HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-12, Page 8Grea't s� rance ofMEN'S S y TS READY-TO-WEAR These ale not old snits — they're spanking new patterns, tenors and styes in continent- als, young mien's, naturals and stouts, for shorts, regular and tall men. Every suit is 100% pure wool in new cheeks. pin stripes and plains. We've just got too many --and Inust unload 100, Collie and get yourself a real bargain, — But hurry for the best. choice SIZES 36 TO 48 $39.50 All al erations done free of el arge • No extras REGULAR 59.50 & 65.00 FAMOUS MAKE SUITS "Towne Hail", "Hyde Pai'k" and "Tip Top" are the labels on these best suits. -- Fine English worsteds - - every one of them in the last word, as to style, pattern and shade - - We need the money — and you need a suit - - se let's get together -- SIZES 36 TO 44 1.5 EXTRA SPECIAL ! ALL T a/'.PGOA TS Harris tweeds. velours and��yt ���•••yyy''' gabardines --all slip-ons and p� 1't tAJ o f T Raglans, Save up to 10.00 at oce1 /ti STEWART B O5. NORTH McKiLLOP The Bethel W -MIS_ and W.A. meetings were held Thursday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs, Don Dennis, The president presided and opened the meeting with a prayer. Hymn 509 was sung and Mrs. Roy Wiidfan.3 left In prayer. Tennis Dennis react a poem on "Mother". A community friend- ship skit was presented by'Mrs. Ed Regele and Mrs, Stanley H}1 - len and itwas very enlightening on the duties of that department, Ethel Dennis read two items from "The Observer", and Mrs. Leem- ing gave u. talk 971 Stewardship, Items of business discussed were articles for the bale which are to he brought to the !text meeting, also our invitation to Winthrop for their meeting on June 1st at 2 ism, The next meeting Is to be at the home of Mrs. Alex Dennis, s CASH Miss Jennie Hogg is to be our speaker. Hymn 330 was sung and followed by the closing prayer, Mrs, Wm. Dennis presided for the W.A. meeting, After the min- utes of the last meeting and roll call Mrs, Burch read a humorous story entitled "A car for Mothers' Day", A donation of •$35 is to be sent in to the M. and M. Fund, 3Irs. Burch offered to help pack the bale of clothing to 130 sent away in June. The coppers are to be brought to the June meeting, The small bake sale at the close netted $7,18. FIymn 589 was sung followed by the closing prayer. STAFFA Miss Vera Flambley was re- elected president at the annual meeting of Staffa W,I. held hn sun Staffa hall, Mrs, G. Hoggar'th, wit Mrs, 0, Reed and Mrs. 13, Fell Mrs, ^ brought In the slate Of officers. Mrs, 'Lout Laing Presided for tha election of officers They aro as follows; Past Pres , Mrs, Gerald Agar; first vice -lues„ Mrs. 1't \\rorden; secozlcl vice press Mrs, 0, Kerslake; SeesTrclts„ Airs J. stiller, assistant, Mrs, 0. Agar; ptanist, Mrs, 0. Reed. itssistaait, Mrs, \V, Glanville: auditors, Miss Olive Spear°, and Mrs. J. T°rnplo- man, I}ietrtct Director, Mrs, G. Agar, alternate, Mrs, Tont .Laing; Directors, Mrs, .1, Drake, sirs, L, Miller, Miss Olive Speare, Mrs, Ed Brooks; press reporter, Mrs, T, Drake and Mrs, Ed Brooks: flower committee; Mrs. William Boughton and Mrs. Ray MacDon- ald; conveners of Standing Coin- m-ittees Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs, Bert 1+"e11 and Ml's, L, stiller; Citizenship and Education, sirs, 0. Kerslake and Mrs, W. Glanville; Historical Re- search, e-se arch, Mrs. C. Bowman and Mrs, Gordon IIoggartlt; Home Econom- ics and Health, Mrs. G, Agar awl lire, R 1 MacDonald; Re c , solution, Mrs S Norris; Pub}ie Relations, Airs, J. Templeman. The roll call was answered with suggestion for the coming year. Reports of the Standing Committees were given; Letter a thanks from War Mem- orial Children's Hospital for sew - Mg that was sent, Mrs. Robert Sadler sang a solo. Delegates for