HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-09, Page 5THE S17AFO1t''R NIMS —. Thursday, Juue it, 19 0 SMITII' S�dJPE�iTQR. Food Market 3 10 -oz tins AYLMER PEACHES 2 15 -oz tins Ic JEWEL SHORTENING 27c Allen's Orange Drink Allen's Grape Drink each 7c AYLMER CREAM CORN 15 -oz tins SHEDD'S SALAD DRESSING t 32 -oz jar 4 41 NATURE'S BEST TOMATO JUICE 48 -oz tin ,:'1511'4g -b PHONE 12 wwwwwketwoutswowmv RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maloney Friday, June 10 At Seaforth Community Centre Good music EVERYBODY WELCOME WWIANWINVININVIAANVIO WE DELIVER BORN wood — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs, William Wood, RR 1 Staffa, a son Krauskopf — At Scott Memorial Hospital on June 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Krauskopf, Drumbo, Ont., a son Dennis — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June Gth, to Mr, and Mrs, Murray Dennis, RR 1 Wal- ton, a son (stillborn) W estcott's Annual JUNE SALE 25% off ON ALL BULOVA, LORIE & ROLEX. WATCHES DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS JEWELLERY & SILVERWARE J. A. WESTCIT PHONE 218 JEWELER WATCHMAKER Township of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS for 1960 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum. from Juno 15th to Dec. 15th on all Prepaid Taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office, Tuckersmith, RR 4 Seaforth CORA CHESNEY, TREASURER i 1959 FORD V-8 COACH, A.T. 1959 CHEVROLET V-8 COACH, A.T. 1957 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, A.T. 1956 PONTIAC COACH 1956 FORD SEDAN 1955 OLDS SEDAN, Radio, A.T. 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1954 FORD SEDAN 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Obevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawin 186 Sales & Service SEAP ORTH Phone 541 9 TOWN TOPICS. Mrs, )Wilford A, Cameron has disposed of her house on mast mutant Street to Albert Horner, who recently sold his farm to Scutt Memorial hospital Board. 4lrs, Cameron lute been spending part or the time with her son at London. Visitors who spent 5, tear clays with Mr, and Mrs, 154 Fischer were liars, Ainiira Chambers, of Preston, Out„ Mrs, Rosana Mi11ex; Brodhagen, Ont., and Mr. Rud- olph Fischer, Mitehel'1, Out, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Watson are spending a week in Oonneeti. cut, Stirs, Eva Kerr, Mr. Hector Chesney and Mr Ilwiwy Chesney were In Fiiitt, Mieh., this week on luso i ess Mrs, 1G1va Ellis spent the week end in Toronto with Mr, and Mrs, Wayne This, Mr, and Mrs, 1). Cornish, Jane and Peggy, spent the week end in Niagara Falls,. Several maple trees have been cut down on Chalk Street in pre- paration for the erection of . the new Separate School. EGMONDVI LLE Mrs, F, Williamson of Vancou- ver is visiting her sister and bra- ther-in-law Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Scotchmel;. Mr, and Mrs, Win. Scotchmer have spent the past two weeks visiting friends in Guelph and Toronto. Mr. and Mac, Cleve Coombs and Mr, and Mrs, James Watson were in Toronto on Monday, Mr, Watson remaining at the Mallon Veteran hospital for treatment. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Cleve Coombs who celebrated their 19th wedding an- niversary on Tuesday, June 7th. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Brown were Mr. and MTs. Earl Elliott and boys of Dublin and Mr. and mars, Rally Vanstone and family of Idensall. Mr. 'Thomas Jackson quietly celebrated his 84th birthday at his home, Sunday, June 5th: Cons gratulations, EGillO17DVILLE W..