HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-09, Page 8On Salo To June 18th. W. R. Johnston Made-to.Measure SUITS at 20% DISCOUNT UNT Choose from hundreds of English and domestic suit - Ings In worsteds, twists, flan- nels and gabardines in all the newest patterns and shades. No hold -outs — every suiting in the range, tailored to your measure le any style, at - 21 % off DELIVERY 2}._ WEEKS STE SAVE UP TO $15.50 REGULAR 59,50 for 47.60 it ii 65.00 for 52.00 69.50 for 55.60 79.50 for 64,00 OR PAY REGULAR PRIC 59.50 TO 79.50 AND GET I Free Extra Pants Worth 13.75 to 24,50 LADIES Tailored Suits or Coats } Special Ladies' Cloths at 20% Discount Reg. 59,50 to 79.50. Sale 47.60.64,00 ART BROS. BRUSSELS APPROVES SCHOOL A difference of opinion over the type of heating best suited for a proposed new public school in Brussels Monday night developed into a heated argument between the village council and the public school board, The argument cooled off finally when the school board decided that an oil system would be best, after it had taken the side favor- ing electrical heating, as recom- mended by the architect. Council approved construction of the new school, and met again Tuesday to give the third reading to an $85,000 debenture issue for the school. The council maintained the i electrical heating system had not been tested long though in other schools to be installed in the Brussels school. Feed your dairy cows Sndividu• ally rather than all from the same size of scoop, suggests Bruce Stone, O.A.C. dairy scientist. If you have only fair quality rough- age, feed one pound of grain to each 3% to 4 pounds of. milk. Higher ,testing breeds suoh as Guernseys and Jerseys need more grain—about 1 pound for each 3 to 3% pounds of milk. OTICE During the suminer months there will be one doctor only in attendance on Saturday and week ends at the Clinic. Please arrange for appointments during the week Seaforth Clinic ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE 19th BIRTHDAY? —keep insured! READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE —if you haven't one, ask your employer or write You're no longer insured under your parent's Hospital Insurance Certificate. When you become 19, separate premiums are re- quired. Application forms available from hospitals, most banks or any office of the Commission, y.. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Many Take Part in Styling .Show Those taking part as models in the evening of hair styling at the Canadian Legion Ball on Weci- )tesdoy evening, under the aus- ilr es of the Legion o 1 egi n Ladies` Aux- Ware, ux,ilf try, pmt on by Mrs. Grace Mo- 1'herwun of Roberts 'Howe of Beauty' included: Tracy Carter, Mrs. Ivan Curter, Nanny. Dale, Mrs. Jack Ilollaed, Phyllis Lostell, Mrs. Cleave Coombs, Mrs, Currie (Starlet), Gail Agar (StaSBa), Betty Ben- nett, Barbara Longsta3'f, Mrs, June Boussey, Elaine Spence (Mitchell) Rtith Trapnell, Mrs, Rose Swale (Statist), Mie, Thel- ma 1''attlson, Mrs, Carol Baker, Mee, 12velen Hathaway and airs. llelen Vine, of Bruno Schools, were in charge, On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. John Langstaff, Mrs. Jack Boyce and Mrs, J, Ilarvey appeared on Milady, CKNX with Mrs. lIatlie- way and Mrs, Vino. Present Fieral Print t Stir» fy l The Seaforth unit of the Feder- ation of Women Teachers of Ont- ario, recently purchased a floral Print to hang in Seaforth Public School in memory of Mrs. Jas, A. MacDonald, a former teacher who passed away about a year ago. The presentation to the Board was made by Mrs. Elva Ellis on Monday night at their regular meeting, GEDDES - BUTT The wedding took place at the Northside United Church parson- age on Saturday, Juue 4th of Kar- en Elaine Butt, second daughter of lir. and Mrs, Roy Butt, and Allen William Geddes, of Sea - faith, Rev. J. C. Britton officiat- ed. The bride wore white chan- tilly lace with shoulder length veil. Bridesmaid was Miss Flora Ann Scott, dressed in green taf- feta. Mr,Charles Geddes attended Iris broter. Sheila and Glenda Butt were fioyi e1' girls Sheila wearing pink nylon and Glenda yellow, The reception was held in the Orange hall and the waitresses were Davina Hubert, Gloria Tay- lor, Barbara Scott and Helen Scott, M1'. and lies, Geddes will live in Seaforth. FEDERATION NEWS By J. Carl Hemingway Why do people choose to Farm? Recently we got our usual sup- ply of baby chicks, They are brown Leghorn-sussex cross and are new to 