HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-30, Page 4Rebekah District
Head Is Installed
flys. Jasepll (h•nntmett. of 1'Jdel-
*elm Rebekah Lodge was install-
ed las distrie't deputy president of
Huron District. No, 2:1, and firs.
Edward Andrews was mauled dist,
riot secretary -treasurer at the In.
augural sleeting held at 3'arorth
last Wednesday evcntng,
Mrs. Harold Parker of Renal!,
retiring 11,1 1' kava' alt ae'eannt
of her :'eaters Mork and was pre -
seated with het' last president's
Fallowing a short program con.
si ting of piano solos 1>y Sally
Pax and a reacting by firs, Mae
tliilebrecltt, a lovely lunch was
served -by a Committee convened
by Mrs. Keith Sharp,
.L -t. /IA
BE A lappo AHEAD
Doctors say everyone should be checked for TB each year.
They have our safety in mind.
The test to be carried out in Huron County this summer
will determine whether those tested have had TB. You
will be asked to return two or three days later, and have
your test read. If signs of TB are evident, then a chest
x-ray will be arranged for. The x-ray will show whether
TB is active at the time.
The best way to keep a jump ahead of
tuberculosis is to find it early. Visit one of the
18 Free TB Detection Clinics in Huron
July 19 to August 5
Be sure to get
your Certificate
of Payment (Form
104) from the firm
fix^ you are leaving.
Then follow the
simple instructions
on the back.
-if you haven't one, ask
your employer or write TORONTO 7, ONTARIO
In- accordance with a resolution passed by
.he :Municipal Council of the Town of Sea -
forth, and h,k virtue of the provisions of By-
law 111, of 191.2, I hereby proclaim that no
dog shall be allowed to run at large in the
Town of Seaforth during the period ending
September 30, 1960.
(Note: The bylaw provides penalties for
infractions. Upon a conviction, the owner
or harborer of a dog is liable to a fine not
exceeding $50, or to a jail tern not exceed-
ing 21 days ),
Seaforth, June 1.4, 1960.
All dog owners Trust obtain License tag for dog
immIle(liat.ely, either linin D. H. Nilson or
Haloid Maiona y
• Alts. Keith Sharp presided over
the last meeting- of Edelweiss ltt'-
bel.ah Lodge, Monday evening be-
fore the summer recess. First
night of nominations WAS held
anti members were reminded of
the invitation from liuronie Re-
bekah Lodge. Clinton to attend a
dance in Bayfield on July 2, funds
to be in atcl of their new lodge
'Hiss Jean Scott was named so-
cial convener for the next three
Splendid• reports of the recent
Assembly Session were given 1)7
Mrs, \\'nt, Dalrymple and Mrs, Ed
Andrews. Following the meeting
;In enjoyalllc social time was en-
joyed. by liebekahs and Odd Fel-
lows and their families.
Program numbers by Beverley
Siroldiee accompanied by her nlo-
thor, Mrs, Russell Sholdice. Sitar -
on Strong with Mrs, Wilmer Cuth-
ill as accompanist and a Scottish
dance by Anne McConnell to mus -
ie supplied on the bagpipes by Pe-
ter Malcolm.
The Lodge Bulletin prepared
and presented by Mrs, 1S. Sharp
and %Its, •L (h'nmmett proved
quite entertaining. The Brodling-
en play, "food For Father", dir-
ected by Mrs. Ralph 'licks was
greatly enjoyed by all. A pot -luck
buffet luncheon was convened by
Mrs. \Vni, Dalrymple.
Rev, and Mrs, Keith Love and
daughter GWe11(la of Boynton
Bleach Florida visited recently
with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Love,
Mr, and Mrs. Ken11eKay and
fancily and Mr. and Mrs, Keith
Love and family also Mr, and
Mrs. MacDougall of I-Iensall visit-
ed recently with Mr. and Mrs,
Ross Love.
A. very pleasant evening was
held et the hone of lir. and 'Ml's,
Alex ;McBeth June 22nd when
their immediate relatives and
friends gathered to celebrate the
occasion of• their 20th wedding
anniversary, During 'the evening
Mrs. Wilfred Huukin read an act-
dress when Mr, and Mrs. \Ic-
Beth were presented with. many
-lovely' gifts.
• The Induction of Rev. Iiarold
Jonsson of St, Thomas as minist-
er of Ki'ppen-Brucefield United
Churches will take place in Kip -
pen United Ohurch Wednesday
evening, June 20th at 5 p.m.
lir. and Isms, Richard Cornish
and family of Goderich were Sun-
day visitors of the latter's father,
Mr, Robert Thomson, and on Fri-
day evening Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
Schneider and fancily of Strat-
ford were his guests.•
Mm. and M,rs, Tout Smith and
children of Grimsby visited dur-
ing the weekend with lfr. and
Mrs. Gordon Wren.
