HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-26, Page 4Sheriff e1son 11111 l)ies On Roai INear Kippen Hamlett service for Nelson 11(11, Sheriff of Ilil.ton Comity who died in a car ticeitlout Sunday, was held et, Knox Presbytoa Church, Goelerit•it, Wed, cit -' pr!,uf„u with Rev. R, Cl. Alarelillau offici- ating. • %toile: 11111 died instantly when hi,' rete trashed lute bridge abut- ment a'. • 1Cippctl., on 1iighway 1, early 8uuday horning. `dr' 11111 had been attending a meeting of the Ontario B811181ll Association In Slate00 Saturday evening. Death is believed to have been due to a heart cuudltion, Sheriff of Huron since 1(111, 111 was a eon of the late Hugh dill •and his wire, the former x111111 t"aid ul Hutton Lowu•ihip, lie inov- ed to Goderie11 tie Year, ,atm to ep- e'I•ct.tt' :111 1111111ant 1. agency, He wee well knot\ a in searts circles. lit' nag a tnenlher of tilt' Ontario 11010b til 1. +oe i tt (011; a past president 41l 111 :\t --- ru llu- tnrio .lthlet it A . oeiai ion. ;mat on the executives of tem 11111:,1.10 Mill.. r Plod (( ,:socialA,:social inn anti the On. trio 111 1 e> Nesoelation, was .11.0 a !t 111 pr.,,. 41 1)t ,.l' 111 Young Canada 1'It,ckey Week. sponsored h'r gilder rah Lions Club. ef 11111E11 id AA11 11'1 a past president. \I1•- 1.1(11 Wats a i,mst master 01 ! ornia10 Slur M't: on!t' 1..., l e , 31111 I•` a tel of llnr'ou 111apt1'1 :1111t1. t t0 Royal Arch 11 n uta: a 'a-1 president of the Ontario eherifre Atemelatiou. and a for - melt International coaneilor of 1.io111 luternatitital Surviving are ht; Wife, tl1 for- mer 1 L 16'•!1 It. Carter of Aub- tu•n: 1t son, \\111iam 0, 1III L .not 8, and tot grandchildren. \I1•, 11111 was the fourth count)! dile( 1 to die in an Hurn mishap •1. the ,last 10 years. Norman Mil. LI', Assistant eounty clerk, died 111 an a;eidcnt on Highway 21: tt•> 1 for -an, count) engineer. died o, .a home attack iu his ear, d'Id 'unite T, AT. Costello tiled in ct a., ideat while returning from limiting trip to Pelee Island, ter, ltitl was due to retire sten 0 11iee this year and a sue_ •e, r lla1 been under coneidt'rat- ion, Men Convicted In Theft of Saw, Pig John Thomas Nethery, a yourse,, f.1 rater front R.R. 1, Auburn, was =elltt`lltcd t0 al total of 74 days 18 1luron County .tail, and Paul Iira-, lucre will serve. 07 d l> s, For stealing 4 Pig, oath 18151 sentenced to 30 days. '.'hey were given 30 days additional for tak- Me a chain save Nether) Was son t. n eel to 1I days for being in hero-. cion of a stolen Postel lawn!, mower. Kramers. who had spent i.11 )air received t :e\.n.da> term 11 111!1` the mower. A third man, Robert (;Teasher, as thn god in tanne•tltn wI!It heft of the chain saw, bat he leaded not guilt) and was ac.; putted, I The • porker" was widen from John (tut ray': barn in 11, Killop 1 DRIVE. DRI vY ER1 N Clinton Featuring the Lamest Screen in Huron county o.ty THURSDAY and FRIDAY May :20 and 27 "The Flying Fontaines' (el i l elirh I t lb; tt N rrlund on, V t, 8,2.1-11 11)21. ll .(sit i tttln,1 1 1p,a. SATURDAY and 'MONDAY May ;,v and t:0 -- Otlthtey Feature -- "1001 Arabian Nights" color . Mr. Magee. "The 7th Cavalry" 1'1110r it:014011'h 0;.0t UIL,Ira Hai.' tine r tr,,i rt•. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May .:l owl lime 1 "JEANNE EAGELS" (Adult Entertainment) !Cin: ,41.1'.,!1 - toil Chandler One t . e Township on February 1:,, '1'11e,i itueli the animal and bled 11 in the barn. L110(1 put it un a. tgbog• tan ruin hauled it to a wetting ear, Fite eau•eass was dressed it er,i's place, the 001111 wits inform - Ile power mower. owned by W, A. '1eN all, Myth poelmaster, Was Stolen in September, Me, When Provincial Constable C. J. Parhin- eetu first sa\v 1110 111(811' in Neth• cry's barb shed on M111111 0, it had 1)108 rt' -Painted a different eetur, After some farther investiga- tioll, the officer returned and ronad this mower had. been 111oi•ett, tu:a> eventually led the- offs. cor to the mower's hiding place -- 7a Ie -111111111 seven tulles from eel!l ort 1 home, ret, , heirs saw, valued at about nett, Was stolon Uriu11 the Prelim'. f do 01111 1211,1, of Seaf0rlh, 'a Feb, IJ. "Phe saw (errs found 111 Neteer>'s honsi,'' 1eetiPied Pro- (•itiricti. 1'onst 11)11 Parkinson. . Alter the: were eentelord, Ne- i ittee and Emitters were r1111td by tet ertI It to trebly in connection i1 the e b urge against tilousher. 11101, stattat that be and n'amers and Glotlshct• trent to "ortIt to dismantle a tr11(11 i- t t 111 ltii9t I, ui been '110 S1111111:1 1111'74velei- :ts a 1)a ole.;+, \\'1111(' to Se.a- ,111, thio were. 1 eos1•altl Hums' X1111. \('tet•• dt meeting the time, the tele went to Stratford, "For what 1ntlpuse:" asked L. ', tsu,hfleid. 81(1118 crown at - I orney, "Nat• tee purpose 01 getting olinghing h, drink," replied eethely. 11 Was implied in testi- mony that bull he ane ICramers '81.11 consumed a eoneiderable amount of alcoholic beverages, Returning to Senforth that night, Kramers stopped the tar ,which belonged to (110us1101'1 on .t street adjacent to the street on 1(111111 Turns lived, "Paul and t went and got the saw,- testified Nethery, Gloueher .(..mined in till ear, 20 or "(1 rods from Barns' property, S ince (1lousher Was not repre- :-ented by a lawyer, Magistrate 1111 18 flays raised a point that he considered a counsel would have ':alsed on Glousher's behalf, "Mr. Husltlie'ld," be said to the acting Crown attorney. ('the law is +bat yon cannot couvlet on the un- corroborated evidt'nte'_,oi accomp. lice,. **it is illy understanding, that .al have to have independent evi- atllce to corroborate the evidence r impute " Magistrate !Nays pointed out bet no 0ridenee had been produe- 1 waaspt that given by the two eeeemplicee, Mr. 1'11 hfn'1(1 agreed it wad 112 1-11E, that a man could not reuniter( on uncorroborated 101dcnce. of 1)110 1810111plire, but then, Were 1180 aaert111 Id lees in 11115 tiloushrr's car had been used in connection with the theft of the saw, he added. However. Mr. I2 ot,field did not wish to pursue his argument to 11.. 081 eat of se•'lalllg an adjourn- ment so he Sepia holt up other o relevant to this: point of law, The eharge a•aainst Glonsher was 11151111 ed, '(1,01122.1''Hays told 11lousher: "While t may have etrong susei- 11s the: you Were 1n 011 the al 1111 4,'1)10 2' dis11liee the earete---(1,,ebeeell Signal .tar. Suggested For Cabinet Post • i•: \I ,,N a i1 on 11,1.:.t 11818 - 11..:5,.. iot,f,1 in 1,m' sssilde. ,atbinet t.; Iilt 11 Th, Alter, i memiser became 8 'I' 1 Ontarie Weter1i. tememisseet In i_ nuar( 1 8100.11111"News s.lys: 1 1 \ r hf (1)'a L 1 ynt r t!1 1. 1.11 s1 : 1 lbt that 11 I 1 c t t. 1111. 