HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-30, Page 7Aldo With Nobody, hi Driver's Seat! At Bret glance, it looks not toe unlike an ordinary, familiar white Chevrolet convertible even 'itlough It has no steering wheel Or accelerator pedal, The Gen- ,atral Motors engineer in the driv- tea seat just twists a few dials. is start the car, and moves a small etiek to steer it onto the si:rcular road which mars the broad green lawn behind RCA's bavid Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton, ELT, But then come a disconcerting few minutes, As the cal' moves along at about 20 mph around the tight quarter -mile course, the driver flips a switch, takes his hand off the joy stick, and turns around to talk with the back-seat passengers. The car stays on course. A hundred fest directly ahead another car sits hi the middle of the track. The passengers brace For a collision. Even the driver involuntarily :moves his left foot toward the brake pedal. But about 20 feet :Brom the car ahead, the con- vertible slows down by itself and stops. This extraordinary perform- ance, put on recently for a group of 150 highway experts, was the nation's first demonstration of completely automatic driving, Conceived in 1053 by Dr, Vlad- imir Zworykin, the 70 -year-old RCA scientist who invented the electronic eye and electron mic- roscope, the electronic highway has two major components bur- led in the pavement: A guidance cable down the center of the lane to keep the car on course, and It closely spaced series of rec- tangular wire loops the size of a slag. The loops set up weak mag- netic fields and when a car pass- ea assea through these, a trail of elec- tronic signals is left behind. The taignals, stored in a computer, can be used to control the next ear's brakes and accelerator, or to flash a series of warning lights along the roach. Actually. the RCA highway was pretty well developed by 1957, when its visual -warning capacities got a preliminary trial on a 300 -foot stretch of road in Lincoln, Neb. Now for the first time, though, there are cars to use the road. Developed by GM engineers over the past three years, the cars — the convert- ible and a hardtop — are equip- ped with scanners and simple computers so discerning they even react differently to wet and dry pavement, There are still plenty of bugs in the system, though. "Two of our biggest problems," said Dr. lames Hillier, vice president of RCA Laboratories, "are deer and adds. Even in the distant future, the system will probably be m- ad only for limited access high- ways, which could be fenced in to prevent pedestrians from wan- dering on the lanes. But we know from experience that deer teem able to get over even high !ences, With the automatic sys- tem a car isn't as likely to skid as when driven by a human be - ng but once it does, the skid will le bad because the built-in guid- ince system does just the wrong Ailing — it steers the car away iron the skid," Additional scan- kers to control skids will prob- Ably be designed, Dr, Hillier !aid. The problem of deer is laugher, but he hopes there's enough salt in a deer's body to conduct electricity, and so trig- ger the electronic system. Surprisingly, the automatic eighways won't be very expen- sive. Today, before mass produc- tion, the price (including instal- lation) of the electronic equip- ment is estimated to be only O&M $100,000 a mile, roughly 10 per cent of the cost of con- structing each mile of nonelec- tronic highway, The price of automatic car controls hasn't -been so closely calculated, but GM figures the may 9oet cniV- Where from $1S0 to $1,000 Isar into. ItntIVE CAREFULLY — The Ilfe you save may be your own. SCENE 1 -ROM PETER GUNN: No broken bones on the BBC. British Say American -Made TV Programs Too Brutal Ey TOM A, CULLEN Newspaper Enterprise Assn, London — The British Broad- casting Corporation has barred the sound of bones being broken from its television