HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-04-21, Page 4THE Sk.AIU1tTU NEWS (Phonee ) — Thursdtly, APril 21, 1900 TOWN 'TOPICS 1r.:utd Mrs. R. J. Boussoy and 11111 ;pent Plaster at London, Mr. 1 t Wright, 110.r- lt. uud hK. J 1 is Sar- nia, spent Easter with Mr.later Y L it i,a. 1 1 1 M Iver Mr. and Mrs, SCNve ieltnston of London spent Good 'Pridcr.y with '111 lull Mrs. 1'. T Johnston. Mr. and firs. Moll Tryon of Bnn•rott were paster weekend visitors with Rev. and Mrs. J. G. • Blit ton. • 31r. and Mrs. Archie lloggarth amt McTtly of lloiebester called on 11 . ,and Mrs Robt. McMillan -lid Rev. and 11ro ]. 1'. Britton on Friday last. They brought Mr, li'ln. Britton halk for the sum- mer mouths. Ile is staying pres- ently with his daughter Edith. th. Mr. and Ills. Ross MacDonald of Ottawa, 1 auet and Peter, spent Easter with his parents, Mr, and firs. Lorne R, Ma('POlnald. Miss Jean Turner of Toronto • spent the weekend in town. Donald Wright has returned home front Scott Memorial Hos- pital ;here he was a patient, v Bannon on and l'•• e ani 1[•, d lss.Tu. 1 an family of Guelph. and Mr. and lIrs, Gerry Post ••nod family of Toronto, and Miss Mary Gaffney, '1'oronlo were Easter guests with Mrs. Glleu Bannon. Mss Anne Moore of Toronto spent The holiday with relatives. - Rev. and lir'. Ernest Clarke and family of Kingston spent Ea- ter with Mr, and 3lrs. M. 11, Clarke ,Teanctte 1Cattetworth, &, has been a patient in the Sick Child - Hospital, London, London, for the jaast week. Mr. . Thomas Cluff of Montreal <pent the holiday here with his (:.Thor. KIPPEN Mr. and 'Mrs. Emerson Ander- son 00eompauied by lir, awl Mrs. h Elnon 1, 11v n visited stlod Ila. WIn. Winder 't t Ailsa. Llai" $ ind .€, nursing home on allhuday. Miss Pat Lovell of London 1s 0s With It T da 'mending helast alloli t her parents she and her brother aro visiting; a few days in De. troit. • ip period and took fur her theme Mr. and Mrs. Wm llorhho and. ""lho moaning of the Cross", Mrs.. '� f•l of London visited fond Allan Johnson read Horn Philip. Friday day tool S0tluday with Mfr. pious ;•11. ltebrews 12: and :fns. R. l.ittloton anti family. Mrs, John Anderson presided for Mr, and Mrs, George Pinney:MI 11(1ec grandchildren of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Lee of Seaforth; and lir.1 1 Lawrence Eyre and and lin 1.a t-randa of Si .Marys wore Easter Sunday guests of Mr. awl firs, tltlpbell Eyre. t•e. Miss 111201 Slavin of Lively, Ont.. slaughter or ,11r. and .firs. T. Slavin, is spending the boater holidays at her home. Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Wren and Laurie of Hanover spent Easter weekend pend with the former'e iyat'- ,'ti's,lir and Mrs, G. Wren. .Mrs. R Gibson of Wroxeter. who spent the winter months with her daughter and son -in law, Mr. ted Mrs. W. Mollis, returned to her home recently. Mfr. and Wrs. Clarence Priestap a11d Joyce of near Mitchell aceoul- ;'anied by .Mrs, Robert Thomson a Currie Winlatw of Henson, who visited Easter Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Richard l m'11isli and family of Goderich• lir, and Mrs, Garnet Shipman and family of Exeter visited Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. 110101(1 Jones and boys. 3h•, and firs. Alvin t'lch o1 Windsor spent the holiday week- end with Mr. and Mrs, N, Long 111(1 Mr. ani Mrs. led Little of Henson: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Claeltstet- or and family of Guelph and Mrs. \Vfll. llurney of 1 otter called Saturday .at the 10nne of 311•. and Mrs, 1larolal Jolles. 