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The Seaforth News, 1960-06-23, Page 8
,•e Budget Priced! STYLE WISE SUMM V,13 DRESSES A COOL ESS St-MMERi DRESSES 4.96 B POI !SHED ('O TCNirq WASHABLE DRFSSESQp00 G- Dan RIVER a SUMMER F'RO('11. ' 0 HIGH sTvi.9; MOB QUALITY' �p SUMMER DRESSES 1din n it SUMMER „ SPORTS WEAR S\VIM all types SI•ITS ..... , ..5.95 to 12.95 SHORTS Chinos & cords JAMAICAS .... 3.98 to 4.95 SLIM Plaids & Chocks SLACKS 3.98 to 6,95 SLIM Plains & Checks SKIRTS .. 3.98 to 6.95 COTTON Assorted Patterns SKIRTS 4,95 S i.P EYELESS BLOUSES 2.98 - 3.98 A TRT YOUR(� u ) nu1G'6U'd nl DUE -keep insured! Make sure to pay when due. Don't take chances. et ccs, Prompt payment of • 43" Hospital r I Ins U CBnCe o ; premiums safe- guards your future protection. li may b2 a blessing to you ©tile clay. READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE —if you haven't one, ask your employer or write ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Yesterday tea in Singapore, tonight an es- presso in Rome ... Allen Kirby and his homburg are a familiar sight in the inter- national business world. As a buyer for a department store he depends on bank Travellers' Cheques to carry his expense money worry free. Mike Moran travels too. He pushes a big Diesel freight across the land. For his holi- days ... you guessed it ... he and his family are taking a trans -Canada rail trip in streamlined comfort with money saved specially for it. Across Canada, around the world, The Canadian Bank of Commerce is always busy helping pleasure or business bound people enjoy their travels—a service geared to the needs of busy, eager Canadians. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Call us your bankers KIPPEN \Ir. and 'Ars, Robert Stokes and Larry of London visited on Sunday with Mr, Robert Thom- son and doling last week Mrs. Clarence Priestap of near Mit shell visited her father. Mr, and Mil Xo,'inan Long spent Sunday evening with lfr, and Mrs. .1.1171112i; Armstrong and :Vice of Stalin. On Friday. June 17th 50 stu- dents and three teachers from S.S. 1, 7, and 10. Stanley Town- ship took a bus tour to Niagara Falls, Out, The tour included a stop at Welland Canal, Crock's monument at. Queenston where they had lunch. They then went on to Sir Adam Ileck generating station No. 2. After this they vis- ited Fort George and then went on to see the Falls. They dined at tite Cafeteria there and had a pleasant clay. ".left Picnic" The Neil picnic was held lune 19th at Riverview Park, Exeter, opening with a peanut scramble, Ratite were as •follows: 1 yrs, and under, Tommy Roberts; under 8 Jimmie Roberts, Cathy Roberts; 12 yrs. and under, -liarion Rob- erts, Jimmie Roberts, Cathy Rob- erts;' young peoples race: gents, Clayton Koog, Ron Wilson; young ladies, Helen Cole; 3 -legged race, Helen Cole and Marion Roberts, Jimmie and Cathy Roberts; the curiosity contest was a tie, Guess- ing the number of corn in a jar, Mrs. Harry- Cole. Mystery con- test, Clayton Koog. Sampling contest, Bev. Turner. After a sumptuous supper a business meeting followed with tIarry Cole Tii'i: SEAFORTi1' NEWS Thttredtty, Jtn)e 23, 1960 as President and Bcv, Turner 115 See -Z t eels, it was decided to hold the Neil ire -union tate same (late nest year at Riverview Park, "Pepper rte -Ur iota" The Pepper Re -union was lreld Sunday afternoon at 14005 Palk, Seaforth, with a good attendance of about 120. Gantes and races for bout children and adults were en- joyed To the couple weighing the meet was wort by Mr. a1111 Mrs, It. Pepper, Exeter. The oldest person 1lreatent was Mr, Jiolut Pepper, George Pepper of ,Miteliell was the person whose birthday was nearest Father's Day, lid, Wan Pepper, Vancouver, was the gen- tleman cooling the farthest (list ante. Ruth Anne Pepper won the pri2e for being the girl with the longest hair. Lucky spot No. was held by (leo. Pepper. Youngest person present, Leslie Falconer. Counting the candy in jar, Rose Pepper. Lady over 40 with best looking teeth of her own, Mrs, F. 1Mcoregor, Grandmother over 50, Mrs. Sandy Pepper, A bountiful supper was onjeyetl by a11, Peo- pie attended from Toronto, Mitch- ell, Clinton, Seaforth, Dashwood, Exeter, Ilensall. The sane offs. cern were elected for 1961, and it was decided the picnic be held in Lions Park, Seaforth, next year, CONSTANCE Mrs, Earl Lawson spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs, E. F, Warren and daughters while Warren was at the 'Blest Coast on a business trip, Mr, and Mrs. Wet. Jewitt at- tended the Ex -Warden Banquet Friday night at the "Little Pun", Bayfield, Last Wednesday 1h•, and Mrs. Charles Dexter were at home to their friends and neighbors on the cession of their 50th wed- ding anniversary, In the