnston; kick tho slipper, Gertrude Toonk, Joyce 'Toed (tie), Grace Clifton, ,Toanne T7116 SEAFORTH MOWS Phone 84 Thursday, July 7, 1660 Robinson (tie). Kick the Kipper, women, Jean llendersone Grecs Fergullar; um. der 10, Randy Gridzak; lien, Cliff Henderson, Philip eigei(enzie; 3 legged ram, Eleanor Wright and Gail Farquhar; Ciwyli ;fovea and Karen Talbot; wheelbarrow race, Douglas M:e.Beath and Gary Max. well; nail driving, bays, Douglas leleBeatlt; men, Cecil Maxwell. The Annual picnic of S.S. No. 2, Tuckersmith was held on the school grounds on Friday, June 24th, Over 80 enjoyed a delicious Bionic supper, The winners of the various races and activities were as follows; Ghee 6-8, Sllsali Elliott, Shirley it Dayman; boys 68, Gary Dayman, Nicholas Klaver; girls 941, Joan Sinclair, Karen Littleton; boys 9- 111, Jim, Kyle, Gerald Dayman; I giros 12-14, Ruth Ann 14IeNieliol, ',Mary Norris; boys 12-14, Robert Cooper, Al Kyle; young thein, Lloyd Lostell, Bob McNaughton; kicking the slipper, grades 1-4, girls --- Karen Littleton, Catty Cayman; boys—Juni Kyle, Carl Finkbeiner; grades V—VIII girls, Ruth Ann McNichol, 13arbeea Mc- Niehol; boys—Lloyd Lostell, Ro- bert'Cooper; 3 -legged race, girls: Joan Sinclair and Barbara Mc- 111011ol, Susan Elliott and Karen Littleton; boys--eLloy'd Lostell and Robert Cooper, Bob McNaughton and Bract Littleton; b a s eb all throw, girls—Ruth Ann McNieleol, Mary Norris; bone — Bobby Mc- Naughton, Bill McNichol; ladles, Mrs, Ross Broadfoot, Ma's, Jolin .., •Cooper, Mrs, Sohn R. Cooper, Mrs. Laird Finlayson, Mrs, Wm. Kyle; men—Ross Broadfoot, Toe Lostell, Ross McNichol, David Cooper and Harry Norris. The pupils and teachers of the Tucitersmith School Area enjoyed a bus trip to the Ford Motor ,plant, the Haley Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Mich., on Tuesday, June 28th. Mr, and Mrs. James Drummond and famiily of Toronto spent the Holiday weekend with Mr, and Mi'l's, James Drummond and fam- ily of Kippen. Promotions at S.S. 2, Tucker. smith; Grade VIII to IX, Lloyd Lostell, Ruth Ann McNichol, :May Nor - tis, Grade VII to VIII Robert Cooper, Bob 1ToNaughton, 13111 leicNiohol. Grade VI to VII—Bar- bara McNichol, Gracie V to VI— Donnie Littleton, Joan Sinclair. Grade IV to V—llyian Dayman, Gary Deitz. Grade II1 to IV — Carl Finkbeiner, Jim Kyle, Grade lI to III—Cathy Dayman, Gary Dayman, Susan Elliott, Ray Fink- beiner, Nicholas Mayer, Lynda Workman. Grade I to II—GSnirler Dayman, 27140? REPORT Haying is progressing favorably but is difficult to cure properly, Corn is making excellent progress as are other late sown crops. Grain is heading rapidly. Winter barley is beginning to turn color. COMING EVENT Tune in to the Purina Farm Broadcast every Monday, Wednesday lug! Friday ,tt 7.00 A.M. on CKNX radio, 0211 on your dial. Friday, July 8, featuring William Riley, Egmondville. Community Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS pill be held in the Seaforth Arena SAT. NIGHT, JULY 16th Anyone wanting to put Furniture in Sale contact HAROLD JACKSON, Auet. Phone 474 List in next week's paper cos®. .1m.aoe,® Clearing Auction Sale OF THE ENTIRE HERD OF 28 RE- GISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEINS. At lot 28, Con. 4, McKillop Twp., 211 miles north and 1/2 mile west of Son - forth, on TUESDAY, JULY 19t.1t at 1 P.M. This Herd has been on DH 1 A since its inception. All exempt 3 are by Waterloo Unit Sires and aro re -bred to them. There is 1 Benefactor. 1 Mile- stone, 8 Skokie; balance Budd Faun Royal Prince. 10 registered. 16 milk- ing. 6 tests 45£. and better. The Herd average was 1100 lbs last year, Last year 6 2-yeur old Heifers av- eraged 1097 lbs, milk in receive Gold seals. All tested cows have red or gold seal,. Cetolos oes available from the proprietor or Auctioneer. MACHINERY — 2 unit Surge milking machine (newt, 24-40 White threshing machine In good condition. 