HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-04-28, Page 8SPECIAL VALU•E DAYS Bring You Bargains Galore For The leek End and SATURDAY NIGHT OPEN. SATURDAYNIGHTS UNTIL 10 P.M. 120 pair only -- Regular 1.25 STANFIELD'S JOCKEY SHIRTS & SHORTS 1.00 FACE' 72 Only, Men's Wash & Wear, All New SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 2.95 15 Only, One of a Mud, Value to $27.50 MEN'S TWEED SPORT COATS, size 36 to 4414.95 Leonard's "MCDee", Regular $1.00 JOCKEY • SHIRTS and SHORTS 79c • EACH A QUALITY LINE AT BUDGET PRICES I A,L<IS' LUGGAGE SPECIALS CHRISTIE'S MAKE -- LOVELY COLORS 14" TRAIN CASES 10.95 & 12.95 18" OVERNIGHT SIZE CASES . , . , .... , , , 10.95 & 12.95 21" WARDROBE CASES 14.95 & 17.95 LADIES' SUMMER NIGHTWEAR Dimity, krinkle cotton, and dacron cotton blend, in printed or plain shades. Choose from Baby doll, Toreador or regular pajamas or shift, cocktail or long gowns AFTER EASTER CLEARANCE - SPRING MILLINERY This Season's, Regular $49.95 LADIES' SPRING COATS Regular to $35.00 LADIES' SPRING COATS GRANDMERE BANLON PULLOVERS Ladies', Sizes 14 to 20, 10 new shades. SPECIAL SpecialJ// 2 <UJ8 3.98 20% off 39.95 24.95 4.95 36" Wide, Gay Stripe Pattern BEACH TOWELLING BY THE YARD 400 Needle, First Quality SEAMLESS NYLON HOSE, Special PAIR It Always Pays To Shop At STEWART 't I' OS. $- OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 10 P.M. CONSTANCE Easter Thankoffering Meeting The W. A. of Constance U. C. held their meeting on Wednesday April 13, Mrs. L. Lawson presid- ing and opened with an Easter poem. Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. F. Riley. After the minutes were read and Poll call taken the. business was conducted, Roll call for the May meeting will be a miscellaneous Item for the June bazaar. It was decided to buy ta- bles for W. A. work, Other busi- ness was under discussion. Cal - lection was taken and the meeet- ing passed over to the W.M.S. Mrs. Brown presided over the WMS Easter Thankoffering meet- ing, opened with Call to Worship and opening hymn was 105. The Easter scripture was read by Mrs, Verne Dale followed with prayer by Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Minutes were read and roll call taken. Let- ters of thanks and appreciation were read. Articles and jewellery for Indians for Supply Allocation were brought in. Plans for a quilt - lug were made to be held at the to Easter, Problems ---Refugee home of Mb's. Millson. Items for Europe, Hong Kong, Salsburg, the hale are to be brought in at Austria and to Immigration and the next meeting. Leaders for the Integration and in closing -with copper contest were Mrs. Don Bu- Christ for us, who can be against chanan and Mr's, Ken Hulley, An us?. invitation to the CGIT Affiliation Mrs. Wm. Jewitt, pianist ren - Service with the WMS will be tiered an Easter piano solo, and held May 5 in the Churoh at 8.15 accompanied Mrs. Molllwain as o'clock, Plans for our open meet- she. sang a beautiful Easter solo, ing date was set for June 14, and Mrs. MacGregor thanked the mem- Mrs. L. Lawson and Mrs. Brown bers taking part in the program to see about a speaker. Our invite- and Mrs. Funge, for .her inspiring tions to Societies are April 20 at and so thoughtful words at this Duff's Churoh at 2.15 p,m., April time. Hynrn 87 was sung and the 29 at Walton, in the evening, and Mlzpah Benediction closed the May 18 at Turner's Church. Mrs. meeting. A lovely Iunoh was serv- Wm. Jewitt gave the morning ses- ed convened by the lunch commit- sion report of the Presbyterial tee. held at Seaforth, March 24. Mrs. Constance Young People were L. Lawson took up the collection, host and hostess Monday evening Hymn 86 was sung. Mrs. D. Buch- to an Easter service held in the anan gave a reading "What does Constance United Church at 8 Easter mean to you?". o'clock, to young people from Win- Mrs. Funge, speaker of the day throp, Egmondville and 'Northside brought