Distriet Annual at Russeldale hall on May 17., Mrs, C. Kerslake gave household hints, it was cle• tided to assist the 4-H girls by buying any extra seeds they re- quire for their Garden Club. Gifts were presented to the 4.1;1 leaders, An Executive meeting was also held in the hall, planning the year's program, It was cleeided to hold the meetings in the homes. A committee was named for a bus trip in June. A family picnic in July, The May meeting is to be at the home of Mrs, .Agar with the grandmothers as guests, BLAKE' Mr, and -Mrs. Edmund Erb and family, Mrs. Mary Hanson and Johnny Geiger visited 'with Mr. 'were:: Mr. Frank Dundas, Toren- Johnny Mrs. Cleve Gingerich and the .t°; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pickets and of Zurich, ing, Sandra, Ken, Bobbie and Mr, Archie Mustard of Sarnia Daviel, of Oakville taken from the study book, "Arris Off Disturbed" tstnrUed" uelitg the lith chap= ter `Tracing old footprints, old patterns to new", '0lie May torte will be given by the 17th told bounds ^r r The LOA'S( Prayer repeated in iinleon closets the meeting. Mrs, Alvin McDonald presided for the 1V, A, business period, he minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs, Ron Bennett, also thankyoli cards. It was (Meld- ed to order four dozen juice con- tainers and sell thein for 75e each Flowers for May for the chereh auditorium will bo supplied by the Walton group, Mrs. A, Coutts gave the treasurer's r'epor't, Tho 7th annual Hutson Presby. tory Women's Aseaciation report was given by Mrs, Harvey Craig and Mrs, Nelson Reich spoke on the Preliminary Draft of the new organization, Presbyterial Wo-, mei! s Fellowship, The meeting closets with •Prayer. Walton '1G'tftng Workers Thet3th meeting of, the Walton Willing Worker's "Meat in the Menu" was held on Saturday, May 7th at the home of Teresa Ryan with all members and -two leach- ers -present, Eileen 'Williamson Presided and opened with the 4-I3 pledge, Jean Walters read the sec- 1•etary's report and Ann .Ryan gave the treasur'er's report.. SSTs. J, McDonald spoke aboutvarieties for ground meats, Home assignments: 1, Plan • a day's lneuu for your. family and put in your record book, 6, Worst 0u record boosts, The roll 'call for the meeting; Hand in your planned menu. Plans were made to !told the 7111 meeting on Sat- urday, May 14, at Eileen William - son's, We enjoyed a delicious meal of hamburg, chocolate milk and squares, On Thursday evening Mrs. N. Reich and Mrs. J. McDonald took the 4H girls into Brussels where we saw a demonstration on the cutting up of a carcass of beef by Mr. Riley and Mr, Baeker, Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Dundas spent the weekend with his wife and family, :IIT. and Mrs, Leonard Seffery and family, of Godei'ich ' Visited with, Mrs, Leon Jeffery and boys, TUCKERSMITH Tucicersmith Ladies' Club held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Sytnick with 12 members and two visitors present. Meeting opened with the Opening Ode fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer, Min- utes of the last meeting were read by sh's, W, Rogerson, and the treasurer's by Mrs. Ernie Crich. t eh Thankyou letters were read from Douglas Crieh and from Diane Lewin, The imaginary bake sale collection was taken, The eur- prise package which was donated by Mrs. Walters, was won by Mrs. O'Brien, An auction sale of slips, bulbs and plants proved very in- teresting. The program consisted of readings by Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs, Sytnick, and Mrs, Lawson, Group 3 will be in charge of the ,lane meeting and the roll call will be gr"Where we want to go on our liic- nic". The meeting closed with the Homemakers' Prayer,Lunch was served by Mrs, Sytnick and her oup, WALTON The regular monthly meeting of WAIS of