HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-26, Page 5THE SEAPORT IT NEWS—Th, reday, may 2tl, 1110) 5 ITEN Food Market a35c `r INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz � MOTHER PARKERS YORK PEACHES 2 15 -oz tins 3 SHREDDIES Large Package ELLMARR PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz jar 25e 29e SOLO MARGARINE 1 Ib pkgC MIRACLE WHIP �� SALAD DRESSING 16 oz ,far LYNN VALLEY C9f PINEAPPLE 20 oz tins SUPERFIR BREAD Large 24 oz loaf PHONE 12 1 WE DELIVER e 1111111111111111111111Linmin,”0.1111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111i llllll11u11uu111111mu11111111,muu1111nu a...z MITCHELL (AIR CONDITIONED) wishes to announce SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS Steaks a Southern fried CMcke Turkey a Spare Ribs From. May 22 to October 3 HOURS 8.30 A.M. TO 8 P.M. RESERVATIONS CORDIALLY INVITED PHONE MITCHELL 200 "„011111111,11111111,e11,1111,111111111111,11111111"111111111,11,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, Township of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS for 1960 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum from June 15th to Dec. 15th on all Prepaid Taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office, Tuckersmith, RR 4 Seaforth CORA CHESNEY, TREASURER 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, Bel Air 1956 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP 1956 PONTIAC COACH 1956 FORD SEDAN 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1954 FORD SEDAN 1953 PLYMOUTH SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth : of Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 rs Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 not i ee DR, E. A. MCMASTER HAS ANNOUNCED HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE PARTNERSHIP IN THE SEAFORTH CLINIC, Take notice that all outstanding accounts with the Seaforth Clinic must be paid by May 31st, 1960 After this date the Seaforth Clinic will continue to operate under the partnership of Dr. P. L, Brady and Dr, E. Malkus TOWN TOPICS Miss Edna Batt of Toronto was a weekend guest, of Itis. W, 19, 11011, Sire, Clarence Malone lo wear- lug e east for a torn ligament re- sulting from a rail in her garden, This makes two in the -family, as her son, Tommy, already has a last for a fractured toe, Mrs, E. J, Noncan and Mrs. Lewis Rowland of Toronto spent 111e weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Flynn. . Mrs, Claude (Mary) Cornu and eltildron Michael and Craig of. Texas arrived on Sunday to spend the summer with her parents Mr, and Mrs, le, C, Boswell. Mr. Cornu who drove then, here left on Mon- day to return home. Mr, ,1, P. Moylan of Waterloo, in town with friends on the holi- day, Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Jordan of Toronto were weekend guests of Mrs, Jean Fortune. Mr, and Mrs, J. R Flannigan of Ottawa, Mr, and Mrs, C. Dale and family of Port Dover, Mr. Wm, Hunt or Simeoe, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Ile mer hunt. Mrs, Joseph Conner, R,R, 4, Seaforth, received treatment at the hospital on Monday for a fractured wrist resulting from a fall at her farm home. Mr; and Mrs. I,aughlan Gear or Fergus were guests last week of their aunt and uncle, Mr, and MI's, 11. 11, Sproat. L. BORN Nash --At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on May 23, to Mr. and Mrs. James Nash, R R 6 Seaforth, a soil MISS ANNIE 0. LAWRENCE The death occurred at Brock- ville General Hospital on Thurs- day morning, May 12, of Miss An - C, Lawrence at the age of 85 Years. Miss Lawrence hacl been admitted to hospital 16 clays prior to her passing. She hacl been, Prior to her retirement, a mem- ber of the nursing profession for 15 years, and a devout member of the United Church, She had re- sided with her neice, Mrs, .Maxine Moore and her husband, Cecil Moore, River road west, Prescott. Miss Lawrence was the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mils, Jas. Lawrence, of MoKfllop Township. She was predeceased by four bro- thers and two sisters, and surviv- ed by one sister, Mrs, Lorne