HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-19, Page 2Saved From Death
By Girl's Betrayal
When in Poland recently, 1
heard the war -time escape story
of a very gallant resistance
fighter, Dr, Tabeau, a Pole of
Trench extraction.
Like thousands of his Cher
cruelly oppressed countrymen,
he was thrown into Auschwitz,
the no t o r i o us concentration
camp, where, by the end of the
roar. four million men, women
anti children had been slaugh-
There he met, among his doom-
ed fellow prisoners, a dark-
nr+:ed attractive gipsy girl called
Any day. any hour, might be
Ater last, but this girl had a
vitality and gaiety of heart not
lo be subdued by the hideous
privstions, the filthy food, ver-
minous, overcrowded living con-
clitions and the sadistic guards,
She fell wildly in love with
Rbc handsome young Pole.
But although attracted to her,
Vtc had only one thought in mind
—e ,cape,
One day he confided his plan
4c her. He had worked out a
scheme in which he and a com-
patriot, equipped with wire -cut-
lers, intended to out their way
through the electrified barrica-
des. and dash for a hiding place
in the forest.
"That's impossible. You must
stay here with me, darling," she
"It's 00 use: 1 love you, but
'r must get out of this ghastly
Camp and tell the world about
it:. replied the doctor, "It's my
slut;—other nations must know
what is doing on here."
"No," Zina insisted. "Your
place is with me. We must share
Our fate together. I love you,
You're everything to me."
But Dr. Tabeau resisted her
"All right," said Zina, "I shall
stop you, and keep you where
you belong, with me!"
True to her threat, she report-
ed her information to the camp
floss and Dr. Tabeau, his accom-
plice and others thought to be
in the escape plot were seized,
They were hustled into a lorry
lo be driven for interrogation
inside the inner compound of the
main camp, writes A. J. Forrest
In "Tit -Bits."
Dr. Tabeau knew what savage
tortures such an interrogation
held for anyone suspected of
organizing an escape so he de-
cided to make a break for it on
the way. His friend agreed to
jump with him. At least they
would have the advantage of
teeing outside the camp's main
line of barricaded fences.
At a given signal, the two men
leapt from the lorry, dashed to
the nearest fences and attacked
them with wire -cutters they had
smuggled o u 1. Bullets spat
around them and great sheets of
blue flame burst out as they cut
through one electrified fence.
They tore on and hacked their
wavy through the second fence.
But the Nazi bullets were get-
ting, very close. One nicked Dr.
Tabeau, though not seriously as,
running for their lives, they
reached the shelter of the forest.
What they had relied on proved
true, The guards had not dared
to leave the lorry in case the
ether prisoners also bolted,
Making their way at nightfall,
through wooded country, the
two Poles hid up by day, some-
times in water, sometimes in
trees, while over 4.000 storm-
troopers, with tracker dogs
searched for them.
Thanks to many strokes of
luck. the Iwo men made good
their escape. But perhaps Dr.
Tabeau's biggest break was the
gipsy girl's betrayal.
T-Iad he stuck to his original
plan he would have had to run
much greater hazards in break-
ing through more formidable
barricades of wire, protected,
too, by watchtowers, in which
S.S, guards sat, night and day,
with their machine guns at the
And had he agreed to her pas -
donate entreaties he would no
doubt have shared her fate:
death in a gas chamber.
BONJOUR, BABY — French President Charles de Gaulle was
surrounded by cheering crowds in Quebec after arriving from
Ottawa where he began his tour of Canada and the United
t 2somw
1/41 Andrews.
If you like plain cakes, try
this sponge cake that is enliven-
ed with lemon juice and rind.
1 tablespoon lepton juice
Grated rind of 1 lepton.
2 tablespoons water
1 cup sugar
6 eggs, separated
1 cup sifted cake flour
le teaspoon salt
Add lemon juice, lemon rind
and water to sugar. Stir until
well mixed. Add unbeaten egg
yolks to sugar mixture and beat
until flufdy and light Fold flour
into yolk -sugar mbatutre. Add
salt to egg whites and beat un-
til stiff but not dry. Fold whites
into flour -yolk mixture. Pour
batter into ungreased tube pan
(about 7t/4 x 31/2 inches), Bake
at 350 degrees F. until c a k a
springs back when lightly touch-
ed with finger — about 45 min-
utes. Remove from oven and in-
vert on cake rack. Allow cake
to cook entirely before remov-
ing from pan -- about 1 hour,
Here is a three -layer cake re-
cipe with a chocolate butter
frostine that makes it tops.