programs. From now on, the sheriffs and villains of TV Westerns must shoot from the hip, and no fun- ny stuff, No bone -crunching, eye -gouging, knives protruding from backs, whipping scenes — all of this is out. So are monsters in modern dress, and background music used to create a "frightening at- mosphere." It's all part of the BBC's crack -down on violence, parti- cularly in television programs that are likely to be seen by children. It could have an ef- fect on American makers of TV. films, For next to the domestic market, Britain is America's best customer for TV serials, Already, American TV film makers are beginning to feel the pinch. Two episodes each from Laramie" and "Philip Mar- lowe" have been dropped by BBC on the grounds that they might "cause offense to view- ers." American Westerns in gen- eral are being carefully scrutin- ized for unnecessary violence. Britain has only two televi- sion channels, the non-commer- cial BBC and the Independent Television Authority, which is run along American lines with commercial sponsorship. So far ITV has issued no set of rules comparable to the BBC's anti -violence code. In Hollywood, Newspaper Enterprise columnist Erskine Johnson reports he has seen no move in the telefilm business marking an anti -violence trend. He predicts that the violent se- ries will wind up on ITV chan- nels in Britain, adding: ("After reading English tab- loid newspapers, I'm convinced the English people prefer tea and mayhem to tea and crump- ets.") The campaign was hastened by the recent murder of nine- year-old Iris Dawkins of South- ampton, stabbed 39 times by a boy her own age who confessed: "I have seen stabbing on TV , I watch all the murders and 1 like the way they track them down and question them," This murder caused a public outcry from parent -teachers and other interested organizations, Worse than violence in its im- pact upon children is emotional insecurity, according to Ken- neth Adani, controller of BBC - TV, programs. The BBC, there- fore, will cut from television shows scenes of desertion, cruel- ty at home, friction between par- ents. In general, all material likely 10 have an adverse effect on children will be kept from the BBC screen until after 9 p,m, by which time the children are supposed to be asleep. Under the new anti -violence code the following are out for children: d Bad habits in "good" char- acters, such as chain-smoking, m Disablement and injury used to sharpen a dramatic crisis. Also, embarrassing per- sonal handicaps such as stutter- ing. * Brutality in fighting scenes, and the use of blackjacks, knives, whips and bottles as weapons. Out for both adults and chil- dren are distasteful scenes of violence towards women and animals. Also, adults will not be allowed to see scenes of con- trived violence, or shots which dwell too long on the gruesome, bloody aspects of a fight. Oid Satchel Still Ready To Go Leroy (Satchel) Paige, the aging but hard -throwing Negro pitcher, Is ready to answer any distress call that will get him back in the majors. The tall, skinny star says he has worked himself into shape with a barnstorming team and 'Now I'm back home Where some major league club can get a hold of inc if they need a pitcher,' "And from the looks of the box scores," he avers, "there sure are some clubs that can use me as a reliefer, With 01' Satoh out there, Milwaukee wouldn't be kicking away all those ball games in the late in- nings." "The Braves need somebody like me to relieve those old guys like Warren Spahn In the late innings when they tire," Satchell, who admits to being in the mid -50a himself, wasn't kidding, "I'm throwing my fast ball harder'n I did last year," he said. "There were some scouts watching this club I was barn- storming with and they could xee it. Fora couple of innings or so I get plenty of speed and I always got that control of mine." He added: "Why, I still could put my fast ball over a match box at 80 feet, just