11'../11.S, Mee( .l ltt / a Paster r 'rltankofferilhg mooting was held in tho church au Thurs- day evening, Aprilii 7 with thee con- gregation 110 attests, Mrs, John Sigel lir was leader of the worsll- the rest of the sleeting. After the initiates were read and adopted the roll call was answered with a Book 1' 111 Slan5. verse 4reun the B n1k ni 1 e Joan yinelair and Grant Jones favored with a duet 'Mansion over the Hilltop". Mrs. Russell Cdnsitt gave a report on the Pres- byterial held in Seaforth recently. It was decided to pack bales for overseas relief and Indian Re- serves, Mrs. Emmerson I{yle re- ported that she and Mrs. Bert Faber had made five calls to the shut-ins. After the offering tak- en by the hostesses Mos: 1-lugh 1 Lendrhdt and Mrs, John R. Coo- per, the first verse of Eynon 394 was sung. 111s. Allan Johnson gave a poem "One Laster Long Ago". Mlrs. Ronald McGregor in- troduced the guest speaker, Rev. E a In Orange I:lall Wed., April 27 Auspices of L.O.L. 793 Lunch served. Admission 491' t poste on the "Easter lster Message' Mrs. Boss Love cave courtesy re- marks a11(1 the mooting elused with 11011111 'ld4 and tho benedle tion, A social 11Ullr Watt enjoyed by all in the schoolroom and was o 1 se y served b' group 1 i 3, M Andy Fisher of Mr, Il , x111/1 Mrs. All 1, Brantford spent tho weekend with Mr. awl Mr's. .Edgar McBride. A large crowd attended the re- ception in Zurich on Saturday night in honour of ,lair. and Mrs. Wayne McBride, Tor- onto r•• 1 chars of P 'l Margaret i .ifs. a 6 t onto lu1d Mrs Earl Ross of Kirk - ton are visiting this week with their sistter laud Waller -in-law, The Ladies Guild Of St. Thomas Anglican Church are holding a Rummage Sale in the Parish I•Iall on SATURDAY, APRIL 30 from 1 o'clock to 5 - az t1a DANCING! Brodhagen a11(1 Dielli(( Community "entre FRIDAY, APRIL 22 ljesjardiues Orci1. Admission 752 April 29th — Rhythmaires TEEN AGE Record Hop Constance (30F T3a11 FRIDAY, APRIL 22 9 RIM. Admission 25c• LUNCH COUNTER Mr. and ,qhs. Barb Kereher and 11055. , 1':, Marian L ll),& 1' of Clinton visited. over the holiday- weekend with her parents, 110, and Mrs. John Pepper. Guests 011 flood Friday with 111•. and firs. Sohn Pepper iaoluded I cold Mrs. \Yelllli:jun (food ue • 110)11, 111 and Sits, ltoy- Pepper. of Neter, and ,Mr. ,hod Mrs, (1eo11 1I'rpprr ul 1h'n111l. °rho 10001100111 1101•0 1lr. and Mrs. Wesley Popp, r of Niagara Palls. j$,''' +.,�y47.htairS tikAr anecaaiY'q•.rr.YNiY++lltitlN✓ ffig EXALL LL EXT APRIL 25th It EEK 30th STORE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 30 E_ TING'S TODAY, MORE THAN 1/2 MILLION RESIDENTS OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ARE COVERED BY hlTARA w t 4 xSfi IT p L INS THIS MEANS THAT 93% OF THE POPULATION NOW HAVE MAXIMUM PROTECTION AGAINST THE COST OF NECESSARY HOSPITAL CARE 4,200,000 ONTARIO RESIDENTS, IN GROUPS, are now in- sured ... 26,000 business firms and other organizations are co-operating to make these benefits available to their em- ployees and members. 1,200,000 RESIDENTS, NOT IN GROUPS, are insured through premiums paid directly to the Commission. 100,000 MUNICIPAL WELFARE RECIPIENTS are also covered for hospital care. $158,000,000 WAS PMD IN 1959, through the Commission, for standard ward hospital care received by insured residents. EVERY MONTH LAST YEAR, MORE THAN 80,000 PATIENTS received hospital benefits under their Ontario Hospital Insur- ance Certificates. These benefits covered cases ranging from minor emergency treatments to long-term illnesses costing several thousands of dollars. 