00 but they are the cutest little chicks you ever did see. Just like a crowd of striped chipmunks and lively as can be. Is it something about working with living creatures that keeps us on the farm? However there are some things that tend to reduce the thrill. Last year we raised some baby chicks and they were cute little duffers too. We have faithfully supported these chicks for a year and we are now hoping that this year's batch will return the favour and contribute to our support. But will they? I'm one of those farmers who try to study market reports and supplies and expected demands and then base my ex- pectation on the results of this search, To this end and in view of these lovely little chicks I have been trying to raise my hopes of a little money coming back to me from eggs, Remember supply and demand must rule the market in farm Products, This we aro continually being told by the best authorities. Let us look at the recent egg sit- uation, From Dominion Bureau of Sta- tistics shell eggs in storage was Feb. 1, 35,000 cases, March 1, 58,- 000 cases and April let, 69,000 cases, During Feb. and March the over supply of eggs almost doub- led. Now let us look at what hafp- pened to the price. I am quoting the Monday .price from a local egg -grading station, Feb. 1st, 21c. steady increase to 27c Feb. 29th. and this continued to a high of 37c March 28th. End of deficiency payment period, April 4th 36c, April 11th 30c and there they have remained, During Feb. and March we had the law of supply and demand working in reverse and suddenly during the first week of April it does an about face and behaves in the time honoured way the powers that be tell us it must, This morning T was accused of writing articles for the paper that were beyond the understanding of the vast majority of farmers and was therefore just befuddling the farm situation. Well friends, let me give you a little comfort. As far as the way the price of eggs behaves T'ni just as befuddled as any of you, However having faced up to our ignorance lets get a poultry or. ganizaiion going that eau get us the information that will clear the air. Even if we can't keep our shirts it could tell its where our shirts are going, 7'WI;NTY-FIVE YEA.ISS ACO Froin The Seaforth News Mr, and .Mrs, W, II. Little and baby son of Brantford visited his father, Andrew Little, Earl Dick has pm•cllased the farm owned by the estate of the late Truman Brintnell near Ohisel- burst. Mrs, Ronald McKenzie and chis. dren of Detroit are visiting her parents, 14Ir, and Mrs, I -I, Zapfe, Brueefield, Day old F�leteS,ARZed Columbia Roche, :19.90 per hundred, delivery June 13th. I have late Moat) Ise. and Red'pnllots for the same (late, 2 woke old, 84 Auburn. Oluwlee Scott. WANTED Boarders wanted in Seaforth Monte, Phone 241 J, Seaforth, WANTED TO BUY High their in good condition, and baby "Jolly" Jumper. Phone 241 J, Seaforth, E Singer port blo electric sewing machine, round bobbin, sews for- wtird .a baokward, in good condi- tion, under guarantee. Six Inontlr- ly payments of $5.31, or $31.86 cash, .Box 068 The Seat'ol'th News FOR SALE Electrolux Tank Type Vei'uurn Cleaner in good condition, com- plete with attachments, under guarantee, six monthly payments of $4.98 or $29.88 cash, Box OG4, The See..l'orth News FOR SALE Automatic lig Zag Electric Portable Sewing Machine in good condition. Monogrtuns embroid- eI's, darns, dogs blindstitching, makes buttonholes, without at- tachment. Under guarantee. Ten monthly payments of 85.11 or $51.10 cash. Apply Box 805, The Seaforth "News TEIRENCE FZ,JII NERr Funeral service was held Fri- day morning, in St, Patrick's Ro- man Catholic Church, Dublin, for Terence Flannery, who died sud- denly Tuesday, at his home in Dublin. Ile was 77, Requiem high mass was sting by Rev, R, Dur- and, Also in the sanctuary were Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes, Dublin; Rev. J. O'Rourke, Stratford; Rev, T. McQuaid, SM, St, Marys. Dub- lin school chair assisted in the service. Pall -bearers wel'e six nephews, John Flannery, Jahn Meagher, Sylvester Planner 7, Hugli Benninger, Joseph Flan- nery, and Saha Flannery, Guelph, Burial was in St. Patrick's ceme- tery, COLIN CAMPBELL The death occurred Sunday, in Clinton Public Hospital, of Colin Campbell, 72, of Bayfield. He was born in Stanley twp„ son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Jahn Campbell, and lived all his life in Stanley, where lie farmed, Surviving are