to our attention. our United Church. M2. Dennis Jewitt meeting to -day as to who, where, conducted the call to worship, when and the approaching of the and announced the hymn 558 fol - resurrection of our Lord over 1900 lowed by prayer. Rev. Funge read years ago, to day and our relation scripture from St. John 20: 1-18 ,,1,1,1„1111,1..1111,m11m,u1,111111111111,„em,1111.1111, uu,,1n111,n,1uunnrun11...... u11unouuao„n,1n,1nn11„11,a11n,ea11u11nnu1111u,1u,1,1,1,1,1u'mit Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc;,., ti n, "Where Better Bulls are Used" The use of our sires will assure you of MORE MONEY because the resulting calves will produce more revenue when sold for veal calves, stocker cattle, or finished beef because they have that BRED IN ABILITY to produce beef or milk efficiently THE ADDITIONAL PRODUCTION will much more than pay for the breeding fees. The cost is less than maintaining a bull or bulls on the farm. YOU CAN BENEFIT Grade or purebred, Dairy or beef 4H CALVES AND OTHERS BY OUR BULLS will again win their share of honors during the coaxing Fair season when given equal opportunity with others. THIS SERVICE iS BEING PROVIDED AT COST as proven by the reduction in fees recently put into effect. This is proof of what can be done by working together while all other costs are still on the increase. BREED YOUR WHOLE HERD To WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION SiRES For service or more information calix -Clinton HIT 2.3441, or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5860 Between- 7,30 and 9,30 am. weekdays. 6 and 8 p.m. Saturday evenings i",nar,1,11,11,n,,,111„11nr,,,r1,r,11,n,arn,,„0, acro111/111111101111,„e„11111,11111m11,,11e1111n,""11111,n,1t111"1,111111,111111111,111111„I r„11111„110ra1 m11„r r me,am.' followed by prayer by Miss Marg- aret MacGregor, Miss Wilma Dale and la 0 the un e l It number l eC a l b • u u u from Winthrop by hisses Eileen Snaith and Margaret Iliilen, "Just a clo- ser walk with Thee", and a duet by Miss.Toyce Jewitt and Mr. Den- nis J'ewitt, "Calvary", MISS Dale thanked the societies for coming and for their numbers, and invit- ed them to a party after the ser- vice, in the Foresters' hall. The llynus 471 was sung, Rey, Mr, Funge was speaker for the evening and spoke on the "Essence of Plaster" --as our diet, it le varied. Education, have to take an inventory of our educa- tion. Religion, Easter means, Spring, new hats, bunnies, eggs, Sunrise Service, how we have to Improve. What is Essence of Eas- ter? (1) Tragedy, sorrow and death. Lent leads up to sorrow, sin and suffering and death, but Jesus shall save hie 'people from sin -"I am the resurrection and the life. (0) Christ conquered death and .has risen - Empty Tomb -fitting for Easter, (3) 111 - sou Christ, not so far away that His world and ours cannot touch, be believing and feed my lambs. The measure of Easter ineans to us, courage and be able to say Master -Personality endures be- yond the grave, still the same Christ beyond death as on earth. Final hymn 483 was sung accom- panied by Miss Joyce Brown. The Benediction was given by Mr. Funge. After the service all went to the 0.0,20, Hall where a wonderful party program was arranged by Rev. Funge with the setting and deedratlous arranged in Easter scenery. Prizes were given for relays, spot dances, Pot of stew, Millinery and several others, The' lunch was served by Constance Y. P. Thanks were extended to Mr. Funge as Master• of Cer- emonies, and arranging such a successful party. Auld lang syne was sung and repeating "Taps" closed the evening, WALTON MRS. JOSEPH DENNIS The death occurred Tuesday in Clinton of Mr's. Joseph Dennis, 87. She was the former Rebecca Bar- rows, daughter of the late Rob- ert Barrows and Ann Rawlings Barrows. Mrs. Dennis was born and lived most of her life on the 14th concession of 'lWTcKillop town- ship, and lived retired for several p years