HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-09, Page 1The
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The annual Awards Day was
held at Seaforth District I-Iiglt
School on Friday -afternoon when
the various athletic and scholastic
awards were matte. Graduation
day will not be pelta until tate fall
this year, Principal I. P, Plum -
steel announced,
Athletic Awards -
Girls' Championships - Junior,
Geraldine McTaggart; inter'mecl.
tate, Eileen Dolmago; senior, Mar-
garet I+lTliott,
Boys' -Junior, Thomas Dick;
intermediate, William Campbell;
sender, Robert Binnendyk,
Special Trophies-
Duncan Cup, highest scoring
girl, Margaret Elliott; Barbet'
Cup, highest scoring int, or sen.
boy, Willlain Campbell; Ballan-
tyne Cup, highest scoring junior
boy, Thomas Dick; Sills Cup,
outstanding athlete, Robert Elliott
and Robert Reith.
Strethcona Award, best shot,
William Campbell,
'Whyte OUP, most poultry points
at fair, William 1Vkillson; McGavin
Shield, outstanding student in ag-
riculture, Fred Uhler; public
speaking junior champion, Sav-
auge trophy, Gisela Helbig;
tor, McLean McLean trophy, Jean Tainan;
highest marks at Christmas and
Easter exams, Whitney award,.-ce-
clar chest, Barbara Turnbull,
Scholarship Winners --
Alumni Memorial, value $25,
Margaret Wood; Students' Coun-
cil citizenship award. $25 Bonnie
;McLeod; Dam. -Prov, bursaries,
university, value $600, Douglas
Jamieson; Gracie 13, value $100,
Harmon Brodhagen, Lewis Knet-
sch, Noreen McEwing, Bonnie Mc-
Leod, Donald Morris, Betty aMueg-
ge, Carolyn Neil, William van den
TTengel, Margaret Wood; Legion
award, $50, Fred 1Newitt; C. M,
Smith memorial trophy, Gisela
Academic Shields -
To student from each grade
with highest narks at Christmas
and Easter: Grade 9, Barbara
Turnbull; Grade 10, Gisela Hel-
big; Grade 11, Marie Strong; Gr,
12, Lynda Dobson; Grade 13, Mar-
garet Wood,
School Crests-,
To students of second and third
year who obtain the required ac-
ademic standing; Margaret Elgte,
Gisela Helbig, Margaret McGreg-
or, Geraldine McTaggart, Lois
Scott, Jean Shortreed, Jean Mc-
Naughton, Robert Sharp.
To not more than one student
for contribution to the work of
art or dramatics, Cathy Eckert.
To not more than one student
for contribution to music in the
school, Margaret Hillen,
To not more than two girls and
two boys for athletic attainment,
:Margaret Ann Stapleton, Eileen
Dolmage, William Campbell, John
To not mare than three students
who have made •a worthy contrib-
ution •to eolrool activities, Phyllis
Bryans, Geraldine :McTaggart.
School Letters- -
To students of Grades 12 and
13 who obtain the required aca-
demic standing: Jean Hillen, Fred
Flewitt, Lewis Knetsch, Donald
Morris, Anne Shortreed, Carolyn
Neil, William van den Henget,
Margaret Wood.
To not more than two girls and
two boyd of Grades 12 and 13 who
obtain the highest standing ler
athletics, Margaret Chesney, Cor-
inne Smith, Fred Flewitt, Robert
To not more than two students
of Grades 12 and 13 for contribu-
tion to dramatics, music or art,
Bonnie MoLeod, Robert Binnen-
To not more than three stud-
ents of Grades 12 and 13 for out-
standing leadership, Robert El-
liott, James Scott, Lynda Dobson.
