HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-23, Page 3Smelting In The Dark Of The Moon Smelts run every spring, and *very spring I find myself with en urge to go and see, Yet 1 don't go, and I guess I didn't realize the difference betwixt hen and ;now until somebody Raid the other day, "Of eeurse, We walked when we went smelt- ing." It is true, and it is the difference: I remember stagger - keg home under the weight of e bag of smelts on my shoulder, feeling my way in the dark over roots and stumps. Sometimes I could go all the sway home without setting the bag down for a rest, So we did walk to the smelt brook, and I can see that it made a difference. The smelt, a spring spawning fish of great delicacy, is able to live his whole cycle in fresh water, but the ones we went after were the sea -run kine;, coming up from the ocean in prodigious numbers to spawn in the chill fresh water of the sea. conal runoff, The fresh -water smelt seems to run a mite lar- ger, but the sea -rim kind outdoes him in flavor. A mess of smelts was always a springtime must. And man has, from the reddest Indians, gone every spring to take these fish as they move up in their pattern of reproduction, As you view the thing in general, there are two kinds of fishing — commercial and sport. Smelting is the only branch of either which laps over to the other, combines the two so there is no difference. This, probably, is because it comes in the spring and takes on the wistful, force- ful complexion of some ancient pagan ritual whose stated in- cantations have outlasted the purpose. At least, I know there is a willy-nilly response that strikes me every year at smelt- ing time, although I no longer go, We did walk. True, there were. automobiles by my time, but we lacked roads. At smelting time our poor country lanes were hub - deep in mud, and people still knew how to walk. We liked the night tide of the dark of the moon — which sounds pagan enough until you reflect that we liked it only because the smelts liked it. That's the way with a lot of things — you think man- kind does something out od fear- some inner urges, lost to thought and bordering on the occult, and then you find it is nothing of the sort It takes both men and smelts for this vernal orgy, and the smelts run thickest on a dark tide. Today hordes of smelters gravitate to the stream from even hundreds of miles away, each bringing a pail for his har- vest, and the cars are parked on firm shoulders for a mile on each side of every bridge and culvert. We walked, long -poled nets on our shoulders, communing in a fellowship as we went along ac- cording to our ancient ritual, moving by families and neigh- borhoods toward the brackish tide. Any voice out of the dark was somebody's. I'f you heard a splash clown the brook, a coarse cry of chilled dismay, and then a flurry of haw -haw's, you could -Bell who had fallen in and who thought it was funny. Now you can smelt all night among Strangers and hear no familiar voice except your companion's. And It does make a difference. What was a tribal rite, secure among intimates, now belongs to transient infidels as well. They have the legal right, of course, and must not be denied their 'recreational"„ privileges. B u t they are intruders in fact, for they look upon smelting wholly as a sport and lack the deeper nuances of springtime and the mysteries of the dark of -the anon. You have no idea, unless you've experienced it, what a Maine brook feels like on a black full -tide in the dark of the moon during a smelt run. QUITS CUBA DEAL Former heavyweight champ Joe Louis tells newsmen that he has sev- ered all connections with the Cuban Tourist Bureau, He also revealed that he would with- draw as a partner in the public relations firm that obtained the $287,000 contract from Fidel Castro unless it drops the Cu- ban account. Louis said, "There is only one decision I can make My record as an American is as well known as anyone's and I mean lo keep it that way. Coming forth from a misstep washed pure in these rites is not a happy experience, You climb dripping up the bank and it is hard to understand what