Llir. and Mrs, Robt. Flood and
family of Woodstock visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alex
.MeBeth and family.
Recent visitors with Mr, anti
Mrs. Elston Dowson included
Mrs, Cameron Richardson, Hen -
call, Mrs, Foster Bennett, Sea -
forth, and Mrs, Geo, Jackson, of
'Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, W, L, d'ell's included Mr,
M. Matters of Buffalo, N,Y. and
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison
of St. Thomas,
Mr, Dean Brown of Greenway
visited a day last week with his
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs, E. Mousseau,
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dickert
and Me, and Mrs. Ken McLellan
and Jill attended the Dickert re-
union Saturday at Moorefield
Rev. D, A, MIacMillan preach-
ed - his farewell sermon Sunday
morning in St. Andrew's United
Church. He chose for his sermon
"Life is a treasure held in trust".
Ile has served as the minister in
St, Andrew's Church three years,
Al, the close of the service a
presentation was made by two of
the Eider's, Messrs Ross Love and
Wm. Bell. Mr. Love read the ad-
dress and Mr, Beii presented the
gift, a• platform rocker, Rev, Mac-
Millan was taken by surprise and
expressed his thanks to all the
The address is as follows: flew,
Mr. MacMillan, -
On behalf of the congregation of
I Moven United Church, I wish to
1 extend their best wishes and ex-
(press their appreciation for your
faithful leadership during lour
mitt=try here. We feel we were
most fort ;mate in oar hum of
I need in making, the arrangement
with you for supply,
We would ask you to arce It
this ; as a token of aur apprecl-
siln1' of ;. 13131' (3B1'','iee stere and
ha;'e yslt will live many rears to
enjoy it, Signed D. E. N. l', Ross
Love, \Inn. TlelI,
:Marl: 1'onsitt years, on of
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Cousin of R.R,
Kippc1l, who was rushed to
Victoria hospital, London, fri-
day afternoon with head ilint ries
,suffered in un neeideut on his
lather's farm on Friday noon, is.
reported in 3,.,011 condition at.
date of writing. Mark: was riding
in the trailer in front of the trac-
tor which was 'hauling gravel
awl 1111pty at the time, The tract -
1 or was ;:eine forward pushing the
371111el' batch to the pile of gravel,
'lark, who was sitting in the
trailer either jumped or fell out
and The edge nt' the rigiht rear
wheel of the tractor struck lits
heat. 11.1',P, ,Jack .31rpowel1 of
Sea forth cle[;Leh ment invest lasted.
The. ohmic will be held July 7
at 9;30 Pau. in Lions Park, Sea -
forth, Everyone wcicmrie: All
bring a basket lunch, Table Com -
I suttee -Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Eyre,
Mr. and lits, James Druumoud,
Ole, and ',Mrs, Howard Pinitbeiner,
Sports ('onunittee.--11rs, ltttssell
Brock, lb's. Arthur Finlayson,
Mrs, 111. Whitehouse, ice Crean] --
firs, Verne Alderdi17. Tea and
Freside -- Mrs, Harry Caidwelt,
Mrs.. Edison Mei .eau. Brlilg 11 es
,nd sil'26r Vol. year family,
,Sirs. Elizabeth Morns of Kitch-
ener has been visiting •its, and
Mrs. Dalton flim and Mr. and
Mrs. liernlan Hinz.
Mr, and Mrs, 'Fred Seherbarth
of Detroit at the laolne of Mrs,
John i.,, Bennewies, airs, Menne.
Meg returned pulse with theeii af-
ter spending several weeks thele.
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Beyer
and two daughters of Stettler,
herta are visiting at the home of
his brothers and sisters, 'Marie,
John and Martin Meyer and with
Air. and lis. Hernlau Loonhardt
and other relatives for a few
Mr. and 1'li's, Wm, S, Riehl vis-
ited his sisters in Detroit recent-
'fit's, Lavern Wolfe, Mrs, Eliza-
beth (3uoreugesser and Mrs,
Sltaldiee attended a shower on
Saturday for Hiss Arlene Diegel
prior to her marriage, at the home
of Mrs. Mickel \1eC1oy fn Strat-
fard, The event was arranged by
her aunts, Mrs, 01e01oy.and Mrs,
12(1 K]'essler,
Pupils of Brodhatgen School, 8,
S. (Willow Grovel, 8, 8. No, 3,
( Front Lines presented a pro-
gram of songs, piano selections,
musical selections and skits, at
the Community Hall, Broclhagen,
an Thursday morning, Mi. 111, J.
