HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-02, Page 71 '1 ',ewe Plays The Olici.Thae Way, The phone in room 1012 al the Piccadilly Hotel on Chicago's *lath Side rang and Nellie Fox awoke, mumbeld a few words, and automatically turned on a Tuella. Fax always turns on a radio mornings when he is away from his family, lest he slip back to sleep. He dressed slowly, put. ting on a blue shirt and a gray suit. At 32, Jamb Nelson Fox, a throwback to the old days awe 1050's most valuable player in the American League, was get- ting ready to siert his twellth seeson. Nellie Fax pleys baseball us though Babe Ruth had never liv(d. Power is the theme of the current game, "The Cadillacs," ballplayers say, "are clown at the end of the bat." But Fox, a short, sturdy Pennsylvanian, chokes up on his bat and swings for singles Averaging 158 singles a yen, he has become the highest-paid man on the champion Chicago White Sox $50,000) and, of course, Nel- lie drives a Cadillac. Just before 11 a.m. on opening day, Foie, now in uniform, sat down in the dugout at Comiskey Park to consider a sea of newly painted turquoise seats, On the scoreboard a sign proclaimed: "Ten Thousand Dollars for a Homer Into the Centrefield /Bleachers," Fax shrugged, "It's not some- thing I have to worry about," he said, pulling out a pack of chew- ing tobacco. "Use up to two packs a day. I tried licorice when I was kid to work off that nerv- ous tension, but the licorice up- set my stomach," He tucked a huge chew into his right cheek and trotted out to second base. With his hat off, he looked like at rookie infielder. Fox's hairline is begining to recede and his email frame has filled out some- what, but he still has the cheru- bic look of an enthusiastic angel. It is an incongruous impression, made more so when Fax whips out a big red bandanna to wipe sweat off his face. He wandered about the field, /sometimes in right, sometimes at third base, chatting and gossiping. He came back to the dugout from time to time, listened to a bid for a TV appearance ($150 and all you have to do is come down- town"), then excused himself and went to the cage for batting practice, Luis Aparicio was swinging against Herb Score, missing some low outside pitches. "Hey, Hoss," Fax said, "told you he was gonna give you that stuff." "Ape," somebody shouted at Ted Kluszewski, the White Sox 235 -pound first basemen, who plays in a sleeveless jersey, "go put on some clothes." On this day, the American League pennant was raised above Comiskey Park for the first time in 40 years. Then, as the genie began, the keening screech of Fax carried above the crowd. "Canon, baby, baby, baby boy," he cried to right-hander Early Wynn (a baby of 40). Fax scared three runs as the Sex out- lasted the Kansas City Athletics, 10-9. After a sirloin -steak dinner,' Fox went back to his room. Opening day 1960, his 870th con- secutive game, had been a sloppy, slugging match, marked by four home runs. Did Nellie Fox, the valuable throwback, feel lost timid all that power? "Nope," Fox said, cheerfully. "We only won the game by one sun." — From NEWSWEEK. Obey the traffic signs - they ere placed there for YOUR SAFETY MERRY MENAGERIE J\N‘,, • elesele,re, 445 Te,I1.7eeee "X WARNED reit yoled get stuck in there, but oh, no 'Fou have to try everything:' TRIM CAROLE - Faced with a second trial over the death of Mrs. Bernard Finch, Carole Tregoff is shown in Los Angeles, Calif., jail. She has trimmed' from a trice weight of 1 45 pounds to 132, Best Fishing Baits Are Free Many Ulnas we've seen a cal- endar picture of a small, barc. foot boy in faded bib overalls end a picture of health. In one band, draped over his shoulder, he carries a cane pole - equip- ped with a cotton string, a cork bobber and a long-shanked hook; in the other hand he holds a string of fine bass. He is non- chalantly sauntering past a man who is attired in a natty fisher- man garb and