111,sire is Chas, \ lli- 1 \ L,A for South "Servi .. , e. Oat term.21 the 10.11111,',Ail, i eNaaug: titn 211:1,111t",1 t0 1 -et In e1any eetette pee' 1u and 3 I 11 1 and his friends 1 '1.) he i:lif e dr. eleva 11 ' 1'. 1' tlO., t We trtl:, l -ranter Frost ' will 1 -all this into Consideration ,.1100 the rat'anCy," YOUR PREMIUM DUE? —keep insured! Make sure to pay when due. �,. Don't take chances Prompt payment of Hospital insurance rt premiums safe- guards your future protection. It may be a blessing to you some day. REA) YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE —if you haven't one, ask your employer or write ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMiSSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO 1(1PPEN Deepen eympet11y is extended Air, nue Mks. 1.:tzar Mounsea8 ill the eu1detl Passing of a1 mother, the lata' etre, Dean Brown pf Greenway, .ill', and All's, Joint Doig of (:rapt( 11) 11(15, :11X11., 81111011 over the \t eeli0.1111 w11 11 his mother (115, Lydia Doig and sister Janet: Air, elow5 ('1t I' lukbeinei' return- ed home from St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, where he W@Ls a 011 - tient for a few days, Sympathy ie extended AIr, and Mrs. Ted Taylor in the 80(01(t passing of a brother, The late AIr, (mance- of 011111.:, Aire., Alta riyde, leippen, enter- tained at a unu850)U1 tea Tuesday t\tpint: May lull in ho1101' or lief daughter i. lltabetll Louise Hyde, chose marriage to John Wallace ▪ 1 then5on of Woodbridge, took 1111,10 in Hayfield Baptist Church on :1111rtlay, 11111) :.1st, For the occasion the tea table 1215. covered welt 11 linen cloth and centered w ith 11)1 arrangement 0f Pink 21)111 'bit 1(11(11; fla11110(1 be Pink tatt- ers in candelabra, Guests wore re- 'eatd by tits, 1lytle nod her 111a11- ht1.r. Pouring tea Were Mrs, 1.,,ret, Chapman. R.R. 1, Exeter; 1.e.. Icer Bodenhnnt, Hayfield; tri room atteneallle were 11108 t Nalene Cook, London: 111. Sandra. Westlake, Hayfield, ears, Ernest t Talbot Naippen; Mrs, ten- don Westlake, Bayfield, Display - lug trouseeau and gilts were Miss :Marjorie Hyde, Hiss Beverly Charente 11(1 1, 1ud Mrs, Arthur ('0011, London, end the register was 'It - tended by tains Rosalie Westlake of Bayfield. Pre nuptial presentations were held for the bride.elec't when elle McBee of (WHOA Baptist Church arranged at 181ist'e1lalneou1 presen- tation at the house of Mrs, Carol t oodham, hiss Anne Westlake. Miss Louise Talbot, and Carol in charge of the program. Louise was seated In a. ('111)11' beautifully det01'ntcd for the occaeion over 1%Mic'11 balloons containing confet- ti were hung, each balloon to be broken to find gifts, Courtesy re- marks were expressed by the brittle -elect after which luncheon wee served. ,airs, William Bell, Rippon. (vas hostess at a surprise shower Sat- urday 14111. when all Member) of the Thrifty Ktppenettes 4-11 homemaking dubs and their lead- ers Were Present. Airs, Bell react a Presentation address to the guest of honor and presented her with two lovely living room lamps, "Louise expressed thanks -in at letting manner, after which 'nutheon was served Mrs, Eldon Jinrott eondueted contests. Friends and neighbors of Miss ll\,ie hold a shower for her at S. S. 14, Stanley. Monday, May- 10111, Mrs, (tenet Talbot, -airs, Andre, i'atrquhar and Mrs. 