in Walton. She was the last surviving member of her family. Several nieces and nephews sur- vive. The body is at the Rann fu- neral home, Brussels, until Thurs- day at"2 pm., when funeral service is to be held in the Rann chapel. Burial is to be in Brussels ceme- tery. Teachers who r'etur'ned to their duties after the Easter vacation were: Miss Elizabeth MaGavin to Kitchener, Miss Olene Dundee, Toronto, Rose Marie Bolger, Teeswater; Gerald Dressel, Ham- ilton; Murray Kirkby, Port Credit A number of ladies from Walton vicinity attended a thankoffering meeting'at Duff's United Church, McKillop, ,last Wednesday. Mfrs. Roy Bennett has returned home after visiting with relatives at Streetsville and Toronto, CARD Or THANKS Ws wish to express our sincere ap- rreol riot and r 1 a ; a Menke to oar neighbors and friends for the many Acta of kind. ness shown to na during out recent sad' bereavement, The Morro Family IN MID MORIAIVI .Ftuluy-In loving memory of my :dear wife, Annie E. 'Jarrett who passed away two years ago, April 21, 1050; Where she eat 014 talked with me Thera s just an empty chair,. And the silence now at evening Seems more than I can bear. Though 1 knew some day We would have to part, I could never picture home Without her there. Still loved and sadly missed by her husband, Harold Finlay, and family COMING EVENT Remember, Huron County World Refugee Year 1311M, May 16 to 21, COMING EVENT Home baking solo sponsored by the W.A. of Duff's Church, MelftUop, at 7Itebth. Derhoo's Hrsouse 00018 of at 3 pBeauty, Satt}rday, Mar' .m, FOR SALE A quantity of good clean timothy seed, Ron Beuermann, Dublin seas Whit tako in ie o tl 15 head or cattle for smmner. Allan Contain'', Plante 837 r'll Seaforth WANTED ro BORROW $30,000 or $40,000 by reputable indiv- idual, fully secured, reasonable rate of interest. Principal to be repaid over 10-. 15 Year period. Enquire at News shite FOR SALE 51 901,1 conch in good running condi- tion, best reasonable offer. Also a trailer. W. G. Campbell, phone 480 GRASS WANTED I have 18 head of cattle and went Gordon Reidl,a 19x• 6 Dublin ores of grana. WANTED I want to get cattle for grass on con- cession 12, Molfillop; goocl running wat- er. Mrs. Thos. Storey, Seaforth ph 347w FOR SALE 2 steers, weighing around 600. James. 0, Herr, Seaforth, phone 839r5 LAND CLEARING Blade or brush rake. Lawrence Ryan & Sons, Walton, Phone Senfortll. 8800 NOTICE Pasture for a limited number 01 cat- tle, J. W. Thompson, phone 861x51 FOR SALE Electric stove, heavy wiring, new con- dition, Used only a few months. Bar. gain. Apply J. Jones, Diok House FOR SALE Viking Cream Separators for sale, 1-1050 now, 1 -Just like new, in per- fect shape. A full line of parts for any Viking make. John Byerman, Seaforth FOR SALE Bug screen for 1954 Ohev car, price $3. Phone 135 J FOR SALE I have room for 5 head of yearling cattle, plenty of grass, water and shade. Olras. Stewart, Clinton HU 2-7504 FOR SALE John Deere model 60 tractor, used four seasons, excellent condition. Phone O85w Seaforth FOR SALE 20 dos cut tulips. Baker's Greenhouse, Seaforth Garden Centre Miss Norma Hoegy ef. London visited over the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hoegy. Miss Audrey Hackwell, Strat- ford Teachers' College, is teaching at 'Mitchell this week. A. successful clearing Auction Sale of farm, farm stock and ma- chinery was held on Monday on the farm of David Muir, 1/ miles east of Walton. Mr. Muir is giv- ing up farming owing to ill health A number of farmers in the dis- trict have begun seeding. !MM, Geo. Kirkby of Bur'wash visited last week with hie father Mr. H. B. Kirkby and other rela- tives. Institute members are again. 