HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-05-12, Page 4BROOHAQEN • 1)ehgrah Ma rle, inl:lnt daugh- ter of Mr. anti Alis, Albert Bauer, \s'tls bltllt.itied thlri'ig the Suttthty Morning Service at 4t. Poter's 1.r1• the run Chore 11 by Rev, I. J. 1 144. cher with Alr. and Airs, Arthur ( ampbell and Mlr. and Airs. liar, v'y Drown the ,,:pon.eo1•,e along with the parents, Olt Sunday teaming a farewell llite or the play was "Focal 'for Father"; double trio by Donald •lietlel'tmtnll, dilly itnt44)44)114441), (lto'la Dieg4rl, Neil Raplen, Shir- ley leeker4 Joauno 1 111 *sen, )iitt- no 41414)1: by Jeanne I. illgsett end Paul Horan.; piano stilus by l3ev- e'rley Sholdtee, Barbara 110 ;S, Cheryl. 014)1111 nicy; trombone soil lc l Linz: voe tl r'olo, Mar- e:tr t: 411is en ladies' quartette, 1A \\'4)1, Dicl;•el, Atls, 0, f 41.011 411)4)1:)1 01'0111114' 11.1 '4 held 111' the hetet, Ales, Dation Hinz, Mee, G, basement or the church far itev. 111:.1, (u•cnllpanied by MIs. R. R and lit Pl.,cher prior to their ;iltoldice net the. ),1114)1); accordion letv i u rot 1 huwaod neer be 11 11 ., le t ioe, I onna 4eherh;Arth: Kar - the es:: lege, for thee yetis, :Mr. on and Pauline Osborne singing Bess 1 e emitardl was chatrm m with Erlyu ()shortie accolnpanyinp- and 0t'ro was a short program: them on the a ,rdiou Anse. And - one a,, play b} member: of Ike r))• 1'r'i'4ttp organist of the Luther League, \1 a ren S1101(1 101, •1101 at ,u e e,npaniO4 1)11 rho elano Arthur 1)i(,e1, - Sharon P1lleter, for singing a few hymns. After Donna Si'herbartll 1'11 Ile 64:4)4)4. tIll' program 3Ir. Aug. S)her1artlt wies and Shirley Treetowsky, read a very totting address and I II 1111111111110110111111 uII ltttl"IAt,t111i, t„,1 • tt1111tt,1411110111111i111111.11111101111111(1111 tt1„11010 4,„„,„111141 ANNUAL. MEETING and Dinner }JUR 1' N COUNTY TB ASSOC. Hotel Clinton, Clinton T i rs 1 TV 19 7 o'clock D.S.T. The special speaker will he Mr. 1). N. Mason, Rehabilitation Officer Public Cordially Invited Harvey A. McDerulitt President• Mrs. J,13. Russell Executive Secretary 01101111.1.11111.11.111111111.1141.111111 t1tt4111111,11,11114)11,1111111111,1,1111111ttnttufts11114111111111 ttttttn 111.1111011P, Family Hospital Insurance premiums are required after mar- riage. Be sure you are bath protected. Tell your employer or collector right away. If you pay direct ... tell the Commission. READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO —if you haven't one, ask your employer or write HAVE YOUR EST SUMMER EVER Really live. Enjoy the fun of going places, doing things. It's so easy inOntario,Start your best summer ever by mailing the coupon below. tttttttttt r4; ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE --Shoes you ,were to go "sere to stay at tile price you want to pay. Mali fa: Ontario Travel, 761 P34113rnen1 Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, Bine Address Pod Office Nov. KNOW ONTARIO BETTER explore, oNTA_ I ':E44.41 384A411fiENT OF TRAVEt. AND PUBLI1I44, Hon. Bryon 1. Calh.erl, M;n.,l ., Pastor and Mrs, Fischer were pre :Idea, '111i it chesterfield and chair and a 111111144 cabinet by the eon gllgitt101) and various pl.'i11)iz. irtian4. Posen. Fischer graelonely thanked on behalf of h.ln wife awl hien e1i' and Om eve1113114 closed with a hymn and lunch, On \Vl'dneeday evening mein hers of the United Lutheran Wo- men met for their monthly meet- ing with \Ir$ Lew Ilicl,s, Airs, (1, \lode, 1R s, ( W. l.eonhardt and Mrs,1 11 , ter( 11aF.' ttlr in charge or rlevolions, >ais flicks presided for businese. An invitation \Cels 411- (.11tr Bethesda United t l l l Fa nite(1 ('hunch for the 1)1ternoen of J1u1e 71h, the ladies also to attend a cen\•ention at Zion Lutheran Church, Strat- ford on Flat., May 14. A letter was read from Roy. Calvin 'Diesel of !Walden', giving a description of Geraldton and his (thumb and 1haukiug for a gift received from this greull, Cards of thanks were read front the families of the late Mrs, Nora Diegel and the late Airs