allyour good friends are laughing at. And on top of all this, I don't like smelts much anyway, and would just as lief have a boiled egg, So it's a little hard in the perspective of later, and chang- ed, times to look back on smelt- ing as the greatest thing that ever happened. But I do know this: That every year on the dark of a spring moon, now that I'm living back from the coast, there comes an inner and unbidden thought of smelting. All those who have had the tides in their lOre, however far back in the highlands they may move, know that the breeze stirs a certain way at the change. The gigantic force that moves the oceans in regular rote is always felt in the air for those who know of it. .And while for months on end I never notice this recurring sig- nal, I do notice it at smelt: time. I would light the symbolic flame and depart for the temple. I would join the generations that moved from the forests to the sea to greet the returning sea- , son — holding the smelt as a harbinger and a promise. I would answer the summons. I don't go. But it may answer some philosophies that the sum- _ mons is still heard, By John Gould in the Christian Science Monitor. How Can Il ? by Roberta Lee Q. How can I remove white rings left on a table top by too - hot dishes? A. Place a few drops of cam- phorated oil or sweet oil on the ring, let soak in for a few min- utes, then polish off with a soft cloth. Q. What can 1 do when the wax polish on my furniture be- gins to look streaky? A. This is the time to re- move the old wax that's gotten mixed with dirt and has collect- ed on the surface. Mild soap and lukewarm water will serve the purpose, but don't let the soap remain on the furniture for any length of time. Be sure, also, to polish or rewax the furniture immediately after the washing, It costs more now just to amuse a child than it used to cost to educate his dad. OFFICIAL SEAL — Looking as somber at a judge, the dignified old seal checks the outside world of Miami Seaquarium, Elvis Is Modest In A Big Way The twelve pretty starlets had been shooed away from the vie- inity of the great man in the shower for fear they would be a disturbing influence, The show- er had been started, with cold water that would not streak his make-up, and the fake steam had been turned on, Then the pre- recorded music began and, in the latest switch on Hollywood's fa- mous star - in - the - bath scene, Elvis Presley started mouthing "What's She Really Like?"—one of the eleven songs he sings in Paramount's "GI Blues." In his first movie after two Army years in Germany, ex -Ser- geant Presley was playing, of all things, a soldier stationed in, of all places, Germany. The side- burns and 15 pounds of flesh were gone, but otherwise it was just like the old days—oceans of hubbub washing over the star who, as long as he wasn't sing- ing, remained quiet, deferential and serious. After the shower scene, Elvis changed into uniform and walk- ed toward his luxurious dressing room several blocks away, an- swering "Yes, sir" or "No, sir" to the questions put to him by underlings along the way. He strolled through an- anteroom where halfa dozen young men lounged in sport clothes—some of the nine pals he had brought from Memphis to Hollywood in a private railroad car (the trip cost him $2,424). The friends were variously carried on the payroll a s "valet," "security guard," and "accountant" ("He was a bookkeeper before he went in the Army," Elvis says defen- sively of this last functionary). "If you don't hind, sir, I'll just keep my hat on while I eat," Elvis said, glancing at the air conditioner in his dressing room, "I got to keep this hair in place and I might catch a chill after that .shower." He began munching on un - buttered roll ("A lunch makes me sleepy") as he was. asked about his Army stint, "I learned a lot about people in the Army," he said. "There was all differ- ent types, I never lived with other people before and had a chance to find out how they think. It sure changed me, but I can't tell you offhand just how "I never griped. If I didn't like something, nobody knew, excepting me. Nothing bad hap- pened. If