HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-19, Page 8STEWART BROS.. Creat SUIT Continues To Sat., May 21st Regular 49.50 and 55.00 suits. meetly one of 0 Minot, plus a few tropical weight 2 -pant suits, all reduced to clear at big savings 39.5 Towne- hall aml Hyde Mirk suite that sold up to 06.00, New Lounge and 0011- tinental styles in greys, browns,- blues and a few charcotals. A real bargain (tt Be cool, and well dressed FOR: YTH & ARROW Half Sleeve Dress Shirts Tropical white, no -iron dress shirts by Forsyth and Arrow, with sensible Half sleeves for summer comfort. Size 14% to 16? 3,95 Store closed Monday VICTORIA DAY Open til 10 Sat tirday eeee �i9.5 NEWEST DESIGNS Half Sleeve SADOaet Shirts Whit,- or'darlc ground half sleeve sport shirts in popular new pat- terns, All are wash 'n wear fabrics that need little or no ironing .a95 Others at 3.95 and up Ne f,, 6T; Shirts Gold, olive, black, blue and white feature these new open collar "T" shirts for summer wear. All have smart contrast trims 2.95 to 4.95 C 1 Play Shorts Polished Chinos, fine cotton cords and twills in no -iron, play shorts for men. Sizes 32 to 44 waist in beige, grey, charcoal, gold and olive 3.95 to 5.95 STEWART BROS. THE STORE FOR MEN BORN Smale — At Scott Memorial Hospital on May 13, to Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Smale, Staffa, a daughter ni'nmfhett — At Scott Memorial Hospital on May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. William Grummett, Kirkton, a son St. Columban C.W.L. Penny Sale at G. A. Whitney's May 26-27-28 DRAW AT ST. COLUMBAN Tuesday, May 31, 9 P,M, H ENSALL Mr, Tom Fisher visited during the past week with relatives in Toronto and Hamilton making the tell from Crumlin to Melton by Mr. and Mrs, Lee Oesch and family of Paris were weekend vis. itors with Mrs. Oeseh's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Mousseau, Presentat fon Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker were hostesses at their home on Saturday evening when they en- tertained a number of friends in honor of Mr, and errs, Robert Ba- ker Jr, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle who are leaving to take up residence in Calgary. A social time was enjoyed during which Mr. and Mrs. Baker and Mr. and Mrs, Kyle were presented with gifts, Mr, Harold Caldwell read the address Seaforth Lions Club Annual Paper Drive WE'RE SORRY But for reasons beyond the control of the Lions Club, it is not possible to hold the Annual Paper Drive in May as usual. The drive will take place in the early part of June, and residents are urged to co- operate by continuing to save paper and magazines until that time Announcement of the drive will be made as soon as possible Seaforth Lions Club Variety Night Held at S,D.H.S. Following Ilo1i'irrg is the program o Variety Night at Seafol'tlt Dist1'i High School on lz riday. Numbers by (flee Club, directed be Mr. J. A. Stewart: Some F n- ebantea Evening; Bali Rai, solo, Faye Love; A. wonderful Guy, nolo by Yvonne Pellard; Flappy Talk, solo, Carolyn Hammond: Younger Than Springtime, solo, Robert Bimlendyk, Boyo Tumbling, dirftted by left, 1'', A (Win: Dennie Ducharme 'tii(hael Malone, Lloyd Pethick Dennis Jewitt, Kenneth Story Glen \\ aitere, Prelen Withunsen, John Patterson, Peter Rowate-\Wil- lianl Pinder, Ben Akker, Keith Slnrey, (lids' Trumps(. Band, directed by Mr, G. Hildebrand: On Top of The World, Overture General Per. siring. Sallee To Fr'anee, Auld Leng Syne., Texas Star Dame, 'tclirectecl lr • 3 Mrs R. Mannon: Crinne Smith, Douglas Roweliffe, Arlene Mimeo)), William emboli-, Dore., thy Smith, Jaines Scott, Janet Rovveliffe, Carl Berger. Instrumental, Fifth Nocturne, .lean )linen, Play—The (treat Jeanne, super• vised by Mr. D, Pullen, Cast; Dorothy Boyes, Antonette Van- denHengel, Phyllis Bryans, Cath- erine Eckert. Donald Muegge, Wil- liam Campbell, Gordon Ross, Den- nis Jewitt, Gisela