HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-19, Page 4BAYFIELD Mr, and Mrs, Jack Pounder and Lenny, Loudon.' spent the week. end with her parents, Mr. and Moe L. \V. Scotehmer, \its, Verna 1Caeeehaw, lloderieh is 1 istting her cousin, 1'Irs. Wm. Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Heron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 10 and 20 "ALIAS JESSE JAMES" (Color) Bob Hope - Rhonda Fleeting Two Cartoons SATURDAY ONLY — May 21 -- Double Feature -- "FORT MASSACRE" (Color) (Cinenmseope) Joel M('C'rae -- Susan Cabot "HONG KONG CONFIDENTIAL" Gene Barry - Beverly Tyler One Cartoon SUNDAY MIDNIGHT and MONDAY—May 22 and 23 -- Double Feature -- "GIIN S, GIRLS AND GANGSTERS" (Adult Entertainment) Mamie VanDoren -- Gerald Mohr `Riot in Juvenile Prison' t.#Ihtlt Eutertailmlent) Marcia Henderson - Scott Maria One Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 2.1 and 20 `From Here to Eternity' Adult Entertainment Frank Sinatra -- Deborah Kerr Burt Lancaster One Cartoon llltu, WALTON Mise Resl'mntle 'Telford. Lotte don was al her lnln a over the weekend, Professor and Ml's. 1I. Kalb - Meech, eech, London,. wore at their- cot- tage over the weekend. Mr. cute Mrs, Herold Weston and Suzanne, Ferndale, Mieh spent the weekend with his father George Weston, Dr, It. Cl. hunter and daughter Sally Beth, 'Toronto were at. their Monte over the weekend. Dr, and Mrs. A. C. Chapman of Detroit, spent from Friday to Monday at their cottage. Corporal and Mrs, 1,. Westlake and futilely'. Kitchener, were with her parents over the wcelcud, hisses A. Fernetto and A. Drott, in of Detroit are at the dormer's cottage for the summer, The Baydiele Fire Brigade were eulletl to 0 barn tIre on Tuesday at the home of Mrs, I,. Melee, who is at present residing in (foder ieh, The barn was complete, ly destroyed and the pause ill the fire ie unknown. lh•ion Grimes 1T,\V,0„ London, le, visiting his parents this week. Mr, and Mrs, 17. W, Oddleitson, London, were at their hone over the weekend. Miss Mary narks, Toronto, spent the weekend with her moth- er, Mrs, 1', Marks. 11t. ;Intl Mrs, (C. Gordon and faunile, Stratford, were in the vil- t:te over the weekend. 1h', and 11ro. Jas. W. Cruicle shank and Bertheua and Mr. and Mrs. le, ,1, Florian, Clinton, spent: Sunday with Hiss Berthena Stur- geon, Miss lassie Metcalf, of Detroit, was 1t her home from Friday to Sunday DANCING! To the popular and western Mush•. of the Gode'ich Rhytbmaires Iirodbagen and District Community Centre Friday, May 20 '1'lu' Mae meeting of the glee Killop Group 'trite ht,ld at the home of firs. Chas, McGaviu on Wednesday evening, May lith with 13 1 ulics present, Mrs, Robl'. McMichael pre itle4. Reports were heard and business conducted, Mrs, A. Coutts gave a reading on •Mothers Day. The topic oil ht1000 •nlissione in Northern :Manitoba was given by airs, 1). Watson, A llible •3010 and discussion was conducted by Mrs. Gordon McGev- in. A sale of plants was hold at the close of the meeting, Ltuwh was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Merton Elackweli, Mrs, A. Coutts, ,Mss, (1, Love and Mrs, IO, Me. Creatli, The May meeting of 010 Mission Baud of Duff's United Church was held last Sunday morning with Mary Helen Buchanan, rice pres- ident, in the chair, The Mission. Band hymn was sung with Mary Bewley as pianist and all repeat- ed.the Misstate Band purpose. The leader, Mrs, Bewley related !hymn 117, "Birds Are Singing" to this beantitul day in spring. A discussion. followed about ways of making known God's deeds to everybody; translating Bible into African language; teaching to read in schools, Jack McCall led in prayer anti tate offering was re- volved with the dedicatory forayer giVell by Mary I-lelen Buchanan. The treasurer's report was given by Shirley Timmer and minutes read by Sherrill Craig, All child- ren are requested to bring their mite Mixes next month. Those taking part for ,Tune wlll be