'William Mae_ t.aughlan were mistresses of ,ere-. 111,1ey, Programme (ncluded a Poem "Aunt Hestina" recited by Gwenith llendriek, and the soli-. "Sitting in the Beek 'eat" drama- " ed and several well chosen ,ate t'. 11)11110 was e' l l l'(ed to a thteortke-d (hair ober 11-11 1,11 hung the traditional parasol in pink and Win10 motif, and varied tell. ,Di d (1811' 11 . Presentation ad- dress read ail b\ Mrs. Fred e d Diet'hert 1)ho made her the presentation of e. beea1 fill coffee table and large mirror and n u t . t.a several other efts. Louise Oavt' a 1liaakyon s ,eec11 af- ter which refreshments were serv- ed. F1,.'111 f i71uW \l•11".o' At this time of year many farm - ere Ire to adapt the.r pro r;m in the direction that 1,11s beet so you mire Ii11d smite of the ar ina. :Ion that a,1). -s my tl i held- ! ful t!ful ( -Il -ale weep. terewere ' u 1 1 F 1 that eroseeetster the present ersp are•1 t as -yid as .: nin expected. Flooding 1. d )erietts deemee and it 187 r' L,r;t w 7: ;e t'..1.,•,,,, r fee ] , til t •`tht et 18.111 • a( - ., , -lr•-,:!,',, of u yi r 1):i' tele ,i l rl,ta"i, i 1.-r.,n1 1 1:01 Wl rt (find that as- a yesait of the U.S. Str- :,111s 1 h it 11 salscs. if ettnadian wheat 111 Ilse..: will !.e 11 1y ; million ill are in gifts b: ; million bus, India's re- presentative e- g' e 11 -irestated' .1 Intiee esenidP Mere. Canadian weer f than or barter eeeld be arranged. i : the eame reeme We fiii.1 that farm income .n Canada was down 't n '7,14 I 1 :' hut it Is sig- nificant - ri ! alt 1.6 find that 1 Saskatch- ewan 0 kat ht- e.nat, end Al!tl:a Where .n yule was down the 711081 the farm 1 - du 1,111 sh Wt'l the0)1(1!.') tit l"e, Title seems to be teldeal ?. a4rieultute in Canada, Pr oteaee nee, get lees. In askingfor equal duty on im- ports of Moilere frem tee Fele as on Canadian tads Ir et the t A L;r. Miniet,te• 11arkm,S5 r.tated 111at '.,.e.onest 1,,n wonid be 11srus. r(1 at the 1221(153'111t1 r:mfer- enee on tariffs and trad,, :'7. r1en- en 1 in Aug-,st. Aug—,sSeems 1I•-? that th1s trust Geneva WhenCan- ada Was ate to restrict Ta ,Fane e imports of t,xtlies and 1 S. was able t ,'uoff Canadian ex (4' poultry b e usin '1 a,....,:,' tin health ilt t 11 ..tatota"d- without going to Geneva, As of the 1st of April the sup- , mice -.n rattle is $15.30 per c W t. au illa'rease of 40e and Iamb eltier, down ane, L ,pp.;.t d It,.11111 •0 in the Pee - l:1 11 ire- \ 111 w0 find the Federal. Govern- ment t '1a.. introllut rl a new hill 5 10o pt .Ih n r th-t1e5 Fr. - der .-.,1 the 1'118 1' ti exuTitailie5 tura' '\ trill be; 1w.m oil Mier:-11-elt , .-.,;(1(1'1)1 br et1'' they Sent yl prices may be exempt under the new 13111 1P the group or compel]: itis show they do not operate against public interest, 1Y Ontario puckers got together and reduced elle price for liege el. but also 10' (infer( the price or pori( one dollar w,u11 the) 110 working against the !albite interest? On the whole the new Bill opens the way for some lessening of competition and for somewhat. greater difficulty in prosecuting cotueion and eelllb113{11g in trade. Storage of canned pork is about hall the peals of 115 1111111011 Pounds. Pork cuts have moved slowly but sales are expected to increase, With the equalization levy to the Stabilization Board (10111 to ti 1,1(1 this weep and the exchange premium on Canadian dollars