10 milk cane, C'orkshutt manure spreader, electric calf dcholster. Tetras cash. Prop„ Early Palin, R1431. Seaforth Auct., Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo. Powell FOR SALE 20 nares of mixed alfalfa and timothy hay. Also 25 choice York chunks, Geo. Bloke, 054x31 Scnrnrth FOR SALE Cholce building lot. 2 blocks front corner of Mnin and Goderich sta. 100 acre leress farm in Hibbert To.: gond teal or supply, well fenced and drained: 85,000, 50 xcru farm It Meliilloo Ti,, buildings in good emulilh,m; kw down payment, 055110. JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St., Goderich. Salesman, Jae. MaCnnnell phone 266 Seaforth SCHOL BUS '59 Chevrolet 1 Ton CONVD/RTIED TO 18 PASSENGER SCHOOL BUB Fully equipped to Government standards, Two extra :MOW tires, 0111y 13;000 miles by original owner, Reason for Hotting: route elecogtinued Cost New $4,400 SALE PRICE $300,00 LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED Outaria Street. CLINTON -. ONTARIO Phone HU 2.9821 CARD OF THANKS Nit', aii,1 Mrs. ('haeles Dexter wish to thunk their Mends and neighbors for curd„ visits and gifts, out the occaslott of their Fiftieth Wedding, Anlliv,neur I wlslt W expr'eee eny sincere thanks to my t'clatives, ('ritnds uud neighbors, for their calls, Ovate and utr(15 daring my recrut 'Wiese, Also many thanks for helping with the farm work, It wits all very 1110(11 appreciated, 1IAi(CI,D 1'RXCE 1 'would like to express my ulneore thinks to everyone who wilt uaras, treat; end (lowers, and to nil whoso tvihtngly helped in many ways,'Thanks to. I1re. Beady, Mulkus and Myers, 1115' speelal flume and stall' of Scutt Mem- oriel Hospital, It was deeply appreehtie ed, MJ1t1E JOHNSTON Mrs, Geo. i.. Reid and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appr'oelealon to the many friends, neighbors and rel- atives for their acts of kindeess, anesseges of sympathy, beautiful floral tributes, and coutribut'ions to the Cancer Society, during their 7'eeelit sad bereavemlent. Special thanks tc triose who help, ell put 111 111e crop, those who vis- ited and sent cards while i11 the hospital, and all those who help- ed in any other way. Everyone has been so kind. 1 would like to thank all tell) sent cards, treats and iloweFS while 1 1Y115 a P(ltieut 111 Scott Memorial hospital. Special thanks to Rev. C, E. Sullivan, Dr. Gorwill, the nurses and my friends who emit baking to my home. Mrs, Leo Hagan 1 would like to (bank the nurses of Seaforth hospital who were so kind while I was a patient there. I wish to thank all my friends for flowers, cards, treats, visits and special thanks to Dl's, Brady and Mallow, Sharon McNichol I would like to thank the doc- tors and nurses of Stratford Gen- eral hospital who were so hind to me during my recent illness; to my friends and neighbors who sent flowers, cards and visited me. A special thanks to Drs. Myers and Lindsay, and to Mr, D. A. Rain Mrs. Thomas Williamson FOR SALE Coal at Summer pricos . , . Premium Quality . . Double serrnod . , Save money this year be getting the best, WILLIAM M. BART, phone 784 Sea - forth FOR SALE 8 piece Chesterfield sot 635, Fred Knetsch, Market et. Phone 2:1114 FOUND Team of chestnut mares, light homes, strayed to lot 6, Con. 6, Hullett, on July 4th, W. John Storey, phone 845x0 FOR SALE New Williams sewing machine complete with 011 attachments, only $10. Studio couch in first class condition, only $12, must be sold before Friday night, July 8, owner leaving town, Apply No, 1 apt, The Dick House, Seafortli FOR SALE Attractive seven room bunga- low, oil furnace, (lot and cold wa- ter, central loeation. Mrs. Louis Eberhart, Gocierich street west FOR SALE 376 sex-sa Link Range pullets hatch- ed April 20th, gee each. Carl Simon, phone 52R17 Dublin FOR SALE 18 acres of mixed hay in Mc- Killop. Joe Johnson, phone 043x32 Mitchell FOR SALE A New Idea. glower, Allis-Cllel- mor combine with straw chopper and straw blower. L.A. Case trac- tor, 60 h.p. Robert Dalton, phone 758-J.1 TENDERS The Tuckersmith School Area Board invites tenders as specified below: 1. Best quality furnace fuel oil, de- livered when required during the 2000. 