HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-30, Page 5MASSEY FE ; - 1.. I � O� AY FRIDAY, JULY 22nd Mark this day on your calendar and plan to attend the DON NESSE RI " ILEE with Charlie Chamberlain, Marg Osborne and the BUCHTA Dancers at the Western Fair Grounds, London A full 2 hour program will begin promptly at 2.30 P.M. featuring the Don Messer Jubilee and a product presentation of Massey -Ferguson machinery 5.00 P.M. BARBECUE SUPPER For further information on how farmers can attend Free of charge, see YES FARM SUPPL SEAFORTH Your Massey.Ferguson Dealer Phone 110 before July 13th so that identification passes can be issued GEORGE'S Grinding 8 Repair Shop Opened June 27th at Cronin'sGarage -- Dublin WELDING Sharpening Saws: Hand, Circular, All Types of Saws Reel & Rotary Mowers sharpened Mower Knives sharpened, also Scissors, Shears, Skates, etc — by modern, new machinery Repair Electrical Appliances Cement Mixing Machines for hire Our experience of specially designed machinery is your guarantee of fast, expert service NO JOB TOO LARGE; NONE TOO SMALL GEORGE A. COVILLE, Mgr. Phone 73, Dublin BORN Flood—At Scott 1VIeniorial Hos- pital on June 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Flood, RR 3 Walt- on, a son Doig — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on June 23, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert S. Doig, Egnlondville, a sou Scott—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on June 23, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Scott, Seaforth, a daughter Geddes — At Scott Memorial Hospital on June 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes, Seaforth, a. son Chesney — At Scott Memorial Hospital on June 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Chesney, Seaforth, a son NOTICE SUMMER BUS SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE JUNE 27th Obtain your copy from your Local Agent Coolnb's Service Station The Western Ontario Motorways Limited Kitchener Ontario 1959 VAUXHALL SEDAN, 9000 miles 1959 FORD V-8 COACH, A.T. 1957 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, A.T. 1955 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 1956 I3UICK HARDTOP 1955 OLDS SEDAN, Radio, A,T, 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC COACH NO REASONTAI3LE OFFER.REFUSED Seaforth Motors Ohevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCILL Phone O. PaWm 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 TOWN TOPICS ,, . +1Iai 1don sem, SCatPt'a, is in Scott Memorial hospital for two his left ruin during haying °Ma- ar three daps with lacerations to 110110 011 Taesday aftcrnclott, Mr, and Mrs, Bedford Dungey, Brenda amt Bonnie and Mrs, lir- 11ie Toll visited in Collingwood over the weekend with Mr, and Aire, Jaynes Hogg,Mr, Hogg is quite 111 in hospital, Miss Gloria Carter, Nurse -in - training has returned to Stmt.ford after spending three weeks at her ]Tome here, ;\1r. Milton Stewart returned home from 'St, Joseph's Hospital on Monday where he has been a patient for the least Nye weeks, Ml'. and 'Mrs, ,Mike Williamand daughter Joan and Mr, and 'Mrs. 11 Milton a1111 family at - ended the wedding of Mr. Jtm Williams in Detroit on Saturday,Mr. and :Mrs. Lewis Williams and daughter Lois, of Washington are spending this week's vacation with L r, and Mrs..Mince Williams.Mliss'Margaret'McIver, Kitchen- er, spent the weekend with Mr. Pete Mciver, DUBLIN Tile regular June meeting or the Dublin 'N,I, was held at the Monte of .Mrs. Charles Friend with au excellent attendance. It feat- ured a get=together of new Cana diens. Mrs, Harold Pethick, Pres- ident, opened the meeting with singing of the 1V.1, regulation song, and the Sec,_Treas,, Mfrs, E, Dean read the minutes of the previous meeting, also the treas. report which were adopted, Roll call was answered by "Hints on cooking meat' Six new 211e111- bars joined the Organization. Gifts were presented to Mrs. R. Aikens, Past Pres., and Mrs, J. Looby, past Sec,-Treas. Both la- dies responded graciously. The guest speaker was Mr, Andy Whethamwho gave a very informative talk on the basic ori- gin of meats, their quality and the proper planner for preparing various cuts, Mrs, Jack Burchill gave Current Events, Musical sel- ections were contributed by Mel- ba Jean and Susan Friend, with Debbie Dean, also a solo by Linda Friend, The motto was "Good health and good sense," which featured Mrs. A. Whetham who