down ant- with U.S. hog prices up. exporll will be better. NORTH McKILLOP Air, ane '.firs, William Morrie, M1. Wm, Bi'odhagen and Mr' Joe Relines of Brussels with Mr, and Mrs. .Toe Thornton Sunday even- ing, Sunday visitors with 3'h', and Mrs, Edward Rogele were, Mi'. and Airs, Harold 13eCallluu, Paull, Ronald, Alarcon anti Joyce, Ala. and Mrs. Lloyd I egrele of Heapol- ei', and Mr, and Sirs, ]Ed Byers et Dublin. Master Ronald Mc'.Callulu• is holidaying With Iris uncle and aunt, AIr, and Mrs, Lloyd Regele of Hespeler, All', and Mrs. Wilfred Kraus - kepi' of near Dublin spent Sunday evening 11111 AIr, and Airs, 11t1 - beet ,Tompson, HULLETT The Willing Helpers elision !land of Burns Clmrell met on May 7th with 111 members present. The Meeting opened by repeating the M1081011 Band Purpose in lane- so11. Hy11111 eel "Can a Little Child" was .ung, 0rriptu'e was read by Marguerite Alblis, The minutes were read. by Doreen Ri- ley and business was discussed. It was decide(( to hold to social even- ing with the showing of slides and invite Lottdesboro and Milburn Mission Bands on May 23, Linda Riley gave the treasurer's report, elexiealt Hat (lance was given by Linda and Sharon Riley,- Birth- day song (81111 sung for Sharon and Donna Riley as they presented their pennies. Collection (vas ta- ken by Donald McGregor. Story by Sharon Riley, Linda Riley of- fered the prayer. Airs, Bahcoek read the story and asked quest- ions, The meeting closed with the Benediction. Games were played supervised by \Irs, Gordon Mc- Gregor and airs, ,Toe 131000011, WINTHROP The W 'LS and W.A. of Cavan Wiuiheop are Moline; 11 special meeting and bazaar on Wedne5„ Y commencing ' 1 day. is c lulu cul ' at � t 1? 1. in. \viten alley will entertain the ladies of Constance, Burns, Bethel and Duffs. The guest Speaker is to be Mrs. Britton, The ladies are reminded to bring the articles for tho bazaar table and the 01yete0> box. The llelpIng 11811(1 ellssiou Band will held their' meeting 111 the church o11 Saturday, May 28 at 2 pan. 'HURON PLD.! '1 R1:1.,ti Ann THRI::l''1c'NPI) In the 1,ake Huron District, where 1.8 per cent of the mounter - (dal timber le elm, there is a serf-• ens threat o1 Dutch Elul 13(10,150 this slimmer, the Ontario Depart- ment of Lands awl Forests lute warned, Owners of elm trees are strongly advised to watch for evi- dence of the dieenseelnee every- thing letee11110 should be done to curtail it. Usually wilting' of the loaves 1tt the tips of the branches is the first sign of infection, Iufected elm trees Sapper be cured luta should be removed immediately. The co-operation of all elm tree Retch tli®n MR, & MRS, BOB SETTLES Eileen' Christensen IN Nil\i' 1.11:110:1 HALL Friday, June 3 Ladies please bring lune111 Good Music Icmx.,s.....:enns� LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Thank you for making our opening a most successful one ! Dance Every Saturday to Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra T11I'1 snAFO11.TII Nb11\'S (Phone bol -• ...Itursclay, Ma 20,.7,130a owners will be needed {0 00rb the eutbreal1111 Southern Ontario, The Canada 1bI nrtntenl, of Attv(t'ui- tnl'e published at booklet "Dutch Elm Disease," which 1s available free of (*((targe from ulflees of the Ontario Department of 1,11)1(15 and 1 urt,yds, or (leo Department of A.',riculttllc. Anyone