& ci W.M.S. The ladies met at the church for, their. June meeting with Mrs, El- mer Cameron, president of the W.A., in the chair. The devotional entitled "The F rust of the Spirtt" was taken by Mrs. Ivan Forsyth, Arrangements were made for the church picnic in July. Mrs. Ed. Bayes chaired the W, M. S, part of the meeting using as the thence "This is the Victory that Overcomes the World", A let- ter from Miss Frances Houston Postmarked Moose Jaw, was read, The ladies were reminded al the invitation to Brucefield Church on Juno 7. Mrs. Forrest read a chapter from the Honkie Miseions Digest which showed how the United Church workers help new Canadians on their arrival at Canadian ports. Mies Mae Smith and Mrs. Lee favored with a vocal duet. A. chapter from the study book on Africa was well taken by Mrs, M. Haney, She outlined the work being done in Africa by re - din, films and art. After singing a hymn Mrs. Boyes closed the meeting with prayer. hunch was served by group 4 with lire. Wm, Cameron and Mr's, Doug Wallace as hostesses. HENSALL The Past Noble Grauds' Night was held iu Amber Rebekah Lodge 349 on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Harold Parker, D.D.P. acted as N. G., Mrs. A. ,MacBenth, V.G., Miss Maybelle Whiteman, Chap- lain, Mrs, Inez McEwen Jr. P.N. G, Mrs. WM. Caldwell R.5.N,G„ Mrs. Edna Corbett L.S.N.G., Mrs. Leona Parke R.,S.V,G., Mrs. Thos, Baird L.S,V.G„ Sec., Miss 'Mattie Ellis, Financial Sec,, Mrs. Sain Dougall, Treas., Mac. TD. Chip - chase, conductor, Mrs. Hugh Ma - .Gwen, Warden, Mrs, Ross Rich- ardson, pianist, Mrs, Wm, Fuss, Outside Guardian, 'Mrs. Stewart Blackwell, Inside Guardian, Mrs. Bev, Beaton, The Past Grands pre sided for the opening and closing exercises and the regular officers conducted the business. A dona- tion was voted to the Beauty Contest at the Spring Fair. Thank you letters were read from the local association to "Guides and Brownies, and the Canadian Cancer Society for donations re- ceived from the Lodge. Miss Ellis favoured with a hum- orous reading entitled "Mrs, Puf- fer's Silver Wedding". Bingo was played, the following winning prizes: Miss Mabeile Whiteman, Mrs. Wes Richardson, 'Mrs, Glenn Bell, Mrs. Jack Corbett, MTs, L. Chapman, ;Mrs. C. Volland, Mrs. E. Shaeldiek, tars. Wm. Caldwell and Mrs, T. ICyle. Mrs, Edna Cor- bett won the mystery prize, Shower Bride -Elect .141•x, Hugh Ma3weu. was host- ess at her home on Fi'ictay even- ing when a number of friends and neighbours gathered in honor of Miss Sharon Elder, bride -elect of this month, Mrs, Alex Munn was co -hostess, Contests were enjoyed followed by readings by Miss Con- nie Corbett, Loudon, Miss Gwen Chapman, London, and Miss Pater Bell, The bride-eleet.was presented with many beautiful miscellane- ents gifts by Misses Catharine Mc- Ewen and Sandra Munn, Refresh- ments were served, 1tre, Ltarcton, Mrs, Elizabeth Jane Luxton, 78, of Honsall passed away at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Satur- day. She was a native of Tuckers smith twp. and lived in 1-Iensali for the past 18 years. Her hus.. band Archie died in 1951..Surviv- ing are three sons, ;'Prank, of. Hen - salt; Henry, of Staffa; btatvin al Brougham; two daughters Mrs, Roy Smale, of Hensel', and Mrs, Mary Brodhagen, St, Pants', bre» tiers William and James Riley, Staffs.. Public funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral home, flnnsall, on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Burial in Staffa Cemetery, SRODHAGEN Mrs, John Binz Sr, returned from Stratford Hospital to the home of her daughter, Mac. Lae - ern Wolfe and Mr,. Wolfe, Visitors with Sri'. and +Mrs. Wolfe were: Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Wolfe and boys of Kitebe'ner, Mr, and Mas. Michael Connelly and Miss Karen Roesttcr of Sebringville, an Sun- day, Ou Saturday wore, Mt', and Mrs, Levi Rands, Miss Hilda Baumgartner of Mitchell, ;Mr, Don Bands of Toronto. MIss Dorothy Mnrke of Iiitairen- er with her sister Mrs, Lloyd Pfeifer and •Mr:.Pieiier for a few days, Mr. Murray Spotter of Re- gina, 'Bask, called at the same home, and visitors on Sunday were: Mr, and Mac, 0. Pfeifer at Monkton, Mr. and Mrs, 0, Ward and Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Ward of Stratford, Mr, and 'Mrs. Glen Bennewies and Wanda at Windsor with Mrs. John I,, Bennewies for the week- end. Mrs. Benneweis returned with them tor a visit, Mr, and Mrs, Ernie Ilartjt of Detroit and Stir, and Mac, Irvin Bennewies of Woodstock at the same home re- cently. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ford Dickinson recently were: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McDonald Mrs. Jos- eph Dickison, Miss Myrtle Day of Teeswater, Mr, Donald Ahrens and Mise Linda Thomas of Iianiltou with Mrs. Chas, Ahrens. Rev, Robert Rocas of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, Chaplain in the Na- vy, /pent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and 3{t' . E5 Rock. Mr, and Mrs, Doug Aitcheson of Niagara Falls and Mr, and Mrs. 13111 Broughton and fancily of At wood at the same home. 'A&'s, Fred Herbert is visiting in TTifforontoin, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Beverley called at the borne of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Hackwell a.ncl Mr. and Mac, Wm, Sltolciice, Walton, on Sunday. The Brodhagen Band are mak ing plans for their annual soeial later this month, Two plants were placed an the altar by Mrs. Ad, Pfeifer in mem- ory of her father who passed away 32 years ago and her mother 20 years ago, ,Sir, and Mrs. Geo, Sellheim. A. basket of flowers was in the chancel in memory of Mrs. Wm. Bach who Massed away two years ago, by her husband and family, A donation was made to the or. gan ,feud ot St, Peter'e Ohuroh by )Jr, and Mrs. Geo, Beuerman on the oceaston of their 35th wedding anniversary, and in memory of their son,'Brine Edward, Purina Feed Signs have been erected and beautified the New Feed 51111 here owned by Mervin Dietz, On Thursday evening the fam- ily ot Sir. and 'Mrs, Geo. Heuer - man and relatives and friends gathered in the Community Hall here to celebrate their 35th wed- ding anniversary. Their daughter MIrs. Ken Siemon read an address of goad wishes and •they were presented with kitchen chairs and cash. Dancing was enjoyed with music by Norris Orchestra and lunch was served, Mr, and Mrs. Beuerman (nee Lovina E1- ligsen) who reside at R,R, 1, Dub- lin have a family of six sons and two daughters: Kenneth, R.R. 2, Walton; Gerald and Lloyd, R.R. 4, Mitchell; Ronald, R.R. 1, Dub- lin; Roy and Donald at home, Mao. Ken Siemon (Joyce) R.R. 1, Bornholm, Mrs. Ray Hilae- breeht (Jeanette) R.R, 3, Mitchell. On Tuesday evening the month- ly meeting of the Stewards of the Christian' Home was held with 43 in attendance. Mr, and Mac, H. Mogk, Mr. and .Mrs. Glen :Mogk, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter were in charge of devotions, The guest speaker was Rev, W. C. Becker of Wellesley. Ile spoke on "Now is the Hour", .Prayer by Student Barold Brill and a 'poem by Mrs. Gieu Mogk, 1'The Country Church". During the business per- iod it was decided to donate e5 to each child of the Sunday School who attends camp this summer, and for camp information contact Roger Shotdice, Games were played and lunch was served by the same committee, The monthly meeting of the United Lutheran Church women was held on Wednesday evening with Mas, Oscar Young and Mrs. Martin Dietz in charge of devo- tions. Student Harold Brill re- viewed the regular -Sunday morn- ing service in our hymnals to help es to worship with more un- derstanding, Mrs, Martin Dietz had a reading of the Work of Un- ited Lutheran Church Women in various committees. Prayer by