Alex- ine Williamson to play the piano, Linda Travis will read the scrip- ture and Carol Wilbee will. lead in prayer. Children then assentb- led fel* classes. Attendance for the day was 611, Miss Elizabeth McGee/it of Kit- chener and Mr, and Mrs. John \IiClavin and family of Hamilton were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon McGavin, >h', herb Kirkby of Toronto sport the week end at his hone here. A number from here attended the Sholdiee_Clark reception at Bmrodhagen last Saturday evening. The May meeting of Walton Women's Institute will be held iu the community hall on Thursday evening, May OGth, KIPPEN The Young People will hold their anniversary on Sunday, May 29tH at 11 am. Rey. Winlaw of Ilensall will be the guest speak_ or, Special music w111 bo rendered by the choir, 31r, and Mrs, Lloyd Lovell and :stir. and 1111,4, Ieeu hltue of Sea - forth silent •the week end in Dat' City, USA. -Mr, and Mrs, C. Prieslap of Mitchell visited au evening last week 'with Mr. Robert Thomson. htr. and Mrs, Ray Hillier and Rosily of London were week end guests of the latter's parents, ler, and Mrs, Alex, McMurtrio, Miss Ilene McLean of London visited over the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Johnston, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wood and fancily of hlItehell SPGR Saturday' with her mother, Mrs, Rena Cald- well. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Hilde- brand of Seaforth were recent vi- sito•s with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Melbs, Mr. and :VI'ms. Ivieon Torrancee of Mitchell were Sunday visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Reid Tot't'all( . Mr, and Ms. Leonard Lovell ) and family al ent the week end at Chatham v siting relatives and e r t friends. Mr, and Mrs. N, Long, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs, W. Me1115 spent Sunday evening at the Monte of Mrs, Jennie Schilbe, Exeter, Mr, Don Kyle of Zurich, former- ly of Rippon left this week for Calgary, Alberta, where he ha.s been np:Itoi ted by General Coach to 1110 office in their newly or- ganized plant in the West. His wife and litt10 daughter will join itimm 1110 end of June. H ENSALL \h', and Mrs. Ken Faust and family of Onterville, Michigan were reeelt visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Eel Corbett and Mrs. Edna Corbett. -Mr, and Mrs, Al Ingram of Portland Oregon visited last week with the former's brothers, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Ingram and Mr, and Mrs, John Ingram. -- Me. and Mrs. Leo Oesch and family of Paris were weekend vis- itors with :Mrs. Oesch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mousseau. Miss Geraldine Parker who bas been employed at Beaton's Bak- ery for the past two Fears left this week to take a position in a 1-ouclon office. She was presented with a pen, compliments of Boat- on's Bakery, The L0,0,F, and Amber Rebek- ah Lodge members Will attend service in the llensall United Church, Sunday evening, May 22 at 7:30. LATEST 1OWE BROS.. I :ODt"CTION \VITI I THESE I'. RI NI.tI.h ABLE FEATurtF.s I1, COLORS STAY SPARKLING BRIGHT CAN ISE i'AINTE:II IN :MORNING io:\V UNAFFECTED 133\' ALKALI iv, i;LiSTEIR RESISTANCE Iv LONG TERM DUIL#BILITY Ivil hItl.'SIIES SO EASILY viii DRIES LICIHTXING FAST viii) FU':ME AND MILDEW RESISTANCE Ilx> BRUSHES AND ROLLEiOS CAN BE.rLEANED WITH WATER Ix) A DOST OF OTIIER FEATURES Recommended for Wood Siding - Wooden Shingles Concrete Blocks Stucco - Brick - Asbestos Siding - Transite - Flexboard - Galvanized Iron Aluminum Come in and enquire 9 et e eel*iirt .14 For All The Family ROSE' SEAFORTH 5c to $1.00 STO M STATIONERY " GIFTS #n Outstanding student, who plans to become a teacher, is the Owlet. .,t Seaforth District High School for the School Queen's elide Margaret Wood of Grade 1S, is the daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. John Wood, RR, 3, Kippen, A filet clan honor student, Margaret wen