The engagement is announced
of Marie Denise, daughterof Mr.
and 'Ms's, Demme J. Perreault, of
Verner, ,Ont., to Lewis Joseph
Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Angus Kennedy of St. Cclumban,
The marriage to take place June
255th, in the Church of •the Prec.
ious Blood, Scarborough, Ont,
Miss Barbara Boyd, slaughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Boyd,
McKillop township, received
her Bachelor of Arts degree
from the University of Western
Ontario, London, on Saturday,
She will teach in Port Colborne
High Sohool in the Fall,
See Start of a
Northern Suburb
Joseph tae Groot has begun con-
struction of a new residence just
north of Seaforth beside the Hugh
McPherson home, In recant years
there has been steady growth of
new houses in Seaforth's western
suburb, Ilarpnrhey, Now :this will
be the second new house beyond
the town limits to the Borth end
perhaps is the nucleus of a north-
ern suburb of Seaforth, 1111 (le
Groot is an employee of Bell In-
dustries Ltd.
Celebrate 25th
Mt', and Mrs, William Leeming
celebrra'ted the 25th anniversary' of
their marriage at their home on
Sunday, June Stat. They we'r'e
married in Walton on June 5,
1935, Mrs, Looming is the former
Margaret Love, Reg, Nurse, and
both Mr• and Mrs. Looming ware
formerly residents of McKillop.
They lived en the larnt In IMeKil.
lop Township until coating to
Seaforth in 1946. Both have been
active members of Northside
Those who spent Sunday at
thole home wore Mr. and Mas, L.
Leeming of McKillop; Mrs, Isa-
belle Boyd of :M,cKillop; Mrs,
Maud Leeming and Mrs, Walter
Broadfoot, both of Walton; Miss
Bessie MacKay and Mr, John
MacKay of Tuckersmith; Mrs,
Arne Patterson and Mr, and airs.
S. W. Thompson, Seaforth; Miss
Airy Love, Ton'onto; Mr. Ivy
Henderson, Egnondville.
Pastorate changes in the Pres-
bytery of Tlur'on reported by the
settlement committee o1 London
Conference are: Bayfield, W. C.
Smith; Belgrave, J, Harold And-
erson; Bluevale, W. R, Welsh;
Brucefield - Ktppen, A. Harold
Johnson; Dungannon, T. D. Rich-
ards; Lgmondville, John N. Var-
To Algoma Presbytery: Thessa-
lot, Dr, James Semple,
The engagement is announced
01 Margaret Alice Rosamond, on-
ly daughter of Mrs. James Howe
and :the late James Howe, of
rStratford, Ontario, formerly of
Cromarty, Ontario, to Donald Oli-
ver Stephens, eldest son of Mr,
and Mrs. Oliver Stephens, Wood-
stock, Ontario. The marriage will
take place on Saturday, July 9th
in St, Paul's Anglican Clmrch, in
Stratford, Ontario,
A chimney -fire at the- home of
Amos Corby on Louisa street call-
ed out the two fire trucks about
10 o'clock Monday morning. Dam-
age was estimated by Fire Chief
Scott at $150.
Mr. Corby said that after work-
ing on his lawn he went into the
house which he found was full of
The thimble on the furnace pipe
in the kitchen ceiling had become
hot and set fire to the woodwork,
Firemen quickly extinguished the
blaze with chemicals.
Mr. Corby said ha has a stoker
on the furnace, which had been
going continuously since last Sep-
Mrs. Alfred Klein, the farmer
Martha Amelia Bach, of lot 21,
con. 1,Fullerton Township,died
at the 'Stratford General
I-Iospital. She had been 411 two
weeks. Born in Logan Toaenship,
Aug, 14, 1906 she was a daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs, Freder-
ick Bach (Ritz). Before her mar-
riage she lived far a time in Sea -
forth. On Nov. 6, 1937, she was
married to Aldred Klein, who died
Feb. 26, 1960, Surviving are two
brothers, John Bach, Seaforth,
Gordon, London; two sisters, Mrs.
