HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-23, Page 5TILF SH;A1 OItT11 NP\VH — Thursday, June 21. limo _y-��=+^r"� •.+�reRalmJiwxllex sea:••�••�.•�•a•:ei:C'...vxlm. rrr'�1^J4w1�NCem4L,••.••„,y syk rifyiY.Q HaTket • THURS. FRI. SA 1'., I UNE ) 3-24-'2,5 ONLY GOLDEN 1)11\V MARGARINE 5 lbs for $1 KAM 4 tins Stokley's Tomato Juice 8 tins $1 Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon, 2 tin 51 Pineapple Grapefruit Juice, 3 Ig this S1 Tempt Dog Food 13 tins , $. Henley's Peaches 5 tins Dole Fruit Cocktail .... 3 20 -oz tins KLEENEX Regular 6 pkgs. White Swan Toilet Paper 8 large Rolls 1 SEE LONDON b"15E1e PRESS 'THURSDAY FOR ADI[TIONAL SPIXCH.\LS PHONE 12 WE DELIVER Township of Thckersnnith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS for 1960 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum from June 15th to Dec. 15th on. all Prepaid Taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office, Tucltersmith, RR 4 Seaforth CORA CHESNEY, TREASURER (a'61 ICE ( SUMMER BUS SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE JUNE 27th Obtain your copy from your Local Agent Coomb's Service Station The Western Ontario Motorways Limited Kitchener Ontario 19th BIRTHDAY? --keep insured! You're no longer insured under your parent's Hospital Insurance Certificate. When you become 19, separate premiums are re- quired. Application forms available from hospitals, ,most banks or any office of the Commission. READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE —if you haven't one, ask your employer or write ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO 1959 VAUXHALL SEDAN, 9000 miles 1959 FORD V-8 COACH, A.T. 1959 CHEVROLET V-8 COACH, A.T. 1957 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, A.T. 195(1 13t,JICK HARDTOP 1955 DODGE SEDAN 1955 OLDS SEDAN, ii,adio, A.T. 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER, REFUSED USED Seaforth Chevrolet. - Oldsmobile MITO RILL Phone G. Fawzn 186 LOCAL WZ1NES,S.7215 ATSPJ72,71) IJONVMNSICN Nl'r, Harold McNally, presiding minister of Jehovah's witnesses announced today that the Witnes- ses have been invited to attend a °tors Sales 8r.. Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 roar -clay convention to be hell Tune 11atil .to July (Irl at 'Cxhib - IJon Park, Toronto, :41'1', McNally will head the local delegation of atbout 10 persons, TOWN TOPICS Mayor 13. F, Christie has been confined to llu home through ill - nese EI'llee last '1'hnl's(10.Y. DI', and Mfrs. Crouch, of Toron- to, wore called here on satxu•da' 3 o1vGt to eu 111t 1 serious. (lttun ' tt a a1 M+rs. J. G Mullen, who has boon as patient hi Scots .\1omo1.10,1 11os- pital for seven weeks.lla•s;, Mul- len is In her 911th year, On Wed- nesday she was reported to be Im. proving. Mr, Taros. Fox oI' 1larpurhey w110 ds gloving to lUllloy, has sold his residence to Mr, Ilogls Anbin, through the office or Mr, Joseph :vieeonneil, with possession early in Juls'. Wm. ,s son 1 Stirs. 11 n . G. ,, t g, ` rill( Mt. Ottawa, sp('11t last week the guests of hls sister and brother - in -Haw, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Moore, High street. Miss Margaret Reeves has ae- 00511ed •a position in the Bank of Nova Scotia at Exeter, \lr. Vincent Murray, It, R. E, Seaforth, suffered a broken bone in his lett loot while working with a jack hummer at the far111 of his brother on Tuesday anti was brought to Soolt Memorial Hospital, Mass Sally Nott and Dr. Tom Brown, 1.011(1011, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Nutt, 111', and Mrs, James Hogg re- turned to their inane to Coiling - wood on Sunday after spending the bast week with Mr, and Mrs, Bedford Dungoy, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Forbes and Kevini of Kitchener visited with relatives in Seaforth over the weekend. A small barn on the 10101er 12, 15101illan property, North liaiu Street, belonging to Clayton Den- nis, was destroyed by fire Mon- day afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. D, L. Elder will leave on Monday