possessing an awe - scene array of fishing gadgets, On his stringer there is a lonely bass. This picture illustrates vividly that there is nothing so fine for catching fish as natural bait, if you use it properly. To be ef- fective such bait should be al- lowed to move, drift, sink, or swim naturally, unhampered be heavy sinkers, Here are some suggestions about different kinds of bait, end where they may be :found. Frogs make an excellent bait and they are especially effec- tive for banklinc fishing. Cat- fish find frogs a tasty item, as do largemouth bass. Earthworms, grasshoppers and crayfish are also widely used for bait. These animals are soli- tary livers, and hide by day under stones, and in crevices. Crayfish have been used success- fully as bait for such species as drum, catfish, and smallmouth and largemouth bass, Young crayfish are most de- sired as bait since they grow rapidly and are plentiful. This Is not to imply that fish will not teke She adults. They live ap- peoximately three years and be- come numerous where there are few natural enemies. New ponds, irrigation or drainage ditches, and pools in small streams arc all choice places to look for crayfish. Stone flies are found near ra- pid streams and wave -washed rocky shores of lakes. These i: - sects are called stone flies be- cause the immature forms (nai- ads) can be found clinging to the underside of stones, The naiads may be captured by quickly picking up the same and turn- ing it over. Full grown naiads can be used as bait for pan fish, trout, and other species that in- habit well aerated waters. At best, stone -fly naiads are rela- tively small and when they are used for bait on small hooks no larger than No, 7's and as small as No. 12 or 14 they can provide lots of action. The body of a young stone fler ie. depressed. The antennae are long and slender as are the cerel (a pair of appendages on the last segment of the abdomen), These naiads can move rapidly as they oatch and feed upon other aqua- tic insects including their owe kind. May fl it's a re soft -bodied aquatic insects. The adults (ima- go) do not feed and therefore are ehort-lived. The adults ne many species leave the water, -^p te, met', lee levee. and die 10 tla, rout01 evening, Both the imaeo end the naiad rutty be used for teat. ea though both forms ere traelie, aelicate, and small. In inoet the yeung are eumewhat bette r for bait beieuee they en' gen- evilly et iirdlor ye body. The young spend from one to thee'," years on the aottoin of lakes incl stecem; et, here they feed aeon vteele ble matter. Nail van be captured by clipping up bat tom de bris. There is mime mieunderetanta ing about the hellgrammite or ciohson fly; however, it is the lervae of the larger well-known horned Corydalus that fisher- men prize as bait, The larvae live under stones in stream beds and are moat abundant where the water is swift, They feed upon the naiads of stone flies, May flies and other insecte. When the larvae are about two years and 11 months old, they prepare to traneform into adults, Hellgrammites are active and difficult to capture. The integu- ment of the larvae is very tough and will stay on the hook quite well. Quite often more than one J'ish can be taker) with a hell- grammite, White grubs or grub warm are used for bait by many fish- ernien. These untidy appearing larvae are the young of insects known as June bugs or, more correctly, May beetles. The larvae live a few inches below the ground surfaceand feed upon plant roots. They are com- monly Touted nen rich organic matter, such as old manure piles. These larvae are shy creatures end are found under stones n rubbish. They are not used often as bait by fishermen; however, when bait is scarce and fish are biting, a quick search will usu- ally produce one of the many forms. In general, most of the ground beetle larvae are rela- tively small and can stay on a small hook. Larvae of the click