HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-07-07, Page 4SOMO01,. CE,t'rnNrtlo`,t_
7onttnae(t from Z4ie One
Cameron, •
• After all these years I can
readily recall haulm of some of
the -pupils ane, i tyftuiler if any of
thele still live in ktanley twp,
Mabel (Iak Tippet,
Pearl Taylor, the
Heard children,
the Reiila, Sammy Lawrason,
Rumen Taylor a1u1 others, Per-
haps some of thecal are now pal.
enis who have 4 hacl fdlildreit grad.
uatini; from. S;S. No, 3. I am a
'nether of two eons, 1)r, R, J. Me-
Cartem n, \\ innipeg, and lir. Alan
I3 Mttati tea of Edmonton, and a
dtaughl er , 'Mrs. 1), E. Lewis of
Calgary, y, mist 1 ani also a grand -
another t. of ' . 1 1'a 1 ,l'
1 cl hili ren o
g 1 S
mute has happened since 1 began
my teaching career in S. S. No, 3,
Stanley tanl.y'twp„
and 1 eltn truthfully
say my uteutoties or my life and
associations with the good people
or that 5(.11001 district are happy
ones. Should n) of my farmer
qbN present please remem-
ber ate to them.
10 looking at the picture of
t c i t
he h 12x1 I've (Molded id
d an mut.
Lion has been added so evidently
the ioputation is growing.
I am en.lo ung the .1e0. sr I re-
ceived when saying farewell.
uueresk W some-
one present, and the snap shows
nye and my husband, which you
can return at yolll' c0nveuieut'e,
Just wish we could be with y ou
on July 1,
lest wishes for a successful cel-
Mrs, D. A, McCarten
311' Shoreerest Plaza,
tit itssivn Road,
Winnipeg, hymn,
t *
A former teacher, alias Pslsie
P,ryarts, Harris ton, sent her best
wi-tlles bin was unable to attend,
Tho:;e who registered in the ata
ternuon were:
Barry \\. Nesbitt, Seaforth;
Harvey Taylor, Varna; Russell
Taylor, Staffa; William 'l'ownsln.
enol, Loudon; airs, a[. E. Scott, of
Clinton; Mrs. Alice Parker, Var-
na; Bob Hayter, Reg Johnston,
Mr. and Firs. Lee Kiefer, London;
Gregory Lee Armstrong, Loudon;
Bee Hill, Bayfield; Bonnie and
Danny ,Tohnston, Bayfield; Trudy
van Hees, London; Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Armstrong, Zurich; Mary
Magaiet Armstrong, Varna; Di•
anne and Donna Peck, Zurich;
•:vLarjorie Keys, Varna.; Bonnie
Pollock, Freddie Armstrong, Kat.
to Ke) s, Varna; Ron and Joyce
Taylor and family, Varna; Anson
Coleman, Varna; • Gordon and
Gaye 1ali0tt, Brucefield; Shirley
Mustard, Varna; Della. Billie, and
Debbie Wallace, Seaforth; Brenda
Hotlgert, Seaforth; Marjorie
C'oneitt, Zurich; Mrs. J. Wain,
ararg and Janet Wain, Barfield;
Cecil Dowse'', Varna; Louis Arm-
strong, Bayfield; Elgin Porter,
Bayfield; H. Lawson, Kingston;
L Corrie, Bayfield: Kathleen
Elliott, Brucefield; (leo, E. 3n1tn-
am. t;oderich; Les Armstrong, of
hay .;'Id; Garnet Taylor, Staffa:
Rohr rc. and Walla Taylor. Clinton;
Tthowhe !Taylor I Stephenson, of
ia flats, Barbara Taylor,
Murray. Tayior Clinton; Mrs.
Artesia Keys, Varna; Mrs. Cecil
D„wsan, Varna; Linda Armstrong
of Bayfield; Marilyn Keys, Var.
na; Mr, and Mets. Harold Dowson,
Varna; Mrs, Carrie Reid, Bay-
field; .lack Hamilton, Varna; .
Ann Stephenson, Varna; Carol
'raylar, Varna; Nerve and Elinor
c'„Ieman, Jo -Anne Stephenson,
Elmer Hayter, Varna; Bruce
Keys, Varna; Louis Taylor, Var-
na; Ivan Steckle, Bayfield; Geo.