Duff's Unitech Church was held in the church basement Thursday afternoon, Airs. G, Mc - Gavin presided and opened with hymn 132 "Cone Thou long ex- pected Jesus" followed by scrip- ture reading of Psalm 22, This being World Refugee Year, the leader gave a brief outline of the work being clone, also read a very fitting poen,, The secretary, Mrs, R, McMichael react tile minutes of the previous meeting. The roll call was answered with a Beati- tude and Mrs, C. Ritchie, Fellow- ship Secretary, read two suitable clippings, Hymn 361 "0 Happy Day that fixed my choice" was g and prayer offered followed h a solo by MI's, H. Sniallclon, A. McDonald had the topic M.ARBOLEUM— q "A" Gauge Standard Domestic JASPE— "A" Gauge Standard LOTS •- 25 TO 300 No color guarantee. No refunds. No returns NI SEAFORTH HENSALL DODDS—r00BOL !Marriage vows were exchanged by Maja Marie Rooboh, and eon, ald McFadzean Dodds, in, a lovely spring wedding at Hensall Unitech Church, Saturday, 1\0asy 7, 1900, before the Rev. R, C. Winton, minister of --the church, assisted by Rev, C. D. Daniel of Ingersoll, a former minister, amid a setting of standards of pink and white snapdragons, ferns and candelabra. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and c Mr•s. Simon Roobol, FI a ens 11 and the •groom's patents are Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Dodds, 11,R. 1, Sea - forth. Miss Greta Lammie presid- ed at the organ console for the bridal music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Carl Payne of Hen_ sail, who sang "The Lord's Pray- er" and "0 Perfect Love", • The bride, given in marriage by her father wore a beautiful bridal gown of peau de sole which fea- tured a scooped neckline edged with guipure lace, long lily -point sleeves, the full long skirt had a pleated side insert edged with guipure lace in a lovely chapel train. A tiara of sequins and seed pearls held her :fingertip veil of pure.silk illusion and she canted a cascade of pink roses and steph- anotis. Matron of honor Mrs, Ray Lee, Seaforth, and bridesmaids Miss June Ross and Mrs, Ron Decker, both of London, were gowned alike in street -length dresses of turquoise silk organza with cas- cades of pink and white carna- tions, Lloyd Holland, Clinton, at- tended the groom, and Fred Mc- Gregor, Brucefleld, and Ron Gel- derland, Ridgetown, ushered the guests, For receiving at the reception ie the church parlors the bride's mother wore a teal blue brocade two-piece dress with three-quart- er length sleeves and Elizabethan colla', pink and black accessories. The groom's mother chose a crusty rose ensemble styled with a lace bodice and three-quarter length sleeves, Both wore corsages of white carnations. I•'or travelling to Western Can- ada the bride wore a brocade beige and brown dress with beige coat, green anti brown accessories and corsage of bronze colored orchids. They will reside on the groom's farm, r1' 1 Seaforth, The bridle is graduate of the 1959 Victoria hospital School of Nursing. The groom attended the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. Guests were present front Hensall, Bruoeflelti, Seaforth and other points. DUBLIN Miss Rose Mary Flannery, stn. dent nurse of St. Joseph's Hospit- al, London, with her .parents, MT. and Mrs, John Flannery. KIPPEN EAST T{ippen East W.I, will meet on Wednesday, May 18 at 8,30, Host- ess, Mrs, J, Drummond; co -host- ess, Mrs. Ken McKay. MavalliareareftreineMeinbrnainexteeMaMarsomel NOTICE An Open Letter to The News Readers: I wish to state publicly that iu no way do I support the position of the Business Men's Association as stated in their full page advertisement on May 51h last: on behalf of liquor out- lets in our community, Signed, Mrs, Gordon McGonigle (McGonigle's Grocery) IDELP WANTED Male Help for Shift Work Female Help