HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-06-02, Page 1T ews WHOLN SleltHeS, VOL. 82 11100.0 84 SHAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, J LYNN 2, I ONO B0 C.A0 Testino. Started t This Week in.,bbert Logan Annonneement was made bY Dr, la D. Armstrong', Health of Animals Branch, Stratfora, that testing nutter the Brucellosis Con- trol eampaign began hi the north part of Logan townsbip on l'elon. clay of this week, by Da W. R. Bryane of Seatorth. 'resting ou the east side of Hib. beet began an Wednesday by Dr. Philp or Mitchell. The plan will eventually take in Dr, Turnbull and Dr, Drennan of Seaforth in Logan and the west part ot Hilbert. It is part or a county -wide testing being math) in Perth, One veterinarian is working in South Easthope, two in Mornington, one each in Wallace, Ellice and 131an- shard townships. Additional men will be added until all told there will be 1 men testing. Dr, Armstrong said it was hoped to receive the full co.. operation of owners to facilitate completion of testing before snow comes next tall, In case of an animal snowing a positive test a, license far slaughter is issued, The owner receives compensation ou tae ba- sis of grade etock, which lie gets as soon as the premises are Wis.. fitetorily cleaned. The owner takes the animal to a packing plant and receives pay for the meat. In the rare event of the meat being rondemned as unfit for human use, he receives the meat priceanyway, this being gatteanteed by the 'Department. Brucellosis was formerly known as Bang's Disease or Contagious Abortion. In humans it is medi- cally known as undulant fever. Huron county will become a Brucellosis Conteal Area later this year, officials recently stated, WILLIAMSON - HORTON Patricia Anne Horton, the only daughter of Mr and Mrs, Clay., ton 'Horton al Seatontn, exchang- ed marriage vows with Gordon George Williamson, of Windsor, in a double -ring ceremonY at 'Wes- ley United Church Chapel, Lon- don. The groom is the only Son of Mrs, James Dick, Detroit, and the late Me. Williamson, Rev, John Stinson performed the cere- mony. The bride wore a beige suit with green accessories and a cor- sage of red roses. She was attend- ed by Deanna '<itching, of Wind- sor, cousin of the groom, wearing a mauve suit with white acres - Windsor was best man. carnations, Don Sawchuck, of /eyries and a CIMINO Og white The wedding dinner was held at the home of the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Horton, Clinton, After a honey- moon in the States the young couple will reside in 'Windsor. NURSES GRADUATE Nora Monica Reynolds, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reyn- olds, Seaforth, was among the 60 successful students at St. Jo- seph's Hospital School of Nurs- ing, London, who received their diplomas at a ceremony on Friday night when Most Rev, John O. Cody, Bishop of London, Was the main speaker. Marie Agnes O'Connor, tlanglit- er of Mr. and lets's, James O'Con- nor, Theban, was also 0, graduate, Penny Sale Winners at St, Columban Winners of the penny sale draw at St. Columban Tuesday night wore: Mat, Mem, Jim Mt:Greece, Sea - forth; tomato juice, Mrs, Roy Alia Gooch, Seaforth; sliest and pillow slips, Stan Nichol; groceries, Ber- nard McQuaid; chila's overalls, Mrs. Lylo Itacho; roasting pan, Donald Murray; groceries, Mrs. Thos, Morris; ball and bat, Father Mceowell; snack table, Jock Mnr- Pity; groceries, Mrs. Janet Rico; I.ray, Mrs, Ross Montgomery; gro- ceries, Margaret McLean, Sea - forth; blanket, Mrs. Thos, Fax; plate, Mrs. Dennis Nolan; sugar, Danny Murray; car brush, Bruce Austin; Fridge pack, Donald and Dennis alurra,y; groceries, Ma's, Raster Bennett; pillow cases, Mrs Nora Maloney; magazine rack, Nell Doyle, London; waxer, Mrs. Jim Watson; mop, Mre. Theo - bald; bull, bat, skipping rope, Mrs, Steve Murray; sugar, Leo