Ileard, Bayfield; Murray Hill, of
Varna; Gordon Pinter, Bayfield;
Gary .Tohnston, Varna: Ivan Steck• .
le, Bayfield; Barbara Ann, Ervin
and Marilyn Keys, Varna; Mrs,
Shirley Tayolr and Wayne, Varna;
Dong Dowson, Raye Armstrong,
Mr. and .Mrs, Len Heard; Mr. and
alms. Art Nicholson, ,Seaforth;
stns, Anne Wallace, Seaforth;
Mrs, Doris Cantelon (Reid) Cliu_ 1{
ton; Mrs. :Mona Stephenson
( Reid 1, Varna; Mr, and Mrs,
\t m, Sc otehmer, Wilber E, Keyes,
Seaforth; 1Tt'. and Firs. ,lames
Black and Marilyn of Belmont;
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Reich, Varna;
eaaa a te
airs, Cordon Hill, - Varna; :4frs,
Erwin Sillma., llrticefiold; lir,
and Mr's, 0.Clarke, lltu illton;
11 r. and ,aIrs, \V, ,1. {'tarty, Bay-
field; lir, and .Mer. Harvey Turn.
(n, lar. and MIi`s, Harvey Reid,
fund 111ss 1 Reid, Toronto; NI VS.
Wilber Keyes, Seaforth; Mra,
\4tu Ileid, J oho A. Marks, •Stain.
t Mrs, lit ti, (yl.tee :fit l{lllley, `fiill'-
ie h ales, R, (3. Reid, Clinton;
Margaret lt'CY ill l iPorter,
t i K Kathleen of
'Hayfield; �„ l ��
1 1 ie 1tI it rev 1
C n 7tt ich•
Mrs Susan Clutter, Varna; 13r1-
'ut Peck, Zurich; Mrs, Rena Me.
Bride, id Exeter; tet Mrs. Anson Cele.
int Zurich; '.11's Mc-
c Walter 1c
1 ,
13rulo ltltutet ), !t, L,tatt, Varna;
Marie 11111011, Brucetieid; Phyllis
Badger Auburn; and li
n, Mr.as
Devote r l',
1 Pathalo, B'a,yfiehl, .da s.
Wet, 'Taylor, Varna; Harold Peck
of Zurich; Win Taylor, r
Win. i Ul \�. ilfl'
3 a
Dorothy Turner and Irene Turner
of Varna; na; llaucl0 and Katlu•Yn
Weston, Bayfield; Myrtle Parker,
hayfield: Gordon (i Scotcluuer,
Kay aleotcllmer, hayfield; a field Laura
M Anderson, Toronto 'Ates,'Bus
sell 1.rratt, Varna; Mr, and Mrs.
t., A. Featherston, Bayfield; Peace
Y -
.io su 1
hu t n, Varna; Ann .I(Con
nell, Varna; Martha Goyt'ie, Bea.
float 'Mature Elliott, Clinton;
2. , ,
Phyllis t Cam ht 11 Bayfield; C t l
Johnston, ulston \a nL• John Keys,
1 t t r.
ua, Mary Keys, Shirley. Keys,
Dongine and Daviel - Keys, John
Coman, Exeter; Rev. 1a, 3, B.
Barra:on, hayfield; Anna Scotch-
met Layfield; Alice Dales (Mrs.
R. 11,1, Gall; John P. Roberts, of
London: C, S. Maeiaughton, of
Exeter; Mrs, A, Armstrong, or
i'ic' held; Rutin Mcilltelland, or
llolntesvlllo: Rose ,lane Young
and J0bit Young, Toronto-; Mi's.
\taynerd Corrie, Bayfield; T, \Vi1-
nn^r Reich, Samuel 13. Lawrason,
airs. C, Lawrason, 11r, and 1'Mrs,
;'reel Davison, Detroit; Lyall Da-
vison, I.ay�rield: I1. F. and T, J,
Pitt Varna; Mr, and Mrs, Elton
.Schnell, Detroit; Mrs, 0, R,
aleKenzie, Port Huron; Anne
Kendall, hayfield; Harold Stin-
eno, Bayfield; Clifford '1tcCliueli_
ey, Ottawa: Mrs. Lloyd Butler of
Clinton: llr. and Mrs. Erle Lati-
mer, Ottawa; Thomas Blackie, of
' Varna; Fred Reid, Clinton; Mrs.