like I used to." The 6 foot, 31,4 inch hurler started out with a Winston- Salem, N.C., club and finished last spring with the Caribbean All -Stars says an AP. dispatch from Kansas City. Paige, who pitched for Cleve- land in the late 40s and the old St, Louis Browns in the early 50s, says if he doesn't hear from a major league club he's open to barnstorming offers "any- where in the world." Satchel burned from washing his ear to demonstrating his throwing and then to playing With. a group of neighborhood boys he palled "My practice team while I'm at home," TAKING A DIVE -- His entire body straining far the last inch, C, T, Simey, of Cambridge, fexplodes the earth of the end of his 45 -foot hop, step, jump at a London, Encyltrnd, track meta. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED AC 1 N'i'S wanted to sell etelmae and stainless stud cutlery, Write Bos 114, Kitchener, Ont MION and women Demonstrate and sell our new Jiffy Electric Teapots, Free. demOnstrstor to persons with rereren- oes Huebert Agencies, Rockville, Yarmouth Nota Scotia, ARTICLES FORK SALE "DLSTiIOYER for use in outdoor toil. els, Eats dawn 10 .the earth, saves cleaning. Directions. Thousands of users, coast to coast, Price 51.00 per ten; postpaid, Log Cabin Products, 922 York. Road, Guelph, Ontario. BABY CHICKS LOWER prices in effect on Bray day- old and started chicks, prompt ship - moat. See local agent -- or write Bray Hatchery, 125 John North,Hamilton, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ICE cream, soft! investigate the pos. sibillties in this tremendous business, Can be installed In your present store in addition to your regular business. Small investment; large profits. Box 212, 123 -15th Street, New Toronto, Ont. NON -food: items for self -serve stores, As we receive new lines we will ship you 6 only of each item priced 100 to i1.90 retail. You can test -sell these tems and re -order at your leisure. Ile - turn any unsold merchandise any time for a full refund. Cancel this service any time, Just drop us a line, Ali merchandise shipped 0.0,0. prepaid. W, h, Smith, Clifford, Ont. ' BE YOUR OWN BOSS ! OWN AND OPERATE A Coln:Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store. Net 84,000.98,005 .Annually. Wrlto or phone today tot fun infornle tion about unattended coin-operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities in your community. You manage in your Spare time - while netting high income, We finance 90ob of your total purchase. offer you longest financing period et lowest monthly Installments. You re• oeive training and advice from a no• Donal organization that has helped over 8600 men and women like sou go Into business for themselves, No ex. porienee necessary. Modest Invest- ment. This proven new profitable automatic business niters a money making opportunity to anyone who wants to own his own business. Com• pare our complete program. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6-7255 BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GENERAL store and equipment, 2 gas 5 -roomed storeroom hu,plus garage, andlafur nace, sell reasonable. Apply to box No. 22 Port Rowan, Ont. MOTEL EIGH'1 -individual units, snack bar. Esso gas pumps with eight room house on 2,0 acres tree shaded property, frontage on two highways. Asking price 535,000. Substantial down pay- menl. Nets well over 53,000. Box 550 Dunnville, Ontario. SASKATCHEWAN Licensed Hotels For Sale - 35 rooms, 500,000 with 530,009 down; 7 roosts, 515,000 with 58,000 down; 7 rooms, $17 000 with 10,000 down • 10 rooms, 575,000 with 55,000. down 11 rooms, $30,000 with 15,000 down 5 rooms, 527,000 with 17,000 down city 55 rooms, 5300,000 with 5150,0 0 down. BONNEAU'S AGENCIES Real Estate, Gravelbourg, Sask. HALIBURTON AREA HOTEL, year round operation, S Storey, 8 Bedrooms Toilets and Baths, Lounge, Sunro0m, Dining Room, Mole en, Office, Owner's Quarters. Fall Basement, with Recreation Room, one Billiard Table. 