his wi a the e former Jean o n 31eTi:en-zie; two sons, John and Donald, CARD OF THANKS Sir, and urs, henry Armstrong would like to titanic their many trioxide and neighbors fon their uhnuy etude, gilt and good wishes extended to then, on the occasion of their 4011t wedding aunivcreary- THANk YOU We sincerely thank al 1 who planned, collected and coutribat- e(1 to our shower at Ili'odhagen, Barbara and Gary Sholdice CARD OF THANKS Words or gratitude cannot be found to expl'ess lay thanks to friends for many remembrances and get well wishes while in hos- pital, Also for assistance to my wife Eva in various forms, inaiu- ly transportation to hospital dur- ing this long period. To each and all of you, thanks a million, 15d Deegan, Walton FOR SALE 10 acres of standing alfalfa shay. Gordon Wreu, liippen, phone 0741'3 I4eneatt FOR SALE A lady's cheep all-weather coat, now, large size. May be seen at Flannery's Dry Cleaners OR 7 -foot heavy ds yLJE John Deere mower, semi -mounted in good shape, Gordon Reynolds, Phone 607 J' 4. E Let on E isR William et., Sea - forth, 70110 ft Phone 566w, John Byermann 500 reel rockks, s, 7 AL eks o10, Jas. B. Eckert, pltone901,19 Dublin Healthy OBonnieEBest Tomato plants, while they last only lc each, Mrs. N, Long, liippen, Hen - salt 6941'15 Man wants i with custom outfit to fill my 13x40 silo with grass, Gordon Reid, RR 2 Dublin, Phone 19116 Geraniums, snapdragon, asters, verbena, scabiosa, marigolds, der plant, stocks, ageratum, sin - Was, tomatoes, red and white cab- bage, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, celery, sweet peppers and other flowers and plants. Baker's Greenhouse, Your Garden Centre, Seaforth A few choiicce SALErchunks . A. R. Dodds, phone 8611'14 26 suckling FOR LESackMcIver, St. Columban both of Bayfield; one daughter, FOR SALE Ills, George (Carol) Simons,ilikeinew.tGeohB.pClarke0" hhigh; Lake Stmcoe; six grandchildren. Funeral service was held Tues- day at 2 p,m,, at the Ball and 3iutch funeral home, Clinton, with Rev. T. J. Pitt, of Varna United Church, in charge, Burial was in Bayfield Cemetery. IRISH NAMES From a scholarly work titled "Irish Families", says Stafford Johnston in Tlio Beacon -Herald, we are learning a little about names which are characteristic of these Queen's Bush counties, as the result of another current in the flow of migration which filled this area with people. Names such as Ryan, Feeney, Flannagan and Delaney have been common in Perth and Huron for as long as there have been white people here, — the Irish having been the most numerous group among our pioneers. Ryan, we find, is essentially the same name as O'Mulriau, or 0'- Muh•yan. It is today one of the 10 most numerous names in Ire - laud, with 27,500 of the naive still living there, It has been the mo- dern tendency in Ireland, appar- ently, to drop the prefix "0"; al- most all of the Ryans, probably, are the descendants of people who called themselves O'Ryan, but Irish telephone directories show the great majority have simplified the name to plain Ryan. In its original Irish Gaelic form the name, as nearly as it can be translated to the English alpha- bet, was O'Maoilrian; the family belonged in south-western Ire- land, in the area of the modern counties of Limerick and Tip- perary, and it is in that part of Ireland that the name is still most common today. Unless there should be some evidence to the contrary, one would expect any Canadian family named Ryan to have had its origin somewhere near Limerick or Tipperary. From O'Maoill'iain, the name was anglicized to O'Mulryan, and shortened to O'Ryan, and finally, by most of its bearers, simplified to the form in which we now know it in the Dublin area along the Perth -Huron boundary. We have had the Ryans with us for more than a century; a John Ryan settled at lot 18 in conces- sion 5, Hibbert in 1859, and there was a James Ryan established at lot 27 in the first concession of Hibbert sometime before 1863. Feeney is a. name which has been with us from the first stage of settlement; there was a Mar- tin Feeney at lot 0, con, 9 Hib- bent, in 1849. This name, .we read, is difficult to trace its beginnings in Ireland. There were two dis- tinct Irish families, one named O'Fiaunaidhe, and the other 0'- Fidhne, each of which tried to anglicize its name to an English form of spelling. In each case the Nish Gaelic name, when it was transliterated to 1)n0sh, calve out as Feeney, and itis now al- most