Mrs. Fred Young. Thaukoffering thought by Mrs, Chris, Leon- hardt, Thaukotfering boxes were handed in at this meeting and $135.00 was sent to the Waterloo Auxiliary through the Lenten en- velopes, Thaukyou cards were read from Mrs, Gordon Miller, '.Mrs. 11. Dietz, Mrs. E. Seherbarth, An invitation to SIeHillop Evan- gelical United Brethren Church was accepted for June 29th at 2.30 o'clock min. This group aro to m - ter to two weddings, July 9 and July 16th. Shutins were remem- bered by cards on June 51lh, thus being Shut-in Sunday, The meet- ing closed with a hymn and the Doxology. Mr, and MI's, Norman Rode of Detroit with Mr, and airs. Ed Pruater, peasemagerammectexecomaiaukormraggemormosinommasegg Band Concert Victoria Park Every Sunday Evening 8.30 - 10 P.M. Commencing June 12th SII/vee Coliootion in add o/ tlta Kittle Uniform Ptlmd WINTHROP I,eslto Meblp:ulden if.; spending a month with his parents before leaving for time OoChrane area where he will spem5 80100 time as a lay assistant, Leslie reLurund in May ;trona Frobisher, N,W 1 , where he had been for the bast year. leo enjoyed his sojourn to the Arctic, bat believes high costs trill 'prevent any rapid expansion of population in the Arctic, Irrotght by air costs 30o a lb., by ship is $35 a ton. BLAKE Ili', and .".Mrs, James McNaln, of Amberley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Roy McBride, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Desch and family visited with Iii' and Mrs. LeRoy Erb and family. Ma', Archie Mustard, Sarnia, spent the weekend with his wife and family, Mr. and Mas, Cordon I+lrb visit- ed with Mr, and Mi's, Melvin Zelir of Kitchener. HENSA LL. Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Taylor of Wingli'am, Mrs, Jos. Patter, Clin- ton, Mr. John Driscoll, Walton, Miss Mary Lon Taylor, Exeter, and 1•Irs. 11088 Corbett, Hensel), visited an Saturday with Sir, and Mrs. Ross Brown and MartY, Newtnnville, Out., and attended the P'restonLTay'lor wedding in Toronto. Mrs, Margaret Evans and fam- ily at Waterloo visited this week with the former'/ parents, Mr. and Mrs R, Y. Mac'Lsu'en, MPs Winnie Dayman of Lon- don visited this weekend with Mrs, Lou Sinhpson, Rev. Bruce Stiller of Beaclh- ville was guest minister at the anniversary services in IIensall United Church on Sunday with Rev. Currie Wiulitw conducting the services, Rev, Suitor chose as his subject "Pilgrims Pro- gramme" and' "Buildiu " deliver. lug inspiring sermons, Mrs. Carl Payne sang a solo entitled "Be. ahold' The Christ Passetli By" and the choir sang an anthem "Lift up your Heads", At the evening service 14Ir, Sam Rennie and daughter Miss- Maryanne Rannie of London sang a. duet entitled, 'Softly and Tenderly". The choir rendered an anthem 'Bless The Lord 0 my Soul", Miss Greta Lammie accompanied at the or- gan, Mr. Prank Bean Mr. Frank Bean, 78, passed' away in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday, Surviving is his wife, the farmer Margaret Pepper, sons, Stanley, St, Marys, John, Brantford, and MTs. Rooliux (Elleabeth) Faber, Kippen. Ser- vice will be held Thursday at the family residence at 2 p.m., Bon- thron funeral home in charge. WALTON The June meeting of the W. A. of Duff's United Church was held in the church basement Thursday' afternoon with Sirs, N. Reid, 1st vice pres. in charge, The meeting opened with hymn 240 "Thou Whose Almighty Word" with Mrs, D. Watson at the piano. The scripture taken from klpl,eeian5 51 1.14 was read by Mrs. („ Ritchie 1nni1 eonments on it by Mrs. Reid, Mrs, lton Bennett gave the se(1.. Iatatv's iIsnrC and is. A,Coutts reported on the fiinrtrces, It was ;Welded to earry on with time wed - ;liege as it has been, making no difference in price for children, Hymn 343 "0 Lord and Master of us