Web- ster, and one brother, Fred J, Lawrence, Kitchener, seven nieces and two nephews. Remains rested at the H. K. i'.ocke funeral home, Dibble street west, Prescott, until Thursday night when they were taken to the G. A Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, where funeral service was held Saturday afternoon, May 14th at Northside United Church with the minister, Rev. 1. C. Brit- ton conducting the service assist- ed by a past minister, Rev. John Stinson, London, The remains were laid to rest in the family plot at Blaitlandbank cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs. 1Villian Campbell, James Hogg, David Shannon, Sani Scott, Jack Stev- ens, Clarence Walden. Those from out of town who at- tended the funeral were Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Moore, Mr. and Sirs. K. Doherty, Mr. Fred Lawrence, Mrs. Freda Riteher, Mrs, Audrey Chris- tie, Mrs. Lizzie Lawrence, Mrs. Helen Bowles, Rev. and Mrs, John Stinson and family. WALTON The regular monthly meeting of the 17th and boundary group of Duff's United Church, Walton, was held at the home of Mrs, Her- bert Williamson with 22 menber's and several visitors present, Mrs. Roy Williamson presided over the meeting which was opened with the singing of hymn 637. Scripture reading Psalm 2B by Mrs. H. McCallum, Mrs, Roy Wil- liamson offered prayer and read a poen entitled "In the Garden". After the singing of hymn 488 pleasing solos were rendered by Gail Travis, Mrs. Van Vliet and Mrs. Snialldon, Mrs. Wm, , Coutts took the topic and an interesting reading was given by Mrs, D. Bu- chanan. After the meeting which ended with prayer a successful ba- zaar was held and a very enjoy- able social hour spent renewing old acquaintances. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Wm. Thamer presided at the 1Iay meeting of Walton group Wednesday evening, 18011, with 20 ladies present. Mrs. R, Achilles led in prayer. 'Mrs. Art McCall read the scripture. The leader gave comments. Mrs, iS Travis read minutes. Visits to ehutins were recorded and Mrs. E. Mitohell was elected to the office of assist- ant leader. The WA treasurer, Mrs, R, Bennett reported a pair of flannelette blankets also quilt lining and spools were purchased for the bale. Mrs. Bewley and Mrs, Mitchell to put flowers in the church the following Sunday, Mrs, Art McCall conducted it quiz, I-Iostesses were Mrs, E, Stevens, Mrs, R, Achilles and Mrs. T;ai'l Watson, Mr, Glen Oliver, son of Mr, and 141's, Leslie Oliver, will graduate front the Univoraity of Western Ontario Medical School at the June 4 convocation._ Mr, and Mr's, JohnMeGavin and family of Harnilton visited with 150r, and firs. Gordon McGavin, Miss Claire Hackwell of Lon. cion spent the holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Hack - Miss Ione Watnot of London sited with her ps.rente, Mr. and Mrs, D. Watson over the week end Mr, and Mrs, George Kirkby of Burwash visited with Mr, Herb Kirkby and other relatives over the holiday, CROMARTY Mr, and Airs. it, G. )ipcul'e of Toronto spent the holiday week- end with his sister; Miss Olive S k )e ai 'e . Mr. and Mrs, Alex Ransey and Billy visited Sunday unci Monday with Air, and Ills, (Calvin Mulley' at Tilbury. Miss Reim Sorensen and Mr, 13111' Haines of Georgetown visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, James Itannses, Miss Mary Leu Scignor of 111t- clzeli spent the weekend with Miss Margaret Ann Wallace. Mr. and Mrs, 1 L. Scott and family and Mrs. le:Moore spent the holiday weekend with 11r, and Mrs, Hugh Moore and faulily at Lindsay. Sunday visitors with Mr, and DT:rs, Otto Wacker were Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mulley and children of Winthrop, Linda Carrie, Dor- chester Mrs, Ken 'Walker, Strat- ford, :1(. Howard Ford of Lan- don, Mr. and Mrs Jack Cockwell and a daughter, Neva of Dasl1- wood. air. incl :vire. L, 19, Abbess of Georgetown spent the weekend with her parents, :M1'. and Ml's. Harold Carey, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cowie and ftlnl- ily of Toronto and Mr, Mantles, Chubb of Niagara were weekend visitore with Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Carey. Hiss Alice Sorsdahl of London spent the weekend with her par- ents, 117r, and Mrs, Lloyd Sors. Bahl, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Pearce and family of Listowel, .ill'. and Airs, Bruce Pierce, London, and Mr. end Mrs. A. Couper and family or Michell were recent visitors with Air, and Mrs, Gerald Carey, Mr. toil Mrs, Albert Diechert of Zurich visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. T. Laing. Miss Margaret Jefferson of Lon- don spent the weekend with 1Ir. and Mrs, Robert Laing. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Laing Lorraine and Daviel and 11r. and Mrs. Robert Laing, Marilyn and Margaret attended a Jefferson family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jefferson, Auburn, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Coleman and Ruth Ann were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. 0, Laing. The May meeting of the marten 'Ritchie Evening Auajiliary was held in the church basement with Mrs. ,Drank Hamilton presiding, and opening the meeting with meditation on Trees. The scrip - tura lesson was read by Mrs. G. Laing. The secretary read her re- port and Mrs. Hamilton led in Prayer, The roll call "A Tree in the Bible", was answered by 14 members. Mrs, Carter Kerslake had charge of the study book, and the topic was- given by Mrs, Dun- can Scott. The June meeting will be held on 14th instead of 21st, as that is the date set for the strawberry supper. The meetiug closed with the Lord's Prayer. W. I3 DALI2 1'i11.PLE William Henry Dalrymple, 70, of Br'ucefieltl died _Monday at the Clinton Community hospital. Born in Hibbert Township, he owned and operated a service sta- tion and garage in Brumfield for many years. Be was a member of Brueefield United Church and of the local Oddfeilaws lodge, He married the former Bifida W. An- derson in 1910, and she died in 1921. Later he married the form- er Elizabeth Watt of Clinton, who died in 1959, He ie survived by a son, Robert, of Brueefield and two daughters, Mrs. Raymond (Grace) Pepper of Brueefield, Mrs, Forbes (Jean) Elliott of Stratford, all children of his first marriage; three brothers, John of St, Marys. James of Cromarty and Hugh of Mitchell and five sisters, Mrs. Freeman (Nellie) Mahaffey, Mrs. Janes (Ethel) Balfour and Mrs. Albert (Inez) Hey, Cromarty; Mrs. Wilbert (Mary) Mahaffey and Mrs. Alex (Grace) James of Staf- fa. Funeral service was held Wed- nesday at the Bonthro) funeral home, Hensall, with burial in Baird's Cemetery, JOHN A. ASENZIES John A. Menzies, 88, formerly of Wingham, died Saturday in the Stratford General Hospital, He was a retired farrier. Surviving are four daughters, Miss Ruth Menzies, Toronto; Mrs, Jessie Greer, Montreal; Mrs. Annie Har- rison,. Seaforth; Mrs. Cecil (Mat) Harrison, Science IIill; and one son Alex, of St, Marys A funeral service was held at the R. .. Cur- rie t'uneral home fn Wingham on Wednesday. llcli ILLOJ' 11'U3 The McKillop W\MS of First Presbyterian Church held their May meeting at the home of Mrs, Harold Agar, Roxboro, on Thurs- day afternoon with a good attend- ance of members and friends, The president. Mrs, Helen .McMillan opened the meeting by reacting some very fine quotations, Roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture and the minutes were read by the secretary. The pro- gram was in charge of Mrs, It, 12. McMillan'sgroup. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs, James Aitcheson ,followed with prayer by Mrs. R. 12. \Mdllillan, The topic on Africa's Culture and Christ- ianity from the study book was ably taken by Mrs. Js.nses le, Scott and Mrs, Waiter McClure, and proved very interesting, The of. fering was received by Mrs, F. Coleman. Mrs, ,1, L, ,Bell Invited the Society to hold the June meet- ing et her home, The meeting was closed with a hymn and prayer by the leader of the group, EGMOND'VILLE The girls of the Senior Class of St. Thomas' Church Sunda y' School held a surprise party fo' Barbara Menuefl a recent bride, at the Home of .NIrs, Ted )Drown.. She was presented with a set