Minnie Gilliland, 130 Nelson St„
Stratford, and Mrs. Clarence Mu-
egge, 206 Queen St„ Stratford.;
one sister, Mrs. Menno Fischer,
died a few years ago. 'Mrs. Klein
was a member of Grace Lutheran
Church, Mitchell, The retrains
were at the Heath -Leslie funeral
home, Mitchell where the service
was conducted by Rev. John
Woelfle-of!Grace Church, Sunday,
at 3 p.m. Burial was in Knox
Presbyterian Cemetery,
The Helping Hand ;Mission
Band held their meeting on Sat-
urda.y, May 28 with Murray :4Ia
Olut'e presiding and Jean Alexand-
er called the Roll. Dyke Little
gave the prayer and Grant Little
took up the collection. Earlier do
the month the. children invited
their mothers. Those taking ,part
•in the program were: Julia Blan-
chard, Linda Sommerville, Miles
Little, Murray Pryce, Neil Little,
Charles •Swan, Brenda Pryce, Bar-
bara (MoOlure and Glenda Little.
Jean Patrick as pianist. The Mis-
sion Band are holding thele an-
uai picnic on Saturday, June llth
at the Church.
Good weather has facilitated
the sowing of late crops, and in
most cases, crop sowing is up to
data. Some people have started
to hay, and some grass silage is
being matte,
Mutual Aid
Fire Plan
Outlined Here
A meeting of representatives of
13 are brigades in Huron County
and olfieials of their local mum
cite met at the town hall, Sea-
forth on Tuesday night to !tear
and discuss proposals for mutual
tad among the comity fire depart-
Fire Chief Jack Scott of Sea -
forth, county co-ordinator, pre_
'fire theory of the mutual aid
plan is that a schedule would be
set tip for ono brigade helping an-
other, For example, if a serious
fire broke out in Clinton, the first
help would he summoned from
Seaforth, If more help were re-
quited, Goderich brigade would be
called next. Brucefield would be
designated to answer any calls
front Seaforth during the absentee
at the Seaforth hrigade,
While most of the opinions ex-
pressed at the meeting were fav-
orable, no commitments were
made until details could be talked
over by each municipality, An-
other meeting will bo called to go
into details of the plan further:
Present et the meeting were
Instructor Anderson of the Fire
Marshall's office and Mr, Sidcling-
ham, of Mutual Aid for Ontario.
Mutual Aid is a civil defence pro-
It was stated that TIuron is one
of the few southern Ontario coun-
ties not already organized for mu-
tual aid,
25th Anniversary
of the H. Connells
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Connell
celebrated their' 25th wedding an-
niversary at their holo on Wed-
nesday, June 1st. Mrs. Connell is
the former Helen Broadfoot, They
were married at Brucefield in
1935. They have two children,
Clayton and .Ellen, On Saturday
night friends and relatives were
entertained at the home of Mrs:
Connell's sister and brother-in-
law, Mr, and Mrs, Allan Arm-
strong of Varna in honor of the
Presentations To
Three Teachers
On Friday afternoon the stu-
dents at Seaforth District High
School made farewell presenta-
tions to two staff members, Me,
R. Whiteley and Mrs. Hannon, An-
other presentation was made to
.Miss .Matalon in honor of her
t ia'pproach)tug ntlarriage on June
1811r, Students' Council President
J. Scott was assisted by Presi-
dent-elect Robert Elliott in pre-
senting the gifts.
C. W. L.
The June meeting of St, James'
C.W.L. was held Tuesday even-
ing with the president, Mrs. John
Maloney in the chair, The meet-
ing opened with the league pray-
er and singing of a hymn. The
membership convener, Mrs. Gor-
don Reynolds, reported 150 mem-
bers and 3 honorary members. A
reminder was given of the re-
treats to be held in London, by
airs. John Meagher, Final plans
were made ,for the Rectory Tea
and Bake Sale on June 15th. The
altars will be cared for by volun-
teers during the summer. A re-
port of the diocesan convention
held in Stratford in May was gi-
ven by Mrs, Jaynes Selly, The di-
rector, Rev. C. E. Sullivan spoke
briefly on the Priesthood since
June is the month of ordinations.
Mrs. Arthur Devereaux read a
Poem "Trimsns on the Rosary".