for Day Work On Production Apply to 8; Mechanical Rubber Products Ltd. Arthur St, Mitchell \VtltehGfoi' thio Bair styling phew in the I.cgtou hall, Seaforth, Wednesday, June 8. Hair styling by Qi'aoo Mclherson, Robert's Iouse of leant teetering 1 i n the fittest hair styli i by two stylists from Bruno's Academy wlio tofu' Canada and the United States. Sponsored by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary COMING EVENT Garden Party and Supper at St Patrick's Church, Dublin, on July 6, Gunter and refreshments, LOST Wallet lost at Qoderioh and Helen streets Tuesday night, Milder please phone 88 FOR SALE 100 Red & Sussex Red pullets 10 weeks old, ready for the range, Win, Dennis, Walton, phone 8431'3 Fa SAL - Purebred and registered Here- ford bulls, one year old. Joseph Hoggart, Con. 13 AAHuliett 1059 Philo° refrigerator, igen atot', used 7 months, 8180, Phone Archie Park- er 117 Seaforth s • R A tucco cottage on West William St Dave Stewart, phone 287 GRASS WANTED Good grass wanted for 7 or $ head -of cattle, Contact 8611'14 Boy's bike. Good condition, Phone 183 R Seaforth FOR SALE Manure spreaders nearly new;. Hospital bell with spring mat- tress, hilliest new; largo chest of drawers; shall tractor with two plows and disc harrow; sheep rack; truck wagon and hay rack; 30 rod et 9 wire, new; hand cream separator; hand washing mach- ine, steal; lawn table; kitchen cabinet; 20 ton jack. George Col- clough, Clinton R 1, HU -2,3205 PASTURE Will take 10 more head of cat- tle for pasture: Mrs, Thos. Storey, Seaforth, Phone 347 W FOR SALE Wood and wire pens for rabbits and birds, etc. Fred Fowler, Mitchell FOR SALE A small Quaker oil burner, used 2 years, new condition, Ml's, El- mer Hunter, Goderich. • RR 3. Phone 19118 Dungannon FOR SALE Kitchen range, coal & wood. Stanley Hillen, 848x2 FOR SALE Purebred Landlrace hogs 1-34yr, oltl. Also some weanling sows and hogs, James Souter, Brucefleld, phone 658r14 Hereford bull, SALE old. Andrew Veenstra, Clinton RR 4. Phone HU 2-3378 2 head of bi rhamL grass cattle. 1 freshr Du han 1 cow., Thomas Burns; RR 4 Mitchell. Lot' 33, Con. 5 Logan FUNKS SEED CORN Plant the best seed corn avail- able for either grain n1' silage purposes. See or phone your Funk G -Hybrid Dealer, Haugh Bros„ Brucefleld, 658r23 Seaforth, or' Milton J. Dietz, rr 3 Seaforth, phone 647r21 FOR SALE Five improved Landraoe boars, ready for service, 3 bus. -red clover. Vivan Cooper , 653r21 Seaforth Property for sale House with all modern conven- iences in the village of•Egmond- ville with 3 acres of land. Good terms, Estate property. 1%% storey brick with 5 acres of land, gar- age, and barn; on paved road near Winthrop. Must be sold to close estate. Apply to Harold Jackson, Real Estate Broker, or John Cardno, Agent, Seaforth +=gym®m: WANTED TO BORROW 880,000 or 840,000 by reputable indiv- idual, fully secured, reasonable rate of interest. Principal to be !repaid over 10- 10 year period. Enquire at News Office Electrolux OSales and Service. Gary Cooper, Gordon Street, Clin- ton, phone HU 2-7200 . Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery, and household effects, at Lot 20, Con. 9, Morris twp., 234 west of Wal- ton, or 5 miles east of Blyth, on TUESDAY, MAY 24th, at 1 p.m. Cattle — 8 steers weighing ap- prox. 900 or 1000 lbs. 7 Steers weighing 500 lbs. 3 grass heifers. 1 cow with calf at foot. 1 grass cow- 2 heifers 2 years old. Sheep — 20 sheep with lambs, 1 rant, Poultry — 190 year-old Kimber le hens. Machinery — Massey Harris 33 tractor with live power take- off. Ford tractor with sky line L loader, McKee harvester with p wagon & rack, 7 ft Massey Harris power mower. 13 run seed clrill, Cockshutt tractor hitch. 