Atrium Dietz, also thanks from 1411rs. Edward Scherbarth, Jr,, Airs. Harold 11111gse11, Mrs. Win. lief/Delimit), Mrs, Edwin Seherharth, ')'w4) layettes were made by the ladies and are to be sent to Lutheran World Relief, 01101 1 helper has leen purchased by this group from Pastor Fischer to remain in the parsonage. Birth- days were reported by Mrs, 11, E. Diesel 3110 Mrs. Eli Baleen, Members of 111e Luther League etlen(10(1 a convention at Philips- burg Lutheran Church 041 Sunday afternoon, On Thursday evening four one - net plays were presented in 111e Prec(hagen and Distrii't Commun- ity nail by Luther League mem- bers from Milverton, Wellesley, Baden and Drodhagen,-Tlie adju- dlca o t Is were the principal of the Milverton High school. and Mr, Ashdown and MrMurtha, teach- ers of Mitchell 11i„1) school, They decided that Brodllagen play Food leer Father, was the winner unci a cup was donated and pres- ented by Russell Sholdice to Ole director, Mrs. Ralph llicks; and the best actress was Sharon ?me- ter of Brodllagell, and a cup wag (101141e0 041(1 presented to her by Wilfred Ahrens and the best actor W118 Arthur Diegel of Brodhageu, and a cup was donated and pre- sented to him by Ralph 111111s, Free soft drinks were (ionated to the cast of the four plays by Lew Hicks and For(! Dickisou. Piano pupils of Miss Audrey Priestap were competitors in the Mitchell Music Festival, Friday, and many received second and third prize, Roger Sholdice attended Leader ship Training Camp at E(Igewood Camp, Eden Mills, near Guelph for the weekend, On Friday evening friends or Henry Leonhardt held a stag party at the hone of Edgar IIflle- brecht for Henry prior to his earn- ing marriage. lie wa0 presented with a chair by Ralph Hicks, The event was planned by Charles Scherba4111 and Edgar Hillebrecht, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Rose of Sar- nia spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Chris, NV, Leonhardt, Mrs, Albert Hinz Sr. w110 had been with her (laughter, Mrs, L. Wolfe has been moved to Strat- ford Hospital, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Ruggle, Kit- chener, Airs. Lester Schantz, Sher- ry and David of Hamilton and Fred Dean of Calgary called on Mrs, Chas, Ahrens and lb•, and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens o4) Sunday, .Air. and Mrs, Carl AIikel and Gloria of Fullerton with Alr, and SIrs. Norman Benuewies on Sun- day. Mrs, Clara Rock of Stettler. Ai- l'erta is visiting relatives here. CROMARTY Alr, and Mrs, \\', Harper at- tended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Garnet. Passmore at Forest on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Carey are spending a week with their dau- ghter and son -i4) -law, Mr, and Mrs, D. G, Armstrong of Mont- real, Mrs, Roy McCulloch is a patient in Scott Memorial Iiospital, Sea- torth, I Mother's Day guests with Airs, Sadie Scott were Mr, and Mrs. J. AI. Scott. Muriel, Jerry and Ron- 1 uie, •Staffa; Mr. and Mro, Duncan Scott and baby, Mr, and Mrs, Ger- don Scott, Ina, Dorothy, Anna, Agnes and Frances, Airs, Eva Col_ qulloun and Miss Jean Colquhouu, Staffa. Air. Lindsay McKellar, Laurie and Bob. Huron County Refugee T MAY 16-21 Give Generously when The Canvasser Calls On You ONE OUT 01 FIVE REFUGEES —IS A CHILI) 1uncltiy visitors 101111 Mr. and Mrs, Will '4111111111011 we -1'e Mr. and Nies. Cliff Miller, Bonnie Jea11 and Paul and Mr, and Mrs: Nelson 1'iaahin, Behoove, Family gatherings were held at the Monies of Air. and Airs. T, ;ling Alr, and Airs. Otto Walker, 1tr, and. Airs, K. Mai:eller, Air, a'rd MIs, 1,11yd Sorsdaltl and Airs, Al, t - !ought an. Air, and airs, It. Decide or Wel- .on have moved into the village and are : o 1v c t ecus, 116' th0 Sorsdaltl holt0e, 'L'lle Christian Tastily service on Sunday n ,.nucha, was well attended, The children or the Sunday school with their teachers 0e0011iecl the centre Trout pews and the junior choir led in the singing of the hymns. and provided a special number, The prepared 1110341am was followed and Rov, S. Kerr delivered e, 1nee911g0 on the s4) gested subject, "God Setieth tl Solitary in )Families," Diploma and ;seals were presented to se crlil of the scholars for regal attendance, Friends numbering 100 tees• present at a shower given 111 hon or of Margaret Elaine Johns i Roy's United Church, The 41 club girls' address WW1 read b Muriel Selves and a gift present a.