after- noon Miss Janice Jewitt, grand- daughter of :lir, and Mrs, Dexter received at the door while nieces of the' .couple were waitresses namely: \Q'r8. Stanley Ball, Au- burn; Mrs. John Sanderson and Miss Sylvia Sanderson of Blyth;. Mrs, Wilmer Glousher, R. R, 1, Londesboro; and Mrs. Nelson Mc- Clure of near Seaforttl. In the evening, 'Mars, Joe Riley poured nt e(i tort. while waitresses were Miss Lillian Adams of Clinton, and Mrs. O. Adams, Londesboro, Mrs. Frank Riley and Mrs, N. Mc- Clure of near Seaforth, and hiss Joyce Jewitt, granddaughter re- ceived at the door. Congratulations of the e m- munity go out to Mr, and Mrs, Dexter and hope they continue to enjoy main more years of wedded life i e to ether. g Irr. . 1. Charles MacGregor of Pie - ton, and Mr, and 'Mrs. Forbes Y Brighton Rog' re o e at h to1t .I sl(* nt the weekend with 1Ir, and Mrs. Ross Mac'Cb'egor, 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preszeat- or and family visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Parker and .lir. itn(1 Mrs, Les Parker, Exeter, lir, and Mrs. T, .T. Flynn, Sea - forth visited Sunday with lir. and Mrs. Geo, Leitch, lir, and Mrs, Ed Johns and Teddy of 'Mitchell visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Sunday visitors with Mr. and lir,», Jade 'Medd and family were 11r. and IMt's, Harold Phillips of Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vincent and .dark of Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Lee and Sharon Ann of Clinton. 1h•, and Mrs. Bowden Brown, Joyce and Elaine visited Sunday with the latter's father, Thomas Brigham of Hanover at the home of his son, Ernest and Mrs. Brig- ham where his family all assem- bled on Father's Day, 'Ir. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Douglas spent the week end with Mrs. Robert Woods and Debbie at Ajax and also visited 'Ir, Woods wlto 1s a patient in Oshawa hos- pital. Mr. and M' s. Howard Armst- rong and Mrs. Stewart Dale at- tended the Jehovah Witness rally in New York over the week end. Mr, and firs. Donald Buchanan 'woo. PROCLAMATION CONCERNING DOGS In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Sea - forth, and by virtue of the provisions of By- law 111, of 1912, 1 hereby proclaim that no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth during the period ending September 30, 1960. (Note: The bylaw provides penalties for infractions. Upon a conviction, the owner or harborer of a dog is liable to a line not exceeding $50, or to a jail term not exceed- ing 21 days) . B. F. CHRISTIE, Mayor Seaforth, June 14, 1960. "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" . All dog owners must obtain License tag for dog immediately, either front. D. H, Wilson or Harold Maloney Mc(i,retick FOR Sbea l he leader, its Boll Smith Dublin,FOR K_ ('hoist 200 acre fawn "ln TIlbboet `fp. Tt le one of the best in the whet" arvn. All ;Indent buildings, tail hind workable, Privy 822.000. Possession fit any time, Joseph McConnell 1h•odimiten MIN,u, CaAE u£lNSocial and Rause 8.20 Wed., Juno 29. Amateur and pt. Icssuntat entertainment. Dance to Melody Troll !lidos Waterloo. Draw on s blt; prizes WANTED TO BUY Wanted, n croquet sot ht good condi- tion. triune 003 laenf,rth FOR SALE 20 acres of gond m zed hny. tw age Stone, 05083 Seaforth QFI BALE One Massey Harris twelve foot $,+4 pull type swnther, good condition; 2 McCormick Deering rote crop cultivat- ors, , horse drawn. (Runes Cnrnoehmt, r0)032 Seaforth FOR SALE 1052 Austin and 051 Nord i;, inn trnudt, Underfelt MacLean, Ngnlnndville 370 srs-sa inkR RanSALE pullets hatch- ed April 2041, t3Sn each, Curl Siouunt, phone 5211117- Dublin NOTICE Good G neve farm with house and barn x!1 mile east of Dublin on hvvy S, for sale; or would exchange on larger farm. H. M. von Niekcric, phone 3588 Dublin FOR SALE Six or 7 tons of mixed grain and 20 sores of standing first cut hey, Cock- sltutt elite rake, 6631'14 Seaforth. Jim Souter FOR SALE Beatty washing machine, steel tined, like new, reasonable. Shovel and hoe. Phone 4078 Seaforth. FOR SALE 600 Red Rock pullets five months old, starting to ley. Jae Delaney, Dublin FOR SALE 400 geraniums and lath cabbage plaits. Balser Greenhouse, Your Carden Centre. NOTICE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TIIE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL For The TOWN OF SEAFORTH TAKE NOTICE that the above men- tioned Board of Trustees on the 22nd day of June, 1900, passed By -Lav Num- ber 1 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of Debent- ures of the said Board of Trustees in the principal amount of 9116,000.00. 