beetles, commonly called wire worms, can also be found near the ground surface where they feed on roots 01 plants. These insects are related and belong to a large order which includes some of the common and widely known insects. There is no finer bait for trout. Crickets/md roaches, at times, make good bluegill bait — espe- cially medium-sized crickets. Fly fishermen who have the skill to use these insects as bait, find them productive for pan fish. Many immature as well as mature insect forms that are available make good bait. The coen-ear worm is available in summer and makes a good bait for pan fish and bullheads. A good bait for fall and winter bluegill fishing, are the cut worms that plague our gardens, and the winter larvae, such as the "stalk borer," which may .be found in stalks of weeds and eorn stalks. Little need be said about the value of the lowly worm to anglers. There is probably no finer fish bait than this wiry creature. They are numerous in soil which contains humus and abundant moisture, and very scarce in poor, acid, sandy or dry sod. Where worms arc plenti- ful their "castings" will be found On the ground surface, giving a. clue of where to dig. When soil is moist and temperature mo- derate, each worm lies by day in the upper part of its bur row, anterior end uppermost, with the entrance plugged by bits or debris. After dark the worm pushes its anterior end out over the ground surface to for- age and mate, The worms will withdraw quickly when light is flashed on them; however, they tolerate red light. Anglers who, are skilled with fly-fishing equipment are highly successful at taking pan fish when using these worrne. There is much personal satis- faction to be gained in possess- ing a smidgin of know-how about some of the creature or our outeloore. In the final analy- sis nature will provide abund- antly for those who bother to learn her ways, and use her products for their enjoyment and fishing pleasure. From "Outdoor Nebraska," hy Orly Ora tee ' e.ejt. ejeeeeeee • e ALWAYS GOING FORWARD - Two-faced car is used by an auto body repair shop. Two front halves were welded together. There are two dashboards and two steering wheels, only one of which is usable, Brothers Mel, left, and Nal Tornarkin own the car. Mrs. Nat looks out thr window. • 55 SI 55 CLASSIFIED AVERTS BABY CHICKS BRA') Is for prompt ehipment day. old Pullets, mixed 1111(5(5 and cockerel% we, :eine started. Order Amos ter v1(prootilo1l white Or brOWA egg Onre. clion. Sre Weal 33e3t, no'I Write raY Hetchery, 120 John North, Hemmen, Ont. BOYS' SUMMER CAMP Y. M, C. A. CAM? WANGOMA BOYS 9-16 PROGRAM of boating, swimming, venue tripping, camp craft, ete. Fine% equipment and leadership. Near Ban. erect. Write for free folder. Bust York YMCA, 900 Coxwell Ave, Toronto 0. BUSINEss PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT • FOR Side, trade or lease with any reasonable terms accepted on excellent 5e0,1 sq. ft. steam healed building en highway near Sarnia. Ideal for light numutael ming Has been successfully operated for 50 years by same family as0 ear and farm Implement agencie If you are a good mechanic and wont to yet in a profitable business loca- tion with no opposition for several miles, investigate at once. Apply R.C. hincrarlene, leox 911, Petrone, Ontario. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE A FANTASTIC buy, due to Illnese, mu% move to a dry climate. Owners sacrificing a well established service station, auto wreckers, used automat. bile and farm implement business. Service station has roomy workshop, well lighted ear lot. Gasoline gallon. age ever 100,000 yearly. Modernized living quarters. Auto wrecking, 10 acres with 4 large warehouses. There Is a staggering number of used ears, farm machinery equipment, mountains of parts, snow plow, trucks, garage equipment, welder, cutting torches, steam cleaner, spray painter, tools, etc. Everything goes except household