1001 school termto schools numbers 2, 5, 7, 0 and 1.0. Tender to state price per gallon deld, '. Supply Seven (7) tons No. 1 an- thracite furnace coal to school No. 1 and seven 17) tons to school No, 4, Del- ivery not later than August 15th, 1000. 3. Supply furnace stoker conl to Eg- mondviBe school, when required during the 1000-1061 school term, All tenders to be settled and marked "Fuel Tenders". Tenders will be as - milted up to noon, July 12th, The low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- m1)10(1, W. P. ROBERTS, See.-Treas. R.R. 3 Seaforth BRAESIDE NURSING NOME Licensed for convalescent S. elderly people. Call 796 Mitchell FOR SALE Viking Cream Separators for sale, 1---1950 now. 1 --Just like new, in per - foot elrepe. A full line of parts for any Viking make, John Byermat, Seaforth lawman. .coRIZtramniusosattalliellee.e13.1115=12O1 Township of Tuckersmitbl NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p,m., on 'Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice, Cora Chesney Clerk WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Butts Are Used Ai'tifieial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m, week days, 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 0-8650 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFO10TOI, ONT, Oleic. -- President, John L. Malone, Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John 1I. MoEwing,. Blyth ; See.-Treao., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Tram -tithe, Clinton, J, L. Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Lconhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth: John IT. Bornholm; Blyth ; Wm. S. Alox• ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Godorlah 1 3.15. Pepper, Brumfield; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth, Agents — William Leiper. Jr., Londes- bora; V. J. Lane, RR Seaforth; Solwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Saltine, Clin- ton 1 .Tames Keys, Seaforth. MANIMMEMINI Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phare 47 ineteleneeneinentelleeenelaelesemeniesiveniege BROWNIE'S DRIVE i,IMIT D CLINTON, ONTARIO It4fFeaturi t THURSDAY and FRIDAY ---• July 7 and 8 (Achtlt Entertahunenl) "Happy Anniversary" `Le ....rte.• 4ti�AV'+✓a a.L\mac,. _ T DAVID NIVEN -- MIT2:I GAYNOR -• CARL REINER (TWO CARTOONS) SATURDAY AND MONDAY— JULY 9 and 11 Douur,d13 FEATURE "GUNFIGHT AT DODGE CiTY" (Color) (Cinemascope) Joel McCrea -- Julie Adams "THE MAN IN THE NET" Alan Ladd Carolyn Jones — One Cartoon — TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY—July 12 & 13 "The Devil's Disciple" Burt Lancaster - Kirk Douglas - Laurence Olivier •--• Two Cartoons TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY — July 12 & 13 Added Attraction Exclusive Showing of Patterson y Johansson Fight THURSDAY AND FRIDAY — July 14 anti 15 "Up Periscope ' 99 (Color) (WarnerScope) JAMES GARNER and EDMOND O'BRIEN — One Cartoon — Two shows nightly, rain of clear, First Show at Dusk Admission 650, Children under 12 in cars Free FOR SALE 15 acres Timothy - alfalfa (lay. Lot 9, Con, 11 McKillop. Phone S1rS Dublin. Jack Horan ESTATE CLEARING Auction Sale THE ESTATE OF THE LATE BESSIE I(ERR The undersigned auatieneer has been instructed to sell by public auction the chattels and property belonging to the estate of the late Bessie Kerr at her former residence, George Street, East, Seaforth, on SATURDAY, JULY 0, at 1 o'clock, including the following; HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Frigidaire