E. Foster (Stinson), Landon;
Mrs, Vine E, Parker' (Herbert)
of Bayfield Wm, E, Parker, of
Mayfield; Mary Marks, of Bay.
• field; V, Pickard, Toronto;
}T, MrTavinit, Detroit; Fpr, and
Mrs, Ninian Heard, ,Tim and
Mary, Airs, al, Butler, Bayfield;
Fred Scotchmer, Richmond Hill;
Mrs. Bruce Keys, Varna; air, and
Mrs, Chas. Snelling, Brumfield;
Mrs. Alf lngs, Brumfield; -airs.
Myrtle Krueger, Brumfield; ,Fir.
Sandy Parsons, Mitchell; Piz', and
Mrs. Clifford Keyes, Varna: (Jor-
don I., Hill, Varna; Nelson Heard,
Bayftcld: alts, Geo, Wilson, Bay-
field; airs, T, Mackie, Varna;
Mrs, Garnet 'Taylor, Staffa; .airs.
Rnbt. Cook, Mr, Oliver Cook and
Wayne Cools, Goderich; Mrs, atin-
pie Hayter, Varlet; Mrs, Reta Up -
shall, Varna; Mrs. Ruby (Taylor)
Webster, Varna; Mrs, Addie
Rathwell Willis, Varna; Annie E.
Pollock, Lakeview, Man„ air, and
Mrs, Fred Hess, Elkhart, Ind.;
3Iyrile 1I. Johnston, R.N., Flint,
Bich,; Wilfred and Mrs. Chu•ter,
Varna; Lola Chuter, Brantford; '
Myrtle Pease, London; Clara E.
Miles. Toronto: Laura 5, Duncan,
Sarnia; Ida J. Meuerey, Bay •
field. Mattel Reid, Varna,: IIaroid a
Cook, Goderich; John Armstrong,
Teachers ---5,S. 3. Stanley: Miss 1
Jean Campbell (Mrs. Robert Mc-
Klnley t ; iMiss Turner ( deceas-
ed):MI'iss ,Jennison (ahs. W. L,
McGilvery); Miss A, Davidson
Mrs. \Vtll.iam Retd 1 ; Hies Gra-
bam_Lfudenfield, Miss 3(. Dal-
rymple (Mrs, Richard Peck);
\I•iss Armstrong, Hiss Goldthorpe
( lbs, D. A. McCarten) ; Miss Ma-
rge MoDougal (Aire. Fred Wat-
son); 'Miss Margaret Stinson-
( Mrs, A. Furter); Mrs, Ahsiu Mc-
Bride. lir, Nelson Higgins, 'Friss
Gladys Draper, Miss Nellie Petty
flus. Charles Green); Miss F,
apeling, J. L. Green, Miss Mary'
Mc(11'nnau (F1t' , Roc'llalsh 1 ;
Hiss Margaret Peck fairs. E. II,
Schnell' Miss Mary Davies, Miss
laude ifowella Miss clarion Me- y
iawrn ( Mrs, Laramie' ; •Miss EI- y
le Bryant, Miss Vela Ilaist, Miss f
Vim Herbert ('Mrs, 14'illialn 1'tu'„
lel•) Itf: Clarence Trott, ':firs,
Gilbert ileeeroft, Miss Freida Tal-
bot ('M's, Roy Seotchmer)1 111'3.
