HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-26, Page 8BANK. r.. SPECIAL WOVEN PLAID HALF SLEEVE SHIRT 1S Medium Clark pltui half :reeve sprit shirt, for dress or work. tool :and comfort- able—well tselE tired, shirts !Iters ret n real bargain. 81.e t. 31. 1. 9 MEN'S NEW SUMMER WEIGHT JACKETS Plain shade chine, gcth- aellne Or washable card windba e uhers. hull zipper front and sir lined Colors, l 1. 1. C 1 s, whom. beige and grey, Size "4 to IS in stock e95 t 9.95 LENNARDS ATHLETIC Siblots Bis First gnaliry. Lennortis ath- letic shirts C. shorts. Regular 1 00 gnahry with trouble seat bre 2:, els., S. Sl, L. Special FIRST QUALITY NYLON & TERYLENE Fine Sx New stock — new patterns. Nylon & terylene, fit -all -size ankle sox for meld 89e BOYS HALF SLEEVE All are wash and wear cotton ernes in the new paisley and novel print designs. Sizes S to IS years L95 STET. WARRENDALE WASH & WEAR hite Shirts Two way cuffs, fine count broadcloth—you can drip and wear. Short point fused col- lars, Size 14 to 17 only 3.95 "Dad's Big Day Is Coming" SUNDAY, JUNE 19TH is Father's Day , DON'T FORGET DAD! T ROS. BRODHAGEN Miss Martha Vietor of Windsor visited lir, and Mrs, Ivan Eick- meir and other relatives, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Harloff at- tended the marriage of their son 'Hobert Iiarloff to Audrey Ron- nenberg at Grace Lutheran Church, Mitchell, Friday evening, ;firs. Elwood Smart and Caro- lyn of Windsor with her mother, Mrs. John L. Bennewies for the Weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Elligseu, Carol and Gary of Windsor with Mrs. Lena Eliigsen and attended the Eliigsen-Hlggerson wedding en Saturtlay. Mr, and Mrs, Reuben Buuck, Earl and Rose Eve with Mr and Mrs, Gerald Hauck at New Dun- dee on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton with her mother, :tars. Aug, Ilillebrecht. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hinz of St. Catharines with his parents, 1Ir. and Mrs, Dalton Hinz on Monday, Mr. and Mrs, henry Leonhardt Jr. have returned front their honeymoon and have moved into the Meyer home next to the school, Mr, and Mre. Gary Sholdiee re- turned from their honeymoon and have moved to 9 Thornton Ave„ London, Mr, and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe vie - Red Slr. and Mrs, Aaron Riehl and Mrs, Henry Koch in Strat- ford and visited her mother, Mrs, I, Hinz in Stratford Hospital, St. Colulnban C.W,L, Penny Sale at G.A. Whitney's May 2G-27-28 DRAW AT ST, COM/MAN Tuesday, May 31, 9 P,M, A shower was held et the Com- munity Hall here last Tuesday evening for lir. and Mrs, Irvin Brodhagen, nee Grace Wolfe. The adclrese was read by Arlene Ahr- ens and they were presented with en electric stove and individual gifts, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Mueller Provided music for dancing. A shower was held on Thursday evening in the same hall for Mr, and Mrs, James Cakebread, nee Marilyn Wietersen. Mrs. R, Hinz read the address and they were presented with a Television. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Mueller provided music for dancing, with ,Manuel Beuertnann calling for square dancing. Lunch was served. in the same Community Hall on Monday evening a shower was held for Mr. and Mrs, Henry Leonhardt Jr, nee Phyllis Dock- ing, The address was read by Mrs, Harold Rockn a d w they • re e Presented with a Chesterfield and chair. Seinels Orchestra provided the music for dancing. BLAKE Mrs, Lizzie Oesch spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ga_ echo of Zurich, Shs. Leon Jeffers` and boys spent the week end in Windsor and attended a wedding, Mr. and Mrs, Hulbert Musser. man of Kitchener spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Veter Gin- gerich, Mr, Charles Meyers of London visited with Mrs. Mary Hey and Mrs. Archin Mustard, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Johns- ton, missionaries to Bolivia, aro spending a few weeks in tele area. :lir, Archie Mustard of Sarnia spent the week end with his with and family, :Masters Jackie and Jimmie Guenther of Dashwood spent the week end with Robert Neale lir, and Mrs, Floyd Dueller and Mr, Solomon Baechler and Verde of Zurich visited on Sunday with Mr. and firs, William Baechler and family, 98th Birthday of Hugh Campbell Congratulations to Nil•, Hugh Campbell of Walton Who had hie 98tH birthday on Thursday, May 17 t11. For the couvonienco of