furniture This Is an all year around many sided profitable business with large turnover. Located in Western On. Saris on busy highway, the outskirts of town, No reasonable offer and terms will be refused. For further informa- tion. write Box 837, Hanover, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE POR ,fully equipped farms and farm lands call Sir. Madden, CR 5-5203. We have several farms to choose from. Lars Osberg, Broker, PA. 2.5504 909 Richmond "Road, Ottawa 3, Ont, How To Raise A Delinquent Boy The police department ote Houston, Texas, has issued a leaflet called "Twelve Rules for Raising Delinquent Children." 1. Begin with infancy to give the child everything he wants. M this way he will grow up to believe the world owes him a living. 2. When he picks up bad words, laugh at him. This will make him think he's cute. It will also encourage him to pick up "cuter" phrases that will blow off the top of your head later. 3, Never give him any spiritual training. Wait until he is 21 and. then let him "decide for him- sel41.." AVo id use of the word "wrong." It may develop a guilt complex. This will condition hint to believe later, when he is ar- rested for stealing a car, that society is against him and he is being persecuted. 5. Pick up everything he leaves lying around — books, shoes, and clothes, Do every- thing for him so that he tvill be experienced in throwing all re- sponsibility on others. 6. Let him read any printed matter he can get his hands on, Be careful that the silverware and drinking glasses are steri- lized, but let his mind feast on garbage, 7. Quarrel frequently in the Presence of your children. In this way they will not be too &hocked when the home is bro- ken up later. 8. Clive a child all the speed- ing money he wants. -Never let him earn his own, Why should he have things as tough as you had them? 9. Satisfy his every craving for food, drink, and comfort. See that every sensual desire is gra- tified. Denial may lead to harm- ful frustration. 10. Take his part against neighbours, teachers, policemen. They are all prejudiced against your child. 11. When he gets into real trouble, apologize for yourself by saying, "I never could do anything wtih him." 12, Prepare for a life of grief. You will be likely to have it, How Can 1? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I remedy a stivklite window sash? A. Pour a Mall tinentnt of hat lard between the window frame und the casing, and ;Also $111,11r it Hong the sash rope and an the is the best Way 01 keeping moth baits in a drawer tie trunk? A. Instead of wilting them In loosely with the clothing and other articles, make up a few sleeves or tubes from mesh cloth, such as cheesecloth, slip the balls inside, and tie the cloth between each • one, This makes foi> eueler end less messy handling. Q. Hew can 8 avoid- tarnish on silver when storing it away for a while? A. Rub the salver well with calve MI; then wrap it in a piece of -old fakir Been. The silver will not tarnish but should he welled in hot water before using egairt, FARM MACHINERY FOR. SALE FARM and Industrial tractors, Peelers, baekeltoes, combines and Were, All makee and models. Lowest financing rates and most reeeenable prices Your Maesey.Fergueon Dealer Hanson Supply Ltd.. 120 icing St. W. Stoney Creek, PLANET JR., tillers, garden traceries and attachments, hoot end pewee' vegetable seeders, cultivators teal fee, tillzer machines, granular ;And herle. vide applicators for ell seeding ,,,0 ap. ment, cultivator steels and sweep,' to at all meiree of farm cultivarns. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER John C. Graham Co,, DistrIbutore, 00 Erie St, North, Leamington. Phone FA 6.5551 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE COLOUR TV. Filter Sereen as 5,105r. tined in "TV Topics'. See everything on your Television in "Realife" colour. Attach it yourself in seeunds. Give size of screen. $2.95 money order or C.O.D. Satiefaction or money refunded. Agents Wanted. Daman Importers, 54 Wellington West, Toronto, PURE MAPLE PRODUCE MAPLE eyrup in specially sealed eau% 8 per gallon, 12 or 10 per caSe, 75e a can, Also maple tollue in same can, 90e, Twoounce loaves sugar, 24 pieces per box, $2,25. All postpaid. Wilfrid Larl, viere. Saint Zacharle, Quebec, SAVE YOUR BOAT WITH fiberglass covering for wood boats, No more painting. Strengthen' water proofs and Increases speed. Do It yourself, information free. LEAVENS BROS. 3225 leUFFERIN ST., TORONTO MISSILE PHOTOS CAPE CANAVERAL Missile Photos! Thrilling action pictures of the Free World's mightiest missiles. Set of three 8 x 10 photos, $1. Sets available: Atlae. Titan, Thor, Juno, Space Probes, Send $1 for each set desired, Canaveral Photo's, 1205 Japonioa Lane, Cocoa. Florida. MONEY TO LOAN FUNDS Available. Money to Loan ort First and Second Mortgages or on any other security. Phone or write Dan. nine Investments Ltd,. 99 Avenue Road, Toronto 41, Ontario. WA. 2.3562, MEDICAL READ THIS - EVERY SUFFERER OP RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 nom OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning me. nue acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond madly to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE e3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1165 St. Clair Avenue Nast TORONTO NURSES WANTED URGENTLY NEEDED TWO registered nurses for genera duty in 48 bed hospital. Highest sal. aries paid. Telephone 370 or apply to the Administrator of St. joseph's Gen. eral Hospital, Little Current, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PERSONAL MRS, WANLESS CHIVERTON - Elee. trolysts Clinic, permanent hair remov- al, face, neck, eyebrows, legs, arms, underarms. Free consultation, 424 Wel- lington St., Gee 2-1467 London. DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAS, needs. Inquiries invited Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. ADULTS: Personal Rubber Goods. 08 assortment for 52.00. Finest quality) tested guaranteed. Malted in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booelet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask, GET 8 HOURS nap NERVOUS tension may cause 75% of sickness. Particularly sleeplessness, titleryness and Irritability, Sleep, calm Your nerves with "Napes", 10 for 92,01, 50 for $4.00. Lyon's Drugs. 471 Dos. forth, Toronto PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 8 magna prints In album eta 12 magna prints in album ilfle Reprints 50 each KODACOLOR Developing roil $1.00 Mot including prints). Color prints 35e each extra. Ansca and Ektaehreme 35 inn, 20 ex. oosures mounted In slides 0.25. Color Prints from slides 35e each. Monte, refunded In fun for unprinted meta - lies FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, oteT. PONIES OUR Tilled All Pony Sale to be held May 23rd 'tenthly Consignments are now being melted for Registered end Grade ponies. Seiner Ranch Limited. (1alt, Onlerio. PLANTS SENATOR Dunlop StrewterrY i'iantla Beet Quality. Well ringed, 1)150000 ere 00 lane 04.50 500; $1,25 1011, Ship an where in ekloacia. PorcY Yarrew, Itou 0, Trenton, Ont. COhlelteei, Wonder Plant of the Mee trey Valuilble information booklet 250, Plants, 10 -.01.00; 25 - now 50 :teem 100 - $6.00. Postpaid, large quantity prices on reque,e, Omar° Fenn, 5111. 