HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-23, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 12
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Heron Highest
T. Rabies on Decrease,
MOH States
The 'e: e 1 t.
Ph. results of the Y it annual
high school mathematics contest
written dt}i'ing the liret week of
March were received this week
and Seaforth ranks in the top 17
per cent,
This contest is voluntary and
involves schools over all of North
America. This year 6,200 schools
took part or which. 80% have en-
rolments over 500, Each sehool
may enter 0s 1110.1»' contestants
as desired and the top three far
that school comprise the school's
team, their total score being the
team score. It is this scare lay
which tho schools are ranked,
The continent is divided into
10 regions, Seaforth[ being placed
in the second, which includes New
York State, Ontario and Qaebeo.
Seaforth had a team score of
142.50 and ranked 116th out of
676, thus being in the top 17%,
The three team members were
Bill van den. Bagel, Fred Flewitt
and Noreen McEwing, receiving
scores of 60,75, 43,0 and 33.75 res-
pectively, The average score for
the region was 59.5 whereas for
the continent it was much less,
Considering that this is only
the second year that Seaforth has
taken part and is competing ag-
ainst schools with enrolments se-
ven or eight tines as large, with
some being very highly selective,
it is felt that Seaforth students
have clone very well and deserve
to be congratulated.
The school board, recognizing
this, presented each of the team
members with circular slide rules,
Pink and white peonies ar-
ranged by Mrs. Sam Bates and
Mrs, Alvin 4111010 formed the
setting for a successful tea and.
baste sale held in St, James' Rec-
tory. 'rhe president, Mrs, Joint
Maloney and Airs, Gordon Reyu-
olcl, wefeunled the guests at the
door. Mrs. J. M1, McMillan. invited
the guests into the tea-room. Con-
vening; the tea were Airs, ,Ile.
McConnell and IIl's, James Slat-
tery, Pouring tea, Mrs. Jack Mea-
gher, Miss Mae Porgeter, Miss
Marguerite hunt and Mrs. (40
lloternans. Serving in the tea
room, firs. Richard Ilox, Mrs. Ver-
er_dunRau, firs, John Flannery,
Jars. Janes Devereaux, and Mrs.
Cleo. I.egeza. Making tea, Mrs. T.
Bicknell and Mrs. John Laneink.
In the kitchen, airs. C. Malone,
Mrs, A. -Hoff and Mrs. Jas. Kelly.
Convenors for the bake sale, -firs.
Arthur Devereaux and Mrs. harry
Hak. Assisting, Mrs. Con Eckert,
Mrs. M. Williams and Miss An-
toinette Van den Mengel.
Mr, and Mrs. John Louis Sia_
lone R.R. 5, Seaforth, wish to
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Claire Veronica, to,Ro_
beet Stephen Murray, son of Mir,
and Mrs. Stephen -Murray, 11.R,
Walton. Marriage to take place
at St. Columban Church on July 2
Mr. and Mrs, Ilarold Pethick of
Seafortll wish to announce the
engagement. of their daughter
Marjorie Jean, to Donald Ken-
neth Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Carter of Innerkip. The
wedding will take place Satur-
day, July lath at 2.30 p.m. in
First Presbyterian Church, Sea -
Mr, and lies. Harvey Taylor,
R,R, 1, Londesboro, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
only daughter Marilyn Louise, to
Mr. William (Harry) Brydges, el -
ler son or firs. Bryclges and the
late Mr. Wm. Bryclges of Belgrave.
The wedding will take place in
Constance United Church July 16,
MIr. and Mrs. Antons Simon,
R.R. 2, Walton, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter Rose
Christine to Mr. Robert Joseph
Robinson, 'sou of Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph Robinson, RR, 1, St,
Marys, The wedding will take
place, Saturday, July 16, 1960 at
.', p.m, at St. ,Peter's Lutheran
Church, Brodhagen, Ont.