'reminded' of the April meeting to be held in the Community Hall on Thursday evenring, April 28 when the district president, Mrs. Gray- son Richmond will be present to install the new officers for the coming year. Sunshine Sisters will be revealed at this meeting and gifts exchanged. CROP REPORT Very little seeding of spring grain has begun in the County and showers in the last few days will postpone operations for another few days. Fall sown craps of wheat and barley appear in excel- lent condition and hay and past - tire fields are greening up nicely. BORN Wild -At Scott Memorial Hospital on An -Il 21, to Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Wield, Rft Bayfield, a son Regan -At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 23rd, t0 Mr. and Mrs. ,Tames Regan, Mitchell, a son Butt- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 2651, to Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Butt, Seaforth, a son Hulley -,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley, Seaforth, R.R. 1, are hap- py to announce the birth of their son (David Kenneth) in Clinton Public Hospital on April 10th. SEAFORTH NURSERY Pick from our 25 different varieties of evergreens from 1 to 5 feet high All government inspected trees. Reasonable prices, with or without guarantee -Also two building lots for sale Gordon Nobel PHONE 71 W SEAFORTH Some York clunks A. R. Dodds, hone 881x14 Seaforth Quantity of timothy seed, grown in 1059; choice quality. Phone Clinton HU 2-9828. Arnold Jamieson FOR SALE Beatty washing machine and ironer in good condition; also 1 wool comforter and 1 down comforter. 5 white electric light globes suitable for store, etc. A all. ver fox neck fur. . Phone 608, Mrs. Sid Pullman FOR SALE Rangette in good condition, with oven control. Phone 220 Seaforth FOR SALE Mixed Gladiolus Bulbs, large, 50 for $2.50. Not prepaid. Named varieties - prices on request, Mhrray E. Tyndall. Bruceleld, Ont. Phone Seaforth 640w3 FOR SALE Raspberry plants from certified stock, any quantities. Phone 66711. W. Collins PASTURE Have grass for 8 or 10 yearling cat- tle, plenty of shade & water. Also a few tons of mixed grain. Apply Wlifred Mal- oney, phone 401113 Dublin FOR SALE Young Collie pups. Fergus Horan, phone 811-8 Dublin BRAESIDE NURSING NOME Licensed for convalescent & elderly people. Call 395 Mitchell GRASS FOR CATTLE Cattle wanted for •grass. Water and Shade. About 10 head. Jack McIver, St. Columba, Clearing Auction Sale O£ Farm Stock and Machinery. At lot 30, Con. 4, Morris Twp„ 114 miles north of Brussels. on MONDAY, MAY 2nd, at 1 p.m. CATTLE -14 head Hereford cattle ris- ing 2 years old. IMPLEMENTS -Allis Chalmers trac- tor 2 Ourrow plow, hydraulic. Floozy walking plow. Massey Harris stiff tooth cultivator, tractor hitch, 3 section spring tooth harrows. 6 section drag harrows. Coekshutt 16 plate disc, seed drill. 0 ft. steel land roller. 8 ft Frost & Wood binder. McCormick 8 £t mower, tractor hitch. 2 rubber tired wagons, with hay rack and wagon box; hay loader, side rake, teddeir, 2000 lb scales, pig crate, fanning mill, hay fork and ropes; cutting box, sleigh, flat rook, cutter, 2 buggies. Grain -500 bus. oats. 800 bus. mixed grain. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash Prop., Stewart McLaughlin Aust. Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo. Powell Clearing Auction Sale For the Estate of. the Late Alex Barron. At Lot 19, Con, 10, Grey Tp., 8 miles south and 5 miles east of Brussels, and 3 miles west of Moncrleif, on SATUR- DAY, APRIL 30 MACHINERY- International W 6 tractor. Bell thresher 24-40 with grain thrower. Inter. T45 baler. Inter. side - rake. Case 7 ft tractor mower; steel land roller. Cardinal bale conveyer 26 ft. Fleury-Bissel 8 -base plow. Inter. 16 disc fertilizer drill, power lift. 100 ft 7 inch drive belt; pea harvester. 00 ft 6 inch drive belt. Bale boat. Fairbanks - Morse hammer mill 0 inch. Inter. binder 8 ft power drive, Fleury-Bissel wagon. & 16 Lt hay rack. Inter. 8 blade tiller. 2 -wheel farm trailer. Fleury-Bissel tan- dem disc. 3 -sec. harrows. M -Ii No. 11 manure spreader for tractor. Cockalrutt manure spreader on steel, circular saw, cream separator. 