Leonard Fisher, lliss Clara Clatlt,
Mr, Marry Nesbitt, Mrs, Marie
,. .
tlf F.It---•ilL'1)0 tl a 1tC
Lri ( ver rr. rrc
The fourteenth annual liillor-
McDougall Picnic was held on
Saturday, Jute 18 In Mitchell
t t to
Park 1 al it with 66 present.Lt was a.
beautiful day and everyone had a
good time. Mr. and �1its, Harold
Clarke eoutluated the sports, t o
Wet lame was "Lino a Borrowed
Life” wrrieh everyone took part
in, Balloon. race: Bob MaIKLch-
lan's team, Clothes pin relay; Bob
ItoLael,lan's .team. Newspaper
race Group 2, Umbrella race; Al -
n 'i.1 t' school
t Girls t sc a
vitt Cole's tea t e
age; Jean Cole;boys preschool
age; Jimmie Utiilier; boys 6-1'1,
Roby 'McCartney, Bob Temple-
man Girls 6-11, Faye 7 euupleman,
Joan Annis, Bots 12_16, Jack Me-
Lrtcltlan, Gordon Clarke, Girls 12-
16, Edna Miller, Jeanette Miller,
Doug T
Paper plate race: Zr 11
I a tl at0 tl e Shn
t tUp
McDougall, Blindfald race
consisting of 2 mon and one WO-
1 01McCartney, Lill
min \1 i s t 1
Lampert and Jane Dougherty.
Marshmallow race for children
Faye and Joanne Templeman,
\larslnnallow race 16 and over,
ITr. and lis, Leslie 'Miller, The
youngest child, Donald McLach-
lan, Oldest geutbeman, Alex Mc-
Dougall, Oldest lady: Mrs, Liz-
zie Campbell, Largest flintily
with all members present, 1
and Shea Robt, 'McLachlan au
their Waller Patterson, (lali1,,
William Patterson, Sasle„ Robot t
Patterson, Myth; sister`s Mrs,
William Marriott, Sask., Airs.
Rose ltussell, Exeter.
Public, funeral service was held
Wednesday at 1:30 pan, from the
It i t11'01 l
l l lU Immo, 1 1.
1 funeral 11 114 1 019a
, l t
Berea i 3• doCeme-
t iu WAS 11 Myth lit Uu o Cen e•
Mr, Wesley es a Ham and sons 1
and Peter of Chatham spent the
holiday weekend with hie mother'
23t's C Bare,
Robert McCartney, 'o
Mt, bolt .Ir,Cartue„ Detroit,
visited with his brothers George
and Wlis t McCartney( ri .the
of during
Miss Louise Allan of Hamilton
iser r 1 Il' bro-
holidays ' r0
g l lido s with. t het b
i Y
thee' 1Mr, Edgar Allan.
g a
Dr, Jno, McIntosh. and 'Mrs,
McIntosh, Mrs. C, Baugh, Toron-
to are visiting with l313'e, W.
Baugh and Mr, Robert AllanS r
g 1 S .
Miss Janet Watson is spending
her holidays with her patents,
M1•, and .Mrs. Robert Watson, We
ere sea Mrs,
u to retort that ,Mrs,
Watson is still confined to the
Guests with Mr and MTs Mac
1 Un Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Neale and son Ron..
aid, Ma', and Mrs, Vaughn Mun-
roe and sen Michael, London, Mr,
and :Mrs. Elwood Stackhouse, of
Wilton Grove,
Mr, and .Mrs.. Jack Ross of De-
trolt visited with the McDonald
family over the weekend.
Ir. Mrs. P, Douglas, Harris, Sask„
d MINS. Ed IleAslt and Mrs, Ford
Sparks, London, were recent
gneets with Mrs, Douglas and
lir, and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre,
11I1', and \urs, bred G, Bonthron
are enjoying a motor trip to the
Mackinac; Straits by way of Ont-
ario returning through Michigan,
Miss loan Simmons is holiday-
ing with her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs, Gordon T. Munn and
Saintly at Stoney Cheek,
lir, Geo. Parker returned home
this week alter spending two
weeks at Halifax and Newfound-
land in the interests of the Genet'.
al Coach Works of Canada,
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon T, Munn
and family of Stoney 'Creek seen
the weekend holiday with Mr
Munus mother, Mrs, Ida �Mun
and members of the family,
The 100F and Rebekah Lodg
picnic will be held in the Henn
Community Parlt on July 13th.