explained that cheaper foods often provide more protein, calcium and the necessary vitamins- Following adjournment lunch was served by the committee in charge. A recent sleeting of St. Mary's Church Guild, Dublin, was heldat the home of Mts. Charles Friend on Wednesday with all the members present, Mrs, Friend presided and opened the meeting with a hymn, followed by the scripture lesson and prayer by .Rev, Donaldson, Mrs. Dong Ra- cho read the minutes of the pre- vious meeting and the treasur- er's report, The baking sale held in May was a financial success. Mrs, Win. Govier suet Mrs. F. Moore will be in charge of re- placements of altar linens. Rev. Donaldson gave an interesting talk on chancel work, Following adjournment tea was served to the members and visitors, Mils, E. Jordison acting as hostess. Mr, and Mrs, Victor Feeney and Mr. and Mors, P. Nekon, Kitchen- er, with Mr, and Mrs, Martin F eeney. Mrs. GilIillau of Falkirk, Scot- land, with Mrs. Herb Brown, Mr, and Mfrs. Doug i'IcGillvray, London, with MT, and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr, Ken McGregor of California with Mr, and 'Miss, Jack Wells, Miss Catherine Feeney has se- cured employment In Kitchener. Mrs. Dick Cunningham and sons Brian and Wayne, Toronto, with Mrs, Kathleen Feeney. Mrs. Dan Costello in London, IMrs. John Cleary and daughter Karen with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Evans, Dlr. and Mrs. Joseph Malone, Kitchener, and Mr. and 'Mrs. John Krauskopf Drumbo, with Mr, and Mrs. 'Man Costello, Mfr. and Mrs, Philip Flanagan of Toronto with Mrs. Catherine Feeney and other relatives, LAC John Mercer, Comox, B,C., with 'Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Hol- land. Mr, and ,Mrs, Keith Kelly, of Kitchener with air, and Mrs, Fergus Kelly. CMTs. Howard Burgess, Flint, and Mr, and MTs. Ken Dill, St, Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D 111, iMre, Nick Krauskopf in Len- ten, Mr, and 'Mrs. Alex. 'Maurice nd daughters, Hamilton, Mr. and II's, Victor Brisson and daugh. er, Detroit, Mrs, Cantin, Zurich, Tr. and 'Mrs. Ted Lithgow, Sea- Ml Orth, with Mr, and 's. George ucharme, Mr, and :Mrs, Eugene Bannon and family, Gadshill, with Mfrs, 110110s Kistner and Diane, CROMARTY Large crowds attended the an- niversary sertnicias in Crotilart' church on Sunday, 'Mr. Arthur Gowland, M,A„ secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Social Action, conducted the services and Mr, 11, H. Gral1in of AVanton was guest soloist at Ole morning service, In the evening a male quartette composed of IS Stagg, L, Sor'adahl, Il, Allen and R, Laing assisted with the music. The choir contributed a number at each service, IMr. Howard Kerr of Toronto will leave charge of the Sunday services while his Lather, Rev, S. Kerr is absent on vacation, n31r, and c32rs, Kerr sailed on Tuesday from Montreal on a six-week trip to the 'Old Country, IMi', and Mrs, Heber Shute, of Kirktou and -'Mervin and Wayne 'Puffin were Sunday guests or Mr. and ,Mss, Robert Gardiner, 'Mr, and Mrs, Dan McInnes of Paisley visited on 'Monday even- ing at tiro horn° 0e M.tl'. and Mrs, (Alt, Walker, Mrs, Amelia Cole of St, •Mial'ys Is visiting this weep at the home of Mr, and Mrs, joint Hocking and also 31r, .and ;Mus, W. Iiurper, iMr. Bribe Turner and PamilY of Detroit visited with Mr, and .Mrs, R. Dodds and attended the Dolnitage reunion at Lions park on Sunday, I3Ir. and MIrs, IS G. Speare of Toronto spent the week end with Miss Olive Speare. ors, Howard Pinder, ,,\1Ts, Ame- lia Cole, 'Miss Dorothy Nairn and yrs, John Hooking visited recent- ly with 'Mit and Mrs. Mervin Nairn. IMr, Kell Walker of Stratford is on vacation and is spending a Pew days in Toronto, IMr, and Mrs. Norman Flarburn ,attended the Dolmage reunion in Seaforth on 'Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Hocking, Mitchell, were Sunday visitors with. IMae, Grace Scott and Ibir, Andrew 'McLachlan, Sunday visitors with Mrs, M, Houghton were Mr. and Mrs, Ken 1lmlph and family, Mrs, J. Kemp, 'Mir, and 'Mrs, Earl Rose and fa- mily or IMiicliell, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Houghton, London; Mr. and Mrs, Reg Stagg and family, Exeter, and Mfr, and Mirs, Warci Forrest, or Zurich. Mies Olive Speare attended the Speare reunion at Lions park in .Mitchell on Saturday, iiir, and Mrs, Roy 11'cCulloch visited with M1r, and iMlrs, Calder MleKaig on Sunday, Mr. and Mfrs, Harold Coleman, Joan, John