HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-12, Page 7Shark Swallowed Murder Clue After a desperate battle, two Sydney fishermen caught a four- teen -foot shark that had become entangled in their lines. Exhibit- ed in an aquarium, it refused food, and swam incessantly up tend down the pool. On the sec- ond day it suddently went bee'• serk and disgorged a human arm, tattooed with pictures of two boxers fighting!. The atm had been severed at the shoulder. A piece of rope was bound tightly round the wrist. The police made inquiries about missing men with tattoo marks on their arms, and even- tually the wife and brother of tone, a billiard -marker named James Smith, identified the limb as his, He had left home on April 8th that year, 19Sb, nine days before the shark was captured, saying he was going eishing with an- other man. The rope round the wrist made it unlikely that the arm had been bitten off, so the beaches and sea-bed in the local- ity were searched for other parts of the body—without result, The dissected body of the shark yielded nothing. At first the police thought Smith had committed suicide by tying a rope round his arms and body, weighting it with some heavy object, and leaping into the sea. Suspecting foul play, they interviewed associates of the dead man, but found no one who'd been fishing with him or even seen him set out for the day. The probability was that Smith had never gone fishing at all, but had gone to a certain seaside cottage with another man, for it was reported that a tin trunk and mattress had vanished from the cottage, and a rope and three mats from the owner's boat. If the ate.. had been bitten off by the shark while Smith was still alive, this would favour ac- cidental death or suicide. Sir Sydney Smith, famous Professor of Forensic Medicine at Edin- burgh University, happened to be in Sydney on a round -the - world trip at the time, so he was asked to examine the arm and give an opinion on this point. He found that it had been severed at the shoulder by a clean-cut incision, not bitten off. He went further. The condition of the blood and tissues suggest- ed that it had been amputated some hours after death. In a deeply absorbing account of his criminal cases—"Mostly Zurder"—tSir Sydney eoilclucles -that Smith was killed by his Companion in a quarrel, his body probably cut up in the cottage on the mattress and mats taken from the boat, and the parts placed in the tin trunk—except for the arm. Unable to get this into the packed trunk, the murderer at- tached it to the outside with the rope from the boat, tying one end of it round the wrist, The trunk, mattress and mats were then taken out to sea and dump- ed, but the arm worked loose and was swallowed by the shark. "What a queer series of coin- cidences it was that brought the crime to light!" Sir Sydney com- ments. "The trunk was just a little too small to take all the remains, and the only part of the body with a distinguishing mark was the part left out." This part worked loose, and was swallow- ed whole by the shark, and, out of the thousands of sharks that infest the beaches of Australia, that particular animal had to be caught alive. Further, that particular shark had to have a stomach upset and bring up the arm, thus provid- Ing the only clue. There was an arrest and mur- der charge, followed by formal hearings and adjournments pend- ing the inquest. But the Su- preme Court later decided an inquest could be held only if there was a body, and one limb talon was not enough; therefore a writ was issued stopping fur- ther proceedings. The accused man was committed for trial, released on bail, then acquitted. CROSSED UP — British sailors lend themselves to a herring- bone pattern while exercising en a floor -to -ceiling contraption et Portsmouth, England. The activity Is e required program. When Big Jeff Tried To Come Back The vital spark was not there, Jim Jeffries, only the empty shell of the great fighter of seven years previous, was whip- ped by Jack Johnson at Reno, Nev., on July 4, 1910, before the most remarkable assemblage of sporting men ever gathered in the history of the game, John- son not only outclassed Jeffries, but actually played with the big white man as he played with little Tommy Burns and Stanley Ketchell. The end, while it came with the suddenness of a thunder- clap, was not a surprise, for it had been in plain sight from the fifth round, There could have been only one ending, and even the most rabid Jeffries enthu- siasts could not "kid" themselves into thinking that their man had e chance after the fifth round, It was not that Jim took much punishment, for the blows