Mr. anti airs. Gordon Schwab
and faintly enjoyed a motor' 'tri
to points north on Lake Euro
over the weekend.
ala, and Mrs. E, Shadclick an
B111 were in Toronto over th
holiday attending the wedding o
A'Irs, Shaddic'lt's niece, Miss Catl
Brine Raville.
air. and .\Irs, (Jordon T. Finn
and family of ,Stoney Creek visit
ed over the holiday with Mr, an
Mrs. Jack Simmons and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fiche
and family spent the weekend
Toronto and visited with thei
eon Mr, Tom Fisher,
ATrs, Earl Munro and family o
lItawa are holidaying with Meg
aluuro's parents, ah'. find Mrs. L
Mr, and airs. Don Sharpe an
family of Moran. Alberta. are vis
ting with their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh -McEwen, Malcolm an
Mrs, Ivan Hall and family re
urned to their home in Sudbury
after holidayingwith 'alts, Hall's
parents. 'air, and Mrs, Lorne Me
Miss Bernice Dilling oY Sarnia
spent the holiday weekend with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
bert billing prior to leaving for
London where she will take a etre•
rial summer course in Home Eco
uomics at the University of West-
ern Ontario.
Mr, and Mrs, Bert Hayton and
Bruce were recent visitors with
air. and Firs, Gordon Vickers and
family' at Newmarket, Bruce 'is
remaining for a few weeks in
Miss Betty Parker of London
isited over the weekend holiday
vitla her parents. 31r. and Mrs.
Vidian Parker.
lir. and lairs. James Downs anal
lh•, Keith Downs of London visit-
ed with Mrs, Grace 1]101,010 and
;'mended the funeral of the late
'.Ir. (;leen Broatlfoot at Clinton.
Dr, ('arey 13, ,Toynt,. a Hensall
native, now ]read of the depart-
ment of international relations at
Lehigh 'University, Bethlehem,
Pa„ has been awarded a $1,000
grant-in-aid 113- the American
Council of Learned Societies, The
crani was made to support Prof.
Joent's research on a theory of i
international polities, •
lh•, and Mrs. Clarence Dulling 1 I
and family or Sarnia are visiting
with the fortnet"s parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Wilbert Dating,
St., Peter's Lutheran Church,
Zurich, Friday, July 1, was the
setting for a quiet but pretty
wedding when Alice ai, Lockie of
ltansall and Donald Bruce Keel'.
ler, 11eusall, exchanged marriage
vows before the Rev, \\', P, 1•'Isch-
cr, The bride Is the daughter of
1[r, and Mrs, \Vlliiam, Forrester,
1lensall, and the Itrooin to the son
of 31rs, Pearl Koehler, and the
la I i31•uce Koehler, Hensall.
The bride elms(' a street -length
gown of turquoise net wl-th white
p1')(110 haat and nccessoi'res in
ehite and (tarried red roses, At-
fendimts were Mr, and ah'e, W. ,7,
Cameron, ilensall, They will re -
de in Gtivich.
l7rs. Annie ✓11,1ia'u Vatrndct'ooel1
Mrs. Aunt() Alrnh'a Saunthea
code, 76, or 1[ensa.11 named away
in Clinton Public Flospital. on
Monday, 13orn in Blyth, Mrs.
Saunderrock has resided in TTen-
sail for over 30 ,rears. Surviving
are rive daughters, Mrs, William
1 Vera 1 Sma1e, 111001111; airs. \Vi1-
frecl (Taahell) Freeman, Clinton;
Mrs, M111011 (Gladys) Willing, of
(loderiel'; Mrs. Alfred (13011a)
Pennant, Toronto; Mrs, Radford
'June) Donaldson, London; bro-
Douglas Manson, of Toronto, is
spending his holidays with his
aunt, uncle and grandmother,
Mr, and .Mrs. Newell Geiger and
Johnny and Mrs. �Mar'y 'Manson
and Rebemt.
Mr, and Mrs. Heinz Benedictus
of Sarnia, spent the weekend with
Air. and .Mrs, Antos Giugerich,
ah'. Hughie McBride of Lon-
don, spent Friday with his par-
ents, Mr, and 'Mrs, Ray McBride,
Miss Dianne Faber, of Kippen,
is spending a few holidays with
her grandmother, ;Firs, Lizzie
Mr, and Airs, Clarence Foster,
at Detroit, visited with Mr. Har-
old Finlay and family,
The United Church Sunday
Selt001 Anniversary will be held
neat Sunday morning at 10,15. 2113•.