40 cedar fence poste. 1940 Meteor club coupe in running shape. Quantity of scrap iron. Roll barb wire, vise. Hallman lack, shot gun 12 gauge single. Numerous other articles FEED -400 Intehola Gary oats and Herta barley. 600 bushels Gary oats, 06 tons baled mixed hay. Terms cash. Time --1 P.M. No reserve as the farm is sold. W. J, Roberts, Clerk Gordon Jackson, Auctioneer TOWN OF SEAFORTH BUILDING INSPECTOR Applications for the above named position will be received up to April 90, 1960. Persons with a knowledge of Construction and Building Practices will be given preference, D. H. WILSON Clerk Fiberglass Boat Covering Materials Cover your boat with fiberglass --no more leaks -no more paint- ing -tough -strong, Savo money, do it yourself Full particulars from Leavens Bros„ 3220 Duffcrin Street, Toronto COMING EVENT f A series 02 prenatal alasaes will begin Tuesday, MaY 31•d at 2 P.m, in the Fleeltll Unit Office, 2nd floor, Scott Memorial Hospital, These will be held at weakly In- tervals for nine weeks. Talose in- terested are invited to attend on the above date or phone the Public Health Nurse at 295W between 6 p.m, and 8 van. FOR SALE Electrolux Sa1ea and Service. Gary Cooper, Gordon Street, Clin- ton, phone HU 2.7200 FOR SALE Timothy and red clover seed, Phone 840r26. Oliver P1'yce Timothy FsR SAL e d, Lew Bolton, phone 850r22 Seaforth Clearing Auction Sale Of Registered Hereford Cattle, farm machinery, hay, grain and household effects, At lot 2, Con, 11, Hullett twp„ 6 miles east of Londesboro, or 9 miles north west of Seaforth, on TUESDAY, MAY 3rd, at 12,30 P,M, Registered Hereford Cattle Herd sire, 4 years old: Outstand- ing Bull, 7 cows with calves and 1'ebres. 4 cows fresh with calves at foot. 2 -2 -year old steers. 5 year old steels. 3 heifers rising 2 yr. old. 4 heifers 1 yr old. Cata- logues are available by contacting the proprietor or auctioneer. Machinery -- Oliver 80 tractor. Coekshutt 60 tractor. Coodison THII SlPAFO11,1'FI NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1900 Ph i (Phone 4) BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occaslone Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W,STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon. Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.p. Physician and surgeon Phone 5-W • Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Al, A. McMaster B.A„ M.D., Intern,* P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon OIF[ae Flours, 1 p,m. to 0 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat , arday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are deailable TURNBULL & BRVANS ,VETERINARY CLINIC J, 0. TU2RNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V.M.,'V.S,• W. G. DRENNAI'(, D,V.M., V.S. Phone 106 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Goderioh St. W„ Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 5 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12,30 PM. Thur. eve 28x46 with Ebersol shredder, on by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010. rubber. 7 inch 140 ft drive belt. above Hnwkine' Hdws, Mon. 0 to 6.80 3 furrow Oockehutt plow. 13 run Oliver fertilizer drill with power INSURANCE lilt, 7 ft Cockshntt power mower. 7 ft Massey Harris binder. Mass- ey Harris aide rake, Cultivator acuffler, cil'ag harrows„ cultiva- tor, roller, manure spreader, hay loader, disc, 2 wheel trailer, rip saw and emery , Circular saw, Smoker bale elevator, wood oat roller. 13i, h.p. Wagner motor, cream separator, blacksmith post drill. 36 ft extension ladder. 2 cedar ladders, folding hay rack. wagon & flat rack, fanning mill, oil brooder, electric brooder, ap- ple butter kettle (copper); iron kettle, 2 inch plank. 2x4 scantling, 1 inch lumber, 2" plank. 1" lum- ber. 4 I -beams 21 ft. 2 inches long, 9 inches deep. Set of taps &dies. Brooder !rouse 8x14, large hand sleigh, 2000 lb scales, bag truck, tattoo outfit, cedar posts, lion posts. 