impossible to decide whe- ther any given Feeney, or O'Fee- ney, is descended froin the 0'- Fiannaidhes of Counties Sligo or Mayo, or from the O'Fidlines of Counties Galway and Roscom- mon, The evidence is that there was a great migration of Feen- ey; iron Ireland, because the name is not as frequently found in Ireland now, as it was 200 or 800 years ago, CALF CLUB TO MNET Seaforth Dairy Calf Club will meet on Friday, June 10th at Bei't Gibbings' farm, one mile east of Clinton on No, 8 High- way, Auction Sale Of Dairy Cows and Heifers from lot 26, concession 6, Goder- ich township, at Porter's Hill (1st farm south of the church) on Tuesday, June 14 at 8 p.m, 30 young cows consisting of Holsteins, Jerseys, Ayrshires and Jersey x Holsteins—sone recent - 1y freshened, some close spring- ers; others milking and re -bred, 10 Jersey heifers springing, 2 Guernsey heifers, el/ringing, 10 Holstein heifers, bred 6 young calves, All cattle are in good condition and sold to satis- fy. Ter'lus cash or 10% cash and balance 4 months credit on bank approved joint notes at 6% int, A. E. Townshend & Son, Prop. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer TENDERS FOR PAINTING Tenders will be received by the undersigned for outside painting at Seaforth Public School. Tend- ers to be submitted not later than June 18th. One coat with two where nec- essary to be applied. Board to supply paint. Contact Mr. Talbot (Principal), who will advise what painting is required. Contract to be completed by July 31, 1960 M. McKellar Secretary Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned until June 30th, 1960, for the complete installation of pressure system and flush toil- ets and all necessary work in con- nection with same. Further details may be obtain- ed from trustees or undersigned. Work to be completed by Septem- ber lst, 1900. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Earl McSpadden, Sea-Treas., SS # 10, McKillop R. R. # 1 Seaforth FOR SALE On Lake in the Goderich area, Summer cottages and Lake front lots. One 100 acre farm, good land and buildings with 700 ft. of lake frontage, lovely sandy beach. We have a choice list of farms for sale in Huron County, Also many homes in Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Looking for a business, You name it, we have it. 30111f BOSVELD /teer 40 Wellesley S 8iGeederich, Salesman, Joe. McConnell phone 266 Seaforth LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores Business - Chattels - Accounts Receivable - Inventory - Fast service anywhere in Canada D DLRAY INV',STMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., Downsview 2 HerefordQpSAE ureb'ieea bulls, 1 year old, will soli for 25e a pound, or by the dollar; also three cpiar- ters of beef between June 18.20. Will be killed in regulation slate glrteritouse, Luther Sanders, 11112 Seaforth, Plume 8331'12 Auction Sale Of Household Effects in the Seaforth Arena on ' Saturday, June 11111 at 1 P.M. Oak diningroom suite, Pine Cor. nee cupboard, G antique walnut dinin •o .0 gi o t chairs, foot stool, 4 cane battom antique chairs, music rack, 13e11 upright piano, Oval an- tique diuingl'ooul table, 6 2110(101'11 diningroem chairs, upholstered seats, small tables, mirrors, stud- io conch (new), occasional chairs, rocking chairs, radio, vacuum cleaner, 2 complete badman' suit- es, toilet sets, bed linens, quilts, blankets, hooked lusts, 2 quilt boxes, tl'uulcs 4 -burner electric stove, Admiral Frigidaire with freeze ehest, dishes, kitchen uten. ells, side saddle; Other articles too numerous to Mention, Terns—Gash Prop„ Miss Elizabeth Ilenclerson Anct„ Harold Jackson Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery, and household effects at lot 24, con, 1, Me -Killen twp„ lst farm east of Seaforth on No, S Highway, on 'Wednesday, June 16tH at 1 p,m, Cattle -7 Hereford and Durham cows milking and rebred; 1 cow due to freshen June 26th; Hol- stein heifer 2 yrs, old, bred in January, 5 Hereford steers 1 yx, old; 4 Hereford heifers 1 yr. old; 6 winter calves; 5 spring calves, Machinery — McCormick -Deer- ing 0 tractor, good rubber with scuffles and bean puller attach- ments; McCol'midc-Deering 2»fur_ row lift plow in excellent condi- tion; McCormick Deering 15 disk fertilizer drill, power lift with markers; Case 4 -bar side delivery rake; Case 3 -section drag har- rows; John Deere 16 -plate tractor dislc (like new) ; John Deere heavy duty wagon with good tiros, grain box and hay rack combin- ed (like new); McCormick Deer- ing 0 -ft, mower with ,tractor hitch; Cockshutt hay loader, 10.L1, steel land roller; 4 section diam- and harrows; 2 section diamond harrows; electric bean cooker, 100 lb. capacity; root pulper; large galvanized water trough. 