Robert Southeott or Exeter will
be the guest speaker and Rev, T.
3. Pitt in charge, The Robert
Raikes Certificates and Seals wilt
he given out (.luring the service.
A large number attended the S.S.
No. a Reunion on Saturday last
at the school.
air, and Mrs, Don Barker and
family of King City and Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Robinson of Toronto
visited over the weekend at the
home of Mr, and .firs, Fred alc-
Mr. Gen, Coleman of Taronto
visited'with his parents 31r. and
Firs, Anson Coleman.
The Vctcation Bible School open-
ed On Monday of this week with
Rev, T, J, Pitt in charge, Classes
are being held in the United
Church and Orange Hall, about
311 children registered for the
(IEORO1•; LA.l'(J rein
The funeral was held on Thurs-
day, June 23, for the late George
Lang Reid who passed away in
• Clinton Public Hospital the itre-
vious Monday after a short ill.
ness. He was born in 1896 in
" Stanley twp., the son of the late
Andrew Reid and Annie Murray.
In 1920 he married the former
Isabelle Parker who survives,
also three sons William of Otta-
wa, Robert of Wallaeeburg and
Charles of Varna and also eight
grandchildren, Three sisters sur-
vive, airs, Win Cable (.1'Iabell, of
Windsor; airs, Paul Jahn (Mar-
garet.l, flint; firs, Fred Green-
bury (Verna) Flint, also one bro-
ther James, of Weston. The mem-
bers of L.O.L. 1)131 conducted an
Orange Service at the Bonthron
Funeral home Wednesday night.
The funeral service was conduct-
ed by the Rev. T. J. Pitt from
Varna. United Church with inter-
ment in Bayfield Cemetery,
The pallbearers were Anson
Coleman, Elmer Turner, Alf John -
ton, John Ostrom, Fred afcCly-
merit and Roy Keys. The flower -
bearers, 'Wilbur Cndmere, Ken
Reid, Roy Greenbury, Elmer Ste-
0tenson, •Bruce ,Mn0l[nclley, Wil-
iam Parker, Clarence Larson,
Glen .Smith, Mervin ,7ohnston,
Gordon Johnston and Ralptt Ste-
JI1 accordance with a resolution passed by
the Municipal Council of the Town of Sea -
forth, and by virtue of the provisions of BY -
law 117., of 1912, I hereby proclaim that no
dog shall be allowed to run at large in the
Town of Seaforth during the period ending
.September 30, 1960.
(Note: The bylaw provides penalties for
infractions. Upon a conviction, the owner
or harborer of a dog is liable to a fine not
exceeding $50, or to a jail term not exceed-
ing 21 -days) .
Seaforth, June 14, 19(30,
A11 dog owner's must. obtain License tag for dog
immediately, either from D. H. Wilson or
Harold Maloney
lir, and 'Mrs. Wm. Kay, Lon-
don, Mrs, Margaret Devereaux,
Toronto and MI's, Jean T(ortune,
Seaforth, with airs, Kathleen
Mr, and Mrs, Edward Hafiltau,
Detroit, with Mrs, Elizabeth Cro-
(lea•, and Mrs, J. Wells spent the
holiday weekend in U,S,A,
firs. Ann Murray, Galt, with
Mrs, Catherine Kt•auslcnpf,
Jackie Costello at Drunibo.
:fir. and Mrs, ,Tim 7orden, Toron-
to, with Mr, and Mrs, Joseph ,Tor-
dan and Mr, and Mrs, Pttt Jord-
Mrs. I{avn, Chatham, with her
mother, Mrs, 3I, Coyne,
Robert Allison, Mat, 'Clements,
with Mrs, A. M. Looby,
Jim :frorrfgon, 'Toronto, with
Mir, and Mrs, James Morrison,
Mr. and Wars, Pat Woods and
childl'en, Georgetown, with air,
and Mrs, :Fergus Horan,
:dims. John Fa'appier, Montreal,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Cleo, E. Holland,
Mr. and Mrs, Alfred 3l' cT)ong-
all and family, Londatr. with Mr.
