HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-04-28, Page 7• egare Rhinoceros in The Driver's Seat Audrey Critchley huts been a model, a singer, a film extra, and alas run a dress shop in Lisbon. ]put not until one day after she had become a hunter and traps per in the Kenya bush did she really find excitement. Thirty yards oPf was a fully - grown leopard, staring at her with cold, yellow -green eyes. She Melt dizzy with fear. She knew that if she shot and missed, or merely wounded him, she was es good as dead, Slowly she stepped backwards. Then, not far away, two shots rang out. Her safari friends had heard her fire twice at the head of a large python a few minutes previously. They were giving her Rheir location, Goaded by the shots the leop- ard started after her, Forgetting all she had learned, she turned end ran. It was hysterical, sui- cidal idiocy for she couldn't hope to outrun her tawny adversary, and hadn't a chance of hitting it on the run. Obeying her woman's intuition she pulled up, suddenly, parted the dense foliage in front of her, e nd saw a sheer drop of perhaps 200 feet in front of her. The leopard was gaining. She had to think quickly, Glimpsing a tiny track to her fright, she ran up to it, hoping to get a shot as it turned to fol- low, But it streaked past her eliding place and hurtled over the cliff. There was a crash - and silence. It had probably broken its back on the ground below, but she was too frightened to investigate. She was shaking with fear and running with sweat, Summoning what strength remained, she let out a wild cry for help. "I feel Ito ashamed of myself," she said when her friends joined her. "I behaved like a schoolgirl afraid of shadows." But her book, "Leopard Girl" shows what guts she had, build- ing up a career for herself in the bush after a broken mar- riage in Nairobi hadleft her with three young children to support. Driving to Naivasha with her illative boy Marcellus and a po- lice inspector's 14 - year - old slaughter who wanted a lift, she !paw three Kikuyu crouching fur - lively behind a tree. Their hair- gtyle was odd. She w•as sure they Were Mau Mau terrorists. .Reversing the car, she drova back slowly until she came level with them again, No mistaking them now. One wore his hair in long ringlets, after the hellion of Dedan Kimathi, it notorious )dau Mau "general" "I can be pretty • silly at times," tehe says, so she called "Jambo" (come here). They came cau- tiously towards her, and now she elidn't feel so brave. The mad, (staring eyes of the would-be Kimathi terrified her. His mani- acal gaze drilled right through filer. "Very bad men, memsahib," MERRY MENAGERIE '"I*uriy up, William? Val e apple's heavy:" STEAMED UP - Strange -look- ing steam rocket is mounted for testing in Stuttgart, Ger- many. They may be used even- tually to help boost let -liners into the air, thus making long runways unnecessary. said Marcellus, "We should go- quickly." But she got out, walk- ed up to them, and asked in Swa- hili: "Are you Mau Mau?" Ex- changing nervous looks, they said they were. "How long have you been in the bush?" she asked, "Five years," said the Kimathi type. "Our general has been kill- ed. The rest of our band is scat- tered." "Resistance is nearly at an end now," she told them. "If you stay in the bush the police will catch you and kill you. I do not mind letting you go, but you would be wiser to give yourselves up." She went on parleying with them, and in the end they agreed to go back to Gil Gil with her. She packed them into the car, gave them a soft drink, stopped at the police station, and hand- ed them over. Once she carne across a flight, of enormous eagles feeding off some large insects. She knew they tore up sheep, occasionally made off with mall children, but was determined to capture a brace for her private zoo. With a large sheet of sacking from the car, she and Marceline swooped on two of them. They fought savagely, leaking and clawing with their talons, striking blindly wdth their beaky. The one she tackled clawed her left arm deeply and bit her near the wrist, digging out