011 heating, Two annex buildings 4 bedrooms, lounge and bath In each, Three sleeping cabins hot and cold water, central toilets. 91/2 acres of land beautifully landscaped. 509' frontage on Lake I<ashagawigamog, 750' frontage on Highway 121. About 21/2 miles from Hallburton Village. Premises fully equipped for continued operation. Reason for selling,ill health, Full Sale Price 563,000. 52,000 cosh. Mortgage arranged. FLOYD E. HALL, REAL ESTATE BROMet. MINDEN, ONTARIO, PHONE, MINDEN 29 COLLECT, CAMERAS IMPORT "GEM -18" Cameras. hundred percent. profit! Send 53.00 bauknotes for airmailed sample camera. Details free. Gem Industrial Corp., CP0 Box 042-0, Tokyo, Japan. CANOES FOR SALE CANOES, tough rugged fibreglass, l5 ft. long, 371/2 inch beam, easy to carry, only 53 lbs, "5170.00 -delivered". Nia- gara Portager, 2041 Carman St., Nia- gara Falls, Ont. Phone EL. 4.9895, CATTLE INSECTICIDES CONTROL THE FACE FLY WITH the "BEST" Cattle Oiler and Insecticide Oil. This serious fly is 81. ready attacking Cattle in great num bars. Several satisfied users practically eliminated this pest during 1969, Start treatment early pastures effective control. Can be all winter and flies all all sum mer. Save 50-75 lbs. an each annual treated. SEE your lo0a dealer or oontaot George E. Gilbert Equipment td, Leamington, Ontario. Phone FA. s262, DOGS FOR SALE SCOTTISH TERRIERS MALES anti females. registered. Zee eellent breeding Trimming a Specialty IlarrisShire Kennels Registered. Hwy. 74. Belmont. Belmont .422.1.17, FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE INTERRNATIONAL Cub Tractor, hy- drauUc .left, sort cultivator, field cub tivator, plow, disc, packer; two wheel trailer. Priced to sell. Abner G. Martin,. Route 2, Elmira, Ontario. PTO. Fox forage harvest, plcir-up and cern attachment. Two heavy duty wag- ons with Belix forage bogs PTO. Clayton stein:nen R. 2, Wollcsiey .. EBERSOL'S / MILVERTON Ebersol Snow Glowers Ebersot Feed Mixers Ebersol Eiettric Hammer Mills Eberst) Feed Carts PeeRSOL FARM ELEVATORS ences L GRAIN THROWERS 0088501 SWIVEL FEEn1N8 CARRIERS Ebersol Seed Mixers Ebersol Thresher Shredders Caswell Ferro Crates Caswell Wayo Crates Criswell Caine Curriers Canted your Dealer or Write Ebersol Farm Equipment Company Limited, eeiverlen, Ontario, Phone 171. FARMS FOR 5ALg. 100 -ACRE farm for sale in Huron county, Ant, Excellent land, young orchard bearing good trout stream, fine buildings, hydro close to town, highway, churches, school bus by gate. Real buy' early possession. Box 258, 128 -18th Street, New Taronto, Ont. 195 ACRE natural drainage, farm for sale situated on highway 7 and $ be- tween Kitchener and New Hamburg. Plenty Spring Water and Drilled Wo51, Red Brick 2 storey house, equipped with pressure system, three piece bath, largebank barn, Contact Earl Ronde. rich, Baden, Ontario, FLORIDA PROPERTIES FOR SALK FLORIDA — (Near Ocala) CENTRAL Florida, undeveloped high rolling ranch land. 320 acres, 585 per acre. 10 acre farm with house 52,600. Many others, Sun Land Realty of Flor- ida, 612 N. State Rd. 7, W. Hollywood, GARDEN PLANTS IRIS, Beautiful tall bearded named varieties. Special bargains. Price llst on request, Orton Robinson, 180 Dufferin Street, Guelph, Ontario. HELP WANTED LABORATORY TECHNICIAN - Imme- diately - 5 clay week. Apply - Super. intendant, Uxbridge General. Hospital, Uxbridge, Ontario. MACHINERY FOR SALE FEED MILLS SURPLUS stock of new Tornado No. 16 deed mills, ball bearing with hop- per, must self 549.00, Send for circu- lar. Federal, 185 King E., Toronto, MEpICAL HAVE YOU HOARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES GOOD RESULTS, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 51.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczemaw111 respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 93,50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 5t. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE COMPLETE set of slightly used sheet metal machines. Telephone Shake- spearely RPR. H. Acker- man, CEMENT MiXERS FOR SALE Zee and 41/2 cubic feet. On skids or rubber, Goodwin Chuck Co. 27 JARVIS STREET, BRANTFORD PL. 3.2811 NURSES WANTED General Duty Nurses FOR modern 50 bed hospital. Resid- ence accommodation available, 40 hour 5 -day week, Good personnel benefits. Starting salary: new graduates $275.00, with experience 5285.00, with Ontario Registration. also Supervisor of Nursing required. State experience and salary expected. Ad• dress enquiries to: The Administrator, Sioux Lookout General Hospital, P.O. Box 909, Sioux Lookout, Ontario, NUTRIA Bonnyview Nutria Mutations YOUR opportunity Thirty pregnant females available, litters guaranteed. Top quality, pairs or trios. No better stock available at any price. Charlotte Brunt, R.A. 1, King, Ontario, OF INTEREST 'TO ALL EARN More Money! Be a College graduate. No classes. Bachelor, Mas- ters, Doctors Degrees. Chartered Col- lege. Write: Wade Hampton Cortege, Florence 1, South Carolina, U.S.A. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN FREEI Plastic rain -hoods for purse or pocket. Send 250 for postage and hand- ling to: Pollak, 1621 -2nd Avenue, St. Martin, P.Q. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER .30155 CANADeeS LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 355 Bloor 5t. W., Toronto Branches: 44 Ring St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PERSONAL DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL seeds. Inquiries invited. Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. BOY Trouble? Girl Trouble? Love Trouble? Don't stiffer a day longer when expert advice can be obtained ro easily, quickly, and cheaply, De- laying and bungling can mean total loss of your chance, Senor d me your problem onall ed with 0 of what's pt wrongg and what to do, STRICTLY CONN/AN- TIAL. A. C. Martin, Box 184, McComb. Miss., U.S.A. SEEKING TALENTED CANADIAN GIRLS TO PARTICIPATE FOR the title of Miss Canada and 56,000.00 in scholarsiilps, Age 18 to 26 years, EDUCATION: Equivalent to 2 years of high school TALENT: (counts doable points over other division), Entries close June 30111. Write Miss Canada Headquarters, 21. John St, 5, Hamilton Ont. for apple. cation forms. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 75;5 0l sickness, Particularly sleeplessness, titteryness and irritability Sleep, calm SOufore$400�tTT�ynn a Detiga0 471 Ann, forth, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVEI SAVEI Mims developed and 8 magna prints in olbnnt 40e 12 magna prints in album 00e Reprints 50 cath KODACO LOR Developing eon sum . mot Indwells prints), ori1llkts hroiine 35 tient 20tea• posures mounted In slides 31.55 Color refunde ['min lith' for ,innlrfi Ilei Money lives, FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 3l, GALT, ONT, PROPERTIES FOR SALE APARTMENT house two acres of lend Tiverton. Best Wooten, Center of 'Hydro AtomicProject, $11,500.00. Terms, aoason poor health; Phone F. J. or Box 30, Tiverton, Oat. LN north Grimsby, 2/5 sore with cot- tage, 1lving•dining room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom Hush toilet Apply C A. Bridgman, Winona, Ont. LOOKING for a plOoe t0 relax? Over- looking trout stream in huron county. 2 -storey brick home, modern conveni- ences, stable, 0)001'2 acres 00 garden land, raspberries, small fruits, lots Of trees and flowers, tomos. Richard ln- gram, Wroxeter, Ont. I'LUSKOKA or Lake ,Erle lots $195 up. Improvements, Easy terms'. fining fast. 0010 431, Huntsville. 113,500,00 - HALF cash - large build- ing, four bedroom apartment upstairs, inside conveniences, suitable for res talorant and gas pumps, 2111' foot front- age on busy highway." 