of aluminum cookware. The evening was spent Inlaying cards. MTs, C. Coombs assisted Mrs, Brown, MN,'l"ed drown and Mrs, C, Coombs e )znb alt ndet 1 the deanery a .1t y tVlugham last Tinirsugy. Mr, and Mrs, Raymund Notl, Mrs, Ted 'Brown, 11re. Wm. Old- field, Mrs, Dong nacho, Mrs. Win. O'Shea, Mr, and Mrs, John 1)15. field, Mr, land Mrs, KSen Chazn- bt as and Mies I':1foz (1 altended the graduation of Hiss Sally Noll at tho School at Nursing, Victoria hospital, London. Mr, and Mrs, Ted Brown and Linda were holiday visitors with :air. and Mrs, Earl Elliott at Dub- lin, Mr. and Mrs. 1.lerb Coombs and Mr, and Mrs, Itay Coombs were M London visiting Mt and Mrs, Palmer Coombs and .1r, Auld Mrs, Ed. Wyatt, Mrs. R. Dalrymple attended the funeral of the late harry Dalrym- ple of Brumfield on Wednesday. BRUCEFJELD Master (Jordon Henderson. en- tertained 0 number or his•friends oe Saturday afternoon, the ooca- stan of his birthday. Visiting with AAs. Stackhouse and lir, and Mrs, Mae Wilson, Sir, and. Mrs, Stanley Neale and grandson Michael Munroe, Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. 0, Knox, Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne li'ii.:on spent the weekend 00 a fishing trip at N'asaga Beach. Mr. and firs. itobt, Dalrymple, Mr, and 11)'s, \1'nt, Burdge, 51r, and Mrs. Stewart llroudfoot spent the weekend up in Northern Ont- al•to. m s m Lga>andrille United (limit Dr. J. Semple, llinistet', Lyle Iialnmond, Orgduist-Choir Leader. 11 a,nt•, The Laymen speak to the Church, Cluest Speaker: In- spector J, 11, Kinkald, (Huron Presbytery.) 10 a,m„ Church School and Bi- ble Class. See you in Church Sunday, St. Thomas Anglican Church Rev. H. Donaldson >1.30 a.m. I'loly Communion (Men's Club Breakfast) 11 A.M. Commissioning Service SERMON VEN. J. C. QUEEN B.A., L.Th. Diocesan Commissioner of the Diocese of Hurmm RialAttieft First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Leslie Elder Minister 10 a.ni, Church School and Youth Fellowship Class 11 A.M. "God's Men and Message for a World of Need" Guest Minister: The Rev. Hugh Wilson, Shakespeare Anthem: "A Song of Peace" (Sibelius) Friday, June 3, Preparatory Service and Reception of new members at 8 p.m. Everyone Welcome RINIASSARAWAstMeaStalesusaissAs 11r. and :firs. 1._, A, Andersen and Ina, Termite, were holiday visitors with. M1'. and Mrs, A, Paterson. Mrs. -Bedard zul A li�nul Mr,a i of Brussels spent -Saturday with Mrs. 1 ct:u'tls parents, .\lr, and 111's, D, 1'ric Inter. Mr, aiol 111:.. Jas, Allan were guests at the home of 111', Allan's Parents; Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Al, tan. Ilise Elizarnot11 Scott, Leadou, MIS a weekend visitor with' Jiise M Swan, R• tiiEii z11 c nunnnity were shocked to hoar of the shit. den Passing of M1, Harry Dairym. pie at Clinton Hospital on Mon- day morning, HAVEYOUR BEST SUMMER EVER Really live. Enjoy the fun of going places, doing things. Its so easy inOntario.Start your best summer ever by mailing the coupon below. Ir"�1tt x xar><�• a > 4 we N <,°. Ai EV' NTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE —Shows you where to go, where to stay at the price you want to pay. Mall to: Ontario.Travel, 763 Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. Name Address Post Office Prov. KNOW ONTARIO BETTER explore 0 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY, Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, M,nlster Wou d. you cast a Mr, Only those without sin, said the Master, may judge the errii: . This girl and her unborn babe may he the victims of betrayal. et of the mother's weakness or folly. The Salvation Army merely asks, are they friendless and in need? In its hospitals, havens and homes, mother and child receive loving care and the opportunity for a happy future. To maintain this and its other works of mercy, The Salvation Army asks your help. Your contribution will bring you the joy of helping others to build happy, useful lives. The understanding heart and the human touch nom. 6-1‘V. efega6 THE SALVATION ARM' RED sHRLD APPEAL CLEAVE C001VII3S, Chairman. R, S. MacI)ONALD, Treasurer q a