many of the telattves, the cele- bration ryas net held instil Sat- urday, May 21, when Mt'. and Mrs, Walston Reich of Mullett, entertained at their Rosie, Mr. Campbell is enjoying fairly good health, can walk up town fir itis mail, spend some time reattling, enjoy visits and games with his friends and at present is doing ids own hcrose work after having spent the winter whit rel- ttives.e Gusts present halides Mr. t.'atnpbnll ware Mrs, John Mc. Donald, Air, and lire, Alvin Mc. Donald and Lyme and Air. Mal- colin Fraser of Walton; Airs. Gurdon Kerr, Mrs, Pat McGaie Mei Ml's, W. Barber of `1'UI OIItO; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar of Sea - forth; AA•, and Mrs. D, R. Mac - I Kenzie of Lurlcnow; Mr, and Mrs. Gorge Carter, Mr, and Mrs, Glen Carter and Cathy of Londesboro, His son Archie of Toronto, Mr, John McDonald of Walton; Air, and Mrs, Charles Small of i.undeshoro, and Miss. Margaret Kerr or Toronto were unable to attend, • The following won prizes at progressive euchre: Most games, Mrs. Gordon Kerr and Mr. Don- ald MacIielizie, Lone hands, Mrs. Barber and AIr. D. MacKenzie, Consolation, ribs. John McDonald and Mr. Malcolm Fraser, At lunch the table which was decorated with white and yellow spying flowers and candles, was centred with a beautifully decor- ated birthday cake which bore the inscription "Congratulations on your 118th birthday" Last week Mr, and Mrs. George Carter and' Mr, and Mrs. 'Watson Reid of I-Iullott motored to Sud- bury where. Air. Carter attended the convention of Assessing Ofs Rears of Ontario, KIPPEN -firs. Emerson Kyle of Kippeu was hostess to a pleasant evening on Friday, May 30th when 30 rel- atives gathered to honor Miss Marilyn Steckle of London, bride• elect of June 4th. Ganes and con- tests were ronvened by Miss Ruth 2trClincltey of Varna, after which the honored guest was asked to take her place before a bridal scheme of pink and white stream- er's -and floral arrangements of spring flowers and ivy, Mrs, Herb Klopp of Zurich read the address and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson of Hensel' and Miss Grace Stephen- son of Seaforth presented the gifts for which the bride -elect ex- pressed her appreciation. Re- freshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Dean Brown Mrs. Dean Brown passed away at her late residence in Green- way on Saturday, May 21st. She was the former Jennie E. Steep- er, and leaves to mourn her loss her husband, 3 daughters and one son: Olive, Mrs. Carman Woodburn, Greenway; Mautlle, Mrs, Blear Mousseau of Kippen; Ruby, Mrs. Rufus Turnbull of Grand Bend, and Russell at hone. She was in her 69th year, A private prayer service was held Monday at 1.30 p,m. at her late residence followed by a pub- lic funeral service at Greenway United Church at 2 p.m. Inter- ment in Grand Bend cemetery. VARNA Mr. and firs. Harold Barker, Mrs. Percy Barker of Woodbridge called on friends here on Satur- day last, L.O.L. 1035 held their annual paper drive last week 11 anyone was missed please notify one of the members. Mr, and 'Mrs, Fred SlcClymont and family and Mr. and Mt's. El_ gin McKinley attended the gradu- ation exercises at the Western On- tario Agricultural School at Rldgetown on Tuesday, May 17, Mrs. Don Barker and Ruth of Bing City; Mrs, Doug, Robinson of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs, Fred McClymont last week. The sympathy of this commun- ity.goes out to the Dowson tamily in their recent bereavement, BAYFIELD Dr, and Mr's. Wm, Tillman anti family, London, were at their cot- tage over the weekend. Miss Joan Tillman, London, spent the week end with Mrs. Helen Cluft and family, -lir, and Mrs. Keith Pruss and two children, London, spent the holiday weekend with her mother Mrs, .lack Parker, Mr, and Mrs, E. W. Oddloifsen, London, came on Friday to spend a few days home. Y e. Mrs. 1-I, Bauer and son Tom, of Waterloo, were at their cottage over the weekend, ,fit's. L. W, Westlake and Cath- erine, Kitchener, are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, M. Toms, Mt', and Mrs, Wm. Bennett and family, London, spent from Fri- day to Monday at their cottage, Mr. and Mrs, Y. F, Smith, Lon- don, came on Saturday to spend the summer at 'their cottage. Miss Ann Dreuin, Detroit, came on Friday to join her sister Miss Alice bream at their cottage for the summer, Miss Berthena Cruickshank, of Holmesville, spent the holiday