Mr, and Mrs, Alex Smith, RR,
5, Seaforth, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter June Mary
to Murray Russell Cockwell, son
of Mr. Wilfred Coekwell, R.14, 1,
Atwood, and the late Mrs. Cock -
well. The marriage to take place
Saturday, July 23 at 2 o'clock in
Duff's United Chln'eh, Mcii311op•
Mr, and Mrs, Robt, M. Scott of
Seaforth wish to announce the en-
gagement of their eldest daughter.
Marylyn Jean to 'Mae Arnold
,Toheson Taylor, son of 'Mr, and
Mrs, Victor Taylor, Brucefield,
The marriage will take place an
Saturday, July 16, 1960 et 2 p.m.
in Duff's United Church, McKillop
50th ,Anniversary of
Mr., Mrs. Cardiff
Elston Cardiff, M.P. for I•iuron,
and Mrs. Cardiff, celebrated their
fiftieth wedding anniversary on
Wednesday, Parliament at Ot-
btawa took time off to offer eort-
gratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Brussels Mill Bought
By Topnotch Feeds
Topnotch Foods Ltd., of Seas
forth have purchased the Aflame
Feed ((Hill at. 13russeis. Mr, Jack
Ritchie, of il:itehell, at present
mauaeer of tile, Topnotch bra11011
at Moffat, Ont., has been named
manager of the mill at Brussels.
'rllo now 0W11('111 tape possession
on July 1st,
The Adams have operated the
Brussels mill since :1943, Mn, and
Mrs. 0. Adams intend to remain
in Brussels, Bill Adams, who has
been associated with his father
in, the business will stay on for
a time..
S.W. Archibald To
Scale Rockies Peaks
A British. Army six -man .team,
with London, Ont., engineer Lt. -
Col. S. W. Archibald as survey
malt, will try to scale four peaks
in the Rockies as a British Army
recruiting gimmick.
Col. Archibald, 60, said three
oh the peaks are named Stalin,
Roosevelt and Churchill and are
in a virtually unexplored area of
the Rocky Miountains,
The British Army Men—mem-
bers of the Royal Fusiliers, City
of London Regiment—have scaled
peaks in the Swiss Alps and in
North Wales,
The British Army men leave
England early next mouth and
will go direct to 'Port Nelson, B.C.
The marriage took place June
18th at 6 p.m., at McGill Universi-
ty Divinity Ball Chapel of Dolly
R, Miatalon, of Seaforth, and Hu-
bert Glenn Donald, 155 Balmoral
Ave,, Toronto, The bride is the
daughter of Mrs, Maniloll, Paris,
France. Dr. and Mrs. .Tolan Nar_
man Berrill, 3:121 University St,
Montreal. acted as parents. The
bridegroom is the son of Mrs.
)Hazel Donald. of Arthur, Ont.
Dean frost, Dean of the Faculty
of Divinity at. McGill, perforated
the ceremony. Decorations were
white peonies. The bride, who was
given in marriage by Dr: John
Norman Berrill, wore a' Boor -
length while gown in Menem lace
sent from Paris, veil with a crown
of Hem -de -lye, Der flowers were
white lilacs.
Bridesmaid was Elsilyn Berrill
or Montreal, wearing au orchid
colored dress, and flowers here
lilacs. Patrick Bradley oil Toronto
was beet plan. Michael Berrill
was usher. Gifford Mitchell, Dir-
ector of McGill Choral Society,
Montreal, played the two tradi-
tional marches. The reception was
held at the home of Dr. and MIrs,
Berrill, Mrs. Berrill receiving in
a pale blue Christian Dior dress.
Tho bridegroom's mother wore a
beige sills suit.
Dr. and Mrs. S. N. Bovrill ase
the adopted Canadian family of
the bride since her arrival in
Canada, and left two days after
the wedding for a trip to Europe.
Dr, Berrill is a professor at Mc-
Gill university. The bride is on
the staff of Seaforth District high
Sehool,- and the groom will also
join the staff in September.