Hagan; pop, candy, George Hays; lunch box, Catherine Ryan; gro- ceries, Jennie Cronin; base, Lou Murray; sugar, Mrs. D. Malone; corduroy pants, Mrs. Wilt, Me- Quaid; nightgown, Danny Mua ray; ling, Peter Maloney; glasses, Helen Fowler, London; chocolate bars, Bobby Kinsale% Luoknow; tub, Ray Murray; tootball, Doro- thy Dalton; glasses and pitcher, Duncan. Fax kitchen set, Mrs. James Henderson; groceries, Mrs. Russell Dorrauce; heater, Mrs, Geo. Goettler; cup & saucer, Mrs. James O'Connora oup & saucer, Mary Elizabeth Ryan; cake plate, Nall nnale; groceries, Mrs. Gib, Murray; child's dress, Dale Beu- ermann; nylons, Mrs. Tom Kay; groceries, Richard Muegge; orna- ment, Grant Carnochan; sugar, Donald & Dennis Murray; scales, Leonard Maloney; flashlight, Don- ald Moylan; glasses, Art AJOXII. der, Walton; flour, Mrs. Angus Kennedy; house plant, Mrs. Zacic Ryan; sugar, Bruce. Austin; smo- king stand, Mrs. Toni Kay; tern, Jimmy Ryan, St, Columban; but- ter, Gordon McGavin. Detroit Masons to be Here Sunday A. special Masonic service wihl be held in St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Seaforth, on SundaY morning, June 5th, when Lincoln Lodge, Detroit, and Britannia Lodge, Seaforth, will attend, Rev. le. Donaldson will preach, Will Celebrate 40th Anniversary Mr. and 'ears. Harvey Moore, High Street, Seaforth, are hold- ing open house for their friends and relatives on Thuesday, ,Tune Oth, 7.80 to 9.30 9.m., on the (man- sion of their 40011 wedding anni- versary. No gifts, please. Will Hold Open House Mr. and .Mrs, Charles Dexter wile hold open house at their home at Constance on Wednes- clay, ,Tune 15th from 2 p.m, to 4 p. na and 7 p.m, to 9 pan, on the occasion 01 their golden wedding anniveesarY. Students Choose Council Officers The Students' Council of Sea - forth District High School on Fri- day elected the executive for the '60 - '61 term: Pees., Robert Elliott; Vice Pre- aident, Cathie Eckert; Seo., Phyl- lis Bryans; Trees, D000ti 1, Boyes. The form representatives will not he elected until the fall, Only ThreeTeams F. Sills Heads In Huron Football Seaforth Bowlers Intereet in football has Minim- The official opening of the Sea - 'shed, with only three teams en- forth Bowling WINS held on tering the Huron Football Assoei- Wednesday, flay 25th with an alien senior and junior schedules, enjoyable potluck supper at the Tito dates were arranged at a Chile House, This waa followed lie meeting at Winthrop on Monday the annual meeting of the men's night. No rule alianges were me,de club with election of tho Good Returns For from last yearit is expected the ing officers tor 1960, . will' Refugee Fund robin series for the title. C. J, Sills; Vice Pree., Lev, Chris - When the Meal returns were in Nellieachedvae, tin; See, Harold Connell; Treas., n lune 8—St, Coluniban at Goderieli 1 isIa,111(; esicenkacDonald, Tulare:intent 101' our wool "qutz" rm. World , with the Huron County Commit- June 17, St., Col. at 'Winthrop Mittee, Dr, J, C. alatileinth Willis: Em.icitolve Cona. , Kar- 1tettgao Reliet in (=Junction June 15, Goaerich at St, Columban a tee we find that Lite residents of June 21, Winthrop at Cloclerich el Buys, Jack Nair, Bob Dela, lea Seararth responded splendidly, for which we hasten to add our thank you. t d Past Pres, Wm, Ball; Pres„ l. In addition, the Seaforth Dis- trict High School performed ad- mirably. with the Students Coun- cil conteibuting $40; the Glee Club $25; the individual classes, by special ,proJectei, raised the to- tal for the school to $300. This splendid effort together with $670.37 from the residents meant that our total contribution now stands; at $970.37. Can bebalt of the Huron County Committee, as convener at the local committee, I would like to say a word or thanks to the work- ers who made our fine showing possible: airs. Carmon Rowcliffe, President