who owns elm I1(1) 111(1iu111 read (11(11 book- let to und01'situul 11(lw (110 el. settee works. Sid, the newsvendor, slips into the bank to change an unwieldy twenty -dollar bill, Young Charley has heard that the bank is where money comes from and drops in to get some. Neither is a regular customer— yet. But both get a friendly reception and attention that leaves them feeling good. They'll be back again. Sid tomorrow, may- be, Charley in a year or two. Customer's requirements may differ—they may be great, they may be small—but the service they receive at The Canadian Bank of Commerce is always the same... capable and courteous service that makes banking a pleasure. This is the reason people across Canada look on the Bank of Commerce as the familiar symbol of service sincerely rendered. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Call us your bankers fwd' 1. alt i i- ( ( - i k \V:?� 0� PUY re i �� r.. uNIEos ti:, __ ' CHEVROLET \ . \t y '' ` c cAN 9 T , ANY R FRt ,k,. -^ S.1i)e ® s A LESS 0 O 0 0 _:-; THERE'S NO BETTER CAR FOR TENDING YOUR DOLLARS THAN CHEVROLET. FOR RESOUNDING PROOF, LOOK AT THESE FINE FEATURES. YOU JUST DON'T GET THEM ALL ON ANY CAR NEAR CHEVY'S SIZE AND PRICE -EVEN ON SOME CARS THAT COST A WHOLE LOT MORE! . .......... ..... ..... .......... . ............. . ..... ......... ...... .. ........•.»... . „.,,.,,,,,..„,. ,, ., i ,, ...„„, ' r ,,., .„...\'3 0 0?"et `. ... w .,..,..„,. X�� ---a:' ` '"h't.. :Siv: ..�.. awe: Y�'�� +i. tit` >� �>.. �-i �.1<`.:,;:�y"•.N'.;'.`M1t.�S;v�:z>`•":Sk:� c. ... j'411 'S� 5.• ,�'1 } 4h �t38U �i ..N. t ,k'tx?7x,?`'.Y`=.Xti;: T'Y`',.^... >• 6: 4 General Morons Palue " 0. Se? Air 4 -Door Sedan 6�„, WIDEST(.��li�dt,�CE POWER Eight velvety bog in gives spunky transmissions all. you ®,fid TEAMS engines with five — 24 tom- car anywhere a wide choice! ' Oir --• No other such FULL COIL CUSHIONING Chevyci each ear wheel, deep oUnlike old( style leaf springs, they don't have to anchor the rear axle or trans- mit the focus of braking and acceleration. Chevy's coils have nothing to do but tomo the bumps —and what a gentle job they do! 3 i Or ' I. Q O4 6 O Those crank -operated dows, for example, an idea of all the tion tion our comfort is by Fisher. ip ; '% Jig /tee vent Win- will give you extra considera- gets in Body g 4 �{ �P �i - Ad IAY Pr �9y��r '' FRAML�( li►b4 Chevrolet's frame is X-built, not just X -braced. This extra attentiost a s off in rouser attention pays 1)y g torsional rigidity, and it's one reason for Chcvy'5 silence, car, you Lonalr! .ances: traction ties of 4 sion fold -down of an air-cooled no antifreeze, ever!)' r q r", �, ... Corvair IF -1 couldn't do better than Count up its big, big ad- Remarkable rear -engine ... the supple riding quali- -wheel independent suspen- the extra storage space of a rear seat ... the economy engine (no water, no radiator repairs p 9` hoods ixlg cisi0n-balanced whole j>i I4 • ;l' �' I ' 71 101 column, lot �': J each Safely more MORE "EXTRAS” at 000 extra cost! ,, `," r r �,� ' ` ani 3 A �"" ,A...' "' o4$,o'l ails -;,— 700 4'Daor Sedan , Single -key locking and starting, anti -glare 115trument, enclosed steer- Glass' all around, pre• wheels and tires. And a besides, C.1760D See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer for Fast Delivery, Favorable Deals SJAOR H MOTORS