1. The purpose for which the money is to be borrmved is to provide for the construction and equipment of a six room school in the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, 2. The amount to be borrowed is 6115,- 0110,00 on the security of the said De- bentures, which shall be a charge upon the schoolitause property and premises and any other mal or personal property vested In the said Board of Trustees and upon the Separate School rates. 4, The Debentures are to be dated the 1111, clay pf July, 1119 are to bear int- eresl 01 the tae of till , per mnmmn nayub)c mutually on the. 15th tiny of July in melt year and ore to he repay- able In varying instalments of principal n the lith day of July 0, the years 11t)t in 1000, Loth Inclusive, the no- gr.•0ale amount of pl'ineiprl and Inl- en's, payable in each year of the curt. reney of the Debentures being approxi- mately equal. I,eon Bannon, Secretary and family10 o1 n t td to Toronto ou Saturday (1 1[ Story - Hutt attended the lel, Hutt. n eddhlg al which Miss Mary Buchanan acted as bridesmaid, and on Sunday visited lir, and Mr, and Mrs. Rndall or Ricitmrind Hill, Constance Sunday school and SS 3, Hullett will hold their an- nual picnic on Tuesday afternoon June 2S at 7.30 in the Lions park, Seaforth. Everyone welcome and bring basket lunch. Sunday visitors at, the hone of Mr. and 11xs, ICen Preszcator and fancily- were '1r, and Mrs. Lawr- ence Hill and Mr. and Mrs, Allan Pfaff of Crediton, lir. and Ill's Mervin Webb and family of Dash- wood, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenn- ison and family, airs. Olive Webb all of Grand Bend. Ladies of Court Constantine sponsored a ladies night ou Sat- urday evening. About 15 tables of court whist was played and prizes went to high lady, Mr's. Bosnian of Walton and low lady, Mrs, Car - nen Dale, RR 4, Clinton. A pen- ny sale proved very' interesting after which a social hour was spent while the ladies served luucll. Tho lucky chair prize went to Mrs. Cannan Dale, Constance WMS held their open meeting on June 14th with societies from Auburn, Burns, Bi'ucefield, Ontario Street Clinton, Londesboro and Varna as guests. .Mrs, Rev, Funge received the la- dies at the door. MTS. Brown op- ened the meeting. Scripture les- son was taken by IIVIrs. G. McLl- wain followed by prayer by Mrs. D, Minoan, Words of welcome by Mrs. Brown were followed by a poem and prayer. Offering was taken by Mrs, Wilbur Sewitt and Mrs. Geo. Hoggart and offertory prayer by Mrs. Ross 'MacGregor. Program consisted of a duet by Auburn ladies readings by Burns and Brucofield and Ontario street Clinton, Mrs. Lorne Lawson intro- duced the speaker, Mrs, Rev, Brit- ton of Seaforth who gave an int- eresting talk on "What is that in thine hand". Her timely talk lett rood: for us all not only for .today liut for a lifetime. The program continued by a reading from the Londesboro ladies, Mrs. David Li- vingston of Constance rendered a beautiful colo, .Mrs, W. L. 'Whyte thanked the speaker and all Who gave numbers. Mrs. Brown intro- duced a bazaar sponsored by the WA held in the church basement before lunch was served. A. vote of thanks was extended to Cons- t.aneo 't\'IMS from the visiting sec- icaie BORN O'Reilly — At Scott Mewolal Hospi- tal. on June 22, to Mr, and Mrs. Louis O'Reilly, RR 6 Seaforth, a 0011 FOR SALE On Lake in the Goderielr area„ Summer cottages and Lake front lots, One 100 acre farm, good land and buildings with 700 ft, of lance frontage, lovely sandy beach. We Have a choice list of farms for sale in Huron County, Also many homes in Godsrich, Clinton, Seaforth. Looking for a business, you name it, we have it. JOHN eoSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St., Gstlerioh, Salesman, Jas, McConnell phone 266 Seaforth DRIVE n LIMITED Si t ref CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen In Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY — June 23 - 24 "I Married A Woman', 615095 Gobel - Diana CARTOON)Dors SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUPSDAY, ,mole 25-27-28 "THE VIKINGS" (COLOR) (CINEMASCOPE) Kirk Douglas •- Ernest Borgnine - Janet Leigh -• Tony Curtis (ONE CARTOON) Special Admission — 75c WEDNESDAY, TIIURS„ FRI, — June 29 -30 -July 1 THE H#RSE SOLDIERS (COLOR) John Wayne - William Holden - Connie Towers (ONE CARTOON) Special Admission — 75c Two shows nightly, rain or cleat'. First Show at Dusk Admission 65c. Children under 12 in cars Free Clearing Auction Sale 00 Household elfoets in the Village of Zurich Mein street, on SAT., JUNE 25 at 1 P.M. Acme four burner auto- matic electric range (new). 129:, ft. Serval refrigerator with deep freeze (new). Chrome kitchen set, kitchen stool, radio, child'e high chair, electric kitchen clock, Motorola Hk-Fi television Hike new) and aerial. Television table. 