the Dominion Pro- vincial bursary in Grade 13 and •1 eerier chest for highest marks in the school. She sings in the school Glee Club, teaches Sunday School and is active in her church young peoples' group. Below, Margaret describes her inter+sting visit to "Mediscope". A. great thrill for the this school year was being, chosen as one of two representatives from Our se,honl at "Medierope 59". Medi - e cue held for the first time Last Feat', consisted of many medical exhibits, Such as a fully -equipped operating theatre and a talking model of a woman whose internal organs lit up as she spoke about them, alt eet up in the Queen Eliz- abeth Building at Toronto Exhtbt- 11,01 Grounds, Students from many Ontario schools reported to a Mediscope rereivine desk in Union Station, We were given the name and ad- dress of tate doctor at whose home we would stay that niglit. Then We were taken quickly to the Tile. hibttinn (*rounds where we regis- tered at another Mediscope desk, During the afternoon doctors from Many townsand cities Conducted groups of students on a tote' of xtithits. 'There were only two to eetegvegeevemeeteetereceNeemeeyeeewtmeemeeethe group to which 1 wee asotguee, so' 1 think we received the hest tout' and explanation of all, Our guide was a Hamilton doctor who had helped plan "Mediscope 59",'I Ere told us of the many Problems the doctors had in planning this great exhibition, We were told so' many medical facts that we could not possibly remember one quar- ter of them. We saw liletures of many terri- ble diseases which can afflict men. Now we do not hear of most of then because of the preventa- tives and cures which scientists and doctors have found after years of study and research. In the movie theatre we saw movies which explained vividly the functioning of the heart, lungs and the eyes, 'There were even mo- vies showing how home accidents are caused. The movie I enjoyed most, and from which I learned the most, was the one which showed the rapid spread of cancer and how this dreadful disease can be checked, At supper time, the doctor, at Whose home T would spend the night, .sine and tools me to his home, Also staying at his home were a girl from Heave, 700 miles north of Toronto, and a girl from Ottawa, so you can see that many schools in Ontario were represent- ed, The next tray we went back and even then 1 slid not see all the exhibits, MY two days at "Mediscope 59" truly fascinated me, I expect that, because it was such a great suc- ness, it will be held again soon in another city in Canasta, Mr. Slut Iloobol who recotltlb underwent surgery int St, Jos- eph's l.iespillrl, London, is much improved. s many fr1eois whet hint a speedy recovery, nutter Hent `1'o 1"01104 Arca A mobile )tone, earmarked as headquarters .for emergency 1111100 organizations in the floocl.stricken Mountjoy Township area, left Here early last week. The 3S -loot long trailer, turned over to govern- ment ageuelos directing the relief programs int the area, by tate Gen. eral Coach Worlw of Canada plant here, is expected to arrive in Tim- mins by Saturday, Minister of Lands and Forests, W. S, Spooner, appointed. by Premier Frost to tlil•oct the over- all emergency relief operation in the township, is expected to form, ally accept, the mobile home, N, G. Smith, general manager of Gen- eral Coaeh Works, sale yesterday, Plant personnel renovated the living room of the 10 -foot wide trailer so it can be utilized as an otfioe, Mee. Mathew .gnf/land :Mrs, Mathew England or 1len, salt passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Friday in her 88th year. She was the former Sarah Ann Young, Sarviving is her ltusbaud, two sons Lloyd, Crediton, Mel, St. Thomas; Beat- rice, Mrs, \Pm, Roesler; (Laura) Mrs. Lorne Finkhoiner, Crediton; nue brother and one stater at Cor- bett, 13 grandchildren and 16 great grandoltildrem, predeceased by one daughter Myrtle, Funeral service was held from the Dinney Funeral