and will leave Ottawa by air for a nine -weeks' trip to Belfast, Ireland, to visit relatives. Mr, and. Mrs. Robert J, Moore of Streetsville, Mr. and Mrs. Dav- is A, Moore, Richmond Hill, Miss Anile E. Moore, Toronto, spent last weep end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moore and Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Moore. Mark Their Fortieth Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moore, High street, held open house for their relatives, 'friends and neigh- bors on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary on June it and on Saturday, ,lune 11 they entertained at a fancily dinner for nineteen and in the evening Mr. Wm. G. Strong of Ottawa showed colored sldies of their flower gar- den. Riley;Sec., Guile Ke1Bngtorl; Island, Conn., visited on Monday with their aunt Mrs, James Wright. ,11•r. and Mrs, ,(clot Uolg at Grand Rapids, Mich. were week- end. guests (i the f91•lner s mother Mrs, Lydia>ai andsister tr lanct Mt:I. Tom :flavin its a patient in 'Victoria hospital, i,onilon, and Sports, 13i11 and Maine IMlieya, 1,10(4 gaud Marjorie ]they. Tho 1 90 re -union is to be bald at the Home of Mrs. Bert itiley, BRUCEFIELD Me. Gerald Horton and John Moffatt were in Toronto Mendell, Mr. and firs. Douglas McBeth of Windsor spent the weekend with lir. .11clleth's parents .lar. and Mrs. W, .MeBeth. .Mr. and CMTs, Lorne 'Wilson visited over the weekend with. Mrs. Wilson's brother, Mr. lint McKay and .Mrs. McKay, London. Mrs. Wm. Smith, Exeter, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. A. Hohner. Mrs. Hohner return - in; to Exeter with her and is con- valescing there after her recent illness. Mn. Sholdice had the mister- tnne to fracture his finger last week 'playing balk We are sorry to learn that -liars, N. Sillery is confined to the hos- ,pital - having undergone surgery. ,14h•s, Geo. Pinkney of Walkerton •spent Sunday with her mother, MTs. W. H. Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton spent the weekend in Niagara Fails with .Mrs, Hortoti s sister, Y4rs. Lorne Pepper. The induction of Rev. 13, John- ston of Br'ucetielcl-Kippen Unit- ed Churches will take place at Kippen on Wed., June 29th, CROIVIARTY • (' 71 ' J, i, i r5I '(I/f z Haying is progressing very fa. vourably with about third of the farmers started. Fall Wheat is ni(tly out in lxead:acrd fall barley appears to be a fairly satisfactory crop. \'t'ai•nt weather lo needed to bring the cora along. Pasture will be short en solno farms due to exeesaive early tramping an Moist fields. ,11r, and Mrs, HIarry Elliott, Su- san and Ronnie of Windsor are holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Norval Elliott and ;lar. and Mrs. John Wallace. Mr, and Mrs, laugh .1Ioorc and fancily of Lindsay- spent the week- end with :fir, aria Mrs, T. L. Scott and family. They also visit- ed with his mother firs. bl. Moore who is a patient in Seaforth Hos- pital, Many members of the WATS and Marian Ritchie AnaIlIlary Were among the guests of the AW,1(S of Chisellturst United Church at their June meeting on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Elwin IreKiuley of Zurich was the guest speaker, 11r, and Mrs, Will T-lamilton and fMr. and Mrs. Frank llaamil- ton and Mrs. Jessie Hamilton at- tended a family gathering at the haute of Mr, and firs. Nelson thulki11 of Delmore on Father's Day. Mr, and Mrs, 11, W. Neevel of Tlinlpclo, Holland, are visiting for a few months with their 'son 111', Jahn Neevel, his wife and family, ft is 11 years since Itr. Neevel had seen his parents.. Ladies from Cromarty Mission- ary Societies who attended the June Conference which was held in St, Mart's Presbyterian Church. on Thursday were airs, T, L, Scott, :Mrs. T. Laing, :firs, 112, Lomond, Mrs. S. Wilson, Mrs, Graeo Scott, firs, G. Corey, Mrs, G. Laing, firs. 0, Kerslake and Mrs. Van Arhel. Tata annual 'Riley re -union Was b.eld at the hone of Mrs. Bert ley on Saturday with 52 in at- tendance, A 011 program of games and sports was carried out, Tho officers elected for next year are: Pres., Cleo, Mann: Vice Pres,, Jim Riley: Treas., Nellie KIPPEN M:1•. and Mrs, W. R, Cooper vis- ited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Harkness and family of Parltliill, Dr, John Stewart of NYeatern University, Cleveland, Ohio, and 11rs Marlon Gents of the Pawley } we (01511 her (1 speedy .11.!1-01(11; . Itis, James Wright did t(0o nieces 3l,- , Norris Riflery 'Sea - forth, and Mrs. Hasley Craig ai' of Walton,visited (luring last 'leek with till 0tns ..