1, Hurley, Be;. - POULTRY AND SWINE FOR maximum egg production on Ott minimum amount of feed, buy any al our four white shelled egg leyers. her 5.137, one of the best franchise layers available; Tweddle 400, 3 prelifil layer of large eggs, good strong shone, good Interim egg quality, good live abilitY,"fweddle 401, a tremendout WAhi sl ot e lvtgi. layer oi largo eggs, a quiet bird, 510 - iligb°3 ahbairen:' ‘ael‘netICY Leghorn X Rhode Island Red; Idl popular dual purpose breedie Broiler breeds; Vantreso X Arbor Acre* White Reek, Vantrese 50 Nichols No. 104, Turkey poults. Older pullete Ask about our egg and broiler vontracts. Cata- logue, Also English large Black, 0104, Spotted Hybrid and Landrum swine. l'Weemen CHICE HATCHERIES leeQ. ONT.A.RIO FERGUS RABBITS RABBITS: Giant fawn Flemish. $12.00 pair; two months old. Bred Senior Doe* 512.00. Intermediate Does 4 months old $8.00, F. W. Jarvis, Box 90, Athens, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED NORTH Alice Township School Area. Duties commence In September. Quell. fled teacher 53,000, with experience $3.105. One school with tirade 1 only, others all eight grades Short distance from Pembrokebus service daily. APPLY stating ,eualifleatiOns, experts ence and mane of lest inspector to Reg Biggs, R R. 5, Pembroke, Ontario. PRINCE Edward County, North Mary*' burgh Township School Board, require* teachers for rural schools. Average en. rollment, 20.25. Duties to commence, September, 1900. APPLY giving reference% experience. qualifications and salary expected. Arthur MeCornock, See..Trease aictoie Ontario, R.R. 5. Phone Pleton, GIL E. 5323. WANTED for CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Terns 1900-51. One for edemas, one for mathematics. SALARY; Between $4,00046,000 according Se qualifications. State phone number when applyinti to P.0, BOX 489, BOURLAIVIAQUE, QI.75, PROTESTANT teacher required for S. No, 2, Sarnia Township, LaMbto% County, 7 miles from Sarnia, 240 Churchill Rd.; 1.room, 8 grades; mods ern conveniences. Duties to commence, September, 1980. Minimum sateen $5100.00; annual Increment, 5200.00. APPLY to Russell B. hiaitland, 2258 Churchill Rd„ Sarnia, Ont. QUALIFIED teacher required for one. room school near Linwood. Duties te, commence September. Salary accords big to qualifications. Apply stating qualifications, experience and name of last inspector to Alvin B. Martin, See, Treasurer for SS. No. 21, Wellesley, R.R. 1, Wallenstein, Ont. WATERLOO Separate School Board REQUIRES QUALIFIED TEACHERS FOR VARIOUS GRADES TOP salary schedule 02,000 to 55,305, plus $150 per year up to 6 years past experience. APPLICATION to include age, expert - 95100, phone number and inspector, Ins MICHAEL PALECZNY, CHAIRMAN 22 MOORE AVE, N. WATERLOO, ONT. RICHARDS Landing, Jocelyn and Ste Joseph Township School Area Board requires. four qualified Protestant teachers for September to teach Grades 1 to 4, 5 to 8. 1 ter 3, 4 to 6. APPLY, stating qualilleations, experi- ence, name of last inspector to Mrs. Frank Rinser, Richards Landing, On- tario, SALARY up to 53,500 far qualified Pro- testant teacher at S.S. No. 3, Normerte by, Grey County, Grades 1-e Enroll- ment 20. School well equipped, on heating, telephone. Duties commence Sept. 1st. APPLY to Mrs. Nevada Flollidae eie, ye R.R. 4. Mount Foreet. 0,0, VILLAGE OF ROSSEAU Requires Teacher FOR GRADES 1 TO 4 STATE qualifientions, evperlenee name of last inspector. SALARY offered 51.0)1(1 for tern, 00. rnencing next September C. 5. RAYMOND, SEC:TREAS. SUMMER RESORTS IDLEASE RF.SORT! teennebonk, Wine. Free color folders. In the Pines. by the Sea, e25 weekly Free eoior Tele% bien, pool gorgeouls beach, 1,1) Io,,,l maid service. VACATION PR0PERTI5S FOR SALE POR Oslo 51)1) aeree 011 leoulesh Lake roughly 1 mile of shore lino Apply Mac AloGiOls Toy MR, 3 Boorror1. Ont. SWINE AND TURKEY EGOS SER VIC 55/ 111.12 .all 1 boars 330.00. 1,3Conibe. etthor inonf.h.,. (Ion 3135 watt Ontey elite each. ten Howe. R5. Aylmor 0 Ontrflo. issua ee — 1500 CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFO!ZD ASSOCIATION THIP.D ANNUAL rP of Corefully Selected and Govorrinitit hispected Horned and Polled Cattle 13 BULLS 25 FEMALES Tested Bulls Civalify for O.D.A. i",erniunts NEW COW PALACZ Stouffyille, Ont. SALE STARTS 1 P.M. JUNE 1, 1960 Ludy Preemie Drow for 110- 'ending for Purebred liercrot,1 WRITE Pak CATALOGUE TO W. V, Alk(nso 05 c. A. Menteomery A uctiont r Sec..Trees, Stotiffv1114, Ont, R.R. StooftwIle, One.