The marriage took place in St.
Columba R. C. Church on Jame
1St11 at 11 8.10„ of Florence Mlarie
Sloan and Donald Charles Brady.
The bride is the daughter of Mir,
and Mrs. ,Lanes Sloan of St. Co-
lumban and the groom ie the son
of Mor, and Mrs C. M. Brady, Lon-
don, Rev. Father J. McCoweli of-
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
long floor -length dress of pure
white silk taffeta with applique
of French lace, short waist line
with point in back, 'V-shaped neck
line with embroidery lace, long
point sleeves and she carried
red roses.
The bridal attendants were
Mrs, Tont [Murray and Mrs, Ger-
ald Gaffney, sister's of the bride,
who wore ballerina -length gowns
of Swiss dot white organza. The
full bouffant skirt had a fitted
bodice with scooped neckline and
tiny puffed sleeves. A cnmberbun4
of pink and blue was accentuated
in the back by a large bow, Cathy
Murray, niece of the bride, was
0101101' girl and was dressed sim-
ilarly to the bridesmaids. Mr, Wm,
Brady, brother of the groom was
groomsman, The ushers were Mr.
Pat Sloan, brother of the bride,
and Mr. Clarence Woocie, cousin
of the .groom. The organist was
Mrs. Vincent Lane and soloist was
)Mrs, Tom Kale of St. Columba,
cousin of the bride.
The bride's mother wore a
beige two-piece flowered dress
with brown aoceseories and or-
ange carnations. The groom's mo-
ther wore a green dress with dos-
-the and beige accessories and yel-
low carnations,
For a w011111ng trip to New I'o1'11
City the bride wore a green ad
white duster and dress with white
accessories, bronze carnations,
Mfrs. Wm. Caldwell P.N.G. and
Mrs, Inez McEwen P.N.G. P.N.G, of
Amber Rebekah. Lodge are at-
tending the sessions of Grand
Lodge being held in Toronto this
week, i.r ;l
In his report to Boron County
Council last week 1)r. 11, 1I. Aldis,
Medical Officer of Health states
that last year Huron County had
the largest number of confirmed
rabies cs
•� a c 1, in
animals recorlletl
for the Province with Huron Bet-
e(' tit 03 eases,
11(1011(11 exposure occurred to
some degree in meet 00 local in-
stances, Through the splendid co-
operation of the county office or
the Ilettltli-of Animals branch,
0000011. Deear•'tnient of Ag'nieul-
turn, it was p0ssihie to check
promptly on all eases which invol.
veci humans, Rabies vaccine while
available through branch labora-
tories, is also kept in stock by the
Health Unit and in several urgent
cases it was 1)00011110 to dispatch
Vaccine immediately an receipt of
t11e request for -prophylactic treat-
The report further stated that
despite some inititll apprehension,
the people or Huron County re-
sponded mast intelligently to the
throat - iu some instances actu-
ally on their doorstep - and 10
human cases developed here.
While this year there has been
a marked overall rednation in
the incidence or rabies in South-
ern Ontario, the reduction is bas-
ed on the marked decrease (72%)
iu the number of cases of proven
rabies in the -fox.-There has-been
no reduction in the number of
proven rabid skunks during the
current year, In eleven Ontario
counties, skunks were the only
wild creatures reported with ra-
bies. Six other counties reported
rabies also in cattle, dogs, eats
and horses,
It is significant that of the two
human deaths from rabies which
occurred elsewhere in the Pro-
vinc0 last year, bath involved
.skunks. The one was a seven-year
old boy who 1110 directly attacked
by a skunk, and the outer was an
adult male who became ill after
he was bitten on the arm by ono
or his pups which had previously
been bitted by a skunk. Neither
00 these victims lad been treated
with vaccine prior to the onset of
While no one invites an en-
counter sly skunk [lder the best
of circumstances, children and
Pets do not always possess this
sentiment. Parents shonl0 be
aware of the danger of these ani-
mals to children. and. owners of
pets should protect their animals
and steep them from running at
large. No person should fondle a
skunk of treat it as a flet ---it is
passible that such all animal
could be In the incubative stage
of rabies when taken from its
We niay well have to faee the
prospect of rabies as a continuing
threat, Daring the past three
years, the districts in Northern
Ontario were comparatively free
of rabies, but since the first of
this year the rabies cycle has re-
appeared in Timislcaming, Sud-
bury, Algoma and Parry Sound,
with the fox as the principal vic-
tim. As summer approaches, ra-
bies is one more hazard which de-
mands the respect of the vaca-
tioner and resident alike.