1/ h.p. motor; Cycle glass seeder; wheelbarrow on rubber (like new) ; electric fencer; pea har- vester and roller; iron kettle; 2 bundles asphalt shingles; exten- sion ladder; hay fork, car rope; stone boat; 2 house doors, 100 bus. mixed grain, liousellold Effects—Chesterfield and two chairs, dining -room table aehandil', 6 chairs, rocking chair, lawn Other articles too numerous to mention- No reserve, Farm sold. Terms—Cash Prop., Albert Ilorner Auct,, Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo. Powell TENDERS FOR PAINTING Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon Friday, June 10, 1960, for the painting (two coats) of the ex- terior of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Tenders will include the pro- vision of necessary material and will indicate the paint to be used. Work to be completed by July 9, 1960. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Lloyd Iloggarth Secretary Scott Memorial Hospital One heatedktwo bed room apart- ment. Also 3 one bedroom gas heated apartments. Dr. McMaster OElectrolux Sales and Service. Gary Cooper, Gordon Street, Clin- ton, phone HU 2-7200 Poultry Wanted All types. Paying up to 21c for 51/2 lbs and up, Apply to Keith Leggatt, phone G06-22 Mitchell WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Bulls Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer 'owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 am, week days. 6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 MINIM FOR SALE Viking Creme Separators for sale, 1-1959 new, 1—Just like new, in tier - feet. shape. A full line of parts for any Viking make, John Byerman, Seaforth BRAESIDE NURSING NOME Licensed for convalescent & elderly People. 0a11 905 Mitoholl Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 MODERN WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION AVAILABLE SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Excellent Potential Low Rent. Mechanic Preferred Apply to Carl Dalton, Seaforth; or, Canadian Oil, 42 Walnut st„ Kitchener TIIA SAAFORTH N)2WQ (Phone 84) Thursday, June 0, 1900 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attentlorr Hospital Sled Flowers ter elI oeoasione Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, E,A„ M.D.' Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E, A. MaMaater, B.A„ M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 pan., Saler "xsept Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Saw 40(05' only -1-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable 1.169.3,19=Tt1R BULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J, 0. TURNBULL, D,V.M„ V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M.,'97,S. W. G. DIt10NNAN, D.V.M„ V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOAN E,. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Goderioh St, W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 5 to 5,80; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM, Thur, eyi by appointment only, Clinton 1111-2-7015, above Hawkins' Ifdwe, Mon. 9 to 6,50 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 `blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONNEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 288 We write all lines of INSURA NC Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seafortk Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers — President, John L. Malone,. Seaforth • Vice Pres., John H. McEwing, Blyth ; Sec,-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; Ohris Leonhardt,. Bornholm; Robert Archibald. Seaforth;. John H. MoBwing, Blyth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; S. E. Pepper. Brucefield ; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents — William Leiner, Ir., Londes- boro; V. J. Lane, RR 6 Seaforth; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires. Clin- ton; James Keys, Seaforth, ter_ Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice, Cora Chesney Clerk BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING 014 WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 w Seaforth inenotnnArwinoanrieuvuwwwaivo BUTiERMILK BISCUITS •WE MAKE'EM- -rtni BAKE'EM" Cleary's IGA SEAFORTH Noa