of St, Thomas' Guild; Mrs, John J. Maloney, president ot the Catholic Women's League; Mies Jean Scott, president of First Presbyterian Women's As- sociation; Miss Gladys Thompson, president of Northside United Church Woman's Association, and Miss Rena. Fennell, secretary - treasurer, and the members of the various groups who acted as canvassers. I am not unmindful of the keen interest displayed by the stair and students of SDI -IS which made our total more im- pressive. Rev, .T. Cliff Britton is conven- er for Seaforth, Construction Starts on Bowling Alley Mee Gary Kelly has started con- struction of the building near the corner of Market and Jarvis Streets for a bowling alley. The footings have been laid and work is in progress on concrete block walls, The building is placed be- side J. T. Hugill's property, leav- ing the corner tot vacant, It is understood the remaining Part of the property on the corn- ner is one of the sites under con- sideration for a beer warehouse and/or limier store, RED GROSS The Red Grose Society will hold their meeting on Friday in the library rooms at 8 p.m. PETER A. McDONALD A. funeral service was held in Tasker chapel, Biytb, for Peter Alexander McDonald of Walton, who died Thursday evening intim Clinton hospital, The service was in charge of Rev, M. Thomas, minister of Walton United Church, The pallbearers were Frank Kirkby, Barrie Marshall, Gordon Moray, Arthur Colson, William Bell, and Bert Beacom. Flowerbearers were Dougl as Kirkby, Ralph Travis, Ronnie Bennett, and William Humphrey. Burial was made in Brussels Cemetery The late Peter McDonald had been in &Bing health for the Past eight years, He was in hit 740 year and was born on the Hullett boundary, After his marriage 43 years ago to Miss Sadie Zane -Wet. son of Thillett, he farmed on the lath eon, et Mullett until 'retiring to Walton 12 years ago. 13e,sides his wife he is ettevivect by one claughtee, Vera, MTS, Lorne Bad. ley of tith line, Morris. There aee also four grandchildren. Among those attending blie fun- eral from a distance was Mrs, Mc- Donala's sister, 'Mrs: 'Clarence Smith of St. Thomas, and friends from Kirktou, ICinloss and Clirt. ton, June 23, Winthrop at St. Colum, June 28, Goderich at 'Winthrop jelly 1, St. Columban at Winthrop July 4, St. Columban at Godericla July 6, Coderieh at Winthrop July 13, Goderich at St, Canna July 15, Winthrop at Coderieh Games start at 7.30 sharp, metLaren*, Geo. Ilaye, Nein Mc- Cue. Auditore: ellaS. Barber, el. McKellar, Membership Commit. tee, Len Ford, Wnt. Ball, Bev. Christie, Clarence Walden, it, Rev, Ed Andrews, Bob Doig; July 11 Winthrop at St, Colum. Groueillends Committee, Clarence Wal- den, Jaek Muir; Prizes foe Tourn- aments, Dr, J. C. MacLennan, Sills; Local Tournament Junior Schedule Committee, Win, Ball, L. Ferd, .11ob Doig, Ken Willi, It was decided to hold the mix- ed tournaments every Thursday night, Tuesday nights were set aside as men's night with a jitney tournament to he held each even- ing and the winner of the most games during the season is to be given a suitable prize. The club is Anxious to obtain new mem- bers and they will be welcome any evening to eome down and try the go:me. Bowling for the Soole trophy was then held with the following results. Soole trophy—In C, J. Sills (skip), Dorothy Parke, Mrs, Walker Hart. Second prize was June 10, St. Columban at Walton June 17, Walton at St, Columben June 22, Winthrop at Walton June 27, Winthrop at St. Colum. July 4, Walton at Winthrop July 8, St. Colum. at Winthrop Public School Teachers Meet .11embers and Associates of the Seaforth Unit of the FeelaT,A..0. hold a very enjoyable dinner meeting at Ole Little Inn in Ban - field last Wednesday, May 25th. A new slate of officers for the coming year were elected and are 'Pres., Mrs, Florence Kan; Vire Buys. Ire Reid, Fred Willis