and Mrs, Jog, Jordan,
THE Sl A,l 0lt3'11 NEWS (Phone 84)Thursday, 33113 7, 1900
Mr. and Mrs, 11, Smyth and A. Otelmoro of Clinton. Mrs. Art
Mrs, Ilunlcty, Si'., Toronto, were '(Colson was 1n ehargo 02 the Pre -
visitors hero hist weep. grafi, widely included solos by atits,
(lieu Curter, Miss .1310)' Thompson,
reading by this. Bert Iioggtu't,
Plano solo by (dentes, ,Jewitt, Sev-
eral interesting contests wore
conducted by Mrs. Ken 131011ey ttltcl
Airs, Colson, Mrs, Don Buchanan
read (111 npltroprtale address and
Maril ri was presentee
with boa
tlYal oti usea gifts by lien ce
and Janice Jewitt, 'Mary 13ucllael,
an and Mary licLlwnin. Site was
assisted in opening the parcels by
Jay M'ontgomery and Joyce Jew-
itt, Marilyn thanked everyone
for their kindness ant, invited all
to come to her trousseau tea on
Saturday, A bountiful lunch was
Mr, c 1T'
cul rs, hurt Waters alt.
family of x and M i .11's,
Y AJa ill t. and 1
Don Gray and fautily of London
were weekend visitors with their
parents '14r. and Mrs, Stanley
Miss ',Mardon Weiland oi' Toren..
to spent the holiday weekend with
her mother, Mrs, Harry Weiland,
Oars, 'Mr, And Mls, (3 R. Keyes eyes of
\'Vttndsor wore at their home here
Watson J,S. \\ a 1 d
'bIis s e rd it
I.1 g
a row clays with her daughter,
Mrs, Don Andrews, OLintan,
Nutt Mr,Bernard
olntt c 1\ot is in Strat-
ford hospital where he had au
operation for removal of cataract
which we hope will be successful,
,111'. and Mr's, Mervin Nott and
Are enjoying a holiday at
the lake,'
Mrs, (Rev,) Andrew H. mol{ea-
zie and fainly of Acton Are visit-
ing with her father kir. Thomas
Robinson and her mother-in-law,
McLachlan, aenlan while her
husband Rev, A, I1, McKenzie Is
on a trip to California,
Jelin ii k'Deugal who has poen
staying with his grandmother,
Mrs. Doig is at present in Tar-
anto with his mother,
ITr, and Mrs, Wesley Coombs
motored to Montreal this past
'1ii's, 'Robert Dalrymple visited
Met week with friends in Exeter.
Mr, and 'Mrs, Melvin Cooper
are now settled in the home re-
cently purchased from la'y's, Nor-
man McLean,
Mr, and Mrs, Aubrey Eackmev-
er were holiday visitors with Mr,
l'aiekmeyer's parents at !Mitchell,
Mr, find Mrs. Wm. Scctchnter
were in Bayfield on Saturday at-
tending the Centennial of S, S. 8,
School, they were able to 'renew
acquaintances of many years
standing and report a wonderful
Pastor and Wife Honored by
111, Thomas Congregation
Members of Grace Unitech con-
gregation said farewell in rousing
and affeotionaite fashion to their
minister, Rev, A, 11. Johnston be-
fore leaving to serve the Bruee-
field and Kippen congregations.
Cesstord Lunn, a member of the
organizational committee and a.
church elder, presented a well-fill-
ed billfold to 'Mr. Johnston and
airs, Johnston accepted a bouquet.
'Com Currah, also a. church elder,
was master of ceremonies, Don
,MacRae, chairman of Stewards,
told Me. Johnston that the congre-
gation was sad to see him leave
and added, "but our loss is some-
one else's gain." He went on to
Fay that (Mr. Johnston had been
a symbol of Christianity to a1'1,
and would be remembered for
many acts of kindness, Tribute
was also paid by Rev. J, K. West
on behalf or the Alma St, Presby-
terian Mune' congregation. Mr.