7 ft Mas- sey Harris binder. Massey Harris 96 bus, manure spreader; side CARD O'I � zAN s We would like to thank all those who helped in any way at the time of the 1190 and who gave so wiU n i 1 t g y of their • t t izue un t 1 1 ea fort. To those who expressed their sympathy, thank you one sed all. It was deeply appreciat- ed. Nestle and Catharine Bean CARD OF THANKS To all those who helped to snake nfy stay hi St. Joseph's Hospital, London, ntol'e pleasant, my sincere Ili 1 W FOR SALE A 59 Ford, V 8 engine, custom 4 door sedan, automatic trans- mission, matched interior, back tip lights, 1960 licence with extras, Mileage 8,000, new car condition, color tsdlitian bronze, privately owned. Apply to The Seaforth News, .FOUND Sums of money in MoK.illop township. Owner may have same by proving g property in writing to Box B, The Seaforth News, FOR SALE .,te lierly plantsdeur certified stook, any quantities. Phone 60731, W. Collins FOR SALE Mixed Gladiolus Bulbs, large, 50 for 80.00. Not prepaid, Named varieties prices on request. Murray 0, 7,yndall, Erucetleld, Ont, Phone Seaforth e40w2 Remember, Huron EVENTo- World Refugee Year Blitz, May County 21. TENDER Separate sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Friday, May 20, 1960, at 5 p.m. for the purchase of the following used equipment at the Huron County Home, Clinton. 1. Cleaver Brooks, oil fired, steam boiler. Packaged unit com- plete 80 H.P. - 54" x 10' - 10" Model #LR 614.5; Manufacturers #O -I2224. Maximum pressure - 15 lbs, 2, RobertB ell E. & T. Co. Ltd. p upright 7 h. , hand fired boiler', 3. 5000 - allon oil tank (6 years old). envelope,in Insert number of tender on C. Inspection may be made by con- tacting ' H. Johnston, Superin- tendent, H ron County Home, Clinton, Highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. JOHNG. BERRY, Clef -Treasurer County of Huron Cour House Gose i ch , Ontario • g li It t r STARTED PULLETS 12 wk old pullets ready for range. Red x Sussex & Famous Honegger Layers. Sciiummer chix. Blear Mousseau, ICippen. Phone Hensall 694r5 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Estate Auction Sale of property and household effects at lot 6, con. 4, Tuckeremitll twp,, 1% miles east and 2 miles south of Seaforth on Saturday, May 14th at 1 p.m. (DST). Furniture Chesterfield and chairs, rocking chair, occasional chairs, walnut oval table, round walnut table, piano bench two davenports, wine carpet 9 'x 14, 010 English oak diningroom suite, small size roll top desk, radio, rangette, frigidaire, chrome kitch- en set, floor lamps, electric lamps, iron, toaster, General Electric va- cuum cleaner, washing machine, electric fan, heater, record player, clocks, mirrors, 4 furnished bed_ rooms, chest of drawers, blankets, dishes, flatware, crocks, sealers, garden tools. • Other articles too numerous to mention, 1960 !ton stake rack D ap re edge truck in .good condition, 45 , of 1 -ft, drive belt, 8 cord of lit wood, wheel barrow, oil bar - 1s, 7" x 8" tile, 1200 new bricks. Farms will be offered for sale subject to reserve hid if not pre• viously sold. Parcel 1 -100 -acre farm, lot 6, con, 4, Tuckersmith twp„ 2 storey brick house, bathroom, good wat- er supply, hydro, 2 car garage, steel barn 60 x 40 2 yrs, old, cem- ent silo, 50 acres workable, re- mainder in pasture and bush. Parcel 2—.100 -acre grass farm, no buildings, windmill. Terme---Ohattels, Cash Property -10% day of sale, bal- ance can be arranged by contact- ing Russel Sproat, Executor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Estate of late William Sproat ,wee rape, 10 ft stiff tooth, cultivator. 3 furrow ace bottom plow double disk, Woods oat roller, 1% his motor; wagon, 160 bus, grain box. 6 section harrows; grain blower. 2 wheel trailer with stock rack, 32 11 extension ladder, 22 ft cedar ladder, 2000 lb scales, 250 lb scales; fanning mill, ha'n jack, Stewart electric clipper. Webster paint spray; gas barrel with pump. 25 cord mixed wood, cedar posts, slush scraper; water heat- er; tractor chains. Quantity of lumber; post drill; snow fence & posts, 2.8 gal milk cans; milk strainer; 26 gal can, Household Effects --- Raymond sewing machine, mahogany bed room 50110, poster bed, springs & mattress, Books, pictures, oak chine cabinet; oak dining room shite, living room table; 2 rock- ing chairs, writing desk kitchen cabinet, kitchen cupboard, elect - table, sealers, 0011011, kitchen rio stove, cook ,etove, drop loaf utensils & dishes, Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold, Prop„ John Taylor Ault, Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo, Powell BRAESIDE NURSING NOME icen5ed for convalescent & elderly Boole. Cull 805 .Mitchell FOR SALE Viking Cream Separators for sale, 1-1959 now. 1—Just like new, in per - fed shape. A full line of parts for. any Viking make, John Byormmn, Seaforth SEE 1 High Germinating Well Graded ..SES 4151£ TODAY.. D. A. Moffat) & Son KIPPEN Phone 670.22 Mansell i^I , IE SUAI GI T � II NEWS (Phone 84) Thursday, May 12, 1900 BOX Funeral Service. AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 806W MARTIN W.STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, S.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5_W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC 8, A. blerdaeter, B.A., M.D., Interns* O0ice Hours, M1 n,10 toeon p.m., daily sesset Wednesday 504 Sunder 10' r ens Tuesday, Thursday and gat-. ard,sy only 7-0 p,m. Appointments made In advance an desirable TURNBULL && SRYAN VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBTILL, D.V.M., V,S, W. R. BRYANS. D.V.M., V,S. W. G. DRENNA.N, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 106 Seaforth JOHN E.LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Godepiolr St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily exceit Mon., 9 te, 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12,30 PM. Thor. •vc, by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010,. above Hawkins' Hdwo, Mon. 9 to 5,90, INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate _Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS. CHAt11PION STOVE AND FURNACE PDhone 5 DAO373 5&or 3p32�V AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM MI -HART Office Phone 784 • Mies. 286 We write all lines of FIire rat ui Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seafortk Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE—SBAFORTH, 090 Officers --. President, John L. Malone,. Seaforth; Vice Pres., John H. Meowing,. Blyth ; Sec..Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Direet�rs, Norman Trewartha, Clinton,. 3. L. Malone, Seaforth ; Ohris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; ,Tohn II. McE'oing, Blyth; Wm, 8, Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Puller, Godorioh ; J. E. Popper, Brucefleld; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth, Agents— William Leiper, Jr„ London - bora ; J. P. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Olin - ton ; Tames Keys, Seaforth. Poultry Wanted Fowl wanted, 24c for heavy fowl. Premium prices for larger flocks T,F,SLIE HOOD MONICTON Call collect 651-12 Mitchell Need Money ? Unlimited funds available on farms, homes, motels, stores, etc. Fast service anywhere in Ontario. Fast service anywhere, No retainer fees DELRAY INVESTMENTS 460-A Wilson Ave„ Toronto ME. 3-2353 Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal unicipal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m„ on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk NO SMOKE, NiO ODOUR HEATING OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 w Seaforth Hudson Sterling - Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 4'