and Karel wore by Bev. Chrietm Al- oe follows: Pres„ Miss Marion McLlwain; See, Treas., Mrs. June BousseY; Cort', Sec., Miss Ella Elder; CONSTANCE r. Sec., Miss Mabel Turnbull; ation Mrs. Elva Ellis; Mrs. Robert Johnson and son Leeisl 13ruce of Grand 'Valley spent a day last week with her parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. James Medd, Miss Helen MeIllwain R.N„ otl Clinton, is spending a few days ion Potter were chosen to rePre- ma -lays at her parental home, sent North Huron teachers at the annual meeting at the Royal York Mr, and Mrs, Geo. McIllwain. in Toronto, in August. Messrs. Sam Pethick, John teeming and Miner Adams of Winthrop spent Friday evening SEAFORTH MERRY MAIDENS witb. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Grimold- The sixth meeting ot our club by. was held on May 20th at home of Mr, and Mrs. jack Busby of Mrs, J. Broadfoot, The meeting Chatham spent the weekend with opened with "0 Canada" followed Mr. and Mrs, L. Lawson, by the 4 -ID pledge. Minutee of Messes Wm. Jewitt and Win. last meeting were read and adop- Dale attended the funeral of the tet. Discussion was under the late lir, Hill of Goderich last heading's of "Menu Planning", Wednesday afternoon. "Ground Meat in Many Forms", Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter Groin) week was to prepare meat visited last Wednesday with Mrs. loaf,John Vincent of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farnham of Detroit visited last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Ross MacGregor, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Preszca- tor and family and Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Grimoldby spent last Satur- de,y evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. Glanville and family of Credi- ltaos1:111t. Saturday evening with Mr. r. and Mrs. Wm, Jewitt spent and airs, John Berry of Goderich. MT. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte at.: tended the Corriveau-Bedard wed- (Sliantgurdsally(1. reception in Zurich on Mr. and Mrs. L. Lawson at- tended the Sunday School Anni- versary and Flower Sunday See - vice at Turners' Church, and at this service Stephen William, in - Savoury Salad; Kam Bake. rant son of Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Johns was baptized, Mrs. Frank Riley and Mr. Doug Riley motored to Ajax on Sunday A donation of $5,00 from Mlle where Mrs. Riley is spending the W. 3. Duncan makes the total to weekend with her daughter and date 6147,00. son-in-law, Mr, and leers. Robert Wood. Douglas is tearbing for a couple of weeks in one of the schools in that district, Goodwill, Mrs. Agnes Mason; Publicity, Mrs. Beryl Nicholson; Status, Mrs, Barbara Alexander, - Miss Jean Scott and Miss Mar.. Home Assignments: Plan a day's menu for your family and Lodges Attend record in your record books. Work on your record books. Divine Service The meeting closed by singing "God save The Queen" and a deli- Merabees of Fidelity Lodge No. cious hunch was served, 55, MOP and Edelweiss Rebekah: The seventh meeting was held Lodge No. 117 attended morning on May 23ed at home of Mrs. W. services at Bethel United Church, L, Whyte. We opened the meet- afclaillop, in a body last Sundae'. ing by singing "0 Canada," follow - The minister, Rev. Wm. H. Sim. el by the 4-H pledge. Minutes of meeting were read and adopted. The Roll Call "Our day's menu brought in for discussion". Dis- cussion was under the headings of "iVande Once Dishes", "Frozen Meat", "Thawing Mea, Out", "Cooking Meat". Group Work: Prepare Shep- herd's Pie; Dressed Flank Steak; merell delivered an appropriate sermon with Miss Jean Helleu as director of music. Mr, Lloyd Mc-. Cluskie of Winthrop sang "Bless This House". EGMONDVILLE Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Cook and family of Kingston spent the weekend with