week enter with her aunt, Miss Be -Means, Sturgeon, Mrs, Ronald Coleman, London, spent the holiday week end with her mother, Airs, T. W. Castle, Mr, and Mrs, 'Barry Baker and Gwen, wars, B. Burt and family and Mrs, L, Burt of London were at their home over the week end. Mr, and Mrs. A, W, Hayman of London spent the week end with their daughter, Mlss Ruth IIay- man, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dunn, Lon- don, are spending a few days at their cottage, Auction Sale Of Iloueeltoltl Effects. tti At the residence or Margaret Govtnlock, opposite Seaforth hospital. on Wednesday, June 8th, at 2 lt.ln. Oak dining roots table and 0 leather seat chairs. 0 piece Din- ette set with 'buffet, Antique side- board, ltalltree with bens, chairs, apool bed, settees, lockers, chest drawers, stats, studio couches, lamps. I-Iiepeed 2 burner hotplate and boater, tike tiew, end 'tablas, dishes, pints and numerous other items, Lawn mower, Terms cash Tltotnan Govctnloek, Prop, Harold Jackson, Aut. FOR SALE Three rock elm timbers 9"x12" and 9 feet long. Good and acrid, iVilliant Hoogy, phone 588w FOR SALE A few good York»ehnnks, A. 11. Dodds, phone S61r14 PleTaLLOP BUST BEAVERS The 0 g t tit meeting or Ai'eKillop Busy Beavers 41I Homemaking Club for the project, Meat, on the Menu, was held at the home of Marion Hunt on Saturtlay at 2, The leaders, Airs. Papple and Airs, Scott demonstrated !tow to make a neat loaf, Notes were given by :tors, Papple and Mrs, Scott on meat with stuffing, and the uses 1:11 ground neat for variety. The 7th meeting of this club was held at the home of Faye Little on Monday, May lath at 8,20, Miss Bette Tillman, Monte Economist for Huron, was present and discussed the beet and pork chart. The leaders demonstrated now to make savory salad, The Stat meeting of the club was held at the home of Eleanor Keys on May 23 at 7,30, The leaders do. monstratod !'tow to make Shep- herd's Pie. Notes were given on macre over dishes, meat casseroles and frozen meats. Donna Gordon, Robs Doig, Amy Stewart and Shirley Henderson will prepare and give the demonstration for the club et achievement day, Lois Godkin, Mary Mcllercher, Joan and Mary Lou Coyne will make the posters for the demonstra- tion. W.1f,S, TIRST CIIURG. r First Vice Pres. Miss J. Fraser presided for our ifay meeting held on Tuesday 25th at 3 p.m. Psalm 46 was read responsively followed by prayer and singing. Minutes of last meeting were read by sec - rotary, Mrs. Russell, and mem- bers responded to the roll call by giving interesting items from cur- rant issue of our Glad Tidings. A most interesting devotional lesson was given by Bliss Fraser, one tas ken from an enjoyed sermon for which listeners had been asked to give what they considered the high lights, Airs. Thompson led in strayer and a most enjoyable duet was sung by Rev. and Mrs. Eider, A number of current events were reviewed and after singing a hymn Mr. Elder gave the closing prayer. HENSALL Mr. and lire, Roy Fatima', of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs, Lester Fisher, Blenheim and lit•, and Mrs. Lorne Thomson, Toronto, spent the weekend in Hensel!. Miss Bernice Dilling of Sarnia visited over the holiday with her parents lir. and Mrs, Wilbert Dialing,' lir. and Mrs. Stuart Horton and son of Montreal were weekend visitors with the former's mother Mrs. Olive Horton. Mrs, Edna Corbett spent the week end holiday with her son-in- law and daughter Mr, and Mrs. Harold Parker, Chiselhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie of Toronto were week end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Murtrie and Mrs, H. McMurtrie. Mr. Tom Fisher who has ac- cepted employment in an IGA supermarket in Toro;to, spent the holiday with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Wilfrid Fisher Mr, and Mrs. Russell Keyes of Mitchell were recent visitors with the former's mother Mrs. Emalie Parker and Mrs, Harold Parker, TWENTY- IVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News May 1935 The lady golfers held au organ- ization meeting at the club house with 32 members present, Seaforth Athletic Association was formed with J. J. Huggard, President, and Merton Reid, secre- tary. The road from Goderich to Ow- en Sound hart been taken over as a provincial highway. A number from Seaforth at- tended the funeral of the late R. C, Hays, K. C., at Goderich, Miss Jean Scott was elected pre- sident of Seaforth f1' a o th W. I The Silver Jubilee of King Geo, V was celebrated in Seaforth with a large attendance. Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Robinson of Cromarty celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary. Hensail's new band whish was recently organized played to large crowds on Sunday at a parade and concert on Sunday evening. NTtrs. E. Crawford has returned to her home at Londesboro after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs, Kunkle, Niagara Falls. Mi', Stanley Reid of London vis- ited his father, Ma', Chas, Reid, Brucef Feld, Mr, and Mrs, Ritchie Mager and son Charles of Galt visited at the home of Mrs. C, Drager, at Walton, Officers -of Seaforth Horseshoe Club included Frank Smale, Geo, Reeves, William Young, Robert Pinkney, Henry Hoggarth, Wil- liam Butt, J. 14, Reid, James Young. Pasture and. hay crops are growing very well. Ord'ard grass has started to head, Most of the cattle axe now out both day and night. IN MEMORIAM M(Dc !hitt 111 loving 1riPttt- ors of dear sister Catherine, ine, who passed away May 28, 1959, Wt are sad within our memory Lonely Fire our hearts today For tate one we loved 60 clearly Itas forever been called away Wo think of her in silence No eye can see us weep Ilut many silent tears ere shed WVlteu others are asleep, --Lovingly remembered by her Meter, Mary Ryan COMING EVENT Shower' for Mr, and Mrs. Gary Sholdice (Barbara Clark), Any one who has not been contacted for this shower are eotdially in- vited to Brodhagen Community Hall on Saturday, May 28, 8;30. Please bring lunch, Donations at door COMING EVENT The (Wealth Women's League Tat and Horne Baking:Salo Wed - 4 nesday June 15th at t 'Ill ' y S . Ja es Rectory COMING EVENT Watch for the hair styling show in the Legion Hall, Seaforth, Wednesday, June 8. Hair styling by Grace McPherson, Robert's Horse of Beauty, featuring the latest hair stylitig by two stylists from Bruno's Academy who tour Canada and the United States, Sponsored by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary FOR SALE Geraniums, tuberous begonia, canvas, !tardy mums, gladiolus bulbs, ferns, cacti, pansies, pet- unia, asters, snapdragon, salvia, spider plant, scabiosa, verbena, stocks, alyssum, marigolds, col - eons, phlox, portulaca, zinnia, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, span- islt onion, celery, sweet peppers, and other plants. Open every day and evening. Baker's Greenhouse, Your Garden Centre, Seaforth HELP WANTED Woman for part time work ill grocery store. Phone 91. Dick's Grocery FOR SALE About 100 White Rock capons, 6 weeks old. Alvin Beuernmmn, 28 r15 Dublin FOR SALE 'Viking cream separator 600 lbs capacity, Thos, Nash, S52r4 PLANTS Bonny Best and Bounty Tomato Plants ready to sell June ist, Reasonable. Mrs, :el'. Long, Kip- ped. Hensonil 694-15 FOR SALE 11 good chunks, Bolton Bros„ I.ot S, Con. 14, McKillop, No phone POSITION WANTED Lady with five years' office perience. Phone 3361 ex - FUNKS SEED CORN Plant the best seed corn avail- able for either grain 'or silage purposes. See or phone your Funk G -Hybrid Dealer, Haugh Bros., Brucetield, 6581'23 Seaforth, or Milton J. Dietz, rt 3 Seaforth, phone 647x21 FOR SALE Electrolux Sales and Service, Gary Cooper, Gordon Street, Clin- ton, phone HU 2-7200 .TENDERS WANTED The Tuckersmith School Area Board invites separate tenders for the painting of classrooms and varnishing of hall ways and stairs In the following schools, No. 7, No, 5, No. 10 and senior room of No. 8. Two coats of best quality paint to be applied, nail heads puttied, cracks filled. The present color scheme to be followed. Schools may be inspected and any fur- ther details .obtainecl front near- est trustee, or the undersigned. Tenders will close at noon June 7th, 1960. Work to be com- pleted by the 15th day of August 1960. W. P. Roberts, Sec: Treas., R R 3 Seaforth TENDER Sealed tenders clearly mark- ed as to contents for supply- ing one eight or nine passenger station wagon will be received by the undersigned until noon, Tuesday June 14, 1960, Specifications available upon request, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 'JOHN G. BERRY, Cleric Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario TO RENT One heated two bedroom apart- ment. Also 3 one bedroom gas heated apartments. Dr, McMaster Poultry Wanted All types, Paying up to 24o for 