(1 by Janice Christie, A deeora ed baslt01 of gifts was presente by Brenda, and .lean Dow, the ad dress being read by Amy Dow, Doris Johns a1141 Airs. Donald Johns assisted the bride-to-be in opening the gifts Margaret ex pressed words of tippreelat'ion and a delicious lunch was served by the ladies, Airs, Fred Solids entertained at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter M'argaret's approaching marriage on Thursday, April 21, Receiving 1 4) 5 1 he the guests were t g bride's mother, MIR Tohns the groom's smother, 11i' R Miller and the bride -elect, Those serving in the afternoon wore Misses Ala - bel Dow, Janice and Joan Christie and Airs, Larry Cook, and in the everting, Misses Irene ('olquhoun, Audrey Kemp and Bonnie Ritchie. The trousseau and gifts were dis- played by Miss Doris Joints, Mrs. Donald Johns, MIs, ,Tae. Alltchell, \liss Ann Mitchell and Aliss Mar- jorie Strathadie, Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs, Clayton Colqu- 11onu„ Mrs, Sterling Grahm, Mrs. Jas, Willis and Mrs, M. Christie: The May sleeting of the W31S was held in the Sunday School room of the church wit)! Mrs, Houghton presiding and leading in the worship period, The topic "Keeping Faith Alive" was given by Mrs, J. A1, Scott, The study book leitson which had been pre- pared by firs, W. Harper was pre- sented by Mrs, T. Laing, Mrs, Grace Scott led in the Gla(! Tid. ings prayer, Two filet strips, one on Africa and one which told of a girl's decision to become a deacon- ess were shown by airs, T. 1.. Scott. Each member gave current events. The meeting closed with prayer•. by Mrs. Houghton, 14) 6 v- 1r • KIPPEN Mothers' Day service at St An- drew's United Church was well at- tended and was conducted by the pastor, Rev. D, A. MacMillan, - The choir, well filled with Sun- day School pupils awe directed by the organist and leader Miss .Tean Ivison, Grant Jones and Joan Sinclair rendered a duet, An ad- dress was read by Gwenneth Hen- drick, "God Setteth the Solitary in Families". The Church was decorated by - Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Mrs, E(1 - gar McBride, and was artistically clone, Mr, Wilfred Mellis received word Sunday of the passing of his brother'n-law, Air, Edgar' Cud - more of Vancouver, who tiiecl Sat - wile,' in a Vancouver hospital. Master Bobby Gridzak and sist- er ,reedy spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Austin Wheeler of Monkton. Hiss Noreen Walkout of St. Marys was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Robert McGregor over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Love of Caro, Mich, attended the Cooper- McClinchey wedding at Varna on Saturday and -visited relatives during the weekend. Neighbors and friends of Mrs. 4)e Lostell are pleased to learn he is hone since being a 1'(atient n Srntt Memorial Iiospital, Sea. arch, •Trons.e'Paa Teo" On Saturday, April 30 a Trous- eaa tea was given Miss June leCtinchey, Varna at her home, eceiving the guests were Mies one MrClinchey, Mrs. Frank Me- linchey. mother of the bride, and Its. Morley Cooper, the groom's either. The table with white lin- 11 table cloth was decorated with ink and white, and bells. pink napdra;ons and white shasta allies, Those pouring. tea includ- d: Mrs. Bruce M4Clinehey, Airs. ;rant Love, Caro, Mich,; Mrs. an1,•4n Cooper, Mrs. Stewart laird, Mrs, Ernest McClinchey, 11.0. Edgar McBride, Mrs, Robert )alrymp)e, Mrs, Elva J. Carr, Irs. ,Tolls •Cooper. welding gifts vas displayed by Airs, ,Tack Coo - ET and Miss Grace • Boyce. The hewer gifts by Miss Audrey Mae- onald, 14(104 Elaine MoClinchey, lies 1Tarlon Turner, ,Miss Eilene IeLean, Miss Elaine Grainger. ersonal Trousseau: Miss Mar- ene Meelinehey, Miss Marilyn teekle. Linens and diehes: Airs. homes Penhale, Mrs, Stewart \ ilson, Mrs, Stewart Broatlfoot, Ilse Betty 1lallahan. • BRUCEFiELD Mrs, Sinton McKenzie spent Mothers' Day with her son and slaughter -in-law, Mr, and alit. Don McKenzie, in St, Thomas. Ab', Wesley Bain, Chatham, vis- ited a few days with his mother Mrs C. Ilam and Miss al, Swan, \Irs, W. 11, Pepper was sent to the hospital on Friday morning with a lacerated thumb. Air, and Mrs, Douglas 4feBeth, Windsor, spent the weekend with 31r, 3'le73otl1's parents, Mr, and Airs. 3, \S', Molleth, 141r, and. Mao, (loo. 1i11141ey of Walkerton awl Mrs, W. 11, Pep- per were guests of Air. and Mrs,. Elgin '(1014)41011 (n1 Sunday. Alerley Taylor, Sarnia, 114(4'. anti Mrer, (1lues, Proctor, Clinton, were guests of 1)41. and 1411s, Vie. for Taylor on Sunday, Mothers' 1)11}' 11111 filtiugIy. ob. served 011 Sunday, May 8111 at the morning service. I)r, 1). A, Ale - Kenzie 1 141 c hnd the o' charge - l, 1 s a, • I vice, The theme, "PI1e family as a Christian Community". Tyle seriptn1'e was read from 1 (1101. 111118 4)1(1 J0l111 by \lin • Gaye El- liott and Miss (irate (lis' on, The address \vas very impressive, "God Setteth the Solitary in Fam- ilies", and was described by ,hiss Eleanor McC'artne)', Holy Baptis- mal was also observed when three threats were bapti'1d1 Jas, I.ett- roe, eon of :lir, and Airs. Clifford Ilen(lersolr, DOnrl1 Ann and 'Wm. Ross, children of Sir, and Airs, C. Lee, Airs, Marion Treibner spent the weeltan(4 with her sister, Mrs, D. Jolly, Exeter, 1. 4'O 3I[1`' ET The May meeting of Seaforth W. 1, will be hold at -the Monte of Mrs, (lordon Dapple, Tues„ May 17 at 2:14 pen, Airs, R. M. Scott 1vi11 be co -hostess, This will be' the historical research sleeting, con- vened by airs, J. F, Scott and Mrs. A Crazier, Roll call to bo answer- ed with something I learned from grandmother. Members are re- minded to bring a lteepsatte to this meeting for an exhibit, Miss 13, Campbell, Seaforth, will be the guest speaker. An invitation is ex- tended to all grandmothers to he R g4)e. t sat this meeting, 4)a The e l 111101 1 ('01 Mrs, Le Prr 4)e Mrs, J. KBIT, Mrs, Barton, Mrs, R. J, Doig, BORN In General Hospital, Calgary, to 114r. anti Mrs. Keith Harrison, a daughter, of May 4th (Susan Gail) Dalton — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Mny 7111, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dalton, Seaforth, a son G7•unlnlett — At Scott Memorial Hospital, of May 8, to Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Grumulett, R114 Sea - forth, a daughter Adair — At Scott Memorial Hospital on May 8111, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adair, Mitchell, a son Miller — Russell and Margaret Miller of Stella wish to announce the birth of their son Gordon Russell on May 8th, in Scott Memorial Hospital, tt brother for Lee and Teresa COMMUNICATION 'rhe Editor, Seaforth News, Dear Sir—,By the time this let- ter can be published, one issue will have been settled by a vote of the residents of Seaforth. On the other hand I can not let the action of the "Seaforth Bus!- uessmen's Committee" escape un- challenged, In the copy of your paper last week an advertisement appeared which, by inuendo, left the impression that I, together with many outer business and professional men, favoured the establishment of Government con- trolled licensed hotels in Seaforth, I would like the privilege of your columns to assure all inter- ested parties that my name ap- peared without my consent and without my knowledge, I have not favored beverage rooms in the past and I do not favour them now of in the foreseeable future. You, 3Ir, Editor, must share some of the responsibility in pub- lishing such an advertisement sponsored by an amorphous group who have not identified them- selves to the public, but neverthe- less, have seen fit to employ the gond names of many Seaforth cit- izens who were Just as unaware of the proposal as I. The phras- ing of the publication may fulfill the legal requirements of the truth, but the spirit of the truth has been stocked and crucified. Stroh duplicity surely reflects the attitude of monetary greed that has no regard for the charac- ter of a fellow citizen and no thought for the moral and spirit- ual life of the community. Yours sincerely, Pau! L, Brady. MX. THE t ,11 141 1)1 E1 4)J Mt! is conscious of his 14 •lr'ri- sibility to his famil•.'. -- .therefore leas a Stan Les 1.. Canada insurance me 141,11.1 specifically desi4'ncct t , tal-e care of his v. 1., end children. Arnold Stinnissen Phone 160R, Seaforth 1 represent the Sun Life As- surance Company of Canada, Our modern plans can be tailored to fit your own )n• dividual needs. May 1 (111 - cuss some of these plans with you? ')`here is no obligation, of course. SUN LIFE OF CANADA i THE S11Ab'G11TIi NEWS (Phone 84) Thursday, May :12, 1000 First Presbyterian Church Rev, p, Leslie Elder, Minister H, A. Kempster, Organist & Choir Director Spring ThariK Services �YL7 ((Q�� o A ` // GUEST MINISTER The REV. HUGH B.A„ D.D„ Huntsville (Former minister of First ('blunt - SUNDAY - MAY 15 11 4 10 A.M. Church School & Youth Followshlp 11 A.M, Sermon: "THE GRACE OF GOD" Solo: "Trust In IIhu" (Hamblin) Guest Soloist: Mrs. Sydney Jones, 1.1510 ved Anthem: "Break Earth Into Joy" ('l)urntan) Senior Choir 7 P.M. Sermon: "TIIE BUSINESS 01+' LIVING" Solo: "Hold Thou My IlanO" Soloist: Mrs, Frank Kling Anthem: "Now Let Us All Praise God and Sing" (Young) Senior Choir JACK - 114411 - 11(411 a.rn., 7 I�am0 EVERYONE 17OND COI IALLY INVITED PO A11'1')ND TIIIISE SPECIAi, SERVICES J S NIVERSA RY WIN1HROP AN Flelptng Iland A11ss1on Ilarl(dere holding their 3hty meeting on Sat- tn•d,rr, 1ttly 19 at 2 p.m. and are iuvitlug their mothers In Join with them, The Young People's Union or Winthrop ere holding Brei' Anniversary Services on Sunday, May 15 AT CAVAN CIIUR('TI Morning Service at '11 Guest Speaker, Mr, 1.,P. 1'lumsteel Evening Service at 7,30 with Rev, W.H. Summeroll Npeciat Vlasic at b0t71 Nerl'iees Northside United. C71tu'ch Worship at 11 a.m. The Junior Church School will hold their sessions during the worship -period.'Parents are invit- ed to bring their younger children with them and they will go to their classes after a brief worship session, Senior Church School at 10 a,m, (for all classes above Primary) , Mrs, Jas, A, Stewart, Organist. Mr, Jas, A. Stewart, Choirmaster, Rev, J. Cliff Britton, B.A., Minis- ter. Eon:0140)1111e L'ntted Church Dr, J. Semple, Minister. Lyle Hammond, Organist -Choir Leader. 11 a,m,, The public worship of God. Guest Minister, Rev, J. 1-1, Vaa'dy, B, A. 10 e,111., Church School and Bi- ble Class, L. 0. B. A. EUCHRE In the Orange Hall Monday, May 16 Admission 40c tt Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 12 and 13 -- Double Feature -- "The Horse's Mouth" Alec Guiness -- Kay Walsh "GUN FEVER" Mark Stevens -- John Lupton One Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY May 14 and 16 -- Double Feature -- "The Hounds of the Baskervilles" Peter Cushing "Ten Seconds to Hell" Jeff Chandler -- Jack Palance One Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 17 and 18 "PORK CHOP HILL" Gregory Peck Two Cartoons Tuesday, May 17—Clinton Iio213 ChrL Theatre Night Today, John McMurray and Mary his wife travel to town together. For him the journey to the office is an every day routine, For Mary it's something special — an exciting early start to a day's shop- ping. For both a busy day lies ahead .. one during which they'll make good use of the services their bank provides. Their Personal Chequing Account at The Canadian Bank of Commerce will make settling bills easy and economical for Marv, And when John drops in to make a deposit in their Savings Account, he'll be greeted with the friendliness and courtesy that makes a visit to the Bank of Commerce a pleasure. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Call us your bankers