Helbig, Terry Ford, Wilhelm filler. Waltz of The Flowers, directed by Miss Nan Taylor, Barbara Piumsteel, Pearn McLean, Eileen Smith, Margaret A. Stapleton, Barbara Talbot, Margaret HiIlen, Carol Dennis, Catherine Eckert, Glee Club: This Old House; Shine on harvest Moon; Just a Dream of you Dear, sextette— Donna Berger, Margaret Nilsen, Betty Muegge, Anne Morris, Lyn- da Dobson, Elizabeth Stewart, You tell me Your Dream, male quartet, James Scott, William Norris., Terry- Ford, Lewis Kneteeh. Members of the Glee Club — Phyllis Bryans, Margaret Ches- ney, Betty Muegge, Margaret Wood, Lois Scott, Linda Papple, Geraldine McTaggart, Barbara Talbot, Sharon McNichol, Sandra McGonigle, Yvonne Pollard, Nan- cy Pepper, Anne Morels, Pamela Stapleton, Margaret A, Stapleton, Corinne Smith, Jean Hallen, Car- olyn Hammond, Eileen Smith, Lynda Dobson, Elizabeth Stewart, Vella Millman, Faye Love, Donna Berger, Margaret Fiillen, James Scott, Thomas Love, William Nor- ris, Itenneth Papple, Robert El- liott, Lewis Knetsch, William Van den Henget, Robert Binnendyk, Terry Ford, William Campbell, Bruce Miller, Bert Dennis, Glenn Nott. Pianist, Carolyn Neil. Members of the trumpet band: Margaret Elgie, Janet McKe'cher, Carolyn Hammond, Constance Britton, Carol Flannery, Linda Papple, Joan Pryce, Anne Kling, Dianne Kirk, Sharon McNichol, Sandra McGonigle, Eileen Snaith, Jean Hallen, Yvonne Pollard Anne Achilles, Margaret Hallen, Barbara _Talbot, Emily Elliott, Arlene Williamson, Geraldine Mc- Taggart, Jean. Shortreed, William Norris Caron Carter, Margaret A, Stapleton, Phyllis Bryans, Faye Love, Gerda Christensen, Margar- et Reves, Bonnie McLeod, Melia Hillman, Mary Crich, Barbara Plumsteel, Catherine Eckert, Con- stance Eckert, Corinne Smith, Dorothy Boyes, Pearn McLean, Pamela Stapleton, Kathryn Bosh - art. During the evening an outdoor barbecue was presented to Mr. J. A, Stewart, director of the Glee Club, by Robert B'innendyk, A sil- ver cake plate was presented to Carolyn Neil, Glee Club accompan- ist, by Margaret Wood. Rep. IIo spoke to the members on 1111) topic "Feeds ill feeding and balanced Ration". 4.11 Pledge was repeated t cat (1 lollovvcd U roll y 'all. The t next meeting Mat Ar. arie Bert Clb bingstfnll Junobe 10in con- nection with the Guernsey Tee. light Meeting; The meeting ade ;Jennie(' and lurch was served, ('atistclaacc 'ii' (. and. lieetee, The W.A. and WEB of Con. stance II. C. was 'held last Wed. nesclay afternoon at the home of Mrs, Joe Riley, Mrs. L. Lawson, president of the W,A. opened the meeting with a Mothers' Day poem and prayer, followed by the ' minutes of the last meeting and , roll call, Business transactions followed and committees were formed for the June bazaar to be held June 14tH at the WIVIS Open meeting, also a committee farmed for the lunch booth to be hold at \Vat. Dale's iai'lu for the Guern. sea• sale, Junc 17th. An amendment to the "Rose motion" (Balt' departed for " members of the society was nlacle and a motion earrie(l for a hymn book to be presented to the church in lltelllery of the departed, Other business „nlattere wore discussed and raft over to the June meet- ing, Mrs, 13, lerowu presided over the W3TS and opened with poetry on Refugees, Mrs, Wilber Jewitt read portions of scripture follow- ed with Prayer by Mrs, Brown. A committee of Mrs, Wilber Jew- itt and Mrs. L, Lawson to pack the bale for missions. The open meeting is to be held on .lune 14 with Mrs. Britton of Seaforth as guest speaker and societies pick- ed to be invited, Lunch and dec- orating committees were chosen,. An invitation to Winthrop for Jnite 1st was accepted. Copper contest leaders are Mrs. Don Bit - charnel and Mrs, Ken Hulley. Re- garding a delegate for Alma Col- lege was left over for next meet- ing. Mrs. Riley served a dainty 1Unch and Mee, Lorne Lawson ex- pressed thanks of the ladies to Mrs, Riley for her home and hos- pitality. A small bazaar was helot with proceeds for the WA, CONSTANCE Mrs. Clarence .Mfoutgomery ited a couple of days last week with her sister, 11Mrs. McGregor of Grand Bend, Miss Debbie 'Woods of Ajax spent last week with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ri. lay'. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wall are newcomers to the community, having conte from the Windsor district as hired help on the farm owned by Mr. Ken Thompson, just east of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mont- gomery and Glenn visited Satur- day with friends in elespeler. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Lamont and family of Elmwood and Mrs. Sarah Brown of Hanover visited with Mr, and Mrs, Borden Brown and family on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. William Dale are spending this week in Toronto at- tending the annual Convention of American Guernsey Cattle Club being held in Canada for the fi'r's time. Monday evening Mr, and Mrs, Dale will act as one of the Canadian hosts and hostesses at a special banquet held in the Roy- al York Hotel. Mr, and Mrs. Luther Saunders and Miss Thames of Seaforth vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reid of London on Sunday and attend- ed the baptismal service' in the St, George's Anglican Church, of Paul Kenneth, David Lesley and Jan Sandra, children of Mr. and Mrs, Iien Reid. Congratulations go to Ian Hul- ley, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ken Hul- ley upon obtaining let prize at the HUllett Musical Festival last Wed- nesday, ,in 1115 class of boys' Solos; also Miss Mary Mollwair, daugh- ter of Mt'. and Mrs.. Geo, McII_ wain, obtaining 2nd in her class of girls' solos, I.FI Club rifeettgg The first meeting of the Sea- forth Dairy Calf Club was held on Tuesday, Maly 10th at the farm of Mr. and Vire, Con, Eckert, a class of holstein cows were jud- ged by the members with oral rea- sons given by Wilma Dale, Robert Storey and Amy Stewart, The official placing and reasons were given by Mr, Dong Mlles, Agr, DALFI.GOWEY WRDDING Large baskets of white mums and lighted candles forme ci the setting of Wingliam United Church on Saturday afternoon, April 30th at 2 o'clock when Rev. T. 0, Hussey united in marriage Muriel Fay Gowdy and Murray Christopher Dale in a double ring ceremony, The bride is the daugh- ter of Mrs. Nelson Gowdy, Wing - ham, and the late Mr. Gowdy; the groom's parents are Mr, and Mrs, Verne Dale, RR 1, Clinton. Music was provided by A. D. Ben- nett, organist of the church and Miss Ruth Proctor was soloist. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Norman R'in. tool, The bride wore a pure white gown of peau de sole with two panels falling from the waist to form a bustle at the back. Sparkle ing segnine'patterned the front of the dress. Her waist length veil was trimmed with sequins and fell from a rhinestone crown. Her only jewellery was a silver brace- let and earrings, the gift of the groom, and she carried a white and silver Bible crested with an orchid. Miss Merle Gowdy, tWln sister of the bride, as matron of honor, wore a street length dress of lilac silk organza over taffeta with lace bodice, her headdress was trimmed with pearls and rhine- stones and carried white mums encircled with green tulle and white streamers. Miss Muriel Dale, sister of the groom and Miss Grace Thompson as bridesmaids were dressed iden- tically to the matron of honor and also carried white mums. Misses Linda Lou Work and Ma- rie Kipp, nieces of the bride, were ribbon girls and wore dresses in mint green with white mum cor- sages. Mr, George Mellwain of Sea - NOTICE TOWN WEIGH SCALES OPEN DAILY TO THE PUBLIC Albert Moore Weighmaster BACK HOE WORK Grading, Bulldozing Septic Tank & Disposal Bed installation ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Henry Young HU 2.9496 63 North St. S., Clinton WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Butts Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned .and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours; Between 7:39 and 9;30 a.m. week days, 0;00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings For eervioe or more information call Clinton 1IU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9.5650 MEM eeeeeeeeeneeeeeemee NOTIC See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ• atone and Viking Milking Mach. Ines, Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Bruoefteld. Borth attended the groom as best Miall andthe ushers were Lam Dublin Wheatley 1 t t t t bli n and George ge 0 1 1 a ,., stun of I3c 11,1 ave, attests were present from Lon- don, Lions bread, Fergus, Mild. may, Bolmore, Clinton, Seaforth, Kitchener, Brampton, Gorrie, Wroxator and Wingllanl, They wore received in the church par. lore at four o'clock by the bride's Mother wearing a heavenly blue Paan de sole dress and corsage of pink rosebuds. Site was assisted he the groom's mother wearing e blue printed twin sheer and core sage, of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Dale left 011 a wedding trip to the Southern Statee, the bride wearing e turtle green suit with muskrat collar and brown accessories and a col'. lane of bronze mums..They will live in Byron, Ont,, the groom be- ing employed with the Wolverine Tube plant of London, W, H. DOWSON The death occurred Saturday of Wm, H, Dowson, 70, retired farm- er living in Varna. Survieing are two sons, Roy, Hamilton, and Or- rin, Varna; one brother John Dowson, Varna; two sisters, Mrs, Edith Galbraith and Mrs. Sadie Foster, Varna, Interment in Bayfield ce) etery, O.F.U. MEETING Local 284 F'armer's Union meet- ing was held in the town hall on Tuesday evening. The Farmers Union brief on marketing hogs that had been presented to hog marketing agency, was discussed. Some resolutions are in the mak- ing, one on deficiency payments on eggs is not satisfactory, One on hospitalization for the aged. One on farm truck licenses will be presented again. Resolutions will be sent to head office so they can be in hand book in time for convention. Mr, Gordon McGavitt eliowed two films. One the Xmas parade, and Santa giving out candy. The other was a plowing match in Germany. These were very much enjoyed. Mr. Ken Car- nochan thanked Mr, McGavin for his kind effort. Meeting adjourn- ed and ladies served lunch. FORTY YEARS AG0 From The Seaforth NOWS May 1.920 Mrs, Henry Carter and daught- er of Goderich, formerly of Tuck- ersnlith are leaving for Brandon, Man. J. McLeod of Toronto has been appointed manager of U13',O store at Seafortb, succeeding Mr, Wegg, W, Hills of Brantford and form- erly of Egmondville has purchas- ed Wm, Smitbers house on Centre street, Poultry Wanted All types, Paying up to 24c for 5% lbs and up. Apply to Keitlh Leggatt, phone 606-22 Mitchell FOR SALE Nine chunks. James Cronin, phone 401'4 Dublin FOR SALE 168 used brick. Also Underwood typewriter. Phone 312J Mitchell Four handy Yolk chunks. A, R. Dodds Township of McKillop DRAINAGE TENDER For the construction of Regele Drain, according to Engineer's specifications, will be received until June 4th. • 14790 lineal feet of open Dram excavating and levelling material. 1767 lineal feet of 14, 12, 15, 6 inch tile and pipe to dig, lay and backfill, also 2 catch basins, etc. Township to supply tile and pipe within one mile of work. Contractor to have Workmen's Compensation Insurance. A marked cheque for ten per cent with a minimum of $100 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not neo essarily accepted. Tenders to state when work will be done, Plans, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. J, M. ECKERT Cleric McKillop Twp. RR 1 Seaforth, Ont. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery, and household effects, at Lot 20, Con. 9, Morris twp., 2% west of Wal- ton, or 5 miles east of Blyth, on TUESDAY, MAY 24th, at 1 p.m. Cattle — 8 steers weighing ap- prox. 900 or 1000 lbs. 7 steers weighing 600 lbs. 3 grass heifers. 