Johnston in reply said how happy
he had been to work for the con-
gregation and introclueed his sue_
eessor as a very fine minister, "It
Inas been a busy time. In the eight
years I have been here I have con -
d11(1013 260 baptisms and some-
thing like 175 Weddings," he said,
Air, Johnston will be succeeded
by Rev, L, 7, Coates, 13,A„ B,D,,
who is now assistant minister at
the Metropolitan United Church,
London, He 'is married and has
three children, Before leaving lir,
,Tohnston was invited to burn the
mortgage on the property now be-
ing used as a parking lot. The
last $800 payment was made this
week. Members of the parish laid
on a varied program of entertain-
ment led by the choir,
About 70 neighbors and friends
gathered at the Monte of Mr, and
Mrs, Robert Jamteson on Tuesday
evening to honor Miss 'Marilyn
Taylor on her approaching mar-
riage, The house was beautifully
decorated with baskets of sum-
mer dowers and pink and white
streamers with bells, The guests
of honor were presented with rose
coroages and were seated under
a decorated canopy, These includ-
ed the bride-to-be, the bride's mo-
ther, Mrs, Harvey Taylor-, the
groom-to•be's mother, ,Mrs, Wm,
13rydges of I3elgrave, and the
bride -to -lid's grandmother, Ml's,
ions. Wm, McLaren and her
slaughter, Miss Ann McLaren of
Toronto were guests of Mt. and
Mrs, Keith McLaren over the
week end, Mrs. McLtlreu will
spend a few weeks at the McLar.
en home.
Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Hocking of
to stent the holiday
end with Mr. Etna Mrs, John 10
Mr, and 1'Lrs. Gordon 'Laing and
family visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mi s, Clarence Coleman.
Mr, David Scott is spending a
few weeks with his nude and
aunt, Alia and Mars, laugh Moore
at Lindsay.
-2111', and firs, Cyril Canning
and Wayne of Bul'wash spent the
week end with, Mr, and Mrs. 1[ar-
vey Dow and family,
Connie Sorsdahl and Brenda
Kerslake are camping for ten
days at K3ntail carne,
Mr, and Mr's, J. Cowie and In -
t(111)' of Toronto and Mr, Morris
Chubb of Niagara, Falls were the
guests or a1'. and Mrs. Gerald
Carey and Mrs. Taylor over the
week end,
.lira, Catherine Hocking or 1Zit-
ellell visited with Air. and Mrs.
Will Miller.
Paul and Donnie Chessell of
'Mitchell are holidaying with their
uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Gor-
don Laing and family,
31r, Hugh Scott was a delegate
to the United Nations Seminar at
Western University, London, from
Tuesday till Thursday last week,
miss Margaret Jean Russell is
holidaying with Mitchell friends
at Port Elgin,
A bus ioacl of ladies front Staffa
and Cromarty enjoyed a trip spon-
sored by Stafra WI on Tuesday.
Places of Interest visited were at
Goderi('h and W'inghaul,
Congratulations to all our pub•
lie and high school pupils who
were successful in their recent
Harry Norris, Mr, Robert
Norris, Mr. and lies. Robert Hu-
bert and Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Nor-
ids were guests at the DaleoStorey
wedding at Constance United
Church on Saturday.
The annual Norris reunion
was held at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Allen Williams, Munro, with
97 of the connection present. A
program of games and sports was
enjoyed and officers appointed.
President, Mac Norris, 1111 315ll;
vice pies„ Hugh Butson, -Munro;
secretary, airs, Robert Hubert,
Cromarty; lunch cont., Mr. and
Mrs, Sant Norris, Sierra; air. and
.Mrs. IIugln Norris, Cromarty; Mr.
and Firs. W, Parker, Hensall; Ala.
and airs, Harry Norris, Kippen;
sports nom., air. and Mrs, Ivan
Norris, Munro; 1Ir, and Mrs, Jas.
Bearss, Science Hill; Mr, and
Mrs. T. Pinder, Russeldale, Next
year's reunion will be held at the
farm home of Bir. and ales. Irvin
Sillery of Brumfield,
Epmondvtile Untied Catare1a
Rev, J. 11. Vardy, B. A,
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Worship 11 am. Theme "The
Divine Potter".
First Presbyterian and Northslde
United Churches
Joint Summer Services
10 A.M.
Sunday School in respective
11 AM.
Sermon "A Day or Good Tidings"
Guest Minister: Rev. Douglas
0. Fry, RA„ Chestorville, Ont.
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