John R. MTacKenzie of Tucker -
smith, died in the Thaler Nurs-
ing Home about 4.30 p.m. Monday
after an illness of six months. IIe
was in his 84th year, The late Mr.
MacKenzie was born at 'reeswat-
er and lived for ten years in
North Dakota where he married
Mabel Rinn of Lea(lbury, who
died in 1944. They lived in Sask-
atchewan for 25 years, coming to
Tuckersmitb, east of Seaforth, 1n
1937. He was a farmer all his life
and was a member •of Duff's Un-
ited Chereh, McKillop. Surviving
are four sons and two daughters,
Gordon, 1lcKillop; Lillian, Mrs.
Robert Lang, Swift Current, Sask-
atchewan; Leslie of Tuckersmith;
IS.enneth Sask.; Ross, of Tillson_
burg; Dorothy, Mrs, William Pap-
ple, Egmondville. There are also
five sisters and two brothers,
Miss, Geo. Fieisehntt, Detroit;
Mrs, Helen Hunch, Royal Oak,
Mich.; M'a's. Daniena Moose, By-
ron, Ont.; Mrs. AustinNorton,
and .Mrs, Pearl Lawson, London;
Charles MacKenzie, Birkthile,
Sask.; Fraser MacKenzie, Queen
Charlotte Island, B,C, There are
12 grandchildren.
The funeral took place on Wed-
nesday at 2 p.m, from the Whit-
ney funeral home, Rev, J. C.
Britton of Northside United
Church officiating, Burial was in
17attlandbank cemetery. The pall-
bearers were John Rinn, Brus-
sels; Harold Hudie, Walton; Ar-
nie Norton, London; Lloyd Kerr,
London; Ken Meese, Fraser, Mi-
chigan; Graham Keri', Seaforth,
Flowerbearers, Sharon and Ricky
MacKenzie and Dianne and Jac-
kie Papple,
When grease blared up in the
kitohen stove mid afternoon on
Thursday, Mrs, Raymond J. Bah.
Mille went to the neighbors next
deer and asked Hien[ to call the
fire brigade. By the time the two
fire trucks arrived only smoke
was left. Some damage was done
to wall paper in the cottage
which is owned by Roy Lawson
of Stratford, and formerly by
Miss Lawrence.
Mr. and Ml's. Baleillie moved
hem from Jarvis about a year
ago and have been in the Goiter -
kW St. residence since December.
1Te is with the air force at Clinton,.
St. James' Parish
Hold Annual Picnic
The 011110al picnic of lit. James'
parish was 10dd on Sunday at
Lions park, Winners of the mew;
were: 1 yrs, lull 1111d0r, Mary Ann
! t e,1• 't' e L 1. o
le 1 (hti In L „ ia; h) yrs.
awl under, Tullaftle Rau, Angola
Devereaux, Dianna Lansink; 14
yrs, and under, Joanne van Vugf,
Mary Maloney, Mary McCurdy.
legge l race, 12 yrs, and uncles',
Mary Mills and Dianne Lunsinlc,
Tullanne Ran and Mary Ann P101..
Rpm, Ann Sills and Mary Maloney,
Sack race, Dianne Lansink,
Mary Sills, I), Reynolds
Balloon race, Brenda Flannery,
Delores Maloney,. Mary Maloney.