a lump of flesh. Marcellus was in a worse plight, with the other bird going for his head and oyes; He was cowering back, grasping at it with one hand, protecting his eyes with the other, "Let it go," she shouted. "Come and help me with, this one!" And together they captured it and stuffed it into the sack. Another time, in her truck, she was trying to head •a female rhino away from her calf, so that others could capture it, when the animal charged straight for the door of her truck. See- ing instantly what was going to happen she wriggled desperately through the roof escape -hatch as the rhino shot into the driving seat. The animal became firmly wedged and immediately started smashing everything around. Above the snorts and crashes Audrey heard the snarl of a 'THAT WEIGHTLESS FEELING -- Five of the seven astronauts, one of whom is scheduled to be put into space soon, learn coordina- tion of movement and balance in a highly pressurized cabin of an Air Force C-131 transport while flying at an altitude of 18,000 feet. The astronauts were put into a state of weight- Ire2nes by means of an aerial maneuver, truck's engine as one of the other's rushed over to rescue her. The whole structure trembled beneath her as the rhino strug- gled :Free and made off. The steering wheel was buck- led, the dashboard was bent and the upholstery in shreds, She'd been sitting there at the wheel only a few seconds before the rhino landed right on the seat. On another occasion a four -foot tall baboon ran wild in an Italian's lumber yard, kiwi king over atacko of wood mid pulling elates off the roof of his house. "I1ease come and help me," begged the owner, "If I don't get rid of this ape, my wife threatens to leave me." She and Maroellus trial to catch it in a net, but it was too quick for them. So she put a lot of fruit in the back of their truck as bait, left the door open and waited for greed to get the bet- ter of him, For about two hours he circled it, suspecting a trap, then edged up cautiously to the fruit, Knowing it was her only chance, She dived, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck with one hand, clutched his behind with the other, tossed him into the back of the truck before he could bite, and slammed the door on him. The Italian was so grateful that he flung his arms round her and began kissing her passion- ately on the lips - until she fended hiss off and reminded him that he had a wife he didn't want to lose! Pluck! For a lone woman in the wilds she was a prodigy. IIer exploits will thrill all lovers of African adventure - especially women, How Can 1? By Roberta Lee Q. What can I do about some honey that has become grainy? A. Set the container in a saucepan of hot water, with a couple of sticks of wood under the container to keep the water circulating under it, and let it stand for several hours. Keep the water hot, but not boiling, and the honey should return to nor- mae Q. How can I prevent steel - wool pads from rusting so quick- ly once they have been used? A. Fill a plastic cup or a glass jar with a solution of soap and water and drop the pad into this after it has been used, This will ward of± rust and a possible in- fection if the dishwasher hap- pens to have a cut on his or her hand. Q. How can 1 remove the stains from my hands after hulling ber- ries? A. Moisten some cornmeal with vinegar and rub this over the stains. Q. How can I remove stains on pre dishes? A. Oven -browned stains on those dishes can be easily re- moved by soaking in a strong solution of borax and water. Q, How can I straighten out some warped phonograph re- cords? A. One way to do this is to immerse your records in hot water (about 150 degrees) in a shallow flat -bottom pan, Then in- vert a dinner plate over the re- cord, a plate whose diameter per- mits its edge to contact only the outer edge of the record. Place a one -pound weight on the plate and leave the record under pres- sure until the water has cooled to room temperature, Q. How can I remove Lea stains from chinaware? A. Salt and vinegar usually does a fine job of this. Q. How can I give myself a quick facial beauty treatment? A. Beat the white of an egg until it's stiff. Rub this on the face and throat and leave it there until it dries. Then remove with warm water, and you'll be pleased with the results. (MASSIMO ADVERTISING SAW? CHICKS Itf:QUFsn•r Dray 11,1 dayold and started chicks mallet -de shipment. Alec Ames. Soy economical white and brown egg production. Boort May -June hroll- ere now, See local agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. 