All" was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs, W,. Turnbull chose "A meditation an the Power and the Presence" ter the WMS meeting. The roll call was anowerd by naming a parable of the Bible. The Community Fellowstilp See„ Mr's. 0, Ritchie read an iuterost- Big passage on Changes of East Asia. The WMS detected to Bond a delegate to Alma College, Mrs, 1). Buchanan tools the topic from "Africans Disturbed" on the chan- ter of "Labour, Food, Cash and Law", The next tnpie will be gi- ven by the McKillop Crotip, The meeting closed with prayer, BEVERAGE VOTES Mitchell voters turned down both beverage room questions last week, Beverage looms for irun1 en received 56.9 per cent and bey erupt rooms en* men 17.4 per: cent—both below the required 60 per sent majority. At Brussels, with 95 per cent of eligible voters voting on four questions. only the men's beret, age room question woe epprnved with 310 in favor, 187 against, for a 62.2 per cent majority. Northside United Ceaa'cla Worship at 11 a,m, This is children's Sunday with a special talk to the children, Promotions Iron Nursery.Kin- clergarten will be held. Special flower decoration by the Sr. Y. P. Class, Jr, Choir will lead in worship, Sr, Church School at 10 a,m, Minister, Rev, J. 0, Britton, Organist, Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Choirmaster, Mr, J. A. Stewart, Etrinondril2e United Church Dr, J. Semple, Minister. Lyle Hammond, Organist -Choir Leader 11 a,m., Public Worship of God 10a.m., Church School and Bi- ble Class, "Let the people praise Thee, Q 004", First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Leslie Elder Minister 10 a,m, Church School and Youth Fellowship Class 11 AM, "For Such a Time as This" (Mr. Elder will bring a report of the 86th General Assembly at Guelph) Anthem: 0 Lord, Thou art my God, (Willgoosel The Junior Choir will sing on "Sing Time" CKNX-TV, Chunked 8, Wingham, on Sunday at 5,30 11.111. Mr, Elder will speak 00 C'KNX- TV. an Moseley, ,tune 13111, al 2..23 p.ns. ST. JAMES 0, W. L. TEA HOME BAKING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 3TO5 At St. James' Rectory Everyone Welcome Dance Fox' the Perth -Huron Junior Farmers In Souforth Cotiiniunicy Centre SATURDAY, JUNE 11 9.3(1 to 12 Admissiondu- E1nchre In Orange Ifull, Seaforth Friday, June 10 Ahtspiaee Property Committee Draw will he made on 0 quilt Idutissiaii 40e Lunch y,:rrc,i Brownie's OLIVE -IN Clinton Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 9 and 10 "JOHN PAUL JONES" (Color) (Cinemascope) Robert Stack - Bette Davis One Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY June 11 and 13 "THE LEFT HANDED GUN", l'aul Newman -- Lita Milan Two Cartoons TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 14 and 15 "BACK FROM ETERNITY" Robert Ryan - Anita Ekberg One Cartoon. "That'sswhee Judy lives ... is she ever lucky!" Judy certainly is lucky. She lives in a Medallion Electric Home, And the home that wears the Live Better .Electrically Medallion is the most envied address in any neighbourhood. Medallion Homes are a new standard of modern living. They have at least one major appliance installed and electric service is provided for several more. Medallion Homes are light -conditioned with a iicw high standard of lighting for all areas—inside and out. Every Medallion Horne has adequate circuits, outlets and switches for modern electrical living plus extra capacity to provide power for the new appliances you will add in the future. So, when you're buying a new home—or remodelling an older one—step up to a new standard of modern electrical living. For complete information on Medallion Homes ... call your local Hydro office or consult your electrical contractor. I,IV1 BETTER ELECTRICALLY 1141YDRO is yours rr 1�Yy 15218