I'd 'a' been what they thought, I'd have got what was •coming to me. But I never talk- ed about show business. I went along." He was asked about his future plans. "I'm ambitious to become a more serious actor, but I don't want to give up the music bus- iness by no means," • he said. "I can't change my style, either. If I feel like moving around, I still move. As for the fans, they've changed some but they're still. there, the same ones. The•presi- dent of one fan club came to see me and I hardly recognized her. She's going to college now. I was surprised she looked me up. She was more mature, but she stop- ped by anyway." The door burst open and a huge platter of tuna -fish sand- wiches was borne in, followed eagerly by the pals. — From NEWSWEEK, Not Double-Tcllk But Sounds Like it "Double Deuce, your pigeons at home plate is zero niner zero, one five miles. Strangle your parrot and go three three five point eight for a GCA pickup .over the range." What does it mean? It isn't double-talk. It is a common and straight-faced radio transmission to the pilot of an airplane. The airplane serial number ends in "22," and he is being told that he should turn east and travel 15 miles to reach his air- port, He is being asked to turn off his r oder identification equipment and tune his radio to 335.13 megacycles to begin a ground -controlled approach for landing when he is over the radio range station, The language of a pilot is daily becoming more difficult for his friends on the ground to understand, As the air around es crowds with airplanes, traffic jams would occur aloft near every major airport in the country if pilots took time to explain their requests and make their reports in' the same language their brothers use on the (;round, So they use a shorthand language to speed things up. For instance, a pilot may want to say something like this; "Los Angeles control tower, I am the pilot of the first in a group of four airplailes flying under the call sign "Checkmate." We are beginning our landing pattern approximately three miles from the end of the right runway of the parallel runways aligned un a heading of 230 degrees. We are A as b Li I : AGENTS WANTED .014N and wenn n Demonstrate and sell our new Jiffy Electric 'Teapots. Free devnone.leator to persons with referen- e s. llurlhert Agencies, Ttockville, AR Nova Scotia. Yarmouth . _ TICLES FORR SALE "DESTROYER" for use in outdoor toil- ets. Sato down in the earth, saves cleaning. Directions. Thousands of users, coast to 00000, Price $1,00 per ram, postpaid. Log Cabin Products, 322 1 orb dead, Guelph, Ontario BABY CHICKS NEW low prices on Bray dayold and started chicks, prompt shipment. See local agent - or write BrsYYT atehery,. 130 John North, Hamilton, n BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LCE cream, soft; Investigate the pos.. alistlInodrtsoCnbein installed your pesenstre Small dinvestment;tltLargeulpro business. Box 212 123.18th Street, NOW Toronto, Ont. NAPION WIDP electromassage rental outlets are necking additional reliable and able men to organlzc In their areas, They, will control an rentals and sales of our nationally advertised product. 140 triflers please. Must have a minimum of 52000 to invest, You bre. Write Lowlier and Associates Ltd. 3089 Bathurst Street, Toronto 19, On. Melo BE YOUR OWN BOSS ! OWN AND OPERATE A Coln -Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store, Net $4,000.58,000 Annually, Write or phone today for full informs. tion about unattended osln-operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities In your time -awhile nettingahighnIncom spare ananee 90% of your total purchase, offer you longest financing period at lowest monthly inetalhnenta. You re. ceive training and advice from a na. tional organization that has helped over 8500 men and women 111ce YOU do Into business for themselves. No ex. perienee necessary. Modest invest- ment. This proven new profitable making opportunity otorsanyone Owho wants to own his own business. Cern. pare our complete program. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 10, Ontario ROger 6-7255 CATTLE INSECTICIDES CONTROL THE FACE FLY WITH the "BEST" Cattle Oiler and Insecticide 011. This serious fly is al. ready attacking Cattle In great •num. bars, Several satisfied users praettoalty eliminated this pest during 1918. Start treatment early for effective control. Can be hung in pastures or feed lots. ICf115 lice all winter and flies all sum- mer, Save b0-75 lbs. on each animal treated. SEE your local dealer or contact George E. Gilbert Equipment Ltd, Leamington, Ontario. Phone 0A. 6-8242. DOGS FOR SALE SCOTTISH TERRIERS MALES and females, registered. Ex- cellent breeding, Trimming a Specialty HarrlsShire Kennels Registered. Hwy. 74, Belmont. Belmont 422-0-17. flying at the prescribed altitude and are going to come to a com- plete stop on the runway. By the time the flight leader finished saying something like this, he would practically have had time to land his airplanes, walk to the tower, and give his message to the controllers in per- son, writes Richard Bach in The • Christian Science Monitor. Instead, as his flight turns in- to the pattern, the leader takes five seconds and says, "Los Angeles tower, Checkmate 1s turning initial three out with four, two five right for a lull 'Atop." Abbreviations play a big part in the language of pilots. VOR, ADF, TACAN, DME, and ILS all refer to navigational radio equipment aboard an airplane. CAT, MAP, TOP, OAT, and IAS refer to information read from the air plan e's instruments. Weather can go from CAWS (ceiling and visibility unlimited) to WOXOF (indefinite ceiling zero, sky obscured, visibilty zero in fog). Some abbreviations don't make sense, though, even When they're spelled out. If you visit a con- trol tower, you may hear a pilot request the tower operator to "cancel my item fox." Far from bringing disappoint- ment to a point -nosed Reynard, "Item" and "fox" are letters in the phonetic alphabet, and the messages becomes, "cancel my IF." It still may not matte much sense. Given the clue that IFR stands for instrument flight Toles, we pee that he could be saying, "Cancel my instrument flight," which is almost correct. In English it means, "Cancel my IFR, flight plan, for I am out of the clouds and have the field in Of course that takes far too long to say, and the - message r emains, "cancel my item fox." If the airways grow much more complex, the language of flying will need its own diction- ary and take its place with Urdu and Swahili., intelligible only to those who have studied them for years. Right now, though, when he Irks, a pilot ran still speak English. ISSUE 25 — 1960 ED ADVERTISING M a fe EUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR MALE aENERAl, store and equipment, 2 gas pumps, storeroom cad garage, else a 0 -roomed house, plus bath and 00r. nate, sell reasonable. Apply to box No 22 Port Rowan, Ont. SASKATCHEWAN Licensed llutele For Sole - 35 looms, 300,000 with 530,000 down7 looms, 515,009 with 56,000 down 7 rooms, 517,000 with $10,000 down 10 rooms, 578,000 with 055,000 down 11 rooms, 500,000 with 510.030 down 8 rooms, 527,000 with 517,000 down. city 55 rooms, $300,000 with 5100010 down. BONNEAU'S AGENCIES. Real Estate, Gravelbourg, Sask. RESTAURANT and service station with tbree•bedroom apartment above Mite ate% on No. 8 Highway about five polys from at Thomas. Lime buildingt /0ut in first class condition and large parking area, will take countryin part Pay, 111 health reason for sealing. Phone or write (leo. H. Cross, Broker. 00 Myrtle St. Thomas. Hardware, Plumbing Sheet Metal LONG established business In flour - telling community,"Huron county". Will consider selling plumbing and or sheet metal separately. Ill health only reason for this offer. C. CLIFF HUNT, REALTOR, -284 Dundas St., London. GE 24112. FARMS FOR SALE 14 miles sGravenhursl.a Reason: able, Write to Mrs. Hazel Ruttmt, Wil- berforce, Ontario, for particulars. 