1OYS' SUMMER CAMP KARAMU BOYS' CAMP (POt4'ASSAN near North Bay Ontario) 7 to 14 years, Qualified Red Cross hi. strneters, Supervised programmes July and August For descriptive folder APPLY NOW Saratnu Boys' Camp, 29 Rnshley Drive, Scarborough, Ontario. BOATS FOR SALE BOAT DEALERS SPECIAL. WHITE fibreglass hulls with transom and seats 14 x 03 x 28 ;255, less quantity discount. Flumher Boats,191aWendell Ave„ Weston BA. 5.0387, BUSINESS oPPOKTUNL ries POE Sale 910,000.00 Garage busineae handling Esso products In fast grow Ing southwestern Cowl. Franchises for automobile and/or machine parts. avail- able, Present owner retiring, Write Poet Office Box "1.1," Melita, Manitoba, BE YOUR OWN BOSS ! OWN AND OPERATE A Coin -Metres Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store. Net ;4,00048,000 Annually. Write or phone today for full ntforma- tlon about unattended coin-operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities in your community, You manage in your salvotime - while netting high ineotne. We finance 90% of your total purchase , offer you longest financing period at lowest monthly installments. You re• ceive training and advice from a no. tlonal organization that has helped over 8600 hien and women like you go into business for themselves. No ex. perience necessary. Modest invest. meet. This proven new profitable automatic business offers a money. making .opportunity to anyone who wants to own his own business. Cons pare our complete program, ALD CANADA, LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6-7255 CATALOGUES WHOLESALE Catalogue!- House of bar- gains! Clothing Gifts, Household items galore. Send ;1.00, Refundable in mer- ehendfee, M. Meyer, 'Dept. 10, 18228 Keswick, Reseda, California, 0005 REGISTERED puppies, Beautiful Scotch Goatee, Shelties (Collies in miniature). Pull white collars reasonable. Kase. dair Kennels, Mitchell, Telephone 258, FARMS FOR SALE FRUIT farm, 19 acres, 2 Innes from Talbot Street St. Thomas, lust off No. 4 highway, House with full storage basement drlveshed, bank barn, Apply E. H. Titterington, R.R. 4, St. Thomas, phone ME 1.7266, early morning or evening. 25 acre fruit farm on the Mountain Brow near Grimsby - overlooking Lake Ontario - 4 bedroom bungalow, o11 heat, etc. Bundings and equipment. Producing grapes; cherries, pears and plums. S35,000 on terms - lots of farms T. A. Rogers Realty Ltd., 79 King St. E., Stoney Creek. FARM MACHINERY WRECKING - THRESHER GEO White Challenger -38.50 cylinder, with good Ebersol self feeder, grain bagger and weigher. Most belts avail. able. For parte - call or write. 51. D. Whitney, Glanworth Ont. Tel. Lam. heir-011ver 2.2601, FOR RENT THEATRE for lease, prosperous vil- lage, clean condition, good equipment. no competition, option of store, new dance hall, owner 111. Apply Mrs, Sten Quinn, Tweed, Ontario. HERBS QU,';.KER Comfrey northern grown, free literature. E. A. Peterson, Rog 180. Debden, Saskatchewan. . INSTRUCTION EARN More! Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les. sons 50e. Ask for free circular No, 83. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES 2000 MEMBERS needed to help develop natural resources. Membership 50.66 per month, The Exploration and Re- search Society, Box 035, Townsend, Montana. MACHINERY FOR SALE BARGAINS for quick sale! Atlas bench mal, No. 2 Cincinnati Universal 50111 S.P.D. drill presses, engine and tur- ret lathes, shapers, shears, brakes, lock formers, rolls, edgers 8" rotary table 215"x8" perm. magnetic chuck, No, 44 Dumore tool post grinder dial. Ina estors, level gauges, Boring bar set, expanding mandrels, cenitre scope, aws,,bripTsai electric jointers, electrictand air hoists, electric motors, 5 K. W. 60 oy. generator 220 volt 1 ph„ spray gens and spray painting equlpment. Silver Bros., 57 Stuart St. W., TA 2.3505, Hans Uton. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TWO forego boxes with er without wagons, good condition Apply Rata Brothers, 80.10 1, Woodstock, phone be. 7.2817. MONEY TO LOAN UNLIMITED Money_ Loans 10 City and Perm talks, lt0ney for anything and anywhere. Phone or write now. OPS Investmente Ltd. 99 Avenuo Road Suite 310 Toronto 6, Ontario WA 2• 2442. OUR OWN FUNDS LOANS to buy a business, real estate,. or farm. To consolidate present leans and add cash, Mortgages - ist, 2nd Srd on commercial, farm, residential property. Chattel loans on nhaehlnery, equipment, fixtures. Anywhere in Can- ada. Symington Field, 601 Yong Street, rorontYo, WA 1.4022, MEDICAL GOOD RESULTS - EVERY SUFFERER FROM RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 235 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching scaling and burning semma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt Of Price PRICE ;3,50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2069 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO NURSING HOME SUNRISE Nursing Home, Pendleton, Ont„ care for elderly, invalid and In- dtgont persons, Irrespective of race, creed or color. Private and soml-prl. vate rooms, Government licensed. Write for particulars. NURSES WANTED GENERAL STAFF NURSES Required For 500 -Bed Hospital Experience available in Surgery, Medi - due, Obstetrics and Geriatrics. Registered nurses basic salary 9266 per month for 40.hour week, APPLY DIRECTOR OF NURSING Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital Kitchener, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES POR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages Thousandsofsuccessful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest Systema Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 359 Moor 6t. W., Taranto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL PALLOU'rt Excessive exposure Is harmful. How to detect amount one is being exposed to. Information 51.01 A, Charlo Enterprises, P.O. Box 1207, Lexington, Kentucky.. DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs. Inquiries invited Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. LONELY? Get acquainted, hundreds of members in every province. All ages, many with means. Widowe with farms. city and country girls. Particulars free. Western social Club. Gen. Del., Main P.O., Calgary, Alta. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods. 80 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested. guaranteed, Mailed in plain reeled package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24TP Regina, Sask. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may, cause 75% of eicltness. Particularly sleeplessness, jitteryneas and Irritability. Sleep ,aim your nerves with "Napes', 10 for 91.00 50 for 94.00. Lyon's Drugs. 471 Dan- forth Toronto, PONIES SHETLAND PONIES FOR SALE GRADE & Registered mares to foal, Grade & Registered Serviceable Stal- lions. Registered fillies. Geldings, Bridgewood Farm Woodbridge R.R. 1. Ont. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVEI SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 6 magna prints in album 404 12 magna prints In album 604 Reprints 54 each KODACOLOR Developing roll 51.00 (not Including prints). Color prints 204 each extra. Ansco and Ektachromo 35 nom 20 ex. posures mounted 1n slides 91.26 Color prints from slides 104 each. Money refunded in full for unprinted nega- tives. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. e PHOTOGRAPHY COMPARE our piseta service try an order. KODACOLOUR DEVELOPING - 504 GIANT COLOUR PRINTS - 354 ea, Anscoohrolno & Ektocl!romo monied In slides 91,25. SLACK & WHITE DEVELOPED and 8 Enlarged prints ....._:.. 8p and 12 dated Giant prints �... 