refrigerator, sideboard, small coal burn- er, roll -away bed, kitchen table and 3 highbaek Chairs, stock, washing mach- ine, cupboard, walnut corner cabinet, like new; buffet, library table; dining table and six chairs, trunk, mirror, matching rocking chair and arm chair with lea- ther seats, studio couch, card table, coat rack; wooden arm elixir, drop leaf table, large painting and various small Pict- ures, end table, 3 -drawer dresser, sev oral commodes, three-quarter bed, with springs and mattress, arm chair, small table, sewing machine, 2 -drawer dresser, 3 -drawer stand, t4 spring, 3 -drawer dres- ser with mirror, desk lamp, number of chairs, lawn mower, various other -arti- cles too numerous to mention. PROPERTY—At the same time there will be offered for sale, subject to re- serve bid, the property consisting of lots 130 and 137, in the C.ouinlock Survey. in the town of Seaforth, together with a one and a half storey frame dwelling house, located thereon. The comfortable dwelling consists of seven rooms and bath, including three bedrooms. IIAROLI) JACKSON, Auctioneer Terms cash. NOTICE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL For Tho TOWN OF SEAFORTII TAKE NOTICE that the above men- tioned Board of. Trustees on the 22nd cloy of June, 1960, passed By -Law Num- ber 1 to authorize the harrowing of money by the issue and sale of Debent- ures of the said Board of Trustees in the principal amount of $116,000.110. 1, The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is to provide for the construction and equipment of a six room school in the Town of Seaforlrh in the County of Huron. The amount to be borrowed is 5116, (100.00 on tltu security of the said De- bentures, which shall be a charge upon the schoolhouse property and promises and any other real of personal property vested. in the said Board of Trustees and upon the Separate School rates. 3The Debentures ole to be dated the 10th clay of July, 1900, are to bear int - emit at the rate of 6147e per annum payable annually on the 15th dny of July in rarh year and are to be repay- able in untying Instalments of principal on the 15th day of July in the years 1961 to 1900, both inelueive, the ag- gregate amount of principal end int- erest payable in each year of the cur- rency of the Debentures being approxi- mately cgaal. Leon Bannon, Secretary LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores Business - Chattels - Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada Valleyfield Placements Ltd. 450-A. Wilson Ave., Downsview Township of Tuckersniith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS POR 1960 The 'Township of Tucicersinith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum from June 15111 to Dee, MIT on ail Prepaid Taxes, Certificates and full particulars may ho obtained at the Clerk's Office, Tuckersmith, R 4 Seaforth Cora Chesney, Treasurer BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 698W MARTIN W, STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWiLL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC` Pl. A. Ma /eater, B.A., M.D., Interni. P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sate ardey only '1-0 Dan. Appointments made in advance ars desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V,S, W. R. BRYANS. D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN. D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Godoluoli St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. 'Thur. eve by appointtpent only, Clinton Hi7-2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.30 INSURANCE ' Fire • Auto . Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 873 or 322-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM Mr HART Office Phone 784 • Bes. 286 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth. Etepreseutative Manufacturers Lite Insurance