The Seaforth News, 1960-05-05, Page 4vim sm1I+'oirrli Nh\VS Thursday, May17. 10110 3RODHAGEN 1'lle community forum held their last n1('eIing of the season Iasi 11nc11: evening at the home of 11r and Mrs, (loo, and Harold Moult, During the winter ulontlls they have purchased with the pro. teed or the weekly collection and progressive cnchte parties in the hall, 12 doz. stainless steel knives, folks and teaspoons, and 2 d0z, tablespoons and dessert, spoons. 100 fruit julee glassed and 100 water „lasses, and last winter bouu!'1 1 b dishes for the Com - numb:. - stall. It W(18 decided that the members hutch a picnic with their families on June 10 at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Lew hicks, 'Members of the Lather League of senlati their play "Toed for F:ii iter" at the Talent Caravan night, along with ether League Plays at Milverton lust l8rida'Y evening. The cast are: Shirley Trentcwsky. Donna $chorbartli, Sharon Pruetcr, 1111aine Benno- wies, Arthur Hiegel and Warren Slioldiee. Mrs. Ralph Hicks is the director and Oho was presented with a table 1a111p from the cast, The play's wi11 be presented in the C'unlrulull(y stall here in the near mitre. A celebration was held 1n the Community hail for 1h', and Mrs. Harry &luegge on the occasion of '11111111111111111111111,81111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111110111111111/, ANNUAL MEETING and Dinner HUR N COUNTY TB .ASSOC. Hotel Clinton, Clintonec T .FL hin4S#�E ay .ay 19 7 o'clock D.S.T. • The special speaker will be Mr. D. N. Mason, Rehabilitation Officer Public Cordially Invited Harvey A. McDermitt Mrs. T. B. Russell President Executive. Secretary* 111111111011 lllllllllll11111111,111111181811118111111111180 lllllllll111111111111111111111111111,111111811111111111111,111111111188818151 111111) 111 11111111111111111811111011111111111111I a 1111888th Il l ilallll 1lilllll ll1114111111111111111111111111111181111111111111111111110 The public is invited to attend Annual Meeting & Banquet Huron Liberal Association as constituted for Federal Purposes Canadian Legion Hall, CLINTON FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1960 — Dinner 7 p.m. — Meeting 8.00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER—HON. J. W. PICKERSGILL, M.P, former Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Tickets for the Banquet available from Municipal Chairmen H. HAWKINS, Clinton, Pres, ROY LAMONT, Zurich, Treas, HAROLD SHORE, Goderich, Secretary 111 lllll 111.111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111m mmol their 20111 wedding anniversary, Ntig11b01s, 18111tives and Chamber of Commerce 101111bers attended, 11r. and Mrs. liervin 11odgert attended the johns-Roee wedding at Ilussehlale on Saturday,. Mrs. Albert Qnerongesse' has been confined to dieaforth Hospit- al for the least week where site underwent an operation, blowers were on the altar of St, Peter's Lutheran Church on S-ttrrday from the wedding on Sat- urday of Marilyn Wiete•sen to James Cilkebread, and plants in the chancel in memory of Ad. Pfeifer who passed away one year ago, 111(800 by the family, Mrs. Pfeifer and Mr, and Mrs, Herman Selheinl of North Dakota, gave a donation to the organ fund in his memory. Janet Darlene, daughter 01 M1', and Mrs, Wilfred Dr'agert Jean Lois, daughter of Mr, and Nirs. Gordon Wurdoli; and Christine Patricia, daughter of 11r, and Mrs. Edward Scherbar'th Jr., were OOP' tizecl during the Sunday" morning service. The sponsors for Janet were 11r. and Mrs, Willard I3en- newies and 'Mr, and Mrs. Earl llennewies along with the parents and for Jean the sponsors wale Huron County Refugee T MAY 16 - 21 Give Generously when The Canvasser Calls On You ONE OUT OF FIVE REFUGEES —IS A CHILD For Trans s ortation Phone 227 Voters in Polls =1 & 2 vote YES at Seaforth Motors GODEHIC'H STREET w iu HARSET STREET Voters in Polls 5 & 6 vote YES at M. E. Clarke Garage GEORGE J'T Voters in Polls # 3 & 4 vote YES at Seaforth Library Vote YES on the Four Questions May 11 Seaforth Businessmen's Committee 1,, . i?s"e Mr, and Mrs. Mervin \Vm'dell and the parents, and for Christine were i1t", and Mrs, Wilfred Wolfe and Mr, and Mrs, Norman Eggert and the parents, 111', and Mi'l's. John