John- son landed were not enough to have beaten a man of ordinary vitality, but Jeffries did not dis- play a semblance of his old-time form. There were none of his short, determined rushes;, none of his trip-hammer blows to the body, and when, after the fifth round, Jack began man -handling le -Mies in the clinches, and eas- ily blocking any attempt at re- taliation, there was nothing to do but wait for the end of the fight. It must be remembered, how- ever, that Jim had not entered the ring since August 28, 1904, when he defeated Seek Munroe at San Franisco, Calif., in two rounds, and then retired as the undefeated heavyweight cham- pion. When Jack Johnson, finally ended up as titleholder, friends persuaded the once mighty Jim to make a comeback as the only "white hope" to regain the crown from the colored champion. Con- sequently, instead of the old Jeffries, one saw a man who ducked and clinched and fum- bled away with both hands in the clinches, while Johnson sys- tematically and methodically whipped up either hand to the face, bringing the blood in streams. When Jeffries carne out of his corner to begin the fifteenth it was only necessary to take one look at Jim Corbett's face at the right, Jeffries shuffled into a clinch. There was nothing about his leg action to indicate that he was groggy, but he seemed tired and his face, over Johnson's shoul- der, was a picture of defeat. The fight eye was closed to a blue slit in the puffed flesh; the left eye was swollen, the nose was split and blood was trickling. from the lips. Many a time Jeffries had tak- en more punishment and won his fights. It was the expression on his face which made it plain that he was at the end of his string. Johnson came up swiftly, his lips parted and his eyes shifting from side to side. There was no smile on his face and he forgot to nod to his friends at the ring- side, Once he led with his left and the two men cane togther, locking arms in a clinch. Jeffries. hung on for a few seconds and then disentangled himself, back- ing slowly away toward the west side of the ring and toward his own corner, Johnson follow- ing with left extended. Again the men clinched and this time Jeffries came to a halt with the upper rope across his baclr. This time it was Johnson who broke from the clinch, and as he did so he drove his right to the body, following it imme- diately with a left to the point of the chin. Jeffries' hands drop- ped at his sides and he bent double, slowly collapsing to a sitting position. He tried to rise but fell over backward half in and half out of the ring, his legs over the lower rope, 'The thing came so swiftly that. it took the crowd by surprise and there was no noise, except the noise by the thousands rising in their seats. A thin, scattering cheer from the bleacher seats was not sufficient to drown the voice of Timekeeper George Harting. Jack Jeffries moved over, and placing his arms under hie brother's shoulder, helped - him back into the ring. Jeffries was helpless and staggering, and just as his knees cleared the floor, Johnson stepped forward to deliver a right to the jaw, but. Tex Rickard pushed Jack aside. Jeffries swayed over toward his corner, and Johnson stepped in with a deliberate jaw punch, which sent the white man to the floor. Jeffries lurched to his feet just at the count of ten, and as he raised himself from the floor he spat out a great mouthful of blood. The last blind instinct of the fighting animal' warned Jef- fries to clinch and he hung on With what little strength he had left, while Johnson mauled him clear across the ring That was the end of Jim, Tex Rickard stepped between the fighters and stopped the bout. "In a few years," said the artist to his landlord, "people will look at this miserable studio and say: 'Janes, the famous artist, used to work here,' ". "If I don't get the rent by tonight, they'll be able to say that very thing by tomorrow," said the landlord. Truth is tough, It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch:, nag, you may kick it about all clay, like a football, and it will be round and foul at evening — Oliver Wendell Holmes. r THAT I!r,AID IRRESISTIBLE URGE -- Small boy vents his small fury on a large: rubber container An New York's Museum of Modern Art, it was part of "artistic packaging" exhibit. O at el CLASSIFIED BABY CHICKS BRAY da) olds, some started, pullets, Infixed chicks, alto Ames egg specialists for high-speed white or brown egg pro. duction Dayold cockerels prompt ship. meat. bee local agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, nt. -.. BOYS" SUMMER CAMP KARAMU BOYS' CAMP (POWASSAN, near North Bay Ontario) 7 to 14 years, qualified Red Cross In. struetors, Supervised programmes July and August. For descriptive folder APPLY NOW: Karamu Boys! Camp, 29 Rushley Drive, Scarborough, Ontario. BOATS FOR SALE SCAT DEALERS SPECIAL WHITE fibreglass hulls with transom mate ate 14 x 88 x 28 quantity discount, Finished .can retail up to $300. Humber Boats, 133 Wendell Ave„ Weston. BA. 5.8387. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE PET shop h1 central location, St, Cath• arines, established 8 months, Cern- 1letely stocked and equipped. Only 4,500, easy terms, A. S, Kimberleytd , Realtors 140 Church St., St. Catharines, MU. 4-7428. evge, LICENCED HOTEL. East of Belleville Ont. Very nice Ladies' Beverage Room. Seating capacity of 62 persons and a Men's Room seating 56. 12 nice bed- rooms on second floor plus ownor'a - apartment with turnover of 15,000 gals, yearly. - Can bo taken over with $26,000 down. 8 CAR -GARAGE bully equipped, in- cluding automatic washer, pas pumps doing 66,000 gals. yearly. Attached Liv. 1ng house and store. Showing a net income of over $8,000,00. In a town of 6000 people, Asking 410,000 down. We have various farms, Restaurants, Stores, Motels, Service Stations, WRITE Box 3198 or phone ltd Timmines, Ant- erior, Ont, 1200. - PROSPEROUS LUMBER and Builder Supply business, It's good! Inventory turned oyer about alx times annually. Sales over $400,000. Early possession available. Reasonably priced for such a thriving business. Call FRED GAMMAGE REALTOR — Ga. 4-8481 486 Richmond Street, London, Ont. !BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT FOR Sale, trade or lease with any reasonable terms accepted on excellent 5,000 sq. ft. steam heated building on highway near Sarnia. Ideal for light -manufacturing. Has been successfully operated for 88 years by sante family as a car and farm implement agency, iY you are a good mechanic and want to get In a profitable business loca- tion with no opposition for several miles, investigate at once. Apply 11.0. MacFarlane, Box 911, Petrotla, Ontario. How Can 1? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I insure perfect, straight scams in my home sew- ing? A. Try placing a one -inch piece of cellophane tape on the needle plate of your sewing machine„ %-inch from the needle point. Then you can run your material along the edge of this tape. Al- most all patterns call for %-inch ' seams. Q. What is a good way to pre- vent moths in stored clothing or furniture? A, Bend an ordinary straight pin to form a hook, heat the pin- head, and insert it into a moth ball, When cool, it will be cemented into place. Then hook the moth ball into the clothing or attach It to the furniture to. be stored. Q. How can I give my hair a good dry shampoo? A. Beat the whites of two eggs as stiff as possible, then take this a handful at a time and rub it into the scalp with a light circular movement of the fingers. Dry in the sun for at least 20 minutes, then brush with a clean brush for several minutes. This will leave the hair soft, fluffy and clean. Q. What can I do, when re- stringing beads, if the holes in the beads are too -small for a needle to pass through? A. Discard the needle and rub a little glue on the end of the thread. When this is dry (which takes only a few minutes), it will be hard and stiff, and you can then proceed with your stringing, Q. Please suggest a good, effi- eiellt way to clean crystal glassware. A. One of the best ways is to use newspaper. The inside of the glass should be damp. Crush the paper inside, and rub it around briskly. Q. What is a recommended way to clean wicker furniture? A. By scrubbing it with a not - too -hard brush anti lukewarm soapy water. To rinse it, put the furniture out on the lawn and ttu'n the hose on it. Pucker Up, Baby! ! Renowned for her beauty fawn -eyed Kerima Bassiouny brought gasps in a Cairo divorce court one clay last Month. Her c'ompla'int: 'Every time her nets. band started to kiss her, he faint • - ecl. True, said the husband. Such was lierima's be11uty that merely touching her --- much less kiss- ing her -- was enough to make him heel aver. Astounded, the judge ordered husband Baes.iouny -to euro his uel'vouo'ness by June 1 or lose Kerima. -She's too beautiful," the judge eilid, "'to :go through life un- touched, one sex," ADVERTISING wM w r BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN ROSS t OWN AND OPERATE A Coln -Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store, Net 34,000•$9,000 Annually, Write or phone today for full informs. tion about unattended coin-operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities in your community. You manage An your spare time — while netting high income, We finance 90% of your total purchase offer' you longest financing ported of lowest monthly installments, You re. serve training and advice from a na- tional organizationthat has helped over 8500 men and women like you go Into business for themselves. No ex- ment. This cproven ewe8t profitaable automatic business offers a money- making opportunity to anyone who wants to own his own business. Com- pareour complete. program. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6-7255 FARMS POR SALE FRUIT farm, 10 acres, 2 miles frora Talbot Street St. Thomas, just off No. 4 highway, house with uR storage basement driveshed bank barn. Apply E. H, Titlerin ton, R.R, 4, St. Thomas, phone IYIE 1-7266, early morning or evening. FARM, Stook, Implements, 114 aeras choice land, North Duf£erin County. Good buildings, all conveniences spring creek. Large herd registered Herefords including 30 cows. Full litre Implements. John Deere crawler with blade. Details by letter. Going concern $40,000.00. Cash. Consider selling sepa- rate. Robert G. Hunt, Honeywood, Ont. . 200 acres choice farm land in Bruce Township, Bruce County. Good brick house; large barn. large driving shed and hen house. Hydro and water 1n house and barn, 188 acres workable, rest hush. Land level and no stones. School across road, Priced at $18,000, $6,000 down, balance on easy terms. Contact A E. McMullen, Tara, Ont. Representative, W. L. Stevenson Real Estate. FARM MACHINERY FOR BALE FARM and Industrial tractors, loaders backshoes, combines and balers. All makes and models. .Lowest financing rates and most reasonable prices, Your Massey -Ferguson Dealer. Hanson Supply Ltd., 120 King St. W. Stoney Creek. HELP WANTED — MALE WANTED; experienced dairy farm hand; three-room cottage. Other Danish help kept, State wages. Charlie Lucas, Lefroy, phone 11105, - HERBS QUAKER Comfrey northern grown, free literature. E. A. Peterson. Box 180, Debden, Saskatchewan. INSTRUCTION EARN Morel Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 50e. Ask for free circular No. 3S. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. MACHINERY FOR SALE BARGAINS for quick sale! Atlas bench. mill, No. 2 Cincinnati Universal 51111 S.P.D. drill presses, engine and Mr. ret lathes, shapers, shears, brakes, lock formers, rolls, edgers 8" rotary table .21,4"x5" perm. magnetic chuck No, 44 Dumore tool post grinder dial lndt. cators, level gauges, Boring bar set, expanding mandrels - centre scope, portable electric grinder and saw, table saws, rip saws, jointers, electric and Mr hoists, electric motors, 5 IG W. 60 cy. generator 220 volt 1 ph., spray guns and spray painting equipment, Silver Bros., 57 Stuart St. W., JA 2-3505, Ham - Ilton. MONEY TO LOAN UNLIMITED Money Loans — To City and Farm Folks. Money for anything and anywhere. Phone or write now. OPS Investments Ltd. 99 Avenue Road, Suite 310, Toronto 5, Ontario. WA. 2- 2442. ' OUR OWN FUNDS LOANS to buy a business, real estate, or farm, To consolidate present loans and add cash. Mortgages — 1st, 2nd Ord on commercial, farm, residential property. Chattel loans en machinery, equipment, fixtures. Anywhere in Can- ada, Symington Field, 501 Yonge Street, Toronto, WA. 1.4022, MEDICAL TRY ITI EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint ma, acne,nr Itching, pimples nand foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regmdless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR PAST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO NURSING NOM?' SUNRISE Nursing Some, Pendleton, Ont, care for elderly, invalid and in. digent persons, irrespective of race, creed or color. Private and semi -pri- vate rooms. Government - licensed. Write for particulars. NURSES WANTED URGENTLY NEEDED TWO registered nurses for general duty In 48 bed hospital. Highest sal• arlcs paid. Telephone 370 or apply to the Administrate' of St. Joseph's Gen. oral Hospital., Little Current, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML•N AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHO01.. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pli•asen( dignified profession; eoud ,rages. Thousands o1' successful Marvel Graduates Ar':riwa's Greatest System Illustrated Cadaloane Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 35$ Moor St, W„ Toronto Branches: as King- St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa. PERSONAL ADULTS: Personal Rubber floods, 56 assortment for 02.00. Finest qunlitY, tested guaranteed, Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors BOX 24TF Regina, Sask, GET 8 HOURS SLEEP Nk1IVOU'S tension may cause 75% of sickness, Particulm4y sleeplessness, fill tcry10146 and irr!tabiliee, Sleep, calm ynur nerves with "N,4p1 s", 10 for 51.00, 80 for -54.00, 0.4 -Oafs 01 ues,. 471 Dan- forth, Tcurnto, 0 PERSONAL LONELY? Get acquainted, hundreds members in every province, All age many with means, Widows with faint , City and country girls, Particulars Ire Western soaiul Club, Gen. Del„ Mal P.O., Calgary, Alta. DRUG STORE NEEDS IN MAItL PERSONAL noes. Inquirles invite Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY COMPARE cur photo service try an order. KODACOLOUR DEVELOPING — 90¢ GIANT COLOUR- PRINTS -- 35¢ ea. Anseoehrome & Ektachrone mounted! In slides $1.25. BLACK B. WHITE DEVELOPED and 8 Enlarged prints ................... g8g and 12 dated Giant prints 70V Reprints 6¢ each We Pay all shipping charges, A fast( dependable service by METRO PHOTOFINISHING CO. ADELAIDE ST, BOX TA (A -I VICTORIA) TORONTO 1, ONTARIO. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 8 magna prints In album 40* 12 magna prints in album 00¢ Reprints 5e each KODACOLOR Developing roll $100 (not including prints), Color prints 351 each extra, Ansoo and Ektachrome 35 nun 20 ex, posures mounted in slides $1,26. Come refunded from Tulle for6 unprinted knege tives. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. PONIES OUR Third All Pony Sale to be held May 23rd holiday. Consignments aro now being received for Registered and Grade ponies. ICemur Ranch Limited„ Galt, Ontario, SHETLAND PONIES FOR SALE GRADE & Registered mares In foal. Grade & Registered Serviceable Skala Dons. Registered fillies.. Geldings. Bridgewood Farm Woodbridge R.R. 1, Ont. POULTRY A140 SWINE NOT one, but four outstanding layers of large white eggs. The demand for good quality white shelled eggs is in- creasing and in today's competitive) market, you want a small hen utak lays a Large white egg, on the mini- mum intmum amount of feed. We offer: Kim - her K-137, Weddle 400, Tweddle 401 California Grey X White Leghorn, Send for new Illustrated folder on these four outstanding layers. Our best dual pur- pose: Red X Light Sussex, Light Sus- sex X Red, Red X Light Sussex X Red, Red X Barred Rock, Broilers; Vantress X Arbor Acres White Rock. Vantress X Nichols No. 108. Broiler cockerels. Turkey poults: Broad Breasted Bronze, Thompson Large White, A. 0 Smith Broad White, Beltsville, Older pullets, all ages. Also, the famous Blue Spotted, and English Large Black swine. Cata- logue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, FERGVs ONTARIO PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS RAISE Nutria for Fun and Profit! Mu- tations and Castor Negras, SLe mmnthe old, $50 each. Charles iiaufman, Route No. 1, Urbana, Illinois. "Fur 00 Youth". SUMMER RESORTS 1DLEASE RESORT! Kennebunic, Maine. Free color folders. In. the Pines by the Sea, $26 weekly. Free color Television, pool,' gorgeous beach, kltehenettee, maid service.. TEACHERS WANTED HOLTYRE, Ontario, requires female teacher for junior grades, I-IV' also male teacher for senior grades, "/.vIii. EXCELLENT opportunity for married couple In thriving Northern Ontario mining town. APPLY, giving all particulars and name of last inspector to: W. T. Phil. Ups, Chairman, U.S.S. No. 1 Black River and Guibord Townships, Holtyre, Ontario. VILLAGE OF ROSSEAU Requires Teacher FOR GRADES 1 TO 4 STATE qualifications, experience mid name of last inspector. SALARY offered 52,000 for term com- mencing next September. C. S. RAYMOND, SEC.-TREAS. NORTE Alice Township School Area, Duties commence in September Quail, fled teacher $3,000, with experience $8,100. One school with Grade 1 only, others all eight grades. Short distance from Pembroke, bus service daily. APPLY stating qualifications. experi- ence and name of last inspector to Reg Biggs, R.R, 6, Pembroke, Ontario. AJAX SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD REQUIRE 8 Teachers for September, 1966 GRADES ONE TO SIX Salary Schedule Minimum - $2900.00 Maxintmn 84800.00 Annual increment 12110 for n wand, mum of 8 years expeienee with other boards, Benefits Physicians° Services Inc. full,. paid Paid Sick Leave Teachers' Credit Union Modern well.equipped school. situated 16 minutes from Oshawa, and \true Toronto. Apply to: D, C. WAINMAN Teachers' Committee Ajax, Ontario or Phone WH 2.2415 TRACTORS -. SPEEDEX RiDING TRACTORS COMPLETE range of attacheu:nts for year round use itu2ged euellty con structton. Full year warranty 5'z 11, P. $425.00, 0 ILP $5110.110. Per full hum - motion and prices write to! hot o11111 Sides, 2620 5511.. Chair M'enur 4' ,,!.. Tor. onto 9. Ontario. ISSUE 18 — Mee MERRY MENAGERIE 0) 14 ''1'ardent rue 1101t At. ele'L ;Fed tearkin„ up the wrong iloe