Boys' rues, 5 yrs. and under,
Johnny Nicholson, Peter Deuroot,
Johnny htulsink; 10 yrs, and un-
der, Fergus Quint'. Douglas Phil'
lips, Paul Reynolds; 14 yrs. and
under, Gregory Rau, Francis Ha-
gan, Brian Phillips 3 -legged face,
12 yrs, and under, Douglas Phil-
lips and Fergus Quinn, Gregory
Rau and Bill Morris, Jimmy Phil-
lips and Brian Phillips; sack race,
Jimmy Phillips, Kenny Dever-
eaux, Fergus Quinn; leap frog,
12 yrs..and under, Fergus Quinn
and Douglas Phillips, Jimmy Phi-
llips and Brian Phillips, Jimmy
Etuo and Robin Phillips; wheel-
barrow, 14 yrs. and under, Kenny
Devereaux and Gordon Pringle,
Paul Pringle and Francis Hagan,
Gerald van den Henget and Bob-
by Reynolds,
- Ladies' stick the slipper, Mrs,
Frank Reynolds, Mrs. Angelo
Phillips, Mrs, Frank Sills,
Men's egg race, Mike Malone,
Frank Reynolds, Jack Bedard.
Married couples' prize, Mr. and
Mrs. Mervin Lane.
Most recently married Couple,
Mr. and Mrs. harry Hak.
Youngest baby, 2l mouths old
son of Mn and Mrs, Jaques Dev-
Miss Mae Pargetcr won the
combination electric coffee mud
tea maker,
Local Cancer Fund.
Exceeds Objective
The enn1Paign for funds con-
thieted by the Saafol'th Branch of
the Canadian Cancer Sleekly has
been finished off and the trete-
mete ,leek Pattlsol11 reports total
Voll trihltOno amounting to $2192. ,
'11114 anunalt has now boon tinned
Division to be
over Ontario l i1 t t
to1 a
used in furthering research in;
tutee', This amount Is $1 9 2 over
the 011)00tive set for this 0.000 but.
is $700 lower than last year.
The branch officer- wish to
tinalk all those who. by then' con-
tribution((, helited to make the
campaign a, success and wish,
especially, to thank the many'
canvassers who gave their time
to complete the collections,
Vehicles Bump,
Child Unhurt
A. collision occurred Thursday
about 1 p.m. on Goderieh St,
West opposite the 'Shell station
when a truck driven by George
de -Pape of London hit the rear
of a car driven by Mfrs. B. R.
Thomson, third eon,, 1'uelcersmith
who made a quick stop with the
Power brakes when a. child ap-
peared on the road in front of
ber. Both vehicles were going
Mrs. Thomsons car, a 1360 De
Soto, sustained $25)) damage, Mr.
ole Pope's 1953 pickup truck had
damages estimated at 5000. He is
maintenance plan far the Shell
011, and was on his way to make
a. call at their station here at the
No one was injured. Chief of
Police Hutcllinscnr investigated.
The McEiltee W.M.S. of First
Presbyterian Church held their
June meeting at the Thome of Mrs.
J, L. Bell and Miss Jessie Fraiser
on Thursday afternoon with a
good attendance, The president,
Mrs. Helen McMillanwelcomedall
present .then opened the meeting
with a poem and a hymn. The
roll call was taken and the min-
utes of the last meeting were
read and approved. It was decided
to have the Ladies' Aid clues col-
lected at the July meeting. The
program was in charge of Mrs.
P', Coleman and her group, Mrs.
Elgin Nott read tho scripture
lesson and the prayer was taken
by Mfrs, J. L. Bell. The topic from
the study book. "The Impact; of
Industry on City Life in Africa”
was taken by Mrs, F, Coleman
assisted by Mrs, Wm, Drover and
Miss Jean Scott. A r-eading was
given by Mrs. ,Tams F. Scott and
Current events on Africa by Mac
Iielen McMillan, Hearty good
wishes were extended to Mrs, D.