Mrs. Cook's mother, Mrs. Harry Weiland, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meanie and children of Palmerton have been recent visitors with MTS. NiCON'S Bpareen,15, Mr. and Its. Johnnie hi 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jahn of Flint and Mr, and Mrs, Win. Ca- ble of Windsor were weekend vis- itors weth Mr, and Mrs, Elmore Stephenson, also with the lady's brother, lIr. and airs. Geo. L. Reid of Varna. Mrs. J. S. Watson has returned home from a visit with her daug- hter, Mr. and afro, Albert Clark at eiluieleirk. Dr. James Semple is attending the annual conference of the Un- ited Church this week at London. Mrs. Hugh McLachlan spent the past week at the .home of her daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Currie of Clinton. Visitors with MTS. 31. Boyes and Miss Mary Stobie were their cousins, Mrs. S. Ware. Orilila, and Mrs, Allen Billings, Auburn, Mrs, Nella Boyes of Hanover is a guest at the home of Mr. and 1Virs, Alex Boyes. Visitors at the home oE Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston were: 1,1r, and Mrs, Les, Bell and their daughter, Leslie Frances ,of De- troit; Mrs. Pearl Cole of Goder- ich and Mrs, 011ie Cole of Exeter, A most enjoyable evening was spent on Tuesday, May 31.st when a group of adults and children headed by Mrs. Cleve Coombs went to enteetain the Old Folks at County Home, Clinton. Mr, Peter Malcolm and Mr. Ken Smith played the bagpipes. There was Scotch dancing by Catherine Phil- lips, Maine Oke, and Janet Turn- bull. Tap .clanoing by Barbara Box and Darleen Side, Solos by alre. Arthur McClure and Sharon Strong, Hervey and Hazel Green mot Mrs, Cleve Coombs, 011 time fiddling by MT. Bill Collins assieted by .his daughter, Mire. Margaret Van Emend, Clinton, Mrs, Greer accompanied Harvey and 'Hazel. During the old time fiddling a =nine of the old folks deemed to the MUSIC. Kr. and Mtis. Mora:sit and clang - titer ,Toyce of Cobourg were week. end visitors with Mr. and Mts. C, Coombe, KILT'S FUND Lions Appeal for Discarded Glasses The Segorth 1.40118 Club, in co- operation with other Lions Clubs throughout Canada and U.S., is promoting the Bank of Light Project. Discarded glasses are be- ing gathered by the Seaforth Club and will be sent to India, where, it le estimated, over 2,500,000 per- sons suffer from serious eye di- seases. ,Matty of these people face blindness unless help comes quick- ly in the form of glasses, which countless thousands cannot af- ford to purchase, In India the blind are rejected and classed as beggars. The steamship MIEN are co-01)- erating by shipping the glasses from Montreal free of charge to Bombay, Here Indian opticians, with equipment already on hand, catalogue the lenses. The Lions Club of Bombay investigate each case thoroughly and establish In- ability to pay before the glasses are fitted g the clinic, Many neople have old glasses and lenges away In drawers, Glas- ses belonging to loved CMGs who have passed on are frequently kept for sentimental reasons, Now, this opportunity has arisen where those old glasses may help to bring new vision to needy per- sons in India. Those, whose glass- es we may be keeping would un- doubtedly be very happy could they know that their glasses meant new vision to someone else. 