4 squares unsweetened
t„, cup hot water
cup sugar
2 cups sifted cake flour
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
t;; cup shortening'
1 Shu cups sugar
3 eggs, unbeaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
Chocolate butter frosting
*With vegetable shortening,
use :)4 cup milk; with butter
use ee cup milk,
Place chocolate and water in
bop of double boiler. Cook and
stir over hot water until choco-
Iate is melted and mixture thick-
ens. Add r.•a cup sugar and cook
and stir 2 minutes longer. Cool
to lukewarm.
Soft flour once, measure and
add soda and salt and sift to-
gether 3 times. Cream shorten-
ing, add 11 cups sugar gradu-
ally, and cream together until
Light and fluffy. Add eggs, one
at a time, beating thoroughly
after each addition. Then add
Cour alternately with milk,
beating after each addition un-
til smooth, Add vanilla and cho-
colate mixture and blend. Pour
hatter into 3 round 9 -inch layer
pans, 11/2 inches deep, lined on
bottom with paper, Bake at 350
degrees F. about 30 minutes, or
until cake springs back when
touched Tightly.
TRUMAN AS BABY SITTER - Former President Harry 3, Truman,
obviously pleased with his role as baby sitter for his two
grandchildren, poses in the window of his New York apart-
ment with Clifton, left, 3, and VJilliam Daniel, 11 months. His
d. ur*h:er and her husband are vacationing abroad.
oup butter w vegetable
4 cups sifted confectioners'
1 teaspoon vanilla
4, teaspoon salt
3 squares unsweetened
chocolate, melted
6 tablespoons milk (about)
Cream butter; add part of
sugar gradually, blending after
each addition, Add vanilla, salt,
and chocolate and mix well. Add
remaining sugar alternately
with milk until mixture is right
consistency to spread. Beat af-
ter each addition until smooth,
then beat 100 additional strokes,
or until mixture is creamy.
11 you happen to 1 i k e tire
ready - to - use packaged cake
mixes here are some suggestions
that will help you to vary the
Mix white or yellow batter as
directed on box; pour eh of bat-
ter into pans. Melt 1 square un-
sweetened chocolate (1 oz.) and
mix with 2 tablespoons warm
water, 1 tablespoon sugar, and
14 teaspoon soda. Pour into re-
maining batter and beat 30 sec-
onds. Pour over light batter, Cut
through batter with knife sev-
eral times to obtain marbled ef-
Make white batter and fold in
2 squares shaved sweet, semi-
sweet, or unsweetened chocolate
r2 ozs.).
Make white cake batter and
fold in SS cup finely crushed
peppermint candy. Sprinkle over
top of batter a few drops of red
food colouring and fold in with
only 3 or 4 strokes to streak
through hatter — but do not
blend completely. Frost with
White Mountain icing (recipe
follows. in column) tinted pink,
Sprinkle . with more rruslte1
peppermint candy.
Blend well in small saucepan
4 cup sugar, Ye cup white corn
syrup, and 2- tablespoons water.
Boll rapidly to 242 degrees le.
(Mixture spins a 6-8 inch thread
ur a few drops form firm ball
when dropped into cold water.)
When mixture begins to boil,
start beating 1/4 cup egg whites
(2 small). Beat until stiff
enough to hold peak. Pour hot
syrup in thin steady stream in-
to beaten egg whites, beating
constantly until it strands in very
stiff peaks. Blend in 1 tea-
spoon vanilla.
The colour of the egg she),
has nothing to clo with the qual-
ity of all egg -- brown or white
they're all the same. But here's
how you can tell if they're Iresh.
Old ones are smooth and shiny-
hinyfresh eggs are rough and chalky
in appearance. Also, a fresh u,n
:inks in water. the contents
should not shake: back and forte
loosely,. the yolk should he 1n
the centre( hold up to the light), •
ll seems many people waste
electricity or gas and cold, via
the refrigerator, Make this sim-
ple test close the door of the
frig on a slip of paper. If ii
pulls out easily, have the doer
strip replaced at once.