5% lbs and up. Apply to Keith Leggatt, phone 606-22 Mitchell WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Burls etre used Artificial insemination Service is provided from bulls. of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: I3etween 7:30 and 9:30 am, ween days. 6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings For service or more information Dell Clinton 1LU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9.5050 • Let rn.e sliow you how easy it is to safeguard your valuables in T -D SAFFTY DEPOSIT Boxes "Believe it or not, there are still lots of people who cling to the idea that the safest place in the • world to store valuables is in a hideaway at home. But for every one of these people there are hundreds more who have learned the betterway and are now using Toronto - Dominion Safety Deposit Boxes, T -D Safety Deposit Boxes offer you maxi- mum protection for such valuables as property deeds, mortgage docu- ments, insurance policies, stocks and bonds, jewel- lery and all of those small, important things that would be impossible to replace should they be lost, destroyed or. stolen. Safety Deposit Boxes are located inside the maxi- mum -security, fire -proof vaults you see in every Toronto -Dominion branch. Your valuables are doubly secure be- cause you are the only person who can open the box. Renting a Safety Deposit Box is easy and economi- cal. For less than two cents per day you can enjoy the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that. your valuables are safe and secure. Safety Deposit Boxes are typical of the many con- venient cervices available at your neighbourhood Toronto -Dominion branch. Be sure to visit the one nearest you soon. You'll really enjoy our kind of "interested" service. See for yourself why, .." people mire the difference at THE TORONTO DOMINION SEAFORTH BRANCH W. C. MOORE, MANAGER P1110 SEAFORTII NIJWS. (Phaue 84) Thursday, May 30, 1900 Box Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Dad Flower's for all occasions Phones: Day 48 Night 095W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 SeatortOs JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth aAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M,1)„ Fnternist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pan. to 5 p.m„ daily 4xaapt Wednesday and Sunday l,venitiga: Tuesdayy. Thursday and Sat. arday only -i-e pan, Appointments made in advance arc desirable waaltiomccummososavanrommansaunimpapasooneosKyy TURNBULL & RRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0, TUIRNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYAI'TS W. (1, DItb1NNAN, D.V.M„ V.S, Phone 105 Seaforth Ott JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometric Goderich St. W„ Seaforth Phone 791, Hours--Seaforth daily except Mott., 5 to 5.301 Wed. 0 AM to 12.00 PM, Thur. erg by appointment only, Clinton 111.1-2-7015, ahatve Hawkins' lidwe, Mon. 9 to 5,50 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 331 Res, 540 blue d j' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LOryry Y , Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M, HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 2'85 We write all lines of INSURATICF Fire Auto In LiabilftY & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire ' Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ON'r. Officers -- President, John L. Malone,. Seaforth ; Vice Pres„ John IL MoEwing, Blyth; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewstha, Clinton,. J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Soaforth John H. McEwine, Blyth; Win, S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderleh;, J. E. Penner. Brucetield t Allister Broad foot, Seaforth, Agents— William Leiper, Jr., Londoa- boro; T. P. Procter, Brodhngen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James Keys, Seaforth. Need Money ? Unlimited funds available on farms, homes, motels, stores, etc.. Fast service anywhere in Ontario. Fast service anywhere. No retainer fees DDLRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., Toronto ME. 3-2353 Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING 011, WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 w Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Soper" eters and Viking Minting Maoh- Wee. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith I and Welding Shoat, Brucelield.