The mystery prize was won by
Mrs. John Lansink. A deltaious
lunch was served by arras, James
Slattery, Mrs. Gordon Reynolds
and Miss Marguerite Dunn. The
meeting closed with prayer.
The June meeting of Seaforth
W. I. will be held at the home of
Mrs. John MacLean on Tuesday,
June 14 at 2.15 pan. Roll call to
be answered by a new vegetable
T have grown and liked. Motto
will be, "We are nearer to God in
the Garden than anywhere Else",
Reports from the District Annual
will be given. Lunch committee:
Ma's. Ross Gordon, Mrs. E. Cam-
eron, Mrs. Alex, Pepper, Ms's. E.
Now Open
for Postmaster
Applications are being received
until ,lane 20th for postmaster at
Seaforth, according to notice put
up this week on the post office
bulletin board. Salary is $3,900 to
The position is 01)00 to patrons
of the post office at Seaforth re.
siding in the area for at least a.
The circular outlines duties and
qualifications. Appointment will
be macre on the basis of merit and
will be subject to the statutory
preference for veterans, An oral
and written examination will be
given. The appointment le in
charge et the Civil Service Com-
Goderich Graduate
Joins,S, Staff
The appointment of :Mss Elean-
or Kay Hahsiltoti, of Goderich, as
girls' physical education instruct-
or, `vas confirmed ;at a meeting of
Seaforth District Iligh School
Board on Tuesday night, Miss
Hamilton is a 19110 graduate at
P1t 1t CTO V-'J'il YI, O U
Marriage vows Wore exchange
in, a donblo ring ceremony in th
Cl1uI'clt of Christ, Toronto, - o
June 4th when Rev, J, Petry an
Red in rrraariage Barbaro Arnett
Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Ilarvey Taylor, Brucefield, to Mr
Frederick Philip Preston, son 0
Mr, and Mrs. Alox Preston, o
Sundridge, Ont,
The bride was lovely in a waltz
length gown of chantilly lace
over not, styled with Illy -point
sleeves, Tier fingertip veil was
embroidered nylon net held by a
coronet of pearls and she carried
a bouquet of red roses, Attending
her sister was Miss Mary Lon
Taylor of Exeter, wearing a flow-
ered nylon dress of mauve and
car'a'ying a bouquet of yellow
mu -ins, Mr. Donald Preston, of
Woodbridge was his brother's
groomsman. -
,For travelling to Niagara Falls
and the U.S.A. the bride chose a
two-piece dress of white linen,
with green duster, White accessor-
ies and a corsage of pink carna-
tions. The young couple will re.
side in Sundridge, Ont,
Band Concerts
Start Sunday Night
The Sunday evening 'band eon-
certs will start hi Vrt.torla Park
on Sunday lit 4,30, Tile Seaiorth
11ighlulders Band is raising funds
for new kilts this year, anti a sil-
ver collection will be taken to
heap. Other fund-rtdsing projects
in the offing are a draw and also
a tag clay.
The Ladies' Aid of First Pres-
byterian Church met Tuesday aft-
ernoon with a very good attend-
ance. Hiss Jean Scott presided
and the meeting was opened with
a poem "Busy Hands are happy
1 -lands", read by Miss Jessie Fra-
ser. The Hymns -ler the meeting
were chosen by Mrs. A. Campbell.
After tate business period airs. W.
A Wright sang a lovely solo, "I'll
go where you want ane to go,
Dear Lord" accompanied by Mrs,
McGregor, Miss Bello Campbell
brought a very timely message
entitled "God's Quiet rPlaees", re-
minding us of the beauties of na-
ture all around us, and our need
to take time to enjoy and appre-
ciate them. Mrs. Kerslake moved
a vote o1 thanks to all who took
part. A social time followed, The
meeting was in charge of the
Leslie -Fraser Group.