Harley, Music Supervisor of these
schools was .Master of Ceremonies
and was in charge of the arrange-
ments along with the teachers,
Mr, Donald Wolfe, 111's, Larson
and Mrs, Fred Murray, 8.8. No, 11,
Scheel and Mrs. llnrray the tea-
cher were rhe hosts and .supplied
refreshments, Ball games and
races were enjoyed by the child -
ten during the afternoon.
02,-. •cud 'Mrs, Siek Ki,)ter of
Milverton, Ili'. and Urs, 111 Fisch.,
er and boys of Seaforth with Mrs,
Rosine Miller on Sunday,
'Rev. and Mss. J, - Arbuckle,
Billy and Bob of Walkerton with
Mrs. Albert Querengesser on Sun-
On. Tuesday evening pupils of
Miss Audrey Priestap, piano tea-
cher, presented a recital of piano
selections dances etc, at the Com-
munity Hall here, -
Two bouquets of white mums
adorned the altar of St, Peter's
Lutheran Church on Sunday in
memory of Mrs. Edward Smith
who passed away one year ago
June 25, They were placed by her
husband and family,
The swing bowling club has do-
nated- $25.00 to the Organ Fund
of St. Peter's Lutheran Church,
• Many from here attended Cem-
etery Decoration Service at St.
Paul's Lutheran Church, Ellice,
and the Sunday School Picnic at
First Lutheran Church on Sunday
afternoon and evening.
Mr. Donald Ahrens and -friss
Linda Thomas of Hamilton, 'ft's.
Barbara McLeod of Mitchell with
Mrs, Chas. Ahrens.
The llhodlu>gen hand played
for the Cemetery Decoration Ser.
'fee at Harvey's Cemetery on
Sunday afternoon..
A wedding dinner and reception
for the Bauer-Steffler Wedding
was held at the Coulnuunty Hall
on Saturday,
Mr, and Mrs, Don McLaughlin,
Kincardine, firs, Ida Brunner
anis Gloria SueltrIng, Sebringrille
with Mr. and 'Airs, \•Vat. Diegel
ou Sunday,
Miss Caroline Smart of Wind-
sor with her grandmother, ell's.
J, L. 'Hennewies,
Mr. John Bruce is at present e•
patient In St, Joseph's Hospital,
Miss- Jannis Van Vliet of Strat-
ford spent the week enol with her.
parents, 'lir, and Mrs, Jan Pan
Mrs. Ireland of Lethbridge, Al-
berta, is visltinb' with Mr, and
Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull 11x(1 other
Ole. llerb Kirkby; of Paris spent
the weep end at leis home.
Visitors at the lronie of tylr, and
Mi','Walter Ilroadfoot on Suuclay
were (Mr. and lb's, David Allison
and Mrs. Ella farquharson,.Lon.
don and lir, and 'Mrs. Clifford
C'row'n and family, Auburn,
A very successful garden party
sponsored by Walton Women's
institute was held In the com-
munity hall Juee 22nd with the
Yollow'i11g c0111111it150 in charge;
\11's, A, Coutts, firs. \1111, T1111111.
ET, 11rs. 11', J, 'Turnbull, ,Mrs, (1,
Corlett, ;Mrs. I,os Oliver and Mrs.
Herb Travis,
Mrs, ,Tim ,013Lonald, Mrs. Geo,
Hibher> and lira Alvin McDon-
ald were In charge of the follow-
ing Program with Mr. Donald
McDonald as master of cec'enlon-
ies: school chorus, solo, Linda
Bryans; sword dance, Elaine
Oke and Janette Turnbull, Seas
forth; piano solo, Aileen William -
sell; tap lance, Ruth -Anne \V41 -
son, Christine Turnbull, Seaforth;
Highland Fling, Joyce Huether,
Brussels: square dance, MoKillap
Group; Scottish dance, N. Phil-
lips, Anne :McConnell, Seaforth;
solo, Gail Travis; tap dance, Ruth
Anne Wilson, Christine Turnbull;
solo, D, McDonald ; solo, Mrs,
Harold Smalldou,
I-Iaying le progressing favorably -
in some areas of the county while
intermittent showers are curtail-
ing operations In other areas.
Corn, beans, sugar beets are mak-
ing excellent progress - spring
grain is; beginning to head on
early sown fields. Showers are
keeping pastures fresh.