8,000 ONTARIO RESIDENTS RECEIVED BENEFITS for hospi- tal care while outside the Province, MORE HOSPITAL BEDS IN ONTARIO Communities, hospitals and the Commission are working together. assisted by Provincial and Federal grants, to meet the need for more hospital accommodation in a growing Ontario. In 1959, 2.000 new beds were added; accommoda- tion for 3.000 beds was under construction and facilities for 3,500 more beds were in advanced planning stages. WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN TO YOU? It means many things. But, to you as an insured person, prob. ably the most important is the fact that hospital expense is no longer an obstacle when your doctor recommends hospital care for you or your dependants. This means greater peace of mind for all concerned. A yj 1 HERE'S WHAT TO DO IF YOU CHANGE YOUR JOB::: Be sure to get your Certificate of Payment (Form 104) from the firm you are leaving. Follow the simple instructions on the back. IF YOU GET MARRIED::. Family Hospital Insurance premi- ums are required. Be sure you are both protected. Tell your em- ployer or collector right away. If you pay direct ... tell the Commission. IF YOU ARE NOW NINETEEN::: This means you are no longer in- sured under your parent's Hospi- tal Insurance Certificate. When you become 19, separate premi- ums are required. Application forms are available at hospitals, most banks and any office of the Commission. IF YOU CHANGE ADDRESS::. If you pay through a group, no ac- tion is necessary. If you pay on a direct basis, tell the Commission immediately. IF YOU GO TO HOSPITAL::: Make sure you take your Hospital Insurance Certificate or, at least, the Certificate number. To avoid confusion jot the number down now, where it can easily be found when needed. IF YOU NEED EMERGENCY CARE... Remember — Emergency Out- patient hospital care is insured only if received within 24 hours following an accident. AND REMEMBER.:: Always pay premiums when due. Don't take chances. Prompt pay- ment of Hospital Insurance pre- miums safeguards your future protection. It may be a blessing to you some day. READ YOUR HOSPITAL INSURANCE "GUIDE" — an interesting little folder which gives you the answers. Copies are available from insured groups, all hospitals, most banks, or any office of the Commission. IF YOU ARE NOT INSURED YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS Application forms are available at hospitals and most banks or any office of the Commission ... Firms having 6 to 14 persons on the payroll may elect to form groups. Obtain details from the Commission. tar TORONTO 7, ONTA R-10 s''H� 114/h Y.5 10 tet me showyou how easy itis Lo gravel free from worry with IaveIIers' Cheques "Travellers'. Cheques are the sensible way to carry the money you need on any holiday or business trip. They're easy, they're convenient, and they're safe. In fact, only your signature can convert them back to cash. Here's how Toronto -Dominion Travellers' Cheques work for you. Before you set out on any trip, visit your nearest Toronto -Dominion Bank and exchange the amount of cash you'll need for the same amount in Travellers' Cheques. You can convert them back to cash again as you need it by merely signing your name. Travellers' Cheques are negotiable anywhere and completely free you from the worry of loss or theft. It's good business to pur- chase Travellers' Cheques before any trip. It's also good business to take advantage of the many other excellent services you can enjoy when you bank regularly atToronto- Dominion. If you'll drop in to the nearest branch of "The Bank" soon, I'm sure the individual, per- sonalized service you'll receive will convince you that... ". people make the difference at TORONTO - DOMINION .BANK. SEAFORTH BRANCH W. 0, MOORE, MANAGER