1 cow with calf at foot. 1 grass cow. 2 heifers 2 years old. Sheep 20 sheep with lambs. 1 ram. Poultry — 190 year-old Kimber K hens. Machinery -- Massey Harris 33 tractor with live power take- off. Ford tractor with sky line loader. McKee harvester with wagon & rack. 7 ft Massey Harris power mower, 13 run seed drill, Cockshutt tractor hitch. 7 ft Mas- sey Harris binder. 1VIassey Harris 95 bus, manure spreader; side rake, 10 ft stiff tooth cultivator. 8 furrow ace bottom plow double disk. Woods oat roller, 1% hp. motor; wagon, 150 bus. grain box. 6 section harrows; grain blower. 2 wheel trailer with stock rack, 32 ft extension ladder. 22 ft cedar ladder. 2000 lb scales. 250 lb scales; fanning mill, barn jack. Stewart electric clipper, Webster paint spray; gas barrel with plump. 26 cord mixed wood, cedar posts, slush scraper; water heat- er; tractor chains. Quantity of lumber; post drill; snow fence & Pests. 2-8 gal milk cans; lnilic strainer; 26 gal can. sewingahogan Household cheie, mymbed room suite, poster bed, springs & mattress. Books, pictures, oak china cabinet; oak alining room suite; living room table; 2 rock- ing chairs, writing desk, kitchen cabinet, kitchen cupboard, elect- table, sealers, couch, kitchen rie stove, cools stove, drop leaf utensils & dishes. Other articles too numerous to mention, Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold, Prop., John Taylor Abate Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo, Powell CARD OF THANKS I Would like to extend sincere thanks O the doctors t f loch t at he u t Clinic, the nurses, neighbors, 1)r. Semple, Dr. Miles of (1lletou, for Rowers, and treats While a put lent 111 Scott Memorial hospital, Mrs, Newnan Garrett IN MEMORIAM Harrison — In loving memory of a dear husband, fatlter and grandfather Albert, who pureed away May 24, 1058 The depths of sorrow we cannot toll, Of the loss of hhn we loved so Weil, And while Ile sleeps a peaceful sleep, Hie memory Wo shall always keep --Ever remembered by Wife, dauglltcr Lois, sons Reith and K011110 1 and gran(lellildiru COMING EVENT Shower for Mr. and Niru, Gary Sho c lilt' s•U1• Bn ( 1 tin'Cl 'tuic ), Any one who has not been contacted for this shower bre cordially in- vited to Blodltogen Community Hall on Saturday, May 28, 8.30. Please bring lulwh. Donations at door EVEN The CatlolicGWomens League Tea and Home Baking Sale Wed_ nesclay Stine 15th at St. James' Rectory FOR SALE 9 cubic foot refrigerator, Frigid- aire, 1959 model, used only 7 months. Call be seen at Art Alexander's, Walton RR 4, or call 834x3 GeraniumsOR SL , tubo ous begonia, Pansies, Spanish onion, tomatoes, cabbage, petunia and a complete line of flower and garden plants, Bakers Greenhouse, Your Garden Center, Seaforth EMPLOYMENT WANTED Married man fully experienced in farms work, wishes job on dairy or general farm, Apply at News Office Brinton rug LPhone 37W or 181 Seaforth Four He FOR SALE but s, service. able age, and 25 grass cattle, HIerefords. John A. Eckert, phone 90r19 Dublin. le R1 Dublin One headt oC t w bedroom apart- ment. Also 3 one bedroom gas heated apartments. Dr. McMaster WANTED TO BUY Small type of platform scales, 25 to 240 lb. capacity type. Please give price and condition, Allan J. Haugh, Brucefield, phone 6581123 HELP WANTED (FEMALE) Waitress, excellent hours, top wages. Apply in person, or phone collect Manager, Cosy Grill, Mitchell. Phone 200 NT DressedOHamNitGSupper and Car- nival, Wed., July 20th, St. Col- muban. A number of 9 ellEbrecl Collie Pups 6 weeks old. Fred Buchanan, phone Seaforth 8603.4 5 young Yor s & Landrace sows to farrow within the next 2 or 3 weeks. Robert Dalton, 758J1 Seaforth PIANO TUNING 30 year's experience. Geo, B. Clarke, organist St. Thomas Church, Seaforth. Phone 84 FUNKS SEED