L. Elder who is leaving for a two -
mouth's hotlida3' in Ireland, for a.
pleasant journey and a safe re-
turn. The meeting was thou closed
with a hymn and Lord's Prayer,
The Annual Church Service of
LOT. 1035 will bo held in the
Anglican Church on Sunday even-
ing Juno 26 at 7,30 p.m. The Ban-
nockburn -Band will head the
A lumber- from here attended
the Webster picnic last Saturday
at the (arena In Lueknow.
The Goshen -Varna Y.P,1T, held
their anniversary service in Go-
shen United Church last Sunday
evening when. Rev, R. Hinz of
Exoter,- delivered a stirring mes-
sage, the pastor, Rev. T. J. Pitt
assisted in the service and the
Pashen Choir sang two anthems,
Honer Couple ors
25th Anniversary
A very pleasant. 11'lOi(l:t• was
spent when 11110111. 110 friends and
neighbors gathered at the lame,
of Mir. and Mrs. John Powell to
honor them 501 the o1i i4i411 of
their 25111 wedding anlity,'r try,
Mr, Art Nicholson presided over
a varied program of (11(101, 01 sol_
,.ections by Mr. and lit; VVilliaut
//111101 1,
Mrs. David Livingstone,
Win. Collins, lIlon Gloria Carter, . 1
Misses Carol lad Elisabeth Carl
A meek -wedding with Erle
Munroe as parson and Mrs. Ken
Williams and Mrs, Harold Buell!!
as bride and groom added to the
The following addl'e's was read
by J1)111 Crozier:
Dear Johnnie and Edith,—We
have met this eveuit(4 to offer aur
congratulations and to wish you
0111111 happiness on your silver
wedding anniversary. You have
made Spruce Valley Farm a gond
Place to live. Your family of three
boys are young (nen to be proud
of. Von have been most. dlli4011t
In giving them a. good education
11'111011 has made talent a credit to
you and to this caunuttnit5'. You
have always taken a big part in
our coinntanity lite, Each one of
ns can recall some friendly act
or your - generosity (('bion has
mad -0 cur district a happier and
more' pleasant place to live. On
behalf of your neighbors and
0310110(( WO asst yell to accept
these gifts, May they remind you
of this pleasant evening and may
you have many more anniverl+ar_
.Messrs, James I'. Seott, Harold
il14114, \\'m. Collins and Lorne
Carter Presented then[ with all
electric toaster and tea. kettle, a
trill(1ht lamp ansi.table lamp.
Mr. Po1ee11 expressed thanks to
everyone, Lunch was served, in-
cludine anniversary cake, made
and (lcenrated by Mrs. James Car-
ter. Gifts (00111 the family and
relatives inoluded handsome elec-
trical equipment and Kellwood
Mil. and Mrs. Powell were mar-
ried in Tnekersn11th1 an .Tune 1st,
11')5. Their family includes Scsit,
W110 has been teaching at Mt, Pn_
test for the past four years hill is
now 004(14ed on the Galt Public
School staff; Ray a student ac-
countant at Monteith & Co,, Stints
ford; and Winston, at home.
Charles Raymond Du14").' of
Seaforth, son of the lute 2,1r. and
Mrs. Roy Dune', and Catllerhta
Gnus, Doig, daughter of Ml•. and
Mrs. Hobert Doig of Seaforth
were married by Ret. W. 11.
Stlmmerell at Cavan United
Cheryl), Winthrop, on June 18t11
at 12,30 Montt.
The bridesmaids were Elsie
Doig, Robe Doig and Barbara
Dunge.y; Sandra Doig of Wing -
ham, was plaid of honor. .Hoy
Dungy), of Kitchener was groom-
sman and lr hers w' 1e. Hatll:'r ll'll.