0erthreRiea vtwobdoons three bath, 1ilne. room, kitchen, 5000ened verandah. sun poreh, Insulated. Lot 90' x 140' 0110 fronting on Nottawasaga River, An ideal spot for boating, fishing and swininiing." GEORGE RAILEY. REAL. TOR, 0VASAGA BEACH, 5110N14 731. POULTRY 8, SWINE BUY chicks when egg prices are low, not when they are bi h, Wit)? Who they are low, fewer poultrymen buy, when they aro high, eters pmdtrtmsi buys. Now is the time to bur. 001 maximum egg production, we elTei four high speed layers. Kimber 20.197 Twaddle 400, Weddle 401, Callfo ins Grey X White Leghorn. Dual putt ose Rhode- Island Red X Light Snex Light Sussex X Red, Reel X Marred Rock. Broilers Ventres,: K Arbor Acres White Rock, Ventres, 0 Nichols No, 108. Turkey polls, Breeze. Older pullets, all age. Swine * 411011 Large Black, first cross Blue Spot'e,i Hybrids, Landroce, Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICI< HATCHEI(Ille 1 111 FERGUS tee. \ eIC SALESMEN WANTED WANTED; Salesmen and Oistrihntor, for fast selling aerosol products Write Quickie Products of Canaan, 158 Col borne Street East_ Oakville, On1,-rio. STAMPS, COINS & HOB5IE5 1900.STANDARD Cataleaue n7 C ne dian Coins, Tokens and Paper knew. (The recognized authorial -.1.75, 00. tainable from Local stores or Canada Coin Exchange. 80 Tliehmtmi Street East, Toronto, -- SUMMER ._._SUMMER RESORTS CHALET Brunelle, Sportsmen's north- ern rendezvous on Remi Lake near Kapuskasiog. Modern accommodation. fine French cuisine, Phone 419. writ' Andrea and Rene Brunelle, Maenheam. out, DIVINE Lake Lodge, free Illustrated literature will show you what this unique and enchanting place has to offer. Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario. ROSELAWN LODGE, BALA R00268, cabins, all tanning water or private bathroom, fine food, beach, summer sports, friendly moderate. write or phone Roselawn Lodge, Bala Muskoka, Blue Water Conference NEAR WALLACEBURG, ONT. CHRISTIAN FAMILY RESORT 52,50 to 58.00 daily; all recreational facilities; evening meeting; Bible and missionary speakers, Folder. Write 153 King W., Chatham, Ont, Le Montclair MOST OUTSTANDING RESORT 104 FAMED STE, ADELE VILLAGE 1. Largest swimming pool in the Lau- rentians, 3 diving boards slide. 2. Illuminated Rubiotennis court. 3. Cosiest coektall lounge. 4. Meals beyond compare, 1. Riding, boating, movies, golf and driving range nearby. 6. Social and sports program under a dtreetor. 7. Summer theatre, art centre, music for dancing. a. Catholic and Protestant churches in the village. Outstanding Vacation At Reasonable Rates Write For Folder R. T. CouIllard Le Montclair, Ste. Adele, P.Q. TEACHERS WANTED BLAKE Township School area requires qualified teacher for grades 4-8 in mod- ern school. Salary 53,500. 20 miles from Fort William, Daffy bus service. Duties to commence Sept, 1960. Apply stating last inspector, top 0I Zimmermaname . R.Rf 3, Fort William. CLARENDON TSA requires teachers, others. First class certificate school quired Salary offered: 53,000 to 93 200. accord- ing to school and experience Please state last tweeter. For information contact Mrs. E. A. Card, secretary. treasurer, Pleena, North Frontenne. s'r. EDWARD'S modern Separate School atNipigon, Ont. Requires one Primary Methods Teacher and teach- ers. Situnted 60 miles from the Ltdte- head on Trans Canada flighwee. Mod- ern 10ttn of Over 2700 population Mini- mum salary $3000. Experience 015084. Annual increment $200x4. Apply stating qualifications. and name and address of last Inspector to 1. J. Bann.ing,.Nipigon, Ontario. WANTED, one Professor for 1st grade High School, 2 Professors for Primary School. Grades. 8 and 7, boys' class. Salary open. Apply to: Catholic School Board, P.0, Box 118, Maniwaki, Que. WHiTE RIVER PUBLIC SCHOOL 85QUIRE5 FOR SEPTEMBER A qualified teacher 50 net es principal two -room school teaching Grades 5 to SALARY: Basic $3,5001 81(10 per yeas' for experience up to 8 years; 9500 for prinvalen t; a 0;52001i;Year increment Bor aqui GIVE experience and names o; last inapeetot's. R. G. MEALEY SECRETARY TREASURER BOX 97, WHITE RIVER, ONT. MERRY MENAGERI ''l understand he's a 'big ad- vertising maul" IS it 26 — 1000