CORN Plant the best seed corn avail- able for either grain or silage purposes. See or phone your Funk G -Hybrid Dealer, Haugh Bros., Brucefleld, 65Sr23 Seaforth, or Milton J. Dietz, rr 3 Seaforth, phone 647x21 Wood and wirepens for rabbits and birds, etc. Fred Fowler, Mitchell STARTED PULLETS 12 wk old pullets ready for range. Red x Sussex & Famous Honegger Layers. Schummer chix, Elzar Mousseau, Kippen. Phone Hensall 694r5 FOUND Sum of money in MoKdllop township, Owner may have same by proving property in writing to Box 13, The Seaforth News. A 59 Ford, R V 8L Lengine, custom 4 door sedan, automatic trans- mission, matched interior, back up lights- 1960 licence with extras, Mileage 8,000, new car condition, color tahitian bronze, privately owned. Apply to The Seaforthi News. BR4ESIDE NURSING NOME Licensed for convalescent & elderly people. Call 305 ,Mitchell Viking C e0am Separrators for sale. 1-1050 now. 1 --Just like new, in per- fect shape. A full line of .parts for any Viking make. John Byerman, Seaforth Electrolux Sales and Service. Gary Cooper, Gordon Street, Clin- ton, phone HU 2-7200 1 I have SEED 1 1 WO Gonda:Hig 1 Well Graded D. A. Moffat & Son KIPPEN Phone 679.22 IFensall THE SIt1AFOItTII NEWS (Phone 84) Thursday, May 19, 1900 Box Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Sod ' Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W.STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth 4OHN A. GORWILL, 9.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon klioue 5-W Scafor9li SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, 2.A.,, M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, MD., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except t Wedn escay and Sunday Evenndi • : Tuesday, leinThursday and Sat• e. arday only 7-0 ln. Appointments made in advance aro . TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC 3.0. TURNBULL, D,V.M„ V.S. W, R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W, G. DIRENNAN, D,V.NI., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth cm.,aa.a,.ao JOHN E. LONGSTAFF . Optometrist Goderioh St. W„ Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth 9 to 1eept kTh8;Wed. AM to 11.30 bMur. evg by appointment only. Clinton L11.1-2-7010, above Hawkins' Hclwe, Mon. 8 to 5.19 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete °averages W. E. Southgate Phone 324 Res. 540 'tarsi co 19 WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY • Phone 573 or 332-8 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM MAW T Office Rhone '784 • Res. 286 We write a,11 lines of Ii1 eSUR•u Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seafortk Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ON's. Officers -- President, John L, Malone, Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John H. Mo9wing, Blyth ; See,-Treas., W. B. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewarthn, Clinton,. J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H, Mclwing, Blyth ; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Ftrller, Oodortoh; J. E. Pepper, Bruceaeld; Allister Broad. foot, Seaforth. Agent's— William Leiper, Jr., Londee- boro; 7. F. Prueter, Brodhasen; &awn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; Jamas Heys, Seaforth. Poultry Wanted Fowl wanted. 24c for heavy fowl_ Premium prices for larger flocks LEST,TE HOOD MONKTON Call collect 651-12 Mitchell Need Money ? - Unlimited funds available on farms, homes, motels, stores, etc., Pastservice anywhere in Ontario. Fast service anywhere. No retainer fees DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., Toronto MB. 3-2353 Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tucltersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk BURNS CLEANER NO SMOK&, NO ODOUR HEATING 011. WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 w Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47