Doig. Seaforth. and Hector 1e7.
hoeve of Tit -Isenberg; assistant
usher was Richard Kruse, Sea -
The bride wore a gown of
Chantilly 11(00 over net and satin
with fitted bodice coming to a
point at the waist. The gown 11a0
a portrait neckline and long lily
point sleeves. Ruffles of lace and
net fell from the waist line at. the
back. Her dowers were a cascade
bouquet of red roses and her veil
was embroidered tulle. For trav-
elling she wore rl. yellow terry -
line dress with full length white
coat, green hat and gloves, black
patent shoes and pin's,',
The maid of honor wore :1
street: length dress of white sills
organza with dainty blue picture
stat, blue flowers and hluc taffeta
cmnberbuncl. The bridesmaids
wore similar dresses and hal, of
mauve and white. They 11111(ed
nosegays of yellow mons.
Miss Jean Killen was organist
an(1 Miss Nancy Pepper sang "0
Perfect Love" haat "Wedding
The dimer seas served in the
church parlors by the Ladies' Aid.
The bride's mother wore a dress
of white crepe with lace and
three quarter length lace jacket.
accessories in black. The groom's
grandmother wore a dress of dus-
ty rose 11100 with jacket and
white accessories. Bothe wore red
rose corsages.
After a wedding trip to North-
ern Ontario, they will reside in
Mrs. Robert Doig entertained
at 0 trousseau tea in honor of ler
daegllter Grace. on June 15, Pour-
ing tea in the afternoon were
&Irs.. fired Meclymont., Mrs. James
Doig and Mrs, Elgin McKinley.
In the evening were Mrs. George
Kruse, Mrs, James Brown, Mrs.
Ross'Chapman a11(1 Mrs, Anson
The bride was honored at dif-
ferent showers prior to her mar-
riage. The girls of Grade 12 of
Seaforth District High School
islet at the- home of Miss Loretto
Connolly on May 30 for a surprise
Cn Jane 10 Ole bride's friends
and neighbors gathered at the
110111e of Mrs. Everett. Storey for
a miscellaneous shower. Also on
June 11 the CGIT were bostesses
h1'Winthrop Church when the
girls and ladies presented her
with trimly gifts.
Mr, and Mrs. Lee Creels of Par-
is were weekend Visitors with the
Iatter's parents Mlv', end Airs. A.
Mt', Cameron Henry of London
visited over the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mts. Wm, Henry,
,40,1,400111,011111111111111111111111111111:10,11111110111„0111[11111111111,11111111111MIA 1111111111111141111111{11[011111*
We'll Allow You
W ;i v.,t
1071• y'(4111' 1(1(1 won) eNhialf:~1o11 1,1'044-ln1. '11' 4)t'tijl
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, 11. t
ill otwl' store
On any eIpUIHi nt.$ from 52.35 to (5.00 well allow
5111 tot your ohs expansion or strap _
(.all tiny ,r'paul.io11 over $5 (except i;rtU'.-x k ,1.11. US ((1141)''')
we'll allow x1.011 far your ,,1,1 /,1 03 ra11
Drop in with pair old w [tell attllelltiin111
1.save with a lino new expansion bracelet
that will 111011,-' year ((':(1111 1001( 1i1),t l,'w
Sava -tie: 'Ls
1,0111111111111111111111111 H,1111,1140,11111111111001111111111111111111111111111/11111 l 4 4 0, 4411,li, lll111111l„1,,,,, 4111,
Rev. A. Durand, St. Peter'S
Seminary. London, w'it11 his bre
they, Rev. R. Durand.
,Hiss Marie Gitlin, is
410111ling her vacation with Mr.
and Ml's, Ambrose Gitlin,
Mr. and - Mrs. Al Young and
family and Miss J. Ackroyd, of
Toronto, with airs. Mary E. C'-
(1001 tl',
Mr. and Ml's. Frani: Maloney
and Male Rose Marie F0en01' of
11111)1 n, r, with Airs. Catherine
.lir. and Mrs. Llan Costello, Kit-
chener with Sir. and Mrs, 0,
(list elle.
Mh ,. ll'allk 1: