HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-19, Page 1' 1w71^t. atar WIIOI.E S1;RII.S, VOL. 82 Alex. Alexan *eipal The Iluron County Municipal Officer's Ass0eiaklon met in the Legion Hall hr Soafoeth on Wed- nesday, May :i1, at 10:30 am. The large gathering was wel- comed by President Harold Pol- lock, Mr, Pollock stated ale was very pleased to see such tl good tnrn-out for the aiming meeting. Ale% Ivan Forsyth, Reeve of Tuckersmith, welcomed the dele- gates to the silting meeting, Mi'. Forsyth also axpreesed thanks to the Legion for their kindness In permitting the meeting to be held in their new building and ho also praised the members of ,the Leg- ion for the very fine Legions fall which has recently been opened. -lin. Forsyth also introduced the officials of Tuckersmith Town- ship. Mr. Wm, Ball, Reeve of Seaforth welcomed the delegates to Sea - forth and expressed appreciation In the fact that Tuckersmith Township, wlio were hosts for the day, had been kind enough to hold their meeting in the town of Sea - forth, Mr. John Mullin, Warden of the County of Huron, also wel- comed the delegates on behalf of the County and stated that he was very pleased to be present and felt that the clay would be very worthwhile. Minutes of the ,previous meeting of October 21, 1059 were read by the Secretary, J, G. Berry, and were adopted on motion of Mr, A, Gibson and Mr. FI. Colman. The correspondence was read from Mr. IOlston Cardiff M.P.; Mr, Marvin Howe, M.P.; and Mr, ' John Hanna, A1,P,P„ stating that they were unable to attend the meeting today but expressed their interest in the Association and wished them every success. The first speaker for the morn- ing session was Mr, George Gear, the agricultural representative of the County' of Bruce, Mr. Gear spoke on the faun problems both past and future, The President, Mr. Pollock thanked Mr. Gear for a very inter_ ecting address, The President then called on Mr. W, S. Jackson, of the Assess- ment branch of the Department of Municipal Affairs who discussed with the delegates the various amendments fn the Assessment Act, Several questions were asked and an interesting discussion fol. lowed. The delegates then adjourned for the noon hour and during this period a short program was conducted, Dr. Semple pronounced grace and this was followed by a toast to the Queen. Mr, Archie Dobson, President of the Seaforth Legion, spoke to the delegates, Air. Dobson expres- sed interest in a proposed trade school for the County of Huron, Mayor Cluistie of Seaforth also brought greetings of the town. Mr. C. 3{acNaughton, M,P.P,, spoke briefly and expressed his appreciation at being invited to attend the gathering. Various new officials were in- troduced and the President stated he was very pleased to have these members with us and especially welcomed the village of Zurich who were attending for the first time. ott, Reeve -of Morris Bailie Township, thanked the da. dies of the Legion for a very fine dinner, Mr, Jack Pearson of the Depart- ment of C1pal oke briefly to thegathering ngrels ative to the work of Planning and De- velopment, Mr, Pearson suggested that at a later date a workshop would be held, at which time he would be able to go into more de- tails in connection with his pro- gram, The Department are partic- ularly interested 4n the problems of urban er word on this development a t subject would be forthcoming at a later date. Mr. Warren Pack, a supervisor with the Department of Municipal Affairs reviewed the amendments to the Legislation for the year 1960. Mr. Pack went into details en various items and a question period followed, The President, Mr, Pollock, thanked Mr. Pack for being pre- sent at our meeting today, Mr, William Empoy, Chief San- itary Inspector for the Huron. County Health Unit, addressed the lege' Association on the problems in -connection with his department, ' In the absence of the Treasur- er, Mr. Blake, the Secretary ad- vised that all membership dues have been paid, The Prthat esident had come for theelect- ion of officers for the forthcom- ingear. wished too°tithank how- ever,the members of the executive and the Asseeiation for their assistance during the past year. He then called on Ml'. Harry Strang to oonduet the election of officers, Moved by Mr, Eckert, seconded by Mr, Coleman that the election of officers be conducted in the us- ual manner and that the present °111eore would advance to the next position available. Carried. Atter Hilo motion Air, Strang advised -that the following would be the officers elected: Pres„ Mr. Alex Alexander; let Vice Pres,, Mr, Jas. McQuaid; 2nd Vice Pres,, MTS, 10, Cardiff; Plum() 84 Flea -fifers •* SI+,AFORTII, ONTARIO, TIII7IISDAY, MAY 19, :1990 61.00 a Year In n it,- u l (3081, n,0it, rust office DNA., Ottawa sn"waen 11,.•ue., Publishers s Huron ssoeiation To Apply for Licences For Four Rooms Pians are being made by Charles Dungen' of the Commer- cial Hotel, to apply for a Remise for the two beverage roomsand the two liquor lounges, at a hear. ing in Kitchener on Mune 14t11, Seaforth ratepayers having voted affirmative on all four questions last weak. Chas, MacNaughton, M,P.P„ was in Seaforth, Saturday, when it is understood sitee for a beer warehouse or Liquor store were unofficially looked over, If and when an outlet is established in Seaforth, the property 011 Huron Street just west of the Canadian Legion Hall is one of the places receiving favorable consideration, it is said, ENGAGEMENT Air, and Mars, Charles Machan, of Blyth, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest (laugh- ter, Ethel May to Arnold Druce, eldest son of Mr, and lIrs. Nor- man Walker, of Brumfield. The wedding will take place at St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, at - Myth, the early part of June, El GAar:ilIENT The Rev, D. L, and Airs, Elder announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, June Carole, to Mr, William Richard Menne, son -et Mr. Percy A. and Mrs, Ale- Fa]ls,.Exeter, -Marriage to take place in First Presbyterian Church, Seafm'th, on Saturday, June 11 at 2.30 pm. EN GAGEVEN T Mr. and Airs. Alvin Stevens, of R,R, 2, Seaforth, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth Louise, to Da- vid Arthur Crich, R.R. 4, linton, The marriage to take place early in June, ENGAGEMENT .lir, and Airs, Allen Armstrong, Varna, wish to announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Merle Marie to William Stanburv, son of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Stan - burn Goderich. The wedding 10 take place Saturday, June 4th in Goshen United Church at 3 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Auguste Du- charme, of Dublin, Ont., announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Rose Marie, to Mr, Ron- ald tieith Marcy, son of Mr, and Mrs, E. G. Marcy, Ancaster, Ont, The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 13th, 1960, in St, Columban Roman Catholic Church at St, Columban, Ont, 770r7,3ING DIFFICULTY A pair of robins have had a problem getting a home in Sea - forth this spring. Their problem was in no way related to the scarcity of houses or to the ordinary housing vex- ations, Here is what happened. After they built their nest over the rear door of a business place on Main Street and had got comfort- ably settled down to housekeeping, along came several naughty boys and pulled down the nest and carried off the egg's. Four days later the birds went to work again and in no time had another nest built in exactly the same spot. Comes Sunday and .the same boys again. Well, you know the rest, Executive one year, John Liver- more. Mr, Strang advised that it was necessary to till two vacancies or the executive committee for two and three year periods. It was therefore moved by Mr. McQuaid, seconded by Mr. Forsyth, that Mr. William Roberts be a member of the Executive committee for a period of two years, Moved by Mr. Clayton Smith, seconded by •.lir. C. Mawhinney, that Air, Earl Campbell be a mem- ber of the Executive Committee for a period or three years. The Association agreed also that the Treasurer, Mr, Blake, and the Sec„ J, G, Berry, carry on for another year, Therefore, in closing Mr. Strang advised that the following were the slate of officers for the forthcoming year: Peres„ Mr, Alex Alexander; 1st Vice Pres„ Mr, James McQuaid; 2nd Vice Pres,, Mrs, E. Cardiff; Executive, -one year: John Liver- more; two years: William Rob - arts; three years: Earl Campbell; Treas., S. H. Blake; Sec„ J. G, Berry. Mr, Strang' then called on Mr, James McQuaid, the Mt Vice Pres- ident, to close the meeting, Mr, McQuaid thanked Mir, Strang and also moved a vote of thanks to Tuckersmith Township for -the hospitality extended to the Association today, Also a vote of thanks was moved to Mr, Harald Pollock, Past Pres,, of the AeeocI_ ation, Moved by Mr, C. Mawhinney, seconded by Mr, J, Livermore that we do now adjourn, Three Cao' Accidents On Monday Three motor velicle aeeldents were inveetigctted by Provincial Constable John McDowell of Sea - forth on Monday. Two trucks collided at the main intersection at 13rucetield about 10,10 am, i'eSillthng in no injuries and damage totalling $900. One truck was driven by Donald Swei. tzar of Clinton and the other by Edward Frey, hllmira, R,'R, 2. About 7 p,n1, a car driven by Charles Chalklin, of Kitchener, going west on No, 8 highway three miles east of Seaforth, got over on to the shoulder of the road, went nut of, control and roll. ed over on its roof on the north side of the rood. The ear was tra- velling west, There wore no injur_ fee, Damage to the ear was around $700 and 75 feet of fence was torn lip. No other car was involved. About 9,30 p,ni, Monday evening a 1900 model car driven by Lloyd Steinbach, Mitchell went ant of control on the fifth enncession of Tuckersmith about 21 miles east of the Kippen road, in a one -car accident, The car was a total (j wreck atter rolling over. The dri- ver was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital for X-rays and a cut chin, He was released next day. Damage was about $1100. Huron County To Become B.C.A. Soo Ifuron County will become Brucellosis Control Area latMAO-mini=this year, Dr, J. 0. MAIlealt11 of Anin101e 13ranc Seaforth. stated this week, 1310 lo Will be taken by tech flaws under the dileetion of tocal veterinarians and tests will conlpletod by tthe110111li of Ani- mals Branch, All reactors must be sold for slaughter, it is understood that testing 1 gaol this Week' in Perth Countyuty 0, small Wt17 and will be gradual increased, It is not expected 111 Ribbert and Logan will be test for a few weeks, The Perth pr ject is in charge of 11r. P, 1 h Armstrong, ealth of Anima Blanch, 703(0Iford Home and School n Elects Officers a The May meeting o1' Seaforth er Ilomc and 601001 Assoliation 13.0,1ei1 or tit the school auditorium on May 11, fc with Mlo, W. 1lodocrt plesid- nd rug. The meeting epemecl by sing- ti- shag "0 Canada" and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, ':tit's, be llodgert welcomed all present, The =nines 01 the Marchand Al). MI meetings were toad by Mrs. R. Ca hatters in the (4440 ce of Airs, 0. e• Oke, Th annual treasurer's re- in port wa.+ .?111611 1» Mrs, Moore, ly 11rs, L. Row'att eatct(aine1 with at two del tele fid solo., Parent of the ed month was won by AlaLI, Wil- t:- li Hams. 31r. Talbot's and Miss 101d- ). cn s rooms won grade attendance Is award. The slate o1 officers for Bishop Townshend. Here Next Sunday Confirmation service will 1 held in St. Thoma; Church, Se forth, on Siutday, May 22 at 8 m. Eleven 1111ndidetes will be pr rented by the rector, Rev, H, Dol elation for the Laying an 0f hand ny the Rt, Reverend W. A. Towns lend, Sulfraaau Bishop of Huron pm was read by 11,8. W. Wallern, I0 was deckled to pend two Bele.. gates to Loaule'.*hip Training camp at Lake C0uchiching -4u June, 1C The guest speaker, Mr, C, Trott t 1'rinripul of A/V. Hugh Campbell e- School, Clinton I was introducedII' by Airs, llodgert, Jit', Trott sponte on Parental Responsibility to the i- School, Mr, Trolt's address was s very int pirhtg and thought pro- - yoking, .hiss Turnbull thanked • Ala Trott and firs, Roma,A. brief report on the meetings held dur- ing the year was given by Mrs. W. Hadget't, The installation of offi- ee's was performed by 31r, Talbot. The meeting Closed by singing "The Queen", Lunch was served, Slate of officers; Past Pres„ Mrs. 0, Nixon; Pres,, Mrs. Wm. Vice Pree„ Airs, 0. Oke, Airs, John Stevens, Airs, A, Y, McLean; Sec,, Mrs. Jack Moore; Trews„ Airs. N, Cardno; Finance, Airs, Miller; Corresponding Sec„ - Mrs, H,liason; Notices, Air, D, Morton; Program, Mrs, N. Bell Alts, 1', WIMPS,.alms, E. Boshart, Al's, W. I3ettger; Airs, 11, Malkn, Parent Education, Mrs. Angus Me. Lean; Social, Airs, P. Jlalcolm, Mrs, E, Dinsmore, Mrs. N, H. Ranson, Airs. 1). Brightrall; Mus- ic, Miss Mabel Turnbull; Audit- ors, udit ors, airs, J. B, Russell, .lir, J. E. Patterson, Bride -to -Be Honored By Mitchell Friends A miscellaneous shower washerd at the home of Heti, Howardue1'engesser, of Mitchell, last Thursday eventing with about 40 attending, for Miss Barbara Clark of Mitchell and London, prior to her marriage to Cary Sholdice, The event was .planned by Mrs, Jack Paris, Tho bride-to-be who was seated in a pink and white decorated chair was assisted by Miss Susan Querengesser and Miss Jill Tompkinson in opening the gifts which were ,taken out of a decorated wishing well. The rib- bon bows which were on the par. eels were made into a fancy hat for her to wear for the evening, Mrs. Gen, Wright conducted games of bingo with the winners handing their prizes to the bride, MTS. Paris and airs. Querenges ser were assisted by Airs, Osca Ellison, Mrs, BMBinning, Char lene Brooks, Susan. Querengesse and Jill Tompkinson in serving the lunch. Her maid of honor, Miss Donna Wagner of Monkton, and brides- maid, Miss Kathy Regain, llitohell also by Elaine Regan, Mitchell,planned a girls' shower for Bar- bara at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Clark, Mitchell, on Wednesday evening May 4th, where she was presented with miscellaneous gifts, Games were played and lunch served.She was also the recipient of a shower in London, of linen and ah inaware, from the office girls the department where she is mployed at the London Life, Consider New Lightsma For MaStreet A 30 -foot cement post has been Put up on Main Street alongside of Durst's machine shop with an incandescent street light. The old standard on the sidewalk was in the way of vehicles operat- ing in the driveway and was often hit. The pole and light are experi- mental. bf satisfactory, more will be installed on Main Street with mercury or flourescoit units in place of the present lights, The matter is under consideration by the town and the Public Utilities Commission, MRS, JOAN df, GOVENL00K Tho death of Mrs. John Ai. Gov- enlocic, occurred Sunday in Clin- ton Hospital, following a short ill- ness, Mrs. Govenlock was iu her 96th year, Born and educated in MioKillop township, she was Nellie Hays, daughter of the late Air. and liraliraThomas E. Hays, Her hus- band who died in 1951, was War- den of Huron and MPP for a num- bei' of years. She came to reside in of Seaforth in 1925. She was a life e member of the WMS and LA of First Presbyterian Church, Sur- viving are :two sons, Nelson, of Waterford and Lester of Toronto; di four daughters, Mrs, Norman (Nettie) Ireland, Lethbridge; Mrs. :Viae Dorrance, of Seaforth; Nil's. J. K. B, (Edith) Brown, Tor. onto, and Airs, S. (Beth) PMllips, London; a sister, Mrs. E. C. Mun- ro; Penticton, B.C.; and one bro- ther, W. T. Hays, Edmonton; 12 grandchildren and 11 great grand- children. The remains were at the G. A. Whitney funeral home where a. funeral service was held Wednesday at 2 p.m, with Rev. D. Leslie Elder officiating. Burial was 111 2iaitlandbank cemetery, r Car Hits 1. Phone Pole When a car ran off the road and hit a telephone pole at the corner of Gouinlook and Coleman Sts., about 6.15 Saturday evening a number of phone services were disrupted, Driver of the car was Joseph Arthur Mero, 20, of town. Damage to the pole and wire was 2150. Damage to the vehicle was estimated at $200. It is thought the car was travelling too fast to make the turn. The passenger in the car Doug- las McKellar, 25, of Seaforth, sitt- ing in the front seat, was thrown against the windehield. He suffer- ed lacerations to the head and re- ceived medical attention. The accident was investigated by Chief of police Hutchinson and Constable Calder, DALRYMPLE-GATINT A pretty wedding took -place at the home of the bride's parents on Saturday, May 14th at 3 p,m. when Harold Laverne Dalrymple of Egmondville and Olive Faye Gaunt of Londesboro were united in marriage. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and MTs, Earl Gaunt of Londesboro and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Dalrymple of Egmondv4lle, The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev, Henry Punge of•Londesboro United Church, be- neath an arch of pink and white streamers, ferns and spring flow- ers, The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a turquoise (flowered nylon dress ov- er taffeta with nosegay of yellow roses, rosebuds and white stream- ers and headdress of Wihiteroses, Mrs, Lorne Thompson of Bruce- fleld, sister of the groom, was ma- tron of honor, wearing pink Cow- ered nylon over taffeta with nose. gay of Dims roses with streamers and rosebuds, Mr, Kenneth Gaunt, of Lions Head, Ont., brother of the bride, was groomsman: The wedding music was played by Miss Marguerite Lyon of Kitch. ener, cousin of the bride. The reception was held at Tige- Dunlop Inn, Goderich, which was decorated with sparing flowers, The bride's mother received in a dress of navy nylon velvet with sequins, and corsage of pink ro- ses, The groom's Inothel' received -in a dress of pale blue flowered silk with corsage of peach roses. Por travelling the bride wore a light blue polished cotton dress with matching bengaline duster with small flowered hat and cor- sage of pink roses, white acoes. sorties. Upon their return the3' will reside in Egmondville, TO RECEIVE DEGREE. Dr, E, A, McMaster Will go to Miami, Florida, on Jane 10, to re- ceive the degree of F,A.C,C,P, and become a Fellow of the American chest physieiens, LADIES' AID Mrs. Messenger opened the La - es' Aid meeting of First Pres- byterian Church with a poem "An Old Fashioned Mother". Dur- ing the period of business plans were discussed for special meeting to be held in the Fall to celebrate the 60th birthday of ,the Ladies' Aid, The guest speaker was Rev, 11, Donaldson, who brought a very inspiring message based on Josh- ua, Grace and Gloria Beuerman played two lovely accordion solos, Ma's. W. Coleman thanked all who took past in the meeting, A .social hour was enjoyed following the meeting. Is Appointed Inspector I n Huron County JAMES W. COULTER It has been announced that James W. Coulter, BA, MEd, of the Stratford Teachers' College staff has been appointed public School inspector in Huron county with office to be located in God. erich. Mr. Coulter, a native of Wing - ham, taught in Kitchener before joining the Teachens'1Oollege staff in 1955. During the Second World War be ire saw service in both the Army in and Air Force. He married the former Betty I N Orr of Milverton and they have S three children. 1 110 BHOLDIOE - CLARK Trinity Anglican Church, Mitch- ell was the scene of the wedding on Saturday, May 14th at s o'- clock of Barbara Fern. Clark, of London, and Gary William Slue. dice, also of London. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Sa- muel Clark, of Mitchell, and the groom's pareuts are Mr, and .Mrs, Russell Sholdice of Brodhagen. Rev. P. Tomplcinson of Mitchell officiated in the double ring cer- emony. The altar flowers were pale pink snapdragons, ferns a orned the chancel steps. Given i marriage by her father the brad wore a floor length gown of whit sills crystal charm, fitted bodic with empire waist, boat necklin with plunging V back, finishe with a tailored bow which wa joined to long flowing train, kiln ono sleeves with long gloves ex tending to a point. Her flower were red rosea, d - n. e e e airs. Frank Becker, Clinton; Gus e Johnston, Seaforth; Sylvester of d Kitchener; Dorothy, Mrs. Carl s Feeney, Seaforth, and 21 grand- m- children. She is also survived by - three sisters and four brothers, s Mrs, Joseph Matthews, Seaforth: Peter Bicknell, McKillop; Thom- as Bicknell. Seaforth, and Leo Ilicknell, Kirkland Lake; Mrs, p Thomas Maloney, Seaforth; Gus e Bicknell, Breslau; Mrs, Thomas Butters, Dublin, The remains are resting at the o (1-, A, Whitney funeral home, God - re erich street west. The funeral will take place on Friday, May 80th at g d 111111,111111,1111111111,1111111111, I I1„1111111111011111111111,11 1111,1111111"1111111111111„11,11111,11,111111111111 a 1111111111, / JUST ARRIVE ! NEWNEX�C�gITINSG �{ Thr' p��r�;CL.dS nti ��I V I E N [t O N lj i "'tl 3a�ws' ! S' LI D STA INLESS ENLAI R`r WITH P aEC9" » LIS P»'' 'RSC, E�1 ABN FLOWERS 5 pc Place Setting $850/ We are privileged to introduce "White Lily," a new concept in Stainless design. Because we expect an exceptional demand, we suggest you see and order "White Lily" right away. Avail- able now in open stock, place settings and complete services, *Trademarks of Oneida Ltd. Savange's(LIFTS. FiNE CHINA JEW ELLI'211Y 0ni0"1111111III„11111,11+•x11 p"u0p011111111"11,11pa"1"111111111111111"101M.11.111111,11,11111 tttttt ,1tlN"ap,p with white lilt with navy trim, navy shoes and purse. white gloves and red corsage. They will reside at London, Ont, Guests were present from Win- dsor, St. Catherines, Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto, Loudon, Eng., Bowmauville, Wellesley, Walton, A'Iilverton, Brussels, Thornhill, Seaforth, Aurora, Agincourt, Brampton, Brucefield, Rostock, Monkton, New Hamburg, Detroit, Kincardine, Waterloo. Exeter, St. Thomas, Dublin, London, Breslau, Delhi, Hamilton, Mitchell, Brod- hagen and surrounding district, 31111), JAMES- JOHNSON The death occurred at the Tha- mer Nursing home, Seaforth, about 5.30 p,m. on Tuesday, May 17th, of Gertrude Ilicknell, wid- ow of the late James Johnson in her 74th year after an illness of over two weeks. The late Airs, Johnson was born in McKillop where she lived until coming to Seaforth 20 $'ears ago, She was a member of St. James' Roman Catholic Church and the Catholic Women's League, 1ler husband died in 1951, Surviving are three sons and two daughters, Jack Johnson,. Waterloo; Angela, Miss Donna Wagner of Mouk too, maid of honor, and the bride smaid, Miss Catherine Regan, o Mitchell RR 6, wore identical pal aqua dresses in silk organza mat erial, white organza hats, whit accessories and cascade bouquets Warren Sholdice, brother of tl groom, was best man. The usher were Roger Sholdice of Brodla enc brother of the groom, an William Clark, 01 Windsor, neph ew of the bride, Airs, Edward Glick of Mitchell was organist. Traditional wedding music was played, Lohengrin's Bridal Chor- us and Mendelsohn's Wedding March. Soloist was Miss Beverley Sholdice, nine year old sister of the groom, dressed in pink organ- za and holding a nosegay of white mums and pink roses, She sang Wedding Prayer and 0 Perfect Love, The bride's mother wore a two- piece dress in olive green and white silit print, beige accessories and corsage 0f yellow roses. The groom's mother was dressed in beige silk shantung with jacket with suint green and beige accee- sorios. Tito wedding breakfast tools place in the church parlors, In the evening the wedding re- ception was held in Brocihagen community hall where table dee- orations were bouquets of mums, Table waitresses were Susan Que. rengesse', Susan Clark, 'Margaret and I..inda Whitfield, Jane Clark, Helen Blow, Claretto's orchestra, of which the groom was a mem- o, provided the mOSic. for dalte-, The honeymoon Wfte spent in iagara peninsula and United tates, the bride travelling in a vy and white two Niece costume 9 am. et St. James' Church, Rev, Father Charles Sullivan officiat- ing, Burial will be in St. James' cemetery, BRUCEFIELD Mrs, NV, Stackhouse and Mrs. Mac Wilson spent a few days last week with friends in Loudon and Wilton Grove, Air, and Mos, David Triebner and family attended the Baptis- mal service of their fist grand. child, Gwendolyn Elizabeth at Brussels United Church last Sun- day. A number or neighbors attended the funeral of the late Mr. S. Mc- Clung at NVatfo'd on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Henderson and family, Mr, and Mrs. Robt, ])ol- rymple, Mr. and Mrs, Ray MoNall and Mr, Gordon Elliott, 1VI1'. and Mrs. Geo. Henderson visited With Mrs. Henderson's sis- ter and brother-in-law, Rev, and Mrs, Chas. Cox at Pricevtlle on Sunday, We are pleneed to revert that Mr, 10, Dalrymple is improving 1)110 is stili in Clinton hospital, 1 Mrs, A. Togs is visiting with 1 her brother-in-law in Seaforth, and her nephew, Mr. (cordon Hor- ner, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, D. McKenzie of Blyth, spent Saturday with their son Dr, D. A, McKenzie at the Manse. The many fiends of Mrs, Alex .Mustard aro sorry to ]snow she fell and fractured her wrist, Mr, and Mrs. Clare Snelling and family, Milton, Mr. and Airs, Harvey' Snelling. Monkton, visited with Mr, and Mrs, C. Snelling. Air, and Airs, ]ray Israel and family of Kitchener spent Sunday with Airs. Israel's aunt, Airs, 0, Snell ing, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Doan of AI- vinston spent a few days with lir. Doan's sister, Airs, Dawson, last week. On Monday morning two trucks minded at the intersection at Brucefield. A truck driven by Ez- ra Banitler of Elmira was pro- ceeding from the west failed to stop incl was hit by a southbound truck owned by -lir. Bert Boyes, Clinton. Fortunately no one was hurt. The accident was investigat- ed by police. The truck was re- moved by five in the afternoon.. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs, Harold Smuck of Kitchener with -lir. and Mrs, Fer- gus Stapleton Mr. and Mrs, Len Steinbach and Reta. of London, with Mrs. Kath- leen Feeney. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Costello and Jackie, Ken Stapleton, Glenn But- ters and Ken Feeney attended the Costello_Muui iy wedding at St. Thomas on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, L. Feeney and the children of St, Marys, with Mrs. Q Feeney', Mrs, Join: Frappier and daugh- ter, Montreal with her parents, 1h', and Mrs. Geo. E. Ilolland. Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Butters and children, St. Thomas, with Mr, and Mrs, Tom Butters, Miss Alice and Theresa Ryan of London, with Mr. and Mrs, Pat. Ryan, Forty Hours Devotion will 01)e0 at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin on Sunday. June 6th. Mrs. Joseph Stapleton in Lon- don and Toronto. Mr's. Fergus Horan, ahs. Ger- ald holland attended the OWL Convention at Stratford, Tuesday and Wednesday, Mr. Ferg Stapleton spent the weekend at French River, Mr, Marvin Benninger, St, Pet- er's Seminary. London, is spend- ing his vacation at his Alamo, Miss Lorcet Looby R.N., I.an- dot, with hr.r mother, Mrs, A. M. Looby, Miss Rose Marie Flannery, Lon_ cion, with Mr, and Mrs, John Flan- Ile'y, Miss .Margaret McCarthy, Kitclt- ener with her father, John M'c- (Jerihy, air, ,ane Doyle or Dorchester with friends in the village, Mr. Ted Rowland of 'Toronto with Louis McGrath, I?ROTIIER PASSES A, R, Goodie, president Goudies .imitod, Kitchener, passed ton* n IL:W', hospital late Wednesday, Mrs. Sempre is a. sister of the late Arthur Gentile, Dr, and Mrs, Sem. ple are in Kitchener, The South Tltu'on White Bean Club will meet et Cook's mill at ilelsall on May 25111, c"