'Irony oid glasses or lensee may be lett at any of four places in Seatorth; John Longstaff's of - floe; W. Sotttlegate's office; La. rone's Variety. Store or Sttvauge's Jewellery Store, DUBLIN The Ladies' Guild of St. Marys Church, Dublin, held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Doug Teach°. A short business session was held with Mrs, Friend presid- ing. A quilt was quilted dining the afternoon, refreshments were served and the meeting adjourned The regular May meeting of Dublin W. I. WAS held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Robinson, with Mrs. Harold Pethick presiding, and a representative attendance. The motto given by Mrs. R. Aikens was a report on flowers and gar- dens. Miss Ethel Way contributed two piano selections, Mrs. A, M. Looby gave an informative report of the W. T. Conference at Guelph and Mrs. T. Butters -reported on the District Annual NV, 1, meeting at. Russelciale. Plants were sold and the proceeds voted to be tient to the World Refugee Puna. Re- feeshments were served by Mrs. Pethick, Mrs. R. Aikens and Mrs, C. Friend. Mrs. Catherine Ryan, Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Holland and Billie, Windsor, with Pat Malon- ey and other relatives, Albert Jordan, Detroit, Mary Jordan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jordan, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Benninger a.nd Marvin, Jesepb Mr, and Mrs, T. Simonson, Mrs. Joseph Stapleton attended the graduation ceremonies oe Manses from St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, including Asa Marie O'Con- nor, at Western University and the reception at Catholic Mare Centre. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Kraus- kopf and son, Detenit, with Me, and Mee. James P. Krauskopa Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overdulve and childeen, Hamilton, Pat Fee- ney and Mise Mae Kelly, Tilson- berg, with Mrs, Bary Feeney, Captain and ales, Edward Toe,. 0.511 AU1).(1,t4, v8 St C9114.1 eladt. 11.41.1 Post Offirr. Dot.. Ottawa Nur:ward,. Rmliehere ,mIIIIIIII llllll I lllllllllll I lll II l 11114111111111,1,IIII, llllll lllll 1111111111101 lllll gatDad, 11-41' 504** Affeila%e t,va4Z 44,0.5-4/ SENATOR 17 jewels, shock resistant, unbreakable main- spring, luxury expansion band SSP %I` 1 CANADIAN CLIPPER 17 jewels, settwinduig, wa- te remota :hock resistant, un- breakable mainspring, anti- magnetic, radium hands and dial, sweep second hand ef4 1115 EXCELLENCY "A' With white dial and handsome brown or black leather strop $59.50 awl ce,raal 54950 *FATHER'S DAY JUNE 1 9th Other tine Butova Wetehes as low as 524.96 er Waterproof as long as crystal intnet. case unopened Savanufe's JEIVELLERY GIFTS FINE Nee.. lllllll llllll eeeeeemeeee lllll 111111111114.1111i I llllll tl./111141111.1011 llllll 1111t01f ler and children, of Morganston, 'West Virginia, With Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ryan. Mr, Tont O'Rourke, Dundas, with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Loohy. Miss Joanne Stapleton and Miss Karen Dill spent the weekend in Kitchener. Rev, A. Durand, St, Peter's Seminary, London, with Rev. R. Dmeand, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kenny and family, Seaforth. with ales, Chas. Kistner and Diane. Miss Mary Jordan, Toronto, and Albert Jordan, Detroit. with Mr._ and Mrs. Joseph Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jordan, McKILLOP Visitors wth Mr. and Id's. El- mer Koehler on Sunday were Mr, and :Mrs, Lome Scholl and family of Monkton, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seebach and family of Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock, Diane, Paul and Karen spent Sunday in London. Mo. and Mrs. Wm. 'Reenter with Mrs, Geo. Hoegy, Seaforth, on Sunday. Miss Lille Smith of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Hoegy. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Rock and Mrs. Chas. Eggert on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Sehelleeberger and family of Mit- chell, Mr. and Mrs. John Aiken of Sebringville, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bennewies and boys, Mrs. Gladys Rock, Bruce and Bernice of Lo- gan. NORTH McKILLOP Mr, anti Mrs. Paul Woeffle and family of Mitchell spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Har- old McCallum. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Tait of Brodhagen with Mr. and Mrs. Rees Leeming on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. Machan, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rlieil of Blyth spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mre. Jos. Thornton. Mr, Henry Hinz of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. IDd Regele on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. Porter Dennis visited with Mr. E, Dennis on Sunday. Mr. Stewart Thornton or near Dublin spent the weekend with Mr, and 5frs„Toe Thornton. Mi', and Mrs. Tom Pettey and family of London with the intter's mother, MTS. Olive McNichol and other relatives, Mr, and Mee. Arthur McCallum and Larry with Mr. and Mrs. H. McCallum on Snntlay, Kling Firm Has Seo,arate School Contract Frank Klieg Ltd., Seaforth, has been awarded the contract for construction of the new St, James' Separate School at Seatorth, Dr. at, W. Stapleton, board chairman, said on Wednesday. Work will start immediately and it is hoped to have the new five -room Wino] ready as close as possible to the end of Oetober. The present (Owl building win be torn tiown, KI PP EN The yowl,: peoples' anniversary service wee held Sunday in - St. Andrewee United Church at KIP- oen whit. Rev. Currie Winlaw ot Henault as gneet. speaker. The (hunt was decorated with volor- ful spring flowers and the their eonsieting of young peoele with Miss Ivison, organist and iliac leader. rendered fine music. The Misses Katherine Anderson and Marie Sinclair sang a duet and Braum Binnendyk, a Solo, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Garketet- ter and family of Guelph were SundayllardJones411andsons. guests with allsie. and Mrs, ol Miss Joanne Robinson spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law. Ma and Mrs. John Goskell of London. Mrs. Herbert Whiteman and daughter Margaret of Toronto vis-. \iteitlii-tleansItann:elt with Miss Mabelle v eir. and Mrs, Wm, Clarke of Brucefield spent Sunday after. ins.n.envth Mr. and Mrs, EastonDowson. Dso Mrs. Lydia Doig was admitted ailtnbitilajnanfstieotinaLoon to the Clinto pin Mr, and Mrs, Art Ashworth and Carol Ann of Denfield were recent visitors of Air. and Mrs. IL Jones and boys. lir, and Mrs, Win. Homey, Ex- eter were Sundae' guests of The and Mrs, Herb Jones. Mas. Nellie B. McLean and daughier Manion of Exeter spent an afternoon last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dowson. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs: Emerson Kyle and Jim in_ cludecl: Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mit. ellen of Chethana Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bullen of Windsor and lire. Jean Kyle. Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. N, Long visited Sunday with F/S and ales. Bob Perkins at Clinton RCAF Station. HURON ROAD WEST Mrs, llugh Ball was hostess on Thursday evening, May 12 for the Happy Workers' Club. Ten mem- bees and three visitors were pre- sent, The president, 'Mrs, William Holland, conducted the meeting. A quilt is to be given to Mrs. Rath Carter, 59 Welker Ste Thankyou notes were read from Mrs, Millie Glazier and Mrs. Holey Mayer. A. lucky ticket was drawn by 'Miss Jean Falconer and won by Mrs. Ken Johnson, Two films were shown by the Cancer Society atter which Miss Jean Falconer, Public Health Nurse, spoke on clanCOr, Mrs. Holland on behalf of the club thanked Miss Falcon - em', Lunch eves served. Flowers and plants were exchanged. Any members having used clothing are to bring them to the next meeting which is to be held on Thursday evening, June 11111 at the home of Mrs. jack Smith and Mrs, Millie Glazier, The Roll Call is to be ane swered by something special 8 re- member about my grandmother. Please note change or date. We ane sorry to hear that Mrs, Millie Glazier fell and broke her hip and is in Clinton Public Ms- pital, \V wish her a speedy ee. cowry,