June Meeting of
Tuckersmith Council
Tuckersmith Municipal Council
met in the Town Hall, Seaforth.
on June 7th at - 8 prim. All mem-
bers were present and the Reeve
presided, The township decided to
clean out their portion of the Crich
Award Drain upon complaint of
interested ratepay'e'rs, and the
Road Supt. was instructed to en-
gage a shovel to do the work.
Alex McGregor was paid $4,00
valuator fee re chickens killed by
dogs; accounts of Hubert Cooper,
sprayer, and Wilmer 'Broadfoot,
Inspector, re warble fly spraying
were- ordered :paid, as was Boyes
Farm Supply Incrthe purchase of
a tractor and mower for work on
township roads. The cleric was in-
structed to forward a complaint
on the Elgie Drain and one on
the afoKenzle Drain to Archi-
bald, Gray & IVIoKay, .township
Engineers, and ask for a report
on the same.
Council decided to repair the
existing bridges at lot 27, con 4 5
LRS a.nd the clerk was instructed
to request plans from the Dept.
of Highways of Ontario Stratford
Accounts passed included: Re-
lief, and Nursing Home,$247.75;
tax sale20.57' printing $ 1 t ng & adv„
$49,75; salary & allowance, $224.-
95; income tax & unemploy, $17.
50; supplies $16.79; insulin $2,00;
Egmondville water, $3,75; Wil-
liams Drain $622,64; McCullie
Drain $40.00; clump $20,00; grants
$200.00; Warble Fly $956:80; val-
uator fee, $4,00; Roads $5082,81.
Council adjourned to meet July
6th at 8 pan,
Hullett Accepts
Drain Petitions
The Council of the Township of
Hullett held their regular month-
ly meeting June 6 In the com-
munity Ha11, Londesbono at 8 p,m,
The Reeve and all the councillor's
were present.
The petition signed by Sidney'
McClindhey, 'Garth McClincirey,
Roy Baer, and Maurice Bean ask-
ing for a municipal ditch through
their properties was accepted and
council refered it to an engineer
to prepare a report,
The petition signed by Everett
Taylor, Percy Walden, Maurice
Bean, Lawrence Platter and oth-
ers asking for an engineer to
bring 10 a report on the said
drain was accepted.
On notion of James McEseing
and Hugh Flynn council accepted
the applications for tile drainage
for the following ratepayers:
Donald Buchanan and ;William
The clerk was instructed to an -
ply for Supplementary By.Law
Approval for the Quigley Bridge,
Levy of $204,00 to the Blyth
District Fire Area Board to meet.
1960 expendlturee Was ordered
The Clerk will send a letter of
sympathy to Mrs, Nelson Hill,
The auditor's report for 1900)
was accepter.
Council adjourned to Meet again
July 4th at 8.30 p,m.
• Miss Darlene Webb of Dash-
wood returned Monte on Sunday
with Mr. and airs. Lawrence 11411
of Crediton after spending last
week at the Milne of 11r, and Mrs,
Ken Preszcator and family,
\it'. Eddie \Vtanrmes, son of Mr.
and Mrs, John \i'antmcs returned
home after spending the nasi five
months in St, Joseph's Hospital,
London, as the result of u hip dis-
location. Ile Is taunting with aid
of crutches and we hope he will
soon return to his normal condi-
tion. -
Mrs, Mae Adams of Londesboro
spent last Wediesday with lar.
I and Mrs. Charles Dexter.
air. and Mrs, Earl I:awcott
spent last Friday h1 London,
Mr, Frank Riley, and Mr, and
Mrs, Tam Riley of Clinton spent
the weekend with- Mr, and airs.
Robt, Woods and Debbie, at Alex.
Mrs. Frank Kiley who had spent
the past week with her daughter
and sot -in-law, returned hone
with them.