Mueller and 1111111 Ann of Hamilton with Mrs, Ang11111cbreellt, •11111 attended the 11ietel'sen-Cakeln'ead wedding 011 Saturday. Master Douglas Dietz is still in London lloslrital waiting to have an operation after suffering' a fall, 111r, and Mrs. David Sholtlico of Walton visited his brother Russell 01101(1180 and Mr's. Sholdice on Sunday. \1r. and Mrs, Henry Koehler of Mt. Forest with IOi', and 'Mrs. Ed- ward 'Seherbarth Jr, On Friday evening a Stag party with tibout 30 present was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Manuel Ileuermann for Gary •Sholdice prior to his owning marriage. Wayne 13euerman read a very Ap- propriate address written by Mrs. Fred Herbert and Donald Wolfe matte the presentation of an occasional chair. The event was planned by Wayne Heileman and Donald Wolfe, A shower was held for Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Leake 111 the Commun- ity Hall last week, also a wedding reception for 11', and Mrs, Irvin 13rodhagen nee Grace Wolfe. .Hiss Audrey °Priestap, or Mitch- ell has been teaching piano les- sons at the home of Mr, and Mrs, R, Sholdice since September and will now be teaching at the Com- munity Hall, site has over 20 pu- pils. Mr. and Ma's, Lavern Wolfe and Mrs, John I•Iinz Sr, spent the weekend with Mr, and 3Irs, Lorne Wolfe and fir. and Mrs, John Hinz Jr„ ISitehener, Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Swint of Milverton with Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Riegel on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Franks of PICK A P140N from our garden . of colours ! Preston visited wall 241r. and Firs, Manuel 13enerntan on Sunday. BLAKE Mr, 111141118 McBride of London 51(0111 the weekend with his par- ents,: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mel3ride and Johnny. 111', and Mrs. Arcllie Mustard and family visited with 11r. and Mrs, Gladwin Westlake or Hay- field, • Mr, and Mrs. Earl Desch and fancily visited with Mr, and Mrs, Clove Gingerich and fancily. Mr, Archie Mustard or Sarnia silent the weekend with his wile and family, WINTHROP The \VIIS and W,A, of Cavett,. Winthrop, will meet on Wed., May 11 at 2 p.1n, Circle 3 will look aft - Township a,f T zzckersrnith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS for 1960 The -Township of Tll.ckersulitll will telly interest at the rates Of 4% per annum from June :15th to Dec, 15th, on all Prepaid 'faxes •Certificates and full particulars may bo obtained at the Clerk's Offiee, TuCkerslnitll, 1t It 4 Seaforth CORA CHESNIaiIY, TREASURER 1 er the program and Circle • 2 the the articles for the bale and fo lunch. Will the ladies please bring the layette to this meeting. MAKE THC NOW...9 sprit,time shades at a new tow price! PICK an EXTENSION PHONE in your fa- vourite colour... • yellow, pink, blue, white or ivory— red, green, beige or grey! Introduce • a touch of spring wher- ever you sleep, work or play . , . for convenience, protection, privacy! Remember ... an ex- tension phone (in wall or table model) costs only $1.25 a month— even less in some cont- munlities. And now .. . coloured Intones are avail- able al the new, lora, 012e - time charge of $9 for any colour you choose..' Just give 05 a call, or "ask the elan in our green truck"! THE SELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA "We like meeting people" Service is a specialty with Russ Collier, the genial fellow pictured here. As Manager of one of The Toronto -Dominion Bank's busiest branches—at 25 Adelaide Street West in Toronto—Russ, and his staff, are fully aware that the banking business is a service business. They know that it's their job to serve you ... and it's a job they thoroughly enjoy. A 27 -year -man with "The Bank", Russ Collier is an avid golfer and curler during his leisure hours. He is typical of the friendly, efficient people you'll find at your nearby branch of The Toronto -Dominion Bank. Drop in and see for yourself why ... people make the difference al TORO rOr-DO vimucN THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD W. C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch 1C , st its hi - ES our M1i h Seaforth Businessmen's Committee 7 '1.4' pPt ;6 ,11'117 14�)�i'W Atf