3 piece chesterfield suite. Chesterfield led, oesasionel eh0irs. 2 hassocks radio and .record player. Cherry oval ' table, end taller, fernery & pedesal, glass china cabinet & bullet. 2 spinning wheels, 1 small, 1 large, reel and moot holder. Electric guitar modern floor lamps, electric loreps, po114tt) toaster. Filter Queen ram= cleaner, portable electric sewing machine, coffee perco- portwhite enamel washing machine v•rt g portable - radio, r!tild's furni4mo -mod- rrn furnished bedroom. continental bed. child's crib, clothes hamper, bed linens, blankets, 12 !nett kitchen exhaust fan. Electric fan, drapes, curtains, quantity dishes,hes, Id),ehan utensils, cementer tools.plumbing and electrical equipment, pow- er band saw, drill press, 18" 1•otnty mover, boys bicycle 15111 with acm 'n Porch. \Vim•hester 1•i gauge pump shot gun. 22 Savautre automatic (both like env). Iron kettle with stand. Other at- trl5n too numerous to mention,'Penns cast. , aSimonProt. Le on Sion 1 Auet,. Harold Jackson TO RENT One heated two bedroom apartment. Also 2 one bedroom gas heated apart- ments. Joseph McConnell FOR SALE A sixteen foot canoe with all acces- sories. Jack Baker, Seaforth WANTED Bary 15 or 11 to work on the farms. AP - ply le News Office FOR SALE About 151 capons 1 weeks old, 405. Alvin Beaerman, phone 23I1118 Dublin FOR SALE 11,811 Monarch • couch in good condi- .ton. Ken Hulley, 12R I Londesboro, thane 757-J-3 FOR SALE Eleven acres of standing hay, timothy and alfalfa. Clarence Regele, Girl) Ilublin TO RENT Small apartment. All conveniences, on north Matin st. Carl Dalton. phone 69w WANTED Job for the summer. Boy 17, Phone 470W MOVED Krauskopf Bros„ dealers in coal, salt and cement, have mor ed to the former Bruxer Mill, Dublin, which we have purchased. Our former premises across the street have been leased by Jack Osier, licensed mechanic, who has a body and fender shop PROMPT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE SAVAUGESAT 2 CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS Western Ontario's Foremost Watch Repair Depot LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores Business - Chattels • Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., Downsview NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ• ators and Viking Milking Mao. ince, Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefeld. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Basals Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Sommer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week days. 6:00 and 8:00 p,m, Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton I%13 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 BRAI,SIDE NURSING NOME Licensed for convalescent & elderly nennlo. Coil 396 Mitchell Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attentlor; Hospital Bad Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and nd Suren Phone 5-W S Sottforah SEAFORTH CLINIC B. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 1 p.m„ daily •xeept Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, 'Thursday and Sat wday only 1-4 p.m. Appointments made in siren" are desirable TU RNBUL L & B Nl ANS VETERINARY C ERINA RY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BTtYANS, D.V.19I., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V,M,, V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Godericlt St, W., Seaforth Phone 791 hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.80; Wed, 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. erg by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 5 to 6.90 INSURANCE o Fire o Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue co l' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE DUNDASO& LONEY , Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 281 We write all lines of Iib UR CE Fire Auto WinB Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officer's — President, John L. Malone, Seaforth; Vice Pres,, John H. McEwing, Blyth ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Dirdetors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm • Robert Archibald, Seaforth ; John SI. McEwing, myth ; Wm. 0. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fulls', Gaderioh ; .5. 10, Poppe', Bnucefleid, Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents --- William Leiper Jr., Londes- boo ; V, J. Late, RR 6 Son.l'onth ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton 1 James Keys, Seaforth, Township of Tuckersraith NOTICE Tucker'emith Township Munici- pal Damp will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p,m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk FOE Viking CreamR SSeper tors for sale. 1--1030 new, 1—Jost !Ike new, in nor, fest shape. A full lino of parts for any Viking melte. John Byormaa, Seaford