Ma. and Mrs, Russel King and
family, Exeter, and Mr, llerb Bea-
, ver visited last Thursday with
j Mr, and Mrs. Ken Preszeator,
` Mr. and Sire. Lawrence Taylor
t of Oshawa visited over the week -
1111 enol with Mr, and Mfrs, Verne Dale,
'Mr,. and airs. Harvey Taylor and
family, and air. and Mrs. Earl
Lawson and Reg,
i4r, John Campbell of Detroit
1 was a weekend guest of Mr, and
Mrs. Ross MacGregor and attend-
ed the !Masonic Services at Sea -
Mr, and Mrs. Verne Dale visit-
ed Sunday with their son and
daughter-in-law, air, and Mrs,
Murray Dale of Bycon.
Mr. and alts. Geo. Addison of
Seaforth and lir, and Mrs, John
Nottingham of Ladner 13,0. at-
tended Church services here on
Sunday afternoon, .Mr. and ahs.
Nottingham were former resi-
dents of this community, and
friends were glad to renew their
acquaintances.. They have called
on air, and Mee, Walter Scott on
Sunday evening and an Monday
called an Mr, and Mrs. Wm,
Jewitt and family, and on Thurs-
day evening air, and Mrs. Notting-
ham will show their films in the
basement of the Church; allowing
their home, friends and acquaint-
ances 'in British Columbia that
will be -of interest to many in this
community, Everyone is invited-
nvitedto come and see these flims.
Mr. and airs. J. Davidson and
Andrew, Seaforth, and lir. Bert
Gibbings, Clinton, were Sunday
visitors with -1•!r, and Mrs, Earl
A large congregation attended
the funeral of Terence Flannery
on Friday at St. Patrick's Church;
Dublin. Rev. R. Durand was the
celebrant at the Requiem High
Mass, and Rev. Thos. McQuaid, S.
F.M. St. Marys, Rev. Joseph O'-
Rourke, Stratford and Rev, Dr.
Ffoulkes were in the Sanctuary.
The pallbearers were: John
Meagher, J. Flannery, Seaforth;
John Flonnea•y, Waterloo; Neil
Flannery, Wnr, Flannery, Sea -
forth; Hugh Benninger. Burial
took place in St. Patrick's Ceme-
tery, Dublin. Rev. R. Durand offi-
ciated at the grave services.
A large group of ladies from the
town, and district attended 'Open
House' at Elsie's Beauty Salon on
Saturday afternoon, It is situated
in the Looby Block adjoining Red
and White Goettler's Super Mar-
ket and is operated by Mrs, Elsie
Wells. The salon has been equip-
ped with all modern facilities and
Mrs. Wells is a graduate of a Lon-
don Hairdressing Shop. She has
also had experience before com-
ing to Dublin.- She received the
ladies at the door, and Mrs. Frank
Evans, Mrs, A, M', Looby, airs. W,
Stapleton, Mrs. J. Kale and Mrs.
E. Jordisor alternated in pour-
ing tea, and refreshments were
served by a bevy of young girls,
Sponsored by Mrs. Chas, Friend,
Joanne Stapleton, Judith Friend,
Karen Dill, Pauline Stapleton,
Betty Ann Butters.
The lucky door prize was won
by Miss Jean Melacly, and five
free permanents were won by:
Mrs. Geo. Goettler, Miss Dorothy
Dillon, Mrs. E. 'Rock, Mrs, Gil-
bert Murray and Mrs, D, nacho.
First communion services were
held at St. Patrick's Church, at
Dublin on Sunday, the candidates
were: B a e b a r a McLaughlin,
Christine Delaney, Ann De Kron-
en, Mary Margaret Rowland, Lou-
is Stapleton, Willie Kroonen, Geo,
Dueltaruro, David O'Rourke, Jos,
Nielcerlc, Bert Iio•cljonge, Jimmie
The e,erentonies for Peaty
Rout's' devotion at. St, Patrick's
Church were conducted by Rev,
Father Zlnmey, St, Peter's Sem.
finery, London.
Miss Jiai'gaa'et Flanagan and
Miss Mary Sullivan Kitchener,
with Mr, and Mrs, liar, Flanagan,.
'Mr, and alis. Wells, of Milton,
with Mr, and Mrs. J. Wells,
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Kenny of
Seaforth with Mme, Mary Kistnei.