\1r, alltl 11033. Oliver Wilson /u �( ofBarrie.k ,.,c oxe t W. (11bson u' \\r l 1 is 1&•s. 1 . n t visiting her (laughter and aotc-in' law lir. and 11rs. Ft', 0, 11ellls. REAL LIVE D nkey Baseball SEAFORTH LIONS PARK SATURDAY , JUNE 25th AT 9.15 P.M. See prominent local men battle in the laugh game. It, 13011"n'a McKillop team vs Art Nicholson's Tuck(n•smuh Tigers Admission 75c, Children (muter 12) .',c Sponsored by Seaforth Agrleulntral Society Notice to Taxpayers i Arrears TOWN OF SEAFORTH At the Council meeting on Monday, 13th June, the Finance Committee reported that a review of financial statements over the past 10 years has shown a steady increase in tax arrears accumulating, except for the year 1957, when a tax sale was instituted. On the first of January, 1960, the total tax arrears amounted to $57,265. This sum. represents 38.5% of the total levy for the Town of Seaforth for the year 1959. The Committee pointed out that it was cost- ing the Town over $10.00 a day in interest rates, and involved a sum over the year that would n'iean two mills on the tax rate. It is felt by many menlbera of the Council that some citizens delib- erately have neglected paying their taxes as a cheap method of borrowing. Of course this "cheap method" is at the expense of their fellow -citizens and taxpayers. In view of this situation, the Committee recommended to Council; 1. Immediate steps for a tax sale. 2, Court proceedings against unpaid business tax, 3. A personal letter to all delinquents,warning them of action, 4. Investigating the possibility of increasing the late penalty and interest charges on unpaid taxes. 5. Within. 30 days the publication in the newspaper: of a list of all delinquent taxpayers. Council concurred in the report of the Committee and action, as recommended, is now being taken. P. L. BRADY, M.D. Chairman, Finance Committee Town of Seaforth Seaforth, June 15, 1960 No Respecter of AGE e I is the ENE �f AL This dread disease is CO TAG # fUS Without knowing it, you could be a carrier—passing on this disease to y011l' loved ones. BE SURE -- let me showyou convenihowent a T -D JOJNr ACCO13cb e "A Toronto -Dominion Joint Account can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, many couples find it the ideal way to plan family finances. Here's how it works: "[Tonally a husband and wife share a Joint Account. It can be oper- ated as a Joint Savings of Personal Chequing Account. Either party can make deposits and either can write cheques on the account. Whet'-,er you're shopping (15)1o\\ n, - doing business downtown, or paying cheques 1,'r mail, 0171?1 ()lc signature Q$ necessary{. Joint Accounts have another important advantage, too. In the event of illness or acci- dent ... and when the -husband or wife is away for -any reason . . the funds in the account are still available to the Other party. Opening a Joint Account is easy. Any of our people will be glad to supply you with complete details. BUR N C JUkkTY'S FREIE TB Detection ton Can is ZVill Operate fro JULY 1.9 to AUGUST 5 Watch for announcement of dates in your area HURON COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION (Cost of this survey is borne by sale of Christmas Seals and by the Ontario Sept. of Health) Joint Accounts are just one of the many conven- ient banking services the people at Toronto - Dominion have to offer you. Be sure to visit the branch near you soon. You'll really enjoy our kind of "interested" service. See for yourself why..," people make the difference ab TORONTO t SEAFORTH BRANCH W. C. MOORE, MANAGER