'11111Sl:AFORT'tI NEWS
S,S.. 7 Pupils Hold
School Picnic
8, S. No. 7, '1'acltorsalllb 33>'hopl
Picnic held of the evening of
Friday 24th of June in the selt,ol,
Races; Pre-sc'anol girls, pita
Kassies, Lydaa McLeod; ore-sc'hool
boys, Laurie :McLeod. Rab>lt WW1 -
more; age (1 10 8, David Pox, Lynn
01aeLean; pin rave, age 11 to 12,
I)nnald L.anilsborough, 1111111111
Townsend, pin ruse, age: 13.11,
Geo, Townsend, Donald 01el sod3.
teen-age girls, Anne SShuep, Flea -
titer McLeod; teen-age hays, lien,
Townsend, Bob Chambers; rum
sled women's race, Wilma Mac-
Lsan, lto y McLeod; n1a) rigid
mens We, 13111 Forrest, Murray
(,alrett3. d -]egged nater David
Thomson and Jean McLeod, Ger-
ald and Geo. Townsend; wheel-
barrow eaee, Duvall Fox and 1011'-
3.1' Van 'Loon, (leo. and Gerald
Townsend; sack race, ist rare,
Geo.. Tolvn•send and Duncan 1''ox,
2nd race, Gerald Townsend and
Don I-andsho'oa:;il3. hall throw,
Donald IIIcLeod; ;dale race, 1sT.
Wilma 001.0011 and Don McLeod,
(hn'ry and Marie \'fn loon; bal-
loon race, under '10, John K'1ssies,
over 11), John Wilson; Grapefruit
relay, Heather's team- Candy and
peanut sc'l'lunhle for the .Juniors.
Home and Sehool presented 11>e
emanates Anne Sharp, Bob cham-
bers, Donald McLeod and George
Townsend with a pen,
Duncan and David lox wery
presented with a gift by 1 111
Chambers on behalf of the pupils
of S,S. 7, Tueltersulith, They are
leaving to live near Aulberlen•,
:1(A((Cl'--•11!'('J( t!,.UE
Rev, Fr, ,T, 1, Mailmen ol'iici-
atecl at a wedding c'erent(nly iu
St, Columbau Roman Catholic
Church wlleu Rose Marie Duch-
arme, 31,12, 2, Dublin, became the
bride of Ronald Keith Marcy, Nia-
gara Fulls. The bride is the (laug-
Thursday, June 130, '1goo
filer or Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Tit1-
ehtu•111e, 11,11, 2, hnblin, and the
;wean; Is the sol of 11'1•, and firs,
)'l, G. harry, Almoner.
The bride wore a floor -length
gown of nllau ehiffo.0 over satin •
with latee inserts in the Mulles
and bouffant shirt which extends
ed to a short 3rai1, The fitted Mo -
dice calls styled with short sleeves
and sabrian ileel(line, Her (den-
itr veil alias held I>y. 11 l'rDwl1 of
pl'at's and rhinestones, and she
carried a bouquet of white gladi-
oli and stephanotis centred with
at mauve ereltid.
Miss Eleanor Leduc, London,.
Wag lucid of honor and brides-
maids were Mies Catharine liu'1•.
ray, Detroit, and Mrs, Thomas
Dneharme, London. They were
siulllal'ly gowned in ballerina -
length dresses of orchid silt. or-
gnutat liver taffeta, Wilma St antes,
St, Colunibaul, was flower girl
wearing a frock of yellow nylon
over taffeta, David Redden, Fort
Erie, was ring hearer.
Groomsman was Morris Cham-
bers, London and ushers were
Thomas Dnekarina (111(1 Kenneth
Duelha.rute, London, brothers of
tho bride,
For travelling to the Eastern
Frilled States the bride donned a
brown sheath dresswith three -
quart or -length beige linen (luster
and beige and green necessaries,
First Presbyterian and Northside
United Churches
Joint Suimmer Services
10 A.M.
Sunday School in respective
11 A.M.
Sermon: "A Committee of One"
Guest 1Vlinister; Rev, Douglas
O. Fey, B.A., Chesterville, Out,
Everyone Welcome
111u"1"11111,11111111,11111,11111111,111W01.M. p111111MMO 1u11p11,1"1111,11111110 lllll,12111111111111111111y
ecesmq uly 6th
Adults $1. Children :rifle. Tables may be reserved for family
dinners, anniversaries. ele., for 25e a plata: extra.
To reserve tables call Dublin 3 by July 4th
Plates may be taken out for 211e a plate extra
Three Door Prizes 25 each, Most he on the grounds to win
Draws made at 10.30 P.M. Programme
nwunuuuwuun uu1.m„11,,,.,,,,,1,,.unlunnnlu+wuuulauunuuun,"111:,,1111M11/11
A bank manager is interested in all
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To him, banking is the opportunity
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