Mrs, Margaret Kelly, Blyth and
Mrs, Jim Devereaux, Seaforth,
tvitlt Miss aloniea Byrne.
Miss Rita 'Foster, Goderich,
r11"1 l,""n110111u,,,,,","1"u",".,"o"nuonu"11„11111111"11111;1.nn1""n"„n""n""u11m,"uunmi
G Nye ' LOQ''
SEA Bina
Shadow slim, 17 town,
• waterproof' sheck•ra•
si start. Handsome
curved !inked expan "'"••
nn and $49 c Mars 9
r,sppct5 OF Titrit
Styled leaf design tet:::.
oft watch and bracelet."
17 jewels. $49.50
Half moan link hrac,.!et spir.
ars around your pretty wrist,
sets aff a tiey ir- : of a
case. 2'? , 599.50
Other smart Qulovas as
low as $24,95
•omuiiry up?
No Jintl.gift
that, a
.t ii `c -:I L1•:;; 1' r;IFTS FINE CHINA
„1,,,,,,,,,,r,,,1111,,,11nn.,,,"r,n"e"11,er,,rr„„""n„r e,11111r„11,m, n,,,"lllll nnnmuuu",un,,,111
with air, and .airs. Ambrose Gfv-
,Hiss Rita P',cksteitr, Iiamilton
with lir. and Mrs. Ed Denn.
Mrs. Kathleen Monaghan, Kit.
phon, with Mr, and :Urs, Lloyd
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Culleton, of
Stratford with Mr, and Mrs, Dan
O'Rourke. -
Dr, and Mrs. A. 0, Chapman,
Detroit, are spending a few days
at their cottage.
1VIrs. Douglas Varty and two
children, Landon, were at their
cottage over the weekend,
Corporal L. W. Westlake, Kitch-
ener is holidaying at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 1I, L, Toms. lids
wife and infant sun returned
home on Saturday front Clinton
Public Hospital,
air. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston
left on Sunday to spend a week
with their daughter and -family
at Wiilowdale.
!Mr, and -firs, Fred Chute' and
Doris, Preston, were at their cot-
tage over the weekend. -
Mi'. and Mrs. Wm. Parker Jr.
and baby, and air, and airs. Robt.
Parker and baby, London, spent
the weekend with their parents.
Rev, F, Patrick, who had
charge of St, Andrew's United
Church for the past year Ieft on
Saturday for Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fellows and
family, ,Riverside, spent the week-
end with her parents, .Me, and
Mrs, Fred Fraser,
!Miss Ethel Blair, London, was
at her home over the weekend,
M'Irs. Jack Pease and son Irwin,
London, were at their home over
the weekend.
Mis, L. Green cane Iast week
to spend the summer at her sot_
tage. She had been visiting her
daughter and family at Thorold,
Mr and Mrs. Iden Ferguson, of
Strathray have purchased the
grocery store from Mr. and Mrs,
Don Kingsbury and take posses-
sion June 14th.
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Goodman
and baby left on Wednesday to
reside at Stouffville. They plan
Mission Wold. ,
Mr. and Mrs, F. Ingram, Lon.
don, spent from Friday to Sun-
day at their cottage.
Mr. and airs. 3, Brown, Detroit,
are at their cottage for a few
Mr. and ah's, Gordon .Pfaff and
sou Mark, Windsor, spent the
weekend at their home.
Misses Jackie Cluff, Landon,
and Vicki, Londesborough were
with their mother over the week_
en it,
Mrs, E. MacLaren and infant
daughter returned home on Satur-
day from Clinton Public TTas'4
pital, Hier mother, Mrs. T. Leckie,
London, - is with her for a few
days, -
Dr. and Mee. Wm. Tillman and
family, London, 10 090 at their
cottage over the weekend,
The Bethel \VMS and \V.A,
meetings were held Thursday aft-
ernoon at the hone of 11t'. A.