and Allen, Seaforth, with Mr, and 14rs. G. i.aing, week out visitors with Mir, and Mfrs, T, I., Scott were 31r, and Mars, Herb Worsley, Mor. Denton Worsley, 'Mfrs, IMuvray Connor and :qrs. Wesley Black, an of Carver. on, Ont. BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs, E. ,7, Sturgeon spent the week enol at Science Hill. Mrs, E, J, ,3ieKean and family, ilamilton, are at their cottage for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Parker, of North Dakota, are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. A. E, Featherston, IMr. and ,Mas, Jack Pounder and family, London, and Mir', and Mrs. Earl Pounder, Stratford, were at their cottage over the week end, The pupils of Bayfield public school with their parents and friends held a very enjoyable pic- nic on Thursday of last week at Clan Gregor 'Square. Owing to heavy rains about lunch time they held it at the eonlnuurity park. Tleis picnic was under the direc- tion of the principal, IMr. M. Franck assisted by Mrs, William Parker, the junior teacher. 'Mr, and .Mrs, Ronald I'`lowers, 13.0,, are spending a week with his parents, DIr, and Mrs, Adam Flower's, Mr. and IMrs. Harry Baker and Gwen, London, are at their home for a few days. Mrs, E. N. Hart .and daughter, London, are vacationing at ,their cottage, Dr, and Mins. Aaron Chapman, Detroit, spent from Friday to Tuesday at their cottage, [Miss Ethel Blair, London, spent the week enol with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair, MT, and Mrs, Wm, Dunn and family, London, spent the week end at their cottage, ,Miss Jackie -tuff, Louden, was at her home over the week end. STAFFA Rev, E, J. Roulston of Lucian United Church, formerly of Stat' - fa, has retired atter 43 years in the ministry, Mr, and MTrs. Roul- sto11 will live at Exeter, W.I. Hear Report OnConference nFr. � ecce. The June meeting of Seaforth Women's Institute wee held Tues. day afternoon, June 14 at the home of iM is John tT Me e tn. Roll call was answered with 0 new vegetable 1 have grown and liked, Mrs, Gordan Popple presided for the program, TIte motto: We are closer to God in the garden than anywhere else In the world, was commented on by Mrs. G, Elliott, Reports from the district annual ill Elinlville In May were given by ,Mrs, James Keyes and 'Mrs. Graham Kerr, 'Mrs. Looby of the Dublin Institute gave a report from the Guelph conference held in May which she attended, :cors, Gordan Papple read two 111inlor. one poems, An accordion solo was played by Helen Elliott, A dem- onstraution on equipping and ar- ranging a -clothes closet, was giv- en by Marjorie Papple and Anne Willens of Beatartlr Willing Wor- kers 4FI Hamenlaking Olub, The president, Mrs, Harold 1 -111 - gill, presided for business, Plans were made for the annual picnic in community centre. An invita- tion was accepted frons Elimville WI to he guests at a picnic July filth in Riverview park, Exeter. Members were extended an invi- tation to attend achievement clay for the club, Seaforth Honternak- ing Clubs will take part in ach- ievement days at. Crediton on July title and Londesbnro Jitll &, This summer marks the silver anniv- ersary of 4II Homemaking Clitbs In Ontario, 1n 1935 'lural county had two girls complete the pruJ- out, Cottons 11iay be smart. In 19611 for Meat i11 the Menu there is a membership of 340 girls in Huron, Lunch was served- by Mrs. Alex Pepper,. Mrs, Earl Papple, Mrs, Ross Gordon and Mrs, 1, Canter - o11. Courtesy remarks were given by iMrs. Eldon Kerr, and Mre. Ellin Whitmore was co -hostess. VARNA The Vacation Bible School will be held in the United Church and Orange Hall beginning July 4th with the pastor Rev T..7, Pitt in charge, L.O.L. 1035 held their annual I Church service in the Anglican Church on Sunday evening last with the rector Rev, E. Harrison in charge assisted by Rev, T. J. Pitt. The 'Bannockburn Band headed the parade before and aft- er the service, 1.14x, and 'Mrs. C, Talbot and family of London visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell over the weekend. The sympat]1,' of the commun- ity goes out to the family of the late Geo. L. Reid. The Sacrament at the Lord's Supper will be administered .in the 'United Church next Sunday, July 3, BLAKE Mr. and .Mfrs. Leonard Jeffery or Goderieh, spent Sunda}- with Mrs, Leon Jeffery. Mir, and Mrs. Harry Westbrook, of Goderich, spent Sunday with MIr. Gustav Bohn, Miss Shirley 'Sander, of Exeter visited with Mr, and Mfrs. Earl Oesch and family. :Mr. Archie MIustard of Sarnia, spent the weekend with his wife and family. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Oesch visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erb, Mr, and -11rs, Reuben Gingerich or Nairn spent Sunday with .air, and Mfrs. Earl Oesch and family, Robert IManson and Johnny Geiger spent the weekend at St. Jacobs, Mrs, Edgie Farrell and. Fred Flerd of Kincardine and air, and iMi's, .Lester Osborne and family of Ripley spent Sunday with Mr. TIarolcl Finlay and family. TIII2 Sh:AFO11TII NEWS (Phan'. Sit --- Thursday, Jew' 30, 1000 1 11. llugltic McBride of Louden spent the weekend with his pal outs, Mfr, and 'Mims, Roy McBride, IlldN,, CHURCH Irlrr.! � x it^.Jl, lit a .eetting of lovely summer flowers Mrs. 14, Geddes welcomed the ladies of our auxiliary to her (lone on the afternoon •of Tues, clay, Rule 28th, President, Hiss 13. Campbell ;;ave wards of welcome and read a must inspiring poen[. In the absence or Sec„ ,Mrs, Rus- sell, ,Miss J, Fraser read the min - Utes of our May meeting and gave he roll call which was responded .n by our faitlO3il members. The reasurei', Mfrs McGregor gave a [lest gratifying report of the lst six months of our year, The offer - Ing was received after whicli Mies Si, Gray presided for a most inter, estitrg program. Following the singing of a hymn Mrs, McGregor gave J } I Bibthe I 11 le reading cl] tg tf' ool the Book of Acts, Mrs. Thompson of 3eKillop Serve a most informative talk ori present clay conditions in Africa illustrated with many R- eins from recent articles, Miss Campbell's dealing with a chap- ter from our study book was of her usnal high order setting forth acvery outsancling feature therein, Otir next prayer was given by :Mies M, (,lay. Singing and pray- er brought the meeting to a Blase, A social half flour was enjoyed end our hostess was given a hear- ty vote of thaks, Lakeview Casino GAN BEND Lionel Thornton & His Casa Royal Orchestra EVE '"tib' WED.- FRI. 8 SAT. starting July 1st M!DN TE LANCE - this week - end "TEEN - 20" DANCE THURSDAYS - STARTING JULY 7TH to THE HI FI'S ONTARIO LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Select Com.nittee on Crop Insurance On April 5th, 1960, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario appointed a Select Committee "to enquire into all matters relating to insur- ance of agricultural crops produced in Ontario against hazards to those crops during the growing season," and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to inquire into the following matters: 1. The hazards affecting each crop during the growing season, such as hail, drought, frost, wind, excessive rainfall, flood, disease, insect pests, etc,; 2. The annual losses sustained by the producers from each hazard; 3. The insurance, if any, presently available for crop insur- ance in respect of each hazard; 4. The rates charged or that might be charged by insurance against any or all hazards; 5. The application of the Crop Insurance Act (Canada) to Ontario, or particular areas thereof, or in respect of par- ticular crops or otherwise; And to make such recommendations as are deemed advisable with respect thereto; The Committee invites representations from parties interested in any or all aspects of the foregoing terms of reference. Such repre- sentations should be in the form of written brier's, fifteen copies of which should be submitted to the Secretary of the Committee not later than September 15th, 1960. An opportunity will be given at a later date for those making submissions to appear in person before the Committee. William A. Stewart, M.P.P., Chairman June 16th, 1960. G. R. Bagg, Secretary, Box 2.17, Parliament Bl lgs„ Toronto 2, Ontario. Ft 0 <,. is yea.virs LIVE BE'1"l'1s12 I L.ECTRIGALLY 1 Win or lose , , , there's going to be a "home run" tonight on the family's hot water supply. Active youngsters use a lot of hot water at bath -and -bed time, but with electricity on your side you'lI be ahead of the game. Install a modern, two -element electric water heater of the right size and capacity for your family's needs, 1.'hen, when you scrub, tub or do the family washing, you'll always have an ample supply of hot water waiting for you. You won't have to wait for it. And, thanks to electricity, you have the extra reassurance of safety and absolute cleanliness in operation. To get more out of life, get the host out of electricity,