50 ft 6" belt (new), number of tools. 240 lb scales, Hay & Grain - Mixed baled hay. 600 bus. good mixed grain. Furniture - Dining room suite. Glass cupboard, what -not, oak din- ing room table, bedroom suite, 2 beds, mattress & springs, large bureau, lard press, sausage grind- er, mixmaster, bread mixer, elec- tric lecttric sewing machine, power lawn mower, Findlay range, 15 gallon crock, small crocks, sealers, chairs, bedding. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash, .No reserve, farm sold. Prop., James Neilans, Londes- boyo RR 1. Auct„ Harold Jackson, Seaforth, box 461. Clerk George Powell. TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for the construction of the Williams Mu- nicipal Drains in the Township of Tuckersmith, under authority of By-law #4-1960. The work con- sists of: 160 lineal feet of open drain (20 cu. .yds,) 4471 lineal ft of closed drain ' 2 Catch Basins •... Tender to cover completion of the whole work; all requirements to be furnished by the contractor with the exception that the township will supply the required tile and corrugated 'iron pipe. Marked cheque for 10% of the amount of the tender must ac- company each tender or the ten- der will not be considered. • Tenders plainly marked are to be in the clerk's hands by 12 o'- clock noon (DST) on May 3rd, 1960. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Lowest or any lender not nee• essarily accepted. Cora Chesney, Clerk Tuckersmith Seaforth, RR #4 POULTRY WANTED All ,types, Paying up to 24c for 5 lbs and up. Apply to Keith Leggatt, phone 606-22 Mitchell • Fire • Auto • Accident ` • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-14 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. P8$ We write all lines of I ISURANn f ire Auto Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & RBID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ON's. Officers - President, John L. Malone. Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John H. MoEwing. Blyth ; Sec.-Treas.. W. B. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton. J. L. Malone, Seaforth: Chris Leonhanit, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H, 1VieDwing, Blyth' Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Galatioh; J. E, Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents- William Leiper, Ir., Londes• boro; 3. F, Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker. Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton: James Revs, Seaforth. WATERLOO - CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Bulls Are Used Artificial Insemination Service for all -Breeds of Cattle , ,Farmer owned and controlled Call us between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings at Clinton RU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9.5660 Poultry Wanted Fowl wanted. 24c for heavy fowl Premium prices for larger flocks LESLIE HOOD MONKTO'N Call collect 651-12 Mitchell BACK HOE WORK Grading, Bulldozing Septic Tank & Disposal Bed Installation ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Henry Young HU 2-9496 63 North St. S., Clinton Need Money ? Unlimited funds available on farms, homes, motels, stores, etc. Fast service anywhere fn Ontario, Fast service anywhere. No retainer fees DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450yA Wilson Ave., Toronto ME, 3.2358 NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Maoh- Ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith tend Welding Shop, Brucefield, Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE Tuckersmith Township Munici- pal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m,, on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until further notice. Cora Chesney Clerk BURNS' CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 w Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47