Dennis, The president opened the
meeting by reading an len on
now the hymn "Jesus Lover of
My Soul" carie to he written, and
tires we sang the Myron. Mfr's, (1,
Ih'altcliael react the scripture les.
son- and also gave the comments
on it, and al's. Ralph McNichol
led -in prayer. For Father's Day
Niro. ISd Regele road a poem
called "Dad", The Iiresident then
introduced Miss Jennie Ilogg, atu•
guest speaker, who gave us a
very interesting talk on the word
' hope", At the close of her talk
Mis. Stanley 1 -linen sang "Whim
poring slope". An item from the
Missionary Monthly called "The
Small Branch" war, read by Ten-
ttie Dennis, and Mrs. Wm. Roo
react an article rut the Canadian
Mrs. Charley Bard, Mr Percy
Dalton and air. Ross Leming
will lrave cbarpe of the Jnlymeet-
ing, which is the children's meet-
ing, stent 3a4 was c11n0 and the
benediction pronounced.
Mrs. W'ttt. Dennis had charge
of the re, A, meeting. 'I'hcr min_
Wes of last nteetillg were tread
and the roll call showed 20 menl-
hers present, and a number of vis-
itors, The manse committee re-
ported and $1.5 was voted to the
manse fund. A weiuer react was
planned fur the end of June, the
time and place to he announced
later. The committee in charge:
Mrs, E. Beuerntan, Iles. Wm, Ree
and Mrs, Fred Glanville. Ilynnt
106 was sung followed by prayer.
A social half hour was spew.
Master Ronald McCallum, who
has spent the past two weeks with
\It', and airs. Lloyd Resole. Iles_
peter, has returned to his home.
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard 'seeming
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
li'illiam Leeming of Seaforth who
celebrated their :rah wedding
Mrs, Murray Dennis is a pa,
tient in Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, We ivislt her a speedy.
Mr, and Mrs. Rantin Mitchell
of Carlingford with Mr. and airs.
Leonard Leeming Sunday even-
ing. -
Mrs, 'Margaret Cuthill of Sea -
forth with Ethel and Tennie Den-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'l'hoentau with
Mr, and Mrs, Toni Burns of near
Dublin, on Saturday evening.
Mr. C. M, Wilson of Detroit ae-
eonrpanied by itis mother, airs.
Jennie Wilson of Toronto visited
on Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, T. L. Scott, Mrs, Wilson
is visiting roc some time with Mr,
and Mrs. Scott and Mrs, E. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Cunning-
ham of Norval spent the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Ramsey,
Mr. and lb's. Anthony Allen
and family of Stratford visited on
Sunday with air, and Mrs. Frank
Allen, -
airs, li', Riley and Mrs, Ma
Brooks and son Geo. of Staffa vis-
ited with Mr, and Mrs. George
Wallace on Sunday.
Mr, and airs. Eldon Allen, Jan-
et, Nancy and Frank attended
Roy's Anniversary on Sunday and
visited with air. and Mrs. Mur-
ray Christie and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Don', Carol
Ann and Brian attended Nay's
Anniversary and visited with
Mrs, Frank Alien was hostess
for the June meeting of the WMS.
Mrs. W. Miller presided and op-
ened the meeting with a poen,
following with the scripture les-
son, meditatiol and prayer. The
roll call was answered With a
verse on "Hope" by 13 member's.
Tite'e were two vieitors present.
The business period was conclnct-
ed by the president, .firs. T.
Laing. Mrs, M, Lamella had
charge of the study book with
Mrs. Harper, Mars, N. tlarbnt'n,
Mrs, I,. Sosdahl and airs, Seale
Scott assisting, The tonic Was gi-
ven by Mrs, Laing, who also read
part of a letter from Mrs, Dick -
eon of Formosa. Mas. T. L. Scott
contracted a Bible Quiz. Lunen
was served by the hostess assisted
by the committee 01 charge,
Mrs, Gerald Fisher and children
of Kitehtoior spent last week with
het' parents, ilf, anti Mrs, Relit.
J, Pllgie,