Ilotne, Exeter, on Mon, day at 2:30 pen, Interment in Parkhill Cemetery, A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of 31r. and Mn, Fred G. Bonthron when they en- tertained the members of Carmel Presbyterian Church Choir on Thursday, following the regular Practice, A social hour was en- joyed after which refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and 'Mrs, Lorne Chapman visited recently with the latter's parents, Mr. and MI'S, E. Ellis at Clinton. Mr, and Mr's. Joe De Lodge of Sarnia were weekend visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Iles. Lorne Chapman, Northside United Church Worship at 11 0,m, The Junior Church School will meet during the worship period. -Parents are urged to bring their younger children with them to Church and they will receive their meltgious instruction while the parents Worship, Senior Church School 10 a.m. Z7gntonclrtlle United Church Dr, 3, Semple, Minister. Lyle Hammond, Organist -Chair Leader 11 a.m., The public worship of God, Guest Minister, Rev. E. B, 'l'offetmire, B.D. Congregational meeting at close of morning service. 1.0 a.nm„ Church School and Bi- hle Class, Wetteretereetteil First Presbyterian Church Rev, D. Leslie Elder . Minister 10 a.m, Church School and Youth Fellowship Class 11 A.M. Sermon: "DESIGN FOR LIVING" ANTHEM: "Immortal, Invisible" (Thiman) ORDINATION OF ELDERS Messrs. J. C. Cornish, Dr. 3. A. Gorwill, S. C. Pullman, J. E. Patterson Evening service discontinued until the fall efeekiWelefiglinAIWOVIAIRAfteegeeet TFII:I SIOAF0RTH NEWS (Putt(' 84) -- Thursday, May 19, 1900 (.IIILLIA1111111AI, 11.1111.1111,at1111111.1111111!„11111111.011. 1111111111111111111110111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111 St. Thomas Anglican Church Rector Rev. H. DONALDSON 10A,M, Church School 11 A.M. Morning Prayer 3 p.m. CONFIRMATION SERVICE Rt. Reverend W. A. TOWNSHEND, D.D, Suffragan Bishop of Huron A warm welcome is extended to all 111111A1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111I,101111111111.1111111101111.0111111A1111111111111A1i1,111111111,1111, 01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111..1....1111111111A111111111111111111,111A1111111111111111111.11„, SEAFORTH LA ® N�' 11 �� �µ 7 ;: I �- OFFICIAL OPEN : , G WE.DNES.DA Y, MAY 25 POTLUCK SUPPER AT 6.15 FOLLOWED BY BOWLING FOR SOOLE TROPHY Everyone welcome COME AND TRY YOUR HAND AT ONE OF THE WORLD'S FINEST GAMES IIC For McKillop Mutual Fire and Western Farmers Weather Insurance contact VINCENT J LANE Successor to the late J. F. Prueter If your present policy needs attention, or you need more and better coverage, call collect 46 r 12 Dublin, or V. J. LANE, R R5 Seaforth N YOU GO TO HOSPITAL Make sure you take along your Hospital Insurance Certificate or, at least, the Certificate number. Jot the number down now—and keep it where it can be found in an emergency. READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE —if you haven't one, ask your employer or write ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Canada iDas been a nation for not quite a hundred years. In that time Canadians have earned a way of life unequalled outside North America and not even approached by countries whose histories go back thousands of years ... countries such as China. Part of Canada's success comes from her ability to produce steel. Canada, with a population under 18,000,000, produced 660 pounds of steel per person last year. China, with a population of 600,000,000, turned out 25 pounds per person. This higher productivity comes from the factories Canadians have built. For example, The' Steel Company of Canada, Limited, has invested more than $300,000,000 in its plants and equipment since 1940. Canadians produce more mainly because Canad- ian companies are continually improving their plants and equipment, THE STEEL COMP .sir NY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO Canadian -made steel from Canadian -owned plants