714 Reprints E4 each Wo Pay all snipping charges. A teat dependable ee5vice by METRO PHOTOFINISHING CO. BOX 67(1 ADELAIDE S't. STA. (AL VICTORIA! TORONTO 1, ONTARIO. PROFITASLE OCCUPATIONS MAIL ORDER ASPIRANTS! Supple- ment your Income with - home Bust. noss Digest," Packed with home buai• Hess Ideas. Sample copy 60,' American Arts, Dept, BSA. Forestville. Pennsyl. v;ania. ROSLYN Display Materials Inc„ 1170 Broadway New York 1. N.Y. FREE Fall catalogg available wholesale and retell. Artificial trees, polvetheiene leaves, foliage, foto Murals, Parte Goods! PROPERTIES FOR SALE POMPANO Beach Fla. -- 2 bed room, newly furnished Minn!, best location, Lighthouse Point, Net cost 51.45 per day, above my equity, 15 year 5,4% mtg. Ask for photo and figures, Owner: 2026 N,E. 20th Street, Owen Sound Business Block for Sale or Large Store tor Rent, excellent loca- tion. Answer to Bos 210,123 -16th Street. New Toronto, Ont. ----------- STAMPS _.._ _. BASUTOLAND Provisional ln•ee with EnBritishgland_ Colonial end 'topical Foreign Approvals. 1957 Liechtenstein Scout Miniature Sheet 9100. Ruehstamps, 6 Rushington Avenue. 'I'etton. Hants, TEACHERS WANTED ALBION Separate School Board Inear Bolton, Ontario) requires two teachers.junior and senior grades. Minimum salary 03,000, schedule on demand APPLY to Mrs. Velma Cronin, Sec.. Treas., Caledon East, Ont., 11,R 3 HOLY Rosary Separate School, Wyo- ming requires teacher for primary grades to commence September. Give reqpuirements and state salary desired. Apply John Lyon, Box 187, Wyoming, t. HOLTYRE, Ontario, requires female teacher for junior grades, WV; also male teacher forseniorgrades, V -VDI. EXCELLENT L nN thrlvingt Northern Ontario mining town, APPLY,giving all particulars and name f last nspector to: W. T. Phil- lips, Chairman, U.S.S. No, 1, Black River and Gulbord Townships, Holtyre, Ontario. MAX SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD REQUIRE 8 Teachers for September, 1960 GRADES ONE TO SIX Salary Schedule Minimum ................ 92900.00 Maximum . ,. 94500,08 Annual increment $200 for a maxi mum of 8 years experience with other boards. Benefits Physicians' Services Inc. fully paid Pard Sick Leave Teachers' Credit Union Modern well-equipped school, situated It minutes from Oshawa and Metre Toronto. Apply to: D. C. WAINMAN Teachers' Committee Alex, Ontario or Phona YON, 2.2435 TRACTORS SPEEOEX RIDING TRACTORS COMPLETE range of attachments for year round use Rugged quality con- struction. Full year warranty. 61i H,P. 5425,00, 9 IIP. 5865.00. For full infor- mation and prices write to: Rototiller Sales, 2628 St. Clair Avenue west Tor- onto 9, Ontario. At a party one night a woman was admonishing her husband. "Henry, that's the fourth time you've gone back for more food. Doesn't it embarrass you?" "No," replied the husband. "I tell them I'm getting it for you•" ISSUE 17 - IMO BACKACHE May be Warring Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy - headed feeling may soon follow. !'hat's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better -sleep better -work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now, s to, Europe at the YOvefiest time of the year A thousand miles along the sheltered; scenic St. Lawrence ... then four memo- rable days of sun and fun. Sail the Atlantic at its refreshing best. SAXONIA CARINTHIA IVERNIA SYLVANIA `ROM MONTREAL APR. 14, MAY 11 JUNE 3, 24, JULY 15 APR. 19, MAY 12 JUNE 3, 24, JULY 15 APR. 27, MAY 20 JUNE 10, 30, JULY 22 MAY 3, 26, JUNE 17 JULY 8, 29 TAILINGS TO ENGLISH, SCOTTISH AND FRENCH PORTS - ALSO FAST 06000EN5 SAILINGS PROM NEW YORK FROM Goats APR, 14, MAY 11 JUNE 3, 24, JULY 15 APR. 20, MAY 13 JUNE 3, 24, JULY 15 APR. 27, MAY 20 JUNE 10, 30, JULY 22 MAY 4, 27, JUNE 17 JULY 8, 29 SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT - NO ONE CAN SERVE YOU SETTER Cor, Bay & Wellington Ste., Toronto, Ont, Tnh EMpire 2-2911 gA/14 r'� CUNARD • Flawless British service • Cuisine to delight all tastes • Dancing, parties, movies • Duty -fres shopping • Stabilizers for smooth soiling • 275 lbs, free baggage allowance • All Included in your Cunard ticket e is Haig te74,! OMEN elIZAeaTH • CAMS! Mete • MAURETANIA • CARONIA • 9KITANIIIC • SYLVANIA • CARINti1IA • IVERNIA • OAXONIA • SARTHIA • MEPIA