300 -ACRE grain or cattle farm; 1e/a miles northeast Dornoch, steel roof barn, drilled well, pressure system, gravel pit, modern kitchen, 513,000. Low down payment, N0 Sunday calls Please, P. Sobey, Williamsfe d. FOR Sale: 118 neres, 95 acres tillable. balance in bush, two neVel' failtoS wells. Spring In pasture, good barn, Implement shed, two garages hen house, dairy. granary, Chicken house, modern nine roomed house, good base. ment, electricity, telephone, school bus passes door' cheese factory Applin George Allen, 'Box 49. L'Orignel, On- tario. FARM MACHINERY EBERSOL'S / MlLVERTON Ebersol Snow blowers Ebersol Feed Mixers Ebersol Electric Hammer Mills Ebersol Feed Certs EBERSOL FARM ELEVATORS EBERSOL GRAIN THROWERS EBERSOL SWIVEL FEEDING CARRIERS Ebersol Seed Mixers Ebersol Thresher Shredders Caswell Ferro Crates Cesweli Warn Crates Caswell Cattle Currlera Contact your Dealer or Write Ebersol Farm Equipment Company Limited, Milverton, Ontario, Pilone 171. GARDEN PLANTS IRIS. Beautiful tall bearded named varieties. Special bargains. Price list on request. Orton Robinson, 169 Dufferin Street, Guelph, Ontario. GLADIOLUS SULeb 100 Gladiolus Bulbs, $2 IN ten varieties to bloom this summer'. Postpaid. Wrlg'htland Farm, Harrow, Ont. HELP WANTED LABORATORY TECHNICIAN — Imme- diately mpme- intondcnt, 6UxbyridgekGenerral Hospital Uxbridge, Ontario, MACHINERY POR SALE PEED MILLS SURPLUS stock of new Tornado No, 18 feed mills, ban bearing with hop - lar.' Federal, 185 349.00. Send E..,,nTorontolrcu- ' MEDICAL A TRIAL EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Wad POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema w 111 respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free en Receipt of Price P5105 43.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1165 St. Clair Avenue East 'TORONTO NURSES WANTED General Duty Nurses FOR modern 00 bed hospital. Reald- ence accommodation available, 40 hour 8 -day week, Good personnel benefits. Starting 1 new 00 dwlth Ontat-lo experience also Supervisor of Nursing required. State experience and salary expected, Ad• dress enquiries to: The Administrator, Box 9090 Sioux Lookout, Ontario, P.O. OPPORTUNITIES WOMENR BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunty Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Eloor St. W., Toronto Branches; 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa, PERSONAL ANGLICAN Women Sunday School teaellerS, else some driver's needed, end May, Oct. B.C. prairies, expenses pall on vat and travelling. School teachers accepted July, Aug. Miall ap- pllcatlon I4va Resell, Synod office. Wile nine!! DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs. Inquiries invited. Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto, BOY Trouble? Girl T'r'ouble? Love Trouble? Don't soiree a day longer when expert advise earl be obtnlned ao 50s11y, quickly. end cheaply. De- laying and bungling can mean total loos of your chance, Send me your problem ized tlanalysis 0 ofOtwi prompt pwrong and what to do, STRICTLY C'ONI'IDFN• TIAL, A. C, Martin, Box 184, iY;eComh. Miss., U.S.A. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 75% of sickness. Particularly sleeplessness, iitterynesa and irritability. Steep, calm your nerves with "Napps", 10 for $1.00. rn 50rthfor,T'54oranto,00. .Lyon's Drugs. 471 Dau - PROPERTIES FOR SALE MUSKOICA or Lake isle tote 5195 Improvements. Easy temp. Going frit, Ilex 431, Huntsvilie. PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN north Grimsby. 2/5 acre with cot- tage, living•dining room, 3 bedroome kitchen, bathroom flush tenet- Appit C. A. 13r1(igmen, Winona, Ont. APARTMENT house — two acres land Tiverton. Best 150atien, Bente of land,_ Atomic Project, 511,500. Terms. Reason poor health. Phone F. or Box 30, Tiverton Ont. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVEI SAVEI Films developed and 0 magna prints in album 400 12 magna prints in album 000 Reprints 50 0110h KODACOLOR Developing roll 51.00 unit including prints). Celor prints 35e each extra. Ansco and Ektaehromo 35 ,mm 20 ex- posures mounted in anile s 51 25. Color Money prints flt5riefndedn full for unprinted nega tives, FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. REAL ESTATE FLORIDA! High wooded lots near Gulf, 5350 up. terms. Joseph Peulet, Regis- tered Broker, Box 455, New Pott Richey: Merida. STAMPS BIG Mystery Packet of U.S. Stempel You'll be the envy of your friends. 100 with approvals • bonus .surpt•lsesl Pinevu, Box 1544, Ogden, Utah. SURPLUS MERCHANDISE SURPLUS Merchandise et a fraction of their cost flow and where to buy. Send 51,00, to: Surplus sales, lidgs. Bldg„ Washington 0, D.C, TRANSISTOR RADIOS TRANSISTOR RADIO! With big 24i" bunt -in speaker, Turn loud for group enjoyment or. for inthnate listening. Full AM broadcast range 535 1m, to 1805 Ito. Measures 4" x 21,4" x DS". . Full price crryingcase. includes 62Se Sec- ond Ave, St. Martin, Que„ Canada. TEACHERS WANTED CLARENDON TSA requires teachers principal for Plevna 2.room school and others. First class certificate required. Salary offered: 53,000 to 13,200, accord - Ing to school and experience, Please State last inspector. For information contact 1%1rs. E. A. Card, secretary - treasurer, Plevna, North Frontenac, ST. EDWARD'S modern Separate School at Nipigon, Ont. Requires one Primary Methods Teacher and teach - era, Situated 60 miles from the Lake- head on Trans Canada Highway, tliod- ern town of over 2700 population. Mini- mum salary 33000, Experience 3150x4. Annual increment $200x4. Apply stating qualifications, and name and address of last Inspector to D. 3, Banning, Nipigon, Ontario. TEACHER required for modern coun- try school, Sudbury district, 4 miles from town. Starting Sept. term, 20 to 28 puplls ell Grades. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected to Conrad Springer, Sec. -Trees, P,S,S. Ne. 1 Baldwin, MoKerrow, Ont, TEACHER required for September, 1980. Junior room, grades 1.3 inclusive. New modern school, 20 miles west Fort William, on Trans -Canada High- way. Salary minimum, 32,000.00 5200.00 allowance for each year, up to 3 yearn experience. APPLICANT to state qualifications, experience, age, last inspector, to Mrs. A. MaxwellSec., T.S.A. of Conmee, No, R.R.1, Itakabeka Falls, Ontario, WHITE RIVER PUBLIC SCHOOL REQUIRES FOR SEPTEMBER A qualified teacher to act as principal two -room school teaching Grades 6 to SALARY: experience cup 3ta8 years; per 5500ear for principalship; 51,000 for B.S. or equi- valent; 5200 year increment . GIVE experience and names of last inspectors. R G. MEALEY SECRETARY -TREASURER SOX 87, WHITE RIVER, ONT. SUMMRR STAFF WANTED "ONTARIO Association for Retarded children Camp Glen Wood at Lek* settgog Aug. 26 -Sept. 2 for young adults, needs male couneellors, 20 years or over — honorarium 320.00. Write Mrs, June Braaten, 48 Deeptvood Cr., Don Mills, Ont," SUMMER RESORTS CHALET Brunelle, Sportsmen's north- ern rendezvous on Rem! Lake near ffineusFrench cuisine. Phone end Rene Brunelle, Moonbeam, Ont. R05ELAWH L0006, KALA private ROOMS, bathroom, fine food a beach summer sports, friendly moderate, write or phone Roselatvh Lodge, Bala Muskoka. Blue Water Conferertce NEAR WALLACEBURG, ONT. CHRISTIAN FAMILY RESORT 33.60 facilities; 5dant; all re Bible and issioneveningspee meeting; Writ 45 missionary speakers. Folder. Write 155 King W., Chatham, Ont. Le Montclair MOST OUTSTANDING RESORT IN FAMED STE, ADELE VILLAGE 1.Largest swimming pool in the Lain renuans, 3 diving boards slide. 4. Dluminated Ruhlco tennis court. 3. Cosiest cocktail lounge. 4. Meals beyond compare. 5. Riding, boating, movies, golf and driving range nearby. 4. Socia! and sports program under it director. 7. Summer theatre, art eentre, music for denting. 0. Catholic and Protest -ant chttre11es in the village. Outstanding Vacation At Reasonable Rates Write For Folder R. T. Ceulllard Le Montclair, Ste. Adele, P.O, VACATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE SUMMER CAMP LAKE HURON Aceolnmad;.tinns nn 5 tors near Port Elgin In .1(,,p, teed and cututain ten. WHITE 11, '.1,1'GN ('RU•FT:E - P.lioKER 3811 111) Termite t. Ont. C. pKACHE May be Warning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, caress acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dia. ltidied rest or that tired -out and limy. headed feeling may soot follow. That's the lime to take Dedd'e Kidney FS ds. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action, Then you feel better—sleep batter—work betier, Get Dadd's lfie;ney Pitta new, r}