Is your bathroom scale telling
the truth? Test its accuracy by
weighing a 5 err 10 -pound bag
of flour or sugar an it,
We? ihty Thoughts
Of De Gaulle
ik' ides loin); soldier and
statesman, President Charles de
Gaulle considers himself a philo-
sopher. From his private desk,
his often profound, sometimes
sentimental thoughts have been
est forth in his memoirs, Some
of rte Gaulle's observations:
On ]!ranee: "The emotional
side of me tends • to imagine
France, like the princess in the
.fairy stories or the Madonna in
the frescoes, as dedicatee) to an
exalted and exceptional destiny
. In short, France cannot be
France without greatness.” •
On America: "To what power,
to what wealth can America's be
Compared? , (This nation's)
economy, based on apparently
unlimited resources, (produces)
enormous quanitities of consum-
er -goods . , . The United States
is assured of being the most pros-
perous nation „for some time.
Then, too, it is the strongest!"
On China and Russia: "No
doubt Soviet Russia, in spite of
having aided communism to take
root in China, recognizes that
nothing can change the fact that
she is Russia, a white nation of
Europe , , , richly endowed with
land, mines, factories, and
wealth, face to face with the
yellow masses of China, number-
less and impoverished, indes-
tructible and ambitious .. , cast-
ing their eyes about them on the
open spaces over which they
must one day spread."
On a Third World War: "Who
can say that if the opportunity
arises, the United States and
Russia, while each deciding not
to launch its missiles at the main
enemy so that it should itself be
spared, will not crush the others?
It le possible to imagine that
on some awful day Western Eur-
ope should be wiped out from
leloseow and Central Euroi'ia
from Washington. And who can
say the two rivals , , will not
On Disarmament: "France be-
lieves that peace can only be at-
tained if the general fear of sud-
den annihilation is first removed
She wishes above all that
stocks of nuclear weapons be deo
stroyed , , . that rockets and air-
craft capable of carrying them
b,e placed under surveil-
On Nature: " . , , On our little
property—I have walked around
it fifteen thousand times — the
trees, stripped by the cold, rare-
ly fail to turn green again, and
the )towers my wife has planted
bloom once more each spring
, , The buds , . , remind me that
ever since it has existed on
earth, life wages a battle it has
never lost. Then I feel a secret
solace passing through me, Since
everything eternally begins
anew, what I have done will
sooner or later be a source of
new ardor after I have gone."
The judge looked wearily at
one of his regular "customers"
standing in the dock, a man who
had already been before him for
speeding, reckless driving, drun-
ken driving, parking, and driv-
ing a car with faulty brakes.
"It's you again," grunted the
judge. "I seem to remember sus-
pending your driving licence for
a year last time, What's the
charge now?"
A hushed silence fell over the
The defendant looked shame-
facedly at the floor. A blush
spread over his face. He looked
at the judge and said: "Jay
walking, your honour,"
Stolen Heirloom
-'• A Hot Cross Sun!
You can imagine how hot and
cross an English baker become
when he woke up on Good. Fri.
day morning to discover that, arz
overnight thief had stolen one
of his most cherished possessions
-- a hot cross bun mare than it
hundred years old.
He had exhibited it for years
in a glass case in his little shop
for it was made by a member of
his family, also a baker, as long
ago as 1869.
The shrivelled, blackened bum
was regarded by the baker as a
family heirloom. Why the thief
took it remains s mystery, It was
certainly more precious in the
baker's eyes than the few
pounds' worth of silver' which
the thief also took from his ti11,
Nobody seems to know when
the first hot cross buns were
Made. The earliest trace of
something like them was in
Egypt about 4,000 years ago,
It's still customary for house-
wives in Devon and Somerset to
hang a bun in the rafters from.
one Good Friday to the next in
the belief that it will bring good
fortune to house or cottage,
And there's a popular supersti-
tion in other parts of Britain
that these buns never mildew.
The famous actor, Edmund Kean,
always travelled with a hot cross
bun in his luggage as a talisman,
For years he said it brought
him good luck, if he hung it up
in any house or hotel where he
was staying while touring,
But one night a fire broke out
in his lodgings despite the pres-
ence of the aged bun and he
was forced to escape in his night-
shirt leaving the bun to perish
in the flames.
ISSUE 19 — 1900
birthday no. 1
for 3 of a kind
Celebrating triplets' first birthday — at least these triplets — is enough to make strong men
weep. John, Robert and Eugene — sons of Mr, and Mrs. Milton R. Fry of Bremerton, Wash,—
literally plunged into their birthday cakes. Total destruction time: 5 minutes, Dodging the
flying frosting, an alert photographer recorded the debacle,
"Hey, this is more like in"
"Why bother with forks and plates?i'r